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   REV                                 DESCRIPTION                                    DATE        APPROVED

    G                        REVISED PER ECO E6030-13

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  TOLERANCES                 APPROVALS             DATE                      HID CORPORATION

.XX = +/- .03”          DWN G. FOSSEN             072496                    IRVINE, CALIFORNIA

.XXX = +/- .010”        CHK JEBENS                080996                      Installation Manual

ANGLES = +/- 1°         APVD MERCADO              080996                     ProxPro Plus Reader

MATERIAL N/A            APVD EDMISTON             082096

FINISH N/A                                                       P/N             6030-900              REV G

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    Installation Manual – 6030-900 Rev G
    ProxPro Plus Wiegand/Clock and Data Reader 6030/8A

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
Web page, E-mail - - ProxPro Plus Wiegand Reader Installation Manual 6030-900 REV G       1 of 10

                                                        Table of Contents
ProxPro Plus System Overview.............................................................................................3
Operation ...............................................................................................................................3
Product Configuration/Ordering Options .............................................................................3
Installation Notes...................................................................................................................4
Cable Notes............................................................................................................................4
Installation Procedure ...........................................................................................................5
  Cable Installation....................................................................................................................................... 5
  Switch Configuration................................................................................................................................ 6
  Glass Mount Installation ........................................................................................................................... 7
  Side Mount Installation.............................................................................................................................. 7
  Wall Mount Installation.............................................................................................................................. 9
Radio Frequency Interference ............................................................................................. 10
Product Specifications ........................................................................................................ 10
  Read Distance ......................................................................................................................................... 10
  Regulatory Requirements (will be applied for)............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
  Environmental Characteristics............................................................................................................... 10
  Power Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 10
  Operating Parameters............................................................................................................................. 10

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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ProxPro Plus System Overview
The ProxPro Plus reader is a self contained proximity reader. This product is derived from the popular ProxPro
Reader with added features that include a side cable exit for glass mount locations, and a longer read range.
The two piece polycarbonate enclosure has a cable grommet that seals the cable for the side exit option and a feed
through strain relief connector for the rear exit option. A bi-color LED and beeper enhance user feedback.
Configurable open collector data outputs provide the Wiegand data to the Host. An internal DIP switch makes the
configuration of the outputs, beeper and LED control options simple. Installation of the ProxPro Plus Reader
consists of running cable, making wire connections, verifying the DIP switch settings and mounting.

Access Cards (badges, tags, transponders) are presented to the front or back of the ProxPro Plus reader. The
LED is red when the reader is ready to read an access card. The LED turns green and the beeper sounds when the
access card is read and the message is transmitted to the Host computer or interface panel. The system is ready
for another access card as soon as the LED returns to red. There is an anti-pass-back delay of about one second
before it will read the same card. The LED flash is a ¼ of a second long. The operation of the LED and beeper may
be controlled by the Host. If Host controlled, the operation will depend on the programmed timing of the Host.

Product Configuration/Ordering Options
        6030/8 A X X XX - XXXX Y

                                      Customer Custom Artwork or Firmware Number
                                      1 through 9, A through Z

                                      Customer Custom Number

                                      Configuration Options - (00 standard)

                                      Hardware Options - N = None
                                                         S = Side Exit
                                                         R = Rear Exit

                                      Color - G = Gray

                                      Model Number Suffix

                                      Model Number 6030 = ProxPro Plus Wiegand, Reader 6038=ProxPro Plus
                                      Clock and Data Reader

     6030-300-XX                      Final Assembly Number – Changes with revisions

       !   Standard Wiegand Part Number = 6030AGS00 is a ProxPro Plus, Wiegand, Gray, Side cable exit.

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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Installation Notes
    Near Metal - The typical read distance specification (9.5 inches) refers to operation without metal in the vicinity
    of the Reader. Use the metal compensation Jumper, P1, if mounting within 2” of a metal surface.
    Place the jumper on P1 between pins 1 and 2 when mounting to a metallic surface or to a junction box with a
    metal cover plate. Otherwise, the jumper should be between pins 2 and 3, the default position (see figure 1).
    The ProxPro Plus generates a magnetic field on both sides of the reader. Any metal that conducts electricity,
    especially metal that contains iron, steel or copper, will interfere with the field and reduce the effective read
    range (this will happen even if the metal is behind the Reader).
     For optimum performance, the Reader should be mounted at least 4 inches away from any metallic surface
    7”x7" or larger. Incidental metal such as aluminum and steel studs and conduit can be compensated. Avoid
    installing conduit and other metal hardware within 1 inch of the back of the Reader.
    Power Supply - The ProxPro Plus Reader can be operated over the full range of 10-28.5VDC, 150mA. The
    Read distance will be slightly higher on 24VDC when compared to 12VDC. A linear supply is recommended.
    Noise from devices such as switching power supplies, computer monitors and arc welders can reduce the read
    range or make the unit inoperable. Keep these devices at least 10 ft away from the Reader.

     Testing - After wiring the Reader and power supply, the Reader is ready to be tested. Power up the Reader
    and the LED and Beeper will flash and beep 3 times in a sequence of two short delays and one long delay. This
    indicates that the micro-controller unit is working properly. Present an ID card to the Reader and the LED
    should momentarily turn green and the Beeper will sound, indicating a read of the card. If the Reader
    LED/Beeper is controlled by the Host refer to the Host description of the LED operation.

    Tamper Switch - Connect the tamper switch to the Host, if available on the Host. When the cover is removed,
    the tamper switch is released. The switch contacts available on pins 10 and 11 are either normally open or
    normally closed dependent upon the position of the jumper on P3. Install the jumper to connect pins 1 and 2 if
    you need the normally open contact. Select the 2-3 position if you need the normally closed contacts. The
    normally open and normally closed refer to the condition of the switch when the case is open. The contacts are
    rated for 50 mA at 28.5 VDC.

Cable Notes
     1. When using 5 conductor cable, the power supply and Host must have a common ground (voltage
     2. 6 conductor cable is required when using the "Hold" function (Alpha 1296 C or equivalent).
     3. 7 conductor cable is required when the "Hold" function is used, and the power supply and Host "ground" are
        separate (Alpha 1297 C or equivalent).
     4. The Wiegand interface cable should be restricted to a length 500 feet. The inner diameter of the cable
        grommet will accommodate a cable with an outer diameter of .300 inches (maximum).
     5. The Cable shield should be connected to the Return Ground on Reader TB1- 5, and left floating at the
        panel or power supply end of the cable. This configuration is the best for shielding the reader cable from
        external interference and reducing the likelihood of the Reader causing interference.

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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Installation Procedure

Cable Installation
    Preparation - Determine the desired mounting location for the reader. The reader can be mounted directly to a
    glass panel using tape (Glass Mount), to the mullion of a glass panel using a side mount bracket (Side Mount),
    or to an electrical gang box (Wall Mount).
    Install Cable - Route the interface cable from the mounting location to the power supply and/or the Host. Refer
    to “Cable Notes” to determine the best cable to use.
    Cable Preparation - Prepare the cable by cutting the cable jacket back 2 inches and strip the wires 1/4 inch.
    Tinning the wires is not required.
     Cable Connections - Disassemble the reader by removing the 4 #8 screws from the back. For the side mount
     reader feed the cable through the mounting bracket and the ¼” diameter grommet, this should be a tight fit.
     For the rear mount reader feed the cable through the strain relief connector and tighten down. Connect the
     wires to the terminal strip with the minimum length necessary; do not leave extra loops of wire inside the
     Reader housing. Connect the Reader to the Host according to the terminal description of TB1 below. The
     descriptions are also labeled on the PCB guard in the reader. Connect the drain line of the shield to terminal 5
     (Return). If the drain line is bare, cover it with heat shrink or tape to avoid short circuits to the other wires. The
     host end of the drain line should be left open.

                                                              1     3
                                                  +D C
                                                  GRO U ND
                                     TB 1         D A TA 0
                                                  D A TA 1
                                                  RETUR N
                                                  G R N LED
                                                  RED LED
                                                  H O LD
                                                  TA M PER C O M M
                                                  TA M PER SEL
                                                                                     SW 1
                                                                                 1          8
                                       12             3
                                                        P3              1   P2

                  STRA IN RELIEF
                  C O N N ECTO R                                                                                                 1 /4" C ABLE
                                                                                                                                 G R O M M ET
     REAR EXIT                                                                                                     SIDE EXIT

         1          2         3        4         5                          6                    7        8       9       10        11
        +DC      Ground     Data0    Data1     Return               Green                        Red    Beeper   Hold   Tamper   Tamper
                                              (Shield)               LED                         LED                    Common   Select
        Red       Black     Green    White     Drain                Orange                      Brown   Yellow   Blue     ---      ---

                                                             FIGURE 1
                                              Cable Terminal Connections

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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Switch Configuration

                                                      FIGURE 2

Switch description and default settings:
SW1-1 Hardware Identity
When set in the “ON” position the unit is configured for “Wiegand” Interface. The “OFF” position configures the unit
for “Clock and Data” Interface.
SW1-2 Beeper Control - On
The Beeper may be enabled or disabled to sound when an access card is read. When enabled, the audible tone is
sounded when the a card is successfully read. When the Beeper is disabled, the only method to activate the Beeper
is to use the external Beeper control line. The Beeper will turn on when the control line is switched to ground. Switch
2 in the "on" position enables the beeper (the default).
SW1-3 Green LED Control
The Green LED can be configured to turn on, or not turn on when an access card is read. Switch 3 in the “off”
position selects the Green LED to be turned on (the default).
SW1-4 Keyboard Operation - Off
Not Available.
SW1-5 LED Dual mode - Off
The default mode for the LED control is the single line control. The LED is normally red and when the access control
card is read the LED flashes Green. When “On”, this mode allows the user independent control of both Red and
Green LED’s. This is referred to as the Dual LED mode. When the Red or Green LED Control line is switched to
ground the respective LED is turned ON. If both LED’s are on the LED appears to glow amber.
SW1- 6 and 7 Data0 and Data1 output pull-up resistor - On, On
The data outputs may be configured as open collector or have pull-ups connected to 5VDC through 1kOhm resistors
in the reader. The default (standard) configuration is pull-ups connected, with switches 6 and 7 "On" . Note: When
the outputs are configured as open collector, the host panel should provide pull-ups and bias voltage at the panel
Not used

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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Glass Mount Installation
Parts List
1)   ProxPro Plus Reader, Side Cable Exit                                 qty 1 ea. (included)
2)   This Installation Manual                                             qty 1 ea. (included)
3)   Adhesive Foam Tape                                                   qty 3 ft (included)
4)   5 conductor Alpha 1295 C or equivalent. See cable notes.             User supplied
                                                                          As required, up to 500’
5)   Power Supply Requirements                                            User supplied
                                                                          Linear, 10-28.5VDC, 120mA

     "   Replace cover of reader ensuring that the LED is lined up with the LED lens on the cover.
     "   Apply labels such that when the reader is mounted they are right side up.
     "   Apply double sided tape to the tape track on either the front or the back, depending on which side of the
         glass you are mounting, and secure to glass.

                                                     FIGURE 3

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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Side Mount Installation
Parts List
1)   ProxPro Plus Reader, Side Cable Exit                               qty 1 ea. (included)
2)   This Installation Manual                                           qty 1 ea. (included)
3)   Mounting Bracket                                                   qty 1 ea. (included)
4)   Screw, self tapping, 8-18 x .750, flat head 100°                   qty 2 ea. (included)
5)   Screw, machine, 6-32 x .750, pan head, blk                         qty 2 ea. (included)
6)   Washer, flat #6, black                                             qty 2 ea. (included)
7)   5 conductor Alpha 1295 C or equivalent. See cable notes.           User supplied
                                                                        As required, up to 500’
8)   Power Supply Requirements                                          User supplied
                                                                        Linear, 10-28.5VDC, 120mA

     "   Mount bracket to mullion using 8-18 x .750 self tapping screws as close to glass as possible.
     "   Apply labels such that when the reader is mounted they appear right side up.
     "   Slip the reader over the standoffs on the mounting bracket and secure using the 6-32 x .750 machine
         screws and the washers

                                                    FIGURE 4
HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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Wall Mount Installationarts List
1)   ProxPro Plus Reader, Rear Cable Exit                               qty 1 ea (included)
2)   This Installation Manual                                           qty 1 ea (included)
3)   Screw, self tapping, 6-32 x 1.00, pan head                         qty 2 ea (included)
4)   Screw, machine, 8-32 x .875, flat head 82°, black                  qty 4 ea (included)
5)   Nut, clinch, black                                                 qty 4 ea (included)
6)   5 conductor Alpha 1295 C or equivalent. See cable notes.           User supplied
                                                                        As required, up to 500’
7)   Power Supply Requirements                                          User supplied
                                                                        Linear, 10-28.5VDC, 120mA
When using a gang box:
   " Drill a ∅.188 hole in the 2 locations shown in figure 5.
   " Insert the 6-32 clinch nuts 4 places in back.
   " Mount reader to gang box using 6-32 self tapping screws.
   " Return cover using 8-32 machine screws. Ensure that the LED lens on the cover is lined up with the LED.
   " Apply “HID” label such that it is right side up.

When not using a gang box:
   " Return cover to base using screws provided with reader. Ensure that the LED lens on the cover is lined up
       with the LED.
   " Mount reader to wall using the 4 corner holes in the case.
   " Apply the “HID” label such that it is right side up.

                                                    FIGURE 5

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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Radio Frequency Interference
Motors and electronic devices generate RF noise that may interfere with the reception of the signal from a access
card. The effect of RF noise is typically a reduction of read range. The Glass Mount ProxPro is susceptible to RF
interference as are all devices that receive RF signals. Examples are radios, televisions, and cellular phones. The
read range is affected by the amount of interference (noise) in the area. The Glass Mount ProxPro should not be
mounted within ten feet of any monitors (VDTs or CRTs) because the scan frequencies of most monitors include
frequencies that may interfere with the signal received from the access control cards.

Product Specifications
Read Distance
       !   Overall Operating Limits (12VDC - minimum)       8.5 inches (21.6 cm)
       !   Non-Metallic Mounting (12VDC - typical)          9.5 inches (37.4 cm)
       !   Mounted on Metal (12VDC - typical)               6.0 inches (15.2 cm)
       !   Overall Operating Limits (24VDC - minimum)       9.0 inches (6.3 cm)
       !   Non-Metallic Mounting (24VDC - typical)          10.5 inches (22.9 cm)
       !   Mounted on Metal (24VDC - typical)               7.0 inches (17.8 cm)
Environmental Characteristics
       !   Designed for listing under UL 294 “Standard for Access Control System Units”
                                                                o       o      o        o
       !   Operating Temperature Range                       -30 C to 65 C (-22 F to 150 F)
                                                                o       o      o        o
       !   Storage Temperature Range                         -40 C to 85 C (-40 F to 185 F)
       !   Operating Humidity Range                          5% to 95% non-condensing
       !   Operating Vibration Limit                         .04 g2/Hz 20-2000Hz
       !   Operating Shock Limit                             30g, 11mS, Half Sine
       !   Enclosure Material                                UL Recognized Polycarbonate
       !   Weight                                            13oz (364gms)
Power Requirements
       !   Power supply                                     Linear type recommended
       !   Operating Voltage Range                          10VDC -28.5VDC
       !   Maximum Average Current 5V/12V                   150mA
       !   Transient Protection (all terminals)             UL294
       !   Reverse Voltage Protection                       YES
       !   Input Voltage (maximum data-0/1 lines)           28.5VDC
       !   Input Voltage (maximum interface lines)          28.5VDC
Operating Parameters
       !  Excitation Frequency                        125KHz
       !  Duty Cycle (alternate power level rate)     20% @ 60mS period
       !  Read and Report Speed (26 bit Wiegand Card) 175mS
       !  Maximum Cable Distance to Host              500 feet (152 meters)
       !  LED Type                                         Bi-colored Red/Green
       !  LED Operation (host control of red/green)   <.5V on LED control line
       !  Beeper Operation (host control)             <.5V on beeper line
       !  LED Control (default)                       internal/single
       !  Beeper Control (default)                    Beeper enabled
       !  Anti-Pass Back Delay (default)              1 second
       !  Wiegand Data Pulse Widths (default)         40uS
       !  Wiegand Data Interval (default)             2mS
    Note: The above are recommended installation procedures. All local, state and national electrical
    codes have precedence

HID Corporation 9292 Jeronimo Road Irvine, CA 92618-1905 USA TEL (714) 598-1600 (800) 237-7769 FAX (714) 598-1690
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Document Created: 2000-11-09 13:21:29
Document Modified: 2000-11-09 13:21:29

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