tune up info

FCC ID: K6610334821

Parts List/Tune Up Info

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                                                                            FCC ID: K6610334821
                                                                            IC ID: 511B-10334821

                 VX-P920/P970 (UHF) series Alignment

    The VX-P920/P970 (UHF) series is carefully aligned at the factory for the specified
  performance across the frequency range specified for each version. Realignment should
  therefore not be necessary except in the event of a component failure, or altering version type.
  All component replacement and service should be performed only by an authorized Vertex
  Standard representative, or the warranty policy may be void.
    The following procedures cover the sometimes critical and tedious adjustments that are not
  normally required once the transceiver has left the factory. However, if damage occurs and
  some parts subsequently are placed, realignment may be required. If a sudden problem
  occurs during normal operation, it is likely due to component failure; realignment should not be
  done until after the faulty component has been replaced.
    We recommend that servicing be performed only by authorized Vertex Standard service
  technicians who are experienced with the circuitry and fully equipped for repair and alignment.
  Therefore, if a fault is suspected, contact the dealer from whom the transceiver was purchased
  for instructions regarding repair. Authorized Vertex Standard service technicians realign all
  circuits and make complete performance checks to ensure compliance with factory
  specifications after replacing any faulty components.
    Those who do undertake any of the following alignments are cautioned to proceed at their
  own risk. Problems caused by unauthorized attempts at realignment are not covered by the
  warranty policy. Also, Vertex Standard reserves the right to change circuits and alignment
  procedures in the interest of improved performance, without notifying owners.
    Under no circumstances should any alignment be attempted unless the normal function and
  operation of the transceiver are clearly understood, the cause of the malfunction has been
  clearly pinpointed and any faulty components replaced, and realignment determined to be
  absolutely necessary.
    The following test equipment (and thorough familiarity with its correct use) is necessary for
  complete realignment. Correction of problems caused by misalignment resulting from use of
  improper test equipment is not covered under the warranty policy. While most steps do not
  require all of the equipment listed, the interactions of some adjustments may require that more
  complex adjustments be performed afterwards.
    Do not attempt to perform only a single step unless it is clearly isolated electrically from all
  other steps. Have all test equipment ready before beginning, and follow all of the steps in a
  section in the order presented.

                                                                          Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.

                                                                           FCC ID: K6610334821
                                                                           IC ID: 511B-10334821

Required Test Equipment
       RF Signal Generator with calibrated output level at 1 GHz
       Deviation Meter (linear detector)
       In-line Wattmeter with 5 % accuracy at 500 MHz
       50 Ω RF Dummy Load with power rating 10 W at 500 MHz
       16 Ω AF Dummy Load (Attention : Audio output is BTL output)
       Regulated DC Power Supply (standard 7.5 V DC, 3 A)
       Frequency Counter with 0.2 ppm accuracy at 500 MHz
       Audio Generator
       AC Voltmeter
       DC Voltmeter
       VHF Sampling Coupler
       IBM PC / compatible Computer with Microsoft DOS v3.0 or later operating system
       Vertex Standard VPL-1 Connection Cable & Alignment program

Alignment Preparation & Precautions
    A 50-Ω RF Dummy Load and in-line wattmeter must be connected to the main antenna jack
  in all procedures that call for transmission, except where specified otherwise. Correct
  alignment is not possible with an antenna.
    After completing one step, read the following step to determine whether the same test
  equipment will be required. If not, remove the test equipment (except dummy load and
  wattmeter, in connected) before proceeding.
    Correct alignment requires that the ambient temperature be the same as that of the
  transceiver and test equipment, and that this temperature be held constant between 20 and
  30 °C (68 ∼ 86 °F). When the transceiver is brought into the shop from hot or cold air, it should
  be allowed time to come to room temperature before alignment.
    Whenever possible, alignments should be made with oscillator shields and circuit boards
  firmly affixed in place.
  Also, the test equipment must be thoroughly warmed up before beginning.

        Note: Signal levels in dB referred to in the alignment procedure are based on
        0 dBµ EMF = 1 µV.

    Setup the test equipment as shown for transceiver alignment, apply 7.4 V DC power to the
  transceiver. Refer to the drawings above for Alignment Points.

                                                                          Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 FCC ID: K6610334821
                                                                                 IC ID: 511B-10334821

           50Ω DUMMY
                                                       RF SIGNAL

           METER              COUPLER

                              CT-71 connection    MIC/EAR
           FREQUENCY                                   POWER SUPPLY
           COUNTER                  PC                 7.5V DC

                                          COM port

      The transceiver must be programmed for use in the intended system before alignment is
   attempted. The RF parameters are loaded from the file during the alignment process.
      In order to facilitate alignment over the complete switching range of the equipment it is
   recommended that the channel data in the transceiver is preset as the chart below.

                                Channels                       Frequency
                               BAND-LOW                       380.000 MHz
                               BAND-MID                       415.000 MHz
                               BAND-HIGH                      450.000 MHz

      The alignment mode is accessed by “Alignment mode” command from the computer whilst
   switching on. And the alignment tool operates it automatically.
      During the alignment mode, normal operation is suspended. Use the alignment tool
   program running on PC.

The alignment tool outline

Installation the tool

      This alignment tool consists, MS-DOS based, only one execute file " vx-xxxadj.exe ". You
   make a directly as you think fit, and copy this file. That is all of the installation process.

Boot the tool

      Change directly and input in command line, " vx-xxxadj [enter] ", and boot the alignment

Enter to the alignment mode

      To enter the alignment mode, you have to power on the transceiver, and press [F10].             If
   entry succeed, the transceiver generated a beep " pi-ro-ro".
                                                                               Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.

                                                                            FCC ID: K6610334821
                                                                            IC ID: 511B-10334821

  Action of the switches
  When the transceiver is in alignment mode, the action of accessory key is ignored. All of the
  action is remote controlled by PC.

Basic sequence

    The data displayed in screen of this tool is temporary data, and there is fear that the
  consistence of the displayed data and the data in the transceiver is failure when you do not
  keep the sequence, which is specified below.

  Basic sequence
   1.   Enter the alignment mode
   2.   Data upload
   3.   Align data
   4.   Data download

  When finish the alignment one parameter, the tool ask you " Update this data? ". If you select
  "Y", the temporary data is updated.
  Next it ask you " Download this result to transceiver? ". If you select "Y", the tool downloaded
  data to the transceiver.

Menu of the tool
  BASIC Adjustment
        In this section, the parameters are in common with all the channels. Each parameter
        changed up/down by [UP]/[DOWN], and fixed by input [R] at appropriate value.
        "TX High Power", "Maximum Deviation." and "Sub-Audio Deviation." can be trimmed at
        each channel on CHANNEL FINE Adjustment.
        Set up the test equipment as shown above for transmitter alignment. Hold the supply
        voltage constant 7.4 V for all steps.

  [F] PLL Reference Frequency

        This parameter is used to adjust the PLL reference frequency.
                  Select the MID frequency channel in alignment range.
                  Press the [S] key on the keyboard to activate the transmitter.
                  Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key, as need, so the counter frequency is within ±50
                  Hz of the channel center frequency for the MID channel.
                  When the frequency is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.
                 Now verify that the HIGH and LOW channels are also within tolerance.
                                                                     Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.

                                                                          FCC ID: K6610334821
                                                                          IC ID: 511B-10334821

 [T] TX Power

- [0] High
      This parameter is used to align TX High power (5 W).
                Select the MID frequency channel in alignment range.
                Press the [0] key on the keyboard to activate the transmitter.
                Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key, as need, to set the power output to 5 Watts, as
                indicated on the external wattmeter.
                When the 5 Watts level is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.
- [1] L1
      This parameter is used to align TX L1 power (250 mW).
                Select the MID frequency channel in alignment range.
                Press the [1] key on the keyboard to activate the transmitter.
                Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key, as need, to set the power output to 250 mWatts,
                as indicated on the external wattmeter.
                When the 250 mWatts level is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.
- [2] L2
      This parameter is used to align TX L2 power (1 W).
                Select the MID frequency channel in alignment range.
                Press the [2] key on the keyboard to activate the transmitter.
                Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key, as need, to set the power output to 1 Watts, as
                indicated on the external wattmeter.
                When the 1 Watts level is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.
- [3] L3
      This parameter is used to align TX L3 power (2.5 W).
                Select the MID frequency channel in alignment range.
                Press the [3] key on the keyboard to activate the transmitter.
                Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key, as need, to set the power output to 2.5 Watts, as
                indicated on the external wattmeter.
                When the 2.5 Watts level is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.

 [D] Maximum Deviation

This parameter is used to align the Maximum Deviation.
[S] Max Deviation
      This parameter is used to align the Maximum Deviation.
      It adjusts this alignment Deviation Balance (ALL) after ending.
                Select the MID frequency channel in alignment range.
                Press the [S] key on the keyboard to activate the transmitter, and injects a 1
                kHz test tone.
                                                                        Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.

                                                                          FCC ID: K6610334821
                                                                          IC ID: 511B-10334821

                Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key, as need, to set the maximum deviation.
                When the desired deviation level is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.
[V] Deviation Balance (CH)
       This parameter is used to align Deviation Balance that VCO Deviation and REF
                Set up Flat AF palmate, and input 40 Hz, 50 mVrms AF to Ext MIC
                Select align frequency channel.
                Press the [Space] bar on the keyboard to activate the transmitter.
                Check the deviation meter at 40 Hz.
                Press the [Space] bar and input 3kHz, 50 mVrms AF to Ext MIC.
                Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key to set the same deviation at 40 Hz AF.
                When the desired deviation level is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.
[L] Deviation Balance (ALL)
       This parameter is used to align Deviation Balance that VCO Deviation and REF
       Set the Flat AF palmate, and obey the message. The channels must be set to LOW, MID
       and HIGH each other before execute this alignment.

[C] Sub-Audio Deviation.
       This parameter is used to align the sub-audio (CTCSS/DCS) deviation.
                Select the MID frequency channel in alignment range.
                Press the [S] key on the keyboard to activate the transmitter, and injects a
                sub-audio test tone.
                Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key, as need, to set the deviation.
                When the desired deviation level is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.

[U] RX Auto Tuning

       This parameter is used to tune all channels. The tune of the VX-920/970 (UHF) series
       RF circuit is depend on its firmware, and execute this alignment, all channels are tuned
       Set the SG output level to +20 dBµ EMF, and obey the message. The channels must be
       set to LOW, MID and HIGH each other before execute this alignment.


       This data is sampled noise level for Noise Squelch.
       It adjusts this alignment RX Auto Tuning after ending.
- [Z] Tight
       This parameter is used to align the noise level in squelch level 11 (channel parameter).
       Set the SG output level to 0 dBµ EMF, and obey the message.
                                                                        Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.

                                                                            FCC ID: K6610334821
                                                                            IC ID: 511B-10334821

- [X] Threshold
      This parameter is used to align the noise level in squelch level 1.
      Set the SG output level to -10 dBµ EMF, and obey the message.


      This parameter is the RSSI level for RSSI squelch.
      Set the SG output level to +3 dBµ EMF, and obey the message.
- [X] TX save
      This parameter is the RSSI level for TX save activity.
      Set the SG output level to +15 dBµ EMF, and obey the message.

[V] BAT Warning Level

      This parameter is Battery Level for “Li-ion battery warning (6.5 V)” and “Alkaline battery
      warning (5.5 V)”.

[G] MIC Gain

      This parameter is used to align the MIC Gain Level.
                  Press the [S] key on the keyboard to activate the transmitter.
                  Press the [UP]/[DOWN] key, as need, to set the deviation.
                  When the desired deviation is attained, press [R] to lock in the new data.


      This parameter is used to align the BEEP Level.

      The following parameters are set every channel.

[T] TX Power

      This parameter is used to trim TX High/Low power in displayed channel.

[X] Maximum Deviation

      This parameter is used to trim Maximum Deviation in displayed channel.

[C] Sub-Audio Deviation

      This parameter is used to trim Sub-Audio Deviation in displayed channel.

[U] RX Manual Tuning

      This parameter sets RX Tune of the display channel.

                                                                          Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.

                                                                      FCC ID: K6610334821
                                                                      IC ID: 511B-10334821

[S] Squelch Level Set

     This parameter sets the Squelch Level. This is equal to the Squelch Volume of the
     popular transceiver.

[F] Frequency Set

     This parameter sets the TX/RX Frequency.

[A] Reset

     This parameter resets and restarts the transceiver.

[L] Deviation Balance

     This parameter is used to trim Deviation Balance in displayed channel.

[V] PLL Set

     This parameter is set up PLL parameter.

                                                                    Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.

Document Created: 2006-01-13 08:17:15
Document Modified: 2006-01-13 08:17:15

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