Test Report


Test Report

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                                     30-1000 MHz

                      Low Channel                     Mid Channel

                      High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                  Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                     Page 39 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                          Serial: 02

                                     1000-10000 MHz

                      Low Channel                       Mid Channel

                      High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                    Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                       Page 40 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                            Serial: 02

                                     10000-25000 MHz

                      Low Channel                       Mid Channel

                      High Channel

                                       Band Edges

                      Low Channel                       High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                    Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                       Page 41 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                            Serial: 02

                                     30-1000 MHz

                      Low Channel                     Mid Channel

                      High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                  Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                     Page 42 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                          Serial: 02

                                     1000-10000 MHz

                      Low Channel                       Mid Channel

                      High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                    Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                       Page 43 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                            Serial: 02

                                     10000-25000 MHz

                      Low Channel                       Mid Channel

                      High Channel

                                       Band Edges

                      Low Channel                       High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                    Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                       Page 44 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                            Serial: 02

                                     30-1000 MHz

                      Low Channel                     Mid Channel

                      High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                  Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                     Page 45 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                          Serial: 02

                                     1000-10000 MHz

                      Low Channel                       Mid Channel

                      High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                    Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                       Page 46 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                            Serial: 02

                                     10000-25000 MHz

                      Low Channel                       Mid Channel

                      High Channel

                                       Band Edges

                      Low Channel                       High Channel

Company: Kohler Co.                                    Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                       Page 47 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                            Serial: 02

5.1.5 Antenna Port Conducted Emissions – Frequency Stability

 Operator              Shane Dock
 Test Date             11/8/18

 Location              Conducted RF Area
 Temp. / R.H.          70 degrees F/ 23% RH
                       FCC: 2.1055 (d)
                       IC: RSS-GEN 6.11
 Method                ANSI C63.10 Section 6.8

Test Parameters

 Frequency             2412-2462 MHz
 Settings              Voltage range of 10.2-13.8 VDC. EUT in CW mode.

  Channel            10.2 VDC      12.0 VDC       13.8 VDC        Deviation
                    Frequency     Frequency      Frequency          (Hz)
                       (Hz)           (Hz)          (Hz)
    Low         2411992391       2411981624      2411982991        10767
    Mid         2436989925       2436989481      2436989075         850
    High        2461992141       2461979641      2461982024        12500

 Company: Kohler Co.                                                          Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A                                 Page 48 of 64               Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                                                  Serial: 02

5.2    Radiated Emissions

                       The frequency spectrum is investigated for intentional and / or unintentional signals
                       emanating from the EUT by use of a standardized test site and measurement

                The antenna, cable, pre-amp, and other necessary measurement system correction
                factors are loaded onto the EMI receiver / spectrum analyzer when the
 Description of
                measurements are performed allowing the data to be gathered and reported as
                corrected values.

                       The maximum emissions from the EUT are determined by turn-table azimuth
                       rotation (360°) and scanning of the measurement antenna. Maximized levels are
                       noted at degree values of azimuth, measurement antenna height, and measurement
                       antenna polarity.

                       Measurement (dBµV) + Cable factor (dB) + Other (dB) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) =
                       Corrected Reading (dBµV/m)

 Example               Margin (dB) = Limit (dBµV/m) - Corrected Reading (dBµV/m)
 Calculations          Example at 4000 MHz:
                       Reading = 40 dBµV + 3.4 dB + 0.9 dB + 6.5 dB/m = 50.8 dBµV/m
                       Average Limit = 20 log (500) = 54 dBµV/m
                       Margin = 54 dBµV/m - 50.8 dBµV/m = 3.2 dB

Block Diagram

                            Receiver /
                                                    Antenna                                    EUT

 Company: Kohler Co.                                                       Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A                                  Page 49 of 64           Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                                               Serial: 02

5.2.1 Radiated Emissions

 Operator              Jon Dilley

 QA                    Shane Dock

 Test Date             10/30/18 – 11/29/18

 Location              Chamber 3, Chamber 5

 Temp. / R.H.          22.5 degrees C/ 42% RH

                       FCC: 15.247 (d)
                       IC: RSS-GEN 8.10

 Method                ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.3, 6.5, 6.6

                              30-88 MHz           88-216 MHz         216 – 960 MHz             960+ MHz
  Field Strength                 100                  150                 200                     500
  Field Strength                    40.0               43.5                46.0                       54.0
Test Parameters

 Frequency             30-25000 MHz

 Distance              3 meters
 Settings              Unit tested at low, mid, and high channels.
                       RBW = 120kHz, VBW = 1.2 MHz (<1 GHz)
                       RBW = 1 MHz, VBW = 3 MHZ (>1 GHz) .
                       Average measurements taken with a VBW greater than 1/on time (s) of the
                       transmission (calculated for each data rate.
 EUT                   Unit tested and measured in three orientations.
                       Measurements taken in restricted bands. For measurements above 1 GHz, antenna
                       used with a tilt gear to keep EUT within the cone of radiation. Absorbers were also
 Notes                 added to the floor of the chamber while measuring emissions above 1 GHz.

                       Emissions below 1 GHz are not a function of the transmitter.
                       Limit (dBμV) = 20* Log[ Limit (μV) ]
 Example               40 = 20* log (100)
 Calculation           Raw Data + Antenna Factor + Cable Factor = Reported Data
                       19.77 dBμV + 12.50 dB/m + 0.93 dB = 38.80 dBμV/m

 Company: Kohler Co.                                                       Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A                                   Page 50 of 64          Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                                               Serial: 02


                    Date : 8-Aug-2018                                         Test : Tx Spurious Emissions                                             Job : C-3047

                     PE : Shane Dock                                     Customer : Kohler                                                        Quote : 318219

 No.        Asset                           Description             Manufacturer              Model              Serial         Cal Date    Cal Due Date      Equipment Status
 1     EE 960085          Analyzer - EMI Receiver                 Agilent             N9038A              MY51210148         4/24/2018     4/24/2019       Active Calibration
 2     AA 960081          Antenna - Double Ridge Horn             EMCO                3115                6907               4/16/2018     4/16/2019       Active Calibration
 3     AA 960154          Filter - High Pass 2.4 GHz              KWM                 HPF-L-14186         7272-02            4/25/2018     4/25/2019       Active Calibration
 4     AA 960176          Cable                                   A.H. Systems, Inc.SAC-26G-6             395                6/4/2018      6/4/2019        Active Verification
 5     AA 960174          Antenna - Small Horn                    ETS Lindgren        3116C-PA            00206880           5/15/2018     5/15/2019       Active Calibration
 6     EE 960085          Analyzer - EMI Receiver                 Agilent             N9038A              MY51210148         4/24/2018     4/24/2019       Active Calibration
 7     AA 960195          Antenna - Log Periodic                  A.H. Systems, Inc.SAS-512-2             557                1/30/2018     1/30/2019       Active Calibration
 8     AA 960150          Antenna - Biconical                     ETS Lindgren        3110B               0003-3346          4/20/2018     4/20/2019       Active Calibration
 9     AA 960007          Antenna - Double Ridge Horn             EMCO                3115                9311-4138          9/12/2018     9/12/2019       Active Calibration
 10 EE 960160             Antenna - Low Noise Amplifier           Mini-Circuits       ZVA-213X-S+         977711030          9/12/2018     9/12/2019       Active Calibration
 11 EE 960088             Analyzer - EMI Receiver                 Agilent             N9038A              MY51210138         4/24/2018     4/24/2019       Active Calibration

Table (4-25 GHz)

 Frequency           Height       Azimuth             Peak       Peak             Peak          Average          Average     Average       Antenna             EUT               Channel
   (MHz)              (cm)        (degree)           Reading     Limit            Margin        Reading           Limit      Margin        Polarity         Orientation
                                                    (dBµV/m)   (dBµV/m)            (dB)        (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)      (dB)

     4924.0          100.0           60.0              47.3     74.0               26.7          41.5            54.0          12.5        Horizontal            Side              11
     4924.0          150.0          176.5              47.1     74.0               26.9          40.8            54.0          13.3        Vertical              Side              11
     4874.0          110.0           60.0              48.9     74.0               25.1          43.2            54.0          10.8        Horizontal            Side              6
     4874.0          190.0          187.0              47.7     74.0               26.3          41.9            54.0          12.1        Vertical              Side              6
     4874.0          137.9          183.3              47.8     74.0               26.2          41.7            54.0          12.3        Vertical           Vertical             6
     4874.0          223.4          171.5              48.5     74.0               25.5          42.9            54.0          11.1        Horizontal         Vertical             6
     4874.0          235.5          150.8              48.9     74.0               25.1          43.5            54.0          10.5        Horizontal            Flat              6
     4874.0          118.9          308.3              48.0     74.0               26.0          42.2            54.0          11.8        Vertical              Flat              6
     4824.0          100.0          155.5              46.9     74.0               27.1          40.4            54.0          13.6        Horizontal            Flat              1
     4924.0          315.0          148.3              47.9     74.0               26.1          42.1            54.0          11.9        Horizontal            Flat              11

 Company: Kohler Co.                                                                                                      Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A                                                                 Page 51 of 64                           Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                                                                                              Serial: 02

Table (Band Edges)
Lower Band Edge (2310 - 2390 MHz)
 Da ta Rate        Pea k          Pea k        Pea k Limit      Pea k       Avera ge         Avera ge       Avera ge   Avera ge
               Mea s urement   Mea s urement   (dBuV/m)        Ma rgi n   Mea s urement    Mea s urement     Li mi t   Ma rgi n
                Frequency       (dBuV/m)                        (dB)       Frequency        (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                  (MHz)                                                      (MHz)

  1 MBPS            2386.5         51.8           74.0           13.2        2386.8                44.6      54.0         9.4
 11 MBPS            2387.3         51.9           74.0           13.1        2386.8                44.6      54.0         9.4
  6 MBPS            2388.9         63.9           74.0           10.1        2390.0                43.7      54.0        10.3
 54 MBPS            2389.9         63.9           74.0           10.1        2389.5                48.5      54.0         5.5
   MCS0             2389.1         64.8           74.0           9.2         2389.7                44.9      54.0         9.1
   MCS7             2389.1         65.5           74.0           8.5         2389.8                49.5      54.0         4.5
   HT40             2387.9         63.8           74.0           10.2        2389.2                48.4      54.0         5.6
   HT40             2386.5         67.5           74.0           6.5         2389.4                53.1      54.0         0.9

Upper Band Edge (2483.5 – 2500 MHz)
 Da ta Rate        Pea k          Pea k        Pea k Li mit     Pea k       Avera ge         Avera ge       Avera ge   Avera ge
               Mea surement    Mea surement    (dBuV/m)        Ma rgi n   Mea surement     Mea surement      Li mi t   Ma rgi n
                Frequency       (dBuV/m)                        (dB)       Frequency        (dBuV/m)       (dBuV/m)      (dB)
                  (MHz)                                                      (MHz)
  1 MBPS            2485.3         52.0           74.0           22.0        2487.5                43.8      54.0        10.2
  11 MBPS           2488.8         52.6           74.0           21.4        2487.2                44.7      54.0        9.3
  6 MBPS            2483.8         65.1           74.0            8.9        2483.7                43.2      54.0        10.8
  54 MBPS           2483.8         65.7           74.0            8.3        2483.5                49.4      54.0        4.6
   MCS0             2483.6         66.6           74.0            7.4        2483.5                45.0      54.0        9.0
   MCS7             2484.0         65.1           74.0            8.9        2483.7                49.9      54.0        4.1
   HT40             2483.8         68.2           74.0            5.8        2483.6                50.9      54.0        3.1
   HT40             2483.9         64.9           74.0            9.1        2483.7                45.5      54.0        8.5
   HT40             2483.7         58.7           74.0           15.3        2484.5                47.3      54.0        6.7

 Company: Kohler Co.                                                                  Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A                                        Page 52 of 64                Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                                                          Serial: 02

Plots (Worst-Case Shown)

         30-200 MHz (Vertical Polarization)                   200-1000 MHz (Vertical Polarization)

 1000-2310 MHz (Vertical Polarization, Reduced         2500 – 4000 MHz (Vertical Polarization, Reduced
                    BW)                                                    BW)

  4-18 GHz (Vertical Polarization, Reduced BW)          18-25 GHz (Vertical Polarization, Reduced BW)

Company: Kohler Co.                                                     Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                              Page 53 of 64             Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                                             Serial: 02

Band-Edge Plots (Average)

                      1 MBPS LBE                      1 MBPS UBE

                      11 MBPS LBE                    11 MBPS UBE

                      6 MBPS LBE                      6 MBPS UBE

Company: Kohler Co.                                 Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                    Page 54 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                         Serial: 02

                      54 MBPS LBE                    54 MBPS UBE

                       MCS0 LBE                        MCS0 UBE

                       MCS7 LBE                        MCS7 UBE

Company: Kohler Co.                                 Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                    Page 55 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                         Serial: 02

                      HT40 MCS0 LBE                      HT40 MCS0 UBE (2442 MHz)

              HT40 MCS0 UBE (2437 MHz)

                      HT40 MCS7 LBE                           HT40 MCS7 UBE

Company: Kohler Co.                                           Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                         Page 56 of 64        Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                                   Serial: 02

Band-Edge Plots (Peak)

                      1 MBPS LBE                      1 MBPS UBE

                      11 MBPS LBE                    11 MBPS UBE

                      6 MBPS LBE                      6 MBPS UBE

Company: Kohler Co.                                 Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                    Page 57 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                         Serial: 02

                      54 MBPS LBE                    54 MBPS UBE

                       MCS0 LBE                        MCS0 UBE

                       MCS7 LBE                        MCS7 UBE

Company: Kohler Co.                                 Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                    Page 58 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                         Serial: 02

                      HT40 MCS0 LBE                      HT40 MCS0 UBE (2442 MHz)

              HT40 MCS0 UBE (2437 MHz)

                      HT40 MCS7 LBE                           HT40 MCS7 UBE

Company: Kohler Co.                                           Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                         Page 59 of 64        Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                                   Serial: 02

5.3    AC Mains Conducted Emissions

                       A line impedance stabilization network (LISN) or artificial mains network (AMN)
                       allows the emissions of the power supply conductors to be measured while isolating
                       the EUT from the supply mains.

                The AMN, cable, and other necessary measurement system correction factors are
 Description of loaded onto the EMI receiver when the measurements are performed. The data is
                gathered and reported as the corrected values.

                       Maximum emissions are determined with a peak max hold trace then measurements
                       at a selection of the highest points are made with quasi-peak and average detectors.
                       Results are recorded and compared to limit for each line. (e.g. line and neutral)

 Example               Measurement (dBµV) + Cable factor (dB) + Other (dB) = Corrected Reading (dBµV)
 Calculations          Margin (dB) = Limit (dBµV) - Corrected Reading (dBµV)

Block Diagram

                                             AMN                                          EMI
                         EUT                                       Cable                Receiver

 Company: Kohler Co.                                                       Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A                                  Page 60 of 64           Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                                               Serial: 02

5.3.1 AC Mains Conducted Emissions

       Operator                  Jon Dilley                                                    QA              Shane Dock

 Temperature                     22.2 degrees C                                            R.H. %              30.9%

       Test Date                 4/10/2019                                                Location             Conducted Emissions Bench

                                 FCC 15.207
 Requirement                                                                              Method               ANSI C63.10

       Frequency Range                              Quasi-Peak (dBµV)                         Average (dBµV)
          0.15 -0.50                                      79.0                                      66.0
          0.50 – 30.0                                     73.0                                      60.0

Test Parameters

     Frequency                   150 kHz – 30 MHz                                         Distance             40 cm from VCP
     Detector(s)                 Quasi-Peak, Average                                  Table height             80 cm
         RBW                     9 kHz                                                        VBW              90 kHz
  Example                        Raw Data + Cable Factor = Reported Data
 Calculations                    19.77 dBμV + 0.93 dB = 38.80 dBμV


                    Date : 8-Aug-2018                                    Test : Conducted AC Mains                                           Job : C-3047

                     PE : Shane Dock                                 Customer : Kohler                                                  Quote : 318219

 No.        Asset                          Description           Manufacturer         Model           Serial          Cal Date    Cal Due Date      Equipment Status
 1     EE 960162          LISN                               COM-POWER          LI-215A          191969            4/23/2018     4/23/2019       Active Calibration
 2     EE 960085          Analyzer - EMI Receiver            Agilent            N9038A           MY51210148        4/24/2018     4/24/2019       Active Calibration

 Company: Kohler Co.                                                                                            Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A                                                        Page 61 of 64                          Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                                                                                    Serial: 02

EUT Parameters
                                                                   Tx Mode (Low Channel is worst-
 Input Power        120 VAC, 60 Hz                       Mode

 Line    Frequency         Q-Peak    Q-Peak       Quasi-        Average         Average       Average
           (MHz)           Reading    Limit        Peak         Reading          Limit        Margin
                           (dBμV)    (dBμV)       Margin        (dBμV)          (dBμV)          (dB)
   1            0.154       53.6      65.8         12.2          41.0            55.8          14.8
   1            0.379       51.0      58.3          7.3          42.0            48.3           6.3
   1           15.957       38.3      60.0         21.7          31.2            50.0          18.8
   2            0.159       54.3      65.5         11.2          41.2            55.5          14.3
   2            0.374       52.2      58.4          6.2          43.3            48.4           5.1
   2           10.343       37.3      60.0         22.7          29.0            50.0          21.0

 Company: Kohler Co.                                               Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A                        Page 62 of 64             Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                                       Serial: 02


                       Line 1                         Line 2

 Company: Kohler Co.                            Name: DTV Konnect Module
 Report: 318219 A               Page 63 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
 Job: C-3047                                    Serial: 02

Version              Date     Notes                                     Person
  V0               12/10/18   Rough Draft                               Shane Dock
  V1               12/11/18   Updated Draft                             Shane Dock
  V2               12/12/18   Final Draft                               Shane Dock
  V3                5/1/19    Further Revisions                         Shane Dock
  V4                5/2/19    TCB comments addressed                    Shane Dock
  V5                5/3/19    Third Review                              Shane Dock

                                      END OF REPORT

Company: Kohler Co.                                        Name: DTV Konnect Module
Report: 318219 A                           Page 64 of 64   Model: K-97999-NA
Job: C-3047                                                Serial: 02

Document Created: 2019-05-03 13:16:08
Document Modified: 2019-05-03 13:16:08

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