Users Manual


Users Manual

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Via the Profles on the user can create, moily and delete proflas as wellasdofincelault

111. Now Protle

You ean reate your oun pertonalprofle. The Data Card supports wo typas of polle: RAS
and NDIS. Each profle contains the sccountnformation that s used to estabish the

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Follow the steps below to craate a porsonalized protte
1. Clck the Proffe buton
2. Cick the New button tactvatethe vizard to help you craate a new protle

        3 Skestthe potfe ype, NOor RAS, an erter the namefo te comnecion
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5. Gartim techoices made by leting t OK buton


1.   Gickhe Protiebuton
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111 2. Dneing Snge Petes

1. Gickhe Protiebuton
2. Setest t protl andcick e Deiee buton
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1113 Dceing t

1. Click the Profile button.

2. Select the profiles to delete.

3. Click the Delete button. Setting as Default Profile

1. Click the Profile button.

2. Select the profile to be used as the Default one .

                                    3. Click Set as Default Profile.

                                              1.1.2 PIN

  The DWM-156 can manage SIM-related information such as PIN code enabling/disabling,
                                        changing PIN1/PIN2. Enabling/Disabling PIN Code
To prevent unauthorized use of the SIM card a PIN code can be used for security.

Disable (default)

1. Select Profile > PIN > Disable.


1. Select Profile > PIN > Enable.

2. Enter the correct PIN code

Note: The PIN is provided by the network provider.

3. Click the OK button to enable.

Warning: The PIN code must be entered correctly within three [3] tries. Failure to do so will

result in the SIM card being blocked.

If a PIN number has been enabled, the user will be asked to enter it before accessing the

DWM-156 software. The following window will be displayed.

1.Enter the PIN code.

2.0ckthe OK button

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1122 Changing PN Code

SIM.eards ottn contain two PIN coesthat can be changed
1.SslectProfle > PN > Change code
2Enorte dotals in the flw felds: Enter Current PINZ Code, Entr New PINZ Code and
ContemNow PN2
  Warning: The current PIN ade must be entarad corracty witin thros(3) thes. Falureto do
so wl esut in
  the SIM card being blcked
3.0lik e OK buton tochange
4When the procedire complatas a window i cisplayed. Clck the OK buttonto on‘
 Ee aes
    Alter PM cod changed, yousheu dare aPandre—ngin
    devento valdte
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    Curent i2 Code
    Corfem w Pit2 Code

118. Band Sattings

          The DWM-156 supports three options for band selection:

Option                           Description

                                 The DWM-156 automatically selects the band on the basis of the networks
                                 available in current area and those supported by the Data Card.

                                 The Data Card can be used exclusively with the 3G UMTS/HSPA service (used
3G only
                                 in Europe, Asia and Australia).

                                  The Data Card can be used exclusively with the 2G GSM/GPRS service or the
2G only
                                 EDGE 850/900/1800/1900.

          To modify the band settings, proceed as follows:

          1. Select Profile > Band.

          2. Select Band tab.

          3. Select Automatic, 3G only or 2G only.

                                      4. Click the Apply button and then OK.


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                                           114 Nawork Sotings

         "The geographical areawhere the Data Gard s used may be coverad by more than one
         network. The management
         sottware uses tvo optlons for selecting the netiork
Opton                         Desciipton

Automatc                      By detaul the Data Care will select the Talwan Mobile network automateaty

                              Users can use the Data Care togata fst o the neworks and selact an avallable
                              networkto use

           To setntwark manualy, proceod asfolowe:

1. Select Prole > Nework
2. Select Manval
8. Clck the Search buttn to view al the natworks avaiable
4. Select notwork operator and clck the Apply button
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      12 Phone
"The DWH—158 contacts manageralbue you to diplay allthe contacts on the PC or on the
SMeard. Contects can ba addad, edted or deleted

121. Conmars

1. Clck the Contects button
2. Cick e Acd button

3. In the Add Contact window, enter the name and telephone number of the contact, and

where to store the details

   (PC or SIM).

4. Click the OK button to add the contact. Editing Contacts

1. Click the Contacts button.

2. Select the contact to edit.

3. Click the Edit button.

4. Modify the contact’s details.

5. Click the OK button to save the changes. Deleting Single Contacts

1. Click the Contacts button.

2. Select the contact to delete.

3. The message box "Do you want to delete selected contact(s)?" pops up.

4. Click the Delete button.

5. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.

                   6. The message box "Done" pops up. Click the OK button. Deleting Multiple Contacts

       1. Click the Contacts button.

       2. Click the Ctrl and select the contact to delete.

       3. The message box "Do you want to delete selected contact(s)?" pops up.

       4. Click the Delete button.

       5. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion.

                          6. The message box "Done" pops up. Click the OK button.

               1.2.2 Call log
        1. You can see the call log on the list.
        2. Clear all calls.
        3. The message box "Do you want to clear all logs?" pops up. Choose Y.

1.2.3. Call Settings

1.2.      Call Barring

                   1. Select Contacts > Call Settings > Call Barring.
                  2. After Querying finish, you can set outgoing calls and incoming call, the drop-
       down lists of outgoing calls are all,
                    International, International except to home and off and the drop-down of incoming
       calls are all, When roaming and off.
                  3. Choose one of them, enter Call Barring code, press OK button to confirm it. You
       can see SS processing.

         Call Divert

                1. Select Contacts > Call Settings > Call Divert.
                2. You can Enable "All voice calls", "If busy", "If not answered", "If out of reach", if you
           enable All voice calls,
                   please enter the phone number. You can also choose 5 to 30 sec when you select
           "If not answered".

          Call Waiting

1. Select Contacts > Call Settings > Call waiting.
2. You can choose on and off , press ok, the success message box will pop up. Send Caller ID

1. Select Contacts > Call Settings > Send caller ID.
2. You can choose on and off , press ok, the success message box will pop up.

     1.2.4 Dialer

 Making call from the Contact

            1. Select the contacts that you'd like to dial.

            2. Click the make call button.

 Ending call from the Contact

            1. Click the ending call button.

       1.3.Text Messaging (SMS)
DWM-156 allows the management of Text Messages ( SMS ) like a a mobile phone, that is
sending, receiving, replying,

forwarding and deleting messages.

1.3.1. Writing/Sending a Text Message

1. Click the SMS button.

2. Click the New button.

3. Enter the recipient’s phone number, or click the Contacts button to see the contacts present

in the PC phone book or on

   the SIM card. In the Contacts window, click the box next to the name of the recipients and

click the OK button to return to

   the New SMS window.

4. Enter the message to send.

5. Click the Send button to send the message.

1.3.2. Replying to a Text Message

1. Click the SMS button.

2. Click the Reply button.

3. Enter the message and click the Send button to send the message.

1.3.3. Forwarding a Text Message

1. Click the SMS button.

2. Select the message to forward.

3. Click the Forward button.

4. Select the contact to whom to forward.

                        5. Click the Send button to send the message.

1.3.4. Deleting a Single Text Message

1. Click the SMS button.

2. Select the appropriate message and click the Delete button.

3. Click the Yes button to delete the message.

1.3.5. Deleting Multiple Text Messages

1. Click the SMS button.

2. Select the appropriate messages.

3. Click the Delete button to delete all the messages.

4. Click the Yes button to delete the messages.

1.3.6. Saving a Sender in Contacts

1. Click the SMS button and select a message.

2. Right-click the mouse and select Save to Contacts.

3. In the Add Contact window, enter the contact name.

4. Click the OK button to save the contact.

5. On saving the contact a Success window is displayed. Click the OK button to close the


1.3.7. SMS Settings

DWM-156 allows to change the Service Center number , the message validity period and
whether to store outgoing messages.

1. Select SMS > SMS Settings.

2. If needed, enter the new Service Center Number.

3 From the drop- down list choose the Validity Period of messages.

4. Check the box to select if messages are to be stored.

                           5. Click the OK button to save the details.

                                            1.4 Usage

     The History Connection table can be activated by clicking the button Eand

                              summarizes the information below:

Limits can be set on the duration of a connection. These limits can be set either on the

basis of the volume of Data

exchanged either of 3G/HSDPA or of GPRS+EDGE.

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   @#            @            BA          0o            & O                &               powmass

                  »1    Current
      Current       |
                             End date:

                             Evervofamonfl'l-             3G+HSDPA:   @—

                         ~DataTransferred &Limits
                             Duration: 2010—02—01 ~ 2010—02—28
                             3G+HSDPA:        0.05 MB

                             GPRS+EDGE:       0.00 MB

1.4.1. Current

1. Select History > Query.

2. For the Query Setting, choose the Start date and End date.

3. Check the Query button.

4. You can see the Query Result 3G+HSDPA and GPRS+EDGE.

    1.4.2. Query

    1. Select History > Current.

    2. Choose Every date of a month from the list box.

    3. Check the Limit by Data checkbox.

    4. Enter the value required between 100MB and 10000MB.

                           5. Click the Apply button to save the settings.

    1.4.3. Detail

    Select History > Detail. You can see the History Connection table can be activated
    summarizes as below.
‧ Profile – the names of the profiles used.

‧ APN – type of connection used.

‧ Time Start –The Time Start for the connection in the hh:mm:ss format.

‧ Time End –The Time End for the connection in the hh:mm:ss format.

‧ Data sending – total number of bytes transmitted.

‧ Data receiving – total number of bytes received.

‧ Instant speed max. up/down – the maximum speed achieved for sending and receiving data.

‧ Average speed up/down – the average speed achieved for sending and receiving data.

‧ History Connection, Current month or Previous Month – Allows to display the Connections.

   statistics for the current month.

                                                                                                                Call   kss

                 «o                                                                                DLink
    _2             io         A          &                                 —                       pWwM 156
  Ta             Chunghwa Telecom

                                             (   aen l        Time start       )   Time end        | Data sendin
                           Chungwa Telecom       intemet 2010/02/11 14:00:13 2010/02/11 14:00:32       2k8s
                           Chungwa Telecom       intemet 2010/02/11 14:00:40 2010/0211 14:05:30        16 k6s

1. Click Clear all logs to delete the log recordings.

       1.5 Tools

       1.5.1 USSD

       1. Add.
       2. Input Name and Code.

       1.5.2. STK

1. Click the SIM Tool Kit micon.

2. The SIM Tool Kit is provided by the telephone service provider that provides the different

types of services.

3. Select the service desired.

4. Click the OK button to confirm your selection.

       The display screen is automatically updated to correspond to the selections made.

                                              1.6 Help

                                     1. Click the help icon.

                                   2. Enter the user manual.

FCC Regulations:

This USB Dongle complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

This USB Dongle has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:

-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment.

The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in
conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

RF Exposure Information (SAR)

This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves.
This USB Dongle is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for
exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications
Commission of the U.S. Government.

The exposure standard for wireless device employs a unit of measurement known as
the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.
 Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC
with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested
frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power
level, the actual SAR level of the USB Dongle while operating can be well below the
maximum value. This is because the device is designed to operate at multiple
power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network. In general,
the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.

The highest SAR value for the device as reported to the FCC when tested for body, as
described in this user guide, is 1.26 W/kg.While there may be differences between
the SAR levels of various USB Dongles and at various positions, they all meet the
government requirement.

The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this device with all reported
SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR
information on this device is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display
Grant section of after searching on FCC ID: KA2WM156A2.

For body operation, this device has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure
guidelines for use the positions the device a minimum of 1.0 cm from the body. Use
of other accessories may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.

This USB dongle transmitter is approved for use in typical laptop computers. To
comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, this USB dongle should not be used in
other devices or certain laptop and tablet computer configurations where the USB
connectors on the host computer are unable to provide or ensure the necessary
operating configurations intended for the device and its users or bystanders to satisfy
RF exposure compliance requirements. This transmitter must not be collocated or
operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

Document Created: 2010-04-02 16:45:09
Document Modified: 2010-04-02 16:45:09

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC