(TF810C) TestRpt_BT_part2


Test Report

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                                                                             Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

7.     Channel Number

7.1.   Test Equipment
                 Equipment               Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.          Last Cal.
                Spectrum Analyzer             R&S                FSP40 / 100170              Jun, 2012
                Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           E4407B / US39440758            Jun, 2012
        X       Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           N9010A / MY48030495           Apr., 2012
       Note:    1. All equipments are calibrated every one year.
                2. The test instruments marked by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

7.2.   Test Setup

                                   RF Cable
                  EUT                                                                 Spectrum

7.3.   Limit
       Frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400-2483.5 MHz bands shall use at least 75 hopping

7.4.   Test Procedure
       The EUT was setup to ANSI C63.4, 2003; tested to FHSS test procedure of FCC Public Notice DA
       00-705 for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements.

7.5.   Uncertainty

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                                                                         Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

7.6.   Test Result of Channel Number
       Product       :    ASUS Tablet
       Test Item     :    Channel Number
       Test Site     :    No.3 OATS
       Test Mode     :    Mode 1: Transmit - 1Mbps (GFSK)

        Frequency Range          Measurement           Required Limit
             (MHz)            (Hopping Channel)      (Hopping Channel)
          2402 ~ 2480                79                     >75                   Pass

            2402-2421MHz                                     2422-2441MHz

            2442-2461MHz                                     2462-2480MHz

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                                                                  Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

Product       :    ASUS Tablet
Test Item     :    Channel Number
Test Site     :    No.3 OATS
Test Mode     :    Mode 2: Transmit - 3Mbps (8DPSK)

 Frequency Range          Measurement           Required Limit
      (MHz)            (Hopping Channel)      (Hopping Channel)
   2402 ~ 2480                79                      >75                  Pass

     2402-2421MHz                                      2422-2441MHz

     2442-2461MHz                                      2462-2480MHz

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                                                                              Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

8.     Channel Separation

8.1.   Test Equipment
                  Equipment               Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.             Last Cal.
                 Spectrum Analyzer            R&S                 FSP40 / 100170              Jun, 2012
                 Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           E4407B / US39440758            Jun, 2012
        X        Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           N9010A / MY48030495           Apr., 2012
       Note:   1. All equipments are calibrated every one year.
               2. The test instruments mark by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

8.2.   Test Setup

                                   RF Cable
                  EUT                                                                  Spectrum

8.3.   Limit
       Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping channel carrier frequencies separated by a minimum
       of 25 kHz or the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater.

8.4.   Test Procedure
       The EUT was setup to ANSI C63.4, 2003; tested to FHSS test procedure of FCC Public Notice DA
       00-705 for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements.

8.5.   Uncertainty
       ± 150Hz

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                                                                                Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

8.6.       Test Result of Channel Separation
           Product        :    ASUS Tablet
           Test Item      :    Channel Separation
           Test Site      :    No.3 OATS
           Test Mode      :    Mode 1: Transmit - 1Mbps (GFSK)

                                               Measurement         Limit    Limit of (2/3)*20dB
         Channel No.                              Level                                           Result
                               (MHz)                               (kHz)     Bandwidth (kHz)
               00               2402               1000           >25 kHz         746.7           Pass
               39               2441               1000           >25 kHz         753.3           Pass
               78               2480               1000           >25 kHz         753.3           Pass
       NOTE:    The 20dB Bandwidth is refer to section 10.

                                             Channel 00 2402MHz

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                      Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

Channel 39 2441MHz

Channel 78 2480 MHz

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                                                                         Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

   Product       :    ASUS Tablet
   Test Item     :    Channel Separation
   Test Site     :    No.3 OATS
   Test Mode     :    Mode 2: Transmit - 3Mbps (8DPSK)

                                      Measurement          Limit    Limit of (2/3)*20dB
Channel No.                               Level                                           Result
                       (MHz)                               (kHz)     Bandwidth (kHz)
    00                 2402               1000            >25 kHz         940.0           Pass
    39                 2441               1000            >25 kHz         946.7           Pass
    78                 2480               1000            >25 kHz         946.7           Pass
NOTE:    The 20dB Bandwidth is refer to section 10.

                                            Channel 00 2402MHz

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                      Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

Channel 39 2441MHz

Channel 78 2480 MHz

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                                                                              Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

9.     Dwell Time

9.1.   Test Equipment
                  Equipment               Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.          Last Cal.
                 Spectrum Analyzer            R&S                 FSP40 / 100170              Jun, 2012
                 Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           E4407B / US39440758            Jun, 2012
        X        Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           N9010A / MY48030495           Apr., 2012
       Note:   1. All equipments are calibrated every one year.
               2. The test instruments marked by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

9.2.   Test Setup

                                   RF Cable
                  EUT                                                                  Spectrum

9.3.   Limit
       The dwell time shall be the average time of occupancy on any frequency shall not be greater than 0.4
       seconds within a 30 second period.

9.4.   Test Procedure
       The EUT was setup to ANSI C63.4, 2003; tested to FHSS test procedure of FCC Public Notice DA
       00-705 for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements.

9.5.   Uncertainty
       ± 25msec

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                                                                             Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

9.6.     Test Result of Dwell Time
         Product        :    ASUS Tablet
         Test Item      :    Dwell Time
         Test Site      :    No.3 OATS
         Test Mode      :    Mode 1: Transmit - 1Mbps (GFSK) (Channel 00,39,78 –DH5)

               Time slot
Frequency                   Hopping of   Sweep time                    Dwell Time    Limit
                 length                                Duty cycle                              Result
  (MHz)                      Number        (ms)                          (Sec)       (Sec)
  2402          2.890          13            50           0.75            0.301       0.4       Pass
  2441          2.880          13            50           0.75            0.300       0.4       Pass
  2480          2.890          13            50           0.75            0.301       0.4       Pass
Duty cycle =((Time slot length(ms)*Hopping of Number) / Sweep time (ms)
Dwell time =   (Duty cycle /79) * (79*0.4)

CH 00 Time Interval between hops                                 CH 00 Transmission Time

CH39 Time Interval between hops                                  CH 39Transmission Time

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                                                                            Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

CH 78 Time Interval between hops                               CH 78 Transmission Time

The dwell times of the packet type of DH1, DH3, and DH5 are tested. Only the worst case is shown on the

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                                                                             Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

         Product        :    ASUS Tablet
         Test Item      :    Dwell Time
         Test Site      :    No.3 OATS
         Test Mode      :    Mode 2: Transmit - 3Mbps (8DPSK) (Channel 00,39,78 –DH5)

               Time slot
Frequency                   Hopping of   Sweep time                    Dwell Time    Limit
                 length                                Duty cycle                              Result
  (MHz)                      Number        (ms)                          (Sec)       (Sec)
  2402          2.890          13            50           0.75            0.301       0.4       Pass
  2441          2.890          13            50           0.75            0.301       0.4       Pass
  2480          2.890          13            50           0.75            0.301       0.4       Pass
Duty cycle =((Time slot length(ms)*Hopping of Number) / Sweep time (ms)
Dwell time =   (Duty cycle /79) * (79*0.4)

CH 00 Time Interval between hops                                 CH 00 Transmission Time

CH39 Time Interval between hops                                  CH 39Transmission Time

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                                                                            Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

CH 78 Time Interval between hops                               CH 78 Transmission Time

The dwell times of the packet type of DH1, DH3, and DH5 are tested. Only the worst case is shown on the

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                                                                                Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

10.     Occupied Bandwidth (20dB BW)

10.1.   Test Equipment
                   Equipment                Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.          Last Cal.
                   Spectrum Analyzer            R&S                 FSP40 / 100170              Jun, 2012
                   Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           E4407B / US39440758            Jun, 2012
         X         Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           N9010A / MY48030495           Apr., 2012
        Note:    1. All equipments are calibrated every one year.
                 2. The test instruments marked by “X” are used to measure the final test results.

10.2.   Test Setup

                                     RF Cable
                    EUT                                                                  Spectrum

10.3.   Limits

10.4.   Test Procedure
        The EUT was setup to ANSI C63.4, 2003; tested to FHSS test procedure of FCC Public Notice DA
        00-705 for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements.

10.5.   Uncertainty
        ± 150Hz

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                                                                     Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

10.6.   Test Result of Occupied Bandwidth
        Product       :   ASUS Tablet
        Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
        Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
        Test Mode     :   Mode 1: Transmit - 1Mbps (GFSK)(2402MHz)

                          Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
        Channel No.                                                              Result
                            (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
             00             2402               1120                --              NA

Figure Channel 00:

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                                                                     Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

        Product       :   ASUS Tablet
        Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
        Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
        Test Mode     :   Mode 1: Transmit - 1Mbps (GFSK)(2441MHz)

                          Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
        Channel No.                                                              Result
                            (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
            39               2441             1130                 --              NA

Figure Channel 39:

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                                                                     Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

        Product       :   ASUS Tablet
        Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
        Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
        Test Mode     :   Mode 1: Transmit - 1Mbps (GFSK)(2480MHz)

                          Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
        Channel No.                                                              Result
                            (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
             78              2480             1130                 --              NA

Figure Channel 78:

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                                                                       Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

        Product       :   ASUS Tablet
        Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
        Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
        Test Mode     :   Mode 2: Transmit - 3Mbps (8DPSK) (2402MHz)

                          Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
        Channel No.                                                                Result
                            (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
             00             2402               1410                --                NA

Figure Channel 00:

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                                                                       Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

        Product       :   ASUS Tablet
        Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
        Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
        Test Mode     :   Mode 2: Transmit - 3Mbps (8DPSK) (2441MHz)

                          Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
        Channel No.                                                                Result
                            (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
            39               2442             1420                 --                NA

Figure Channel 39:

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                                                                      Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

        Product       :   ASUS Tablet
        Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
        Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
        Test Mode     :   Mode 2: Transmit - 3Mbps (8DPSK)(2480MHz)

                          Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
        Channel No.                                                               Result
                            (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
             78              2480             1420                 --               NA

Figure Channel 78:

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                                                                               Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

11.     Occupied Bandwidth (6dB BW)

11.1.   Test Equipment
                   Equipment               Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.          Last Cal.
                  Spectrum Analyzer            R&S                 FSP40 / 100170              Jun, 2012
                  Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           E4407B / US39440758            Jun, 2012
          X       Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent           N9010A / MY48030495           Apr., 2012

        1. All equipments are calibrated with traceable calibrations. Each calibration is traceable to the
            national or international standards.
        2. The test instruments marked with “X” are used to measure the final test results.

11.2.   Test Setup

                                    RF Cable
                   EUT                                                                  Spectrum

11.3.   Limits
        The minimum bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

11.4.   Test Procedure
        The EUT was setup according to ANSI C63.4, 2003; tested according to DTS test procedure of Jan.
        2012 KDB558074 for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements.
        Set RBW = 1-5% of the emission bandwidth, VBW≥3*RBW

11.5.   Uncertainty
         ± 150Hz

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                                                                      Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

11.6.   Test Result of Occupied Bandwidth
        Product       :   ASUS Tablet
        Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
        Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
        Test Mode     :   Mode 3: Transmit - BLE (GFSK) (2402MHz)

                          Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
        Channel No.                                                               Result
                            (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
             00             2402              944.3                 >500           Pass

                                        Figure Channel 00:

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                                                              Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

Product       :   ASUS Tablet
Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
Test Mode     :   Mode 3: Transmit - BLE (GFSK) (2440MHz)

                  Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
Channel No.                                                               Result
                    (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
     19             2440              945.9                 >500           Pass

                                Figure Channel 19:

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                                                              Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

Product       :   ASUS Tablet
Test Item     :   Occupied Bandwidth Data
Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
Test Mode     :   Mode 3: Transmit - BLE (GFSK) (2480MHz)

                  Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
Channel No.                                                               Result
                    (MHz)            (kHz)               (kHz)
     39             2480              947.3                 >500           Pass

                                Figure Channel 39:

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                                                                                Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

12.     Power Density

12.1.   Test Equipment
                    Equipment               Manufacturer          Model No./Serial No.          Last Cal.
                   Spectrum Analyzer             R&S                FSP40 / 100170              Jun, 2012
                   Spectrum Analyzer            Agilent          E4407B / US39440758            Jun, 2012
         X         Spectrum Analyzer            Agilent          N9010A / MY48030495           Apr., 2012

          1.     All equipments are calibrated with traceable calibrations. Each calibration is traceable to the
                 national or international standards.
          2.     The test instruments marked with “X” are used to measure the final test results.

12.2.   Test Setup

                                        RF Cable
                       EUT                                                                Spectrum

12.3.   Limits
        The transmitted power density averaged over any 1 second interval shall not be greater +8dBm in any
        3kHz bandwidth.

12.4.Test Procedure
        The EUT was setup according to ANSI C63.4, 2003; tested according to DTS test procedure of Jan.
        2012 KDB558074 for compliance to FCC 47CFR 15.247 requirements.
        Set RBW= 100 kHz, VBW≥300KHz, SPAN to 5-30 % greater than the EBW,
        Scale the observed power level to an equivalent value in 3 kHz by adjusting (reducing) the
        measured power by a bandwidth correction factor (BWCF) where BWCF = 10log (3 kHz/100
        kHz = -15.2 dB).

12.5.   Uncertainty
         ± 1.27 dB

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                                                                    Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

12.6.   Test Result of Power Density
        Product       :   ASUS Tablet
        Test Item     :   Power Density Data
        Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
        Test Mode     :   Mode 3: Transmit - BLE (GFSK) (2402MHz)

                          Frequency      Measure Level           Limit
        Channel No.                                                              Result
                            (MHz)           (dBm)               (dBm)
            00              2402             -11.747           < 8dBm             Pass

                                         Figure Channel 00:

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                                                             Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

Product       :   ASUS Tablet
Test Item     :   Power Density Data
Test Site     :   No.3OATS
Test Mode     :   Mode 3: Transmit - BLE (GFSK) (2440MHz)

                  Frequency     Measurement Level     Required Limit
Channel No.                                                              Result
                    (MHz)            (dBm)               (dBm)
    19              2440             -11.737             < 8dBm           Pass

                                 Figure Channel 19:

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                                                            Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

Product       :   ASUS Tablet
Test Item     :   Power Density Data
Test Site     :   No.3 OATS
Test Mode     :   Mode 3: Transmit - BLE (GFSK) (2480MHz)

                  Frequency     Measurement Level    Required Limit
Channel No.                                                             Result
                    (MHz)            (dBm)              (dBm)
    39              2480             -11.986            < 8dBm           Pass

                                Figure Channel 39:

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                                                           Report No. 126213R-RFUSP43V01

13.   EMI Reduction Method During Compliance Testing

      No modification was made during testing.

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Document Created: 2012-07-20 10:14:01
Document Modified: 2012-07-20 10:14:01

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