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RF Exposure Info

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      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No :   FA832620A

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                        Rev. 01

Calibration Laboratory of                                                  . Senwotrorischor Kallorierdianst
Schmid & Partner                                                               Service suisse cFétalonnage
  Engingering AG                                                           C   Sorviclo sviezoro dtaraiura
Zeughousstrosse 43, 8004 Zurich, Bwizarland                                9   guirs Galliration Sarvice

Acceeditnd by the Swiss Receral Ofice of Metralogy and Accritaion          Accredtation No: SCS 108
The Swise Accreddtation Srvice is one of the signatories tothe EA
Mulllateral Agraemant for the recognition of callbration cartiicates
TSL                        tissue simulating liquid
ConvF                       sensitivity in TSL / NORM xy.z
N/A                         not applicable or not measured

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
    a) IEEE Std 1528—2008, "IEEE Recommendad Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
       Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
        Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, December 2003
    b   CENELEC EN 50361, "Basic standard for the measurement of Specific Absorption Rate
        related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones (300 MHz — 3 GHz).
        July 2001
    c   Federal Communications Commission Office af Engineering & Technology (FCC OET),
        "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
        Electromagnetic Fields; Additional Information for Evaluating Compliance of Mobile and
        Portable Devices with FCC Limits for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Emissions‘,
        Supplement C (Edition 01—01) to Bulletin 65

Additional Documentation:
    d) DASY4 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Paramaters:
    +   Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
        of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
    +   Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dlpolé is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
        point exactly below the center marking of theflat phantom section, with the arms oriented
        parallel to the body axis.
    *   Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
        positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
        measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
        reflected power, No uncertainty required.
    *   Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point. No
        uncertainty required.
    * SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
    *   SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input powerof 1 W at the antenna
    *   SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
        nominal SAR result

Cortficate No: 01000V2—50041_Mar0®                            Page 2 of9

Measurement Conditions
    DASY system configuration, as far as not gven on page 1
      Dasy version                                              pasve                 |                ver              |
      Extrapolation                                   Advances Exrepolation                                             |
      Phantom                                        Madular Fiat Phantom ¥5.0                                          |
      Distance Dipolo Gonter — TSL                             10 mm                               with Spacer          |
      Zoom Scan Resolution                               ds, oy, dz =5 mm                                               |
      Frequency                                          1600 MHz# 1 Mz                                                 |

Head TSL parameters
    The following parameters and calculations were applled.
                                                                Temperature         Pormittivity         Conductivity   |
      Nominal Head TSL parameters                                    220°C                40.0            140 mhotm     |
      Measured Head TL parameters                               (22.0 20.2)°C       402 6%             1.47 mhoim 26 % |

      Head TSL temperature during test                          (21120.2)°C               m                   —_—       |

SAR result with Head TSL

      SAR averaged over 1 em‘ (1 g) of Hoad TSL                  condition
      SAR measured                                        250 mW inout power                    10.1 mW?g
      SAR normalized                                       normalized to 1W                     40.4 mW !
      SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters *                   normalized to W             30.5 mW / g £17.0 % (kx2)     |

      SAR averaged over 10 em‘ (10 g) of Head TSL              Cendition     |
      SAR measured                                        250 mW inout power                    5.20 mW ! 9
      SAR normalized                                       normalized to 1W                     20.8 mW 1o
      SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters "                «normalized to 1W              20.6 mW / g # 16.5 % (k=2)

! Corection to nominal TSL parameters according to <), chapter *SAR Sensitvities®

Corificate No: C1900V2—60041_Mardd                     Page 3 or o


               Body TSL parameters
                  The following paremeters and calculations were applied.
                                                                                 Temporature          Parmitivity       Conductivity
                     Nominal Body TSL paremeters                                  220°C                 ses              1,52 mhoim
                     Measured Body TSL parameters                               (r20—02)‘C            516 26%         1.67 maoim £6%
                     Body TSL temperature during test                           r14202)°C                s                   ~—

              SAR result with Body TSL

                     SAR averaged over 1 m‘ (1 g) of Boty TSL                     Gonditon
                     SAR measured                                           250 mW input power |                104 mW /g
                     SAR normalized                                           normalized to 1W                  41.6 mW / g
                     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters °                    normalize to 1W            40.1 mW / q4 17.0 % (k22)

                     SAR averaged over 10 em‘ (10 g) of Body TSL                  condtion
                     SAR measured                                           250 mW inout power                  s4amw 1g
                     SAR normalized                                           normalized to 1W    |             218 mW !g
                     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters *                    normalizes to 1W           21.3 mwi q * 16.5 % (ke2)

              " Correction to nominal TBL parameters according to o), chapter ‘SAR Senstivites®

              Certlicale No: D1900V2—54041_Mardd                         Page 4 of 8


Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           54.0 0+ 5.1 j0

      Retum Loss                                                                        —24248
Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

      Impedance, transformad to feed point                                           48.0 0+ 6.1 0
      Retun Loss                                                                        —23.6 0B

General Antenna Parameters and Design

    [ Electrical Detay (ane airection)                       |                           1198 ns                           ]
AMer long term use with 100W radiated power, only a sight warming of the cipole nearthe feedpaint can be measurec.
The dipole is made of standard semingid comidal cable. The canter conductar of tne faeding line is directly connected to the
second arm of the dipole. The entenna is therefore short—crouited for DC—signals
No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because thay might bend or the scicered connections near the
feedpoint may be damaged.

Additional EUT Data

      Manufactured by                                                                    sPEAG
      Manufactured on                                                                 Juy 0a, 2003

Corlifcate No: D1900V2—54041_Mar0®                      Page 5 of 0

DASY4 Validation Report for Head TSL
                                                                      Date/Time: 18.03.2008 12:05:10
Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzeriand
DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN:5d041

Communication System: CW,; Frequency: 1900 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: HSL U10 BB;
Medium parameters used: f= 1900 MHz; a = 1.47 mho/m:; e, = 40.2; p = 1000 kg/m‘
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY4 (High Precision Assessment)
DASY4 Configuration:
  * Probe: ES3DVZ2 — SN3025, ConvF(4.9, 4.9, 4.9}; Calbrated: 01.05.2008
  + Sensor—Surface: 3.4mm (Mechanica‘ Surface Detecion)
  * Electronics: DAES $n809; Callbrated: 09.00.2007
  * Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QDO0OPSOAA;;
  * Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Bulld 56: Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Bul 172

Pin = 250 mW; d = 10 mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 91.7 Vim; PowerDrift = 0.013 0B
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 19.1 Wikg
SAR(1 g) = 10.1 mWig; SAR(10 g) = 5.2 mWig
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 11.8 mW/g




                          00B = 11.8mWia

Certihcate No: D1900v2.60041_Marts            Page 6 of 9

scontow can

              Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

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              Coriifeate No: D1000U2—50041_Marts.    Page 7 of 0

DASY4 Validation Report for Body TSL
                                                                            Date/Time: 14.03.2008 13:22:24

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN:5d041

Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
Medium: MSL U10 BB;                                                                       R
Medium parameters used: f= 1900 MHz; & = 1.57 mho/m; e. = 51.7; p = 1000 kgim®
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY4 (High Precision Assessment)
DASY4 Configuration:
   +   Probe: ES3DVZ — SN3025; ConvF(4.6, 4.5, 4.5}; Cabrated: 01.03.2008
   *   Sensor—Surface: 3.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detecion)
   *   Electronics: DAE4 $n0909; Gallbrated: 65.00.2007
   *   Phantom: Flat Phentom 5.0 (front); Type: QDOOORSOAA: ;
   +   Measuremant SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 55; Pastprocessing SW. SEMCAD, V1.8 Bulla 172

Pin = 250 mW; d = 10 mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 89.7 V/m; Power Drift = 0.004 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 18.6 Wikg
SAR(1 g) = 10.4 mWig; SAR(10 g) = 5.44 mW/g
Maximum value of SAR {measured) = 12.0 mWig






                      008 = 12.0mWg

Ceriffeate No: D1900V2—50041 Mard#                  Page 8 08

scontow can

              Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

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              Cerlficate No: D1900V2—5d0¢1 _Mard#               Paga of 9

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                              Schwaizerischer Kallbrieraionst
Schmid & Partner                                                                                       Service sulsse o#étalonnage
  Enginesring AG                                                                                       Servizlo svizzere d leratura
Zeighausstrasse 43, 6004 Zurich, Switz                                                                 Swiss Callbration Sorvica

Accredted ty tno Suies Federal Offce of Metrology and Accredtaton                       Accredtation No.: SCS 108
The Swis Accreditation Service is one of the signatorios to the EA
Multiateral Agroemant for the recagnition of calloration cortifcates
Cliont               Spordsn (Ausiex S                                                  Cortiicate No: DAE4—778_SepOT

CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE                                                                                                                    I
 Ohject                               DAE4 — SD 000 D04 BG — SN: 778

 Cattvatbon provedure(s)              QA CAL—D612
                                      Calibration procedure for the data acquisition electronics (DAE)

 Callbaton date                       September 17, 2007

 Condtion ofthe calrated tem         In Tolerance

"Tis eattiatton certhcate documents the vmcsnlalty ta nationalslandards, whion realive the pryslcal unte of measurements (50.
"The maasirements and the uneaalieswilh confidence probabity are gven on the folowing pages and are partofIne canticnte
 All calbeatione have baan enntuctad in tns closed labarmtory faly: envronment temperature (22 + 3)‘G and hurty <70%

 Caltration Eauipment use (MATE otieultcaitzation)

 Ermary Srandards                 ns                         Gal Date (Calibrated by. Canticate No            Schecuted Gaibration
 Fiuke Process Caltrator Type 702 SN: 6205000                13—G2t08 (Eical AG, No: 5492)                    osar
 Heltley Multimater Type 2001     Sn010278                   (0.02106 (Cieal AG, No: $478)                    ocor
 Secordary Standerts                  lin#                   Chask Date in house)                             Sanecuted Gnock
 Catitrator Sac¥1.1                    5s usis ons AB 1004 25—un07 (GPEAG. In hause chosk)                    in house check Jun—08

                                       Name                             Function                              Signature
 Callorated by:                       Domisique Strfen                  Techrisim                         ;(5

 Approves by:                          Fin Bomak                         R&D Director                     f
                                                                                                              NA (Coued
                                                                                                              Issuod: Soptember 17, 2007
 "ris ealbration cortfente shal   not on reprosucea uxcept inl wihoutwriten approwalof the aboretoy.

Corcate No: DAE4—77E_80007                                      Page 1 or 5

Calibration Laboratory of                                                      Schwelzorinchor Kallbrardionst
Schmid & Partner                                                               Service sulsse a‘etalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                               Servicio sviezero di taraturn
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzertend                                   Swiss Callbration Sorvics

Aceredies by the Swiss Rederal Offeo of Metolagy and Aceredtaton            Acctedtation No.: SCS 108
The Swiss Acereditation Service is ons of the sipnotaries to the EA
Multlatoral Agroomont for tha recognition of callbration cortcatos

DAE                        data acquisition electronics
Connector angle            information used in DASY system to align prabe sensor X to the robot
                           coordinale system.

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters
  * DC Voltage Measurement: Calibration Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
         comparison with a calibrated instrument traceable to national standards. The figure given
         corresponds to the full scale range of the voltmeter in the respective range.
    *«   Connector angle: The angle of the connector is assassed measuring the angle
         mechanically by a tool inserted. Uncertainty is not required.
    *    The following parameters contain technical information as a result from the performance
         test and require no uncertainty.
    *    DC Voitage Measurement Lineanity:Verification of the Linearity at +10% and —10% of the
         nominal calibration voltage. Influence of offset voltage is included in this measurement
    *    Common mode sensitivity: \nfluence of a positive or negative common mode voltage on the
         differential measurement.
    «—   Channel separation; Influence of a voltage on the neighbor channels not subject to an input
    *«   AD Converter Values with inputs shorted: Values on the internal AD converter
         corresponding to zero input voltage
    *    input Offset Measurement: Output vollage and statistical results over a large number of
         zero voltage measurements.
    *    input Offset Current: Typical value for information; Maximum channel input offset current,
         not considering the input resistance.
    «—   input resistance: DAE input resistance at the connactor, during internal auto—zeraing and
         during measurement,
    «*   Low Battery Alarm Voltage: Typical value for information. Below this voltage, a battery
         alarm signal is generated
    +    Power consumption: Typical value for information. Supply currents in various operating

Certficate No: DAE4—778_Sepor                                Page 2 of 5

DC Voltage Measurement
   AID — Converter Resalution naminal
       High Rango           1188 =      Eduv ,       full range=— ~100...+300 mV
       Low Range            198 =        G1nV ,      full range   1      +3mV
   DASY measuremantparameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 see; Measuring time: 3 seo
     Calibration Factors               x                   v                             2
     High Range                404.715=0.1% (k=2) 403.520 +0.1% (k=2)         |_405.065 £0.1% (k=2)
     Low Range                 300530 + 0.7% (k=2) 808828 £0.7% (k=2)         $.07102 40.7% (k=2)

Connector Angle

    [ Connector Angle to be used in DASY system                                    300044 °

Cotiicate No: DAE4—778_SepO7                      Pace 3 of 5


1. DC VoitageLinearity
    High Range                                Input (uV)             Reading (u¥)                Error (%)
     Channel X       + Input                   200000                    150500.8                 0.00
     Channel X       +Input                     20000                    2000441                  ooz
     Ghannel X       — Input                    20000                    —20002.50                ao1
     Channel Y¥      + Input                   200000                    200000.3                 a.00
     Ghannel Y       + Input                    20000                    20003.07                 0.02
     Ghannel ¥       — Input                    20000                    —20008.41                0.02
     Channel 2       + Input                   200000                    2000003                  0.00
     Channel Z       + Input                    20000                    20002.48                 0.01
     Channel Z       — nput                     20000                    —20006.25                a08

     Low Range                                Input (u¥)             Reading (w¥)                Error (%)
     Channel X       + Input                      2000                    1988.9                  0.00
     Channel X       + input                       200                    19947                  —1.26
     Channel X       Input                         200                    20055                   028
     Channel Y       + input _                    2000                    2000.1                  a.00
     Channel ¥       + Input                       200                    198.15                 043
     Channel ¥       — Input                       200                    —200.77                 0.30
     Channel Z       + Input                      2000                     2000                   0.00
     Channel Z.      + Input                       200                    10022                  —0.30
     Channel Z       Input                         200                    201 39                  aso

2, Common mode sensitivity
   DASY meesurement parameters: Auto 2ero Time: 3 sec. Measuring time: 3 see
                       Common mode                      High Range                             Low Range
                       Input Vottage (m¥)           Average Reading (uV)                  Average Reading (V)
    Channel X                           200                     —5.00                          542
                                       —200                      TA7                            660
    Channal Y                           200                     240                            264
                                       —200                     204                            125
    Channel 2                           200                     ~10.83                         ~10.80
                                       —200                      9.19                           880

3. Channel separation
    DASY measurement parametars: Auto Zera Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 see
                      Input Voitage (mV)        Channel X (wV)           Channel Y (u¥)       Channel Z {uV)
    Ghannel x                    200                     —                    257                  0.15
    Channal Y                   200                  0.11                      f                  4.08
    Ghannel 2                   200                  —1.80                    1.03                    —

Corilicate No: DAE4—778_Sep07                              Page 4 of 5


              4. AD—Converter Values with inputs shorted
                  DASY measurement parametars: Auto Zero Time: 3 see; Measuring time: 3 sec
                                                                 High Range (LSB)                 Low Range (LSB)

                   Channel X                                            1e0s@                          16321
                   Channel Y                                            16180                          16238
                   Channel Z                                            16405                          16167

              5. Input Offset Measurement
                  DASY measuramont paramalars: Auto Zere Time: 3 see; Measuring time: 3 sec
                  Input 1OMQ
                                         Average (2V)        min. Offsst (uV) max. Offeet (u¥)         °* m"‘"‘“
                   Channel X                  14                  423                     oo                   os4
                   Channal Y                  —085                224                     048                  049
                   Channel 2                  128                 243                     o.3                  ast

              6. Input Offset Current
                  Nominal Input cireutry offeat current on all channels; <257A

              7. Input Resistance
                                                              Zeroing (MOhm)                     Measuring (MOhm)
                  Channel X                                        0.2000                              2017
                  Channal Y                                        0.2000                              2017
                  Channel 2                                        0.1ece                              2025

              8. Low Battery Alarm Voltage (verfied during pre test)
                  Typical values                    Alarm Level (VDC)
                  Supply (+ Vee)                                           +               +79
                  Supply (— Voo)                                                           78

              9. Power Consumption (verited during pre test)
                  Typical values                        Switchod off(mA)         Stand by (mA)      Transmitting (mA)
                  Supply (+ Ves)                              +0.0                    —s                   +4
                  Supply (— Veo)                               ~0.01                  4                    3

              Corlficate No: DAEA—778_SapOT                            Page 5 of 5

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                    Schwelzeriacher Kallbrlerdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                                                             Service sulsse c‘étalonnage
   Engineering AG                                                                                            Servilo svizzero dtarature
Zoughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                                 Swiss Gallbration Service

 Accredited by the Swiss Federal Offez of Metrology and Accreditation                       Accreditetion No.: SCS 108
 The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
 MultIateral Agreement for the recogn‘tion of callbration cortlicates
 cient       (Sporton (Auden)                                                               mmammm*

‘ Otiest                              ET3DVG — SN:1787.

 Gallraton procecure(s)               QA CAL—OD1.v6
                                      Calibration procedurefordosimetric E—field probes:

 Caltoraton date:                     August 28, 2007

 Condion ofthe caltraied item         !In Tolerance

 This calbration certfcate documents the traceabiityto national standards, which realin the physical unts of maasuremen‘s (S)
 The measurements and the uncertsintiss wih confdance probabilty are given on the fallwing pages and are part of the certficate.
 Allealtrations have been conducted i tre closed labaralory facliy: environment temperature (22 + 3}°C and huriity < 70%.
 Gailbration Equipment used [MBTE ertical for calbration)

 Frmay Stencerds                      l#       _                Cal Date (Calbrated by. Carticate No.)       Scheduled Calbraton
 Fower meter E44 198                  GB4 1203074               2—Mar—07 (METAS, No. 217—00670)                  Mard8
 Fower sensor E4412A                  MY4 1495277               23—Mar—Q7 (METAS, No 217—00670)                  Mard8
 Power sansor E4412A                  Myataus087                20Mar—O7 (METAS, No. 217—00870)                  Mardd
 Reference 3 08 Attenuator            SN 52054 (Go)             §—Aug—07 (METAS, No. 217—00718)                  Aug—08
 Reference 20 08 Attenvater           Sh: Scose (200)          28Mar—Or (METAS, No. 217—00071)                   MarO®
 Relerence 30 08 Atlenvater           SN. Se120 G0b)            6—Auc—07 (METAS, No. 217—00720)                  Aug:o8
 Reference Probe ESSOV2               Sn 3013                  4—Jan—07 (SPEAG, No. ES3—3013.Jan0?)              Jan—08
 bae                                  SN 684                   20—Apr—07 (GPEAG, No. DAES—55¢_Aprr)              Apr0d                         ‘

 Secondary Stancarcs                 I D#                      Gheck Date in house)                              Scheduled Check               I
 RF generator hP 86#8C                Usse42U07700             4Aug—49 (GPEAG. in house check No—05)             In house check: Nov—07
 Nemork Analyzer HP 875E              Ussr3s0s85                18001 (SPEAG, in house check Oct—08)             In house check 0c—07

                                      Name                                  Funton               &               Sipnature                     |
 Galtrated by                         Katie Pokovie             3           Technical Manager

 Approved by                          Nisls Kistor                          Cualty Manager

                                                                                                                 Issued: August 28, 2007
 This calbration certicate shallnot be reprocuseo excent in full without witten approval of the laborelory

Cerificate No: ET3—1787_Augor                                       Page 1 of 9

                                                                    en en ns apeper en on n nrpcraue

seontor ias.

               Calibration Laboratory of                                                       §   Schwelzerischer Kallbrierdienst
               Schmid & Partner                                                                :   Servicesuissed#taionnage
                 Engineering AG                                                                    Servizlo svizzero al taratura
               Zeughausstrasse 43, 2004 Zurich, Switzerland                                    S   Swiss Calloration Service

               Accredted by the Sniss Federel Offce of Metrology and Accredtation              Accreditation No.: SCS 108
               The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatorias to the EA
               Multlateral Agreement for the recognition of calloration certficates

               TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
               NORMx.y,z                   sensitivity in free space
               ConF                        sensitivity in TSL / NORMxy,z
               DCP                         diode compression point
               Polarization q              @ rotation around probe axis
               Polarization $              8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at
                                           measurement center), i.e., 9 = 0 is normal to probe axis

               Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
                  a) IEEE Std 1528—2003, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
                     Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
                     Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", December 2003
                  b) IEC 62209—1, "Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held
                     devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)®,
                     February 2005

               Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
                  * NORMx,y,2: Assessed for E—field polarization 8 = 0 (f < 900 MHz in TEM—cell; f > 1800 MHz:
                        R22 waveguide). NORMx,y,z are only intermediatevalues, i.e., the uncertainties of
                        NORMx,y,z does not effect the E*—field uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
                   +    NORM(Mx.y.2 = NORMxy,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This
                        linearization is implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of
                       the frequency response is included in the‘stated uncertainty of Conv.
                   +   DCPx,y,z: DCP are numericallingarization parameters assessed based on the data of
                       power sweep (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
                   *   ConvF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—field (or
                       Temperature Transfer Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical field
                       distributions based on power measurements for f > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for
                        assessment of the parameters applied for boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which
                       typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are used in DASY4 software to
                       improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds to
                       NORMx,y,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A
                       frequency dependent ConVF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending
                       the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100 MHz.
                   *   Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy): in a field of low gradients realized using a
                       flat phantom exposed by a patch antenna.
                   *    Sensor Offset: The sensoroffset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center
                       from the probe tip (on probe axis). No tolerance required.

               Ceriiicate No: ET3—1787_AugOr                                  Page 2 of 9

srortow cas.

                   ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                              August 28, 2007

                                      Probe ET3DV6

                                               Manufactured:                   May 28, 2003
                                               Last calibrated:                May 31, 2006
                                               Recalibrated:                   August 28, 2007

                                                   Calibrated for DASY Systems
                                                    (Note: non—compatile with DASY2 system!)

               Certficate No: ET3—1787_Augor                  Page 3 of 9

swonton tan.

                  ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                   August 28, 2007

                   DASY — Parameters of Probe: ET3DV6 SN:1787

                  Sensitivity in Free Space®                                                            Diode Compression®
                            NormX                     1.63 4 10.1%             uV/(VimY                DCP X           92 mV
                            Norm¥y                    1.66 2 10.1%             nV/(Vim)                peP Y           96 mV
                            Normz                    2.08 £10.4%               uV/(Vim)®               DCP Z           91 mV

                  Sensitivity in Tissue Simulating Liquid (Conversion Factors)
                  Please see Page 8.

                   Boundary Effect

                  TSL                      900 MHz          Typical SAR gradient: 5 %per mm

                            Sensor Canter to Phantom Surface Distance                                  3.7 mm 4.7 mm
                            SARe, D6]            Without Correction Algorithm                             4.T    20

                            SAR[]                With Correction Algorithm                                0.1    0.0

                  TSL                     1810 MHz          Typical SAR gradient: 10 % per mm

                            Sensor Center to Phantom Surface Distance                                  3.7 mm 4.7 mm
                            SAR;, [%)            Without Correction Algorithm                             11.8   7.0

                            SAR. []              With Correction Algarithm                                02     o4

                  Sensor Offset
                            Probe Tip to SensorCenter                                             2.7 mm

                   The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
                   measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
                   corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%.

                  * The uncertaintes of NomX.YZ do notaifect the E~feld uncertainty Inside TSL (ses Page 8)
                  * Numeroal Inowieation paranatér: unowrisity net roguired.

               Cortficate No: ET3—1787_Aug07                             Page 4 of 9

seontom cas.

                  ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                          August 28, 2007

                                                                    Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                                         (TEM—Celk:if110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
                            Frequency response (normalized)

                                                06 |                                                             I
                                                              |—                                     L4
                                               os                                      3                         I
                                                              o       s0o       ro00        1509  2000         2soo      3000
                                                                                        t ubta]
                                                                            —e— Te           — Lo—rm

                                                                   Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: £6.3% (k=2)

               Cortifcats No: ET3—1787_Augo7                                           Page 5 of 9

    ETBDVE SN:1787                                                                           August 28, 2007

                                      Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 =0°

                       £=600 MHz, TEM if110EXX                               £=1800 MHz, WG R22

                10                                             ‘   |   | ‘    ‘
                06                                                                    ‘       =—o— 30 MHz
                04                        |.         j
                                                     ——100 MHz
   Error [dB]

                 02                   m   m        |
                oo MH iB ocstper ns                  _2 ioi
                                                     |—9—€00 MHz

                s                       AALAALL]
                                        |       \|   —a—2600
                i+                  ,


                                    Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: 2 0.5% (k=2)

Cartfcate No: ET3—1787_Augo?                             Page 6 of 9

    ET3DVE SN:1787                                                                                       August 28, 2007

                                                      Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                            (Waveguide R22, f= 1800 MHz)



                Input Signal [yV)





                                       o.0001       0.001     o.01         d            1       10      100
            |                                                        SAR [mWiem‘]

            |                                   — —#—not compensated               —4~—compensated
                 Error [dB]

                                     0.001           0.01            0.1            1           10            100

                                                                     SAR [mWiom‘]                                   ‘

                                                    Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

Certficate No: ETG—1787_AugOr                                         Page 7 of9

   ET3DV6 SN:1787                                                                                                                 August 28, 2007

                                              Conversion Factor Assessment

                          1=900 MHz, WGLS R9 (head)                             ‘                      f= 1810 MHz, WGLS R22 (head)
                        35                                                                            30.0                1                  =mr—r>]



                                                                                    SARImWiem®] J W
      SARImW/em‘] / W


                              0          20            40             60                                     0         20               40           so
                                               2{mm]                                                                           z{mm]

                         —®—Analytical        —0—Measurements                                          —@—Analytical          —0—Measurements

   1 jmiHic]_Validity [MHz]®                    TSL    Permittivity Gonductivity                         Alpha_ Depth___        ConvE Uncortainty
   900                   £50 / 100             Head         41.545%        0.97£5%                           0.32   242           6.58 +11.0% (k=2)

   1810                  250/2 100|            Head    40,045%             14015%                            0.50   261           5.16 £11.0% (k=2)

   2000                  £50/% 100             Head    40.045%             140+5%                            OSs    245           4.80 £11.0% (k=2)

   2450                  £50/2 100             Head         39.245%        1,8.0 £5%                         067    181           450        £11.8% (k=2)

   800                   £ 50/ x 100            Body 55.015%               1.0515%                           0.36   252           6810 £11.0% (k=2)
    1810                 £50/2100               Body   §3.345%             1.5245%                           0.61   2.56          468        £11.0% (k=2)

   2000                  £50/2100               Body   §3.3%5%              1.5215%                          0.60   240           490        £11.0% (k=2)

   2450                  +80/+ 100              Body 82.745%               1.95 +8%                          nes    215           4.02. £11.8% (k=2)

   © The validty of 100 Mz only aprlios for DASY v4.4 and highor(eao Page 2). The uncertainty is the RSS
   of the ConvF uncortainty at callbration frequency and the uncertainty for tho indicated frequoney band.

Cerificate No: ET—1787_ Augo7                                         Page 8 of 9

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No :   FA832620A

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                        Rev. 01

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                   Test Report No :   FA832620A

Appendix D - WCDMA Test Mode

Conducted Output Power

The EUT's WCDMA and HSPA function is Release 6 version. A detailed analysis of the output
power for all WCDMA modes is provided in the table below. The EUT supports DPDCH1 and
HSDPA with several of data rates, such as 12.2Kbps, 64kbps, 144Kbps and 384Kbps.

                                                                                Band II                        Band V
               Symbol                             Reference
                                                                         Ch       Ch         Ch        Ch        Ch      Ch
  Mode          Rates         SF    K Data       Channel Type
                                                                        9262     9400       9538      4132      4182    4233
               (Kbps)                            (Data Rates)
                                                                       1852.4 1880.0       1907.6     826.4     836.4   846.6
                   60         64    2      40     RMC 12.2 Kbps        22.55     22.65     22.46      23.48     23.68   23.50
                   240        16    4     160      RMC 64 Kbps          22.60    22.54      22.33     23.60     23.73   23.60
                   480         8    5     320     RMC 144 Kbps          22.57    22.72      22.40     23.61     23.78   23.61
                   960         4    6     640     RMC 384 Kbps          22.59    22.74      22.43     23.61     23.57   23.63
 HSDPA             60         64    2      40     RMC 12.2 Kbps        21.74     21.99     21.85      22.85     22.86   22.88
 Data: Bits/Slot; SF: Spreading Factor; K: Number of bits per uplink DPDCH slot.
                                         Table 1 Conducted output power

                         Band                        WCDMAⅡ-1900                                    WCDMAⅤ-850
                        Channel              9262          9400           9538            4132         4182         4233
                        β(11/15)             19.16         19.40         22.18            23.14        23.35        23.12
                        β(6/15)              22.85         23.07         22.80            23.79        24.00        23.69
   HSUPA                β(15/9)              22.25         22.61         22.44            23.28        23.64        23.29
                        β(2/15)              22.86         23.27         22.95            23.96        24.25        23.86
                        β(15/15)             22.51         22.68         22.46            23.33        23.50        23.29
                                   Table 2 Conducted output power for HSUPA

Followed by FCC suggestions [1]:

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                            Rev. 01

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No :   FA832620A

The parameter K in the figure determines the number of bits per uplink DPDCH slot. It is related to
the spreading factor SF of the DPDCH as SF = 256/2 . The DPDCH spreading factor may range
from 256 down to 4. The spreading factor of the uplink DPCCH is always equal to 256, i.e. there
are 10 bits per uplink DPCCH slot.

                                           Table 2 DPCCH and DPDCH

There is only one DPCCH per radio link. Data rates, channelization codes and spread factor
information for DPCCH and DPDCHn are indicated in the following Table. Spreading Rate (SF) *
Symbol Rate = 3.84 Mcps.

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                        Rev. 01

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No :   FA832620A

WCDMA Setup Configuration

      a. The EUT was connected to Base Station. Refer to the drawing of Setup Configuration.
      b. The RF path losses were compensated into the measurements.
      c. A call was established between EUT and Base Station with following setting
         i. Data rates: Varied RMC for each measurement.
         ii. TPC with All Up
      d. The transmitted maximum output power was recorded.

                                                 Setup Configuration

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                        Rev. 02

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No :   FA832620A

         Single DPCCH with only one DPDCH at RMC 12.2Kbps (Symbol Rate 60 Kbps)

                                TPC with All “ 1” (Continuous transmitting )

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                        Rev. 02

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No :   FA832620A

HSDPA Setup Configuration

      a.   The EUT was connected to Spectrum Analyzer and Base Station via power splitter. Refer
           to the drawing of Setup Configuration.
      b.   The RF path losses were compensated into the measurements.
      c.   A call was established between EUT and Base Station with following setting:
           i. Set RMC12.2Kbps with HSDPA mode.
           ii. TPC with All Up with H-set.
      d.   The transmitted maximum output power was recorded.

                                                 Setup Configuration

                                      RMC 12.2Kbps with HSDPA function

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                        Rev. 02

      FCC SAR Test Report                                                                Test Report No :   FA832620A


[1.] SAR Measurement Procedures for 3G Devices CDMA 2000/Ev-Do/WCDMA/HSDPA June
     2006 Laboratory Division Office of Engineering and Technology Federal Communications
[2.] TS 34.121 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS); Terminal Conformance
     Specification, Radio Transmission and Reception (FDD)

©2008 SPORTON International Inc. SAR Testing Lab
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of Sporton.                        Rev. 02

Document Created: 2008-06-28 02:10:16
Document Modified: 2008-06-28 02:10:16

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