User Manual - GSG


Users Manual

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                       At a glance                                                                     Put in the cards                                                              Finish up                                                                    Security & convenience

                       Let’s get started. We’ll guide you through startup and tell you where to find   Caution: Make sure you use the correct size SIM card and don’t cut the        Connect your charger to charge your phone fully, then turn on the power.     Lock, unlock, and more with ease.
                       more information about your phone and its great features.                       SIM card.                                                                     Follow the screen prompts to get started.                                     • Fingerprint and screen lock: Swipe up from the home screen, then
                                                                                                                                                                                     Note: Your phone comes with a rapid charger. Use of other chargers is           tap     Settings > Security & location.

    Start Guide                                                                                                                                                          Nano SIM
                                                                                                                                                                                     not recommended.                                                              • Face unlock: Swipe up from the home screen, then tap
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     > Security & location > Face unlock.

                                                                                                          Insert the nano SIM and memory cards.
                                                        Front Camera                                       Insert the SIM tool into the tray     Insert the SIM card with the gold
                              Speaker                                                                      hole to pop out the tray.             contacts down. Insert an optional
                                                                                    SIM & microSD
                                                                                    Card Slots                                                   microSD card (sold separately).
                                                                                                                                                                                           Charge up.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Before using your phone, fully
                        Back Cameras                                                                                                                        SIM
                                                                                                                                                                                           charge it with the charger
                                                                                    Volume Buttons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fingerprint Sensor
                                                                                   Power Button                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Touch to unlock.
                             (on back)
                                                                                   Display on/off.
                                                                                   Press & hold:
                                 NFC                                               Phone on/off.                                                                                                                                                        USB - C
                            (on back)                                                                                                                                                       Power on.

                                                                                                           Push the tray back into your phone.

                                                                                                                                                 Caution: Handle the tray with
                                                                                                                                                 care to avoid damage.

           ®             Microphone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Press & hold the Power button
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            until the screen lights up.
                              Speaker                                              Headset Jack

                  Useful apps                                                                Help & more                                                                  Emergency dialing                                                              Additional information
                  When you’re up and running, try these apps to see what you can do with     Get answers, updates, and info:                                              Although all devices are equipped with 9-1-1 emergency calling, this           Use of some content or features may require qualifying service, or access
                  your new phone.                                                             • Help is here: Swipe up from the home screen, then tap        Settings     device may or may not permit its location to be approximated during a          to a Wi-Fi connection.
                  Find it: Swipe up from the home screen to see all your apps.                  > Help to learn how to use your phone and get support.                    9-1-1 call.*                                                                   Coverage not available in some areas. See Terms and Conditions
                                                                                              • Get more: Review your phone’s User Manual and troubleshooting             * Availability of this feature depends on upgrades to the (a) wireless         (including arbitration provision) at for additional
                                                                                                FAQs. View the latest troubleshooting solutions in the Support Forums     network and (b) 9-1-1 calling system that are required to be installed         information, and restrictions and details. T-Mobile, the magenta color and
                                T-Mobile app                                                    or ask a question of your own at                by the local 9-1-1 response agency or public safety answering point            REVVL are registered trademarks of Deutsche Telekom AG.
                                Explore everything T-Mobile, including account                                                                                            (PSAP); these upgrades may not be available everywhere within our              ®2019 T-Mobile USA, Inc.
                                                                                              • Find us on: YouTube™, Facebook™, and Twitter.                             wireless coverage area or your roaming area. This approximation of the         Product ID: REVVL ? (Model XT1965-T)
                                information through the T-Mobile app.
                                                                                                                                                                          device’s location and the transmittal of location information are subject to
                                                                                             Where is important information?

                                                                                                                                                                          emergency situations, transmission limits, network problems/limitations,
                                Camera                                                       In order to provide you with better access to this important information,    interconnecting carrier problems, your device, buildings/tunnels,
                                Your camera takes crisp, clear photos and videos, but        we’ve made the materials accessible from the phone’s Settings menu and       signal strength and atmospheric/topographical conditions, and may be
                                that’s not all. See features, like, group selfie, and spot   on the web. Review these materials prior to using your phone. To access      curtailed, interrupted, dropped or refused. The device’s approximate
                                color.                                                       the materials from a connected phone, swipe up from the home screen,         location is transmitted to the local 9-1-1 response agency or PSAP while
                                Chrome                                                       then tap       Settings > System > Legal information, and select a topic.    the call is in progress; this approximation is intended solely to aid the
                                Access the internet to shop, search, learn or just browse.                                                                                PSAP in dispatching emergency assistance or to limit the search area for
                                                                                             Firmware versions                                                            emergency services personnel. You should not rely solely on a device for
                                                                                             This device will only operate with firmware versions that have been          essential communications (such as a medical or other emergency). Please
                                                                                             approved for use by T-Mobile and the device manufacturer. If unauthorized    see T-Mobile’s Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for additional
                                Gmail                                                                                                                                     service restrictions and details.
                                                                                             firmware is placed on the device, it will not function.
                                Connect to all your email accounts and manage them in
                                one easy place.
                                                                                             Device security
                                                                                             T-Mobile encourages customers to take appropriate measures to secure
                                Play Store                                                   their devices and invites them to take advantage of the features available
                                Download all the apps you love.                              on this device to help secure it from theft and/or other unauthorized
                                                                                             access and use. This device has a locking function (e.g., Security PINs)
                                                                                             that can serve as a first line of defense against unauthorized use or
                                                                                             access to stored information. Preloaded security applications that allow
                  Note: Software updates happen frequently, so your phone may not have       customers to track or locate misplaced devices can be found on several
                  all the listed apps or features.                                           T-Mobile devices. Lost or stolen devices should be immediately reported
                                                                                             to T-Mobile so that proper measures can be taken to protect accounts. For
PXXXXXXXX                                                                                    additional information, visit:
HQ60114879000-A                                                                              and http:// aspx.

Document Created: 2019-10-23 09:11:09
Document Modified: 2019-10-23 09:11:09

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