RF Exposure Info as requested in Correspondence 21262

FCC ID: K66VXA-150

RF Exposure Info

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November 19, 2001

Federal Communications Commission
Equipment Approval Services
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046
Attn: Andy Leimer

                      SUBJECT:        Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.
                                      FCC ID: K66VXA-150
                                      731 Confirmation No.: EA102553
                                      Correspondence Ref. No.: 21262

Dear Andy:

On behalf of Vertex Standard Co., Ltd. is an amendment in response to items 2 and 3 of your e-mail dated
November 15, 2001 requesting additional information for the subject application.

1. Please find attached the revised pages of the SAR test report showing the measured dielectric
   parameters used for both the head and body SAR tests. Please note that the target tissue parameters
   for 150MHz were used in the SAR evaluation software. If there was any appreciable variation in the
   measured tissue parameters from the target values specified then the SAR was adjusted using the
   sensitivities to SAR (see attached “SAR Sensitivities”).
2. The determination of the E-field probe conversion numbers was performed by the system
   manufacturer’s recommended linear extrapolation routine. The extrapolation and interpolation was
   based on the two calibrated data points of 900 and 1800MHz in head simulating tissue. Included in this
   response is an example of an identical calibrated E-probe from the same system manufacturer. The
   conversion numbers outside the two calibration reference points for this probe were determined using
   numerical methods. There exists at this time no other method by the manufacturer of determining
   probe conversion below 800MHz. The chart and tables attached indicate the linearity of this E-field
   probe across several frequency bands with the associated uncertainty. The graph also shows that for
   frequencies below 800MHz the slope of the derived conversion numbers is steeper. If an extrapolation
   is performed from the two data points, 900 and 1800MHz, in the absence of numerical modeling, the
   probe conversion numbers derived are less than those expected. Since the conversion number is
   inversely proportional to the total SAR value determined, a lower than expected conversion number will
   result in an over estimation of the actual SAR.

If you have any further questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Shawn McMillen
General Manager
Celltech Research Inc.
Testing & Engineering Lab

cc: Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.
    M. Flom Associates

                 Celltech Research Inc. 1955 Moss Court, Kelowna, B.C. Canada V1Y 9L3
                 Tel. 250-860-3130 • Fax. 250-860-3110 • e-mail: info@celltechlabs.com

CELLTECH RESEARCH INC.                                                    Test Report S/N: 091801-167K66
1955 Moss Court, Kelowna                                                   Date(s) of Tests: Sept. 19, 2001
B.C. Canada V1Y 9L3                                                                   FCC SAR Evaluation


The measurement results were obtained with the EUT tested in the conditions described in this
report. Detailed measurement data and plots showing the maximum SAR location of the EUT
are reported in Appendix A.

Face-Held SAR Measurements

   Freq.                               Conducted     Antenna    Separation               (w/kg)
               Channel          Mode                             Distance
  (MHz)                                 Power        Position
                                                                   (cm)         100%           50%
                                         (W)                                  Duty Cycle     Duty Cycle

 118.000         Low            CW       1.55          Fixed        2.5         0.0753            0.0377

 127.500          Mid           CW       1.53          Fixed        2.5         0.917             0.459

 136.975         High           CW       1.43          Fixed        2.5         0.134             0.067

      Mixture Type: Brain
    Dielectric Constant: 52.5                    ANSI / IEEE C95.1 1992 - SAFETY LIMIT
       Conductivity: 0.75                       Spatial Peak Controlled Exposure/Occupational
           (measured)                             BRAIN: 8.0 W/kg (averaged over 1 gram)

         1. The SAR values found were below the maximum limit of 8.0 w/kg (controlled exposure).
         2. The highest face-held SAR value found was 0.917 w/kg (100% duty cycle).
         3. The EUT was tested for face-held SAR with a 2.5 cm separation distance between the front
            of the EUT and the outer surface of the planar phantom.
         4. Ambient TEMPERATURE: 23.0 °C
            Relative HUMIDITY: 57.4 %
            Atmospheric PRESSURE: 100.4 kPa
         5. Fluid Temperature 23.0 °C

                                                                          Face-held SAR Test Setup
                                                                          2.5cm Separation Distance

© 2001 Celltech Research Inc.       VERTEX STANDARD FCC ID: K66VXA-150                                      3
                                   AM PTT Air Band Radio Transceiver (118-137MHz)

CELLTECH RESEARCH INC.                                                    Test Report S/N: 091801-167K66
1955 Moss Court, Kelowna                                                   Date(s) of Tests: Sept. 19, 2001
B.C. Canada V1Y 9L3                                                                   FCC SAR Evaluation

Body-Worn SAR Measurements

                                                                 Belt-Clip              (w/kg)
   Freq.                               Conducted     Antenna    Separation
               Channel          Mode
  (MHz)                                 Power        Position    Distance       100%          50%
                                         (W)                       (cm)       Duty Cycle    Duty Cycle

 118.000         Low            CW       1.55          Fixed        1.4          3.24            1.62

 127.500          Mid           CW       1.53          Fixed        1.4         0.487            0.244

 136.975         High           CW       1.43          Fixed        1.4         0.144            0.072

      Mixture Type: Body
    Dielectric Constant: 61.8                    ANSI / IEEE C95.1 1992 - SAFETY LIMIT
       Conductivity: 0.79                       Spatial Peak Controlled Exposure/Occupational
           (measured)                             BODY: 8.0 W/kg (averaged over 1 gram)

   1. The SAR values found were below the maximum limit of 8.0 w/kg (controlled exposure).
   2. The highest body-worn SAR value found was 3.24 w/kg (100% duty cycle).
   3. The EUT was tested for body-worn SAR with the attached belt-clip providing a 1.4cm separation
       distance between the back of the EUT and the outer surface of the planar phantom.
   4. Ambient TEMPERATURE: 23.0 °C
       Relative HUMIDITY: 57.4 %
       Atmospheric PRESSURE: 100.4 kPa
   5. Fluid Temperature 23.0 °C

                                                                          Body-worn SAR Test Setup
                                                                            with 1.4cm Belt-Clip

© 2001 Celltech Research Inc.       VERTEX STANDARD FCC ID: K66VXA-150                                      4
                                   AM PTT Air Band Radio Transceiver (118-137MHz)

CELLTECH RESEARCH INC.                                                    Test Report S/N: 091801-167K66
1955 Moss Court, Kelowna                                                   Date(s) of Tests: Sept. 19, 2001
B.C. Canada V1Y 9L3                                                                   FCC SAR Evaluation


The brain and body mixtures consist of a viscous gel using hydroxethylcellulose (HEC) gelling
agent and saline solution. Preservation with a bactericide is added and visual inspection is made to
ensure air bubbles are not trapped during the mixing process. The fluid was prepared according to
standardized procedures and measured for dielectric parameters (permitivity and conductivity).

                                                          MIXTURE %
                                900MHz Brain
                                                         150MHz Brain                 150MHz Body
          Water                     51.07                     38.35                        46.6

           Sugar                    47.31                      55.5                        49.7

            Salt                     1.15                      5.15                         2.6

           HEC                       0.23                       1.0                         1.0

        Bactericide                  0.24                       0.1                         0.1


The dielectric parameters of the fluids were verified prior to the SAR evaluation using an
85070C Dielectric Probe Kit and an 8753E Network Analyzer. The dielectric parameters of the
fluid are as follows:


     Equivalent Tissue          Dielectric Constant        Conductivity
                                                                                        ρ (Kg/m3)
      (Date: 09/19/01)                   εr                 σ (mho/m)
       900MHz Brain
                                    41.5 ± 5%                0.97 ± 5%                     1000
       900MHz Brain
                                    41.2 ± 5%                0.96 ± 5%                     1000
       150MHz Brain
                                    52.3 ± 5%                0.76 ± 5%                     1000
       150MHz Brain
                                    52.5 ± 5%                0.75 ± 5%                     1000
       150MHz Body
                                    61.9 ± 5%                0.80 ± 5%                     1000
       150MHz Body
                                    61.8 ± 5%                0.79 ± 5%                     1000

© 2001 Celltech Research Inc.     VERTEX STANDARD FCC ID: K66VXA-150                                        7
                                 AM PTT Air Band Radio Transceiver (118-137MHz)

Application Note: SAR Sensitivities

Application Note: SAR Sensitivities
The measured SAR-values in homogeneous phantoms depend strongly on the electrical
parameters of the liquid. Liquids with exactly matching parameters are difficult to produce;
there is always a small error involved in the production or measurement of the liquid
parameters. The following sensitivities allow the estimation of the influence of small
parameter errors on the measured SAR values. The calculations are based on an
approximation formula [1] for the SAR of an electrical dipole near the phantom surface and
a adapted plane wave approximation for the penetration depth. The sensitivities are given in
percent SAR change per percent change in the controlling parameter:

                d SAR / SAR
         S(x) = ———————

The controlling parameters x are:
   • ε : permitivity
   • σ : conductivity
   • ρ : brain density (= one over integration volume)

For example: If The liquid permitivity increases by 2 percent and the sensitivity of the SAR
to permitivity is -0.6 then the SAR will decrease by 1.2 percent.

The sensitivities are given for surface SAR values and averaged SAR values for 1 g and 10
g cubes and for dipole distances d of 10mm (for frequencies below 1000 MHz) and 15mm
(for frequencies above 1000 MHz) from the liquid surface.

Liquid parameters are as proposed in the new standards (e.g., IEEE 1528).

[1] N. Kuster and Q. Balzano, “Energy absorption mechanism by biological bodies in the
    near field of dipole antennas above 300 MHz”, IEEE Transacions on Vehicular
    Technology, vol. 41(1), pp. 17-23, 1992.

Schmid & Partner Engineering AG, Zurich, Switzerland

Application Note: SAR Sensitivities

Parameter                                          ε          σ     ρ
f=300 MHz (εr=45.3, σ =0.87S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=15mm:  Surface                                - 0.41   + 0.48      —
          1 g                                   - 0.33   + 0.28   0.08
          10 g                                  - 0.26   + 0.09   0.16
f=450 MHz (εr=43.5, σ =0.87S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=15mm:     Surface                             - 0.56   + 0.67      —
            1 g                                 - 0.46   + 0.43   0.09
            10 g                                - 0.37   + 0.22   0.17
f=835 MHz (εr=41.5, σ =0.90S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=15mm:     Surface                             - 0.70   + 0.86      —
            1 g                                 - 0.57   + 0.59   0.10
            10 g                                - 0.45   + 0.35   0.18
f=900 MHz (εr=41.5, σ =0.97S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=15mm:     Surface                             - 0.69   + 0.86      —
            1 g                                 - 0.55   + 0.57   0.10
            10 g                                - 0.44   + 0.32   0.19
f=1450 MHz (εr=40.5, σ =1.20/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=10mm:     Surface                             - 0.73   + 0.91      —
            1 g                                 - 0.55   + 0.55   0.12
            10 g                                - 0.42   + 0.27   0.22
f=1800 MHz (εr=40.0, σ =1.40S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=10mm:     Surface                             - 0.73   + 0.92      —
            1 g                                 - 0.52   + 0.51   0.14
            10 g                                - 0.38   + 0.21   0.24
f=1900 MHz (εr=40.0, σ =1.40S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=10mm:     Surface                             - 0.73   + 0.93      —
            1 g                                 - 0.53   + 0.51   0.14
            10 g                                - 0.39   + 0.22   0.24
f=2000 MHz (εr=40.0, σ =1.40S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=10mm:     Surface                             - 0.74   + 0.94      —
            1 g                                 - 0.53   + 0.52   0.14
            10 g                                - 0.39   + 0.22   0.24
f=2450 MHz (εr=39.2, σ =1.80S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=10mm:     Surface                             - 0.74   + 0.93      —
            1 g                                 - 0.49   + 0.41   0.17
            10 g                                - 0.34   + 0.12   0.28
f=3000 MHz (εr=38.5, σ =2.40S/m, ρ=1g/cm 3 )
d=10mm:     Surface                             - 0.75   + 0.90      —
            1 g                                 - 0.45   + 0.28   0.21
            10 g                                - 0.32   + 0.02   0.31

Schmid & Partner Engineering AG, Zurich, Switzerland

Dosimetric E-Field Probe ET3DV6                                    EXAMPLE
Head Tissue Conversion Factor (+ standard deviation)

                                                       εr = 44.4
400 MHz       ConvF          7.64 + 8%                 σ = 0.87 mho/m
                                                       CENELEC Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 42.5
835 MHz       ConvF          6.54 + 8%                 σ = 0.98 mho/m
                                                       CENELEC Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 42.3
900 MHz       ConvF          6.41 + 8%                 σ = 0.99 mho/m
                                                       CENELEC Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 44.7
350 MHz       ConvF          7.76 + 8%                 σ = 0.87 mho/m
                                                       IEEE Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 43.5
450 MHz       ConvF          7.52 + 8%                 σ = 0.87 mho/m
                                                       IEEE Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 41.5
835 MHz       ConvF          6.53 + 8%                 σ = 0.90 mho/m
                                                       IEEE Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 41.45
925 MHz       ConvF          6.37 + 8%                 σ = 0.98 mho/m
                                                       IEEE Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 40.43
1500 MHz      ConvF          6.04 + 8%                 σ = 1.23 mho/m
                                                       IEEE Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 40.0
                                                       σ = 1.40 mho/m
1900 MHz      ConvF          5.41 + 8%                 IEEE Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 39.2
                                                       σ = 1.8 mho/m
2450 MHz      ConvF          5.18 + 8%                 IEEE Head Tissue

                                                       εr = 37.2
2450 MHz      ConvF          5.40 + 8%                 σ = 2.09 mho/m
                                                       H1800 at 2450 MHz

Dosimetric E-Field Probe ET3DV6                             \     EXAMPLE
Body Tissue Conversion Factor (+ standard deviation)

                                                       εr = 85.19
35 MHz        ConvF          8.77 + 15%                σ = 0.69 mho/m
                                                       FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 69.93
75 MHz        ConvF          8.68 + 10%                σ = 0.72 mho/m
                                                       FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 62.68
150 MHz       ConvF          8.51 + 8%                 σ = 0.75 mho/m
                                                       FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 58.41
350 MHz       ConvF          7.64 + 8%                 σ = 0.80 mho/m
                                                       FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 57.62
450 MHz       ConvF          7.40 + 8%                 σ = 0.83 mho/m
                                                       FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 56.25
784 MHz       ConvF          6.38 + 8%                 σ = 0.93 mho/m
                                                       FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 56.11
835 MHz       ConvF          6.28 + 8%                 σ = 0.95 mho/m
                                                       FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 55.9
925 MHz       ConvF          6.10 + 8%                 σ = 0.98 mho/m
                                                       FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 54.87
                                                       σ = 1.23 mho/m
1500 MHz      ConvF          5.44 + 8%                 FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 54.3
                                                       σ = 1.45 mho/m
1900 MHz      ConvF          4.82 + 8%                 FCC Body Tissue

                                                       εr = 53.57
                                                       σ = 1.81 mho/m
2450 MHz      ConvF          4.53 + 8%                 FCC Body Tissue


                             Probe Conversion Factor versus Frequency

Conversion Factor

                         0       500     1000        1500     2000   2500   3000
                                                Frequency (MHz)

Document Created: 2001-11-19 14:03:46
Document Modified: 2001-11-19 14:03:46

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