User Manual

FCC ID: IPH-03363

Users Manual

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         Quick Start Manual

Getting Started                                    and slide the mount up or down to
                                                   align one set of mounting holes with
                 WARNING                           the holes in the license plate.
See the Important Safety and Product
                                                   You should use the mounting position
Information guide in the product box for
                                                   that fits your vehicle and covers the
product warnings and other important
                                                   smallest portion of the license plate.
                                                   You must avoid covering any text or
Installing the Mount on Your                       numbers on the license plate. Some
Vehicle                                            jurisdictions prohibit covering any
1   Remove the license plate screws from           portion of the license plate. It is your
    the rear of your vehicle, and remove           responsibility to follow license plate
    the license plate, vanity frames, and          mounting regulations.
    license plate covers.
    NOTE: The camera mount is intended
    to be installed onto the bare license
    plate, and it is not compatible with
    vanity frames or license plate covers.
2   Slide the metal bracket over the top or
    bottom of the license plate.
    The flat metal plate À on the bracket
    slides behind the license plate.           4   Insert the license plate screws through
                                                   the top of the license plate and mount,
                                                   and into the license plate mounting
                                                   holes on your vehicle.
                                                   In either orientation, the mounting
                                                   plate provides mounting holes at the
                                                   top and bottom of the license plate.

    NOTE: It is recommended to install         5   Fully tighten the license plate screws.
    the camera above the license plate, if     Installing the Camera at the Bottom of
    possible. If there is not enough room      Your License Plate
    above the license plate on your            When the mount is installed on your
    vehicle, you can configure the mount       vehicle, the Garmin logo on the camera

    for installation below the license plate   clip must be right-side up. Out of the box,
    (page 2).                                  the camera mount is assembled for
3   Hold the license plate and mount up to     installing the camera at the top of your
    the license plate area on your vehicle,    license plate. When installing the camera

2                                                                      Quick Start Manual

at the bottom of your license plate, you  should use lithium batteries, which provide
must remove, rotate, and reattach the     extended battery life and better
camera clip. This allows you to properly  performance at low temperatures.
adjust the camera angle.                  1 Rotate both battery covers À toward
1 Using a Phillips screwdriver, fully         the front of the camera, and remove
     loosen the two camera clip screws À,     the battery covers.
     and remove the camera clip Á from
     the metal bracket.

                                             2   Insert a AA battery into each end of
                                                 the camera, with the positive pole
                                                 facing outward.

2   Rotate the camera clip 180 degrees,
    so the Garmin logo is facing right-
    side-up.                                 3   On each battery cover, verify the
3   Insert the two camera clip screws into       gasket Á is clean and fully seated in
    the holes labeled                            the groove.

                                             4   For each battery cover, replace the
                                                 cover, press it tightly into the camera,
                                                 and rotate it toward the back of the
                                                 camera to lock it into place.
                                                 The camera is not water resistant if
                                                 the gaskets are not clean and properly
                                                 seated, and the covers are not
                                                 properly locked into place.

4   Tighten both screws.                     Installing the Camera in the Mount
Installing AA Batteries
                                             1   Place one side of the camera into the
                                                 mount, with the lens facing outward.
The device operates on two AA batteries
(not included). For the best results, you

Quick Start Manual                                                                       3

                                            Viewing the Backup Camera
                                            After you pair your camera with a
                                            compatible Garmin navigation device, the
                                            camera view appears automatically when
                                            you turn on your navigation device, and
2 Press the other side into the mount       you can manually show the camera at any
   until it clicks.                         time.
3 Pull gently on the camera to verify       • If your navigation device is connected
   both sides are locked into the mount.        to an ignition-switched power outlet
Pairing the Camera with a                       (recommended), turn on your vehicle.
Garmin Navigation Device                    • If your navigation device is connected
You can pair the camera with a compatible       to an always-on power outlet, turn on
Garmin navigation device.                       the navigation device.
                                            •   To show the camera manually, select
1 Update your navigation device to the             .
   latest software.
   Your device may not support the BC       •   To   show or hide the camera using
   40 camera without the latest software.       voice commands, say Show Video or
   For more information about updating,         Hide Video.
   see the owner's manual for your              NOTE: This feature is not available for
   navigation device.                           all languages.
2 Install batteries in the camera.          The  camera view appears. When the
   The camera enters pairing mode           camera detects the vehicle is moving
   automatically, and the LED flashes       forward, the camera automatically stops
   blue while the camera is in pairing      sending video, and the navigation device
   mode. The camera remains in pairing returns to normal operation.
   mode for five minutes. If pairing mode Adjusting the Camera Angle
   expires, you can remove and reinstall You can adjust the camera angle up and
   the batteries.                           down to provide the best view for your
3 Bring the compatible Garmin               vehicle.
   navigation device within 3 m (10 ft.) of 1 Drive to a level area with a clear view
   the camera, and turn on the device.          behind the vehicle.
   The device detects your camera           2 Remove the camera from the mount.
   automatically and prompts you to pair
   with it.                                 3 Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen
                                                the two adjustment screws À.
4 Select Yes.
   TIP: If the device does not detect the
   camera automatically, you can select
   Settings > Wireless Camera > Add
   New Camera to pair with it manually.
5 Follow the on-screen instructions to
   finish pairing.                          4 Tilt the mount up or down.
   The camera view appears.
4                                                                   Quick Start Manual

    For most vehicles, the camera should           The guidance line should appear
    face straight out or slightly downward.        directly on top of the curb, driveway,
5   Tighten the adjustment screws to lock          or parking stall line.
    the mount in the new position.
6   Install the camera into the mount.
7   View the camera using your Garmin
    navigation device (page 4), and verify
    the camera angle.
    When the camera is angled correctly,
    the bottom edge of the video frame
    should align with the rearmost part of     5   Use the arrows in the center of the
    the vehicle, such as the bumper or             screen to move the colored distance
    trailer hitch. Objects above the horizon       guidance lines up or down.
    should appear in the top one-quarter           The red guidance line should be
    to one-third of the frame.                     aligned with the rearmost part of your
8   If necessary, repeat this procedure            vehicle.
    until the camera angle is correct.         6   Reposition the vehicle with the
                   WARNING                         passenger side closely aligned to a
After you adjust the camera angle, you             curb, driveway, or parking stall lines,
must align the guidance lines (page 5).            and use the arrows to align the white,
If you previously set up guidance lines,           passenger-side guidance line.
they are not accurate after the camera             The guidance lines should be
angle changes. Failure to properly align           symmetrical.
the guidance lines could result in an          Device Information
accident or collision, resulting in death,
serious injury, or property damage.            Getting the Owner's Manual
                                                   Go to
Aligning the Guidance Lines                    Software Updates
1 Position your vehicle with the driver's      Software updates for your camera are
    side closely aligned to a curb,            received automatically from the paired
    driveway, or parking stall lines.          Garmin navigation device. You should
2   From the paired Garmin navigation          update your Garmin navigation device
    device, select Settings > Wireless         software regularly to keep both it and the
    Camera.                                    camera up to date. For more information
3   Select the paired camera name, and         about updating software, see the owner's
    select Guidance Lines > Adjust             manual for your Garmin navigator.
    Guidance Lines.                            Garmin Support Center
4   Use the arrows in the corners of the       Go to for help and
    screen to move the ends of the white,      information, such as product manuals,
    driver's-side guidance line.               frequently asked questions, videos, and
                                               customer support.

Quick Start Manual                                                                          5

Battery Type     2 removable AA.
                 Lithium recommended.
Camera and       IEC 60529 IPX6/7
Operating        From -20° to 70°C
temperature      (from -4° to 158°F)
Wireless         Wi‑Fi 2.4 GHz @

frequencies/     +13dBm nominal
protocols        Bluetooth 2.4 GHz

6                                       Quick Start Manual

© 2018 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin and the Garmin logo are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA

and other countries. BC™ is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not
be used without the express permission of Garmin.

                                                                           Printed in Taiwan
                                                                                August 2018

Document Created: 2018-08-20 11:38:08
Document Modified: 2018-08-20 11:38:08

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