Test Report Part I


Test Report

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                                FCC PART 15


                       Actiontec Electronics, Inc.
                                 760 North Mary Ave.
                                 Sunnyvale, CA 94086

                            FCC ID: LNQGT701


   This Report Concerns:                      Equipment Type:
       Original Report                        USB/Ethernet DSL Modem, 54Mbps
                                              Wireless Gateway & 54Mbps Wireless
                                              Access Point- ITE

     Test Engineer:      Ming Jing /

        Report No.:      R0311181

          Test Date:     2003-11-19

      Reviewed By:       Ling Zhang /

     Prepared By:        Bay Area Compliance Laboratory Corporation (BACL)
                         230 Commercial Street
                         Sunnyvale, CA 94085
                         Tel: (408) 732-9162
                         Fax: (408) 732 9164
Note: This test report is specially limited to the above client company and product model only. It
      may not be duplicated without prior written consent of Bay Area Compliance Laboratory
      Corporation. This report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by
      NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                                                                   FCC ID: LNQGT701

GENERAL INFORMATION.......................................................................................................................................4
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ....................................................................................4
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................4
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S).............................................................................................................................4
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................4
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................4
 SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................5
 EXTERNAL I/O CABLING LIST AND DETAILS ...............................................................................................................5
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION..........................................................................................................................6
  JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................................6
  EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................................6
  SPECIAL ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................................................6
  SCHEMATICS / BLOCK DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................................6
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................6
  CONFIGURATION OF TEST SYSTEM ..............................................................................................................................7
  TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM .....................................................................................................................................7
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................8
§1.1307(B)(1) & §2.1093 - RF EXPOSURE.................................................................................................................9
§15.203 - ANTENNA REQUIREMENT....................................................................................................................10
  STANDARD APPLICABLE ............................................................................................................................................10
  ANTENNA CONNECTED CONSTRUCTION ....................................................................................................................10
§15.207(A) - CONDUCTED EMISSIONS.................................................................................................................11
  MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..................................................................................................................................11
  EUT SETUP ................................................................................................................................................................11
  SPECTRUM ANALYZER SETUP ....................................................................................................................................11
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................11
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................11
  SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .....................................................................................................................................12
  CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TEST DATA .........................................................................................................................12
  PLOT OF CONDUCTED EMISSIONS TEST DATA ...........................................................................................................12
§15.209(A) - SPURIOUS EMISSION ........................................................................................................................15
  STANDARD APPLICABLE ............................................................................................................................................15
  MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................15
  EQUIPMENT LISTS ......................................................................................................................................................15
  MEASUREMENT RESULT ............................................................................................................................................16
§15.209(F) - SPURIOUS RADIATED EMISSION...................................................................................................23
  MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ..................................................................................................................................23
  EUT SETUP ................................................................................................................................................................24
  SPECTRUM ANALYZER SETUP ....................................................................................................................................24
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................24
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................25
  CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION .................................................................................................25
  SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS .....................................................................................................................................25
  RADIATED EMISSION TEST RESULT ...........................................................................................................................26
§15.247(A)(2) – 6 DB BANDWIDTH .........................................................................................................................31
  STANDARD APPLICABLE ............................................................................................................................................31
  MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................31
  EQUIPMENT LISTS ......................................................................................................................................................31
  MEASUREMENT RESULT ............................................................................................................................................31
§15.247(B)(3) - PEAK OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENT................................................................................36

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                                              Page 2 of 49                                                FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                                                                FCC ID: LNQGT701
   STANDARD APPLICABLE ............................................................................................................................................36
   MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................36
   EQUIPMENT LISTS ......................................................................................................................................................36
   MEASUREMENT RESULT ............................................................................................................................................36
§15.247(C) - 100 KHZ BANDWIDTH OF BAND EDGES ......................................................................................40
  STANDARD APPLICABLE ............................................................................................................................................40
  MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................40
  EQUIPMENT LISTS ......................................................................................................................................................40
  MEASURE RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................................40
§15.247(D) - POWER SPECTRAL DENSITY .........................................................................................................45
  STANDARD APPLICABLE ............................................................................................................................................45
  MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE......................................................................................................................................45
  EQUIPMENT LISTS ......................................................................................................................................................45
  MEASUREMENT RESULTS ...........................................................................................................................................45

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                                            Page 3 of 49                                               FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                             FCC ID: LNQGT701

Product Description for Equipment Under Test (EUT)

The Actiontec Electronics, Inc.’s, model: GT701, or the “EUT” as referred to in this report is an
USB/Ethernet DSL Modem, 54Mbps Wireless Access Point which is measured approximately 6.1”L x
4.5”W x 0.8”H, rated input voltage: AC 120 V/60Hz.

    * The test data gathered are from a production sample, S/N: 1005, provided by the manufacturer.


This type approval report is prepared on behalf of Actiontec Electronics, Inc. in accordance with Part 2,
Subpart J, Part 15, Subparts A , C, and E of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC rules for Output Power, Antenna Requirements, 6 dB
Bandwidth, power spectral density, 100 kHz Bandwidth of Band Edges Measurement, Out of Band
Emission, Spurious Emission, Conducted and Spurious Radiated Emission.

Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)
No Related Submittals.

Test Methodology

All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.4-2001, American National
Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and
Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.
All radiated and conducted emissions measurement was performed at Bay Area Compliance Laboratory,
Corp. The radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

Test Facility

The Open Area Test site used by BACL to collect radiated and conducted emission measurement data is
located in the back parking lot of the building at 230 Commercial Street, Sunnyvale, California, USA.

Test site at BACL has been fully described in reports submitted to the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) and Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI). The details of these reports
has been found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on February
11 and December 10, 1997 and Article 8 of the VCCI regulations on
December 25, 1997. The facility also complies with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria
set forth in ANSI C63.4-2001.

The Federal Communications Commission and Voluntary Control Council for Interference has the reports
on file and is listed under FCC file 31040/SIT 1300F2 and VCCI Registration No.: C-1298 and R-1234.
The test site has been approved by the FCC and VCCI for public use and is listed in the FCC Public
Access Link (PAL) database.

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                    Page 4 of 49                         FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                         FCC ID: LNQGT701
Additionally, BACL is a National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) accredited laboratory,
under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accredited Program (Lab Code 200167-0). The scope of the
accreditation covers the FCC Method – 47 CFR Part – Digital Devices, CISPER 22: 1997:
Electromagnetic Interference – Limits and Methods of Measurement of Information Technology
Equipment test methods.

Support Equipment List and Details

        Manufacturer       Description         Model              Serial Number                FCC ID
            IBM            Notebook PC    ThinkPad 1171                N/A                      N/A
            HP               Printer          2225C                    N/A                      N/A
         Arescom              Line          CDS6020                    N/A                      N/A
         Panasonic          Phone Set       KX-T3175                   N/A                      N/A

External I/O Cabling List and Details

      Cable Description     Length (M)            Port/From                            To
         RJ-45 Cable            1.0          Network port / EUT          Ethernet port / Notebook PC
            Cable               1.0       Printer port / Notebook PC                 Printer
         RJ-15 Cable            1.0            Line Port / EUT                    Line Simulator
         RF-15 Cable            1.0           Phone Port / EUT                      Phone Set

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                 Page 5 of 49                        FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                             FCC ID: LNQGT701


The host system was configured for testing according to ANSI C63.4-2001.
The EUT was tested in the normal (native) operating mode to represent worst-case results during the final
qualification test.

EUT Exercise Software

The EUT exercise program used during radiated and conducted testing was designed to exercise the
system components. The test software, provided by the customer, is started the Windows terminal program
under the Windows 98/2000/ME/XP operating system.

Once loaded, set the Tx channel to low, mid and high for testing.

Special Accessories
As shown in following test block diagram, all interface cables used for compliance testing are shielded.
The host PC and the peripherals featured shielded metal connectors.

Schematics / Block Diagram
Please refer to Appendix A.

Equipment Modifications

No modifications were made to the EUT.

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                   Page 6 of 49                         FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                         FCC ID: LNQGT701

Configuration of Test System

                                                                                                1 2 :0 0

                                                                                            Conf.    Line 1   Line 2   Hol d



                                                                                            Pause    Fla sh   Mute     Sp. Phone

                                                                       Simulator        Phone

Test Setup Block Diagram



                        Printer          NoteBook                        Line
                                                                 EUT                Phone
                                                         10cm          Simulator

                                                                                                                                   1.0 Meter

                                             1.5 Meter

                                                         1.5 Meter

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                  Page 7 of 49                       FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                         FCC ID: LNQGT701

Results reported relate only to the product tested, serial number: 1005.

       FCC RULES                          DESCRIPTIONOFTEST                RESULT
        §2.1093                             RF Exposure                     Pass
        §15.203                         Antenna Requirement                 Pass
      § 15.207 (a)                      Conducted Emissions                 Pass
       §15.209 (a)                       Spurious Emission                  Pass
       §15.209 (f)                       Radiated Emission                  Pass
     §15.247 (a)(2),                      6 dB Bandwidth                    Pass
     §15.247 (b)(3),                Maximum Peak Output Power               Pass
      § 15.247 (c)            100 kHz Bandwidth of Frequency Band Edge      Pass
      §15.247 (d),                   Peak Power Spectral Density            Pass

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                     Page 8 of 49                  FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                              FCC ID: LNQGT701

§1.1307(b)(1) & §2.1093 - RF EXPOSURE
According to §15.247(b)(4) and §1.1307(b)(1), systems operating under the provisions of this section shall
be operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in
excess of the Commission’s guidelines.

According to §1.1310 and §2.1093 RF exposure is calculated.

    Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

     Frequency          Electric Field     Magnetic Field      Power Density            Averaging Time
    Range (MHz)        Strength (V/m)      Strength (A/m)         (mW/cm2)                 (minute)
                          Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
      0.3-1.34               614                 1.63               *(100)                     30
      1.34-30               824/f               2.19/f             *(180/f2)                   30
       30-300               27.5                0.073                 0.2                      30
     300-1500                  /                   /                f/1500                     30
   1500-100,000                /                   /                  1.0                      30

f = frequency in MHz
* = Plane-wave equivalent power density

MPE Prediction

Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

S = PG/4πR²

Where: S = power density
       P = power input to antenna
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna
Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 15.7 (dBm)
Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 37.15 (mW)
                                Prediction distance: 20 (cm)
                             Predication frequency: 2400 (MHz)
                              Antenna Gain (typical): 2.0 (dBi)
                                       antenna gain: 1.58 (numeric)
      Power density at predication frequency at 20 cm: 0.012(mW/cm2)

MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency: 1.0 (mW/cm2)

Test Result

The EUT is a mobile device. The power density level at 20 cm is 0.012 mW/cm², which is below the
uncontrolled exposure limit of 1.0mW/cm² at 2400 MHz.

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                    Page 9 of 49                          FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                              FCC ID: LNQGT701

Standard Applicable

According to § 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.
And according to § 15.247 (1), if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used the
power shall be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.

Refer to statement below for compliance.

“The antenna for this device is an integral antenna that the end user cannot access. Furthermore the device
is for outdoor use as detailed in the Users Manual and Operational Description”.

Antenna Connected Construction

The antenna connector is designed with permanent attachment and no consideration of replacement.

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                   Page 10 of 49                         FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                 FCC ID: LNQGT701

Measurement Uncertainty

All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties. The factors contributing to uncertainties are
spectrum analyzer, cable loss, and LISN.
Based on NIS 81, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the best estimate of the
uncertainty of any conducted emissions measurement at BACL is +2.4 dB.

EUT Setup
The measurement was performed in the shield room, using the same setup per ANSI C63.4-2001
measurement procedure. The specification used was FCC 15 Subpart B limits.

The spacing between the peripherals was 10 centimeters.

External I/O cables were draped along the edge of the test table and bundle when necessary.

Spectrum Analyzer Setup

The EMI test receiver was set to investigate the spectrum from 150 kHz to 30Mhz.

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer            Description          Model          Serial Number          Cal. Date
         Rohde &
                           Artificial LISN        ESH2-Z5           871884/039           2003-03-28
         Rohde &
                         EMI Test Receiver         ESCS30             100176             2003-05-06

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. certifies that all calibrations have been performed in accordance to
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Test Procedure

During the conducted emission test, the power cord of the host system was connected to the auxiliary
outlet of the first LISN.

Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions of each modes tested to ensure EUT
is compliant with all installation combination.

All data was recorded in the peak detection mode. Quasi-peak readings were only performed when an
emission was found to be marginal (within -4 dBµV of specification limits). Quasi-peak readings are
distinguished with a "Qp".

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                     Page 11 of 49                          FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                              FCC ID: LNQGT701

Summary of Test Results

According to the recorded data in following table, the EUT complies with the FCC Conducted margin for
a Class B device, with the worst margin reading of:

                                   -12.6dB at 0.150 in the Line mode

     Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:               25° C
   Relative Humidity:         52%
   ATM Pressure:              1100 mbar

Conducted Emissions Test Data

                          LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS                          FCC PART 15 CLASS B
        Frequency       Amplitude     Detector                 Phase         Limit       Margin
           MHz           dBµV        Qp/Ave/Peak            Line/Neutral     dBµV          dB
          0.150          53.4               QP                Line            66             -12.6
          0.150          51.9               QP               Neutral          66             -14.1
          0.705          36.2               QP                Line            56             -19.8
          0.870          29.6               QP               Neutral          56             -26.4
          0.150          28.9              AVG                Line            56             -27.1
          0.705          14.7              AVG                Line            46             -31.3
          0.870          11.5              AVG               Neutral          46             -34.5
          0.150          18.3              AVG               Neutral          56             -37.7
         17.100          12.3              AVG               Neutral          50             -37.7
         17.100          14.9               QP               Neutral          60             -45.1
         17.100          13.5               QP                Line            60             -46.5
         17.100           0.8              AVG                Line            50             -49.2

Plot of Conducted Emissions Test Data

Plot(s) of Conducted Emissions Test Data is presented hereinafter as reference.

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                    Page 12 of 49                         FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

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Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                             FCC ID: LNQGT701

Standard Applicable

According to §15.209 (a), except as provided elsewhere in the subpart of 15.209, the emissions from an
intentional radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:
       Frequency (MHz)                    Field strength        distance
                                 (microvolts/meter)      (meters)
0.009-0.490...................... 2400/F(kHz)                    300
0.490-1.705...................... 24000/F(kHz)                     30
1.705-30.0....................... 30                               30
30-88............................ 100 **                            3
88-216........................... 150 **                            3
216-960.......................... 200 **                            3
Above 960........................ 500                              3
** Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under
this section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806
MHz. However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this part, e.g.,
§§ 15.231 and 15.241

Measurement Procedure

1. Check the calibration of the measuring instrument (SA) using either an internal calibrator or a known
    signal from an external generator.
2. Position the EUT as shown in figure 4 without connection to measurement instrument. Turn on the
    EUT and connect its antenna terminal to measurement instrument via a low loss cable. Then set it to
    any one measured frequency within its operating range, and make sure the instrument is operated in its
    linear range.
3. Set the SA on Max-Hold Mode, and then keep the EUT in transmitting mode. Record all the signals
    from each channel until each one has been recorded.
4. Set the SA on View mode and then plot the result on SA screen.
5. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured were complete.

Equipment Lists

         Manufacturer          Model No.           Description           Calibration Date
              HP                 8565EC        Spectrum Analyzer           2003-01-22

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                   Page 15 of 49                       FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                              FCC ID: LNQGT701

Measurement Result

Please refer to following pages for plots of spurious emission.
     Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:               25° C
   Relative Humidity:         52%
   ATM Pressure:              1100 mbar

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                   Page 16 of 49          FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

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 ATTEN      so0B                 MA     4. 5048Bm
 AL     20 .008Bm     1008B,/    2.436GHz
                                  4CTIONTEE     GTZ01
                                  §gor. 1b      mM C

  2.486      GHz
  4.5D      ca8m


 sTART      SOMHz               sTtOP   3.000GHz
xRBW     100kHz      vBWw   100kHz      xSWP   1i00sec

 ATTEN     sod8                  MKR    —S0.§748m
 AL     20.0d48m      1008,/     13.56GHz
                                 ACTIONTEC      GT701
                                 gor. 1b        M . (C

  13.556     GH4z
  —S0|. 67    |4Bm

 sTART     3.00GHz              sTtOP   25.00GHz
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                                              o2 .116           H C

    2.460        GHz          _
    4   .0     c Bm           |


 START SOMHz                                 sTtOoP   3.000GHz
<RBW 100kHz                       vBW   100kHz        xSWP     100sec

  ATTEN        3008                           MKA     —48.3348m
  AL    20 .008Bm                  1008,/     13.60GHz
                                              ACTIONTEC        GTZO1
                                              §o2. 1b          H.C

    13.60        GHz
    —48|. 33       |[dBm

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 ATTEN     3s0od8                  MKA —2.0048Bm
 AL    20 .0d48m         1008      2.411GHz
                                       o2 .119

 STAAT     sOMHz                  stOP    3.0006Hz
¢ABW    100kHz          vBW   100kHz      xSWP   100sec

 ATTEN     3008                    MA     —48.3348m
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ATTEN       3008                        MKA   —2. 170Bm
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 sTAART SOMHz                       stoP      3.000GHz
<RBW  100kHz              vew   100kHz        xSWP 100sec

ATTEN       30048                       MKA   —48.6708m
AL 20 .0d4Bm                10a8/       24 . osGHz
                                        Actfontee          Gtzod
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 sTART 3.00GHz                      sTtoP     25.00GHz
<RBW 100kHz    vBWw             100kHz        xSWP 30Osec

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                               FCC ID: LNQGT701

Measurement Uncertainty

All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties. The factors contributing to uncertainties are
spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna directivity, antenna factor variation with
height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency interpolation, measurement distance
variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system repeatability.

Based on NIS 81, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the best estimate of the
uncertainty of a radiation emissions measurement at BACL is +4.0 dB.

According to §15.205, except as shown in paragraph (d) of this section, only spurious emissions are
permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below:

               MHz                     MHz                        MHz                          GHz
        0.090 – 0.110             16.42 – 16.423               399.9 – 410                  4.5 – 5.15
            0.495 – 0.505       16.69475 – 16.69525             608 – 614                   5.35 – 5.46
       2.1735 – 2.1905          16.80425 – 16.80475            960 – 1240                   7.25 – 7.75
        4.125 – 4.128               25.5 – 25.67               1300 – 1427                  8.025 – 8.5
      4.17725 – 4.17775             37.5 – 38.25              1435 – 1626.5                  9.0 – 9.2
      4.20725 – 4.20775              73 – 74.6               1645.5 – 1646.5                 9.3 – 9.5
        6.215 – 6.218               74.8 – 75.2                1660 – 1710                  10.6 – 12.7
      6.26775 – 6.26825            108 – 121.94              1718.8 – 1722.2               13.25 – 13.4
      6.31175 – 6.31225              123 – 138                 2200 – 2300                 14.47 – 14.5
        8.291 – 8.294             149.9 – 150.05               2310 – 2390                 15.35 – 16.2
        8.362 – 8.366          156.52475 – 156.52525          2483.5 – 2500                 17.7 – 21.4
      8.37625 – 8.38675            156.7 – 156.9               2655 – 2900                22.01 – 23.12
      8.41425 – 8.41475          162.0125 – 167.17             3260 – 3267                  23.6 – 24.0
        12.29 – 12.293            167.72 – 173.2               3332 – 3339                  31.2 – 31.8
     12.51975 – 12.57725             240 – 285                3345.8 – 3358                36.43 – 36.5
        13.36 – 13.41               322 – 335.4                3600 – 4400                      (2)
    Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490-0.510MHz
    Above 38.6

Except as provided in paragraph (d) and (e), the filed strength of emissions appearing within these
frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown in Section 15.209. At frequencies equal to or less than
1000MHz, compliance with the limits in Section 15.209 shall be demonstrated using measurement
instrumentation employing a CISPR quasi-peak detector. Above 1000MHz, compliance with the emission
limits in Section 15.209 shall be demonstrated based on the average value of the measured emissions. The
provisions in Section 15.35 apply to these measurements.

According to §15.209, the device shall meet radiated emission general requirements.

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                     Page 23 of 49                        FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                 FCC ID: LNQGT701

Except for Class A device, the filed strength of radiated emissions from unintentional radiators at a
distance of 3 meters shall not exceed the following values:

      Frequency of Emission                      Field Strength                             dB
             (MHz)                             (Microvolts/meter)                       (dBµV/meter)
              30 - 88                                  100                                    40
             88 - 216                                  150                                   43.5
             216 - 960                                 200                                    46
            Above 960                                  500                                    54

EUT Setup

The radiated emission tests were performed in the open area 3-meter test site, using the setup accordance
with the ANSI C63.4-2001. The specification used was the FCC 15.209 limits.

The spacing between the peripherals was 10 centimeters.

External I/O cables were draped along the edge of the test table and bundle when necessary.

Spectrum Analyzer Setup
According to FCC Rules, 47 CFR, Section 15.33, the frequency was investigated from 30 to 1000 MHz.

During the radiated emission test, the spectrum analyzer was set with the following configurations:

        Frequency Range            RBW          Video B/W
        Below 30MHz                10kHz           10kHz
       30 – 1000MHz               100kHz            100kHz
       Above 1000MHz              1MHz               1MHz

Test Equipment List and Details

      Manufacturer            Description           Model         Serial Number          Cal. Date
            HP           Spectrum Analyzer           8568B          2601A02165           2003-07-03
            HP                 Amplifier             8447E          2944A10187           2003-09-23
            HP           Quasi-Peak Adapter         85650A          3019A05393           2003-06-13
          EMCO           Biconical Antenna           3110B           9309-1165           2003-10-11
                              Log Periodic
          EMCO                                       3146               2101             2003-10-11

    * Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. certifies that all calibrations have been performed in accordance to
    NVLAP requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                      Page 24 of 49                         FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                           FCC ID: LNQGT701

Test Procedure

For the radiated emissions test, the EUT, and all support equipment power cords was connected to the AC
floor outlet.

Maximizing procedure was performed on the highest emissions to ensure that the EUT complied with all
installation combinations.

All data was recorded in the peak detection mode. Quasi-peak readings performed only when an emission
was found to be marginal (within -4 dBµV of specification limits), and are distinguished with a "Qp" in
the data table.

Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation

The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Amplitude reading. The basic equation is as follows:

        Corr. Ampl. = Indicated Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Factor - Amplifier Gain

The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of -7dBµV means the emission is 7dBµV below the maximum limit for Class
B. The equation for margin calculation is as follows:

        Margin = Corr. Ampl. - FCC 15.209 Limit

Summary of Test Results

According to the data in section 12.7, the EUT complied with the FCC Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C, section
15.205, 15.207 and 15.247, and had the worst margin of:

     Environmental Conditions

   Temperature:               25° C
   Relative Humidity:         52%
   ATM Pressure:              1100 mbar

Test Data for 802.11b, 15.247

-14.655 dB at 7236.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Low Channel

-14.255 dB at 7311.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Middle Channel

-14.655 dB at 7386.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, High Channel

-2.13 dB at 250.01 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Unwanted Emission

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                    Page 25 of 49                      FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                  FCC ID: LNQGT701

Test Data for 802.11g, 15.247

-9.550 dB at 2400.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Low Channel

-12.155 dB at 7311.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Middle Channel

-12.555 dB at 7386.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization, High Channel

-2.33 dB at 250.01 MHz in the Vertical polarization, Unintentional Emission

Test Data for ADSL Modem, 15B

-2.07 dB at 250.00 MHz in the Vertical polarization

Radiated Emission Test Result

     Final test data for 802.11b (15.247)

                                                                                       CORRECTED              FCC 15
            INDICATED              TABLE       ANTENNA          CORRECTION FACTOR
                                                                                       AMPLITUDE         SUBPART C
Frequency    Ampl.                 Angle    Height    Polar           Cable   Amp.     Corr. Ampl.    Limit       Margin
            dBµV/                                             dBµV/
   MHz                             Degree   Meter     H/ V             DB     DB        dBµV/m       dBµV/m            dB
              m                                                m
                                                Low Channel, 1-25GHz
2412.00     111.5 FUND/PEAK          90      2.0       V      28.1    3.35    35.2      107.750
2412.00     105.8 FUND/PEAK         300      1.2       H      28.1    3.35    35.2      102.050
2412.00     102.3 FUND/AVE           90      2.0       V      28.1    3.35    35.2       98.550
2412.00      96.4 FUND/AVE          300      1.2       H      28.1    3.35    35.2       92.650
7236.00      32.1    AVE            200      1.2       V      35.1    5.645   33.5       39.345       54         -14.655
7236.00     31.7     AVE              0      1.3       H      35.1    5.645   33.5       38.945       54         -15.055
4824.00     31.9     AVE            160      1.1       V      32.5     4.91   33.0       36.310       54         -17.690
4824.00      30.4    AVE              0      1.5       H      32.5     4.91   33.0       34.810       54         -19.190
7236.00     45.5    PEAK            200      1.2       V      35.1    5.645   33.5       52.745       74         -21.255
7236.00     44.3    PEAK              0      1.3       H      35.1    5.645   33.5       51.545       74         -22.455
4824.00      44.2   PEAK            160      1.1       V      32.5     4.91   33.0       48.610       74         -25.390
4824.00      43.1   PEAK              0      1.5       H      32.5     4.91   33.0       47.510       74         -26.490

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Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                                         FCC ID: LNQGT701

     Final test data for 802.11b (15.247, Continued)

                                                                                                            CORRECTED                FCC 15
             INDICATED                      TABLE        ANTENNA                CORRECTION FACTOR
                                                                                                            AMPLITUDE           SUBPART C
Frequency      Ampl.                        Angle     Height       Polar              Cable        Amp.     Corr. Ampl.      Limit       Margin
               dBµV/                                                         dBµV/
  MHz                                       Degree    Meter        H/ V                DB          DB           dBµV/m      dBµV/m            dB
                m                                                              m
                                                        Middle Channel, 1-25GHz
2437.00      112.4     FUND/PEAK             180       1.5          V        28.1     3.35         35.2         108.650
2437.00      101.7     FUND/PEAK             210       1.2          H        28.1     3.35         35.2          97.950
2437.00      103.9     FUND/AVE              180       1.5          V        28.1     3.35         35.2         100.150
2437.00       92.4     FUND/AVE              210       1.2          H        28.1     3.35         35.2          88.650
7311.00       32.5        AVE                310       1.6          V        35.1     5.645        33.5          39.745       54         -14.255
7311.00       31.9        AVE                 15       1.2          H        35.1     5.645        33.5          39.145       54         -14.855
4874.00       31.8        AVE                 60       1.5          V        32.5      4.91        33.0          36.210       54         -17.790
4874.00       30.2        AVE                230       1.2          H        32.5      4.91        33.0          34.610       54         -19.390
7311.00       45.6       PEAK                310       1.6          V        35.1     5.645        33.5          52.845       74         -21.155
7311.00       44.7       PEAK                 15       1.2          H        35.1     5.645        33.5          51.945       74         -22.055
4874.00       44.5       PEAK                 60       1.5          V        32.5     4.91         33.0          48.910       74         -25.090
4874.00       43.7       PEAK                230       1.2          H        32.5      4.91        33.0          48.110       74         -25.890
                                                          High Channel, 1-25GHz
2462.00        112.3 FUND/PEAK               270       1.8         V         28.1     3.350        35.2     108.550
2462.00        103.5 FUND/PEAK               270       1.5         H         28.1     3.350        35.2      99.750
2462.00        103.7 FUND/AVE                270       1.8         V         28.1     3.350        35.2      99.950
2462.00         94.8 FUND/AVE                270       1.5         H         28.1     3.350        35.2      91.050
7386.00         32.1    AVE                  180       1.7         V         35.1     5.645        33.5      39.345          54          -14.655
7386.00         31.7    AVE                  160       1.8         H         35.1     5.645        33.5      38.945          54          -15.055
4924.00         31.9    AVE                  270       1.2         V         32.5     4.910        33.0      36.310          54          -17.690
4924.00         30.4    AVE                   15       1.5         H         32.5     4.910        33.0      34.810          54          -19.190
7386.00         45.5   PEAK                  180       1.7         V         35.1     5.645        33.5      52.745          74          -21.255
7386.00         44.3   PEAK                  160       1.8         H         35.1     5.645        33.5      51.545          74          -22.455
4924.00         44.2   PEAK                  270       1.2         V         32.5     4.910        33.0      48.610          74          -25.390
4924.00         43.1   PEAK                   15       1.5         H         32.5     4.910        33.0      47.510          74          -26.490

                 Indicated                   Table             Antenna               Correction Factor             FCC 15 Subpart B
                                                                               Cable                   Corr.
   Frequency        Ampl.       Direction    Height    Polar       Antenna                Amp.                      Limit    Margin
                                                                               Loss                    Ampl.
      MHz         dBµV/m        Degree       Meter      H/V        dBµV/m     dBµV/m        dB       dBµV/m       dBµV/m        dB
    250.01          53.4            0         1.5        V         13.30       2.17           25        43.87      46.0       -2.13
    206.30          52.2            0         1.5        V         11.50       2.17           25        40.87      43.5       -2.63
    200.05          51.3          150         1.2        H         11.50       2.17           25        39.97      43.5       -3.53
    233.20          51.6           15         1.5        V         12.60       2.17           25        41.37      46.0       -4.63
    318.75          48.2          180         1.5        V         15.10       2.33           25        40.63      46.0       -5.37
    166.09          46.5          120         1.5        H         12.95       1.81           25        36.26      43.5       -7.24
    110.86          47.3           90         1.5        V         11.30       1.54           25        35.14      43.5       -8.36

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Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                  FCC ID: LNQGT701

     Final test data for 802.11g (15.247)

                                                                                       CORRECTED              FCC 15
            INDICATED              TABLE       ANTENNA          CORRECTION FACTOR
                                                                                       AMPLITUDE         SUBPART C
Frequency    Ampl.                 Angle    Height   Polar            Cable   Amp.     Corr. Ampl.    Limit       Margin
            dBµV/                                             dBµV/
  MHz                              Degree   Meter    H/ V              DB     DB        dBµV/m       dBµV/m            dB
              m                                                m
                                                Low Channel, 1-25GHz
2412.00     106.3    FUND/PEAK       90      1.8      V       28.1    3.350   35.2      102.550
2412.00      99.8    FUND/PEAK      270      1.4      H       28.1    3.350   35.2       96.050
2412.00      91.2    FUND/AVE        90      1.8      V       28.1    3.350   35.2       87.450
2412.00      85.3    FUND/AVE       270      1.4      H       28.1    3.350   35.2       81.550
2400.00      80.5    EDGE/PEAK      310      2.0      V       28.1    3.350   35.2       76.750       86.3        -9.550
2400.00      72.6    EDGE/PEAK       30      1.0      H       28.1    3.350   35.2       68.850       79.8       -10.950
2400.00      52.2     EDGE/AVE       30      1.0      H       28.1    3.350   35.2       48.450       59.8       -11.350
7236.00      34.3       AVE         300      1.0      V       35.1    5.645   33.5       41.545       54.0       -12.455
2400.00      54.5     EDGE/AVE      310      2.0      V       28.1    3.350   35.2       50.750       66.3       -15.550
7236.00      30.5       AVE         240      1.5      H       35.1    5.645   33.5       37.745       54.0       -16.255
4824.00     31.7         AVE        150      1.6      V       32.5    4.910   33.0       36.110       54.0       -17.890
4824.00      30.4       AVE          90      1.5      H       32.5    4.910   33.0       34.810       54.0       -19.190
7236.00     46.1        PEAK        300      1.0      V       35.1    5.645   33.5       53.345       74.0       -20.655
7236.00     44.9        PEAK        240      1.5      H       35.1    5.645   33.5       52.145       74.0       -21.855
4824.00      44.3       PEAK        150      1.6      V       32.5    4.910   33.0       48.710       74.0       -25.290
4824.00     43.1        PEAK         90      1.5      H       32.5    4.910   33.0       47.510       74.0       -26.490
                                              Middle Channel, 1-25GHz
2437.00     107.3 FUND/PEAK         120      1.8     V        28.1    3.350   35.2      103.550
2437.00     100.4 FUND/PEAK         180      1.6     H        28.1    3.350   35.2       96.650
2437.00      92.2 FUND/AVE          120      1.8     V        28.1    3.350   35.2       88.450
2437.00      86.3 FUND/AVE          180      1.6     H        28.1    3.350   35.2       82.550
7311.00      34.6    AVE            180      2.0     V        35.1    5.645   33.5       41.845        54         -12.155
7311.00      30.7    AVE            150      1.8     H        35.1    5.645   33.5       37.945        54         -16.055
4874.00      31.6    AVE            270      1.4     V        32.5    4.910   33.0       36.010        54         -17.990
4874.00      30.2    AVE             90      1.5     H        32.5    4.910   33.0       34.610        54         -19.390
7311.00      46.7   PEAK            180      2.0     V        35.1    5.645   33.5       53.945        74         -20.055
7311.00      45.2   PEAK            150      1.8     H        35.1    5.645   33.5       52.445        74         -21.555
4874.00      43.5   PEAK            270      1.4     V        32.5    4.910   33.0       47.910        74         -26.090
4874.00      41.4   PEAK             90      1.5     H        32.5    4.910   33.0       45.810        74         -28.190

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                      Page 28 of 49                          FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                                               FCC ID: LNQGT701

     Final test data for 802.11g (15.247, Continued)

                                                                                                               CORRECTED              FCC 15
              INDICATED                      TABLE        ANTENNA               CORRECTION FACTOR
                                                                                                               AMPLITUDE            SUBPART C
Frequency      Ampl.                         Angle      Height     Polar   Antenna       Cable     Amp.         Corr. Ampl.        Limit         Margin
               dBµV          Comments
  MHz                                        Degree     Meter      H/ V    dBµV/m            DB        DB        dBµV/m           dBµV/m            dB
                                                          High Channel, 1-25GHz
2462.00       107.1    FUND/PEAK              270        1.8        V          28.1      3.350         35.2      103.350
2462.00       100.2    FUND/PEAK              210        1.5        H          28.1      3.350         35.2       96.450
2462.00        92.1    FUND/AVE               270        1.8        V          28.1      3.350         35.2       88.350
2462.00        86.3    FUND/AVE               210        1.5        H          28.1      3.350         35.2       82.550
7386.00        34.2       AVE                 330        1.5        V          35.1      5.645         33.5       41.445            54           -12.555
7386.00        30.5       AVE                 310        1.6        H          35.1      5.645         33.5       37.745            54           -16.255
4924.00        31.7       AVE                 300        1.4        V          32.5      4.910         33.0       36.110            54           -17.890
4924.00        30.1       AVE                  90        1.3        H          32.5      4.910         33.0       34.510            54           -19.490
7386.00        46.6      PEAK                 330        1.5        V          35.1      5.645         33.5       53.845            74           -20.155
7386.00        44.9      PEAK                 310        1.6        H          35.1      5.645         33.5       52.145            74           -21.855
4924.00        44.2      PEAK                 300        1.4        V          32.5      4.910         33.0       48.610            74           -25.390
4924.00        40.9      PEAK                  90        1.3        H          32.5      4.910         33.0       45.310            74           -28.690

                 Indicated                     Table             Antenna                Correction Factor                 FCC 15 Subpart B
                                                                                  Cable                   Corr.
   Frequency         Ampl.       Direction     Height      Polar     Antenna                 Amp.                         Limit            Margin
                                                                                  Loss                    Ampl.
        MHz          dBµV/m      Degree        Meter       H/V       dBµV/m      dBµV/m        dB       dBµV/m          dBµV/m              dB
    250.01            53.2         160          1.5         V         13.30           2.17        25          43.67       46.0             -2.33
    233.20            51.9         250          1.6         V         12.60           2.17        25          41.67       46.0             -4.33
    318.75            48.9         160          1.5         V         15.10           2.33        25          41.33       46.0             -4.67
    206.30            52.1         320          1.5         V         11.50           2.17        25          40.77       46.0             -5.23
    200.05            51.5         150          1.3         H         11.50           2.17        25          40.17       46.0             -5.83
    166.09            46.8          60          1.5         H         12.95           1.81        25          36.56       43.5             -6.94
    110.86            47.1         180          1.2         V         11.30           1.54        25          34.94       43.5             -8.56


FUND = Fundamental
AVG = average

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                                   Page 29 of 49                                        FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Actiontec Electronics, Inc.                                                                           FCC ID: LNQGT701

     Final test data for ADSL Modem (FCC15B)

               Indicated               Table          Antenna              Correction Factor         FCC 15 Subpart B
                                                                     Cable                   Corr.
   Frequency     Ampl.     Direction   Height   Polar     Antenna               Amp.                  Limit    Margin
                                                                     Loss                    Ampl.
      MHz       dBµV/m     Degree      Meter    H/V       dBµV/m    dBµV/m        dB       dBµV/m    dBµV/m      dB
    250.00      58.69          0        1.2      V        11.70      1.14       27.6       43.93      46.0     -2.07
    100.00      56.90         90         2       H        11.50      0.54       28.5       40.44      43.5     -3.06
    375.00      53.50        200        2.5      H        14.90      2.24       27.9       42.74      46.0     -3.26
    375.00      52.90        180        1.2      V        14.90      2.24       27.9       42.14      46.0     -3.86
    100.00      53.10         30        1.2      V        11.50      0.54       28.5       36.64      43.5     -6.86
    400.00      48.10        180        2.5      H        15.80      2.57       28.2       38.27      46.0     -7.73
    400.00      47.00         30        1.2      V        15.80      2.57       28.2       37.17      46.0     -8.83
    750.00      38.50          0        1.2      V        22.20      3.79       28.7       35.79      46.0    -10.21
     75.00      47.80        270         2       H         9.50      0.98       28.6       29.68      40.0    -10.32
    250.00      49.60        270        2.5      H        11.70      1.14       27.6       34.84      46.0    -11.16
    125.00      47.60        160        1.2      V        12.30      0.59       28.3       32.19      43.5    -11.31
    150.00      45.90         90         2       H        13.00      0.74       28.2       31.44      43.5    -12.06
    150.00      44.30          0        1.2      V        13.00      0.74       28.2       29.84      43.5    -13.66
     70.65      43.80        180        1.2      V         9.60      1.07       28.6       25.87      40.0    -14.13
    300.00      43.90        180        1.2      V        13.90      1.33       27.3       31.83      46.0    -14.17
    200.00      45.80        160        1.2      V        10.10      0.89       27.9       28.89      43.5    -14.61
    125.00      43.70        180         2       H        12.30      0.59       28.3       28.29      43.5    -15.21

Report # R0311181Rpt.doc                        Page 30 of 49                                FCC Part 15.247 Test Report

Document Created: 2004-01-05 10:02:06
Document Modified: 2004-01-05 10:02:06

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