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Users Manual

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Motion Sensor                                            Model ID-318
                          1. INTRODUCTION                                                  3. CUSTOMIZING THE MOTION SENSOR

Thank you for your purchase of a SkylinkHomeTM Lighting Automation,         There are settings on the motion sensor that you can customize. To
Motion Sensor, Model ID-318. The Motion Sensor allows you to turn           customize these settings, open up the battery compartment door and
lights on automatically when movement is detected. A built-in timer can     there are a few jumper connectors. Refer to the detail explanations below
turn lights off after a predefined time period. This is ideal for energy    to customize the motion sensor to suit your needs.
saving purposes where the area is not always occupied but lighting is
                                                                                                            5min / 30min / 60min
needed when someone is present. A built-in light sensor can also be
used so the light will not be on if movement is detected when the                                       SEN 2             CDS OFF
monitored area is bright enough.                                                                SEN 1           SET             CDS DARK

You can customize several settings on the motion sensor, such as:

-Timer duration (5 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes)
-Light sensor enable / disable (CDS light sensor)
-Light sensor brightness threshold (Hi / Lo)
-Motion Sensor Sensitivity

All wireless signal communications within the SkylinkHomeTM lighting
system are based on rolling code technology to ensure highest security
is used.
                                                                            SEN 1, SEN 2 - This is the sensitivity setting of the motion sensor, where
The following items are included in this package:                           SEN 1 represents high sensitivity and SEN2 represents low sensitivity.
                                                                            High sensitivity can monitor further movement, from up to about 11 meters
- Motion Sensor                                                             and less movement is required for activation. Low sensitivity can monitor
- Ball Joint and Mounting Accessories                                       movement within a shorter distance and more movement is required.
- 9V Alkaline Battery
- User's Instructions                                                       SET Button - The SET Button is used for programming the Motion Sensor
                                                                            to the lighting receiver module.

                                                                            5 min / 30 min / 60 min - This connector allows you to select the timer
                                                                            duration, i.e. how long the light will be on after a motion is detected. You
                                                                            may set the connector at the 5 min position so the light will be on when a
                                                                            motion is detected and off 5 minutes later.

                                                                            You may also remove the connector completely from all 3 settings, i.e. no
  Motion Sensor         Ball Joint and              9V Alkaline
                        Mounting Accessories        Battery
                                                                            jumper connector on 5 / 30 / 60 minute. If you remove all 3 connectors,
                                                                            the light will be on when motion is detected and it will not be off by the
                                                                            built-in timer. You must use other device such as a remote control to turn
Before you can control the lights with the Motion Sensor, you need to       it off. There are some applications where it is desired, such as motion
program it to the receiver module. Follow the instructions below to         sensor installed in a conference room, it should turn on the lighting when
program the Motion Sensor to the receiver module.                           someone walks into the room, but it should remain on until someone
                                                                            leaves the room and turn off the lighting manually. Please refer to
                                                                            “Accessories” section of the instructions for selection of different devices.
                                                                            If you are programming the motion sensor to any one of these receiver
In order to activate the receiver module with a Motion Sensor, it must be   modules, Model PA-318, PR-318, LS-318, WE-318, WR-318, these
programmed to the receiver module.                                          receiver modules have their own timer duration setting. However, when
                                                                            the motion sensor is in used with these receiver modules, the motion
To program a motion sensor into the receiver module, follow the             sensor timer setting overrides the timer duration setting on these receiver
instructions below.                                                         modules. Therefore, when movement is detected by the motion sensor,
                                                                            the light will be on based on the motion sensor timer setting.
1. Undo the screws on the back of the motion sensor and remove the
   battery compartment door.                                                CDS OFF (Light Sensor) - If this connect is placed, the CDS light
2. Insert a 9V alkaline battery to power up the motion sensor.              sensing function is off, meaning even it is very bright, if movement is
3. Put the receiver module that you plan to program into programming        detected by the motion sensor, it will still send a signal to turn on the light.
   mode. Refer to the User's Instructions of that receiver module. If you
   are programming the motion sensor to any one of these receiver           If the connector is removed, light sensor function is enabled, meaning
   modules, Model PA-318, PR-318, LS-318, WE-318, WR-318, ensure            the light will only be on if motion is detected when the brightness of the
   you program the motion sensor under “Timer Operation” learning           monitored area is low enough.
   sequence of the receiver module. You cannot program the motion
   sensor to these receiver modules under On / Off operating mode.
   If you program the motion sensor under Flashing operating mode,
   when movement is detected, the light will flash for the predefined
   time period. Please choose carefully on which operating mode you
   select during programming.
4. Once the receiver module is in programming
   mode, you may transmit the programming                                                                                   Light Sensor   Light Sensor
   signal from the motion sensor by pressing       SET                                                                      Disabled       Enabled
   the “SET” button inside the battery door.       Button
   When the “SET” button is pressed, the red
   LED on the front of the motion sensor will
   flash, indicating a signal is being transmitted
                                                                            CDS DARK (Light Sensing Threshold) - This connector allows the
   to the receiver module.
                                                                            users to set the light sensing threshold value.
5. Once the motion sensor is programmed, the
   receiver module will quit from programming
   mode. Programming is now completed.

You may follow the same instructions to program the motion sensor to
different receiver modules, so when the motion sensor is activated, all
the receiver modules will be activated.
                                                                                                                             Threshold -    Threshold -
                                                                                                                             Dark           Bright

           3. CUSTOMIZING THE MOTION SENSOR (CONT)                                                                                                  6. ERASING MOTION SENSOR

If the connector is in place, the                                                                                          Erasing Motion Sensor from the Dimmable Receiver Module
light sensor threshold is set at a                                                                                         model MD-318 or On / Off Receiver Module model MR-318
lower brightness value, i.e. a                                                                                             You may erase a transmitter from the receiver module, but you cannot
motion activation signal will not                                                                                          erase a specific device, you must erase all the wireless devices, then
turn on the lighting receiver unless                                                                                       program the ones you want to keep. Follow the instructions below to
the environment is really dark.                                                                                            erase programmed transmitters.
If the connector is removed, the light                                                                                     1. Power off the lighting receiver module.
sensor threshold is set at a higher                                                                                        2. Press the SET button on the Motion Sensor.
brightness value, i.e. a motion                                                                                            3. Press and hold the programmed number button on the transmitter for
activation signal will turn on the                                                                                            at least 2 seconds. Do not release this button until step 5.
lighting receiver even the environ-                                                                                        4. Power up the lighting receiver module, you will hear beeping and the
ment is not so dark.                                                                                                          light will be on.
                                                                                                                           5. You may release the button on the transmitter.
You should set the desired light sensing threshold by trial and error.                                                     6. When the button is release, the light connected to the receiver module
                                                                                                                              will be off, indicating you have successfully erased all the devices
After setting all the jumper connectors, you may place the battery com-                                                       from the lighting receiver.
partment door back on and tighten the screw. You may now mount the
motion sensor at the desired location where movement will be monitored.
                                                                                                                                                                 7. FCC
                           4. INSTALLATION
                                                                                                                           The Remote Control is approved by the FCC and it complies with Part 15 of the
The motion sensor should be installed at a location where you want to                                                      FCC Rules. Its operation is subject to the following two conditions :
monitor movement, so when movement is detected at this location, the                                                       1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
                                                                                                                           2. This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
light will be on. You should mount it at a height of 7ft from the ground.
                                                                                                                           Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible
                                                                                                                           of compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.


                                                                                                                                                      8. CUSTOMER SERVICE
                                                                                                                           If you would like to order Skylink’s products or have difficulty getting them to work
                                                                                                                           or download latest information and user manual, please :
                                                                                                                           1. visit our FAQ section at, or
                                                                                                                           2. email us at, or
                    5. TESTING AND OPERATION                                                                               3. call our toll free at 1-800-304-1187 from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm EST.
                                                                                                                           Fax (800) 286-1320
Walk Test

Walk test should be performed after the motion sensor is mounted. Walk
in the detected area, if motion is detected, a red light inside the sensor                                                                                9. ACCESSORIES
will glow. If the red light does not glow, motion has not been detected and
you may need to re-position the sensor. Ensure you walk test all the                                                                           TM
                                                                                                                           The SkylinkHome Lighting System consists of many other devices from
locations that you would like the motion sensor to cover.                                                                  multiple button transmitters, Motion Sensor, various receivers such as
                                                                                                                           Wall Switch Receiver, Plug-in Receiver with Repeater, Outdoor Receiver,
Note:                                                                                                                      Dimmer Module etc. Please visit Skylink website at
                                              DETECTING AREA:                            (Unit = meter)
- Perform the walk test after you                                                                                          for more information.
  have inserted the battery for more            10             55°

  than 1 minute.                                8

- Before performing the walk test,              6

  the sensor should not detect any              4

  motion.                                       2

- After motion is detected once,                M

  the sensor will not be triggered                       12°

  unless no motion is detected for
  3 seconds. Therefore, wait for
  at least 3 seconds during walk          SENSOR

  testing between 2 activations.
                                                     0   1     2     3         4     5      6    7      8   9   10

When installing the motion sensor, avoid placing it near heat or cold
producing devices (i.e. A/C or furnace vents, fans, ovens, space heaters,
etc). Air movement, especially caused by changes in temperature may
trigger the Motion Sensor and cause false alarms. Please carefully test
your Motion Sensor so that it will only be triggered by wanted movement.

After walk testing, you may power up the lighting receiver module. When
motion is detected, the red LED on the front of the motion sensor will flash
and the light connected to the receiver module should also be on.

If the light at the receiver module is not on, but the red LED on the motion
sensor flashes, please ensure you have the correct setting of the CDS
Light Sensor, i.e. if you enable CDS Light Sensor and you are testing this                                                  CUSTOMER SERVICE
at a bright environment, the light connected to the motion sensor will not                                                  17 Sheard Avenue, Brampton, Ontario, Canada L6Y 1J3
be on. If the CDS Light Sensor setting is correct, please ensure the                                              
motion sensor is programmed to the lighting receiver module. If you are                                           
                                                                                                                            P/N. 101A396
not certain if the motion sensor is properly programmed, you can program                                                    Patent Pending
it again.                                                                                                                   ©2010 SKYLINK GROUP

Document Created: 2010-01-19 18:48:20
Document Modified: 2010-01-19 18:48:20

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