Test Report


Test Report

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Tost Repor Progared By:
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MPBT Report No.: t11e2738        Rew 1                          Dste: 26 February 2003
Report for Emissions Testing of the Crane Smart System Display
in accordance with FCC Part 15, Subpart B (2000).
Test Personnat         David Raynes
Preparedter            The Lsad & A28 Company Inc.
                       4908 — 37 Stroat
                       Edmorton, Aborta
                       Tee sst

Glent Accepiance
Authoried Signatory

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Serior EMC Tachnologist
Electonics Tost Gontre(Ardiil
Authoried Signatory

           Thi repot shal notbereproduced, esceptinfl, wihout péorwrlten saproval t
                                    HPD Technologles n.

Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1


        1.1      Scope
        1.2      Applicant
        1.3      Applicability
        1.4      Test Sample Description
        1.5      General Test Conditions and Assumptions
        1.6      Scope of Testing
                 1.6.1 Variations in Test Methods
                 1.6.2 Emissions Measurements
                 1.6.3 Test Sample Modifications
        4.1      Conducted Emissions
        4.2      Radiated Emissions
        5.1      Location
        5.2      Grounding Plan
        5.3      Power
        5.4      Emissions Profile
        5.5      Test Configuration
                 5.5.1 Tabletop Equipment
                 5.5.2 Rack Mount
        6.1      Radiated Emissions
        6.2      Conducted Emissions
        6.3      Calibration

        APPENDIX A: Test Sample Description:                         Crane Smart System Display

                This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                              MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1


        1.1      SCOPE

                 The purpose of this report is to present the findings and results of compliance
                 testing performed in accordance with FCC Part 15, Subpart B (2000).

        1.2      APPLICANT

                 This test report has been prepared for The Load & A2B Company Inc., located in
                 Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

        1.3      APPLICABILITY

                 All test procedures, limits, and results defined in this document apply to the The
                 Load & A2B Company Inc. Crane Smart System Display unit, referred to herein
                 as the Equipment Under Test (EUT).

                 The results contained in this report relate only to the item tested.

                 This report does not imply product endorsement by AALA, NVLAP, or the
                 Canadian or US governments.


                 The test sample provided for testing was a Crane Smart System Display:

                  Product Type:                 display panel, operational monitor
                  Model Number:                 Crane Smart Display
                  Serial Number:                n/a
                  Cables:                       power
                  Power                         nominal 12 VDC
                  Peripheral                    sensors for boom position and load

                 More detailed information is provided by The Load & A2B Company Inc. in
                 Appendix A.


                 The EUT was set up and exercised using the configurations, modes of operation
                 and arrangements defined in this report only. All inputs and outputs to and from
                 other equipment associated with the EUT were adequately simulated.

                 Where relevant, the EUT was only tested using the monitoring methods and test
                 criteria defined in this report.

                This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                              MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

        1.6      SCOPE OF TESTING

                 Testing was performed in accordance with FCC Part 15, Subpart B (2000).
                 1.6.1    VARIATIONS IN TEST METHODS
                          There were no variations from the test procedures outlined above.
                          As noted in Section 4, some emissions were measured to be within -6 dB
                          of the specified limit.
                 1.6.3    TEST SAMPLE MODIFICATIONS
                          There were no equipment modifications during test performance.

        AP       -Average Peak
        CE       -Conducted Emissions
        E        -Field - Electric Field
        H        -Field - Magnetic Field
        N/T      -Not Tested
        N/A      -Not Applicable
        PK       -Peak
        QP       -Quasi Peak
        RE       -Radiated Emissions

        For Radiated E-Field Emissions and Conducted Emissions, the uncertainties in the
        measurements were calculated using the methods outlined in the NAMAS document,
        NIS81: May 1984.

        Frequency                    = ± 1 kHz
        Amplitude (RE)               = ± 4.01 dB
        Amplitude (CE)               = ± 3.25 dB

                This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                              MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                          FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                          Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

         The EUT was subjected to the following tests. Compliance status is indicated as PASS or

         The following table summarizes the test results in terms of the specification and class or
         level applied, the unique test sample identification, the EUT modification state, and
         configuration as applicable.

 TEST     TEST TYPE       SPECIFICATION            CLASS/          TEST             MOD.       CONFIGURATION          RESULT
 CASE                                              LEVEL          SAMPLE           STATE

  §4.1    Conducted          FCC Part 15             n/a           Crane             nil                  n/a              N/A
          Emissions           Subpart B                            Smart

  §4.2    Radiated           FCC Part 15               A           Crane             nil           See § 1.6.3         PASS
          Emissions           Subpart B                            Smart


The client equipment referred to in this report was found to comply with the
requirements as stated above.

                 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                               MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

        4.1      CONDUCTED EMISSIONS

        The was not tested for Conducted Emissions. This is a DC powered device. The power
        source is provided by the end user, not The Load & A2B Company Inc. There is no direct
        connection to the AC mains.

       Test Lab: Electronics Test Centre (Airdrie)                  Product:
       Test Personnel: David Raynes                                 Crane Smart System Display
       Test Date: n/a

                             Test Result, Crane Smart System Display: Not Applicable

        4.2      RADIATED EMISSIONS

       Test Lab: MPB Technologies Inc. Airdrie                      Product:
       Test Personnel: David Raynes                                 Crane Smart System Display
       Test Date: 18 February 2003

                                   Test Result, Crane Smart System Display: Pass

       Objectives/Criteria                                          Specification: FCC Part 15 Subpart B
       The Radiated E-Field emissions produced by                   Frequency         Class A            Class B
       a system or sub-system, measured at a
       distance of 3m from the EUT, shall not exceed                    [MHz]        QP @ 3m QP @ 3m
       the limits for the specifications as stated.                 30 – 88            49.54             40.00
       Emission levels should meet the                              88 – 216           53.98             43.52
       requirements with a margin of 6dB.
                                                                    216 – 960          56.90             46.02
       The EUT was assessed against the
       requirements of Class A.                                     above 960          60.00             53.98

       Temperature = 19 °C             Humidity = 35 %

       Horizontal:                                                  Vertical:
        Frequency        Field Strength            Delta              Frequency          Field Strength              Delta
          [MHz]            [dBµV/m]            [dB from limit]          [MHz]              [dBµV/m]              [dB from limit]

         184.2719             49.56                 -4.42             194.1032                49.70                  -4.28
                                                                      130.2037                49.51                  -4.47
                                                                      100.7096                49.34                  -4.64
                                                                      186.7307                48.53                  -5.45
                                                                      184.2734                48.39                  -5.59
                    There were more emissions measured within -6 dB of the specified limit.
                               Refer to the test data and plots for more detail.

                This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                              MPB Technologies Inc.

  Test Sample:                                           FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
  Crane Smart System Display                           Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

  Radiated Emissions Data:

  The emissions data is presented in tabular form, showing the uncorrected spectrum analyzer
  reading, the correction factors applied, the net result, the value(s) of up to 4 limits at the frequency
  measured, and the margin between the result and the limit(s).
  For example:
             Test    Meter Gain/Loss Transducer Level Limit:1      2     3     4
             Frequency Reading Factor     Factor    [dB(uVolts)]
               [MHz]   [dB(uV)] [dB]       [dB]
             94.0036    37.1 qp   2.2      8.5      47.8   54      43.5   50.5   40.5
             Azimuth: 156 Height:113 Vert     Margin [dB] -6.2     4.3    -2.7   7.3

  Test Frequency [MHz}                              94.0036              Test Frequency f = 94.0036 MHz
  Meter Reading [dB (uV)]                           37.1 qp              The reading with Quasi-Peak detector
  Gain/Loss Factor [dB]                             2.2                  Net correction for preamp gain & cable loss
  Transducer Factor [dB]                            8.5                  Correction for antenna loss
  Level [dB (uVolts)]                               47.8                 Corrected value for field strength

  Limit: 1                                          54                   The value of Limit 1 at 94.0036 MHz
  Margin [dB]                                        -6.2                The field strength is 6.2 dB below Limit 1

  Limit: 2                                          43.5                 The value of Limit 2 at 94.0036 MHz
  Margin [dB]                                        4.3                 The field strength is 4.3 dB above Limit 2

  Limit: 3                                          50.5                 The value of Limit 3 at 94.0036 MHz
  Margin [dB]                                       -2.7                 The field strength is 2.7 dB below Limit 3

  Limit: 4                                          40.5                 The value of Limit 4 at 94.0036 MHz
  Margin [dB]                                        7.3                 The field strength is 7.3 dB above Limit 4

Meter Reading in dBuV + Gain/Loss Factor in dB + Transducer Factor in dB = Corrected Field Strength
  Note: When a preamp is used, the resulting gain is compensated.

                    This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                                  MPB Technologies Inc.

    Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
    Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

 The Load & A2B Company Inc.
 Crane Smart Receiver
 Project Number t11e2736                                                                   ⇓
  Test     Meter      Gain/Loss Transducer Level Limit:1        2       3       4
Frequency Reading      Factor    Factor     dB[uVolts/meter]
 [MHz]     [dB(uV)]      [dB]     [dB]
Range: 1 30 - 1000MHz
56.9617    4.85 qp      2.78                        12.68     20.31                 49.54           50          40            40.46
Azimuth: 101 Height:101 Horz                           Margin [dB]:                 -29.23          -29.69      -19.69        -20.15
181.8238   33.16 qp     4.43                        10.03     47.62                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 159 Height:193 Horz                           Margin [dB]:                 -6.36           -2.38       4.1           7.16
184.2719   35.16 qp     4.47                        9.93      49.56                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 159 Height:183 Horz                           Margin [dB]:                 -4.42           -.44        6.04          9.1
186.7304   33.03 qp     4.51                        9.97      47.51                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 159 Height:178 Horz                           Margin [dB]:                 -6.47           -2.49       3.99          7.05
191.6538   32.82 qp     4.48                        10.3      47.6                  53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 161 Height:171 Horz                           Margin [dB]:                 -6.38           -2.4        4.08          7.14
194.1046   32.54 qp     4.38                        10.59     47.51                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 162 Height:169 Horz                           Margin [dB]:                 -6.47           -2.49       3.99          7.05
199.0382   32.09 qp     4.16                        11.18     47.43                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 163 Height:164 Horz                           Margin [dB]:                 -6.55           -2.57       3.91          6.97
Range: 1 30 - 1000MHz
100.7096   36.16 qp     2.91                        10.27     49.34                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 314 Height:100 Vert                           Margin [dB]:                 -4.64           -.66        5.82          8.88
103.171    34.25 qp     3.01                        10.86     48.12                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 274 Height:99 Vert                            Margin [dB]:                 -5.86           -1.88       4.6           7.66
120.3714   31.76 qp     3.63                        12.21     47.6                  53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 225 Height:102 Vert                           Margin [dB]:                 -6.38           -2.4        4.08          7.14
130.2037   33.53 qp     3.6                         12.38     49.51                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 238 Height:100 Vert                           Margin [dB]:                 -4.47           -.49        5.99          9.05
176.8991   32.19 qp     4.29                        10.55     47.03                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 300 Height:100 Vert                           Margin [dB]:                 -6.95           -2.97       3.51          6.57
181.8258   33.1 qp      4.43                        10.15     47.68                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 298 Height:101 Vert                           Margin [dB]:                 -6.3            -2.32       4.16          7.22
184.2734   33.96 qp     4.47                        9.96      48.39                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 283 Height:99 Vert                            Margin [dB]:                 -5.59           -1.61       4.87          7.93
186.7307   34.05 qp     4.51                        9.97      48.53                 53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 278 Height:99 Vert                            Margin [dB]:                 -5.45           -1.47       5.01          8.07
191.6564   32.95 qp     4.48                        10.17     47.6                  53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 268 Height:99 Vert                            Margin [dB]:                 -6.38           -2.4        4.08          7.14
194.1032   35.06 qp     4.38                        10.26     49.7                  53.98           50          43.52         40.46
Azimuth: 267 Height:102 Vert                           Margin [dB]:                 -4.28           -.3         6.18          9.24

LIMIT 1: FCC Part 15 Class A 3m                     LIMIT 2: CISPR Class A 3m
LIMIT 3: FCC Class B 3m                             LIMIT 4: CISPR Class B 3m

qp - Quasi-Peak detector
File: QP 30-1000.TXT

                    This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                                  MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

        Picture of Radiated Emissions test setup:

        Picture of Radiated Emissions test setup:

                This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                              MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                                                  FCC Part 15                                      Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                                                  Subpart B (2000)                                                 rev. 1

        Plot of Radiated Emissions:

                                      This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                                                    MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                                                 FCC Part 15                                       Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                                                 Subpart B (2000)                                                  rev. 1

        Plot of Radiated Emissions:

                                      This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                                                    MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                                                  FCC Part 15                                       Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                                                  Subpart B (2000)                                                  rev. 1

         Plot of Radiated Emissions Test Chamber Ambient:

                                       This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                                                     MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                       FCC Part 15                               Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                       Subpart B (2000)                                          rev. 1


        5.1        LOCATION

                   The EUT was tested for Electromagnetic Compatibility at the Electronics Test
                   Centre, located in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada.

                   The RF Anechoic Chamber (RFAC) is identified as Chamber 1, located in the
                   main building complex at the Electronics Test Centre. Its usable working space
                   measures 10.6 m long x 7.3 m wide x 6.5 m high.

                   This test site is listed with the FCC under Registration Number 99541.
                   Measurements taken at this site are accepted by Industry Canada per file number
                   IC 2046-1.

                   The floor, walls and ceiling consist of annealed steel panels. The walls and
                   ceiling are covered with ferrite tile, augmented by RF absorbant foam material on
                   the end wall nearest the turntable, and on the adjacent walls and the ceiling. The
                   chamber floor supports a 15 cm high internal floor, constructed of annealed steel
                   panels, that forms the ground plane, and is bonded to the chamber walls.

                   The 3-m diameter turntable is flush-mounted with the floor. A sub-floor cable-way
                   is provided to route cables between the turntable pit and EUT support equipment.
                   Cables reach the EUT through an opening in the centre of the turntable.

                   Test instrumentation and EUT support equipment is located in two shielded
                   vestibules located at the side of the main room. Cables are routed through
                   bulkhead panels between the rooms as required. Power feeds are routed into the
                   main room and vestibules through line filters providing at least 100 dB of
                   attenuation between 10 kHz and 10 GHz.

        5.2        GROUNDING PLAN

                   The EUT was located on a wooden table 80 cm above the ground plane. In
                   accordance with The Load & A2B Company Inc. specifications, the EUT was not

        5.3        POWER

                   DC power was supplied to the EUT via client-supplied cable connected to a
                   battery positioned beneath the table.

        5.4        EMISSIONS PROFILE

                   Ambient radiated electromagnetic emission profiles were generated throughout
                   the tests and are included in the test data.

              This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                            MPB Technologies Inc.

           Test Sample:                                            FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
           Crane Smart System Display                            Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

                   5.5        TEST CONFIGURATION

                              5.5.1     Tabletop Equipment

                                        The following diagrams illustrate the configuration of the EUT test and
                                        measurement equipment for Radiated and Conducted Emissions Testing
                                        of tabletop equipment.

              Radiated Emissions


                                                    EUT                    3

                 cm                                             Ground Plane


 Power & I/O                                                                                   IME

  Conducted Emissions

                         40                              EUT

                      cm                                                LISN                                           Ground Plane

                                                                       IME                 AC Power

                              This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                                            MPB Technologies Inc.

    Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
    Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

                     5.5.2    Rack Mount

                              The following diagrams illustrate the configuration of the EUT test and
                              measurement equipment for Radiated and Conducted Emissions Testing
                              of rack mounted equipment.

    Radiated Emissions

Mounted                              EUT

                                                 Ground Plane


     Power & I/O                                                                IME

    Conducted Emissions

  Rack-                                                  EUT

                    Ground Plane                                      LISN

                                                                      IME                 AC Power

                    This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                                  MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

        The following equipment was used for this procedure. All measurement devices are
        calibrated annually, traceable to NIST.

        6.1      RADIATED EMISSIONS

                 a)       Spectrum Analyzer with RF Preselector
                 b)       CISPR Quasi-peak Adapter
                 c)       Power Isolation Transformers
                 d)       Biconilog antenna (20 MHz to 2 GHz)
                 e)       Antenna mast positioner, and controller
                 f)       Flush-mounted turntable, and controller
                 g)       Personal Computer and EMC software

        6.2      CONDUCTED EMISSIONS

                 a)       Spectrum Analyzer with RF Preselector
                 b)       Line Impedance Stabilization Network, 50 µH
                 c)       CISPR Quasi-peak Adapter
                 d)       Isolation Transformer
                 e)       Personal Computer and EMC software

        6.3      CALIBRATION

                 All measurement instrumentation conforms to ANSI C63.2. Calibration is
                 maintained in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. Each
                 measurement device is labeled with its ETC asset number and calibration due

                 6.3.1 CALIBRATION ACCURACY

                          Test equipment used to provide quantitative measurements are
                          calibrated with standards traceable to the National Research Council,
                          National Institute of Standards and Technology or other national
                          standards. Instrumentation systems for emissions measurements have
                          the following accuracies:

                          Frequency      = ± 1 kHz
                          Amplitude (RE) = ± 4.01 dB
                          Amplitude (CE) = ± 3.25 dB

                This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                              MPB Technologies Inc.

Test Sample:                                         FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
Crane Smart System Display                         Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

                 6.3.2 TEST EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION

                          The equipment used in the tests was selected from the following list.

 Instrument                    Manufacturer               Model No.                    Asset No.         Calibration Due
 Spectrum Analyzer             Hewlett Packard            8566B                        9565              13 November 2003
 Spectrum Analyzer             Hewlett Packard            8566B                        9168              10 Deceember 2003
 RF Preselector                Hewlett Packard            85685A                       9563              14 August 2004
 RF Preselector                Hewlett Packard            85685A                       9728              30 July 2004
 Quasi-Peak Adapter            Hewlett Packard            85650A                       9243              7 August 2004
 Active monopole               EMCO                       3301B                        9705              6 August 2004
 Biconilog Antenna             ARA                        LPB-2520/A                   4318              3 August 2004
 Dual Ridged Guide             EMCO                       3115                         19357             2 August 2004
 Low Noise Amplifier           MITEQ                      JS43-01001800-21-            4354              14 February 2004

                This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                              MPB Technologies Inc.

        Test Sample:                                            FCC Part 15                                   Report No.:t11e2736
        Crane Smart System Display                            Subpart B (2000)                                              rev. 1

                                                             Appendix A

                                                 Crane Smart System Display

                                               Test Sample Description
                                 (from data provided by The Load & A2B Company Inc.)

Product Application                            Product Category
         Commercial 4                                    Telecommunications o                                                    Aerospace o
              Military o                             Information Technology 4                                         Test & Measurement o
                                                       Surface Transportation o                     Other o ________________________
Product Name
                                               Crane Smart Display
Part/Model No.
Serial Number
Power Requirements:
                                               12 - 14 VDC, 0.5 A
(Voltage, AC/DC, Hz, Current)
Typical Installation Instructions or
                                               See http://www.loada2b.com/CraneSmartCenter.htm

Ground Connection
(in addition to power cord)
Internally Generated Frequencies
                                               32.768 kHz, 9.834 MHz, 10.240 MHz, 10.245 MHz
Peripheral Support Equipment
                                               Load Cell, Angle Sensor, Anti-2-block Switch,

Description and number of
                                               DC power lead
interconnecting Leads & Cables

Brief Functional Description
                                               Crane operational monitor / safety system

                           This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without prior written approval of
                                                         MPB Technologies Inc.

Document Created: 2003-03-20 16:13:04
Document Modified: 2003-03-20 16:13:04

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