Test Report 1 AD

FCC ID: M5VG031504

Test Report

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                                                                                                                                          EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
                                                                                                                                                       PO Box 68-307
                                                                                                                                                   Newton, Auckland
                                                                                                                                                   Phone 09 360 0862
                                                                                                                                                      Fax 09 360 0861
                                                                                                                                  E-Mail Address: aucklab@ihug.co.nz
                                                                                                                                      Web Site: www.emctech.com.au

                                                              TEST REPORT

                        Gallagher R Series (G03113) Smart Reader with
                            Sheep Crate Drafter (G05714) Antenna
                                                                                  tested to

                                               47 Code of Federal Regulations

                                           Part 15 - Radio Frequency Devices

                                           Subpart C – Intentional Radiators


                                                             Gallagher Group Ltd

     This Test Report is issued with the authority of: ______________________________
                                                        Andrew Cutler - General Manager


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                                                         This report may not be reproduced except in full.

                                                            Table of Contents

1.          STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE                                                                                                                                            3

2.          RESULTS SUMMARY                                                                                                                                                    3

3.          INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                       4

4.          CLIENT INFORMATION                                                                                                                                                 4

5.          DESCRIPTION OF TEST SAMPLE                                                                                                                                         5

6.          RESULTS                                                                                                                                                            6

7.          TEST EQUIPMENT USED                                                                                                                                                15

8.        ACCREDITATIONS                                                                                                                                                       15

9.          PHOTOGRAPH (S)                                                                                                                                                     16


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The Gallagher R Series (G03113) Smart Reader with Sheep Crate Drafter (G05714)
Antenna complies with FCC Part 15 Subpart C as an Intentional Radiator when the methods
as described in ANSI C63.4 - 2003 are applied.

2.            RESULTS SUMMARY
  Clause                   Parameter                                                           Result
  15.201                   Equipment authorisation                                             Certification required.
  15.203                   Antenna requirement                                                 Complies. Antenna connects externally to
                                                                                               the device and has a unique non standard

  15.204                   External PA                        and           antenna Noted.

  15.205                   Restricted bands of operation                                       Complies. Device transmits on 134.2 kHz
                                                                                               with an occupied bandwidth of 725 Hz

  15.207                   Conducted limits                                                    Complies. No emissions detected within
                                                                                               20 dB of the limit.

  15.209                   Radiated emission limits -                                          Complies with a 18.6 dB margin (average)
                           Fundamental                                                         at 134.2 kHz (extrapolated to 300 m).

  15.209                   Radiated emission limits -                                          Complies with a 0.9 dB margin at 671.000
                           Spurious emissions <30 MHz                                          kHz (average)

  15.209                   Radiated emission limits –                                          Complies with a 0 dB margin at 137.460
                           Spurious emissions >30 MHz                                          MHz (Horizontal)


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3.            INTRODUCTION
This report describes the tests and measurements performed for the purpose of determining
compliance with the specification.

The client selected the test sample.

This report relates only to the sample tested.

This report contains no corrections or erasures.

Measurement uncertainties with statistical confidence intervals of 95% are shown below test
results. Both Class A and Class B uncertainties have been accounted for, as well as influence
uncertainties where appropriate.

This report replaces report number 110629.1 in order to address issues raised during the FCC
certification process relating to the calculation of the field strength on 134.2 kHz.

Company Name                               Gallagher Group Ltd

Address                                    Private Bag 3026

City                                       Hamilton 3240

Country                                    New Zealand

Contact                                    Mr Murray Long


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Brand Name                                         Gallagher

Product                                            R Series (G03113)

Model Number                                       Smart Reader

Serial Number                                      XTESTIDX

Antenna                                            Sheep Crate Drafter (G05714) Antenna

Serial Number                                      Not serialised

Manufacturer                                       Gallagher Group Ltd

Country of Origin                                  New Zealand

Power Supply                                      FranMar FRA050-S12-8 AC Adaptor

Serial Number                                      Not serialised

FCC ID                                             Not yet determined

The system that was tested was an integrated animal management device that included
   - A Sheep Crate Drafter
   - A BR Series Smart Reader
   - A Gallagher Weight Station Device

Typically an animal would be herded into this device and then held by the drafting device
which the animal tag is read, the animal is weighed and any other animal management
activities are undertaken while it is in-capacitated.

The Smart Reader is operated using an external AC power supply and had previously been
tested and certified using different types of antenna.


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6.            RESULTS

The sample was tested in accordance with 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C.

Methods and Procedures

The measurement methods and procedures as described in ANSI C63.4 - 2003 were used.

Section 15.201: Equipment authorisation requirement

Certification as detailed in Subpart J of Part 2 is required for this device.

Section 15.203: Antenna requirement

This device operates with an external antenna using a unique custom connector.

The antenna panels form the sides of the sheep crate drafter.

Result: Complies.

Section 15.204: External radio frequency power amplifiers and antenna modifications

It is not possible to attach an external power amplifier to this transmitter.

Result: Complies.


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Section 15.205: Restricted bands of operation

The transmitter transmits on 134.2 kHz as detailed

This falls between the restricted bands of 90 –110 kHz and 495 – 505 kHz.

Using a spectrum analyser the occupied bandwidth of the system has been determined when
transmitting at maximum power continuously.

The occupied bandwidth as been measured at the -23 dBm points either side of the observed
emission which equates to the 99% emission bandwidth.

A span of 10 kHz has been used with a resolution bandwidth of 100 Hz (1%) and a video
bandwidth of 300 Hz being employed.

The occupied bandwidth is 725 Hz.

Result: Complies.

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Section 15.107: Conducted limits

Conducted emission testing has been carried out when the device was powered at 120 Vac
using the supplied power supply.

Testing was carried out while the device was transmitting continuously with a sample antenna

Due to the size of the sheep crate and antennas it was not possible to test the reader when it
was installed however this has been deemed to be a worst case test.

Conducted emissions testing was carried out over the frequency range of 150 kHz to 30 MHz
at the Laboratory’s MacKelvie Street premises in a 2.4 m x 2.4 m x 2.4 m screened room.

Testing was carried out in accordance with section 15.207(a) using a measuring receiver and a
50 uH / 50 ohm artificial mains network which is also known as a line impedance stabilisation
network (LISN).

Measurements on both the phase and neutral lines were made using either a Quasi Peak or an
Average detector with a 9 kHz bandwidth.

The supplied conducted emission plot is a combined plot showing the worst case of the Peak,
Quasi Peak and Average levels for both phase and neutral.

The Class B conducted limits have been applied

Result: Complies
Measurement uncertainty with a confidence interval of 95% is:
Conducted emissions tests (0.15 - 30 MHz)  2.2 dB


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                                                    Conducted Emissions – AC Input Power Port

  Setup:           Device tested when transmitting continuously on 134.2 kHz when powered at 120 Vac using the
                   supplied AC adaptor.
                                                                                         Peak ---            Average --            Quasi Peak        X         Average +

    Level [dBµV]







         150k           300k            500k                     1M         2M                      3M              5M        7M 10M                                  30M
                                                                 Frequency [Hz]

Final Quasi-Peak Measurements
   Frequency               Level                                            Limit                      Margin                    Phase                      Rechecks
   MHz                     dBV                                             dBV                       dB                                                   dBV
 No emissions detected
 within 20 dB of the limit

Final Average Measurements
   Frequency               Level                                            Limit                      Margin                    Phase                      Rechecks
   MHz                     dBV                                             dBV                       dB                                                   dBV
 No emissions detected
 within 20 dB of the limit


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Section 15.209: Radiated emission limits, general requirements

Radiated emissions testing was carried out over the frequency range of 100 kHz to 1000 MHz.

Testing was carried out at the laboratory’s open area test site - located at Driving Creek, Orere
Point, Auckland, New Zealand.

This site conforms to the requirements of CISPR 16 and ANSI C63.4 - 2003.

Testing was carried out when the device was powered at 120 Vac using the supplied AC

The device was placed on top of the turntable with the Smart Reader being approximately 1
metre above the ground.

Attached to the Smart Reader RS-232 port was a Gallagher Weigh Scale device.

Low frequency measurements below 30 MHz were not made on the metallic ground plane but
on a grass test site at a distance of 10 metres using a magnetic loop antenna.

The centre of this loop antenna was placed 1 metre above the test site ground.

The Sheep Crate Drafter was manually positioned on the radial giving the highest field

Above 30 MHz testing was carried out at the test site using a metallic ground plane where
emissions were measured in both vertical and horizontal antenna polarisations.

When an emission is located, it is positively identified and its maximum level is found by
rotating the automated turntable, and by varying the antenna height, where appropriate, with
an automated antenna tower.

The emission level was determined in field strength by taking the following into

Level (dBV/m) = Receiver Reading (dBV) + Antenna Factor (dB) + Coax Loss (dB)


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Fundamental emission:

Measurements were made using a magnetic loop antenna and a receiver with an average
detector and a peak detector both using a 9 kHz bandwidth

Measurements were made at a distance of 10 metres with the limit being determined by using
the extrapolation factor of 40 dB per decade limit as detailed in section 15.31 f (2).

The average limit at 300 m at 134.2 kHz is 17.8 uV/m or 25 dBuV/m and 45 dBuV/m in peak.

  Frequency                 Detector               Distance Level   Limit  Margin
     kHz                                            metres dBuV/m (dBuV/m) (dB)
   134.200                  Average                   10     85.0    84.1   -0.9
   134.200                   Peak                     10     92.2   104.1   11.9

As the 10 metre measurements are over the limit additional calculations were made to
extrapolate the 10 metre measurements out to a distance of 300 metres based upon previous
measurements made on a similar device to determine the roll off factor.

The previous measurements were:
 Frequency Detector     10 m    30 m Roll off                                                                   Total
    kHz               dBuV/m dBuV/m    dB                                                                        dB
  134.200    Average    101.9   76.5  25.4                                                                      78.6
  134.200      Peak     109.4   84.4  25.0                                                                      77.4

This then gives the following result:
 Frequency Detector          10 m     Roll off  300m                                                                  Limit              Margin
                            Level               Level
    kHz                    dBuV/m       dB     dBuV/m                                                              dBuV/m                    dB
  134.200      Average       85.0      78.6      6.4                                                                 25.0                   18.6
  134.200        Peak        92.2      77.4      14.8                                                                45.0                   30.2

These levels were then extrapolated to give a level at 300 metres based upon the roll off
between 10m and 30 m which is 0.4771 of a decade with 10m to 300m being 1.4771 decades

Testing was also carried out to determine whether a variation in the supply voltage would
cause a significant change in field strength with the 120 Vac supply being varied by +/- 15%
between 102 Vac and 138 Vac.

         Voltage                      Field Strength
          (Vdc)                         (dBuV/m)
          102.0                            84.8
          120.0                            85.0
          138.0                            85.0

Result: Complies.
Measurement uncertainty with a confidence interval of 95% is:
- Free radiation tests      (100 kHz – 30 MHz)  4.8 dB


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Section 15.209: Spurious Emissions (below 30 MHz)

Magnetic loop measurements were made a distance of 10 metres.

At each frequency the measurement antenna was further adjusted to give the highest field

A receiver with an average detector and a peak detector using a 9 kHz bandwidth was used
between 110 – 490 kHz and a quasi peak detector with a 9 kHz bandwidth was used between
490 kHz – 30.0 MHz.

The 300 metre limit between 125 – 490 kHz has been scaled by a factor of 40 dB per decade,
as per section 15.31 (f) (2). The 30 metre limit between 490 – 1705 kHz has been scaled by a
factor of 40 dB per decade, as per section 15.31 (f) (2).

The limit between 110 – 490 kHz was increased by 20 dB when the peak detector was used.

The spurious emissions observed do not exceed the level of the fundament emission.

  Frequency Level                                 Limit                Margin                Detector                             Comment
     kHz    dBuV/m                               dBuV/m                 dB
   268.400    48.7                                 79.0                  -                  Average                              Noise floor
   268.400    58.5                                 99.0                  -                   Peak                                Noise floor
   402.600    46.4                                 75.5                  -                  Average                              Noise floor
   402.600    60.1                                 95.5                  -                   Peak                                Noise floor
   536.800   < 49                                  53.0                  -                 Quasi Peak                             Ambient
   671.000    50.2                                 51.1                 0.9                Quasi Peak
   805.200   < 45                                  49.5                  -                 Quasi Peak                             Ambient
   939.400   < 45                                  48.1                  -                 Quasi Peak                             Ambient
  1073.600   < 45                                  47.0                  -                 Quasi Peak                             Ambient
  1207.800   < 39                                  46.0                  -                 Quasi Peak                            Noise floor
  1342.000   < 34                                  45.0                  -                 Quasi Peak                            Noise floor
  1476.200   < 40                                  44.2                  -                 Quasi Peak                             Ambient
  1610.400   < 35                                  43.5                  -                 Quasi Peak                            Noise floor

Result: Complies.
Measurement uncertainty with a confidence interval of 95% is:
- Free radiation tests      (100 kHz – 30 MHz)  4.8 dB


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Section 15.209: Spurious Emissions (above 30 MHz)

Measurements between 30 –1000 MHz have been made at a distance of 3 metres.

A receiver with a quasi peak detector with a 120 kHz bandwidth was used between 30 – 1000

Measurements were carried out as the device contains a digital device that operates on
17.1776 MHz.

The device was tested transmitting continuously on 134.2 kHz.

Testing was carried out when the device was powered at 120 Vac using an external AC power

The device was placed on top of the turntable with the Smart Reader being approximately 1
metre above the ground.

Attached to the Smart Reader RS-232 port was a Gallagher Weigh Scale device.

The limits as described in Section 15.209 have been applied as follows:

30.0 – 88.0 MHz                            100 uV/m                    40 dBuV/m
88.0 – 216.0 MHz                           150 uV/m                    43.5 dBuV/m
216.9 – 960.0 MHz                          200 uV/m                    46.0 dBuV/m
Above 960 MHz                              500 uV/m                    54.0 dBuV

Result: Complies
Measurement uncertainty with a confidence interval of 95% is:
- Free radiation tests      (30 – 1000 MHz)  4.1 dB


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  Frequency                    Vertical                 Horizontal                  Limit                Margin               Antenna
     MHz                       dBuV/m                    dBuV/m                    dBuV/m                  dB
    51.528                       21.6                                                40.0                 18.4                Vertical
    68.705                       32.3                         32.8                   40.0                 7.2                Horizontal
    76.358                       26.5                                                40.0                 13.5                Vertical
    85.883                       29.2                                                40.0                 10.8                Vertical
   103.060                       34.1                                                40.0                  5.9                Vertical
   118.240                       31.1                                                43.5                 12.4                Vertical
   137.416                       39.4                         43.5                   43.5                 0.0                Horizontal
   144.900                                                    35.8                   43.5                 7.7                Horizontal
   148.320                                                    34.4                   43.5                  9.1               Horizontal
   154.594                         33.1                                              43.5                 10.4                Vertical
   167.780                                                    28.5                   43.5                 15.0               Horizontal
   171.771                         21.0                       29.1                   46.0                 16.9               Horizontal
   188.949                         24.8                                              46.0                 21.2                Vertical
   189.290                         33.3                                              46.0                 12.7                Vertical
   274.833                         38.1                       37.1                   46.0                  7.9                Vertical
   286.500                         32.1                                              46.0                 13.9                Vertical
   292.015                         31.5                                              46.0                 14.5                Vertical
   412.250                         33.5                       37.6                   46.0                  8.4               Horizontal
   429.433                         31.5                                              46.0                 14.5                Vertical
   480.963                         30.2                                              46.0                 15.8                Vertical
   480.968                                                    33.5                   46.0                 12.5               Horizontal
   498.140                         30.5                                              46.0                 15.5                Vertical
   559.000                         38.5                       41.8                   46.0                 4.2                Horizontal
   578.000                                                    42.5                   46.0                  3.5               Horizontal
   604.500                         41.6                       37.6                   46.0                  4.4                Vertical

All other emissions detected had a margin to limit that exceeded 15 dB when measurements
were attempted up to 1 GHz using both vertical and horizontal polarisations.


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       Instrument                         Manufacturer    Model                                        Serial No               Asset Ref               Cal Due
    Aerial Controller                        EMCO          1090                                        9112-1062               RFS 3710              Not applicable
       Aerial Mast                           EMCO         1070-1                                       9203-1661               RFS 3708              Not applicable
    Biconical Antenna                     Schwarzbeck BBA 9106                                             -                   RFS 3613               30/01/2014
        Receiver                             R&S         ESIB 40                                                                E1595                 10/06/2012
        Receiver                             R&S         ESHS 10                                      828404/005               RFS 3728               29/10/2011
      Log Periodic                        Schwarzbeck VUSLP 9111                                       9111-228                  3785                 30/01/2014
      Loop Antenna                           EMCO          6502                                       9003-2485                  3798                 12/06/2012
     Mains Network                           R&S         ESH2-Z5                                      881362/034                 3628                 29/07/2012
         Variac                           General Radio    1592                                            -                   RFS 3690              Not applicable
        Turntable                            EMCO       1080-1-2.1                                    9109-1578                RFS 3709              Not applicable
       VHF Balun                          Schwarzbeck VHA 9103                                             -                   RFS 3613               30/01/2014

8.            ACCREDITATIONS
Testing was carried out in accordance with EMC Technologies Ltd registration with the
Federal Communications Commission as a listed facility, registration number: 90838, which
was updated on 15 February, 2011.

All testing was carried out in accordance with the terms of EMC Technologies (NZ) Ltd
International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) Accreditation to NZS/ISO/IEC 17025, 2005.

All measurement equipment has been calibrated in accordance with the terms of the EMC
Technologies (NZ) Ltd International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ) Accreditation to
NZS/ISO/IEC 17025, 2005.

International Accreditation New Zealand has Mutual Recognition Arrangements for testing
and calibration with various accreditation bodies in a number of economies. This includes
NATA (Australia), UKAS (UK), SANAS (South Africa), NVLAP (USA), A2LA (USA),
SWEDAC (Sweden). Further details can be supplied on request.


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9.            PHOTOTGRAPHS


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                                                          Conducted Emissions Test Set Up


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                                               Radiated emissions test set up below 30 MHz


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                                               Radiated emissions test set up above 30 MHz


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Document Created: 2012-07-05 13:28:19
Document Modified: 2012-07-05 13:28:19

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