Users manual


Users Manual

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                                    Annex No.5
                                   Page 1 of 20

Functional Description
    User Manual
Key: FBSB802 ID-Geber Keyless Go

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                                                                                                                 Opening and closing             1

Opening and closing

Keys                                                                      •   Climate control
                                                                          •   Central locking system
Key set                                                                   •   Ambient lighting
                                                                          •   Windows
                                                                          •   Audi parking system*
                                                                          •   Seat memory*
                                                                          The stored settings are automatically recalled when you unlock the
                                                                          vehicle, when you open the doors or when you turn on the ignition.

                                                                          •  Do not leave your vehicle unattended with the key in the igni-
                                                 Fig. 1   Key set         tion lock. Entry by unauthorized persons could endanger you or
                                                                          result in theft or damage the vehicle. Always lock all doors and
A Master key with remote control                                          take the key.
You can centrally lock and unlock your vehicle and start the engine       •   Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, especially with
with the master key with remote control.                                  access to vehicle keys. Unguarded access to the keys provides
                                                                          children the opportunity to start the engine and/or activate vehicle
B Emergency key
                                                                          systems such as the power windows etc. Unsupervised operation
The emergency key is not intended for constant use. It should only        of any vehicle system by children can result in serious injury.
be used in an emergency. Keep it in a safe place and do not carry it
on your key ring.
                                                                          •  Do not remove the key from the ignition lock until the vehicle
                                                                          has come to a complete stop. Otherwise the steering column lock
Key replacement                                                           could suddenly engage - causing the risk of an accident.
If you lose a key, contact your authorized Audi dealer immediately
to have the lost key disabled. Be sure to bring all your keys with you.         Tips
Personal comfort settings                                                 •  The operation of the remote control key can be temporarily
                                                                          disrupted by interference from transmitters in the vicinity of the
If two people use one vehicle, it is recommended that each person
                                                                          vehicle working in the same frequency range (e.g. a cell phone,
always uses “their own” master key. When the ignition is turned off
                                                                          radio equipment).
or when the vehicle is locked, personal convenience settings for the
following systems are stored and assigned to the remote master

2   Opening and closing

    •  If you open the driver’s door with the key left in the ignition lock,   Master key battery replacement
    a chime will sound. This is your reminder to remove the key and lock
    the door.
    • For security reasons, replacement keys are only available from
    Audi dealers.

    Check light in the master key
    The check light in the master key provides information
    about different conditions.                                                                                           Fig. 3 Remote master
                                                                                                                          key: Removing the
                                                                                                                          mechanical key

                                                      Fig. 2 Check light in
                                                      the master key                                                      Fig. 4 Remote master
                                                                                                                          key: Removing the
                                                                                                                          battery holder
    The check light comes on briefly once when a button is pressed, and
    during an “inquiry” by the advanced key system.
                                                                               We recommend having the battery changed by an autho-
    If the check light does not come on, the battery is dead and has to
                                                                               rized Audi dealer. However, if you wish to replace the dead
    be replaced. In addition, when the battery is dead the § symbol
                                                                               battery yourself, proceed as follows:
    appears in the instrument cluster display as well as the message:
        Please change key battery                                              – Press the release button   AA ⇒ fig. 3.

    Battery replacement ⇒ page 2.                                              – Pull the mechanical key    A
                                                                                                            B out of the master key.

                                                                               –                            A ⇒ fig. 4 on the battery holder
                                                                                   Press the release button A
                                                                                   and at the same time pull the battery holder out of the
                                                                                   master key in the direction of the arrow.
                                                                               – Install the new battery CR 2032 with the “+” sign facing

                                                                                                            Opening and closing               3

– Push the battery holder carefully into the master key.               • Lock and unlock the vehicle manually ⇒ page 9 if this should not
                                                                       be possible with the master key.
– Install the mechanical key.

                                                                       Emergency unlocking of the ignition key
     For the sake of the environment
Dispose of dead batteries properly so as not to pollute the environ-   In the event of malfunctions in the electrical system, it
ment.                                                                  may happen that you cannot remove the ignition key.

The replacement battery must be the same specification as the

Removing the mechanical key

                                                                                                                     Fig. 6 Ignition switch
                                                                                                                     with ignition key

                                                                       If you are unable to remove the ignition key, for example
                                                                       because the vehicle battery is discharged, proceed as
                                                                       – Press the release button AA ⇒ fig. 6 for example with a
                                               Fig. 5 Remote master
                                               key: Removing the         ball point pen and pull the mechanical key AB out of the
                                               mechanical key            master key.

– Press the release button  AA ⇒ fig. 5.
                                                                       – Lock the vehicle using the mechanical key ⇒ page 9.

–   Pull the mechanical key A
                            B out of the master key.
                                                                       – Have the electrical system inspected by an authorized
                                                                         Audi dealership.
Using the mechanical key, you can
•  Lock and unlock* the storage compartment on the passenger's
side [Cross reference error: reference link ID='Handschuhfach' not
•  Lock and unlock the lockable rear seat [Cross reference error:
reference link ID='Rueckenlehne-abschliessen' not found].

4   Opening and closing

    Starting the vehicle with the emergency key                      Electronic immobilizer
                                                                     The immobilizer prevents your vehicle from being started
                                                                     by unauthorized persons.
                                                                     Inside the key there is a computer chip. This chip automatically
                                                                     deactivates the electronic immobilizer when you insert the key in
                                                                     the ignition lock. When you remove the key from the ignition lock,
                                                                     the electronic immobilizer is automatically activated once again.
                                                                     If an unauthorized key was used, SAFE is displayed continuously in
                                             Fig. 7 Glove compart-   the odometer display field.
                                             ment: Adapter for
                                             emergency key

                                                                     •   Your engine can only be started using the factory-equipped key.
                                                                     •   You may not be able to start your vehicle if an ignition key of a
                                                                     different vehicle make is also located on your set of keys.

                                             Fig. 8 Insert emer-
                                             gency keyinto the
                                                                     The remote control device complies with
                                             adapter                 •   USA models: Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
                                                                     •   Canada models: RSS-210 of Industry Canada.
    – Take the adapter for the emergency key out of the glove
      box ⇒ fig. 7.                                                  Operation is subject to the following conditions:
                                                                     •   this device may not cause harmful interference, and
    – Push the emergency key ⇒ fig. 8 fully into the adapter.
      Make sure that the Audi rings are facing up.                   •  this device must accept any interference received, including
                                                                     interference that may cause undesired operation.
    – Press the emergency key in the adapter down until it
      latches audibly.
    – Insert the adapter with the emergency key forward into         The manufacturer is not responsible for ANY RADIO OR TV interfer-
      the ignition switch. The engine can now be started as          ence caused by unauthorized modifications to this equipment.
      usual.                                                         Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the
                                                                     party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to
                                                                     operate the equipment.

                                                                                                                 Opening and closing                5

Power locking system                                                    The anti-theft warning system is activated automatically when you
                                                                        lock the vehicle. It is deactivated when unlocking using the remote
                                                                        key, with the mechanical key, and when you switch on the ignition.
General description
                                                                        The alarm also turns off when the alarm cycle has expired.
The power locking system locks or unlocks all doors and
the rear lid simultaneously.                                            Turn signals
                                                                        When you unlock the vehicle, the turn signals flash twice, when you
You can lock and unlock the vehicle centrally. You have the following   lock it once. If they do not flash, one of the doors, the rear lid or the
choices:                                                                hood is not locked.
•   Remote master key ⇒ page 6
                                                                        Unintentionally locking yourself out
•   Door handles with advanced key* ⇒ page 7,
                                                                        In the following cases there safeguards to prevent you locking your
•   Lock cylinder at the driver's door ⇒ page 9, or                     remote master key in the vehicle:
•   Power window switch inside ⇒ page 9.
                                                                        •  If a door is open, the vehicle cannot be locked using the central
Selective unlocking                                                     locking system switch ⇒ page 9.
When they are closed, the door and rear lid are locked. When            •  On vehicles with advanced key*, if the most recently used master
unlocking, you can set in the radio or in the MMI* whether only the     key is in the luggage compartment, the rear lid is automatically
driver's door or the entire vehicle should be unlocked ⇒ page 6.        unlocked again after it is closed ⇒ page 11.
                                                                        Do not lock your vehicle with the remote master key until all doors
Automatic locking
                                                                        and the rear lid are closed. In this way you avoid locking yourself out
The automatic locking feature locks all the vehicle doors and the       accidentally.
rear lid when you drive faster than 9 mph (15 km/h).
The car is unlocked again once the ignition key is removed. In addi-
tion, the vehicle can be unlocked if the opening function in the              WARNING
power locking system switch or at one of the door levers is actuated.   •  When you leave the vehicle, always remove the ignition key and
The Auto Lock function can be turned on and off in the radio or in      take it with you. This will prevent passengers (children, for
the MMI* ⇒ page 6.                                                      example) from accidentally being locked in the vehicle should they
Additionally, in the event of a crash with airbag deployment the        accidentally press the power locking switch in the front doors.
doors are automatically unlocked to allow access to the vehicle.        •  Do not leave children inside the vehicle unsupervised. In an
                                                                        emergency it would be impossible to open the doors from the
Anti-theft alarm warning system                                         outside without the key.
If the anti-theft alarm warning system detects a break-in into the
vehicle, acoustic and visual warning signals are triggered.

6   Opening and closing

                                                                             In the Central locking menu you can decide which doors
         Tips                                                                should be unlocked with the remote key, and/or the
    •  In the event of a crash with airbag deployment all locked doors       advanced key* when opening the vehicle.
    will be automatically unlocked to give access to the vehicle occu-
    pants from the outside.                                                  – Press the CAR function button.
    •  If the power locking system should malfunction, you can lock the      – Select Central locking. The Central locking menu appears
    driver's door using the mechanical key ⇒ page 10.                          ⇒ fig. 9.
    •  If the power locking system should fail, you can still open the
    fuel tank flap in an emergency [Cross reference error: reference link    For example, if you switch the item “Single door unlocking” on, the
    ID='Tankklappe-not' not found].                                          passenger's door is no longer included in the power locking system,
    •  You are well advised not to keep valuables inside an unattended       and will not be unlocked by pressing the unlock button on the
    vehicle, visible or not. Even a properly locked vehicle cannot provide   master key remote control.
    the security of a safe.                                                  You can continue to unlock all the doors and the rear lid as before.
    •   If the LED in the upper edge of the driver's door panel comes on     Press the opening button on the master key twice.
    for about 30 seconds after the vehicle is locked, there is a malfunc-    When locking the vehicle, all doors and the trunk lid are locked auto-
    tion in the power locking or the anti-theft warning system. Have the     matically.
    malfunction corrected by an authorized Audi dealership or qualified
    repair facility.                                                         If you switch “Trunk lid” off, opening the rear lid at the handle
                                                                             ⇒ page 11, fig. 17 is blocked. In this case the rear lid can be opened
                                                                             with the button ˜ on the master key ⇒ fig. 10 or with the unlocking
    Setting power locking                                                    button in the driver's door ⇒ page 11, fig. 16.

    The driver can determine the functions for power locking
    in the radio or in the MMI*.                                             Unlocking and locking the vehicle with the
                                                                             remote control

                                                     Fig. 9 MMI display:
                                                     Central locking menu                                                     Fig. 10 Remote
                                                                                                                              control: function

                                                                                                                 Opening and closing              7

Either the driver's door only or the entire vehicle will unlock
when the unlock button A   A is pressed once, depending on                     Tips
the settings in the MMI Central locking menu ⇒ page 6.                  •  In order to make sure the locking function is working, you should
                                                                        always keep your eye on the vehicle to make sure it is properly
                  A ) to unlock the vehicle ⇒ page 6,
– Press button Q (A                                                     locked.
  fig. 10.                                                              •   Do not use the remote control if you are inside the car, otherwise
– Press button R (AB ) to lock the vehicle ⇒            in “General     you may unintentionally lock the vehicle, and then you would set off
                                                                        the anti-theft alarm when you try to start the engine or open a door.
  description” on page 5.
                                                                        In case this happens anyhow, push the unlock button 0.
– Press button ˜ (A
                  C ) briefly to unlock the rear lid.                   •   Use the panic function only if you are in an emergency
– Press the button ˜ for at least one second to open the
  rear lid.
                                                                        Applies to vehicles: with advanced key
– Push the red PANIC button (A D ) to activate the panic
  function. The horn sounds and the turn signals flash.
                                                                        Locking and unlocking with advanced key
  Push the red PANIC button again to deactivate the                     The doors and the rear lid can be unlocked and locked
  panic function.                                                       without operating the master key.
If the vehicle is unlocked and no door, the rear lid or the hood is
opened within 60 seconds, the vehicle locks itself again automati-
cally. This feature prevents the vehicle from being accidentally left
unlocked over a long period of time.
It depends on the settings in the radio or in the MMI* whether the
entire vehicle is unlocked or only certain doors ⇒ page 6.
On vehicles with advanced key*, the selector lever must be in the P
position, otherwise the vehicle cannot be locked.
                                                                                                                         Fig. 11 Advanced key:
                                                                                                                         Unlocking vehicle door

Read and follow all WARNINGS ⇒         in “General description” on
page 5.

8   Opening and closing

                                                                             It is not possible to re-open the door for a brief period directly after
                                                                             closing it. This allows you to ensure that the doors are properly

                                                                             Read and follow all WARNINGS ⇒           in “General description” on
                                                                             page 5.
                                                     Fig. 12 Advanced key:
                                                     Locking the vehicle
    Unlocking vehicle                                                        If your vehicle has been standing for an extended period, please
                                                                             note the following:
    – Take hold of the door handle. The door is unlocked auto-
      matically.                                                             •  The proximity sensors are deactivated after a few days to save
                                                                             power. You then have to pull on the door handle once to unlock the
    – Pull the handle to open the door.                                      vehicle and a second time to open the vehicle.
                                                                             •  To prevent the battery from being discharged and to preserve
    Locking vehicle                                                          your vehicle's ability to start for as long as possible, the energy
    – Move the selector lever to the P position (automatic                   management system gradually switches off unnecessary conve-
      transmission), otherwise the vehicle cannot be locked.                 nience functions. It is possible that you will not be able to unlock
                                                                             your vehicle using these convenience functions.
    – Touch the sensor at the door handle once ⇒ fig. 12 to
      lock the vehicle ⇒    in “General description” on page 5.

    The vehicle can be locked and unlocked at any door. It depends on
    the settings in the radio or in the MMI* whether the entire vehicle is
    unlocked or one of the doors ⇒ page 6. The master key must be
    within a range of about 1.5 m from the appropriate door or the rear
    lid. It makes no difference whether the master key is in your jacket
    pocket or in your brief case.
    If the area of the sensor in the door handle is touched while
    unlocking ⇒ fig. 12, this may adversely affect the opening function.
    If you grip the door handle while locking, this can adversely affect
    the locking function.

                                                                                                              Opening and closing              9

Operating locks with the mechanical key
In the event of a failure of the power locking system, the
                                                                        Read and follow all WARNINGS ⇒        in “General description” on
driver's door can locked and unlocked with the mechan-
                                                                        page 5.
ical keyat the lock cylinder.

                                                                        •  After the ignition is switched on, the power locking system
                                                                        switch and the unlocking button for the rear lid ˜ in the door are

                                                                        Locking and unlocking the vehicle from inside

                                                Fig. 13 Key turns for
                                                opening and closing

To unlock the vehicle
– Insert the mechanical key into the lock of the driver’s
– Turn the mechanical key to position        A ⇒ fig. 13.
                                                                                                                       Fig. 14 Driveàs door:
To lock the vehicle                                                                                                    power locking switch

– Move the selector lever to the P position (automatic
  transmission).                                                        – Press the button  to unlock the vehicle ⇒ fig. 14.

– Close all windows and doors properly.                                 – Press the button ‘ to lock the vehicle ⇒           .

– Turn the mechanical key in the lock of the driver’s door to           If you lock the vehicle using the power locking switch, please note
                    B ⇒
  the lock position A        in “General description” on                the following:
  page 5.                                                               •  If a door is open, the vehicle cannot be locked using the power
                                                                        locking system switch.
If the power locking system fails, there is emergency locking for the
passenger's door ⇒ page 10.
                                                                        • You cannot open the doors or the rear lid from the outside
                                                                        (increased security, for example when you are stopped at a red

10   Opening and closing

     • The diodes in the power locking switch illuminate when all the     Emergency locking of the passenger's door
     doors are closed and locked.
                                                                          If the power locking system fails (power failure), you will
     •  You can unlock and open the doors from the inside by pulling on
     the door handle.                                                     need to lock the passenger door separately.
     • If you have a crash and the airbag is activated, the doors auto-
     matically unlock.

     • The power locking switch works with the ignition off and auto-
     matically locks the entire vehicle when it is actuated.
     • On a vehicle locked from the outside the power locking system                                                     Fig. 15 Emergency
     switch is inoperative.                                                                                              locking of the
     •  Locking doors from the inside can help prevent inadvertent
                                                                                                                         passenger's door

     door opening during an accident and can also prevent unwanted
     entry from the outside. Locked doors can, however, delay assis-      An emergency locking mechanism is integrated in the edge
     tance to vehicle occupants and hold up rescue efforts from the       of the passenger's door (only visible when the door is open).
     outside in an accident or other emergency.
                                                                          – Take the mechanical key out of the master key ⇒ page 3.
                                                                          – Open the door.
     Your vehicle is locked automatically at a speed of 9 mph (15 km/h)   – Pull the protective cover out of the hole ⇒ fig. 15.
     (Auto Lock) ⇒ page 5. You can unlock the vehicle again using the     – Insert the mechanical key into the inner slot and turn it
     opening function in the power locking system switch.
                                                                            to the right as far as it can go.

                                                                          After you close the door, you will no longer be able to open it from
                                                                          the outside. The door can be opened from the inside by pulling once
                                                                          on the door handle.

                                                                                                            Opening and closing               11

Opening and closing rear lid/trunk lid
                                                                    •    After closing the rear lid, always pull up on it to make sure that
                                                                    it is properly closed. Otherwise it could open suddenly when the
                                                                    vehicle is moving.
                                                                    •  To help prevent poisonous exhaust gas from being drawn into
                                                                    the vehicle, always keep the rear lid closed while driving. Never
                                                                    transport objects larger than those which fit completely into the
                                                                    luggage area, because then the rear lid cannot be fully closed.
                                                                    •   Never leave your vehicle unattended especially with the rear lid
                                          Fig. 16 Driver's door:    left open. A child could crawl into the car through the luggage
                                          remote rear lid release
                                                                    compartment and pull the lid shut, becoming trapped and unable
                                                                    to get out. To reduce the risk of personal injury, never let children
                                                                    play in or around your vehicle. Always keep the rear lid as well as
                                                                    the vehicle doors closed when not in use.
                                                                    •    Always ensure that no one is within range of the rear lid when
                                                                    it is moving, in particular close to the hinges - fingers or hands can
                                                                    be pinched.

                                          Fig. 17 Position of
                                          handle in the rear lid
                                                                    •  When the vehicle is locked, the rear lid can be opened separately
                                                                    by pressing the button ˜ on the master key. When you close the
                                                                    rear lid again, it locks automatically.
Opening the rear lid
                                                                    •  If the rear lid is open or not properly closed when the ignition is
– Press the middle button ˜ on the remote control master            turned on, the door and rear lid warning [Cross reference error:
  key for at least one second, or                                   reference link ID='Tuerwarnung' not found] appears in the instru-
                                                                    ment cluster display.
– Pull the release button ˜ in the driver's door ⇒ fig. 16.
  The rear lid unlocks and opens, or
– Press the handle on the rear lid ⇒ fig. 17.

Closing the rear lid
– Pull the rear lid down at the grip on the inside and allow
  it to drop gently to close it ⇒    .

12   Opening and closing

     Power windows
     Controls                                                             • Do not leave children unattended in the vehicle, especially with
                                                                          access to vehicle keys. Unsupervised use of the keys can result in
     The driver can operate the window regulator for the                  starting of the engine and use of vehicle systems such as power
     driver's door with the left switch and the window regu-              windows, etc. which could result in serious injury.
     lator for the passenger's door with the right switch.                • Remember – you can still open or close the power windows for
                                                                          about ten minutes after the ignition is switched off. Only when
                                                                          either of the doors are opened are the power windows switched
                                                                          • Be careful when closing the windows. Check to see that no one
                                                                          is in the way, or serious injury could result!
                                                                          • Always remove the ignition key whenever you leave your
                                                 Fig. 18 Driver's door:   • If you lock your vehicle from the outside, no one, especially chil-
                                                 power window             dren, should remain in the vehicle.
                                                                          • Do not stick anything on the windows or the windshield that
                                                                          may interfere with the driver’s field of vision.
     If the respective switch is pushed or pulled the window will
     open or close. The power window switches have a two-posi-
     tion function:                                                            Tips
                                                                          •  When you open the doors, the windows automatically lower
     Opening the windows                                                  about 10 mm.
     – Push the switch to the first stop and hold it there until the      •  After the ignition has been switched off, the windows can still be
                                                                          opened or closed for about 10 minutes. The window regulators are
       window has lowered to the desired position.
                                                                          not switched until the driver's or passenger's door is opened.
     – Push the switch briefly to the second stop: the window
       will automatically open all the way.

     Closing the windows
     – Pull the switch up to the first stop and hold it there until
       the window has risen to the desired position.
     – Pull the switch quickly to the second position: the
       window will automatically close all the way.

                                                                                                           Opening and closing           13

Convenience opening/closing
The windows and the panorama roof can be opened and
closed with the mechanical key or the emergency key.
                                                                       •  Never close the windows and the panorama roof inattentively
                                                                       and without checking - there is risk of injury.
                                                                       •  You must always watch when the windows are being raised so
                                                                       that no one can be trapped. If you release the key, the closing
                                                                       action is immediately canceled.
                                                                       •  Always read and heed WARNING ⇒      in “General description”
                                                                       on page 5.

                                                                       Correcting window regulator malfunction
                                               Fig. 19 Key turns for
                                               opening and closing
                                                                       After disconnecting the vehicle battery, the one-touch up
                                                                       and down feature must be activated again.
Convenience opening feature                                            – Pull and hold the power window switch until the window
– Use the emergency key or pull the mechanical key out of                is completely closed.
  the master key ⇒ page 3.
                                                                       – Release the switch.
– Insert the key into the lock of the driver’s door.
                                                                       – Pull the switch again for one second. The automatic
– Turn the key to position ⇒ fig. 19 A
                                     A until all the                     closing/opening is now reactivated.
  windows have reached the desired position and the
  panorama roof is tilted.

Convenience closing feature
– Use the emergency key or pull the mechanical key out of
  the master key ⇒ page 3.
– Turn the key in the lock of the driver’s door to the lock
  position AB until the windows and the panorama roof are
  closed ⇒     .

When the panorama roof is tilted/closed, the electric sun shade* is
also opened/closed.

14   Opening and closing

     Valet parking                                                     – Leave the master key with the service personnel for
                                                                         parking and keep the mechanical key with you.
     Through the “valet parking” feature the luggage compart-
     ment of your vehicle is secured from unauthorized access          When the “valet parking” feature is activated:
     during the valet parking service.                                 •  the unlocking button for the rear lid ˜ in the driver's door is
                                                                       •   the button ˜ on the master key is inactive
                                                                       •   the opening handle in the rear lid is inactive.
                                                                       The vehicle can be driven and locked and unlocked with the master
                                                                       key. Access to the luggage compartment is blocked.

                                                                       Panorama roof
                                               Fig. 20 Valet parking
                                                                       Tilting and closing
     With “valet parking” activated, the rear lid cannot be
     – Take the mechanical key out of the master key ⇒ page 3.
     – Open the glove box [Cross reference error: reference link
       ID='Handschuhfach' not found] and activate ⇒ fig. 20 the
       “valet parking” feature by pressing the VALET button.
       The indicator light in the switch illuminates.                                                                    Fig. 21 Section from
                                                                                                                         headliner: Switch for
     – Close the glove box and lock it with the mechanical key.                                                          panorama roof
     – Lock both rear seat backs with the mechanical key [Cross
       reference error: reference link ID='Rueckenlehne-               – To tilt the panorama roof, press the switch briefly.
       abschliessen' not found].                                       – To close the panorama roof, pull the switch briefly.
     – Lock the luggage compartment pass-through with the              – To set an intermediate position, press/pull the switch
       mechanical key [Cross reference error: reference link             until the roof reaches the desired position.
       ID='Durchladeeinrichtung' not found].

                                                                                                            Opening and closing             15

After the ignition is switched off, you can still operate the Panorama   Emergency closing of the panorama roof
for about 10 minutes. As soon as the driver's or passenger's door is
opened, the switch is inoperative.                                       The panorama roof can be closed manually in an emer-
Sun blind
The sun blind can be opened and closed manually in any position.

Pay careful attention when closing the panorama roof - otherwise
serious injury could result! For this reason, always remove the
ignition key when leaving the vehicle.
•  Never leave children or persons requiring assistance alone in                                                    Fig. 22 Section from
                                                                                                                    headliner: Unscrewing
the vehicle, especially when they could access the vehicle keys.                                                    lighting unit
Unsupervised use of the keys can result in the engine being
started or use of vehicle systems such as the power windows, etc.
which could result in serious injury. The doors could be locked
with the remote key, delaying help in an emergency.
•  The panorama roof will continue to operate until the ignition
key has been removed and one of the front doors has been opened.

                                                                                                                    Fig. 23 Section from
Always close your panorama roof when leaving your vehicle.
                                                                                                                    headliner: Crank for
Sudden rain can cause damage to the interior equipment of your                                                      emergency operation
vehicle, particularly the electronic equipment.
                                                                         You will find the screwdriver in the vehicle tool kit [Cross
     Tips                                                                reference error: reference link ID='Bordwerkzeug' not found]
•  If the tilted roof cannot be closed, pull the switch within 5         and the crank in the fuse cover [Cross reference error: refer-
seconds after the automatic opening until the roof is closed.            ence link ID='B4b-114' not found].
•   Information on convenience opening/closing ⇒ page 13.                – Remove the screw ⇒ fig. 22 -Arrow- from the lighting
                                                                           unit and pull the lighting unit out carefully.
                                                                         – Push the crank into the hexagonal hole as far as it will go
                                                                           ⇒ fig. 23 and turn it. The roof will close.

16   Opening and closing

     The crank is easier to turn if you use the screwdriver handle (vehicle
     too kit) as an aid.

Document Created: 2007-10-12 11:15:05
Document Modified: 2007-10-12 11:15:05

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