Test report


Test Report

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                                                               KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C—3701, 40, Simin—daero 365beon—gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                   Dongan—gu, Anyang—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea                                KES—RF—1610096—R 1
                                                  Tel: +82—31—425—6200 / Fax: +82—31—424—0450                              Page (1 ) of (19)

                                             TEST REPORT
                             Part 15 Subpart C 15.231
                                                                          Mobile Security Child with
                           Equipment under test
                                                                          environmental sensors
                                              Model name S$T—900—CE
                                                       FCCID KL7ST—900—CE
                                                   Applicant Savi Technology Inc.
                                          Manufacturer Dae Kyung Philippines, Inc.
                                           Date of test(s) 2016.10.04 ~2016.11.10
                                             Date of issue 2016.11.10

                                                   Issued to
                                             Savi Technology Inc.
                                       3601 Eisenhower Avenue, STE 280,
                                             Alexandria VA 22304
                             Tel: +1—571—227—7950 / Fax: +1—571—227—7960
                                                               Issued by
                                       KES Co., Ltd.
                   C—3701, 40, Simin—daero 365beon—gil, Dongan—gu, Anyang—si,
                                      Gyeonggi—do, Korea
                         473—21, Gayeo—ro, Yeoju—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea
                        Tel: +82—31—425—6200 / Fax: +82—31—424—0450
Test and report completed by :                                            Report approval by :

Hyeon—su Jang                                                             Jeff Do
Test engineer                                                             Technical manager

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                         The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES—P—5101—14 Rev. 1                                                         KES                                                              A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (2 ) of (19)

                                                          Revision history
 Revision        Date of issue                  Test report No.                                           Description
     -            2016.10.17                  KES-RF-16T0096                                         Initial
                                                                                Retest a Transmission time and added a test plot
    R1            2016.11.10                KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                                                                 of duty cycle

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                            A4

                                                                       KES Co., Ltd.
                                                               C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                           Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                          Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (3 ) of (19)

                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. General information ................................................................................................................................... 4
   1.1.      EUT description ......................................................................................................................... 4
   1.2.      Test configuration ....................................................................................................................... 4
   1.3.      Device modifications .................................................................................................................. 4
   1.4.      Derivation model information .................................................................................................... 4
   1.5.      Frequency/channel operations .................................................................................................... 4
2. Summary of tests ....................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Test results ................................................................................................................................................. 6
   3.1.      Field strength of fundamental and the field strength of spurious emission ................................ 6
   3.2.      Bandwidth of operation frequency ........................................................................................... 15
   3.3.      Transmission time .................................................................................................................... 16
   3.4.      Duty cycle correction factor ..................................................................................................... 17
Appendix A. Measurement equipment .......................................................................................................... 18
Appendix B. Test setup photos ...................................................................................................................... 19

                               This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                                  The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                                  KES                                                                      A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (4 ) of (19)

1.           General information
Applicant:                   Savi Technology Inc.
Applicant address:           3601 Eisenhower Avenue, STE 280, Alexandria VA 22304
Test site:                   KES Co., Ltd.
Test site address:           C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
                             473-21, Gayeo-ro, Yeoju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
FCC rule part(s):            15.231
FCC ID:                      KL7ST-900-CE
Test device serial No.:            Production                               Pre-production                                  Engineering

1.1.         EUT description
Equipment under test         Mobile Security Child with environmental sensors
Frequency range              Tx :433.92           , 123
                             Rx :433.92           ,
Modulation technique         433.92           : FSK, 123             : ASK
Number of channels           433.92           : 1ch, 123           : 1ch
Antenna specification        433.92 UHF Antenna type: PCB, Peak gain: -0.97 ㏈i
Power source                 DC 3.6 V / 3400 mAh Li-SOCI2 battery

1.2.         Test configuration
The Savi Technology, Inc. Mobile Security Child with environmental Sensors FCC ID: KL7ST-900-CE
was tested per the guidance of ANSI C63.10-2013 was used to reference the appropriate EUT setup for
radiated spurious emissions testing.

1.3.         Device modifications

1.4.         Derivation model information

1.5.         Frequency/channel operations

                                                      Ch.                  Frequency ( )
                                                      01                         433.92

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                            A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (5 ) of (19)

2.       Summary of tests
       Reference                                                       Parameter                                                  Test results
                                                            Radiated emission,
                                                          Spurious emission and                                                      Pass
                                                      Field Strength of Fundamental
      15.231(c)                                      Bandwidth of operation frequency                                                Pass
      15.231(a)                                                 Transmission time                                                    Pass

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                             A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (6 ) of (19)

3.       Test results
3.1.     Field strength of fundamental and the field strength of spurious emission
Test setup
The diagram below shows the test setup that is utilized to make the measurements for emission from 9                                           to
30      Emissions.

The diagram below shows the test setup that is utilized to make the measurements for emission from 30
to 1    emissions.

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                            A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (7 ) of (19)

The diagram below shows the test setup that is utilized to make the measurements for emission from 1                                           to
the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 40     emissions, whichever is lower.

Test procedure below 30
    1. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground at a 3 meter
        anechoic chamber test site. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of the
        highest radiation.
    2. Then antenna is a loop antenna is fixed at one meter above the ground to determine the maximum
        value of the field strength. Both parallel and perpendicular of the antenna are set to make the
    3. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the table was turned
        from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find the maximum reading.
    4. The test-receiver system was set to average or quasi peak detect function and Specified Bandwidth
        with Maximum hold mode.

Test procedure above 30
    1. Spectrum analyzer settings for f < 1   ⑦
          Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured
          RBW = 100
          VBW ≥ RBW
          Detector = Peak detection (PK) or Quasi-peak detection (QP)
          Sweep time = auto
          Trace = max hold
    2. Spectrum analyzer settings for f ≥1      ⑦ Peak
          Analyzer center frequency was set to the frequency of the radiated spurious emission of interest
          RBW = 1
          VBW ≥ 3
          Detector = peak
          Sweep time = auto
          Trace = max hold
          Trace was allowed to stabilize

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                            A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (8 ) of (19)

    1. f <30    , extrapolation factor of 40 ㏈/decade of distance. Fd = 40log(Dm/Ds)
       f ≥30      , extrapolation factor of 20 ㏈/decade of distance. Fd = 20log(Dm/Ds)
         Fd = Distance factor in ㏈
         Dm = Measurement distance in meters
         Ds = Specification distance in meters
    2. CF(Correction factors(㏈)) = Antenna factor(㏈/m) + Cable loss(㏈) + or Amp. gain(㏈) + or Fd(㏈)
    3. Field strength(㏈㎶/m) = Level(㏈㎶) + CF (㏈) + or DCF(㏈)
    4. Margin(㏈) = Limit(㏈㎶/m) - Field strength(㏈㎶/m)
    5.   The fundamental of the EUT was investigated in three orthogonal orientations X, Y and Z, it was determined
         that Y orientation was worst-case orientation; therefore, all final radiated testing was performed with the
         EUT in Y orientation.
    6.   The emissions are reported however whose levels were not within 20 ㏈ of respective limits were not

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                            A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (9 ) of (19)

According to 15.209(a), for an intentional radiator devices, the general required of field strength of radiated
emissions from unintentional radiators at a distance of 3 meters shall not exceed the following values:
          Frequency ( )                                    Distance (Meters)                                     Radiated (㎶/m)
           0.009 ~ 0.490                                             300                                             2400/F( )
           0.490 ~ 1.705                                             30                                             24000/F( )
            1.705 ~ 30.0                                             30                                                     30
              30 ~ 88                                                 3                                                    100**
              88 ~ 216                                                3                                                    150**
             216 ~ 960                                                3                                                    200**
             Above 960                                                3                                                     500
**Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this
Section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54 ~ 72 , 76 ~ 88     , 174 ~ 216      or 470 ~ 806      .
However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g., Sections
15.231 and 15.241.

According to 15.231(b), in addition to the provisions of section 15.205, the field strength of emissions from
intentional radiators operated under this section shall not exceed the following:
                                                  Field strength of fundamental                      Field strength of spurious emission
   Fundamental frequency ( )
                                                       (microvolts / meter)                                  (microvolts / meter)
           40.66 ~ 40.70                                       2,250                                                 225
             70 ~ 130                                              1,250                                                    125
             130 ~ 174                                      1,250 to 3,750**                                         125 to 375**
             174 ~ 260                                             3,750                                                    375
             260 ~ 470                                     3,750 to 12,500**                                        375 to 1,250**
            Above 470                                              12,500                                                  1,250
**Where F is the frequency in       , the formulas for calculating the maximum permitted fundamental field
strengths are as follows: for the band 130 ~ 174 , ㎶/m at 3 meters = 56.81818(F) – 6136.3636; for the
band 260 ~ 470        , ㎶/m at 3 meters = 41.6667(F) – 7083.333. The maximum permitted unwanted
emission level is 20 ㏈ below the maximum permitted fundamental level.

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                            A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (10 ) of (19)

Field strength

Test results
Mode:                             FSK
Distance of measurement:          3 meter
Channel:                          1

Frequency      Level                             Ant. Pol.            CF               DCF           Field strength           Limit      Margin
                           Detect mode
   ( )         (㏈㎶)                               (H/V)               (㏈)              (㏈)              (㏈㎶/m)               (㏈㎶/m)       (㏈)
                                Peak                 H                17.43               -                94.77              100.83      6.06
  433.92       77.34
                              Average                H                17.43           -20.93               73.84               80.83      6.99
                                Peak                 V                17.43               -                87.30              100.83      13.53
  433.92       69.87
                              Average                V                17.43           -20.93               66.37               80.83      14.46

Test plots
                  Horizontal // Peak                                                               Vertical // Peak

    1. 3m Average Limit(㏈㎶/m) = 20log[41.6667(F( )-7083.3333) = 80.83
       3m Peak Limit(㏈㎶/m) = Average limit + 20 = 100.83
       Average Field strength = Peak Field strength + Duty Cycle Correction Factor
    2. Duty Cycle Correction Factor : 20log(Ton / 100 ms) = 20log(8.986 / 100) = -20.93
       Tx on time = 8.986 ms
       Tx on+off ≥ 100 ms (pulse train is 100 ms)

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                             A4

                                                              KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (11 ) of (19)

Spurious emission

Test results (Below 30            )
Mode:                             FSK
Distance of measurement:          3 meter
Channel:                          1

Frequency       Level            Ant. Pol.              CF                  Fd           Field strength             Limit            Margin
   ( )          (㏈㎶)              (H/V)                 (㏈)                (㏈)               (㏈㎶/m)                (㏈㎶/m)             (㏈)
                             No spurious emissions were detected within 20 ㏈ of the limit

Test plots (Below 30 )
                   Horizontal                                                                           Vertical

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                             A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (12 ) of (19)

Test results (Below 1 000 )
Mode:                     FSK
Distance of measurement:          3 meter
Channel:                          1

Frequency     Level                              Ant. Pol.            CF               DCF           Field strength           Limit      Margin
                           Detect mode
   ( )        (㏈㎶)                                (H/V)               (㏈)              (㏈)              (㏈㎶/m)               (㏈㎶/m)       (㏈)
  43.30        20.46            Peak                 V                13.75               -                34.21              40.00       5.79

  113.50       21.53            Peak                 V                10.91               -                32.44              43.50       11.06
  145.80       19.68            Peak                 V                8.75                -                28.43              43.50       15.07
  196.30       22.66            Peak                 V                11.72               -                34.38              43.50       9.12
  290.40       19.03            Peak                 V                14.36               -                33.39              46.00       12.61
  867.84       55.29            Peak                 H                -6.08               -                49.21              80.83       31.62
  867.84       57.41            Peak                 V                -6.08               -                51.33              80.83       29.50

Test plots (Below 1 000 )
                   Horizontal                                                                           Vertical

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                         KES                                                            A4

                                                               KES Co., Ltd.
                                                        C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                    Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                   Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (13 ) of (19)

Test results (Above 1 000 )
Mode:                     FSK
Distance of measurement:            3 meter
Channel:                            1

Frequency       Level                              Ant. Pol.            CF               DCF           Field strength           Limit      Margin
                             Detect mode
   ( )          (㏈㎶)                                (H/V)               (㏈)              (㏈)              (㏈㎶/m)               (㏈㎶/m)       (㏈)
                                  Peak                 H                -7.91               -                65.32              74.00       8.68
*1 303.90        73.23
                                Average                H                -7.91           -20.93               44.39              54.00       9.61
                                  Peak                 V                -7.91               -                69.05              74.00       4.95
*1 303.90        76.96
                                Average                V                -7.91           -20.93               48.12              54.00       5.88
 1 738.10        60.06            Peak                 H                -4.79               -                55.27              80.83       25.56
 1 738.10        57.06            Peak                 V                -4.79               -                52.27              80.83       28.56
 2 172.20        47.19            Peak                 H                -1.49               -                45.70              80.83       35.13
 2 172.20        56.81            Peak                 V                -1.49               -                55.32              80.83       25.51
 2 606.40        42.54            Peak                 H                0.74                -                43.28              80.83       37.55
 2 606.40        51.00            Peak                 V                0.74                -                51.74              80.83       29.09
 3 040.50        52.02            Peak                 H                2.39                -                54.41              80.83       26.42
                                  Peak                 V                2.39                -                62.31              80.83       18.52
 3 040.50        59.92
                                Average                V                2.39            -20.93               41.38              60.63       19.25
 3 468.90        46.20            Peak                 H                2.17                -                48.37              80.83       32.46
 3 468.90        35.93            Peak                 V                2.17                -                38.10              80.83       42.73
*3 908.80        47.31            Peak                 H                4.17                -                51.48              74.00       22.52
*3 908.80        49.65            Peak                 V                4.17                -                53.82              74.00       20.18
 4 337.19        46.43            Peak                 H                5.46                -                51.89              80.83       28.94
 4 337.19        41.70            Peak                 V                5.46                -                47.16              80.83       33.67

    1.      3m Peak Limit(㏈㎶/m) = 20log[41.6667(F( )-7083.3333) = 80.83
            3m Average Limit(㏈㎶/m) = Peak limit - 20 = 60.83
            Average Field strength = Peak Field strength + Duty Cycle Correction Factor
    2.      Correction Factors = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Amp.Gain
    3.      “*”means the restricted band.
    4.      Average test would not be applied if the peak results were lower than the average limit.
    5.      Duty Cycle Correction Factor : 20log(Ton / 100 ms) = 20log(8.986 / 100) = -20.93
            Tx on time = 8.986 ms
            Tx on+off ≥ 100 ms (pulse train is 100 ms)

                         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                            The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                           KES                                                            A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (14 ) of (19)

Test plots (Above 1 000 )
                     Horizontal                                                                         Vertical

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                             A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (15 ) of (19)

3.2.     Bandwidth of operation frequency
Test setup

                                   EUT                                                      Spectrum analyzer

Test procedure
1. Use the following spectrum analyzer setting
2. RBW = 10
3. VBW = 30        (≥ RBW)
4. Span = 1
5. Detector function = peak
6. Trace = max hold

The bandwidth of the emissions shall be no wider than 0.25 % of the center frequency for devices operating
above 70    and below 900      . Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 ㏈ down from the modulated

Test results

           Frequency( )                                      Bandwidth(㎑)                                             Limit (㎑)
               433.92                                               183.8                                                  1 084.80

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                             A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (16 ) of (19)

3.3.     Transmission time
Test setup

                                   EUT                                                      Spectrum analyzer

Test procedure
1. Place the EUT on the table and set it in transmitting mode.
2. Remove the antenna from the EUT and then connect a low loss RF cable from the antenna port to the
   spectrum analyzer.
3. Set center frequency of spectrum analyzer = operating frequency.
4. Set the spectrum analyzer as RBW=100 , VBW=100              , Span=0 .

A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after activation.

Test results

             Frequency( )                                Transmission time (ms)                                            Limit (s)
                433.92                                                8.696                                       Same or less than 5

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                             A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (17 ) of (19)

3.4.     Duty cycle correction factor
Test setup

                                   EUT                                                      Spectrum analyzer

Test procedure
1. The transmitter output is connected to the spectrum analyzer.
2. Set center frequency of spectrum analyzer = operating frequency.
3. Set the spectrum analyzer as RBW=100 , VBW=100             , Span=0                                and Sweep time =100 ㎳.

None (No dedicated Limit specified in the Rules)

Test results
Duty Cycle Correction Factor : 20log(Ton / 100 ms) = 20log(8.986 / 100) = -20.93
Tx on time = 8.986 ms
Tx on+off ≥ 100 ms (pulse train is 100 ms)

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                             A4

                                                             KES Co., Ltd.
                                                      C-3701, 40, Simin-daero 365beon-gil,                                 Test report No.:
                                                  Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                                 KES-RF-16T0096-R1
                                                 Tel: +82-31-425-6200 / Fax: +82-31-424-0450                               Page (18 ) of (19)

Appendix A.          Measurement equipment
                                                                                                                     Calibration      Calibration
      Equipment                  Manufacturer                        Model                     Serial No.
                                                                                                                      interval           due.
  Spectrum Analyzer                    R&S                           FSV30                        10076                1 year         2017.07.06
  8360B Series Swept
                                         HP                         83630B                    3844A00786                   1 year      2017.01.25
   Signal Generator
     PSG Analog
                                    AGILENT                         E8257C                    US42340237                   1 year      2017.07.05
   Signal Generator
   DC Power Supply                       HP                          6674A                    US36370369                   1 year      2017.07.04
       Attenuator                     Agilent                      8493C                          51401                    1 year      2017.07.05
     Loop Antenna                      R&S                                                       826532                    2 years     2017.03.03
                               SCHWARZBECK                       VULB 9163                      9168-713                   2 years     2017.05.15
    Horn Antenna                    A.H.                           SAS-571                          781                    2 years     2017.05.07
    High Pass Filter                                          WHJS3000-10TT                           1                    1 year      2017.07.04
    Low Pass Filter              WEINSCHEL                  WLK1.0/18G-10TT                           1                    1 year      2017.07.04
      Preamplifier             SCHWARZBECK                        BBV-9718                      9718-246                   1 year      2016.10.23
   EMI Test Receiver                   R&S                            ESR3                       101781                    1 year      2017.05.03
   EMI Test Receiver                   R&S                           ESU26                       100552                    1 year      2017.04.24

Peripheral devices
          Device                           Manufacturer                                Model No.                                Serial No.
         Notebook                             SAMSUNG                              NT-R519-BA24J                           ZKPA93ES900086Z

                       This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KES Co., Ltd.
                                          The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

KES-P-5101-14 Rev. 1                                                        KES                                                              A4

Document Created: 2017-12-17 17:31:02
Document Modified: 2017-12-17 17:31:02

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