LP297 antenna spec 47to52

FCC ID: I4L-MS6820

Operational Description

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                                                                                                                   Sheet No. we m w e en w ar me
                  «@» SUMITOMO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD                                                            IBB8~01026B .

            1.   Scope
                 This s eclfxcatlgn covers the construction and the electrical properties
                 of 50   SUMIFRON Insulation Coaxial Cable.

                                                     [( 0.7DS—P BE (COLOER) ]

            2. Construction                                                                                                Unit mm
                   '                   Itenm                                                  Details
                                               Material                         Silver—coated copper wire

                       Conductor               Composition                                    7/0. 079
                                               Nom. 0. D.                                       0.237 (£0.03)
                                               Material                               SUMIFPLON® P           (Natural)
                       Insulation              Nom. thick.                                      0. 22
                                           Nom. 0. D.                                           0.867        (+£0.03)~
                       Shield              Msterial                             Silver—coated copper wire
                                               Composition                         Single braid of 0. 05

                                               Material                               SUMIFLON® R            (Color) **
                       Jacket                  Non. thick.                                      0. 11
                                               Nom. 0. D.                                       1.13         (+0.05)

            3. Electrical Properties                      (at 20°C)
                                Item                              Unit                          Details
                 Conductor Resistance                        Q /km                    Max.          567
                  Insulation Resistance                      MQ —~km                  Min.          305
                 Dielectric strength                        ACY/lmin.                               500
                 Capacitance                                      pF/m                                  97         (1kHz)
                 Characteristic Impedance                          Q                             80 & 2            (TDR)
                                                                                      Nom.          1. B2          (0. 9GHz)
                                                                                      Non.          2. 37          (1. 5GHz)
                                                                                      Nor.          2, 70          (1. 9GHz)
                                   a                          |                       Nom.          3. 05          (2. 46Hz)
                 Attenuation                                      dB/m                Nom.          3. 43          (3. 0GHz)
                                                                                      Nonm.         3. 94          (4. 06Hz)
                                                                                      Nom.          4. 46          (§5. 06Hz)
                                                                                      Nom.          4. 839         (5. 86Hz)
                                                                                      Nom,          5.16           (6. 06Hz)
                  * Maximum Yalue = Nom. Value X 1.19
                 ** White, Black, Blue, Gray

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             «& SUMITOMO ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES, LTD                              tess—o10268.""~~~
                                                                              Sheet No        3

         4. gackéngd
             tandard unit length of finished cable shall be 500m on reel
                                                                     ee! and shall be
            packed not to be damaged during transportation.


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, Industnal Adhesive Tape T4000
Doudte—Faced Adhesive Tape

                     T4000 is a double—faced adhesive tape developed for the
                     requirement of strong and permanent bonding. It is a highly
                     selected doudle—faced adhesive tape with cutstanding reli—
                     ability, having high low—temperature adhesion.

_ SPECIFICATIONS)     Cosrting amounts (g/m‘)                     140170
                                                                   approx. 0.15
                       Coating thickness ({mm)
                                                                 | approx. 0.14   i
                     | Thickness of release paper (mm)

                     ® Excellent in thermal holding strength
                     ® Excellent in low—temperature adhesion
                      ® High bonding strength in the widest temperature range
                     ® No smell
                      ® Outstanding rellability and durability

 mmA                74000 is most suitable for the adhesion to surface decora—
                     tive sheet, rating plate and escutcheon, etc. made of metal _
                      and ‘plastic material for the ‘automobiles and household
                      electric anpliances.
                      T4000 is also recommendable for use as a —double—faced
                      permanent adhesive tape for various substrates.

                                                   Sonv Chemicals Cornooratior

in        "* strangth at alevated tofnperatures
     *+""T4000 demonstratea an excellent hoiding                                                                              m«wgth even undar severe

        CE 20                                   O              |                                        2&§mm              Stajniés stee! plate
 |      E                   _                   Trademark "A"                                                              (2mm thick}
 '                          .                              |                                  —         ||25mm|                      2
         8 106              0       0                              |                     ho            oC                            |
         ©    ~                         |                                                               ‘                                .

         g                      e                _!TAQOO -                                                      5         ‘ Polyseter fiim                             C
                                                                       f                                                   (25u m)                                 a
                      . 40                               80                    o         0_            W (tkg$)                                        |           |
                            mp T.mbemwe (‘C)                                                                      ,    '                  .
                               ,                                                                       Conditions for preparing fest pieces                                _
                                                                                              _             Temperature                  : 20°G             |
                                                                                                            Pressure                     . 2kgt/em‘ (one stoke)
                                                                                                       Conditions for test peeling
                                                                                                                GOminutes ; 1kgf of loeading

      2. Temperature change of 120‘ peeling strength
          T4000 provides a high bonding strength et various temperatures

                                                                                                       Substrate :
                  20. tork                                                                                      Polyester film (252m)
          & UV qm                                                                                        /stainless stee! plate (@2mm thick)
          g |                                                                       ._                 Conditions for preparing test pieces
             2 2o \                                                                               —_            Temperature                  _: 20°C
          gT                                                                                                     Pressure                    : 2kgt/om‘ (one su'oke)
          §§                                     \\                                                     Peehng speed : 300mm/min.                              |
          * § 49 \\\                                                           : T4000                                \                             Lo
             ?V      eads                   4       .     1                A       Tmm&fi( MA. 0                                                 ©          «           .       '
                     —10                16          30    80           70 80                                ‘
                        _ —Testingtemperature (°C)                                                          _ _

      3. Peeling strength after aging
           14000 has excellent thermal eging reststance, and high resistances to
           moisture, water, oll and weather.

             Substrate                          ! Polyester film (25,um) /stainless stee! plate (2mm thick)
             Conditions for preparing test pleces :
                                                 Temperature : 20°C
                                                 Pressure :                                   IAntftirnm* (ane stroke)
             Test peeling speed : 300m/m

Document Created: 2003-08-19 15:12:40
Document Modified: 2003-08-19 15:12:40

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