test report


Test Report

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                                                      T REPORT
Report Reference
       R         No
                  o. .................... :                TRE1
                                                              14030187                      R/C……….:      54147

FCC ID .............................................. :    NMT

Applicant’s name ............................ :            IDT Technology
                                                               T        y Limited

Address..............................................:     Blockk C, 9/F Kais
                                                                            ser Estate Ph
                                                                                        hase 1, 41 M
                                                                                                   Man Yue Stre
                                                                                                              eet, Hung
                                                           Hom, Kowloon, Hong
                                                                           H     Kong.

Manufactu                                                  IDT Technology
                                                               T          Limited

Address................................................:       3 Block, IDT Technologyy Limited, ChenTian Indus
                                                           29-33                                              strial Estate,
                                                               ang, BaoAn, ShenZhen

Test item
        m description
                    n .................... :               SmartChip

       ark ........................................ :
Trade Ma                                                   /

Model/Typ          e....................... :
        pe reference                                       BG20

List Mode
        el .......................................... :    /

       d .......................................... :
Standard                                                   FCC CFR Title 47
                                                                         4 Part 15 Su
                                                                                    ubpart C Se
                                                                                              ection 15.247

         eceipt of test sample………..:
Date of re                                                 Mar 26,
                                                               2 2014

Date of te
                       ……:                                 Mar 27,
                                                               2 2014- Ap
                                                                        pr 30, 2014

Date of issue…………
                      …...:                                May 5, 2014

Result .................. ……
                                …...:                      PASS

Compiled by
( position+
          +printed nam
                                e) ..:                     File administrator
                                                                a           rs Jerome Lu

        ed by
( position+
          +printed nam
                                e) ..:                     Proje
                                                               ect Engineer Yuchao Wa

Approved by
( position+
          +printed nam
                                e) ..:                     RF Manager
                                                              M       Hans Hu

Testing Laboratory
        L          N
                   Name ............. :                       nzhen Huato
                                                           Shen         ongwei Interrnational Ins
                                                                                                spection Co
                                                                                                          o., Ltd

Address..............................................:     Keji Nan
                                                                N No.12 Road,
                                                                        R     Hi-tech
                                                                                    h Park, Shen
                                                                                               nzhen, China

       n Huatongw
                wei Internatio
                             onal Inspec
                                       ction Co., Ltd
                                                    d. All rights reserved.
This publication may beb reproduce  ed in whole or
                                                 o in part for non-commerrcial purpose es as long as s the
Shenzhen n Huatongwe  ei Internation
                                   nal Inspectionn Co., Ltd is acknowledge  ed as copyrig
                                                                                        ght owner an nd source of
the materrial. Shenzheen Huatongw  wei International Inspectioon Co., Ltd taakes no resp
                                                                                       ponsibility for and will not
assume liability for damages resullting from the e reader's intterpretation of
                                                                            o the reproduced materia  al due to its
placemennt and contexxt.

The test report
           r     merelyy correspondds to the test sample.
           ermitted to copy extracts of these tesst result witho
It is not pe                                                   out the writte
                                                                            en permission
                                                                                        n of the test laboratory.

 Report No : TRE14030187                            Page 2 of 34


1.     TEST STANDARD S AND TEST D ESCR IPTION                          3

1.1.   Test Standards                                              3
1.2.   Test Description                                            3

2.     SUMMARY                                                         4

2.1.   Client Information                                          4
2.2.   Product Description                                         4
2.3.   EUT operation mode                                          5
2.4.   EUT configuration                                           5
2.5.   Modifications                                               5

3.     TEST EN VIRONMENT                                               6

3.1.   Address of the test laboratory                              6
3.2.   Test Facility                                               6
3.3.   Environmental conditions                                    7
3.4.   Statement of the measurement uncertainty                    7
3.5.   Equipments Used during the Test                             8

4.     TEST COND ITION S AND R ESULTS                                  9

4.1.   Antenna requirement                                         9
4.2.   Conducted Peak Output Power                                 10
4.3.   Power Spectral Density                                      12
4.4.   6dB bandwidth                                               14
4.5.   Band Edge                                                   16
4.6.   Spurious Emission (conducted)                               21
4.7.   Spurious Emission (radiated)                                25

5.     TEST SETUP PHOTOS OF THE EUT                                30

6.     EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL PHOTOS OF THE EUT                     31

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                          Page 3 of 34

1.1. Test Standards
The tests were performed according to following standards:
FCC Rules Part 15.247: Frequency Hopping, Direct Spread Spectrum and Hybrid Systems that are in
operation within the bands of 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz.

ANSI C63.10: American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices

KDB558074 D01 V03: Guidance for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems
(DTS) Operating Under §15.247

1.2. Test Description
                Test Item                          Section in CFR 47                 Result
Antenna requirement                                15.203/15.247 (c)                  Pass
Line Conducted Emission (AC Main)                       15.207                         NA
Conducted Peak Output Power                          15.247 (b)(3)                    Pass
Power Spectral Density                                 15.247 (e)                     Pass
6dB Bandwidth                                        15.247 (a)(2)                    Pass
Band Edge                                              15.247(d)                      Pass
Spurious Emission                                    15.205/15.209                    Pass

1. The measurement uncertainty is not included in the test result.
2. NA: Not Apply, because the EUT is a battery type product.

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                               Page 4 of 34

2.1. Client Information
Applicant:                     IDT Technology Limited
Address:                       Block C, 9/F Kaiser Estate Phase 1, 41 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom,
                               Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Manufacturer:                  IDT Technology Limited
Address:                       29-33 Block, IDT Technology Limited, ChenTian Industrial Estate, XiXiang,
                               BaoAn, ShenZhen

2.2. Product Description
Name of EUT:                   SmartChip
Trade Mark:                    /
Model/Type reference:          BG201
List Model:                    /
Power supply:                  DC 3.0V (CR2032 Size)
Adapter information:           /
Version:                       Supported BT4.0
Modulation:                    GFSK
Operation frequency:           2402MHz~2480MHz
Channel number:                40
Channel separation:            2MHz
Antenna type:                  Internal Antenna
Antenna gain:                  0.5 dBi

Operation Frequency List:
                Channel                                            Frequency (MHz)
                       1                                                  2402
                       2                                                  2404


                       19                                                 2438
                       20                                                 2440
                       21                                                 2442


                       39                                                 2478
                       40                                                 2480
In section 15.31(m), regards to the operating frequency range over 10 MHz, the Lowest frequency, the middle
frequency, and the highest frequency of channel were selected to perform the test, please see the above gray

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                Page 5 of 34

2.3. EUT operation mode
The EUT has been tested under typical operating condition. The Applicant provides software to control the
EUT for staying in continous transmitting and receiving mode for testing.

2.4. EUT configuration
The following peripheral devices and interface cables were connected during the measurement:
● - supplied by the manufacturer
○ - supplied by the lab
○ Power Cable                                   Length (m) : /
                                                     Shield : /
                                               Detachable : /
○ Multimeter                                  Manufacturer : /
                                                 Model No. : /

2.5. Modifications
No modifications were implemented to meet testing criteria.

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                    Page 6 of 34

3.1. Address of the test laboratory
Test Laboratory: Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd
Address: Keji Nan No.12 Road, Hi-tech Park, Shenzhen, China
Phone: 86-755-26715686 Fax: 86-755-26748089
3.2. Test Facility
The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:
CNAS-Lab Code: L1225
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been assessed and proved to be in
compliance with CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (identical to
ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 General Requirements) for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories,
Date of Registration: Mar. 29, 2012. Valid time is until Feb. 28, 2015.
A2LA-Lab Cert. No. 2243.01
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been accredited by A2LA for
technical competence in the field of electrical testing, and proved to be in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:
2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and any additional
program requirements in the identified field of testing. Valid time is until Sept. 30, 2013.
FCC-Registration No.: 662850
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully
described in a report filed with the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). The acceptance letter from
the FCC is maintained in our files. Registration 662850, Renewal date June. 01, 2012, valid time is until
June. 01, 2015.
IC-Registration No.: 5377A
The 3m Alternate Test Site of Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been registered
by Certification and Engineering Bureau of Industry Canada for the performance of radiated measurements
with Registration No. 5377A on Jan. 25, 2011, valid time is until Jan. 24, 2014.
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory can also perform testing for the
Australian C-Tick mark as a result of our A2LA accreditation.
The 3m Semi-anechoic chamber (12.2m×7.95m×6.7m) and Shielded Room (8m×4m×3m) of Shenzhen
Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been registered in accordance with the Regulations for
Voluntary Control Measures with Registration No.: G-292. Date of Registration: Dec. 24, 2010. Valid time is
until Dec. 23, 2013.
Main Ports Conducted Interference Measurement of Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd.
has been registered in accordance with the Regulations for Voluntary Control Measures with Registration
No.: C-2726. Date of Registration: Dec. 20, 2012. Valid time is until Dec. 19, 2015.
Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurement of Shenzhen Huatongwei International
Inspection Co., Ltd. has been registered in accordance with the Regulations for Voluntary Control Measures
with Registration No.: T-1837. Date of Registration: May 07, 2013. Valid time is until May 06, 2016.
Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd. has been found to comply with the requirements of
DNV towards subcontractor of EMC and safety testing services in conjunction with the EMC and Low voltage
Directives and in the voluntary field. The acceptance is based on a formal quality Audit and follow-ups
according to relevant parts of ISO/IEC Guide 17025 (2005), in accordance with the requirements of the DNV
Laboratory Quality Manual towards subcontractors. Valid time is until Aug. 24, 2016.

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                  Page 7 of 34

3.3. Environmental conditions
During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:
Temperature:                                         15~35°C
lative Humidity:                                        30~60 %
Air Pressure:                                           950~1050mba

3.4. Statement of the measurement uncertainty
The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. The reader is cautioned that there
may be errors within the calibration limits of the equipment and facilities. The measurement uncertainty was
calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to TR-100028-01” Electromagnetic compatibility
and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM);Uncertainties in the measurement of mobile radio equipment
characteristics;Part 1” and TR-100028-02 “Electromagnetic compatibilityand Radio spectrum Matters
(ERM);Uncertainties in the measurementof mobile radio equipment characteristics;Part 2 “ and is
documented in the Shenzhen Huatongwei International Inspection Co., Ltd quality system acc. to DIN EN
ISO/IEC 17025. Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result
in additional deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of the device.

Hereafter the best measurement capability for Shenzhen Huatongwei laboratory is reported:

                      Test Items                           Measurement Uncertainty             Notes
Transmitter power conducted                                          0.57 dB                     (1)
Transmitter power Radiated                                           2.20 dB                     (1)
Conducted spurious emission 9KHz-40 GHz                              1.60 dB                     (1)
Radiated spurious emission 9KHz-40 GHz                               2.20 dB                     (1)
Conducted Emission 9KHz-30MHz                                        3.39 dB                     (1)
Radiated Emission 30~1000MHz                                         4.24 dB                     (1)
Radiated Emissio 1~18GHz                                             5.16 dB                     (1)
Radiated Emissio 18-40GHz                                            5.54 dB                     (1)
Occupied Bandwidth                                                   ---------                   (1)
(1) This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence
    level using a coverage factor of k=1.96.

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                            Page 8 of 34

3.5. Equipments Used during the Test
 AC Power Conducted Emission
 Item Test Equipment            Manufacturer           Model No.       Serial No.         Cal Due
   1  Artificial Mains          Rohde&Schwarz          ESH2-Z5         100028             2014/10/25
   2  EMI Test Receiver         Rohde&Schwarz          ESCI3           100038             2014/10/25
   3  Pulse Limiter             Rohde&Schwarz          ESHSZ2          100044             2014/10/25
   4  EMI Test Software         Rohde&Schwarz          ES-K1 V1.71     N/A                N/A

 Radiated Emission
 Item Test Equipment            Manufacturer           Model No.       Serial No.         Cal Due
 1                              ShwarzBeck             VULB9163        538                2014/10/25
 2     EMI TEST RECEIVER        Rohde&Schwarz          ESI 26          100009             2014/10/25
 3     EMI TEST Software        Audix                  E3              N/A                N/A
 4     TURNTABLE                ETS                    2088            2149               N/A
 5     ANTENNA MAST             ETS                    2075            2346               N/A
 6     EMI TEST Software        Rohde&Schwarz          ESK1            N/A                N/A
 7     HORN ANTENNA             ShwarzBeck             9120D           1011               2014/10/25
 8     Amplifer                 Sonoma                 310N            E009-13            2014/10/25
 9      JS amplifer             Rohde&Schwarz                          F201504            2014/10/25
                                Compliance Direction
 10     High pass filter                               BSU-6           34202              2014/10/25
 11     HORN ANTENNA            ShwarzBeck             9120D           1012               2014/10/25
                                Compliance Direction
 12     Amplifer                                       PAP1-4060       120                2014/10/25
 13     Loop Antenna            Rohde&Schwarz          HFH2-Z2         100020             2014/10/25
 14     TURNTABLE               MATURO                 TT2.0           ----               N/A
 15     ANTENNA MAST            MATURO                 TAM-4.0-P       ----               N/A
 16     Horn Antenna            SCHWARZBECK            BBHA9170        25841              2014/10/25
 17                             Rohde&Schwarz          HL562           100015             2014/10/25

 Maximum Peak Output Power / Power Spectral Density / 6dB Bandwidth / Band Edge Compliance of RF
 Emission / Spurious RF Conducted Emission
 Item Test Equipment           Manufacturer            Model No.        Serial No.     Cal Due
   1   Spectrum Analyzer       Rohde&Schwarz           FSP              1164.4391.40 2014/10/25

The Cal.Interval was one year

 Report No : TRE14
                 4030187                                                                      Page 9 of 34

4. TES
     ST CON
                NS AND RESUL
4.1. An
      ntenna req
      R Title 47 Part 15 Subpa
                             art C Section
                                         n 15.203:
An intentio
          onal radiatorr shall be dessigned to enssure that no antenna other than that ffurnished by
                                                                                                   y the
responsibble party shalll be used with the devicee. The use ofo a permaneently attachedd antenna orr of an anten
that uses a unique cou upling to the intentional radiator,
                                                 r         the manufacture
                                                                         er may design the unit so that a brokeen
antenna can
         c be replacced by the usser, but the useu of a stan  ndard antenn
                                                                         na jack or ele
                                                                                      ectrical conne
                                                                                                   ector is
FCC CFR  R Title 47 Part 15 Subpa  art C Section n 15.247(c) (1)(i):
(i) System
         ms operating in the 2400--2483.5 MHzz band that is  s used exclussively for fixe
                                                                                        ed. Point-to-p
                                                                                                     point operatio
may emplloy transmittiing antennass with directioonal gain gre
                                                             eater than 6d
                                                                         dBi provided the maximum conducted      d
output powwer of the intentional rad
                                   diator is reduced by 1 dB for every 3 dB
                                                                          d that the d  directional ga
                                                                                                     ain of the
antenna exceeds
         e         6dBBi.
Test Res
The anten
        nna is integra
                     al antenna, th
                                  he best case
                                             e gain of the antenna is 0.50dBi

RF Antenna

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                   Page 10 of 34

4.2. Conducted Peak Output Power
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 (b)(3): 30dBm


1.   The EUT was directly connected to the spectrum analyzer and antenna output port as show in the block
     diagram as TEST CONFIGURATION shows.
2.   Accoding to KDB558074 D01 V03 Integrated band power method for this procedure may be used when
     the maximum available RBW of the measurement instrument is less than the DTS bandwidth.
     RBW = 3 MHz, VBW =10 MHz, span =3 MHz, Detector = peak,
3.   Allow trace to fully stabilize, use peak marker function to determine the peak amplitude level.


        Channel                 Output power (dBm)                   Limit (dBm)                  Result
          01                           -2.47
          20                           -2.10                            30.00                     Pass
          40                           -2.26

Test plot as follows:

Report No : TRE14030187                                                                                                 Page 11 of 34
                                                                          * RBW 3 MHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 10 MHz                -2.47 dBm
                           Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB           SWT 2.5 ms        2.401810000 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB

                    1 PK
                           0                                          1                                           LVL









                           Center 2.402 GHz                       500 kHz/                           Span 5 MHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:44:41

                                                                          * RBW 3 MHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 10 MHz                -2.10 dBm
                           Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB           SWT 2.5 ms        2.440040000 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB

                    1 PK
                           0                                              1                                       LVL









                           Center 2.44 GHz                        500 kHz/                           Span 5 MHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:45:05

                                                                          * RBW 3 MHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 10 MHz                -2.26 dBm
                           Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB           SWT 2.5 ms        2.479740000 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB

                    1 PK
                           0                                      1                                               LVL









                           Center 2.48 GHz                        500 kHz/                           Span 5 MHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:45:34


 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                  Page 12 of 34

4.3. Power Spectral Density
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 (e): 8dBm/3KHz

For digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from the intentional radiator to the
antenna shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time interval of continuous


1.   According to KDB 558074 D01 V03 Method PKPSD (peak PSD) This procedure shall be used if
     maximum peak conducted output power was used to demonstrate compliance, and is optional if the
     maximum conducted (average) output power was used to demonstrate compliance.
2.   Analyzer set:
     Center frequency =Channel center frequency
     RBW =3 kHz~100 kHz, VBW≥3RBW, Detector=Peak, Span=1.5 times the bandwidth
3.   Allow trace to fully stabilize, use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level
     within the RBW.
4.   If measured value exceeds limit, reduce RBW (no less than 3 kHz) and repeat.


                              Power Spectral Density
        Channel                                                  Limit (dBm/3KHz)               Result
          01                         -16.53
          20                         -15.87                             8.00                     Pass
          40                         -16.35

Test plot as follows:

Report No : TRE14030187                                                                                               Page 13 of 34
                                                                          * RBW 3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 10 kHz             -16.53 dBm
                           Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 110 ms         2.401974728 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB

                    1 PK
                           0                                                                                    LVL









                           Center 2.402 GHz                       97.2 kHz/                      Span 972 kHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:47:56

                                                                          * RBW 3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 10 kHz             -15.87 dBm
                           Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 110 ms         2.439980560 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB

                    1 PK
                           0                                                                                    LVL









                           Center 2.44 GHz                        97.2 kHz/                      Span 972 kHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:48:25

                                                                          * RBW 3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 10 kHz             -16.35 dBm
                           Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 110 ms         2.479968896 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB

                    1 PK
                           0                                                                                    LVL









                           Center 2.48 GHz                        97.2 kHz/                      Span 972 kHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:47:31


 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                 Page 14 of 34

4.4. 6dB bandwidth
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 (a)(2): 500KHz

For digital modulation systems, the minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.


1.   The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer through an attenuator. The bandwidth of
     the fundamental frequency was measured by spectrum analyzer
2.   The 6dB bandwidth is defined as the total spectrum the power of which is higher than peak power minus
3.   According to KDB558074 D01 V03 for one of the following procedures may be used to determine the
     modulated DTS device signal bandwidth.
     Center frequency =Channel center frequency
     RBW =100 kHz, VBW≥3RBW, Detector=Peak,
4.   Allow the trace to stabilize.
5.   Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies associated with the
     two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are attenuated by 6 dB relative to the
     maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.


        Channel                6dB Bandwidth (MHz)                  Limit (KHz)                Result
          01                          0.648
          20                          0.636                           ≥500                      Pass
          40                          0.642

Test plot as follows:

Report No : TRE14030187                                                                                                  Page 15 of 34
                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz              -3.28 dBm
                           Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms          2.401988000 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB                                           ndB [T1]    6.00   dB
                                                                                          BW 648.000000000   kHz
                                                                                          Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                                     -9.39   dBm
                    1 PK
                                                                                               2.401670000   GHz
                           0                                          1                   Temp 2 [T1 ndB]          LVL
                                                                                                     -9.52   dBm
                                                              T1                T2             2.402318000   GHz








                           Center 2.402 GHz                        300 kHz/                         Span 3 MHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:39:46

                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz              -2.89 dBm
                           Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms          2.439990000 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB                                           ndB [T1]    6.00   dB
                                                                                          BW 636.000000000   kHz
                                                                                          Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                                     -8.58   dBm
                    1 PK
                                                                                               2.439670000   GHz
                           0                                          1                   Temp 2 [T1 ndB]          LVL
                                                                                                     -8.51   dBm
                                                              T1                T2
                                                                                               2.440306000   GHz








                           Center 2.44 GHz                         300 kHz/                         Span 3 MHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:38:59

                            MARKER 1                                      * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                             2.479994 GHz                                 * VBW 300 kHz              -2.89 dBm
                           Ref 21 dBm                 * Att   30 dB        SWT 2.5 ms          2.479994000 GHz
                           20    Offset    1 dB                                           ndB [T1]    6.00   dB
                                                                                          BW 642.000000000   kHz
                                                                                          Temp 1 [T1 ndB]          A
                                                                                                     -9.20   dBm
                    1 PK
                                                                                               2.479664000   GHz
                           0                                          1                   Temp 2 [T1 ndB]          LVL
                                                                                                     -8.98   dBm
                                                              T1                T2             2.480306000   GHz








                           Center 2.48 GHz                         300 kHz/                         Span 3 MHz

                    Date: 17.APR.2014             15:40:54


 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                    Page 16 of 34

4.5. Band Edge
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 (d):
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated
intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be
at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the
desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the transmitter
demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted
power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of
this section, the attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below
the general limits specified in §15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the
restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in
§15.209(a) (see §15.205(c)).

1. According to KDB 558074 D01 V03 for Antenna-port conducted measurement. Antenna-port conducted
    measurements may also be used as an alternative to radiated measurements for demonstrating
    compliance in the restricted frequency bands. If conducted measurements are performed, then proper
    impedance matching must be ensured and an additional radiated test for cabinet/case spurious emissions
    is required.
2. Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect to a low loss RF cable from the antenna port to a
    EMI test receiver, then turn on the EUT and make it operate in transmitting mode. Then set it to Low
    Channel and High Channel within its operating range, and make sure the instrument is operated in its
    linear range.
3. Set both RBW and VBW of spectrum analyzer to 100 kHz with a convenient frequency span including
    100kHz bandwidth from band edge, for Radiated emissions restricted band RBW=1MHz, VBW=3MHz for
    peak detector and RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz for average detector.
4. Measure the highest amplitude appearing on spectral display and set it as a reference level. Plot the
    graph with marking the highest point and edge frequency.
5. Repeat above procedures until all measured frequencies were complete.
6. Measure the conducted output power (in dBm) using the detector specified by the appropriate regulatory
7. Add the maximum transmit antenna gain (in dBi) to the measured output power level to determine the
    EIRP level
8. Add the appropriate maximum ground reflection factor to the EIRP level (6 dB for frequencies ≤ 30 MHz,
    4.7 dB for frequencies between 30 MHz and 1000 MHz, inclusive and 0 dB for frequencies > 1000 MHz).
9. For devices with multiple antenna-ports, measure the power of each individual chain and sum the EIRP of
    all chains in linear terms (e.g., Watts, mW).
10. Convert the resultant EIRP level to an equivalent electric field strength using the following relationship:
    E = EIRP – 20log D + 104.8
    E = electric field strength in dBμV/m,
    EIRP = equivalent isotropic radiated power in dBm
    D = specified measurement distance in meters.
11. Since the out-of-band characteristics of the EUT transmit antenna will often be unknown, the use of a
    conservative antenna gain value is necessary. Thus, when determining the EIRP based on the measured
    conducted power, the upper bound on antenna gain for a device with a single RF output shall be selected
    as the maximum in-band gain of the antenna across all operating bands, or 2 dBi, whichever is greater.
    However, for devices that operate in multiple frequency bands while using the same transmit antenna, the
    highest gain of the antenna within the operating band nearest in frequency to the restricted band emission
    being measured may be used in lieu of the overall highest gain when the emission is at a frequency that is
    within 20 percent of the nearest band edge frequency, but in no case shall a value less than 2 dBi be used.
12. Compare the resultant electric field strength level to the applicable regulatory limit.
13. Perform radiated spurious emission test dures until all measured frequencies were complete.

 Report No : TRE14030187                           Page 17 of 34

Test level:            Peak   Test Channel:   01

Test level:            Peak   Test Channel:   01

 Report No : TRE14030187                              Page 18 of 34

Test level:            Average   Test Channel:   01

Test level:            Average   Test Channel:   01

 Report No : TRE14030187                           Page 19 of 34

Test level:            Peak   Test Channel:   40

Test level:            Peak   Test Channel:   40

 Report No : TRE14030187                              Page 20 of 34

Test level:            Average   Test Channel:   40

Test level:            Average   Test Channel:   40

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                  Page 21 of 34

4.6. Spurious Emission (conducted)
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.247 (d):
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum intentional radiator is
operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below
that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on
either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement.

1.   The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer through an attenuator.
2.   The bandwidth of the fundamental frequency was measured by spectrum analyzer with RBW=100 KHz
     and VBW=300KHz.
3.   Below -20dB of the highest emission level in operating band.


Test plot as follows:

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Test channel                                                                       01
                                                                             * RBW 100 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 300 kHz                  -2.38 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm                 * Att   30 dB        SWT 300 ms             2.406000000 GHz
                            20    Offset       1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                         1                 LVL


                                     D1 -22.38 dBm







                            Start 30 MHz                              297 MHz/                             Stop 3 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014                15:52:38

                                                                             * RBW 100 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 300 kHz                 -30.73 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm                 * Att   30 dB        SWT 1.2 s              4.800000000 GHz
                            20    Offset       1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                                           LVL


                                     D1 -22.38 dBm







                            Start 3 GHz                               1.2 GHz/                            Stop 15 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014                15:52:56

                                                                             * RBW 100 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 300 kHz                 -43.46 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm                 * Att   30 dB        SWT 1 s               21.960000000 GHz
                            20    Offset       1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                                           LVL


                                     D1 -22.38 dBm



                            -40                                                              1




                            Start 15 GHz                                  1 GHz/                          Stop 25 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014                15:53:12


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Test channel                                                                       20
                                                                             * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 300 kHz              -2.65 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm                 * Att   30 dB        SWT 300 ms         2.439980560 GHz
                            20    Offset       1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                      1                 LVL


                                     D1 -22.65 dBm







                            Start 30 MHz                              297 MHz/                         Stop 3 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014                15:49:28

                                                                             * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 300 kHz             -31.27 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm                 * Att   30 dB        SWT 1.2 s          4.872000000 GHz
                            20    Offset       1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                                        LVL


                                     D1 -22.65 dBm







                            Start 3 GHz                               1.2 GHz/                         Stop 15 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014                15:49:58

                                                                             * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 300 kHz             -43.85 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm                 * Att   30 dB        SWT 1 s           16.320000000 GHz
                            20    Offset       1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                                        LVL


                                     D1 -22.65 dBm



                            -40        1




                            Start 15 GHz                                  1 GHz/                       Stop 25 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014                15:50:18


 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                                                 Page 24 of 34

Test channel                                                                    40
                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz              -2.23 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 300 ms         2.483220000 GHz
                            20    Offset    1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                    1                 LVL


                                     D1 -22.23 dBm







                            Start 30 MHz                           297 MHz/                          Stop 3 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014             15:51:16

                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz             -32.55 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 1.2 s          4.944000000 GHz
                            20    Offset    1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                                      LVL


                                     D1 -22.23 dBm

                            -30             1






                            Start 3 GHz                            1.2 GHz/                          Stop 15 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014             15:51:48

                                                                          * RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                          * VBW 300 kHz             -42.77 dBm
                            Ref    21 dBm              * Att   30 dB        SWT 1 s           24.960000000 GHz
                            20    Offset    1 dB

                     1 PK
                            0                                                                                      LVL


                                     D1 -22.23 dBm



                            -40                                                                                1




                            Start 15 GHz                               1 GHz/                        Stop 25 GHz

                     Date: 17.APR.2014             15:52:04


    Report No : TRE14030187                                          Page 25 of 34

4.7. Spurious Emission (radiated)
FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.209
             Frequency                          Limit (dBuV/m @3m)      Value
             30MHz-88MHz                             40.00           Quasi-peak
            88MHz-216MHz                             43.50           Quasi-peak
            216MHz-960MHz                            46.00           Quasi-peak
             960MHz-1GHz                             54.00           Quasi-peak
                                                     54.00             Average
              Above 1GHz
                                                     74.00              Peak

z     Below 30MHz

z     30MHz~1000MHz

z     Above 1GHz

 Report No : TRE14030187                                                                 Page 26 of 34

1.   The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter camber. The
     table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the highest radiation.
2.   The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on the top
     of a variable-height antenna tower.
3.   The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the maximum
     value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set to make the
4.   For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned
     to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rota table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find
     the maximum reading.
5.   The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum Hold

 Report No : TRE14030187   Page 27 of 34

Below 1GHz



    Report No : TRE14030187                                                                        Page 28 of 34

„     Above 1GHz
Test channel:                                                      01
Peak value:
             Read          Antenna       Cable       Preamp
Frequency                                                           Level         Limit Line     Margin
             Level          Factor       Loss         Factor                                              Polarization
  (MHz)                                                           (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dB)
            (dBuV)          (dB/m)       (dB)          (dB)
  4804.00    59.64           31.04       7.00         36.50         61.18           74.00        12.82     Vertical
  7206.00    36.75           37.06       8.50         35.30         47.01           74.00        26.99     Vertical
  9608.00      *                                                                    74.00                  Vertical
 12010.00      *                                                                    74.00                  Vertical
  4804.00    53.58           31.04        7.00        36.50         55.12           74.00        18.88    Horizontal
  7206.00    33.47           37.06        8.50        35.30         43.73           74.00        30.27    Horizontal
  9608.00      *                                                                    74.00                 Horizontal
 12010.00      *                                                                    74.00                 Horizontal
Average value:
             Read          Antenna       Cable       Preamp
Frequency                                                           Level         Limit Line     Margin
             Level          Factor       Loss         Factor                                              Polarization
   (MHz)                                                          (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dB)
            (dBuV)          (dB/m)       (dB)          (dB)
 4804.00     37.48           31.04       7.00         36.50         39.02           54.00        14.98     Vertical
 7206.00     24.22           37.06       8.50         35.30         34.48           54.00        19.52     Vertical
 9608.00       *                                                                    54.00                  Vertical
 12010.00      *                                                                    54.00                  Vertical
 4804.00     33.36           31.04        7.00        36.50         34.90           54.00        19.10    Horizontal
 7206.00     21.97           37.06        8.50        35.30         32.23           54.00        21.77    Horizontal
 9608.00       *                                                                    54.00                 Horizontal
 12010.00      *                                                                    54.00                 Horizontal

Test channel:                                                      20
Peak value:
                 Read      Antenna       Cable       Preamp
Frequency                                                           Level         Limit Line     Margin
                 Level      Factor       Loss         Factor                                              Polarization
  (MHz)                                                           (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                (dBuV)      (dB/m)       (dB)          (dB)
 4880.00         57.69       31.58       7.33         36.43         60.17           74.00        13.83     Vertical
 7320.00         38.07       37.84       8.60         35.30         49.21           74.00        24.79     Vertical
 9760.00           *                                                                74.00                  Vertical
 12200.00          *                                                                74.00                  Vertical
 4880.00         54.42       31.58        7.33        36.43         56.90           74.00        17.10    Horizontal
 7320.00         35.29       37.84        8.60        35.30         46.43           74.00        27.57    Horizontal
 9760.00           *                                                                74.00                 Horizontal
 12200.00          *                                                                74.00                 Horizontal

Average value:
             Read          Antenna       Cable       Preamp
Frequency                                                           Level         Limit Line     Margin
             Level          Factor       Loss         Factor                                              Polarization
  (MHz)                                                           (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dB)
            (dBuV)          (dB/m)       (dB)          (dB)
 4880.00     36.95           31.58       7.33         36.43         39.43           54.00        14.57     Vertical
 7320.00     25.77           37.84       8.60         35.30         36.91           54.00        17.09     Vertical
 9760.00       *                                                                    54.00                  Vertical
 12200.00      *                                                                    54.00                  Vertical
 4880.00     33.83           31.58        7.33        36.43         36.31           54.00        17.69    Horizontal
 7320.00     22.58           37.84        8.60        35.30         33.72           54.00        20.28    Horizontal
 9760.00       *                                                                    54.00                 Horizontal
 12200.00      *                                                                    54.00                 Horizontal
1. Final Level =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor
2. “*”, means this data is the too weak instrument of signal is unable to test.
3. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

  Report No : TRE14030187                                                                          Page 29 of 34

Test channel:                                                      40
Peak value:
                 Read      Antenna       Cable       Preamp
Frequency                                                           Level         Limit Line     Margin
                 Level      Factor       Loss         Factor                                              Polarization
  (MHz)                                                           (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dB)
                (dBuV)      (dB/m)       (dB)          (dB)
 4960.00         57.45       31.76       7.53         36.36         60.38           74.00        13.62     Vertical
 7440.00         37.82       38.53       8.71         35.30         49.76           74.00        24.24     Vertical
 9920.00           *                                                                74.00                  Vertical
 14880.00          *                                                                74.00                  Vertical
 4960.00         53.37       31.76        7.53        36.36         56.30           74.00        17.70    Horizontal
 7440.00         34.42       38.53        8.71        35.30         46.36           74.00        27.64    Horizontal
 9920.00           *                                                                74.00                 Horizontal
 14880.00          *                                                                74.00                 Horizontal

Average value:
             Read          Antenna       Cable       Preamp
Frequency                                                           Level         Limit Line     Margin
             Level          Factor       Loss         Factor                                              Polarization
  (MHz)                                                           (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dB)
            (dBuV)          (dB/m)       (dB)          (dB)
 4960.00     36.98           31.76       7.53         36.36         39.91           54.00        14.09     Vertical
 7440.00     24.17           38.53       8.71         35.30         36.11           54.00        17.89     Vertical
 9920.00       *                                                                    54.00                  Vertical
 14880.00      *                                                                    54.00                  Vertical
 4960.00     34.07           31.76        7.53        36.36         37.00           54.00        17.00    Horizontal
 7440.00     22.16           38.53        8.71        35.30         34.10           54.00        19.90    Horizontal
 9920.00       *                                                                    54.00                 Horizontal
 14880.00      *                                                                    54.00                 Horizontal

1. Final Level =Receiver Read level + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss – Preamplifier Factor
2. “*”, means this data is the too weak instrument of signal is unable to test.
3. The emission levels of other frequencies are very lower than the limit and not show in test report.

 Report No : TRE14030187          Page 30 of 34

5. Test Setup Photos of the EUT

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6. External and Internal Photos of the EUT

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                          .......................End of Report.........................

Document Created: 2014-05-21 08:46:25
Document Modified: 2014-05-21 08:46:25

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