888E antenna spec 51to60

FCC ID: I4L-MS6820

Operational Description

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 @THERMAL AgiG                                                                                                                                                 _ omoisture resistaice _
     Standing test in the _                                                                                                                                    _ Standing test in'_the |
 atmosphere _                                                                                                                                                          . atmosphere of 50°C and _
        »                                         S                                                                                                                    relative humidity of 80 %

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§ 0|                                                                                                                                                       ou£                            2ol              a

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                                                  s §0000                                                                                       15                                                          §0           30              16
                                      |                             1 .-*Day’s'cf standing —                                                                                                                       —Days ofstanding

_ @WATER RESISTANCE                                                                                                                                        — @oll ReSiSTaNCE
            standing test in water                                  i
                                                                                                                                                                           Standing tastin machine oil
. at 40°0 0 0                                                                                                                                                              at 40°C

                                      AS} O                                                                                                                    L
                                                                                                                          o                      taoo §
 \ —» 180 Pegling s#renglth .

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                                                              -                             §                10                    .d5 _ 200                                                               ~~+            i9~~<z
                                                          m-’T"“fl’_"‘L                                            r                     4

                                                                  —_                            —> Days ot standing .                                                                                      _ — Days of standing
    e@wertuemie 0_                                                                                                                                             C
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              27 zo-/“'"o—_‘\. T4000

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               §§                                     €                     .                        //n‘_‘-——-\\\,

                                                                                                                      .                                            Trademark *A
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                                                                   IndustrialAdhesiveTape T4000                                                   i earaannns

                             o                                        fpmmnimasind

Eoc                       LowMpomm adhesion
                                                                          T4000 provides mgh adhesion aven in the

                                                                           b;mcfing work at low temperatures.

                           —180° Pesling strength _


                                                                                                          +     Y e            2l   ‘         ©    _                    ,       /

                                                                   o —5 plss
                                                                        — 0
                                                                                                              s       .        J‘k‘     !I                 _
                                                                                                              . 30        0_   160 20              25
                                                                          e                  —» Bonding andtesting temperatures (°C) C                             1.

                                                                                 .                                                                         s   >        4

                       BAVMON: Wwig inie resort is bases on our gompiny‘s relable legling., this dees not imply tA the efecs notec
                       hgroiw are gquarantoed. Tag user in +GGu@0ted io use this product at his aun figk after thorough stydy ol !
                       purBogses ftor whbchthepracuct i8 desogmd enc thc sonditions under whvc*\ it is use.

                                                         —                           '   |            |                                       e                    P        " Mamu't‘ 1997 . 3
Sony cn«mm Corporanou
8.3 Ninonpean!myromachl—1chome. Cnuo4u, Tokyo Te*enhona'(mmnan Fak:(03|9246—(784
~Sony Chemicals Singagore Pto Lid
 Block 1022 Tel Seng Avenue Tai Seng induste! Emle 40235230 Singapore 1853 ma;:no«saz4 500 Fexc382—1780 _
Sany Chemleails Corporation af Ameriea
 100‘ Technology Drive Maun! Peagaat, Pennsytvania 1§666 Terephana:(412)806—7500 'meae%vsm
Sany Chernvicals Europe B.V.
O'M.af\thmflmfiWVwadficw MNaflhedandsTetwhme'S‘{(Omé%%&wmt                                                                                       1§ _ |

     PGGU2——         _             O      _August 10, 1995
     Component~—Markmg and Lnbelmg Sygtam Materials ~Componem

     SONY CHEMICALS CORP                          |       |    h9              e MH15431 (M)
                                                      ‘                    ‘     _(B—cont from Awcerd) .
|        73500 T35DOS T35005wW, TBSOOW For bondmg afluminum (thackness .007 io 0.020 In}, poly— —
     carboriate (thickness .01B to 079 int and acrylic {thickness. .019 to .079 in) to acrylonitrile buta—
     diene styrene {ABS) plastic, maxzimum sudace temperslure B0 C (176§ FJ, minimum temperalure —40 _
     C {40°F). Suitable whero exposed indoors to high humidity and occasional expasure to waler.
           T4000, T4000W. For bonding aluminum f(thickness .007 10 0.020 in}, polycarbonate nh-ckness
      .019to..079. in and.ecrylic {thickness.039—t0 0798in} to acrylonitrile butadiens styrene [ABS) plas— C
    | tic, meximumsurface temperalure 80 C [179 F); minimum lemperatuse «40. C 40 F)}. Suilable where
      mtpomd mdoors to high humndnty and occnaonal exposure lo wator.            o_                    2o

    Rapom. Jnnuary 13, 1988° Jnmumy 31 1988

     Replaces MH354318 dated March 4, 1984 o e       {Com.,oh C card}
     663476001 0 > 0000 Underwmem Laboratones mg. e e . O1/O226605

                                                                                                                                                                                     ) uV i
                                                                              i1400        mds   nandiilg   AVLLJOUVNRILO
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                                       munt   10. a0   WAA   VVV

                                                                                                                                                      100         ukns 2l
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                                               $UUITOMO ELECTRICG FILNE POLYMER,                                                                             INC.
                                                     910.    Oaza Kodo. Kueatori~—cho,            Seanan—~—sun. Osaka, §$90—04§1 iiAFPAN

                                                                                                                                Datsa : Pag. 24,1994
                                                                                                                                Na. : : RE&+—O180¢ _:


                                              Mossr: ; SUMITPAC CORPORATIGN

                                                                                          ~ §SPECIRICATION


                                                                                             SUKJ TUBE _A

                                                                                              Authorized by                               <—ommupmmnnitdteopremmnrommeme

                                                                                                                                1.   Kishkimoto
                                                                                                                      Senior Efgineer,
                                                                                                                       Irradiated Producis Group —
                                                                                                                     ~Enginecriasg Department
    e es ink

                                                                                              Prepared          by __M"'____
     L snn

                                                                                                                                C.    Sasiakd

     woogcccnppenemelermgime se mt

                                                                                                                       Irradiatec Producis Group
                                                                                                                      Engineeritg Department

                                                                                      —            —                        *        C3

                             ya/ LAf ue    MuU.V id;10 FAL 0090 4 £999 1loyy           L553 WIKING AUCCESSUKIES

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                                                                                   |        a                                          SAKk® 25

                                                                        .                     .                                  REB4—0180C
                                                                       SUMJTURE A SPEC1RICATION                                   '
                                          1. Scupe          .
                                            This gpecification covers SUKITUBE A.

                                          2. Feature
                                             This product is irradiated cross—linked, thermally—stabilized, flexible
                                             palyoleiin heat—shrinkable tubing.
                                                      ‘                                                                 2

                                          3. Colors
                                            Black. S1o0un,. Red, Orange, Yellos, Green.BJuc, Gray, White and Clear
                                            Calors contorm to SUKTTOMO‘s standard.

                                            Sizae are specified in Table |.‘

                                          5. Propert:g_
                                            Propertics are specified in Table 2.

                                          6. Test _mejhod
                                               In: ide dianeter                .
                                            Insite diametcr shall be measured by usinag a gage rod or a taper gage.

                                               In cise of using a gage rod———— Read the value of the maximum gage rod
                                                                                           which passes freely into the tubing
                                                                                           #j thout exnandins the «al) of tubing.

                                               ln cise of using a taper gage~—~ Road the value on the gage #hen tubing
                                                                                           en‘ t expanded by inserticn and there |
                                                                                           is no visible space betreen the end of
                                                                                           tubing and the teper guge.

                                            §—1. Ya l thickness
                                               ¥al) thickness ehall be neasured by a pin—dialgage or a micrometer at
                                               several points.

                                            §6—8. Sh—inkable condition
                                                Tubiiig shall be fully recovered at 12§°C for | minute in an oil bath.
nsc larmenogons nc ce oles

                                     KB c 10                             8 C           |                                     |         b— 1000 (CHea
                                                                                                               O                        on

                              03/12/02   MON 15:16 FAX 886 2 23536 13899        KSS WIRING ACCESSORIES                                          Goos

                                                                                                              }       *   -           l’f"'.\

                                                                                 H                                            SA *fi#@_fi 3/5

                                                                   .                                                  REB4—0180C

                                                Tubin: shall be cut into about 100 mm lengths and measured.
                                                After full recovery, the length shall be remeasured and the .
                                                lonagitudinal change shall be calcoulated from the following formuls:

                                                —                      Length after full recovery — Initial length
                                         Loogitudi 1al change(k) =      —                                                     x 100
                                                                                       Initial length             &

                                          §—5, Prop : lies
                                              Test nethods confora to JIS—C—2133.

                                                    91. 4. 02
oonagmn cnprrnen nmieeno oc


                                     W¥ —x 10                                                                                 1—1001 Enous

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                                                                             ayvy             anor wz   h & AM L0 ND   SRNNEENNAEN 4 4d
                                         a case   yv        a    aviev

: 62                                                                     |                                                                            D l tr i               _|
;                                                                                                                                                        SA HRite 4/5

                                     .                       -                                                                                            RB4—01800 |
                          |                                                         — fable L. Sizes
‘                                                               A&s supplied (ma}                       After recoversd(nal                           Standard
i                         Trade                                                                                              "                 — length [r]
n                             Size                          Inside                    Wall                 Inside                Wall                  (Min. ) c
:                             [mmj                         diamceter                thickness |dilameter|thickness                                           j
>                                                      |                              (Non. }  (Max.)                                          Cutsa             Spool
                         ns xong                           rgdoso.se                  oo.r   |. ols                       |o.k o o.al oi                   | 200
    |                      2x he|                          asososo                    o2 0 |    id                        [0.4 & 0.1| |                      200
L                        5 xo ing                          1.1040.80                   02                      ns         |0.4 &# 04|            0:               200
        *                 px ing                       gssak0.30                       0.2                     ns         |ona & ol                               200
                         q5 xo i.:                     waozo.sd                        0.3                     a20        |o.4 & o.1[            d                100
        i                 Pox% t.2                     4.0040.30                      0. 2                     .8 l0.4 + o.i}                    j                100
                          pxocnr                           ssowolse                   8.2                      230        |o.4 &# 04|           d                  50
                          pxcBs| 415 #0.840| g.25                                                              ns         fols & o.1|            0d                59
        |                 pox ggs] ons #0.300| 0.28                                                            220        ]g.s & g.al            d                 50
            ;             $ox Q r:%|                   415 £0.3                       6. 23                    d010]0.5 & 0.4                    d                 50
                           $ox o as| §.§ £0.3                                         g. 25  540                          |o.g & o.i|            d                 50
                          19 x 0 28] 105 #0.4                                         peas [ 6200                         |o.g &# o.la|          d                 §0
                _         11 x 6.02%] t1.5 £0.4                                        0. 25                   110        |0.56 & Q.1]           1                §0
V                        11 x    08                |ag 4          #0.30               6.3                     T8          f9.4    &     0.4]     a      50
 :                      kess—oa                                                                                                          ,
 |                       14 x    0.8               18.4           £#0.3               0.3                     g.00        fo.g    &     d.a|     oG  0| Ssd
                         pMo®    d.8               drd            £0.3                o.3                     90          |0.8    #     0.1}     1      $0
                    :    15 x    q.4               15.4           £0.3                g.3                    19.0         |0.%¢   &#    001|     @4     50
            |            16 x    0o3               k4             +080 [              0.3                    108          f4.6    &     o.1}     4 _    50
                         180 %   028               164            £#0.3               0.3                    1150         fo.k    &     0.4]     d      §
                         20 x 0.3                  20.4 0.3                            0.3                   1g0           folg & g.i|           1                 60
                                                   12. 40 & 0.4                        g. 4                  .o            fo.8 4# 0.4] d                          50
                                                   2%.8 £0.5                           0.3                   t5.0          {4.8 +0 6.3]  09                        s0
                                            linal change                      :0     —~16% ain.

                                                                                                                                                                    i—ilont EBA

                    savhe t   w wor a n   a caea   V oV   c   eyv   a wviut        ant a2   T7A BNALNM      RN NAE & E0J                                         We U uU J

                                                                                                                                     |        Fiatalce

|                                                                                    ' °                                                        SA Hit@ 5/

;                                                                                                                                            RRe—0180¢
1                                                                             Table. 2      Properties

_                                                  Proparties                                      Unit       |            Requirement

                              Operation Temperature range:                                             *C                  —§5 ~ 105
                              Shrinkage Begioning tesperature                                          °C                          15
:                              —         s                 w—                                                                      —feo.
|                             Shrinkage Finishing teaperature                                          *C                         115
    ;                         Longitudinal change                                                      %                   —]15            i XIN.
    ies                       Dielectric Voltage Tithstand                                             v              No break down
                                                                                                                  CA.C. 2.5kY x 1 pinute)

                              Yolume resistivity                                                   Q—cm _                  10‘             . MIN.

                              Tensils strength .                                            KPa{kg/wf}              10.8{1.05§}            . MIKN.

    L                         UJtimate élongetion                                                      %                   200 e MIN.


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                  ~ ett «x 10                                                                  |                                                     1—1 088 Gtrin@

 VHB" Double Coated Acrylic Foam
 Tapes and Adhesive Transfer Tapes
      hnical Data                                                                                    August, 1994

                         .                                                                  Supersedes December, 1991

Adhesive Description    3M VHB" (Very High Bond) Tapes utilize high performance adhesives which have
                        excellent long—term holding power. The peel adhesion and tensile holding powerof
                        tapes in the VHB family are significantly higher than typical pressure sensitive tapes.

Product Description     VHB Tapes are ideal for use in many interior and exterior industrial applications. In
                        many situations they can replace rivets, spot welds, liquid adhesives, and other
                        permanent fasteners.
                        Eachtape in the VHB family has specific features. These can include high tensile,
                        shear and peel adhesion, resistance to solvents, moisture and plasticizer migration,
                       U.L. recognition, low outgassing, film liners, conformability and adhesive which can
                       be applied at temperatures as low as 32°F (0°C).
                       VHB Tapes are ideal for bonding a variety of substrates, including most metal, sealed
                       wood and glass, as well as many plastics, composites and painted surfaces.
                       Note: All VHB Tapes should bethoroughly evaluated by the userunder actual
                       conditions with intended substrates to determine whether a specific VHB tape is fit
                       for a particular purpose and suitable for user‘s method ofapplication, especially if
                       expected use involves extreme environmental conditions.

Products               Double Coated Acrylic Foam Tapes                      Adhesive Transter Tapes
                       4905          0.020 in.        (0.5 mm)               F—9460PC      0.002 in.     (0.05 mm)
                       4910          0.040 in.        (1.0 mm)               F—9469PC      0.005 in.     (0.13 mm)
                       4920          0.015 in.        (0.4 mm)               F—9473PC      0.010 in.     (0.25 mm)
                       4925          0.025 in.      (0.64 mm)
                       4926°         0.015 in.        (0.4 mm)
                       4929          0.025 in.      (0.64 mm)
                       4930          0.025 in.      (0.64 mm)
                       4932          0.025 in.      (0.64 mm)
                       4936°         0.025 in.      (0.64 mm)
                       4940          0.045 in.       (1.1 mm)
                       4941°     >   0.045 in.       (1.1 mm)
                       4949F         0.045 in.       (1.1 mm)
                       4945          0.045 in.       (1.1 mm)           :—
                       4946F         0.045 in.       (1.1 mm)
                       4949          0.045 in.       (1.1 mm)
                       4950          0.045 in        (1.1 mm)
                       4951          0.045 in.       (1.1 mm)
                       4952          0.045 in.       (1.1 mm)
                       4955          0.080 in.       (2.0 mm)                                    «
                       4956          0.062 in.      (1.55 mm)
                       4957F         0.062 in.      (1.55 mm)
                       4959          0.120 in.       (3.0 mm)

                       *Film—linered versions are available as 4926F, 4936F, 494 1F and 4956F tapes.

 VHB"" Double Coated Acrylic Foam
 Tapes and Adhesive Transfer Tapes

 Typical Physical Properties                Note: The following technical information and data should be considered
                                            representative or typical only and should not be used for specification purposes.

                                                                       Primary Products
                                          Thin —
 Products                                  F—9460PC     F—9469PC      F—9473PC        4920           4929           4930

 Adhesive Carries                                                       None       Acrylic Foam   AcrylicFoam   Actylic Foam
                                                                                    Closed Cell   Closed Cell    Closed Coll

   Nominal                        in.
                —                (mm)

 Color:                                     Clear

 Release Liner:

 Approximate Density:           b/t?
 (Foam Only)                    (kg/m?)
 Roll Length:

   Standard                      yds.
   Standard Units
     a. 1/4° up to 172° wide     yd.
     b. 12" and wider            y.
     c. 1/4" to 38°              yd.
     d. 3/8° up to 1" wide       ya.
     €. 1" up to 3°              ya.
      1. 3° and wider            ya.
  Metric Equivalents
     a. 6.4 mm up to
        12.7 mm wide             (m)
     b. 12.7 mm and wider        (m)
     c. 6.4 mm to 9.5 mm    .    (m)
     d. 9.5 mm up to 25.4 mm     (m)
     e. 25.4 mm up to 76 mm      (m)
     1. 75 mm and wider          (m)

Roll Width:
  Minimum                        in.         14            14           1a            14             14            14
                                 in.        025           025          25            0.25           0.25          0.25
                                (mm)        (6.4)         (64)         (64)          (6.4)          (64)          (64)

  Maximum                        in.         co            60           co            46             46            46
                                {mm)       (1525)        (1525)       (1525)         (170)         (1170)         (170)
Slitting Tolerance:


Document Created: 2003-08-19 15:26:24
Document Modified: 2003-08-19 15:26:24

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