SAR Report Appendix B Revised


RF Exposure Info

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Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty
information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017
The IEC/IEEE 62704-2 -2017 standard requires that the suitability of computational software be
demonstrated, and that a number of uncertainty contributions be determined in order to
determine the overall SAR simulation uncertainty.

Benchmarks have been defined in the standard for this purpose. In the following, the results of
the required benchmark simulations are illustrated, and relevant uncertainty contributions
evaluated. Subsequently, the overall simulation uncertainty is determined by adding the
remaining uncertainty contributions.

The scope of this Appendix is limited, with few exceptions, to the antennas and frequency bands
for which SAR simulations were required for the Motorola APX8500 all-band mobile radio.
Both 1 g and 10 g SAR figures are reported in this Appendix to facilitate its global applicability.
In order to obtain a single total-uncertainty figure for peak-spatial SAR, applicable to both 1g
and 10g SAR, the higher of their contributions will be used in the root-sum-squared calculations.

Validation benchmarks for bystander and passenger exposure

The benchmark models defined in the IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard were implemented
using XFDTD™ v7.6 by Remcom, for bystander and passenger exposure conditions
corresponding to standard simulation configurations, as required by the standard. The results
showing the difference between the corresponding simulated SAR results and the standard
reference values (“Ref”) are listed in the tables below, for bystander and passenger, respectively,
for 150/450/800 MHz.

            SAR results computed for the bystander benchmark exposure configurations
    and the differences from the corresponding IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard reference values
                                1 g SAR, W/kg           10 g SAR, W/kg               WB SAR, W/kg

    MHz         cm        Ref      XFDTD Delta, %     Ref    XFDTD Delta, %       Ref    XFDTD Delta, %
    150        50.5     4.96E-03 5.06E-03   2.1%    4.20E-03 4.41E-03   5.1%    2.94E-04 2.92E-04   -0.8%
    450         18      6.05E-03 5.71E-03   -5.7%   4.76E-03 4.68E-03   -1.8%   2.43E-04 2.37E-04   -2.3%
    800         9       2.62E-02 2.55E-02   -2.5%   1.18E-02 1.17E-02   -1.1%   3.68E-04 3.49E-04   -5.1%

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                   1/26

            SAR results computed for the passenger benchmark exposure configurations
    and the differences from the corresponding IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard reference values
                                     1 g SAR, W/kg                      10 g SAR, W/kg                  WB SAR, W/kg
    MHz          cm            Ref      XFDTD    Delta, %         Ref       XFDTD    Delta, %     Ref      XFDTD    Delta, %
    150         50.5      3.10E-02 2.80E-02       -9.7%     1.88E-02 1.72E-02         -8.6%     1.42E-03 1.35E-03    -4.9%
    450          18       1.38E-02 1.26E-02       -9.0%     9.24E-03 8.68E-03         -6.0%     5.46E-04 5.49E-04    0.6%
    800          9        1.75E-02 1.77E-02        1.3%     1.33E-02 1.33E-02         0.2%      3.58E-04 3.48E-04    -2.9%

For all these results, the locations of the peak spatial-average SAR were the same as described in
the Table C.2 of IEC/IEEE 62704-2 -2017 standard.

The maximum computed differences (highlighted cells) from the reference results across all
evaluated benchmark configurations are 9.7% for the 1g SAR, 8.6% for the 10g SAR, and 4.9 %
for the whole-body SAR. These differences are well within the expanded uncertainty of the
simulations and therefore conform with the standard requirements for successful benchmark test.

Validation benchmarks and uncertainty of the human body model

The numerical validation of the standard human body model, and the corresponding uncertainty
contribution, are presented herein. The bystander and passenger body models were simulated in
the plane-wave exposure configurations defined in Clause 6.2 of the IEC/IEEE 62704-2 -2017
standard. The tables below show the standard reference SAR results together with the XFDTD
SAR results in the corresponding validation configurations. The front and back impinging plane-
wave exposure conditions are in the columns “Front” and ”Back”, respectively.

                      IEEE/IEC 62704-2:2017 standard reference and XFDTD SAR results
                                 for the bystander validation configurations

 Bystander       Peak 1 g SAR, W/kg                  Peak 10 g SAR, W/kg                  Whole-body SAR, W/kg

               Reference                          Reference                              Reference
 Frequency,                          XFDTD                               XFDTD                                XFDTD
                62704-2                            62704-2                                62704-2
              Front    Back     Front    Back    Front    Back      Front    Back     Front      Back      Front     Back
    150       0.140    0.143    0.136    0.138   0.068    0.089     0.072    0.091   0.00693    0.00661   0.00694   0.00661
    450       0.170    0.182    0.163    0.182   0.103    0.110     0.098    0.111   0.00628    0.00612   0.00626   0.00612
    800       0.386    0.131    0.394    0.133   0.171    0.092     0.172    0.092   0.00605    0.00560   0.00600   0.00557

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                                   2/26

                      IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard reference and XFDTD SAR results
                                 for the passenger validation configurations

 Passenger       Peak 1 g SAR, W/kg                 Peak 10 g SAR, W/kg                 Whole-body SAR, W/kg

               Reference                           Reference                          Reference
 Frequency,                       XFDTD                              XFDTD                                   XFDTD
                62704-2                             62704-2                            62704-2
              Front     Back    Front     Back    Front   Back    Front    Back     Front      Back       Front    Back
    150       0.281     0.203   0.280   0.201     0.226   0.150   0.222    0.149   0.00990    0.00898   0.00979   0.00888
    450       0.142     0.150   0.136   0.141     0.103   0.085   0.099    0.081   0.00485    0.00455   0.00480   0.00450
    800       0.110     0.075   0.106   0.074     0.073   0.045   0.070    0.044   0.00424    0.00396   0.00418   0.00391

The tables below report the corresponding percental deviations of the XFDTD results from the
standard reference results computed according to equation (8) of the IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017

              Percental difference between IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard references
              and XFDTD results for the bystander plane-wave validation configurations
                                Delta (XFDTD vs. Reference) for Bystander model
                                        1 g SAR                   10 g SAR                   WB SAR
                  MHz             Front          Back        Front        Back        Front        Back
                  150            -3.20%          -3.20%     6.37%         1.56%       0.10%       -0.06%
                      450        -4.03%          -0.10%     -4.18%        1.65%      -0.27%       -0.03%
                      800        1.96%           1.23%      0.78%         -0.22%     -0.88%       -0.58%

              Percental difference between IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard references
              and XFDTD results for the passenger plane-wave validation configurations
                                Delta (XFDTD vs. Reference) for Passenger model
               Frequency,               1 g SAR                   10 g SAR                   WB SAR
                  MHz             Front          Back        Front        Back        Front        Back
                      150        -0.53%          -0.94%     -1.84%        -0.95%     -1.10%       -1.12%
                      450        -4.67%          -5.92%     -3.41%        -5.07%     -1.17%       -1.10%
                      800        -3.93%          -1.35%     -4.07%        -2.94%     -1.49%       -1.30%

Based on these results, the XFDTD peak spatial-average SAR values deviate from their
respective reference results no more than 5.92% for the 1g SAR, 6.37% for the 10g SAR, while
the whole-body average SAR deviates no more than 1.49%. Additionally, for all these results,
the locations of the peak spatial-average SAR were the same as described in Table C.1 of
IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                                3/26

According to IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard, the above data constitute a successful validation
of the human body numerical models, further yielding the relative uncertainty contributions to
the overall numerical uncertainly budget.

Human body modeling uncertainty

Using the results presented above, the numerical human body model uncertainty contributions
were derived for each frequency band based on the maxima of the respective deviations,
separately for peak spatial-average SAR and the whole body-average SAR exposure conditions.
They are summarized in the table below and will be subsequently used in determining the overall
numerical uncertainty budget.

                   Uncertainty contributions of the numerical human body model
                           Frequency                          150 MHz    450 MHz        800 MHz
       Contribution to peak spatial-average SAR uncertainty    6.37%      5.92%          4.07%

       Contribution to whole-body average SAR uncertainty      1.12%      1.17%          1.49%

Validation benchmark and uncertainty of the numerical vehicle model

The validation was performed implementing the numerical test configurations specifically
defined for this purpose in Clause 6.2 of IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard. Accordingly, the
magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields were compared with the corresponding standard
reference values computed in a set of predefined points outside and inside the vehicle, which are
applicable to the bystander and passenger exposure conditions, respectively.

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Validation for the Bystander Exposure Conditions

The tables below show the standard reference electric and magnetic field values and the
corresponding XFDTD results computed in the validation configuration applicable to the
bystander exposure conditions.

            IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard reference and XFDTD electric field magnitude
               computed in the set of points defined for bystander test configurations
                     Position                  Electric field magnitude |E|, V/m
                      above          Reference 62704-2                        XFDTD
                     ground,     150        450         800         150         450     800
                       cm        MHz       MHz         MHz         MHz         MHz      MHz
             1         20       3.50E+00   3.38E+00   1.95E+00   3.56E+00   3.79E+00   1.53E+00
             2         40       3.82E+00   3.12E+00   3.04E+00   4.35E+00   3.55E+00   1.71E+00
             3         60       4.45E+00   5.12E+00   4.33E+00   5.26E+00   5.97E+00   2.83E+00
             4         80       6.04E+00   6.13E+00   3.89E+00   6.33E+00   6.68E+00   4.54E+00
             5         100      8.74E+00   9.25E+00   1.02E+01   8.72E+00   1.01E+01   9.26E+00
             6         120      1.01E+01   1.16E+01   1.32E+01   1.05E+01   1.25E+01   1.38E+01
             7         140      9.77E+00   1.16E+01   1.47E+01   1.06E+01   1.24E+01   1.49E+01
             8         160      8.56E+00   1.02E+01   1.45E+01   9.53E+00   1.04E+01   1.37E+01
             9         180      7.00E+00   8.74E+00   1.18E+01   7.88E+00   8.67E+00   1.14E+01
             10        200      5.52E+00   7.83E+00   7.82E+00   6.18E+00   7.59E+00   8.06E+00

           IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard reference and XFDTD magnetic field magnitude
                computed in the set f points defined for bystander test configurations
                     Position                 Magnetic field magnitude |H|, A/m
                      above          Reference 62704-2                      XFDTD
                     ground,     150        450        800        150         450       800
                       cm        MHz       MHz        MHz        MHz          MHz       MHz
             1         20       8.68E-03   5.37E-03   7.98E-03   9.24E-03   5.83E-03   7.67E-03

             2         40       1.04E-02   1.07E-02   1.02E-02   1.01E-02   1.25E-02   7.61E-03

             3         60       1.74E-02   1.36E-02   1.37E-02   1.70E-02   1.54E-02   1.02E-02

             4         80       2.30E-02   1.55E-02   1.02E-02   2.43E-02   1.68E-02   1.42E-02

             5         100      2.52E-02   1.82E-02   2.66E-02   2.85E-02   1.87E-02   2.03E-02

             6         120      2.68E-02   3.21E-02   3.40E-02   2.97E-02   3.45E-02   3.64E-02

             7         140      2.58E-02   3.21E-02   3.93E-02   2.75E-02   3.47E-02   4.00E-02

             8         160      2.19E-02   2.67E-02   3.85E-02   2.25E-02   2.77E-02   3.64E-02

             9         180      1.70E-02   2.33E-02   3.16E-02   1.68E-02   2.27E-02   3.00E-02

             10        200      1.26E-02   2.08E-02   2.04E-02   1.20E-02   2.00E-02   2.09E-02

Based on these data, the deviations of XFDTD results from the respective reference values were
computed according to equation (5) of IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard and are summarized in
the following table.

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                  Numerical vehicle modeling uncertainly contribution applicable to
               1 g and 10 g peak spatial-average SAR in bystander exposure conditions

                           Frequency    150 MHz     450 MHz     800 MHz
                           Deviation     24.5%       17.3%        19.0%

The deviations in the above table are lower than the maximum 30% allowed in Clause 6.3.2 of
IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard and successfully validate the numerical vehicle model used for
the bystander exposure evaluations. These deviations are used to establish the uncertainty
contribution from the numerical vehicle modeling applicable to 1 g and 10 g peak spatial-average
SAR in the overall uncertainty budget.

In addition, the E and H field results were used to compute the numerical vehicle model
uncertainty contribution to the whole-body average SAR estimate uncertainty. This contribution
was computed according to equation (6) of the IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard and is
summarized in the table below.

                 Numerical vehicle modeling uncertainly contribution applicable to
                   whole-body average SAR in bystander exposure conditions

                            Frequency   150 MHz    450 MHz     800 MHz
                            Deviation     18.3%      14.3%      15.0%

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard      6/26

Validation for the Passenger Exposure Conditions

The following two tables show the standard reference electric and magnetic field values and the
corresponding XFDTD results computed in the standardized validation configuration applicable
to the passenger exposure conditions.

                IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard reference and XFDTD electric field magnitude
                   computed in the set of points defined for passenger test configurations
                   PointError!                 Electric field magnitude |E|, V/m
                   Bookmark           Reference 62704-2                       XFDTD
                       not        150        450         800        150        450   800
                    defined.     MHz        MHz         MHz        MHz         MHz  MHz
                           1      1.61E+01    1.87E+01    8.45E+00   1.55E+01   1.85E+01   7.69E+00
                           2      1.51E+01    1.23E+01    1.11E+01   1.42E+01   1.27E+01   1.10E+01
                           3      1.44E+01    9.08E+00    5.88E+00   1.39E+01   1.11E+01   5.65E+00
                           4      1.09E+01    9.27E+00    8.51E+00   1.02E+01   7.63E+00   7.53E+00
                           5      1.27E+01    1.32E+01    7.99E+00   1.15E+01   1.29E+01   8.03E+00
                           6      1.19E+01    1.15E+01    6.09E+00   1.03E+01   9.84E+00   5.28E+00
                           7      5.46E+00    1.27E+01    9.58E+00   4.98E+00   1.28E+01   1.01E+01
                           8      1.06E+01    6.97E+00    1.07E+01   9.39E+00   7.51E+00   1.11E+01
                           9      1.26E+01    6.41E+00    9.78E+00   1.18E+01   1.00E+01   1.00E+01

               IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard reference and XFDTD magnetic field magnitude
                    computed in the set f points defined for passenger test configurations
                                              Magnetic field magnitude |H|, A/m
                     Point 1         Reference 62704-2                      XFDTD
                                 150        450        800        150         450           800
                                 MHz       MHz        MHz        MHz          MHz           MHz
                       1        2.82E-02     1.89E-02    3.05E-02    2.90E-02   2.14E-02   3.60E-02
                       2        2.32E-02     2.57E-02    2.43E-02    2.33E-02   2.46E-02   2.60E-02
                       3        3.10E-02     2.10E-02    1.01E-02    2.94E-02   2.36E-02   1.11E-02
                       4        3.80E-02     2.68E-02    1.22E-02    3.52E-02   2.67E-02   1.38E-02
                       5        2.39E-02     3.33E-02    1.05E-02    2.14E-02   3.53E-02   9.11E-03
                       6        2.93E-02     3.34E-02    1.88E-02    2.62E-02   3.64E-02   1.77E-02
                       7        2.21E-02     2.22E-02    3.41E-02    2.74E-02   2.09E-02   3.72E-02
                       8        2.37E-02     2.44E-02    8.09E-03    2.15E-02   2.36E-02   6.26E-03
                       9        3.16E-02     2.55E-02    1.48E-02    2.74E-02   1.76E-02   1.66E-02

    The points are defined in Table 14 of the IEEE/IEC 62704-2:2017 standard

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Based on these data the deviations of XFDTD results from the respective references were
computed according to equation (5) of IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard and are summarized in
the table below.

                 Numerical vehicle modeling uncertainly contribution applicable to
               1g and 10 g peak spatial-average SAR in passenger exposure conditions

                           Frequency     150 MHz     450 MHz     800 MHz
                            Deviation     18.0%        30.4%      31.6%

The deviations in the above table well below the maximum 45% allowed in Clause 6.3.2 of
IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard and successfully validate the numerical vehicle model used for
the bystander exposure evaluations. These deviations are used to establish the uncertainty
contribution from the numerical vehicle modeling applicable to 1 g and 10 g peak spatial-average
SAR in the overall uncertainty budget.

In addition, the E and H field results were used to compute the numerical vehicle model
uncertainty contribution to the whole-body average SAR. This contribution was computed
according to equation (6) of the IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard and is summarized in the table

                 Numerical vehicle modeling uncertainly contribution applicable to
                   whole-body average SAR in passenger exposure conditions

                            Frequency    150 MHz     450 MHz    800 MHz
                            Deviation     19.0%       20.8%      26.8%

Numerical vehicle modeling uncertainty

Using the results presented above, the numerical vehicle modeling uncertainty contributions for
the VHF, UHF, and 7/800 MHz frequency bands were evaluated, separately for peak spatial-
average SAR and the whole body-average SAR exposure conditions, based on the respective
maxima of computed deviations. They are summarized in the table below, and will be
subsequently used in determining the overall numerical uncertainty of SAR evaluations.

                            Frequency                          150 MHz     450 MHz      800 MHz

         Contribution to 1 g and 10 g peak spatial-average
                                                                24.5%       30.4%        31.6%
                          SAR uncertainty

       Contribution to whole-body average SAR uncertainty       19.0%       20.8%        26.8%

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard             8/26

Uncertainty budgets

The overall uncertainty of the SAR evaluations depends on a number of uncertainty components:

    a)   numerical human body model,
    b)   numerical model of the vehicle,
    c)   numerical algorithm, and
    d)   numerical model of the antenna. 2

The first two of these four components were determined in the foregoing. The remaining two are
derived in the following, for the VHF, UHF, and 7/800 MHz frequency bands.

Numerical algorithm uncertainty

Table 3 in IEEE/ IEC 62704-1:2017 standard allows computing the numerical algorithm
uncertainty on the basis of six uncertainty components:

    a)   positioning,
    b)   mesh resolution,
    c)   absorbing boundary conditions (ABCs),
    d)   power budget,
    e)   convergence, and
    f)   phantom dielectrics.

Two of these components, (b) and (f), are zero, as further explained here below.

The mesh resolution uncertainty component is zero since it is already accounted for by the other
uncertainty components as noted in Clause 7.2.2 of IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard.

The phantom dielectrics uncertainty is zero since the dielectric parameters of the vehicle (PEC)
and the phantom (tissues) are exactly specified and standardized.

The remaining components are determined as follows.

  The IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard requires the derivation of uncertainty contributions for antennas that differ
from straight wires, while the uncertainty contributions for straight wire antennas is already
included in the results evaluated according to Clause 7.2.3 of IEEE/IEC 62704-2.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                         9/26

      Coronal (left-hand side) and Sagittal (right-hand side) planes relative to the human body.

       Positioning uncertainty

This uncertainty component is derived upon shifting the passenger and bystander models in the
four directions defined by the model Sagittal and Coronal planes (assuming for simplicity the
Coronal plane is orthogonal to ground also for the passenger) by a distance equal to the model
resolution step (3 mm). The simulation setups for some frequency bands and exposures are
shown in the following figures. For the sake of clarity, the offsets relative to the Coronal plane
are called front and back, relative to the each model forward-facing direction, in the following.
Similarly, shifts relative to the Sagittal plane are named left and right relative to the each model
forward-facing direction.

The 1 g, 10 g peak spatial-average and whole-body SAR values in these shifted conditions are
compared with the ones corresponding to the initial positions in order to determine the deviations
to be used in deriving the respective uncertainty contributions.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard              10/26

                  Passenger model in the center back-seat of vehicle equipped with a
              trunk-mount quarter-wave monopole antenna operating at VHF (150 MHz).

                   Centered bystander model at 20 cm from vehicle equipped with a
              trunk-mount quarter-wave monopole antenna operating at UHF (450 MHz).

The following table reports the initial SAR values in all three bands.

 Initial SAR values              150 MHz                          450 MHz                          800 MHz
 normalized to 1 W
  net input power       1g         10g        WB         1g         10g        WB         1g         10g        WB

     Bystander        7.26E-03   6.13E-03   4.27E-04   7.34E-03   6.00E-03   3.60E-04   4.14E-02   1.89E-02   5.25E-04

    Passenger         2.80E-02   1.72E-02   1.35E-03   1.26E-02   8.68E-03   5.49E-04   1.77E-02   1.33E-02   3.48E-04

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                              11/26

The two tables below report the SAR values computed for the different offset positions, and the
percentage differences from the corresponding values in the initial positions.

                                     150 MHz                     450 MHz                     800 MHz
 SAR values normalized
 to 1 W net input power
                             1g        10g     WB        1g        10g     WB        1g        10g      WB

                front      7.10E-03 5.84E-03 4.22E-04 7.26E-03 5.93E-03 3.61E-04 4.13E-02 1.89E-02 5.31E-04

 Bystander      back       6.92E-03 5.76E-03 4.15E-04 7.23E-03 5.90E-03 3.56E-04 4.11E-02 1.87E-02 5.21E-04
 3 mm shift     right      7.14E-03 6.03E-03 4.27E-04 7.33E-03 6.01E-03 3.60E-04 4.09E-02 1.86E-02 5.25E-04

                 left      7.15E-03 6.04E-03 4.27E-04 7.31E-03 6.00E-03 3.60E-04 4.11E-02 1.87E-02 5.26E-04

                front      2.80E-02 1.72E-02 1.34E-03 1.26E-02 8.82E-03 5.42E-04 1.77E-02 1.33E-02 3.47E-04

 Passenger      back       2.83E-02 1.74E-02 1.36E-03 1.24E-02 8.61E-03 5.46E-04 1.77E-02 1.33E-02 3.48E-04
 3 mm shift     right      2.79E-02 1.72E-02 1.35E-03 1.25E-02 8.68E-03 5.49E-04 1.77E-02 1.34E-02 3.48E-04

                 left      2.81E-02 1.72E-02 1.35E-03 1.25E-02 8.68E-03 5.49E-04 1.78E-02 1.34E-02 3.48E-04

                                     150 MHz                     450 MHz                     800 MHz
  Delta from initial SAR
        values, %            1g        10g     WB        1g        10g     WB        1g        10g       WB
                           delta,%   delta,% delta,%   delta,%   delta,% delta,%   delta,%   delta,%   delta,%

                front       -2.1%     -4.7%    -1.0%    -0.6%     -0.7%    4.4%     -0.3%     -0.1%     1.1%

 Bystander      back        -4.7%     -5.9%    -2.7%    -1.1%     -1.2%    3.2%     -0.7%     -0.7%     -0.7%
 3 mm shift     right       -1.6%     -1.6%    0.0%     0.3%      0.6%     4.3%     -1.2%     -1.2%     0.0%

                 left       -1.5%     -1.4%    0.0%     0.1%      0.3%     4.2%     -0.8%     -0.9%     0.1%

                front       -0.1%     -0.1%    -0.6%    0.4%      1.6%     -1.3%    0.0%      -0.4%     -0.1%

 Passenger      back        1.0%      1.0%     0.6%     -1.1%     -0.9%    -0.6%    0.0%      0.0%      0.0%
 3 mm shift     right       -0.2%     -0.2%    0.2%     -0.2%     -0.1%    -0.1%    0.0%      0.2%      0.0%

                 left       0.2%      0.2%     0.0%     -0.2%     -0.1%    -0.1%    0.3%      0.2%      0.0%

Taking the peak percental values highlighted above for each frequency band, irrespective of the
local or whole-body SAR case or whether it is relative to passenger and bystander exposure,
yields the uncertainty components to insert in Table 3 of the IEC/IEEE 62704-1:2017 standard:
5.9% for VHF, 4.4% for UHF, and 1.2% for 7/800 MHz.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                      12/26

       Absorbing boundary conditions uncertainty

This uncertainty component was computed by enlarging the computational domain by a quarter-
wave separately in each of six directions (top, bottom, front, back, left, and right) relative to the
front-facing car direction. This analysis was conducted for both the passenger and bystander
exposure conditions described in the foregoing.

The following table reports the initial SAR values in all three bands.

 Initial SAR values               150 MHz                           450 MHz                          800 MHz
 normalized to 1 W
  net input power       1g          10g        WB         1g          10g        WB         1g         10g        WB
     Bystander        7.56E-03    6.33E-03   4.20E-04   7.31E-03    5.98E-03   3.45E-04   4.14E-02   1.89E-02   5.25E-04
     Passenger        2.80E-02    1.72E-02   1.35E-03   1.26E-02    8.68E-03   5.49E-04   1.77E-02   1.33E-02   3.48E-04

The two tables below summarize the SAR values in the new conditions, and the percentage
differences from the initial conditions.

     SAR values                    150 MHz                          450 MHz                          800 MHz
  normalized to 1 W
   net input power        1g         10g        WB         1g          10g       WB          1g        10g        WB

             Back      7.59E-03    6.35E-03 4.20E-04     7.31E-03    5.98E-03 3.46E-04    4.14E-02   1.89E-02 5.25E-04
             Bottom    7.56E-03    6.33E-03 4.21E-04     7.31E-03    5.98E-03 3.45E-04    4.14E-02   1.89E-02 5.26E-04
    ABC      Front     7.32E-03    6.14E-03 4.24E-04     7.08E-03    5.80E-03 3.45E-04    4.15E-02   1.89E-02 5.24E-04
 expansion    Left     7.57E-03    6.34E-03 4.20E-04     7.30E-03    5.97E-03 3.45E-04    4.14E-02   1.89E-02 5.25E-04
   by λ/4
             Right     7.57E-03    6.34E-03 4.21E-04     7.30E-03    5.97E-03 3.45E-04    4.15E-02   1.89E-02 5.26E-04
              Top      7.58E-03    6.35E-03 4.20E-04     7.31E-03    5.98E-03 3.45E-04    4.14E-02   1.89E-02 5.25E-04
             Back      2.78E-02    1.70E-02 1.34E-03     1.25E-02    8.68E-03 5.49E-04    1.77E-02   1.33E-02 3.47E-04
             Bottom    2.80E-02    1.72E-02 1.35E-03     1.26E-02    8.69E-03 5.49E-04    1.78E-02   1.34E-02 3.48E-04
    ABC      Front     2.92E-02    1.80E-02 1.36E-03     1.29E-02    8.72E-03 5.60E-04    1.77E-02   1.33E-02 3.47E-04
 expansion    Left     2.80E-02    1.72E-02 1.35E-03     1.26E-02    8.68E-03 5.49E-04    1.78E-02   1.33E-02 3.48E-04
   by λ/4
             Right     2.80E-02    1.72E-02 1.35E-03     1.26E-02    8.68E-03 5.49E-04    1.78E-02   1.34E-02 3.48E-04
              Top      2.78E-02    1.70E-02 1.35E-03     1.26E-02    8.70E-03 5.49E-04    1.77E-02   1.33E-02 3.47E-04

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                                13/26

                                  150 MHz                       450 MHz                       800 MHz
   Delta from initial
   SAR values, %          1g        10g       WB        1g        10g       WB        1g        10g       WB
                        delta,%   delta,%   delta,%   delta,%   delta,%   delta,%   delta,%   delta,%   delta,%
               Back     -0.42%     -0.32%   -0.10%    0.00%      0.00%    -0.03%    0.02%      0.00%    -0.04%
              Bottom    -0.01%     -0.03%   -0.17%    -0.04%     -0.03%   0.00%     -0.05%     -0.05%   -0.10%
    ABC        Front    3.12%      3.07%    -0.86%    3.05%      3.00%    0.17%     -0.14%     -0.11%   0.29%
 expansion     Left     -0.13%     -0.16%   -0.07%    0.04%      0.05%    0.00%     0.02%      0.00%    -0.04%
   by λ/4
               Right    -0.16%     -0.17%   -0.12%    0.12%      0.13%    0.03%     -0.12%     -0.16%   -0.11%
               Top      -0.36%     -0.32%   -0.02%    -0.04%     -0.03%   0.03%     0.05%      0.05%    0.04%
               Back     0.93%      0.93%    0.89%     0.16%      0.01%    -0.02%    0.00%      0.00%    0.06%
              Bottom    0.00%      0.00%    -0.07%    0.00%      -0.08%   0.05%     -0.17%     -0.23%   -0.03%
    ABC        Front    -4.14%     -4.65%   -0.59%    -3.03%     -0.38%   -1.89%    0.06%      0.30%    0.26%
 expansion     Left     0.18%      0.17%    -0.07%    0.00%      0.01%    -0.02%    -0.11%     -0.08%   -0.03%
   by λ/4
               Right    0.14%      0.12%    0.07%     0.00%      0.00%    -0.02%    -0.17%     -0.23%   -0.03%
               Top      0.89%      0.93%    -0.15%    -0.16%     -0.15%   0.00%     0.06%      0.00%    0.03%

Taking the peak percental values highlighted above for each frequency band, irrespective of the
local or whole-body SAR case or whether it is relative to passenger and bystander exposure,
yields the uncertainty components to insert in Table 3 of IEC/IEEE 62704-1:2017 standard:
4.7% for VHF, 3.1% for UHF, and 0.3% for 7/800 MHz.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                        14/26

        Power budget uncertainty

This uncertainty component was derived by computing the forward and reflected power at the
antenna feed-point, the RF power dissipated in the bystander or passenger and the pavement
(vehicle and antennas are modeled as lossless metal), and the power radiated. The simulation
results are normalized to a 1 W net (forward minus reflected) input power at the antenna feed-
point. The following table reports the relevant RF power figures (rounded to the third significant
digit), and the absolute percentage differences of the dissipated plus radiated power from the
reference 1 W net input power.

                             150 MHz                  450 MHz                  800 MHz
 Power figures in W
                      Bystander   Passenger    Bystander   Passenger   Bystander    Passenger
 RF power forward      1.16E+00    1.22E+00     1.42E+00    1.37E+00    1.04E+00        1.03E+00
 Net Power
                       1.00E+00    1.00E+00     1.00E+00    1.00E+00    1.00E+00        1.00E+00
 Power Dissipated      7.18E-02     1.67E-01    4.38E-02    6.62E-02     6.18E-02       4.16E-02

 Power Radiated        9.28E-01     8.33E-01    9.56E-01    9.34E-01     9.38E-01       9.58E-01

 Power radiated +
                       1.00E-00     1.00E-00    1.00E-00    1.00E-00     1.00E-00       1.00E-00
 Power dissipated
 |delta|, %             0.00%        0.00%       0.00%       0.00%        0.00%          0.00%

Based on this analysis, the uncertainty components to insert in Table 3 of IEC/IEEE 62704-
1:2017 standard are negligible: 0.00% for VHF, UHF, and 7/800 MHz bands.

        Simulation convergence uncertainty

According to the IEC/IEEE 62704-1:2017 standard, simulations can be stopped when the long-
term fluctuations of the squared E-field magnitude within the exposed subject are within 2% for
time-harmonic simulations.

In reality, the long-term fluctuations in the SAR simulations included in this report are much
smaller since a stringent convergence criterion was enforced. The typical level of convergence
attained in these simulations is exemplified by reporting the long-term fluctuation levels for the
simulation configurations analyzed so far to determine the algorithm uncertainty. This was done
by placing E-field sensors in the head of the passenger, and in the torso of the bystander, as
shown in the following figures.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard              15/26

                           Convergence sensor position

        Location for the E-field sensors placed in the bystander for the convergence analysis.

        Locations for the E-field sensors placed in the passenger for the convergence analysis.

The following figures report the sensor E-field strength plots versus simulation time for the
bystander and passenger configurations at VHF, UHF and 7/800 MHz, spanning the entire
duration of the simulations.

A portion of each plot is enlarged to highlight the levels of the last six E-field strength peaks.
The corresponding values were then squared and tabulated, and the largest deviation computed
and reported in the subsequent table.

For each band, the maximum deviation between bystander and passenger exposures is used as
the uncertainty components of the simulation convergence.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard             16/26

       Sensor E-field strength vs. time used for the convergence analysis (bystander, 150 MHz).

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard             17/26

       Sensor E-field strength vs. time used for the convergence analysis (passenger, 150 MHz).

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard             18/26

       Sensor E-field strength vs. time used for the convergence analysis (bystander, 450 MHz).

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard             19/26

       Sensor E-field strength vs. time used for the convergence analysis (passenger, 450 MHz).

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard             20/26

       Sensor E-field strength vs. time used for the convergence analysis (bystander, 800 MHz).

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard             21/26

       Sensor E-field strength vs. time used for the convergence analysis (passenger, 800 MHz).

                                  150 MHz                 450 MHz                 800 MHz
       analysis             Bystander   Passenger   Bystander   Passenger   Bystander   Passenger

 |delta squared E-field|,
                             0.002%       0.14%      0.02%       0.04%       0.09%        0.06%

Based on this analysis, the uncertainty components to insert in Table 3 of IEC/IEEE 62704-
1:2017 standard (highlighted) are: 0.14% for VHF, 0.04% for UHF, and 0.09% for 7/800

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard             22/26

       Algorithm uncertainty summary

Table 3 of IEC/IEEE 62704-1:2017 standard is replicated below to summarize the uncertainty
components, and the respective divisors, and yield the overall algorithm uncertainties at VHF
(5.8%), UHF (4.0%), and 7/800 MHz (0.8%).

              Budget of the uncertainty contributions of the numerical algorithm
  and of the rendering of the test- or simulation-setup (Table 3 from IEC/IEEE 62704-1:2017)
      a             b                c                  d           e       f             g
  Uncertainty                   Tolerance, %       Probability    Divisor           Uncertainty, %
                Subclause                                                   ci
  component                 VHF     UHF    7/800   distribution    f(d,h)        VHF     UHF    7/800
  Positioning     7.2.2     5.93    4.43   1.22         R          1.73     1    3.42    2.56   0.70
                  7.2.3              0                  N           1       1             0
     ABC          7.2.4     4.65    3.05   0.30         N           1       1    4.65    3.05   0.30
                  7.2.5     0.00    0.00   0.00         N           1       1    0.00    0.00   0.00
 Convergence      7.2.6     0.14    0.04   0.09         R          1.73     1    0.08    0.02   0.05
                  7.2.7              0                  R          1.73     1             0

 Combined standard uncertainty (k = 1)                                           5.78    3.98   0.77

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard           23/26

Uncertainty budgets

The overall numerical simulations uncertainty budget has been calculated according to Table 16
of IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard separately at 150 MHz (VHF), at 450 MHz (UHF), and at
800 MHz (7/800 MHz).

For simulations with antenna models representing straight wire monopoles, that being the case
for all VHF and most UHF and 7/800 MHz antennas, no additional uncertainty contribution is
required, as described in Clause 7.2.4 of IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard, since it is already
included in the uncertainty of the numerical vehicle model. For the remaining antennas, a larger
overall uncertainty must be computed to include their individual incremental uncertainty
contributions. For this reason, uncertainty budgets are presented for wire antennas first, and then
those of the remaining antennas are computed and presented in a separate table.

Uncertainty budgets for wire antennas

 IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard numerical uncertainty budget for exposure simulations with vehicle
          mounted wire antennas and bystander and/or passenger model at 150 MHz (VHF)

                                                                                   e=                  g=
             a                         b                   c              d               f                                h
                                                                                 f(d,h)               c×f/e
                                                        Deviation/                                    Standard
       Uncertainty                  Reference          uncertainty       Prob.                       uncertainty
                                                                                 Div.     ci                              ν eff
       component                     Clause      1g       10 g   WB      dist.                 1g       10 g   WB
                                                 ±%       ±%     ±%                            ±%       ±%     ±%

 Numerical algorithm                  7.2.2       –        –         –    –        –      –              5.8               –

 Numerical model of the
                                      7.2.3     24.5      24.5   19.0     R       √3      1    14.1     14.1   11.0        ∞
 Numerical model of
                                      7.2.4                 0             R       √3      1              0                 ∞
 SAR evaluation in the
 standard human body                  7.2.5      6.4       6.4   1.1      R       √3      1    3.7       3.7       0.6     ∞
 Combined standard uncertainty                                           RSS                   15.7     15.7   12.4        ∞
 Expanded uncertainty                                                    k=2                   31.4     31.4   24.8

 NOTE 1    Column headings a to h are given for reference.
 NOTE 2    Abbreviations used in this table:
 a)   Div. — divisor used to get standard uncertainty. It is a function of probability distribution reported in column d,
      and degrees of freedom ν eff , reported in column h;
 b)   1 g, 10 g, and WB — uncertainty components of the peak spatial-average SAR for 1 g and 10 g, and the whole-
      body average SAR respectively;
 c)   R — rectangular probability distributions;
 d)   k — coverage factor;
 e)   c i — sensitivity coefficient.
 the sensitivity coefficient   ci   is applied to convert each uncertainty component into the corresponding standard
 uncertainty for the SAR.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                                    24/26

     IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard numerical uncertainty budget for exposure simulations with vehicle
              mounted wire antennas and bystander and/or passenger model at 450 MHz (UHF)

                                                                         e=                        g=
        a              b                       c                d                 f                                     h
                                                                       f(d,h)                     c×f/e
                                                                                          Standard uncertainty
Uncertainty        Reference               uncertainty         Prob.
                                                                       Div.       ci                                   ν eff
component           Clause           1g       10 g       WB    dist.                      1g       10 g      WB
                                     ±%       ±%         ±%                               ±%       ±%        ±%
                      7.2.2           –        –          –     –        –        –                 4.0                 –
model of the          7.2.3         30.4      30.4   20.8       R       √3        1      17.6      17.6      12.0       ∞
model of              7.2.4                    0                R       √3        1                  0                  ∞
evaluation in
the standard          7.2.5          5.9      5.9        1.2    R       √3        1       3.4       3.4       0.7       ∞
human body
Combined standard uncertainty                                  RSS                       18.3      18.3      12.7       ∞
Expanded uncertainty                                           k=2                       36.6      36.6      25.4

NOTE 1      Column headings a to h are given for reference.
NOTE 2      Abbreviations used in this table:
f)    Div. — divisor used to get standard uncertainty. It is a function of probability distribution reported in column d, and
      degrees of freedom ν eff , reported in column h;
g)    1 g, 10 g, and WB — uncertainty components of the peak spatial-average SAR for 1 g and 10 g, and the whole-body
      average SAR respectively;
h)    R — rectangular probability distributions;
i)    k — coverage factor;
j)    c i — sensitivity coefficient.
the sensitivity coefficient    ci   is applied to convert each uncertainty component into the corresponding standard
uncertainty for the SAR.

 Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                               25/26

     IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard numerical uncertainty budget for exposure simulations with vehicle
           mounted wire antennas and bystander and/or passenger model at 800 MHz (7/800 MHz)

                                                                         e=                     g=
        a              b                       c                d               f                                    h
                                                                       f(d,h)                  c×f/e
                                                                                       Standard uncertainty
Uncertainty        Reference               uncertainty         Prob.
                                                                       Div.     ci                                  ν eff
component           Clause           1g       10 g       WB    dist.                   1g        10 g      WB
                                     ±%       ±%         ±%                            ±%        ±%        ±%
                      7.2.2           –        –         –      –        –      –                0.8                  –
model of the          7.2.3         31.6      31.6   26.8       R       √3      1      18.2      18.2     15.5       ∞
model of              7.2.4                    0                R       √3      1                  0                 ∞
evaluation in
the standard          7.2.5          4.1      4.1        1.5    R       √3      1      2.4       2.4       0.9       ∞
human body
Combined standard uncertainty                                  RSS                     18.4      18.4     15.5       ∞
Expanded uncertainty                                           k=2                     36.8      36.8     31.0

NOTE 1      Column headings a to h are given for reference.
NOTE 2      Abbreviations used in this table:
k) Div. — divisor used to get standard uncertainty. It is a function of probability distribution reported in column d, and
   degrees of freedom ν eff , reported in column h;
l) 1 g, 10 g, and WB — uncertainty components of the peak spatial-average SAR for 1 g and 10 g, and the whole-body
   average SAR respectively;
m) R — rectangular probability distributions;
n) k — coverage factor;
o) c i — sensitivity coefficient.

the sensitivity coefficient    ci   is applied to convert each uncertainty component into the corresponding standard
uncertainty for the SAR.

Appendix B: Validation and uncertainty information per IEC/IEEE 62704-2:2017 standard                             26/26

Document Created: 2018-03-20 16:53:50
Document Modified: 2018-03-20 16:53:50

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