Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                                        ONE WORLD         OUR APPROVAL

    Test report

     Date of issue: March 23, 2015

     Paradox Security Systems Ltd.
     Outdoor/Indoor Window and Sliding Door Dual Detector with Anti Masking and Pet immunity
     FCC ID:                          IC Registration number:
     KDYNVR35M                        2438A-NVR35M

      FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C, §15.231
                Periodic operation in the band 40.66-40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz.

      RSS-210, Issue 8, December 2010, Annex 1.1
                Momentarily operated devices

www.nemko.com                                                               Nemko Canada Inc., a testing laboratory, is     SCC Accredited
                                                                               accredited by the Standards Council of
                                                                              Canada. The tests included in this report
                                                                             are within the scope of this accreditation
                                                                                                                             Accrédité CCN
                                                                     FCC 15.231 and RSS-210 A1.1.docx; Date: Oct 2014                        TM

Test location

Company name         Nemko Canada Inc.
Address              303 River Road
City                 Ottawa
Province             Ontario
Postal code          K1V 1H2
Country              Canada
Telephone            +1 613 737 9680
Facsimile            +1 613 737 9691
Toll free            +1 800 563 6336
Website              www.nemko.com
Site number          FCC: 176392; IC: 2040A-4 (3 m semi anechoic chamber)

Tested by                  David Duchesne, Senior EMC/Wireless Specialist
Reviewed by                Andrey Adelberg, Senior Wireless/EMC Specialist
Date                       March 23, 2015
Signature of reviewer

Limits of responsibility

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between the date of initial receipt of samples
and the date of issue of the report.
This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. All results contain in this report are within Nemko Canada’s
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.
Copyright notification

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the company’s employees only.
Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties.
Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report.
© Nemko Canada Inc.

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                        Page 2 of 22

Table of contents
Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Section 1.        Report summary ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.1      Applicant and manufacturer .................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.2      Test specifications .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.3      Test methods............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
  1.4      Statement of compliance ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.5      Exclusions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.6      Test report revision history ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Section 2.        Summary of test results ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.1      FCC Part 15 Subpart C test results ............................................................................................................................................................................ 5
  2.2      IC RSS-GEN, Issue 4 test results ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
  2.3      IC RSS-210, Issue 8 test results ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Section 3.        Equipment under test (EUT) details ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.1      Sample information .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.2      EUT information ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.3      Technical information .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.4      Product description and theory of operation ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.5      EUT exercise details .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.6      EUT setup diagram ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Section 4.        Engineering considerations .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
  4.1      Modifications incorporated in the EUT..................................................................................................................................................................... 8
  4.2      Technical judgment .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
  4.3      Deviations from laboratory tests procedures ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Section 5.        Test conditions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
  5.1      Atmospheric conditions ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
  5.2      Power supply range .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Section 6.        Measurement uncertainty ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
  6.1      Uncertainty of measurement ................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Section 7.        Test equipment ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
  7.1      Test equipment list ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Section 8.        Testing data ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
  8.1      FCC 15.231(a) and RSS-210 A1.1.1 Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic operation ......................................................... 12
  8.2      FCC 15.231(b) and RSS-210 A1.1.2 Field strength of emissions .............................................................................................................................. 14
  8.3      FCC 15.231(c) and RSS-210 A1.1.3 Emission bandwidth of momentary signals ..................................................................................................... 20
Section 9.        Block diagrams of test set-ups ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
  9.1      Radiated emissions set-up...................................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                                                                                               Page 3 of 22

Section 1                  Report summary

Section 1. Report summary

1.1       Applicant and manufacturer

Company name                                        Paradox Security Systems Ltd.
Address                                             780 Industrial Blvd, St-Eustache, Quebec, Canada, J7R 5V3

1.2       Test specifications

FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C, Clause 15.231       Periodic operation in the band 40.66–40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz
RSS-210, Issue 8, December 2010, Annex 1.1         Momentarily operated devices

1.3       Test methods

ANSI C63.10 -2013                                 American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

1.4       Statement of compliance

In the configuration tested, the EUT was found compliant.
Testing was completed against all relevant requirements of the test standard. Results obtained indicate that the product under test complies in full with the
requirements tested. The test results relate only to the items tested.
See “Summary of test results” for full details.

1.5       Exclusions


1.6       Test report revision history

      Revision #       Details of changes made to test report
         TRF           Original report issued

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                         Page 4 of 22

Section 2:                         Summary of test results

Section 2. Summary of test results

2.1        FCC Part 15 Subpart C test results

                                                             Table 2.1-1: FCC Part 15 – Radio frequency devices results

         Part                 Test description                                                                                Verdict

    §15.31(e)                 Variation of power source                                                                    See Notes 1
     §15.203                  Antenna requirement                                                                          See Notes 2
   §15.207(a)                 Conducted limits                                                                            Not applicable 3
   §15.231(a)                 Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic operation                           Pass
   §15.231(b)                 Field strength of emissions                                                                      Pass
   §15.231(c)                 Emission bandwidth                                                                               Pass
   §15.231(d)                 Requirements for devices operating within 40.66–40.70 MHz band                              Not applicable 4
   §15.231(e)                 Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic operation                      Not applicable 5
Notes:              Fundamental field strength was measured with a fresh battery.
                    The EUT is equipped with an integral antenna.
                    The EUT is battery powered.
                    The EUT does not operate in the frequency range of 40.66–40.70 MHz.
                    The EUT complies with requirement 15.231 (a).

2.2        IC RSS-GEN, Issue 4 test results

                                                                       Table 2.2-1: IC RSS-GEN Issue 4 results

         Part                 Test description                                                                                Verdict

         7.1.2                Receiver radiated emission limits                                                           Not applicable 1
         7.1.3                Receiver conducted emission limits                                                          Not applicable 1
          8.8                 Power Line Conducted Emissions Limits for Licence-Exempt Radio Apparatus                    Not applicable 2
Notes:                The EUT does not contain a receiver.
                      The EUT is battery powered.

2.3        IC RSS-210, Issue 8 test results

                                                                   Table 2.3-1: IC RSS-210 Issue 8 Annex 1 results

         Part                 Test description                                                                                Verdict

         A1.1.1               Types of momentary signals                                                                       Pass
         A1.1.2               Field strength and frequency bands                                                               Pass
         A1.1.3               Bandwidth for momentary signals                                                                  Pass
         A1.1.4               Frequency stability within 40.66–40.70 MHz band                                             Not applicable 1
         A1.1.5               Reduced field strengths                                                                     Not applicable 2
Notes:                The EUT does not operate in the frequency range of 40.66–40.70 MHz.
                      The EUT complies with requirement RSS-210 A1.1.2.

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                             Page 5 of 22

Section 3:               Equipment under test (EUT) details

Section 3. Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.1     Sample information

Receipt date                                 March 6, 2015
Nemko sample ID number                       133000962

3.2     EUT information

Product name                                 Outdoor/Indoor Window and Sliding Door Dual Detector with Anti Masking and Pet immunity
Model                                        NRV35M (433 MHz)
Hardware revision                            480-5005-000
FW version                                   V1.0.50
Serial number                                None

3.3     Technical information

Applicant IC company number                  2438A
IC UPN number                                NVR35M
All used IC test site(s) Reg. number         2040A-4
RSS number and Issue number                  RSS-210 Annex A1.1, Issue 8, December 2010
Frequency Min (MHz)                          433.92
Frequency Max (MHz)                          433.92
RF power Min (W)                             N/A
RF power Max (W)                             N/A
Field strength, Units @ distance             73.69 dBµV/m, Peak field strength @ 3m, 62.45 dBµV/m, Average field strength @ 3m
Measured BW (kHz) (99 %)                     55 kHz
Calculated BW (kHz), as per TRC-43           N/A
Type of modulation                           OOK
Emission classification (F1D, G1D, D1D)      A1A
Transmitter spurious, Units @ distance       51.96 dBµV/m Average Detector @ 3037.44 MHz, @ 3m
Power requirements                           3 VDC (Two “AA” Alkaline batteries)
Antenna information
                                             The EUT uses a unique antenna coupling/ non-detachable antenna to the intentional radiator.

3.4     Product description and theory of operation

EUT is a motion detector for alarm systems

3.5     EUT exercise details

The EUT was in continuous transmit state.

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                     Page 6 of 22

Section 3:              Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.6     EUT setup diagram

                                    Spectrum analyzer



                                                             Figure 3.6-1: Setup diagram

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                Page 7 of 22

Section 4:               Engineering consideration

Section 4. Engineering considerations

4.1     Modifications incorporated in the EUT

There were no modifications performed to the EUT during this assessment.

4.2     Technical judgment


4.3     Deviations from laboratory tests procedures

No deviations were made from laboratory procedures.

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                          Page 8 of 22

Section 5:                Test conditions

Section 5. Test conditions

5.1     Atmospheric conditions

Temperature               15–30 °C
Relative humidity         20–75 %
Air pressure              860–1060 mbar

When it is impracticable to carry out tests under these conditions, a note to this effect stating the ambient temperature and relative humidity during the
tests shall be recorded and stated.

5.2     Power supply range

The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal mains voltage. For the purpose of the present document, the
nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage, or any of the declared voltages ±5 %, for which the equipment was designed.

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                         Page 9 of 22

Section 6:               Measurement uncertainty

Section 6. Measurement uncertainty

6.1     Uncertainty of measurement

Measurement uncertainty budgets for the tests are detailed below. Measurement uncertainty calculations assume a coverage factor of K = 2 with 95%

Test name                                                                                           Measurement uncertainty, dB
All antenna port measurements                                                                                 0.55
Conducted spurious emissions                                                                                  1.13
Radiated spurious emissions                                                                                   3.78
AC power line conducted emissions                                                                             3.55

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                   Page 10 of 22

Section 7:                  Test equipment

Section 7. Test equipment

7.1      Test equipment list

                                                                  Table 7.1-1: Equipment list

Equipment                                    Manufacturer              Model no.                    Asset no.   Cal cycle       Next cal.
3 m EMI test chamber                         TDK                       SAC-3                        FA002047    1 year          Mar. 18/15
Receiver/spectrum analyzer                   Rohde & Schwarz           ESU 26                       FA002043    1 year          Jan. 07/16
Bilog antenna (20–3000 MHz)                  Sunol                     JB3                          FA002108    1 year          Mar. 12/15
Horn antenna (1–18 GHz)                      EMCO                      3115                         FA000649    1 year          Mar. 25/15
50 Ω coax cable                              C.C.A.                    None                         FA002555    1 year          June 23/15
50 Ω coax cable                              Huber + Suhner            None                         FA002074    1 year          June 23/15
Notes:       NCR - no calibration required

                                                               Table 7.1-2: Test software details

Test description                    Manufacturer of Software             Details
Radiated emissions                  Rhode & Schwarz                      EMC32, Software for EMC Measurements, Version 8.53.0
Notes:       None

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                Page 11 of 22

Section 8                    Testing data
Test name                    FCC 15.231(a) and RSS-210 A1.1.1 Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic
Specification                FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

Section 8. Testing data

8.1          FCC 15.231(a) and RSS-210 A1.1.1 Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic operation

 8.1.1         Definitions and limits

       (a)    The provisions of this section are restricted to periodic operation within the band 40.66–40.70 MHz and above 70 MHz. Except as shown in
              paragraph (e) of this section, the intentional radiator is restricted to the transmission of a control signal such as those used with alarm systems,
              door openers, remote switches, etc. Continuous transmissions, voice, video and the radio control of toys are not permitted. Data is permitted to
              be sent with a control signal. The following conditions shall be met to comply with the provisions for this periodic operation:
              (1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 seconds of
                   being released.
              (2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after activation.
              (3) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted. However, polling or supervision transmissions, including data,
                   to determine system integrity of transmitters used in security or safety applications are allowed if the total duration of transmissions does
                   not exceed more than two seconds per hour for each transmitter. There is no limit on the number of individual transmissions, provided the
                   total transmission time does not exceed two seconds per hour.
              (4) Intentional radiators which are employed for radio control purposes during emergencies involving fire, security, and safety of life, when
                   activated to signal an alarm, may operate during the pendency of the alarm condition.
              (5) Transmission of set-up information for security systems may exceed the transmission duration limits in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this
                   section, provided such transmissions are under the control of a professional installer and do not exceed ten seconds after a manually
                   operated switch is released or a transmitter is activated automatically. Such set-up information may include data.

The following conditions shall be met to comply with the provisions for momentary operation:
     (a) A manually operated transmitter shall be equipped with a push-to-operate switch and be under manual control at all transmission times. When
           released, the transmitter shall cease transmission (holdover time of up to 5 seconds is permitted).
     (b) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 seconds after activation (i.e. maximum 5 seconds of operation).
     (c) Periodic transmissions at regular predetermined intervals are not permitted, except as provided in Section A.1.1.5. However, polling or
           supervision transmissions to determine system integrity of transmitters used in security or safety applications are allowed if the total duration of
           transmission does not exceed 2 seconds per hour for each transmitter.
     (d) Intentional radiators employed for radio control purposes during emergencies involving fire, security of goods (e.g. burglar alarms), and safety-
           of-life, when activated to signal an alarm, may operate during the interval of the alarm condition.

 8.1.2         Test summary

Test date                  March 10, 2015
Test engineer              David Duchesne
Verdict                    Pass

 8.1.3         Observations, settings and special notes


Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                             Page 12 of 22

Section 8                 Testing data
Test name                 FCC 15.231(a) and RSS-210 A1.1.1 Conditions for intentional radiators to comply with periodic
Specification             FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

 8.1.4      Test data

1)   The EUT is not manual triggered.

2)   The EUT generates automatic transmission when it is signaling an alarm. Transmission ceases within 5 seconds. (See Figure 8.1-1)

3)   The EUT transmits periodic integrity polling messages, not exceeding 2 seconds of transmission per hour.

4)   The EUT usage is for radio control purposes during emergencies. See client provided details below.

5)   The EUT does not transmit set-up information

                                                              Figure 8.1-1: Transmission time

Details as provided by applicant.
The NVR35 M undifferentiated of its frequency transmits one type of message called the Standard Message (SM).
The SM is 8 transmissions spaced apart between 200 and 500 ms (random) with duration of 27.4 ms for each transmission.
The SM is sent out every 16–19 minutes for supervision purpose and whenever a detection, tamper, or low battery event occurs.
Within a typical hour we can assume 3 supervision events and 2 detection events:
(3 + 2) × 8 × 27.4 ms = 1.1 seconds per 3600 seconds = 0.03% duty cycle

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                       Page 13 of 22

Section 8                       Testing data
Test name                       FCC 15.231(b) and RSS-210 A1.1.2 Field strength of emissions
Specification                   FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

8.2          FCC 15.231(b) and RSS-210 A1.1.2 Field strength of emissions

 8.2.1           Definitions and limits

       (b)     In addition to the provisions of §15.205 the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated under this section shall not exceed
               the following table.
               1) The field strength limits in the table are specified at a distance of 3 meters. The tighter limits apply at the band edges.
               2) Intentional radiators operating under the provisions of this section shall demonstrate compliance with the limits on the field strength of
                     emissions, as shown in the above table, based on the average value of the measured emissions. As an alternative, compliance with the
                     limits in the above table may be based on the use of measurement instrumentation with a CISPR quasi-peak detector. The specific method
                     of measurement employed shall be specified in the application for equipment authorization. If average emission measurements are
                     employed, the provisions in §15.35 for averaging pulsed emissions and for limiting peak emissions apply. Further, compliance with the
                     provisions of §15.205 shall be demonstrated using the measurement instrumentation specified in that section.
               3) The limits on the field strength of the spurious emissions in the table below are based on the fundamental frequency of the intentional
                     radiator. Spurious emissions shall be attenuated to the average (or, alternatively, CISPR quasi-peak) limits shown in this table or to the
                     general limits shown in §15.209, whichever limit permits a higher field strength.

       1)      The field strength of emissions from momentarily operated intentional radiators shall not exceed the limits in Table A.
       2)      Intentional radiators shall demonstrate compliance with the field strength limits shown in Table A, based on the average value of the measured
               Alternatively, compliance with the limit in Table A may be demonstrated using a CISPR quasi-peak detector. If average measurements are
               employed, the requirements of Pulsed Operation of RSS-Gen apply regarding pulsed operation for averaging pulsed emissions and for limiting
               peak emissions.
       3)      The field strength limits shown in Table A are based on the fundamental frequency of the intentional radiator. Unwanted emissions shall be
               attenuated to the limits listed in RSS-Gen or to the limits shown in table below, whichever are less stringent.

                                                                           Table 8.2-1: Field strength limits

  Fundamental frequency                                Field strength of fundamental                                          Field strength of spurious emissions
         (MHz)                                     (µV/m)                       (dBµV/m)                                     (µV/m)                        (dBµV/m)
             40.66–40.701                            2,250                                  67                                 225                                   47
                70–130                               1,250                                61.9                                 125                                 41.9
               130–174                          1,250 to 3,750*                       61.9 to 71.5*                        125 to 375*                         41.9 to 51.5*
               174–260                               3,750                                71.5                                 375                                 51.5
               260–470                         3,750 to 12,500*                       71.5 to 81.9*                       375 to 1,250*                        51.5 to 61.9*
              Above 470                             12,500                                81.9                                1,250                                61.9
Notes:            The levels applicable to FCC only. For IC field strength shall not exceed 10 µV/m (80 dBµV/m) measured at 3 m with an average meter. Alternatively, it shall not
                 exceed 233 mV/m measured with a quasi-peak meter. (Note: Do not use the above to convert average meter readings to quasi-peak values.)
                 Outside the 40.65–40.71 MHz band, the general field strength limits listed in RSS-Gen shall apply, except for harmonics, which shall not exceed 225 µV/m at 3 m.

                 * Linear interpolation with frequency F in MHz:
                 For 130–174 MHz: FS (microvolts/m) = (56.82 × F) − 6136
                 For 260–470 MHz: FS (microvolts/m) = (41.67 × F) – 7083

                 The frequency band 225–399.9 MHz is allocated for Government of Canada usage. There are different types of operations in different parts of this band of
                 frequencies, including communications with aircraft and operations using high-power transmitters. Besides avoiding the restricted frequency bands listed in RSS-
                 Gen, it is recommended that the entire 225–399.9 MHz band be avoided.

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                                              Page 14 of 22

Section 8                 Testing data
Test name                 FCC 15.231(b) and RSS-210 A1.1.2 Field strength of emissions
Specification             FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

 8.2.1      Definitions and limits, continued

                                                 Table 8.2-2: FCC §15.209 and RSS-Gen – Radiated emission limits

                Frequency,                                   Field strength of emissions                                       Measurement distance, m
                   MHz                                    µV/m                       dBµV/m
              0.009–0.490                                 2400/F                      67.6 – 20 × log10(F)                               300
              0.490–1.705                                 24000/F                     87.6 – 20 × log10(F)                                30
               1.705–30.0                                     30                             29.5                                         30
                  30–88                                      100                             40.0                                          3
                 88–216                                      150                             43.5                                          3
                216–960                                      200                             46.0                                          3
               above 960                                     500                             54.0                                          3
Notes:       F = fundamental frequency in kHz
             In the emission table above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
             For frequencies above 1 GHz the limit on peak RF emissions is 20 dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit applicable to the equipment under

                                                              Table 8.2-3: IC restricted frequency bands

                 MHz                                        MHz                                          MHz                                         GHz
             0.090–0.110                               12.51975–12.52025                                399.9–410                                   5.35–5.46
           2.1735–2.1905                               12.57675–12.57725                                  608–614                                   7.25–7.75
             3.020–3.026                                    13.36–13.41                                  960–1427                                   8.025–8.5
             4.125–4.128                                   16.42–16.423                                1435–1626.5                                    9.0–9.2
          4.17725–4.17775                              16.69475–16.69525                              1645.5–1646.5                                   9.3–9.5
          4.20725–4.20775                              16.80425–16.80475                                1660–1710                                   10.6–12.7
             5.677-5.683                                     25.5–25.67                               1718.8–1722.2                                 13.25–13.4
             6.215–6.218                                     37.5–38.25                                 2200–2300                                   14.47–14.5
          6.26775–6.26825                                     73–74.6                                   2310–2390                                   15.35–16.2
          6.31175–6.31225                                    74.8–75.2                                  2655–2900                                   17.7–21.4
             8.291–8.294                                      108–138                                   3260–3267                                  22.01–23.12
             8.362–8.366                              156.52475–156.52525                               3332–3339                                   23.6–24.0
          8.37625–8.38675                                   156.7–156.9                                3345.8–3358                                  31.2–31.8
          8.41425–8.41475                                     240–285                                   3500–4400                                   36.43–36.5
            12.29–12.293                                     322–335.4                                  4500–5150                                  Above 38.6
Notes:      Certain frequency bands listed in Table 8.2-3 and above 38.6 GHz are designated for low-power licence-exempt applications. These frequency bands and the
            requirements that apply to the devices are set out in this Standard

                                                             Table 8.2-4: FCC restricted frequency bands

                 MHz                                        MHz                                          MHz                                         GHz
             0.090–0.110                                16.42–16.423                                  399.9–410                                     4.5–5.15
             0.495–0.505                             16.69475–16.69525                                  608–614                                    5.35–5.46
           2.1735–2.1905                             16.80425–16.80475                                 960–1240                                    7.25–7.75
             4.125–4.128                                  25.5–25.67                                  1300–1427                                    8.025–8.5
          4.17725–4.17775                                 37.5–38.25                                 1435–1626.5                                     9.0–9.2
          4.20725–4.20775                                  73–74.6                                  1645.5–1646.5                                    9.3–9.5
             6.215–6.218                                  74.8–75.2                                   1660–1710                                    10.6–12.7
          6.26775–6.26825                                108–121.94                                 1718.8–1722.2                                  13.25–13.4
          6.31175–6.31225                                  123–138                                    2200–2300                                    14.47–14.5
             8.291–8.294                                149.9–150.05                                  2310–2390                                    15.35–16.2
             8.362–8.366                            156.52475–156.52525                              2483.5–2500                                   17.7–21.4
          8.37625–8.38675                                156.7–156.9                                  2690–2900                                   22.01–23.12
          8.41425–8.41475                             162.0125–167.17                                 3260–3267                                    23.6–24.0
            12.29–12.293                                167.72–173.2                                  3332–3339                                    31.2–31.8
         12.51975–12.52025                                 240–285                                   3345.8–3358                                   36.43–36.5
         12.57675–12.57725                                322–335.4                                   3600–4400                                   Above 38.6
Notes:      None

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                                     Page 15 of 22

Section 8                  Testing data
Test name                  FCC 15.231(b) and RSS-210 A1.1.2 Field strength of emissions
Specification              FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

 8.2.2      Test summary

Verdict                               Pass
Test date                             March 10, 2015                                      Temperature                        23.5 °C
Test engineer                         David Duchesne                                      Air pressure                       1000. mbar
Test location                         Ottawa                                              Relative humidity                  32.3 %

 8.2.3      Observations, settings and special notes

    The spectrum was searched from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic.
    Average radiated emissions were obtained by subtracting duty cycle / correction factor from the peak measurement results.

Spectrum analyser settings for radiated measurements within restricted bands below 1 GHz:
Resolution bandwidth            100 kHz
Video bandwidth                 300 kHz
Detector mode                   Peak
Trace mode                      Max Hold

Spectrum analyser settings for peak radiated measurements within restricted bands above 1 GHz:
Resolution bandwidth            1 MHz
Video bandwidth                 3 MHz
Detector mode                   Peak
Trace mode                      Max Hold

Setup details
EUT setup configuration          Table top
Test facility                    3 m Semi anechoic chamber
Measuring distance               3m
Antenna height variation         1–4 m
Turn table position              0–360°

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                   Page 16 of 22

Section 8                  Testing data
Test name                  FCC 15.231(b) and RSS-210 A1.1.2 Field strength of emissions
Specification              FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

 8.2.4         Test data

§15.35(c) When the radiated emission limits are expressed in terms of the average value of the emission, and pulsed operation is employed; the
measurement field strength shall be determined by averaging over one complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not
exceed 0.1 seconds.
𝐷𝑢𝑡𝑦 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 20 × log 10 (        )
Duty cycle/average factor calculations
                                                                                     RBW 1 MHz          Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                     VBW 3 MHz                     -0.36 dB
                                  Ref       -37 dBm              * Att   0 dB        SWT 100 ms                27.403846 ms

                                                                                                        Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                  -67.01 dBm
                                                                                                               0.000000 s      A

                           1 AP
                           VIEW                                                                                                TRG

                                  1                          2



                                               TRG -82.2 dBm





                                  Center 433.92 MHz                             10 ms/

                           Date: 12.MAR.2015          08:07:44             Figure 8.2-1: Burst length

Tx100 ms = 27.4 ms
                                                                                      𝑇𝑥100 𝑚𝑠                  27.4 𝑚𝑠
                                        𝐷𝑢𝑡𝑦 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒/𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 = 20 × 𝐿𝑜𝑔10 (               ) = 20 × 𝐿𝑜𝑔10 (         ) = −11.24 𝑑𝐵
                                                                                      100 𝑚𝑠                    100 𝑚𝑠

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                        Page 17 of 22

Section 8                     Testing data
Test name                     FCC 15.231(b) and RSS-210 A1.1.2 Field strength of emissions
Specification                 FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

 8.2.4      Test data, continued

                                                              Table 8.2-5: Field Strength of Fundamental results
                            Meas. peak        Peak field                                                                 Calculated average       Average field      Average field
  Freq.    Ant. Pol.                    1                      Peak field strength       Duty cycle correction                            2
                          field strength    strength limit                3                                                field strength         strength limit       strength
 (MHz)      (V/H)                                                 margin (dB)                  factor (dB)                                                                  3
                             (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)                                                                        (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)         margin (dB)
               V               73.69            100.83                27.14                       -11.2                         62.45                 80.83              18.38
               H               66.41            100.83                34.42                       -11.2                         55.17                 80.83              25.66
Notes:        Field strength (dBV/m) = spectrum analyzer value (dBV) + correction factor (dB)

                   Correction factor = antenna factor ACF (dB) + cable loss (dB) − amplifier gain (dB)
                   Sample calculation: 66.68 dBV/m (field strength) = 77.58 dBV (receiver reading) + (−10.9 dB) (Correction factor)
                Calculated average field strength (dBµV/m) = measured Peak field strength (dBµV/m) + Duty cycle correction factor (dB). Duty cycle correction factor as calculated
                from §15.35 (c)
                Margin (dB) = field strength limit − field strength measurement

                                                    Table 8.2-6: Field Strength of Spurious emissions (Harmonic) results
                            Meas. peak        Peak field                                                                 Calculated average       Average field      Average field
  Freq.    Ant. Pol.                                           Peak field strength       Duty cycle correction
                          field strength1   strength limit                                                                 field strength2        strength limit       strength
 (MHz)      (V/H)                                                 margin3 (dB)                 factor (dB)
                             (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)                                                                        (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)         margin3 (dB)
 867.84        H               58.10            80.83                 22.73                      -11.24                         46.86                 60.83              13.97
1735.68        H               58.07            80.83                 22.76                      -11.24                         46.83                 60.83              14.00
 2169.6        V               66.15            80.83                 14.68                      -11.24                         54.91                 60.83               5.92
2603.52        V               67.28            80.83                 13.55                      -11.24                         56.04                 60.83               4.79
3471.36        H               64.40            80.83                 16.43                      -11.24                         53.16                 60.83               7.67
Notes:        Field strength (dBV/m) = spectrum analyzer value (dBV) + correction factor (dB)

                   Correction factor = antenna factor ACF (dB) + cable loss (dB) − amplifier gain (dB)
                   Sample calculation: 66.68 dBV/m (field strength) = 77.58 dBV (receiver reading) + (−10.9 dB) (Correction factor)
                Calculated average field strength (dBµV/m) = measured Peak field strength (dBµV/m) + Duty cycle correction factor (dB). Duty cycle correction factor as calculated
                from §15.35 (c)
                Margin (dB) = field strength limit − field strength measurement

                                   Table 8.2-7: Field Strength of Spurious emissions falling within restricted bands FCC and IC results
                            Meas. peak        Peak field                                                                 Calculated average       Average field      Average field
  Freq.    Ant. Pol.                                           Peak field strength       Duty cycle correction
                          field strength1   strength limit                                                                 field strength2        strength limit       strength
 (MHz)      (V/H)                                                 margin3 (dB)                 factor (dB)
                             (dBµV/m)         (dBµV/m)                                                                        (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)         margin3 (dB)
1301.76        H               59.67             74                    14                        -11.24                         48.43                  54                5.57
3037.44        V               63.20             74                    11                        -11.24                         51.96                  54                2.04
3905.28        H               62.03             74                    12                        -11.24                         50.79                  54                3.21
 4339.2        V               60.13             74                    14                        -11.24                         48.89                  54                5.11
Notes:        Field strength (dBV/m) = spectrum analyzer value (dBV) + correction factor (dB)

                   Correction factor = antenna factor ACF (dB) + cable loss (dB) − amplifier gain (dB)
                   Sample calculation: 66.68 dBV/m (field strength) = 77.58 dBV (receiver reading) + (−10.9 dB) (Correction factor)
                Calculated average field strength (dBµV/m) = measured Peak field strength (dBµV/m) + Duty cycle correction factor (dB). Duty cycle correction factor as calculated
                from §15.35 (c)
                Margin (dB) = field strength limit − field strength measurement

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                                            Page 18 of 22

Section 8               Testing data
Test name               FCC 15.231(b) and RSS-210 A1.1.2 Field strength of emissions
Specification           FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

 8.2.5      Setup photos

                                                          Figure 8.2-2: Emissions setup photo

                                                          Figure 8.2-3: Emissions setup photo

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                               Page 19 of 22

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                FCC Clause 15.231(c) and RSS-210 A1.1.3 Emission bandwidth of momentary signals
Specification            FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

8.3       FCC 15.231(c) and RSS-210 A1.1.3 Emission bandwidth of momentary signals

 8.3.1      Definitions and limits

The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than 0.25 % of the center frequency for devices operating above 70 MHz and below 900 MHz. For devices
operating above 900 MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5 % of the center frequency. Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 dB down from the
modulated carrier.

For the purpose of Section A1.1, the 99 % bandwidth shall be no wider than 0.25 % of the centre frequency for devices operating between 70 MHz and 900
MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the emission shall be no wider than 0.5 % of the centre frequency.

 8.3.2      Test summary

Verdict                              Pass
Test date                            March 10, 2015                                     Temperature                         23.5 °C
Test engineer                        David Duchesne                                     Air pressure                        1000. mbar
Test location                        Ottawa                                             Relative humidity                   32.3 %

 8.3.3      Observations, settings and special notes

Spectrum analyser settings:
Resolution bandwidth          ≥ 1 % of emission bandwidth
Video bandwidth               ≥ 3 × RBW
Frequency span                Wider than emission bandwidth
Detector mode                 Peak

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                   Page 20 of 22

Section 8                                 Testing data
Test name                                 FCC Clause 15.231(c) and RSS-210 A1.1.3 Emission bandwidth of momentary signals
Specification                             FCC Part 15 Subpart C and RSS-210, Issue 8

 8.3.4            Test data

                                                          * RBW   300 Hz   Marker 3 [T1 ]                                                                               * RBW   1 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                           VBW 1 kHz                47.99 dBµV                                                                           VBW 3 kHz               47.97 dBµV
       Ref   60 dBµV              * Att    10 dB           SWT 1.15 s        433.924382479 MHz                        Ref   60 dBµV              * Att   10 dB           SWT 100 ms       433.924382479 MHz

       60                                                                  Marker 1 [T1 ]                             60                                                                OBW 55.166666667 kHz
                                                                                    29.02 dBµV                                                                                          Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                      3                      433.911826923 MHz     A                                                                1                            23.25 dBµV     A
       50                                                                                                             50
                D1 47.99 dBµV                                              Marker 2 [T1 ]                                                                                                 433.897049145 MHz
1 PK                                                                                28.40 dBµV                 1 PK                                                                     Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
VIEW                                                                                                           VIEW
       40                                                                    433.936987179 MHz                        40                                                                         22.13 dBµV
                                                                                                                                                                                          433.952215812 MHz

                                          1                         2                              TDS                                                                                                          TDS
       30                                                                                                             30
                    D2 27.99 dBµV
                                                                                                   PS                                                                                                           PS
       20                                                                                                             20

       10                                                                                                             10

                                                                                                   3DB                                                                                                          3DB
       0                                                                                           AC                 0                                                                                         AC

       -10                                                                                                            -10

       -20                                                                                                            -20

       -30                                                                                                            -30

       -40                                                                                                            -40

       Center   433.9243269 MHz                    10 kHz/                        Span   100 kHz                      Center   433.9243269 MHz                   10 kHz/                       Span   100 kHz

Date: 11.MAR.2015      13:24:53                                                                               Date: 11.MAR.2015       13:39:42

                                   Figure 8.3-1: 20 dB bandwidth                                                                                  Figure 8.3-2: 99 % bandwidth

                                                                                            Table 8.3-1: 20 dB bandwidth results

                                              20 dB bandwidth (kHz)                                                                     Limit (kHz)                                            Margin, kHz
                                                       25                                                                                 1084.8                                                1059.8
Notes:            Limit: 0.25 % of 433.92 MHz is 1083.5 kHz

                                                                                            Table 8.3-2: 99 % bandwidth results

                                              99 % bandwidth (kHz)                                                                      Limit (kHz)                                            Margin, kHz
                                                      55                                                                                  1084.8                                                1029.8
Notes:            Limit: 0.25 % of 433.92 MHz is 1083.5 kHz

Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                                                                                                                     Page 21 of 22

Section 9:              Block diagrams of test set-ups

Section 9. Block diagrams of test set-ups

9.1     Radiated emissions set-up

                                                Radio absorbing material




                             EUT                                 antenna

                              table                                                                1m
               0.8 m

                                                               Metal ground
                           Turn table


Report reference ID: 28112-3TRFWL                                                                       Page 22 of 22

Document Created: 2019-10-28 10:45:11
Document Modified: 2019-10-28 10:45:11

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