Test Report_PAREMC


Test Report

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                                                                             Hermon Laboratories Ltd.
                                                                             P.O. Box 23, Binyamina 3055001, Israel
                                                                             Tel. +972 4628 8001
                                          ELECTRICAL TESTING                 Fax. +972 4628 8277
                                                                             E-mail: mail@hermonlabs.com

 ACCORDING TO: FCC 47CFR part 15 subpart B,
               RSS-Gen issue 5, ICES-003 Issue 6:2016


                                                               Paradox Security Systems Ltd.
                                                               Wireless Expansion Module
                                                               FCC ID:KDYRTX3

 This report is in conformity with ISO/ IEC 17025. The "A2LA Accredited" symbol endorsement applies only to the tests and
calibrations that are listed in the scope of Hermon Laboratories accreditation. The test results relate only to the items tested.
   This test report shall not be reproduced in any form except in full with the written approval of Hermon Laboratories Ltd.

                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 21
Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
Date of Issue:10-Apr-19

                                                                                                                            Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                                                                         Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

                                                                Table of contents
1     Applicant information ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
2     Equipment under test attributes .................................................................................................................................... 3
3     Manufacturer information .............................................................................................................................................. 3
4     Test details .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
5     Tests summary .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
6     EUT description ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
6.1   General information ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.2   Ports and lines .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
6.3   Test configuration .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.4   Changes made in EUT .................................................................................................................................................. 5
7     Unintentional emissions ................................................................................................................................................ 6
7.1   Conducted emissions .................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.2   Radiated emission measurements .............................................................................................................................. 10
8     APPENDIX A Test equipment and ancillaries used for tests ....................................................................................... 15
9     APPENDIX B Measurement uncertainties................................................................................................................... 16
10    APPENDIX C Test laboratory description ................................................................................................................... 17
11    APPENDIX D Specification references ....................................................................................................................... 17
12    APPENDIX E Test equipment correction factors ......................................................................................................... 18
13    APPENDIX F Abbreviations and acronyms ................................................................................................................. 21

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                                                                              Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                           Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

1 Applicant information

Client name:             Paradox Security Systems Ltd.
Address:                 780 Industrial Boulevard St.Eustache, Quebec J7R 5V3 Canada
Telephone:               450-491-7444
Fax:                     450-497-1095
E-mail:                  alexc@paradox.com
Contact name:            Mr. Alex Chaplik

2 Equipment under test attributes

Product name:            Wireless Expansion Module
Product type:            Transceiver
Model(s):                RTX3
Serial number:           3B301229
Hardware version:        333-7007-030
Software release:        V6.20
Receipt date             14-Dec-18

3 Manufacturer information

Manufacturer name:       Paradox Security Systems Ltd.
Address:                 780 Industrial Boulevard St.Eustache, Quebec J7R 5V3 Canada
Telephone:               450-491-7444
Fax:                     450-497-1095
E-Mail:                  alexc@paradox.com
Contact name:            Mr. Alex Chaplik

4 Test details

Project ID:              31843
                         Primary: Hermon Laboratories Ltd. P.O. Box 23, Binyamina 3055001, Israel
                         Satellite: Hermon Laboratories Ltd. Hefetz-Haim 10, Tel Aviv 6744124, Israel
Test started:            14-Dec-18
Test completed:          28-Feb-19
Test specification(s):   FCC 47CFR part 15 subpart B;
                         RSS-Gen issue 5, ICES-003 issue 6:2016

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                                                                                     Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                                  Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

5 Tests summary

 Test                                                                                           Status
    FCC 47 CFR part 15, subpart B / RSS-Gen / ICES-003
        FCC Part 15, Section 107 / ICES-003, Section 6.1, Class B, Conducted emission at AC power           Pass
        FCC Part 15, Section 109 / RSS-Gen, Section 7.3 / ICES-003, Section 6.2, Class B                    Pass
        Radiated emission

Testing was completed against all relevant requirements of the test standard. The results obtained indicate that the product
under test complies in full with the requirements tested.
The test results relate only to the items tested. Pass/ fail decision was based on nominal values.

                   Name and Title                                                     Date                   Signature

 Tested by:        Mrs. E.Pitt, test engineer                                         February 28, 2019

 Reviewed by:      Mrs. M. Cherniavsky, certification engineer                        April 3, 2019

 Approved by:      Mr. K. Zushchyk, Projects & Customer Manager, EMC & Radio          April 10, 2019

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                                                                            Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                         Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

6     EUT description

6.1   General information
      The EUT, RTX3, is a 2-way, 32 zone wireless expansion module which enables EVO and SP Series control panels
      to support wireless hardware such as sirens, motion detectors, water detectors, and remote controls.
      The RTX3 is designed to be powered by 12 VDC from the control panel. It has 4 terminals connector
      (RED/BLK/GRN/YEL) and connected to control panel by Paradox BUS.

6.2   Ports and lines
         Port           Port                                                                           Cable
                                     Connected from      Connected to       Qty.      Cable type
         type        description                                                                     length, m
         Signal         Data               EUT           Control panel        4       Unshielded         3

6.3   Test configuration

6.4   Changes made in EUT
      No changes were implemented in the EUT during testing.

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                                                                                Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                             Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:        FCC Part 15, Section 107 / ICES-003, Conducted emission at AC power port
Test procedure:            ANSI C63.4, Sections 7.3, 12.2.4
Test mode:                 Compliance
Date(s):                   17-Dec-18
                                                                              Verdict:            PASS
Temperature: 25 ºC         Relative Humidity: 46 %          Air Pressure: 1017 hPa       Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

7       Unintentional emissions

7.1     Conducted emissions
7.1.1   General
        This test was performed to measure common mode conducted emissions at the mains power port. Specification
        test limits are given in Table 7.1.1.

                                       Table 7.1.1 Limits for conducted emissions

             Frequency,                     Class B limit, dB(V)                     Class A limit, dB(V)
                  MHz                    QP                      AVRG               QP                   AVRG
              0.15 - 0.5               66 - 56*                 56 - 46*            79                    66
               0.5 - 5.0                 56                        46               73                    60
               5.0 - 30                   60                       50               73                    60
        * - The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of frequency.
7.1.2   Test procedure The EUT was set up as shown in Figure 7.1.1 and associated photographs, energized and the performance check
        was conducted. The measurements were performed at power terminals with the LISN, connected to a spectrum analyzer while
        unused coaxial connector of the LISN was terminated with 50 Ohm. The position of the device cables was varied to determine maximum emission level. The worst test results (the lowest margins) were recorded in Table 7.1.2 and shown in the associated plots.

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                                                                             Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                          Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:    FCC Part 15, Section 107 / ICES-003, Conducted emission at AC power port
Test procedure:        ANSI C63.4, Sections 7.3, 12.2.4
Test mode:             Compliance
Date(s):               17-Dec-18
                                                                          Verdict:            PASS
Temperature: 25 ºC     Relative Humidity: 46 %          Air Pressure: 1017 hPa       Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

                 Figure 7.1.1 Setup for conducted emission measurements, table-top equipment

                                                                           80 cm
                        Photograph 7.1.1 Setup for conducted emission measurements

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                                                                                    Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                                 Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:         FCC Part 15, Section 107 / ICES-003, Conducted emission at AC power port
Test procedure:             ANSI C63.4, Sections 7.3, 12.2.4
Test mode:                  Compliance
Date(s):                    17-Dec-18
                                                                               Verdict:              PASS
Temperature: 25 ºC          Relative Humidity: 46 %          Air Pressure: 1017 hPa        Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

                                           Table 7.1.2 Conducted emission test results

LINE:                                                      AC mains
EUT OPERATING MODE:                                        Stand-by and receive
EUT SET UP:                                                TABLE-TOP
TEST SITE:                                                 SHIELDED ROOM
FREQUENCY RANGE:                                           150 kHz - 30 MHz
RESOLUTION BANDWIDTH:                                      9 kHz
                                        Quasi-peak                      Average
 Frequency,                     Measured                      Measured
                  emission,                Limit,  Margin,                 Limit,        Margin,    Line ID     Verdict
    MHz                         emission,                     emission,
                   dB(V)                 dB(V)     dB*                  dB(V)          dB*
                                 dB(V)                        dB(V)
     0.155           45.7         38.9      65.7    -26.8       20.2        55.7          -35.5
     0.188           45.1         38.8      64.2    -25.4        9.8        54.2          -44.4
    15.542           34.7         31.0      60.0    -29.0       24.2        50.0          -25.8
                                                                                                      L1          Pass
    17.973           35.6         32.0      60.0    -28.0       19.3        50.0          -30.7
    19.911           35.5         33.2      60.0    -26.8       21.6        50.0          -28.4
    24.057           33.7         27.0      60.0    -33.0       26.0        50.0          -24.0
     0.151           45.7         39.4      66.0    -26.6       12.2        56.0          -43.8
     0.193           44.9         38.6      64.0    -25.4        9.0        54.0          -45.0
    16.752           35.2         31.5      60.0    -28.5       24.6        50.0          -25.4
                                                                                                      L2          Pass
    17.730           36.1         28.0      60.0    -32.0       18.7        50.0          -31.3
    19.907           35.4         32.0      60.0    -28.0       22.1        50.0          -27.9
    27.912           32.8         29.5      60.0    -30.5       21.8        50.0          -28.2
*- Margin = Measured emission - specification limit.

Reference numbers of test equipment used
   HL 0787         HL 1500         HL 3016           HL 4778
Full description is given in Appendix A.

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                                                                           Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                        Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:   FCC Part 15, Section 107 / ICES-003, Conducted emission at AC power port
Test procedure:       ANSI C63.4, Sections 7.3, 12.2.4
Test mode:            Compliance
Date(s):              17-Dec-18
                                                                         Verdict:            PASS
Temperature: 25 ºC    Relative Humidity: 46 %          Air Pressure: 1017 hPa       Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

                               Plot 7.1.1 Conducted emission measurements

                LINE:                     L1
                LIMIT:                    Class B
                EUT OPERATING MODE:       Stand-by and receive
                LIMIT:                    QUASI-PEAK, AVERAGE
                DETECTOR:                 PEAK

                               Plot 7.1.2 Conducted emission measurements

                LINE:                     L2
                LIMIT:                    Class B
                EUT OPERATING MODE:       Stand-by and receive
                LIMIT:                    QUASI-PEAK, AVERAGE
                DETECTOR:                 PEAK

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                                                                                   Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                                Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:       FCC Part 15, Section 109 / RSS-Gen, Section 7.3 / ICES-003, Radiated emission
Test procedure:           ANSI C63.4, Section 8.3, 12.2.5
Test mode:                Compliance
Date(s):                  14-Dec-18
                                                                            Verdict:                  PASS
Temperature: 23 ºC        Relative Humidity: 55 %         Air Pressure: 1008 hPa           Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

7.2     Radiated emission measurements
7.2.1   General
        This test was performed to measure radiated emissions from the EUT enclosure. Specification test limits are given
        in Table 7.2.1, Table 7.2.2.

                                         Table 7.2.1 Radiated emission limits

              Frequency,                   Class B limit, dB(V/m)                      Class A limit, dB(V/m)
                   MHz               10 m distance          3 m distance         10 m distance           3 m distance
                  30 - 88                 29.5*                 40.0                  39.0                   49.5*
                 88 - 216                 33.0*                 43.5                  43.5                   54.0*
                216 - 960                 35.5*                 46.0                  46.4                   56.9*
          960 - 5th harmonic**            43.5*                 54.0                  49.5                   60.0*
        * - The limit for test distance other than specified was calculated using the inverse linear distance extrapolation
        factor as follows: LimS2 = LimS1 + 20 log (S1/S2),
        where S1 and S2 – standard defined and test distance respectively in meters.

                      Table 7.2.2 Radiated emission limits according to RSS-Gen, Section 7.3

                 Frequency, MHz                         Field strength limit at 3 m test distance, dB(V/m)
                       30 - 88                                                   40.0
                      88 - 216                                                   43.5
                     216 - 960                                                   46.0
                960 - 5th harmonic**                                             54.0
        ** - harmonic of the highest frequency the EUT generates, uses, operates or tunes to.
7.2.2   Test procedure The EUT was set up as shown in Figure 7.2.1 and associated photograph/s, energized and the performance check
        was conducted. The specified frequency range was investigated with biconilog antenna connected to EMI receiver. To find
        maximum radiation the turntable was rotated 3600, the measuring antenna height was changed from 1 to 4 m, its
        polarization was switched from vertical to horizontal and the EUT cables position was varied. The worst test results (the lowest margins) were provided in the associated tables and plots.

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                                                                                                               Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                                                            Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:             FCC Part 15, Section 109 / RSS-Gen, Section 7.3 / ICES-003, Radiated emission
Test procedure:                 ANSI C63.4, Section 8.3, 12.2.5
Test mode:                      Compliance
Date(s):                        14-Dec-18
                                                                                  Verdict:                                          PASS
Temperature: 23 ºC              Relative Humidity: 55 %         Air Pressure: 1008 hPa                                 Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

        Figure 7.2.1 Setup for radiated emission measurements in anechoic chamber, table-top equipment

                                                                                                    1.5 m
                                               Anechoic chamber

                              RF absorbing                                                antenna



                               table         EUT                                            Test

                                  Flus h

                                m ounted
                                turn table                     Ground plane

                               Auxilliary            Power                                                    EMI
                              equipm ent             s upply                                                receiver

                                   Photograph 7.2.1 Setup for radiated emission measurements

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                                                                           Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                        Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:    FCC Part 15, Section 109 / RSS-Gen, Section 7.3 / ICES-003, Radiated emission
Test procedure:        ANSI C63.4, Section 8.3, 12.2.5
Test mode:             Compliance
Date(s):               14-Dec-18
                                                                         Verdict:            PASS
Temperature: 23 ºC     Relative Humidity: 55 %         Air Pressure: 1008 hPa       Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

                         Photograph 7.2.2 Setup for radiated emission measurements

                 Photograph 7.2.3 Setup for final radiated emission measurements, EUT cabling

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                                                                                         Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                                      Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:         FCC Part 15, Section 109 / RSS-Gen, Section 7.3 / ICES-003, Radiated emission
Test procedure:             ANSI C63.4, Section 8.3, 12.2.5
Test mode:                  Compliance
Date(s):                    14-Dec-18
                                                                              Verdict:                     PASS
Temperature: 23 ºC          Relative Humidity: 55 %         Air Pressure: 1008 hPa              Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

                                           Table 7.2.3 Radiated emission test results

EUT SET UP:                                                          TABLE-TOP
LIMIT:                                                               Class B
EUT OPERATING MODE:                                                  Stand-by and Receive
TEST SITE:                                                           SEMI ANECHOIC CHAMBER
TEST DISTANCE:                                                       3m
FREQUENCY RANGE:                                                     30 MHz – 1000 MHz
RESOLUTION BANDWIDTH:                                                120 kHz
                   Peak                                                                    Antenna     Turn-table
 Frequency,                     Measured                                   Antenna
                 emission,                       Limit,         Margin,                     height,    position**,   Verdict
    MHz                         emission,                                 polarization
                 dB(V/m)                       dB(V/m)         dB*                          m         degrees
     31.61          34.77         31.48             40           -8.52      Vertical          1.0         -164
     37.53          37.93         34.24             40           -5.76      Vertical          1.0          87         Pass
     60.00          31.08         27.43             40          -12.57      Vertical          1.0          91

TEST SITE:                                          SEMI ANECHOIC CHAMBER
TEST DISTANCE:                                      3m
DETECTORS USED:                                     PEAK / AVERAGE
FREQUENCY RANGE:                                    1000 MHz – 4500 MHz
RESOLUTION BANDWIDTH:                               1000 kHz
                     Peak                      Average
Frequency,                                                                    Antenna Turn-table
           Measured   Limit, Margin, Measured Limit, Margin, Antenna
                                                                               height, position**, Verdict
           emission,                 emission,                   polarization
   MHz                                                                           m      degrees
            dB(V/m) dB(V/m) dB*    dB(V/m) dB(V/m)     dB*

                                                  No signals were found                                                  Pass

*- Margin = Measured emission - specification limit.
**- EUT front panel refer to 0 degrees position of turntable.

Reference numbers of test equipment used
   HL 3903         HL 4360          HL 4933         HL 5288          HL 5405
Full description is given in Appendix A.

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                                                                          Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                       Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

Test specification:   FCC Part 15, Section 109 / RSS-Gen, Section 7.3 / ICES-003, Radiated emission
Test procedure:       ANSI C63.4, Section 8.3, 12.2.5
Test mode:            Compliance
Date(s):              14-Dec-18
                                                                        Verdict:            PASS
Temperature: 23 ºC    Relative Humidity: 55 %         Air Pressure: 1008 hPa       Power: 120 VAC, 60 Hz

                      Plot 7.2.1 Radiated emission measurements in 30 - 1000 MHz range

                TEST SITE:                     Semi anechoic chamber
                LIMIT:                         Class B
                TEST DISTANCE:                 3m
                ANTENNA POLARIZATION:          Vertical & Horizontal
                EUT OPERATING MODE:            Receive / Stand-by

                        Plot 7.2.2 Radiated emission measurements above 1000 MHz,

                TEST SITE:                     Semi anechoic chamber
                LIMIT:                         Class B
                TEST DISTANCE:                 3m
                ANTENNA POLARIZATION:          Vertical & Horizontal
                EUT OPERATING MODE:            Receive / Stand-by

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                                                                           Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                        Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

8 APPENDIX A            Test equipment and ancillaries used for tests

HL     Description                              Manufacturer    Model      Ser. No.     Last Cal./   Due Cal./
No                                                                                      Check        Check
0787   Transient Limiter 9 kHz-200 MHz          Hewlett         11947A     3107A018     08-Oct-18    08-Oct-19
                                                Packard                    77
1500   Cable RF, 15 m, N/N-type                 Suhner          RG 214/U   1500         11-Feb-19    11-Feb-20
2909   Spectrum analyzer, ESA-E, 100 Hz to      Agilent         E4407B     MY414447     27-Mar-18    27-Apr-19
       26.5 GHz                                 Technologies               62
3016   LISN, Two-line V-network, 9 kHz to       Rohde &         ESH 3-Z5   892239/00    27-Jan-19    27-Jan-20
       30 MHz, (50 uH+5 Ohm), CISPR16-1,        Schwarz                    2
3339   High Pass Filter, 50 Ohm,                Mini-Circuits   SHP-600+   NA           17-May-18    17-May-19
       600 to 3000 MHz.
3903   Microwave Cable Assembly, 40.0 GHz,      Huber-Suhner    SUCOFLE    1226/2A      07-Feb-18    07-Apr-19
       1.5 m, SMA/SMA                                           X 102A
4339   High pass Filter, 50 Ohm,                Micro-Tronics   HPM5011    001          14-May-17    14-Mar-19
       1000 to 18000 MHz, SMA-FM / SMA-M                        5-02
4360   EMI Test Receiver, 20 Hz to 40 GHz.      Rohde &         ESU40      100322       31-Dec-18    31-Dec-19
4778   EMI Receiver, 9 kHz - 2.9 GHz, System:   Hewlett         8542E      30807A00     28-Oct-18    28-Oct-19
       HL1431, HL4777                           Packard                    262,
4933   Active Horn Antenna, 1 GHz to 18 GHz     Com-Power       AHA-118    701046       06-Jan-19    06-Jan-20
5288   Trilog Antenna, 25 MHz - 8 GHz, 100W     Frankonia       ALX-       00809        08-Feb-19    08-Feb-22
5405   RF cable, 18 GHz, N-N, 6 m               Huber-Suhner    SF118/11   500023/11    01-Aug-18    01-Aug-19
                                                                N(x2)      8

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                                                                                                 Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

9         APPENDIX B                 Measurement uncertainties
                      Expanded uncertainty at 95% confidence in Hermon Labs EMC measurements
                  Test description                                          Expanded uncertainty
 Conducted emissions with LISN                       9 kHz to 150 kHz:  3.9 dB
                                                     150 kHz to 30 MHz:  3.8 dB
 Radiated emissions at 3 m measuring distance
  Horizontal polarization                            Biconilog antenna:  5.3 dB
                                                     Biconical antenna:  5.0 dB
                                                     Log periodic antenna:  5.3 dB
                                                     Double ridged horn antenna:  5.3 dB
    Vertical polarization                            Biconilog antenna:  6.0 dB
                                                     Biconical antenna:  5.7 dB
                                                     Log periodic antenna:  6.0 dB
                                                     Double ridged horn antenna:  6.0 dB
 Conducted emissions at RF antenna connector         9 kHz to 2.9 GHz:  2.6 dB
                                                     2.9 GHz to 6.46 GHz:  3.5 dB
                                                     6.46 GHz to 13.2 GHz:  4.3 dB
                                                     13.2 GHz to 22.0 GHz:  5.0 dB
                                                     22.0 GHz to 26.8 GHz:  5.5 dB
                                                     26.8 GHz to 40.0 GHz:  4.8 dB

Hermon Laboratories is accredited by A2LA for calibration according to present requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and NCSL
Z540-1. The accreditation is granted to perform calibration of parameters that are listed in the Scope of Hermon Laboratories
Hermon Laboratories calibrates its reference and transfer standards by calibration laboratories accredited to ISO/IEC 17025
by a mutually recognized Accreditation Body or by a recognized national metrology institute. All reference and transfer
standards used in the calibration system are traceable to national or international standards.
In-house calibration of all test and measurement equipment is performed on a regular basis according to Hermon
Laboratories calibration procedures, manufacturer calibration/verification procedures or procedures defined in the relevant
standards. The Hermon Laboratories test and measurement equipment is calibrated within the tolerances specified by the
manufacturers and/or by the relevant standards.

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                                                                                  Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                               Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

10 APPENDIX C             Test laboratory description
Tests were performed at Hermon Laboratories Ltd., which is a fully independent, private, EMC, Radio, Safety, Environmental
and Telecommunication testing facility.
Hermon Laboratories is recognized and accredited by the Federal Communications Commission (USA) for relevant parts of
Code of Federal Regulations 47 (CFR 47), Test Firm Registration Number is 927748, Designation Number is IL1001;
Recognized by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada for wireless and terminal testing (ISED),
ISED #2186A, CAB identifier is IL1001; Certified by VCCI, Japan (the registration numbers are R-10808 for OATS, R-1082
for anechoic chamber, G-10869 for RE measurements above 1 GHz, C-10845 for conducted emissions site and T-11606 for
conducted emissions at telecommunication ports).
The laboratory is accredited by American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (USA) according to ISO/IEC 17025 for
electromagnetic compatibility, product safety, telecommunications testing, environmental simulation and calibration (for
exact scope please refer to Certificate No. 839.01, 839.03 and 839.04).

Address:         P.O. Box 23, Binyamina 3055001, Israel.
Telephone:       +972 4628 8001
Fax:             +972 4628 8277
e-mail:          mail@hermonlabs.com
website:         www.hermonlabs.com

Person for contact: Mr. Michael Nikishin, EMC&Radio group manager

11      APPENDIX D                 Specification references

47CFR part 15:2018                  Radio Frequency Devices.
ANSI C63.4: 2014                    American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions
                                    from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40
RSS-Gen Issue 5: 2018               General Requirements for Compliance of Radio Apparatus
ICES-003: 2016, Issue 6             Information Technology Equipment (Including Digital Apparatus) – Limits and
                                    methods of measurement

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                                                                                       Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                                    Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

12 APPENDIX E               Test equipment correction factors
                                                   Antenna factor
                                                   Trilog antenna
                             Model ALX-8000E, Frankonia, S/N 00809, HL 5288, 30-1000 MHz

                                                                            Antenna factor, dB/m
                       Frequency, MHz
                                                               Vert Up              Vert Down               Delta
                                30                              -51.19                -51.28                0.09
                                35                              -44.03                -44.12                0.09
                                40                              -43.07                -43.12                0.05
                                45                              -39.61                -39.79                0.18
                                50                              -37.84                -38.14                0.3
                                60                              -34.93                 -34.9                0.03
                                70                              -29.76                -29.66                0.1
                                80                              -27.69                -27.82                0.13
                                90                              -29.05                -29.07                0.02
                               100                              -31.19                -31.19                  0
                               120                              -31.61                 -31.6                0.01
                               140                              -28.13                -28.06                0.07
                               160                              -27.71                -27.75                0.04
                               180                              -26.19                -26.15                0.04
                               200                               -28.2                -28.15                0.05
                               250                              -27.45                -27.47                0.02
                               300                              -29.61                -29.63                0.02
                               400                              -31.77                -31.78                0.01
                               500                              -32.81                -32.81                  0
                               600                              -33.64                -33.61                0.03
                               700                              -34.21                -34.21                  0
                               800                              -35.66                -35.66                  0
                               900                              -36.99                -36.91                0.08
                              1000                                -38                 -37.91                0.09
Antenna factor in dB(1/m) is to be added to receiver meter reading in dB(V) to convert it into field intensity in dB(V/m).

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                                                                                   Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                                                Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

                                                 Antenna factor
                                             Active Horn Antenna,
                            Com-Power Corporation, model: AHA-118, s/n 701046, HL 4933

                             Measured antenna factor                                           Measured antenna factor
    Frequency, MHz                                                  Frequency, MHz
                             (with preamplifier), dB/m                                         (with preamplifier), dB/m
         1000                          -16.1                               10000                         1.8
         1500                          -15.1                               10500                         1.0
         2000                          -10.9                               11000                         0.3
         2500                          -11.9                               11500                         -0.5
         3000                          -11.1                               12000                         3.1
         3500                          -10.6                               12500                         1.4
         4000                           -8.6                               13000                         -0.3
         4500                           -8.3                               13500                         -0.4
         5000                           -5.9                               14000                         2.5
         5500                           -5.7                               14500                         2.2
         6000                           -3.3                               15000                         1.9
         6500                           -4.0                               15500                         0.5
         7000                           -2.2                               16000                         2.1
         7500                           -1.7                               16500                         1.2
         8000                           1.1                                17000                         0.6
         8500                           -0.8                               17500                         3.1
         9000                           -1.5                               18000                         4.2
         9500                           -0.2
The antenna factor shall be added to receiver reading in dBV to obtain field strength in dBV/m.

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                                     Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                  Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

           Correction factor
  Line impedance stabilization network
Model ESH 3-Z5, Rhode&Schwarz, HL 3016

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                                                              Report ID: PAREMC_FCC.31843.docx
                                                                           Date of Issue: 10-Apr-19

13 APPENDIX F   Abbreviations and acronyms
     A          ampere
     AC         alternating current
     A/m        ampere per meter
     AM         amplitude modulation
     AVRG       average (detector)
     cm         centimeter
     dB         decibel
     dBm        decibel referred to one milliwatt
     dB(V)     decibel referred to one microvolt
     dB(V/m)   decibel referred to one microvolt per meter
     dB(A)     decibel referred to one microampere
     DC         direct current
     EIRP       equivalent isotropically radiated power
     ERP        effective radiated power
     EUT        equipment under test
     F          frequency
     GHz        gigahertz
     GND        ground
     H          height
     HL         Hermon laboratories
     Hz         hertz
     k          kilo
     kHz        kilohertz
     LO         local oscillator
     m          meter
     MHz        megahertz
     min        minute
     mm         millimeter
     ms         millisecond
     s         microsecond
     NA         not applicable
     NB         narrow band
     OATS       open area test site
               Ohm
     PM         pulse modulation
     PS         power supply
     ppm        part per million (10 )
     QP         quasi-peak
     RE         radiated emission
     RF         radio frequency
     rms        root mean square
     Rx         receive
     s          second
     T          temperature
     Tx         transmit
     V          volt
     WB         wideband

                               END OF DOCUMENT

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Document Created: 2019-05-03 10:56:04
Document Modified: 2019-05-03 10:56:04

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