CIIPC Test Report


Test Report

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                                                 FCC PART 90

                                Trimble Navigation Limited
                                                     935 Stewart Drive,
                                              Sunnyvale, CA 94085, USA

                                          FCC ID: KEAXDLM

             Report Type:                                       Product type:
                       CIIPC                                       UHF Transceiver Module

                    Prepared By:           Quinn Jiang

                Report Number:             R1212033-90

                     Report Date:          2012-12-17

                                           Victor Zhang

                    Reviewed By:           RF/EMC Lead

                                           Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.
                                           1274 Anvilwood Avenue,
                                           Sunnyvale, CA 94089, U.S.A.
                                           Tel: (408) 732-9162
                                           Fax: (408) 732 9164

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or
used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. This report must not be used by the
customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA* or any agency of the Federal Government. * This
report may contain data that are not covered by the A2LA accreditation and are marked with an asterisk “*” (Rev.3)

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                                                                 FCC ID: KEAXDLM

                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.      General Information.............................................................................................................................................5
     1.1    PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT)........................................................................5
     1.2    MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................5
     1.3    OBJECTIVE......................................................................................................................................................5
     1.4    RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) ...............................................................................................................5
     1.5    TEST METHODOLOGY .....................................................................................................................................6
     1.6    MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ......................................................................................................................6
     1.7    TEST FACILITY ...............................................................................................................................................6
2       System Test Configuration...................................................................................................................................7
     2.1     JUSTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................7
     2.2     EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE.............................................................................................................................7
     2.3     EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ..........................................................................................................................7
     2.4     INTERNAL CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................................7
     2.5     LOCAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT .........................................................................................................................7
     2.6     LOCAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT POWER SUPPLY AND LINE FILTERS ..................................................................7
     2.7     EXTERNAL I/O CABLING LIST AND DETAILS ..................................................................................................7
     2.8     TEST SETUP BLOCK DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................................8
3       Summary of Test Results....................................................................................................................................10

4       FCC §2.1091 - RF Exposure Information.........................................................................................................11
     4.1    APPLICABLE STANDARDS .............................................................................................................................11
5       FCC §2.1046 & §90.205 – RF Output Power....................................................................................................13
     5.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD ...............................................................................................................................13
     5.2    TEST PROCEDURE .........................................................................................................................................13
     5.3    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...........................................................................................................13
     5.4    TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS............................................................................................................13
     5.5    TEST RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................................13
6       FCC §2.1049, §90.209 & §90.210 – Occupied Bandwidth & Emission Mask ................................................14
     6.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD ...............................................................................................................................14
     6.2    TEST PROCEDURE .........................................................................................................................................14
     6.3    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...........................................................................................................14
     6.4    TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS............................................................................................................15
     6.5    TEST RESULT ................................................................................................................................................15
7       FCC §2.1051 & §90.210 - Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals ...........................................................20
     7.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD ...............................................................................................................................20
     7.2    TEST PROCEDURE .........................................................................................................................................20
     7.3    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...........................................................................................................20
     7.4    TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS............................................................................................................20
     7.5    TEST RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................................20
8       FCC §2.1053 & §90.210 – Field Strength of Spurious Radiation ...................................................................23
     8.1    APPLICABLE STANDARD ...............................................................................................................................23
     8.2    TEST PROCEDURE .........................................................................................................................................23
     8.3    TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS............................................................................................................23
     8.4    TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...........................................................................................................23
     8.5    TEST RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................................24
9       FCC §90.214 - Transient Frequency Behavior.................................................................................................25

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                                                                  FCC ID: KEAXDLM

     9.1        APPLICABLE STANDARD ...............................................................................................................................25
     9.2        TEST PROCEDURE .........................................................................................................................................25
     9.3        TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ...........................................................................................................26
     9.4        TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS............................................................................................................26
     9.5        TEST RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................................26
10     FCC Labeling Requirements .............................................................................................................................28
     10.1  FCC ID LABEL REQUIREMENT .....................................................................................................................28
     10.2  FCC ID LABEL CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................................28
     10.3  FCC ID LABEL LOCATION ............................................................................................................................29
11     Exhibit B - Test Setup Photographs ..................................................................................................................30
     11.1   RADIATED EMISSION – FRONT VIEW ............................................................................................................30
     11.2   RADIATED EMISSION BELOW 1 GHZ – REAR VIEW.......................................................................................30
     11.3   RADIATED EMISSION ABOVE 1 GHZ – REAR VIEW .......................................................................................31
12     Exhibit C - EUT Photographs............................................................................................................................32
     12.1   EUT – TOP VIEW ..........................................................................................................................................32
     12.2   EUT – BOTTOM VIEW ..................................................................................................................................32
     12.3   EUT – SIDE VIEW (1) ...................................................................................................................................33
     12.4   EUT – SIDE VIEW (2) ...................................................................................................................................33
     12.5   EUT – SIDE VIEW (3) ...................................................................................................................................34
     12.6   EUT – SIDE VIEW (4) ...................................................................................................................................34
     12.7   EUT HOST – TOP VIEW ................................................................................................................................35
     12.8   EUT HOST – BOTTOM VIEW.........................................................................................................................35
     12.9   EUT HOST – FRONT VIEW ............................................................................................................................36
     12.10 EUT HOST – REAR VIEW .............................................................................................................................36
     12.11 EUT BUILT INTO THE HOST VIEW ................................................................................................................37
     12.12 SUPPORTING HOST UNCOVERED VIEW .........................................................................................................37
     12.13 EUT – COVER OFF VIEW (1).........................................................................................................................38
     12.14 EUT – COVER OFF VIEW (2).........................................................................................................................38

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                        FCC ID: KEAXDLM

                             DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY

       Revision Number       Report Number          Description of Revision    Date of Revision

               0              R1212033-90                   CIIPC Report         2012-12-17

Report Number: R1212033-90                   Page 4 of 38                     FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                  FCC ID: KEAXDLM

1. General Information
1.1     Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)
This test and measurement report was prepared on behalf Trimble Navigation Ltd and their product, FCC
ID: KEAXDLM, model: XDLM-0, which will henceforth be referred to as the EUT (Equipment Under
Test). The EUT is a UHF transceiver module operates in 403-473 MHz.

The EUTs are UHF Transceivers that operates under FCC Part 90

                                                                       403-406 MHz
                     Frequency Bands                                  406.1-430 MHz
                                                                       430-473 MHz
                     Modulation Type                                   GMSK, 4FSK
                    Emission Designator                                     F1D
                                                                       Low: 0.5 Watt
                     RF Output Power
                                                                       High: 2 Watts
                     Channel Spacing                                 12.5 kHz & 25 kHz
                    Dual Power Supply                                      3.6 V

1.2     Mechanical Description
The EUT measures approximately 6.98 cm (L) x 4.66 cm (W) x 0.8 cm (H) and weighs approximately 40g.

The test data gathered are from production sample, serial number: 1241-0004, provided by the manufacturer.

1.3     Objective
This type approval report is prepared on behalf of Trimble Navigation Ltd. in accordance with Part 90 of
the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

This is class II permissive change report is based on the new mode adding with no hardware change, only
25 kHz Channle Spacing, 19200 bit data rate mode was added with the s/w modification.

This test and measurement report only pertains to the new Mode: 25 kHz, 19200 bit data rate.

The objective was to determine the RF output power, Occupied Bandwidth and Emission Masks,
conducted and Radaited Spurious Emissions, Frequency Stability, Modulation Characteristic and Ajacent
Channel Power are in compliance with the FCC rules.

1.4     Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                              FCC ID: KEAXDLM

1.5   Test Methodology
All tests and measurements indicated in this document were performed in accordance with the Code of
federal Regulations Title 47 Part 2, Sub-part J as well as the following individual parts:

Part 90 – Private Land Mobile Radio Service

Applicable Standards:TIA603-C and ANSI 63.4-2003, American National Standard for Method of
Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the
range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

All emissions measurement was performed by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. The radiated
testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

1.6   Measurement Uncertainty
All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in the field of EMC. The factors
contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna
directivity, antenna factor variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency
interpolation, measurement distance variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system
Based on CISPR16-4-2:2003, The Treatment of Uncertainty in EMC Measurements, the values ranging
from +2.0 dB for Conducted Emissions tests and +4.0 dB for Radiated Emissions tests are the most
accurate estimates pertaining to uncertainty of EMC measurements at BACL Corp.

1.7   Test Facility
The test site used by BACL Corp. to collect radiated and conducted emissions measurement data is located
at its facility in Sunnyvale, California, USA.

The test site at BACL Corp. has been fully described in reports submitted to the Federal Communication
Commission (FCC) and Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI). The details of these reports
have been found to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on February
11 and December 10, 1997, and Article 8 of the VCCI regulations on December 25, 1997. The test site
also complies with the test methods and procedures set forth in CISPR 22:2008 §10.4 for measurements
below 1 GHz and §10.6 for measurements above 1 GHz as well as ANSI C63.4-2003, ANSI C63.4-2009,
TIA/EIA-603 & CISPR 24:2010.
The Federal Communications Commission and Voluntary Control Council for Interference have the
reports on file and they are listed under FCC registration number: 90464 and VCCI Registration No.: A-
0027. The test site has been approved by the FCC and VCCI for public use and is listed in the FCC Public
Access Link (PAL) database.

Additionally, BACL Corp. is an American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) accredited
laboratory (Lab Code 3297-02). The current scope of accreditations can be found at

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                 FCC ID: KEAXDLM

2     System Test Configuration
2.1    Justification
The EUT was configured for testing according to TIA/EIA-603-C.

The EUT was tested in the normal (native) operating mode to represent worst-case results during the final
qualification test.

2.2     EUT Exercise Software
The software used, MicroCONF Version V1.01.0011 and Blade Editor Version: 1.01 Build: 0011,
provided by client and was verified by BACL (Wei Sun) to comply with the standard requirements being
tested against.

2.3    Equipment Modifications
No modifications were made to the EUT.

2.4    Internal Configuration

          Manufacturers                   Descriptions                      Models       Serial Numbers

            RF Module                     Pacific Crest                     90745          1241-0004

             Main PCB                     Pacific Crest                     181096          81149-B

2.5    Local Support Equipment

            Manufacturer                   Description                 Model No.            Serial No.

                 Dell                         Laptop                 Latitude D620          G66NNC1

2.6    Local Support Equipment Power Supply and Line Filters

            Manufacturer                   Description                  Model            Serial Number

                Agilent              DC Power Supply                   E3630A                   -

2.7    External I/O Cabling List and Details

        Cable Description      Length (m)                    From                          To

           Serial cable           < 1.0                Laptop Serial port            EUT Serial Port

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                         FCC ID: KEAXDLM

2.8   Test Setup Block Diagram

Radiated Emission Test

                             50 ohm termination


                                                                 DC Power
                                                                                     AC Main

                                                                 Styrofoam 70 cm
                                                                 above table

                             table 80 cm above
                             ground plane

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                  FCC ID: KEAXDLM

Antenna Port Conducted Emission Test

                                                        Spectrum Analyzer

                  Laptop       DC Power


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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                               FCC ID: KEAXDLM

3   Summary of Test Results

               FCC Rules                           Description of Tests                     Results

            §1.1310, §2.1091                          RF Exposure                         Compliant

            §2.1046, §90.205                        RF Output Power                       Compliant

                                       Modulation Characteristics, Audio Frequency
            §2.1047, §90.207                                                                 N/A 1
                                          Response and Audio Filter Response

            §2.1049, §90.209             Occupied Bandwidth and Emission Mask             Compliant 2

            §2.1051, §90.210            Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals           Compliant 2

            §2.1055, §90.213                       Frequency Stability                       N/A 3

            §2.1053, §90.210               Field Strength of Spurious Radiation           Compliant 2

                §90.214                       Transient Frequency Behavior                Compliant

     Note: 1 N/A, modulation characteristic is not required for digital modulaton
             12.5 kHz channel spacing result share with original FCC ID report R1105254-90 issued by BACL.
             Share with Orignal FCC ID report R1105254-90 issued by BACL.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                       FCC ID: KEAXDLM

4     FCC §2.1091 - RF Exposure Information
4.1    Applicable Standards
FCC §2.1091, (a) Requirements of this section are a consequence of Commission responsibilities under the
National Environmental Policy Act to evaluate the environmental significance of its actions. See subpart I
of part 1 of this chapter, in particular §1.1307(b).

                                                   Limits for Exposure

                                 Electric Field      Magnetic Field                               Averaging
      Frequency Range                                                       Power Density
                                   Strength            Strength                                     Time
           (MHz)                                                              (mW/cm2)
                                     (V/m)              (A/m)                                     (minutes)
                                  (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposures
            0.3-3.0                   614                  1.63                 *(100)                6
             3.0-30                  1842/f               4.89/f              *(900/f )               6
            30-300                    61.4                0.163                  1.0                  6
           300-1500                     /                    /                  f/300                 6
         1500-100,000                   /                    /                    1                   6
                              (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
           0.3-1.34                   614                  1.63                 *(100)                30
           1.34-30                   842/f                2.19/f               *(180/f )              30
            30-300                   27.5                  0.073                  0.2                 30
           300-1500                    /                     /                  f/1500                30
        1500-100,000                   /                     /                     1                  30

        f = frequency in MHz
      * = Plane-wave equivalent power density

MPE Prediction
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance, Equation from OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01

                                                   S = PG/4πR²
Where: S = power density
       P = power input to antenna
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna

403-430 MHz
                               Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):         33.06
                               Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):          2023
                                                                     Prediction distance (cm):    45
                                                                 Prediction frequency (MHz):      429.95
                                                      Maximum Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):        5
                                                         Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):          3.16
                                   Power density of prediction frequency at 45 cm (mW/cm2):       0.2514
                      MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency (mW/cm2):       0.2866

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                   FCC ID: KEAXDLM

430-473 MHz
                           Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (dBm):         32.94
                           Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal (mW):          1967.886
                                                                 Prediction distance (cm):    45
                                                             Prediction frequency (MHz):      459.075
                                                  Maximum Antenna Gain, typical (dBi):        5
                                                     Maximum Antenna Gain (numeric):          3.16
                               Power density of prediction frequency at 45 cm (mW/cm2):       0.2445
                  MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure at prediction frequency (mW/cm2):       0.30605


The device complies with the MPE requirements by providing a safe separation distance of at least 45
cm between the antenna with maximum 5.0 dBi gain, including any radiating structure, and any
persons when normally operated.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                   FCC ID: KEAXDLM

5     FCC §2.1046 & §90.205 – RF Output Power
5.1     Applicable Standard
According to FCC §2.1046, and §90.205, 421–430 MHz. Limitations on power and antenna heights are
specified in §90.279. 450–470 MHz. (1) The maximum allowable station effective radiated power (ERP)
is dependent upon the station's antenna HAAT and required service area and will be authorized in
accordance with table 2.

5.2     Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient

5.3     Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                       Serial       Calibration     Calibration
    Manufacturer           Description                   Model
                                                                      Number           Date          Interval

       Agilent         Spectrum Analyzer             E4440A          MY44303352     2012-10-16            1 year

Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed according to A2LA
requirements, traceable to the NIST.

5.4     Test Environmental Conditions

           Temperature:               20-25 °C
      Relative Humidity:              44-55 %
         ATM Pressure:            101-102 kPa

The testing was performed by Wei Sun on 2012-12-14 in RF Site

5.5     Test Results
    Test Mode: Transmitting

                                                 Low              Low              High            High
            Bands          Frequency            Output           Output           Output          Output
            (MHz)            (MHz)              Power            Power            Power           Power
                                                (dBm)            (Watt)           (dBm)           (Watt)
                             403.05              27.17           0.521            31.74           1.493
            MHz              412.95              27.11           0.514            32.11           1.626
                             429.95              27.01           0.502            33.04           2.014
                             430.05              26.99           0.500            32.37           1.726
                            459.075              27.38           0.547            33.02           2.004
                             472.95              26.73           0.471            31.13           1.297

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                 FCC ID: KEAXDLM

6     FCC §2.1049, §90.209 & §90.210 – Occupied Bandwidth & Emission Mask
6.1     Applicable Standard

Operations using equipment using a 25 kHz bandwidth will be authorized a 20 kHz bandwidth. Operations
using equipment designed to operate with a 12.5 kHz channel bandwidth will be authorized an 11.25 kHz

According to FCC §90.210:

c) Emission Mask C. For transmitters that are not equipped with an audio low-pass filter, the power of any
emission must be attenuated below the unmodulated carrier output power (P) as follows:

(1) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency
(fd in kHz) of more than 5 kHz, but not more than 10 kHz: At least 83 log (fd /5) dB;

(2) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by a displacement frequency
(fd in kHz) of more than 10 kHz, but not more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At least 29
log (fd 2 /11) dB or 50 dB, whichever is the lesser attenuation;

(3) On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by more than 250 percent of
the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

6.2     Test Procedure
The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the spectrum analyzer through sufficient
The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 Hz and the spectrum was recorded in the
frequency band ±50 KHz from the carrier frequency.

6.3     Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                    Serial       Calibration      Calibration
    Manufacturer          Description             Model
                                                                   Number           Date           Interval

       Agilent        Spectrum Analyzer           E4440A          MY44303352      2012-10-16         1 year

 Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed according to A2LA
requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Report Number: R1212033-90                        Page 14 of 38                         FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                         FCC ID: KEAXDLM

6.4     Test Environmental Conditions

          Temperature:             20-25 °C
      Relative Humidity:           44-55 %
         ATM Pressure:           101-102 kPa

The testing was performed by Wei Sun on 2012-12-14 in RF Site.

6.5     Test Result
Please refer to the hereinafter plots.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                     FCC ID: KEAXDLM

                                       Occupied Bandwidth

Frequency: 403~430 MHz, High Power Level

           4FSK, Data Rate: 19200 bps, 25 kHz Channel Space, Middle Channel – 412.95 MHz

          GMSK, Data Rate: 19200 bps, 25 kHz Channel Space, Middle Channel – 412.95 MHz

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                     FCC ID: KEAXDLM

Frequency 430~473 MHz, High Power Level

          4FSK, Data Rate: 19200 bps, 25 kHz Channel Space, Middle Channel – 459.075 MHz

          GMSK, Data Rate: 19200bps, 25 kHz Channel Space, Middle Channel – 459.075 MHz

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                     FCC ID: KEAXDLM

                                         Emission Mask

Frequency: 403~430 MHz, High Power Level

           4FSK, Data Rate: 19200 bps, 25 kHz Channel Space, Middle Channel – 412.95MHz

          GMSK, Data Rate: 19200 bps, 25 kHz Channel Space, Middle Channel – 412.95 MHz

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                     FCC ID: KEAXDLM

Frequency 430~473 MHz, High Power Level

          4FSK, Data Rate: 19200 bps, 25 kHz Channel Space, Middle Channel – 459.075 MHz

          GMSK, Data Rate: 19200 bps, 25 kHz Channel Space, Middle Channel – 412.95 MHz

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                 FCC ID: KEAXDLM

7     FCC §2.1051 & §90.210 - Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals
7.1     Applicable Standard
According to FCC §90.210: On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by
more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

7.2     Test Procedure
The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer through appropriate attenuation.
The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was set at 100 kHz. Sufficient scans were taken to
show any out of band emissions up to 10th harmonic.

7.3     Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                    Serial       Calibration      Calibration
    Manufacturer           Description            Model
                                                                   Number           Date           Interval

       Agilent         Spectrum Analyzer          E4440A          MY44303352      2012-10-16         1 year

Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed according to A2LA
requirements, traceable to the NIST.

7.4     Test Environmental Conditions

           Temperature:            20-25 °C
      Relative Humidity:           44-55 %
         ATM Pressure:            101-102 kPa

 The testing was performed by Wei Sun on 2012-12-14 in RF Site.

7.5     Test Results
Please refer to the hereinafter plots.

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                 FCC ID: KEAXDLM

403-430 MHz

                             High Channel – 412.95 MHz

                                  30 MHz – 1 GHz

                                     1 – 5 GHz

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Trimble Navigation Limited                                    FCC ID: KEAXDLM

430-473 MHz
                             Middle Channel – 459.075 MHz

                                   30 MHz – 1 GHz

                                      1 – 5 GHz

Report Number: R1212033-90            Page 22 of 38         FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                 FCC ID: KEAXDLM

8      FCC §2.1053 & §90.210 – Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
8.1      Applicable Standard
According to FCC §90.210: On any frequency removed from the center of the authorized bandwidth by
more than 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: At least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

8.2      Test Procedure
The transmitter was placed on a Styrofoam with wooden turntable, and it was normal transmitting with
50ohm termination which was also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
emissions from the EUT. The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

The frequency range up to tenth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured
by the substitution.

Spurious emissions in dB = 10 lg (TXpwr in Watts/0.001) – the absolute level

8.3      Test Environmental Conditions

           Temperature:            18-24 °C
      Relative Humidity:           35-50 %
          ATM Pressure:           101-102 kPa

The testing was performed by Wei Sun on 2012-12-13 in the 5 meters chamber 3.

8.4      Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                                Calibration     Calibration
        Manufacturer          Description         Model       Serial Number
                                                                                   Date          Interval

           Agilent         Spectrum Analyzer     E4440A        MY44303352        2012-10-16        1 year

      Sunol Science Corp   System Controller      SC99V           122303-1          N/R             N/R
      Sunol Science Corp                           JB3            A020106-2      2012-08-15        1 year
        Sunol Sciences       Horn antenna       DRH-118           A052704        2012-02-24        1 year

       Hewlett Packard       Pre-amplifier        8447D        2944A06639        2012-06-09        1 year

        Mini-Circuits        Pre-amplifier      ZVA-183-S         570400946      2012-05-09        1 year

       Hewlett Packard     Generator, Signal     83650B        3614A00276        2012-07-13        2 years

Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed according to A2LA
requirements, traceable to the NIST.

Report Number: R1212033-90                        Page 23 of 38                         FCC Part 90 Test Report

 Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                   FCC ID: KEAXDLM

 8.5     Test Results
                                          Frequency: 403-430 MHz:

                     Worst Margin: -26.34 dB at 4542 MHz in the Vertical polarization.
                                          Frequency: 430-473 MHz:

                   Worst Margin: -31.82 dB at 917.5 MHz in the Horizontal polarization.

 403-430 MHz, High Power Level:

                              25 kHz Channel Spacing, High Channel – 429.95 MHz

   Indicated                    Test Antenna                       Substituted
                  Azimuth                                                                            Limit   Margin
                  Degrees                                          Antenna       Cable   Absolute   (dBm)     (dB)
 Freq.    Amp.                 Height   Polar    Freq.    Level
                                                                    Cord.        Loss      Level
(MHz)    (dBuV)                 (m)     (H/V)   (MHz)    (dBm)
                                                                    (dBi)        (dB)     (dBm)
 861      60.77      313         209     V      859.7     -45.4         0        1.29     -46.69     -13     -33.69
 861      65.45      235         178     H      859.7    -40.86         0        1.29     -42.15     -13     -29.15
4542      55.21      48          167     V       4542    -45.76        11.09     4.67     -39.34     -13     -26.34
4542      51.77      288         193     H       4542    -49.14        11.09     4.67     -42.72     -13     -29.72

 Note: measurement was taken with EUT at X orientation (worst case).

 450-473 MHz, High Power Level:

                           25 kHz Channel Spacing, Middle Channel – 459.075 MHz

   Indicated                    Test Antenna                       Substituted
                   Azimuth                                                                           Limit   Margin
                   Degrees                                         Antenna       Cable   Absolute   (dBm)     (dB)
 Freq.    Amp.                 Height   Polar    Freq.    Level
                                                                    Cord.        Loss      Level
(MHz)    (dBuV)                 (m)     (H/V)   (MHz)    (dBm)
                                                                    (dBi)        (dB)     (dBm)
 917.5    59.96       18         255     V      918.15   -45.04         0        1.38     -46.42     -13     -33.42
 917.5    61.74      329         145     H      918.15   -43.44         0        1.38     -44.82     -13     -31.82
 2755      50.6      318         190     V       4880    -52.09         10       3.33     -45.42     -13     -32.42
 2755     48.83       76         231     H       4880    -53.83         10       3.33     -47.16     -13     -34.16

 Note: measurement was taken with EUT at X orientation (worst case).

 Report Number: R1212033-90                        Page 24 of 38                           FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                   FCC ID: KEAXDLM

9       FCC §90.214 - Transient Frequency Behavior
9.1      Applicable Standard
FCC §90.214: Transmitters designed to operate in the 150–174 MHz and 421–512 MHz frequency bands
must maintain transient frequencies within the maximum frequency difference limits during the time
intervals indicated:

                                                    Maximum                        All equipment
                  Time intervals1,2                 frequency
                                                    difference3                   421 to 512 MHz
                Transient Frequency Behavior for Equipment Designed to Operate on 25 kHz Channels
                         t14                        ± 25.0 kHz                         10.0 ms
                         t2                         ± 12.5 kHz                         25.0 ms
                         t34                        ± 25.0 kHz                         10.0 ms
                Transient Frequency Behavior for Equipment Designed to Operate on 12.5 kHz Channels
                         t14                        ± 12.5 kHz                         10.0 ms
                         t2                         ± 6.25 kHz                         25.0 ms
                         t34                        ± 12.5 kHz                         10.0 ms

 onis the instant when a 1 kHz test signal is completely suppressed, including any capture time due to

t1is the time period immediately following ton.
t2is the time period immediately following t1.
t3is the time period from the instant when the transmitter is turned off until toff.
toffis the instant when the 1 kHz test signal starts to rise.
 During the time from the end of t2to the beginning of t3, the frequency difference must not exceed the
limits specified in §90.213.
    Difference between the actual transmitter frequency and the assigned transmitter frequency.
 If the transmitter carrier output power rating is 6 watts or less, the frequency difference during this time
period may exceed the maximum frequency difference for this time period.

9.2      Test Procedure
TIA/EIA-603-C 2.2.19

Report Number: R1212033-90                         Page 25 of 38                          FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                                                  FCC ID: KEAXDLM

9.3     Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                              Calibration      Calibration
      Manufacturer         Description           Model     Serial Number
                                                                                 Date           Interval

         Agilent       Spectrum Analyzer        E4440A      MY44303352        2012-10-16          1 year
                        Digital Phosphor
        Tektronix                               TDS7104       B020557         2012-06-12          1 year
         Agilent       Generator, Signal        E4438C      MY45091309        2012-05-03          1 year
                       RF Communication
           HP                                    8920A      3438A05338        2012-06-04          2 years
                            test set

Statement of Traceability: BACL Corp. attests that all calibrations have been performed according to A2LA
requirements, traceable to the NIST.

9.4     Test Environmental Conditions

          Temperature:             20-25 °C
      Relative Humidity:            44-55 %
         ATM Pressure:            101-102 kPa

   The testing was performed by Wei Sun on 2012-12-12 in the RF Site.

9.5     Test Results
Please refer to the hereinafter plots.

Report Number: R1212033-90                         Page 26 of 38                        FCC Part 90 Test Report

Trimble Navigation Limited                                          FCC ID: KEAXDLM

403-430 MHz, High Power Level:

                                 Middle Channel: 412.95 MHz

          Powering Up                                          Powering Down

430-473 MHz, High Power Level:

                                 Middle Channel: 459.075 MHz

          Powering Up                                          Powering Down

Report Number: R1212033-90               Page 27 of 38           FCC Part 90 Test Report

Document Created: 2013-01-09 14:51:55
Document Modified: 2013-01-09 14:51:55

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