Antenna Information


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261203 - With Mag Card - Bluetooth - Horizontal Polarization

                   Gain in dBi vs. Azimuth - Horizontal
                             345     5.0       15
                       330           0.0             30
                 315               -10.0
             300                                                60
          285                      -30.0                         75
         270                       -40.0                             90

          255                                                    105

             240                                                120
                 225                                       135        Magnitude dBuV vs.
                       210                           150              Azimuth - X axis
                             195               165                    Magnitude dBuV vs.
                                       180                            Azimuth - Z axis
                                                                      Magnitude dBuV vs.
                                                                      Azimuth - Y axis

261203 - With Mag Card - Bluetooth - Horizontal Polarization - Printer in X-Axis

           Ref. Level Degrees        Gain
             57.80          0        -4.3                                               Magnitude dB vs. Azimuth
             54.8          15        -7.3
             44.5          30       -17.6                                                           0
             44.6          45       -17.5                                             345    5.0        15
             47.8          60       -14.3                                       330          0.0              30
                                                                          315                -5.0                   45
             51.1          75       -11.0
             48.8          90       -13.3                             300                   -15.0                        60
             48.1         105       -14.0                                                   -20.0
             53.4         120        -8.7                           285                     -25.0                         75
             50.8         135       -11.3                                                   -30.0
             52.1         150       -10.0                          270                      -35.0                             90
             51.4         165       -10.7
             51.4         180       -10.7                           255                                                   105
             52.4         195        -9.7
                                                                      240                                                120
             52.2         210        -9.9
             52.8         225        -9.3                                 225                                       135            Magnitude dB vs.
             52.8         240        -9.3                                       210                           150                  Azimuth
             54.8         255        -7.3                                             195               165
             58.90        270        -3.2                                                       180
             61.3         285        -0.8
             61.5         300        -0.6
             58.9         315        -3.2
             58.5         330        -3.6
             58.7         345        -3.4

261203 - With Mag Card - Bluetooth - Horizontal Polarization - Printer in Y-Axis

           Ref. Level Degrees        Gain
             46.60          0       -15.5                                                  Magnitude dB vs. Azimuth
             47.9          15       -14.2
             45.5          30       -16.6
             44.5          45       -17.6                                                              0
             42.2          60       -19.9                                                345     5.0       15
                                                                                   330           0.0             30
             42.5          75       -19.6
                                                                           315                  -5.0                   45
             37.6          90       -24.5                                                      -10.0
             40.7         105       -21.4                               300                    -15.0                        60
             34.9         120       -27.2                                                      -20.0

             38.9         135       -23.2                            285                       -25.0                         75
             37.4         150       -24.7
                                                                     270                       -35.0                         90
             45.1         165       -17.0
             47.4         180       -14.7                            255                                                     105
             46.1         195       -16.0
             41.7         210       -20.4                               240                                                 120
                                                                                                                                   Magnitude dB vs.
             42.6         225       -19.5                                  225                                         135         Azimuth
             46.9         240       -15.2                                          210                           150
             42.1         255       -20.0                                                195               165
             42.70        270       -19.4                                                         180
             45.5         285       -16.6
             39.7         300       -22.4
             41.6         315       -20.5
             45.5         330       -16.6
             41.1         345       -21.0

261203 - With Mag Card - Bluetooth - Horizontal Polarization - Printer in Z-Axis

           Ref. Level Degrees        Gain
             47.70          0       -14.4                                               Magnitude dB vs. Azimuth
             44.8          15       -17.3
             49.9          30       -12.2                                                           0
             52.8          45        -9.3                                             345    5.0        15
             55.0          60        -7.1                                       330          0.0              30
             56.3          75        -5.8                                 315                -5.0                   45
             56.8          90        -5.3
                                                                      300                   -15.0                        60
             51.6         105       -10.5                                                   -20.0
             45.1         120       -17.0                           285                     -25.0                         75
             43.9         135       -18.2                                                   -30.0
             47.5         150       -14.6                          270                      -35.0                             90
             49.0         165       -13.1
             49.3         180       -12.8                           255                                                   105
             47.2         195       -14.9
                                                                      240                                                120
             49.1         210       -13.0
             49.3         225       -12.8                                 225                                       135            Magnitude dB vs.
             54.3         240        -7.8                                                                                          Azimuth
                                                                                210                           150
             55.4         255        -6.7                                             195               165
             54.30        270        -7.8                                                       180
             51.9         285       -10.2
             53.3         300        -8.8
             53.5         315        -8.6
             48.9         330       -13.2
             46.1         345       -16.0

                  Gain in dBi vs. Azimuth - Vertical
                        345    5.0        15
                  330          0.0              30
            315                                       45

      300                                                   60

285                           -30.0

270                           -40.0                               90

255                                                              105

      240                                                   120

            225                                       135
                                                                  Magnitude dBuV vs.
                  210                           150               Azimuth - X axis
                        195               165                     Magnitude dBuV vs.
                                  180                             Azimuth - Z axis
                                                                  Magnitude dBuV vs.
                                                                  Azimuth - Y axis

261203 - With Mag Card - Bluetooth - Vertical Polarization - Printer in X-Axis

           Ref. Level Degrees        Gain
             46.90          0       -15.7                                                Magnitude dB vs. Azimuth
             45.3          15       -17.3
             42.2          30       -20.4                                                            0
             46.2          45       -16.4                                              345    5.0        15
             42.5          60       -20.1                                        330          0.0              30
                                                                          315                 -5.0                   45
             45.1          75       -17.5
             40.3          90       -22.3                             300                    -15.0                        60
             39.7         105       -22.9                                                    -20.0
             44.5         120       -18.1                           285                      -25.0                         75
             47.7         135       -14.9                                                    -30.0

             44.6         150       -18.0                          270                       -35.0                             90
             35.1         165       -27.5
             45.4         180       -17.2                           255                                                    105
             40.7         195       -21.9
                                                                      240                                                 120
             36.6         210       -26.0
             44.9         225       -17.7                                 225                                        135            Magnitude dB vs.
             45.7         240       -16.9                                        210                           150                  Azimuth
             50.0         255       -12.6                                              195               165
             51.10        270       -11.5                                                        180
             51.7         285       -10.9
             48.8         300       -13.8
             49.3         315       -13.3
             48.8         330       -13.8
             46.8         345       -15.8

261203 - With Mag Card - Bluetooth - Vertical Polarization - Printer in Y-Axis

           Ref. Level Degrees        Gain
             57.90          0         -4.7                                                Magnitude dB vs. Azimuth
             55.5          15         -7.1
             54.1          30         -8.5
             55.0          45         -7.6                                                            0
             55.4          60         -7.2                                              345     5.0       15
                                                                                  330           0.0             30
             56.8          75         -5.8                                                     -5.0
                                                                            315                                       45
             57.1          90         -5.5                                                    -10.0
             51.9         105        -10.7                              300                   -15.0                        60
             48.1         120        -14.5                                                    -20.0
                                                                      285                     -25.0                         75
             49.5         135        -13.1                                                    -30.0
             56.4         150         -6.2                           270                      -35.0                         90
             59.6         165         -3.0
             60.6         180         -2.0                            255                                                   105
             60.4         195         -2.2
             60.6         210         -2.0                              240                                                120
                                                                                                                                  Magnitude dB vs.
             61.1         225         -1.5                                  225                                       135         Azimuth
             61.6         240         -1.0                                        210                           150
             61.7         255         -0.9                                              195               165
             61.60        270         -1.0                                                       180
             61.3         285         -1.3
             61.1         300         -1.5
             61.0         315         -1.6
             59.6         330         -3.0
             58.8         345         -3.8

261203 - With Mag Card - Bluetooth - Vertical Polarization - Printer in Z-Axis

           Ref. Level Degrees        Gain
             59.30          0         -3.3                                               Magnitude dB vs. Azimuth
             59.3          15         -3.3
             58.7          30         -3.9                                                           0
             57.7          45         -4.9                                             345    5.0        15
             57.7          60         -4.9                                       330          0.0              30
                                                                          315                 -5.0                   45
             55.4          75         -7.2
             50.0          90        -12.6                             300                   -15.0                        60
             47.9         105        -14.7                                                   -20.0
             48.1         120        -14.5                          285                      -25.0                         75
             52.5         135        -10.1                                                   -30.0
             55.7         150         -6.9                         270                       -35.0                             90
             52.4         165        -10.2
             54.1         180         -8.5                          255                                                    105
             52.8         195         -9.8
                                                                       240                                                120
             51.3         210        -11.3
             47.6         225        -15.0                                225                                        135            Magnitude dB vs.
             52.3         240        -10.3                                       210                           150                  Azimuth
             55.3         255         -7.3                                             195               165
             54.30        270         -8.3                                                       180
             55.9         285         -6.7
             57.3         300         -5.3
             57.6         315         -5.0
             59.5         330         -3.1
             59.4         345         -3.2

Document Created: 2008-05-22 15:06:45
Document Modified: 2008-05-22 15:06:45

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