03 FCC Test Report_DCD


Test Report

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                                                                                         Test report No.    : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                         Page               : 1 of 37
                                                                                         Issued date        : October 31, 2018
                                                                                         FCC ID             : HYQB1NA0

                              RADIO TEST REPORT
                               Test Report No. : 12166394H-A-R2
        Applicant                            :     DENSO CORPORATION

        Type of Equipment                    :     Passive Entry Passive Start System
                                                   (LF Transmitter and LF Transceiver)

        Model No.                            :     B1NA0

        FCC ID                               :     HYQB1NA0

        Test regulation                      :     FCC Part 15 Subpart C: 2018

        Test Result                          :     Complied
           1.   This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.
           2.   The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
           3.   This sample tested is in compliance with above regulation.
           4.   The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
           5.   This test report covers Radio technical requirements. It does not cover administrative issues such as Manual
                or non-Radio test related Requirements. (if applicable)
           6.   The all test items in this test report are conducted by UL Japan, Inc. Ise EMC Lab.
           7.   This test report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement
                by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government.
           8.   This report is a revised version of 12166394H-A-R1. 12166394H-A-R1 is replaced with this report.

                         Date of test:                         March 12 to 16, 2018

                         Representative test
                                                               Koji Yamamoto
                                                         Consumer Technology Division

                         Approved by:
                                                               Motoya Imura
                                                         Consumer Technology Division

                                                          This laboratory is accredited by the NVLAP LAB CODE
                                                          200572-0, U.S.A. The tests reported herein have been
                                                          performed in accordance with its terms of accreditation.
                                                          *As for the range of Accreditation in NVLAP, you may
                                                          refer to the WEB address,

      NVLAP LAB CODE: 200572-0

   The testing in which "Non-accreditation" is displayed is outside the accreditation scopes in UL Japan.
   There is no testing item of "Non-accreditation".

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124                                                                           13-EM-F0429

                                                                           Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                           Page              : 2 of 37
                                                                           Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                           FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                                  REVISION HISTORY
                               Original Test Report No.: 12166394H-A

Revision     Test report No.       Date               Page         Contents
-            12166394H-A           July 25, 2018      -            -
1            12166394H-A-R1        October 30, 2018   P.8          Correction of note sentences in Clause 4.1.
1            12166394H-A-R1        October 30, 2018   P.10         Correction of Test Antennas table in
                                                                   SECTION 5.
1            12166394H-A-R1        October 30, 2018   P.10         Correction of KDB No. of SECTION 5;
                                                                   From KDB 937606 to KDB 414788
1            12166394H-A-R1        October 30, 2018   P.10         Inserting test setup diagram in SECTION 5.
1            12166394H-A-R1        October 30, 2018   P.13 to 17   Correction of erroneous description
                                                                   “ithout” → “without”
1            12166394H-A-R1        October 30, 2018   P.13 to 17   Correction of the data of 3m without distance
2            12166394H-A-R2        October 31, 2018   P.8          Addition of the following sentence in Clause
                                                                   *2) Refer to “Theory of Operation-Tx_Timing
                                                                   of Transmission”.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                              Test report No.         : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                              Page                    : 3 of 37
                                                                                                              Issued date             : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                              FCC ID                  : HYQB1NA0

CONTENTS                                                                                                                                           PAGE

SECTION 1: Customer information ..................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.) ........................................................................................ 4
SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results ........................................................................ 5
SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing ................................................................................. 8
SECTION 5: Radiated emission (Fundamental and Spurious Emission) ........................................ 10
SECTION 6: -26dB Bandwidth ............................................................................................................ 12
SECTION 7: 99% Occupied Bandwidth ............................................................................................. 12
APPENDIX 1: Test data ....................................................................................................................... 13
Radiated Emission below 30 MHz (Fundamental and Spurious Emission) ...................................... 13
Radiated Emission above 30 MHz (Spurious Emission) ..................................................................... 18
Duty Cycle ............................................................................................................................................... 24
-26dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth............................................................................... 28
APPENDIX 2: Test instruments .......................................................................................................... 33
APPENDIX 3: Photographs of test setup ............................................................................................ 34
Radiated Emission .................................................................................................................................. 34
Worst Case Position ............................................................................................................................... 35

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                               Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                               Page              : 4 of 37
                                                                               Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                               FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

SECTION 1: Customer information
Company Name                    :    DENSO CORPORATION
Address                         :    1-1 Showa-cho, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, 448-8661 Japan
Telephone Number                :    +81-566-61-2524
Facsimile Number                :    +81-566-25-4837
Contact Person                  :    TAKESHI KUMAZAKI

SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)

2.1     Identification of E.U.T.

Type of Equipment               :    Passive Entry Passive Start System
                                     (LF Transmitter and LF Transceiver)
Model No.                       :    B1NA0
Serial No.                      :    Refer to Section 4, Clause 4.2
Receipt Date of Sample          :    February 23, 2018
Country of Mass-production      :    United States of America and China
Condition of EUT                :    Production prototype
                                     (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)
Modification of EUT             :    No Modification by the test lab

2.2     Product Description

Model: B1NA0 (referred to as the EUT in this report) is a Passive Entry Passive Start System (LF Transmitter and LF

Radio Specification
[Transmitter part]
 Radio Type                     :    LF Transmitter
 Frequency of Operation         :    125 kHz
 Oscillation circuit            :    Crystal
 Oscillator frequency           :    16 MHz
 Modulation                     :    OOK / ASK
 Antenna type                   :    LF Antenna                :    Type1: Rocker Driver Antenna
                                                                           Rocker Passenger Antenna
                                                                           Trunk Antenna
                                                                           Bracket Antenna
                                                                    Type2: Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna
                                                                           Interior Antenna
                                     LF/Immo Combo Antenna :        Type3: Immo Combo Antenna
Antenna Specification           :    Ferrite antenna coil
Clock Frequency (maximum)       :    128 MHz

[Receiver part]
 Frequency of Operation         :    125 kHz
 Oscillator frequency           :    16 MHz
 Type of receiving system       :    Direct conversion
 Antenna Specification          :    Ferrite antenna coil

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                            Test report No.       : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                            Page                  : 5 of 37
                                                                                            Issued date           : October 31, 2018
                                                                                            FCC ID                : HYQB1NA0

 SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results

 3.1      Test Specification

 Test Specification                      :    FCC Part 15 Subpart C
                                              FCC Part 15 final revised on March 12, 2018 and effective April 11, 2018

 Title                                   :    FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device Subpart C Intentional Radiators
                                              Section 15.207 Conducted Emission
                                              Section 15.209 Radiated emission limits, general requirements

 * The revision on March 12, 2018, does not affect the test specification applied to the EUT.

 3.2      Procedures and results

No.              Item                Test Procedure          Specification    Remarks Deviation               Worst margin             Results
                                 ANSI C63.10:2013
                                 6 Standard test methods    Section 15.207
 1     Conducted Emission                                                    -           N/A *1)     N/A                          N/A
                                 <IC>                       <IC>
                                 RSS-Gen 8.8                RSS-Gen 8.8
                                                                                                     0.4 dB
                                                                                                     0.12500 MHz
                                  <FCC>                     <FCC>
                                                                                                     0 deg.
                                  ANSI C63.10:2013          Section 15.209
       Electric Field Strength of 6 Standard test methods                                            PK with Duty factor
 2                                                          <IC>             Radiated    N/A                                   Complied#
       Fundamental Emission       <IC>                                                               (Rear(Front) Bumper/
                                                            RSS-210 4.4
                                  RSS-Gen 6.4, 6.12                                                  Frunk Antenna) /
                                                            RSS-Gen 8.9
                                                                                                     (Trunk Antenna + Interior
                                  <FCC>                     <FCC>
                                                                                                     10.1 dB
                                  ANSI C63.10:2013          Section 15.209
       Electric Field Strength of 6 Standard test methods                                            49.875 MHz,
 3                                                          <IC>             Radiated    N/A                                      Complied
       Spurious Emission          <IC>                                                               Vertical, QP
                                                            RSS-210 4.4
                                  RSS-Gen 6.4, 6.13                                                  (Immo Combo Antenna)
                                                            RSS-Gen 8.9
                                  <FCC>                      <FCC>
                                  ANSI C63.10:2013
 4 -26dB Bandwidth                6 Standard test methods Reference data Radiated N/A                  N/A                         N/A
                                  <IC>                       <IC>
                                  -                          -
Note: UL Japan, Inc.’s EMI Work Procedures No. 13-EM-W0420 and 13-EM-W0422.
*1) The test is not applicable since the EUT is not the device that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line.
Complied             The data of this test item has enough margin, more than the measurement uncertainty.
Complied#            The data of this test item meets the limits unless the measurement uncertainty is taken into consideration.

 FCC 15.31 (e)
 The test was performed with the New Battery (DC 12.0 V) and the EUT constantly provides the stable voltage to RF
 part through the regulator regardless of input voltage from New Battery. Therefore, this EUT complies with the

 FCC Part 15.203 Antenna requirement
 It is impossible for end users to replace the antenna, because the antenna is mounted inside of the vehicle. Therefore, the
 equipment complies with the antenna requirement of Section 15.203.

 UL Japan, Inc.
 Ise EMC Lab.
 4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
 Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
 Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                        Test report No.     : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                        Page                : 6 of 37
                                                                                        Issued date         : October 31, 2018
                                                                                        FCC ID              : HYQB1NA0

3.3       Addition to standard

  No. Item                 Test Procedure          Specification         Remarks     Deviation Worst margin               Results
  1    99% Occupied        RSS-Gen 6.6             -                     Radiated    N/A            N/A                   N/A
       Band Width
    Complied      The data of this test item has enough margin, more than the measurement uncertainty.
    Complied#     The data of this test item meets the limits unless the measurement uncertainty is taken into consideration.
Other than above, no addition, exclusion nor deviation has been made from the standard.

3.4       Uncertainty

The following uncertainties have been calculated to provide a confidence level of 95% using a coverage factor k=2.

                                        Radiated emission
          Test distance                       (+/-)

                                         9 kHz to 30 MHz
  3m                                         3.8 dB
  10 m                                       3.6 dB
*Measurement distance

                                              Radiated emission (Below 1 GHz)
      Polarity                    (3 m*)(+/-)                                 (10 m*)(+/-)
                   30 MHz to 200 MHz    200 MHz to 1000 MHz    30 MHz to 200 MHz    200 MHz to 1000 MHz
      Horizontal        4.8 dB                5.2 dB                  4.8 dB               5.0 dB
       Vertical         5.0 dB                6.3 dB                  4.9 dB               5.0 dB

                                             Radiated emission (Above 1 GHz)
                 (3 m*)(+/-)                                     (1 m*)(+/-)                           (10 m*)(+/-)
    1 GHz to 6 GHz      6 GHz to 18 GHz        10 GHz to 26.5 GHz      26.5 GHz to 40 GHz            1 GHz to 18 GHz
         5.2 dB              5.5 dB                   5.9 dB                 5.9 dB                       5.5 dB
* Measurement distance

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                               Test report No.       : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                               Page                  : 7 of 37
                                                                                               Issued date           : October 31, 2018
                                                                                               FCC ID                : HYQB1NA0

3.5         Test Location

UL Japan, Inc. Ise EM C Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, M ie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 596 24 8999, Facsimile: +81 596 24 8124
NVLAP Lab. code: 200572-0 / FCC Test Firm Registration Number: 199967
                                                                                                                             M aximum
                       IC Registration   Width x Depth x       Size of reference ground plane (m) /
Test site                                                                                              Other rooms           measurement
                       Number            Height (m)            horizontal conducting plane
No.1 semi-anechoic                                                                                       No.1 Power source
                         2973C-1           19.2 x 11.2 x 7.7     7.0 x 6.0                                                   10 m
chamber                                                                                                  room
No.2 semi-anechoic
                         2973C-2           7.5 x 5.8 x 5.2       4.0 x 4.0                               -                   3m
No.3 semi-anechoic                                                                                       No.3 Preparation
                         2973C-3           12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9      6.8 x 5.75                                                  3m
chamber                                                                                                  room
No.3 shielded room       -                 4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7       N/A                                     -                   -
No.4 semi-anechoic                                                                                       No.4 Preparation
                         2973C-4           12.0 x 8.5 x 5.9      6.8 x 5.75                                                  3m
chamber                                                                                                  room
No.4 shielded room       -                 4.0 x 6.0 x 2.7       N/A                                     -                   -
No.5 semi-anechoic
                         -                 6.0 x 6.0 x 3.9       6.0 x 6.0                               -                   -
No.6 shielded room       -                 4.0 x 4.5 x 2.7       4.0 x 4.5                               -                   -
No.6 measurement
                         -                 4.75 x 5.4 x 3.0      4.75 x 4.15                             -                   -
No.7 shielded room       -                 4.7 x 7.5 x 2.7       4.7 x 7.5                               -                   -
No.8 measurement
                         -                 3.1 x 5.0 x 2.7       N/A                                     -                   -
No.9 measurement
                         -                 8.8 x 4.6 x 2.8       2.4 x 2.4                               -                   -
No.11 measurement
                         -                 6.2 x 4.7 x 3.0       4.8 x 4.6                               -                   -
* Size of vertical conducting plane (for Conducted Emission test) : 2.0 m x 2.0m for No.1, No.2, No.3, and No.4 semi-
anechoic chambers and No.3 and No.4 shielded rooms.

3.6     Test data, Test instruments, and Test set up

Refer to APPENDIX.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                               Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                               Page              : 8 of 37
                                                                               Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                               FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing
4.1     Operating Modes

Mode                                                                             Timing of            Remarks
                                                                                 transmission *2)
(1)Transmitting mode (Tx) Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna                       Pattern #0            *1)
(2)Transmitting mode (Tx) Trunk Antenna                                          Pattern #0            *1)
(3)Transmitting mode (Tx) Trunk Antenna + Interior Antenna                       Pattern #1            *1)
(4)Transmitting mode (Tx)                                                        Pattern #2            *1)
   Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna + Trunk Antenna + Trunk Antenna
(5)Transmitting mode (Tx) Immo Combo Antenna                                     -                     -
*1) The time division transmission was performed with one representative antenna for each type(Trunk,Interior...) in
    transmission mode.
    For trasnmitting modes of more than one antenna typs, the respective number of representative anttenas was used.
    This transmission timing was worse than the one using six antennas of normal use.
*2) Refer to “Theory of Operation-Tx_Timing of Transmission”.

4.2 Configuration and peripherals

                                        8                     2
                               H                                                 B
                                                   A          3
                       9                                                         E

                 DC 12 V
                                   DC 12 V

* Cabling and setup were taken into consideration and test data was taken under worse case conditions.
* Although eight antennas (maximum) are connected to Global B BCM, there were no affect with or without two ports
  out of those ports.
  Therefore the tests was performed with six antennas connected.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                         Test report No.    : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                         Page               : 9 of 37
                                                                         Issued date        : October 31, 2018
                                                                         FCC ID             : HYQB1NA0

Description of EUT and Support equipment
No. Item                                 Model number    Serial number        Manufacturer          Remarks
 A Passive Entry Passive Start System    B1NA0           810014E5             DENSO                 EUT
     (LF Transmitter and LF Transceiver)                                      CORPORATION
 B Interior Antenna                      -               4-9                  DENSO                 EUT
 C Interior Antenna                       -              4-16                 DENSO                 EUT
 D Trunk Antenna                          -              3-2                  DENSO                 EUT
 E Trunk Antenna                          -              3-4                  DENSO                 EUT
 F   Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna     -              5-3                  DENSO                 EUT
 G Immo Combo Antenna                     -              8-15                 DENSO                 EUT
 H Checker bench                          -              No.1                 -                     -

List of cables used
No. Name                          Length (m)                         Shield                     Remarks
                                                          Cable                Connector
1     DC Cable                    3.0                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -
2     Antenna Cable               1.0                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -
3     Antenna Cable               1.0                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -
4     Antenna Cable               1.0                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -
5     Antenna Cable               1.0                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -
6     Antenna Cable               1.0                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -
7     Antenna Cable               1.0                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -
8     Signal Cable                1.5                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -
9     DC Cable                    2.0                   Unshielded             Unshielded       -

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                   Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                   Page              : 10 of 37
                                                                                   Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                                   FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

SECTION 5: Radiated emission (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)
Test Procedure

EUT was placed on a urethane platform of nominal size, 0.5 m by 1.0 m, raised 0.8 m above the conducting ground
The Radiated Electric Field Strength has been measured in a Semi Anechoic Chamber with a ground plane.

  Frequency : From 9 kHz to 30 MHz
    The EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain the maximum value of the electric field intensity.
    The measurements were performed for vertical polarization (antenna angle: 0 deg., 45 deg., 90 deg., and 135 deg.)
    and horizontal polarization.
    *Refer to Figure 1 about Direction of the Loop Antenna.

  Frequency: From 30 MHz to 1 GHz
    The measuring antenna height varied between 1 and 4 m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain
    the maximum value of the electric field intensity.
    The measurements were performed for both vertical and horizontal antenna polarization.

The test was made with the detector (RBW / VBW) in the following table.
When using Spectrum analyzer, the test was made with adjusting span to zero by using peak hold.

Test Antennas are used as below;
Frequency             Below 30 MHz                        30 MHz to 200 MHz              200 MHz to 1 GHz
Antenna Type          Loop                                Biconical                      Logperiodic

Frequency              From 9 kHz           From 90 kHz      From 150 kHz          From 490 kHz       From 30 MHz
                        to 90 kHz            to 110 kHz       to 490 kHz             to 30 MHz          to 1 GHz
                      From 110 kHz
                       to 150 kHz
Instrument used                                               Test Receiver
Detector                  PK / AV                 QP           PK / AV                  QP                 QP
IF Bandwidth               200 Hz               200 Hz           9 kHz                 9 kHz             120 kHz
Test Distance             3 m *1)               3 m *1)         3 m *1)               3 m *2)              3m
*1) Distance Factor: 40 x log (3 m / 300 m) = -80 dB
*2) Distance Factor: 40 x log (3 m / 30 m) = -40 dB

Although these tests were performed other than open field test site, adequate comparison measurements were confirmed
against 30 m open field test site. Therefore sufficient tests were made to demonstrate that the alternative site produces
results that correlate with the ones of tests made in an open field based on KDB 414788.

These tests were performed in semi anechoic chamber. Therefore the measured level of emissions may be higher than if
measurements were made without a ground plane.
However test results were confirmed to pass against standard limit.

[Test Setup]
Below 1 GHz
                                                              Test Distance: 3 m

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                 Page              : 11 of 37
                                                                                 Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                                 FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

- The carrier level and noise levels were confirmed at each position of X, Y and Z axes of EUT to see the position of
maximum noise, and the test was made at the position that has the maximum noise.

The test results and limit are rounded off to one decimal place, so some differences might be observed.

Measurement range                   : 9 kHz - 1 GHz
Test data                           : APPENDIX 1
Test result                         : Pass

Date: March 12 and 13, 2018                            Test engineer: Koji Yamamoto

Figure 1: Direction of the Loop Antenna

  Side View (Vertical)


  Top View (Horizontal)


                                            Antenna was not rotated.

 Top View (Vertical)


       EUT                                  90deg


                                          Front side: 0 deg.
                                          Forward direction: clockwise

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.    : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                 Page               : 12 of 37
                                                                                 Issued date        : October 31, 2018
                                                                                 FCC ID             : HYQB1NA0

SECTION 6: -26dB Bandwidth
Test Procedure

The test was measured with a spectrum analyzer using a test fixture.

Test                      Span                RBW        VBW           Sweep   Detector     Trace        Instrument used
-26 dB Bandwidth          50 kHz              1 kHz      3 kHz         Auto    Peak         Max Hold     Spectrum Analyzer

Test data                                    : APPENDIX 1
Test result                                  : Pass

SECTION 7: 99% Occupied Bandwidth
Test Procedure

The test was measured with a spectrum analyzer using a test fixture.

Test               Span                       RBW        VBW           Sweep   Detector     Trace        Instrument used
99 % Occupied      Enough width to display    1 to 5 %   Three times   Auto    Peak         Max Hold     Spectrum Analyzer
Bandwidth          emission skirts            of OBW     of RBW

Peak hold was applied as Worst-case measurement.

Test data                                    : APPENDIX 1
Test result                                  : Pass

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                         Test report No.       : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                         Page                  : 13 of 37
                                                                                                         Issued date           : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                         FCC ID                : HYQB1NA0

APPENDIX 1: Test data

                Radiated Emission below 30 MHz (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)
                                                      Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna

                          Test place                            Ise EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                          Order No.                             12166394H
                          Date                                  03/12/2018
                          Temperature/ Humidity                 23 deg. C / 37 % RH
                          Engineer                              Koji Yamamoto
                          Mode                                  (1)

   PK or QP
     Ant Deg [deg]     Frequency Detector Reading       Ant     Loss     Gain      Duty         Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
            or          消すな                           Factor                      Factor
   Polarity [Hori/Vert] [MHz]              [dBuV]     [dB/m]    [dB]     [dB]      [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                    0     0.12500 PK         106.5       19.8    -64.2     32.3            -         29.8   45.6              15.8 Fundamental
                    0     0.25000 PK          34.4       19.7    -64.3     32.3            -        -42.5   39.6              82.1
                    0     0.37500 PK          64.3       19.7    -64.3     32.3            -        -12.6   36.1              48.7
                    0     0.50000 QP          38.3       19.7    -24.2     32.3            -          1.5   33.6              32.1
                    0     0.62500 QP          23.6       19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -13.2   31.0              44.2
                    0     0.75000 QP          22.0       19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -14.8   30.1              44.9
                    0     0.87500 QP          49.5       19.7    -24.3     32.2            -         12.7   28.7              16.0
                    0     1.00000 QP          25.5       19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -11.3   27.6              38.9
                    0     1.12500 QP          44.2       19.7    -24.3     32.2            -          7.4   26.5              19.1
                    0     1.25000 QP          21.5       19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -15.3   25.6              40.9
    Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier)

    PK with Duty factor
     Ant Deg [deg]    Frequency    Detector Reading     Ant     Loss     Gain      Duty         Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
       Ant Deg          消すな                           Factor                      Factor
       Ant Deg          [MHz]               [dBuV]    [dB/m]    [dB]     [dB]      [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                  0      0.12500   PK         106.5      19.8    -64.2     32.3       -4.6           25.2   25.6               0.4 Fundamental
                  0      0.25000   PK          34.4      19.7    -64.3     32.3       -4.6          -47.1   19.6              66.7
                  0      0.37500   PK          64.3      19.7    -64.3     32.3       -4.6          -17.2   16.1              33.3
    Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier) + Duty factor

    PK              (Result of the fundamental emission at 3m without Distance factor)
     Ant Deg [deg]   Frequency Detector Reading      Ant      Loss     Gain       Duty          Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
       Ant Deg        消すな                           Factor                       Factor
       Ant Deg         [MHz]              [dBuV] [dB/m]       [dB]     [dB]       [dB]         [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                  0     0.12500 PK          106.5     19.8      15.8     32.3           -           109.8      -                 - Fundamental
    * All spurious emissions lower than this result.

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                         Test report No.       : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                         Page                  : 14 of 37
                                                                                                         Issued date           : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                         FCC ID                : HYQB1NA0

                Radiated Emission below 30 MHz (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)
                                                                   Trunk Antenna

                          Test place                            Ise EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                          Order No.                             12166394H
                          Date                                  03/12/2018
                          Temperature/ Humidity                 23 deg. C / 37 % RH
                          Engineer                              Koji Yamamoto
                          Mode                                  (2)

   PK or QP
     Ant Deg [deg] Frequency Detector Reading           Ant     Loss     Gain      Duty         Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
            or          消すな                           Factor                      Factor
   Polarity [Hori/Vert] [MHz]          [dBuV]         [dB/m]    [dB]     [dB]      [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                    0    0.12500 PK      105.9           19.8    -64.2     32.3            -         29.2   45.6              16.4 Fundamental
                    0    0.25000 PK       42.2           19.7    -64.3     32.3            -        -34.7   39.6              74.3
                    0    0.37500 PK       43.9           19.7    -64.3     32.3            -        -33.0   36.1              69.1
                    0    0.50000 QP       37.6           19.7    -24.2     32.3            -          0.8   33.6              32.8
                    0    0.62500 QP       54.3           19.7    -24.3     32.3            -         17.4   31.7              14.3
                    0    0.75000 QP       21.9           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -14.9   30.1              45.0
                    0    0.87500 QP       49.7           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -         12.9   28.7              15.8
                    0    1.00000 QP       23.8           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -13.0   27.6              40.6
                    0    1.12500 QP       40.0           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -          3.2   26.5              23.3
                    0    1.25000 QP       21.4           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -15.4   25.6              41.0
    Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier)

    PK with Duty factor
     Ant Deg [deg] Frequency       Detector Reading     Ant     Loss     Gain      Duty         Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
       Ant Deg          消すな                           Factor                      Factor
       Ant Deg          [MHz]               [dBuV]    [dB/m]    [dB]     [dB]      [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                  0      0.12500   PK         105.9      19.8    -64.2     32.3       -4.6           24.6   25.6               1.0 Fundamental
                  0      0.25000   PK          42.2      19.7    -64.3     32.3       -4.6          -39.3   19.6              58.9
                  0      0.37500   PK          43.9      19.7    -64.3     32.3       -4.6          -37.6   16.1              53.7
    Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier) + Duty factor

    PK              (Result of the fundamental emission at 3m without Distance factor)
     Ant Deg [deg] Frequency Detector Reading        Ant      Loss     Gain       Duty          Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
       Ant Deg        消すな                           Factor                       Factor
       Ant Deg        [MHz]               [dBuV] [dB/m]       [dB]     [dB]       [dB]         [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                  0    0.12500 PK           105.9     19.8      15.8     32.3           -           109.2      -                 - Fundamental
    * All spurious emissions lower than this result.

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                       Test report No.          : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                                       Page                     : 15 of 37
                                                                                                                       Issued date              : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                                       FCC ID                   : HYQB1NA0

               Radiated Emission below 30 MHz (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)
                                                     Trunk Antenna + Interior Antenna

                          Test place                           Ise EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                          Order No.                            12166394H
                          Date                                 03/12/2018
                          Temperature/ Humidity                23 deg. C / 37 % RH
                          Engineer                             Koji Yamamoto
                          Mode                                 (3)

   PK or QP
     Ant Deg [deg]     Frequency Detector Reading      Ant     Loss       Gain         Duty             Result         Limit          Margin             Remark
            or          消すな                          Factor                           Factor
   Polarity [Hori/Vert] [MHz]              [dBuV]    [dB/m]    [dB]        [dB]        [dB]         [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]                  [dB]
                    0     0.12500 PK         111.8      19.8    -64.2        32.3              -          35.1   45.6                          10.5 Fundamental
                    0     0.25000 PK          47.1      19.7    -64.3        32.3              -         -29.8   39.6                          69.4
                    0     0.37500 PK          60.1      19.7    -64.3        32.3              -         -16.8   36.1                          52.9
                    0     0.50000 QP          38.4      19.7    -24.2        32.3              -           1.6   33.6                          32.0
                    0     0.62500 QP          58.0      19.7    -24.3        32.3              -          21.1   31.7                          10.6
                    0     0.75000 QP          22.0      19.7    -24.3        32.2              -         -14.8   30.1                          44.9
                    0     0.87500 QP          52.7      19.7    -24.3        32.2              -          15.9   28.7                          12.8
                    0     1.00000 QP          25.4      19.7    -24.3        32.2              -         -11.4   27.6                          39.0
                    0     1.12500 QP          44.5      19.7    -24.3        32.2              -           7.7   26.5                          18.8
                    0     1.25000 QP          21.4      19.7    -24.3        32.2              -         -15.4   25.6                          41.0
    Result = 2 Simultaneous Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier)

    PK with Duty factor
     Ant Deg [deg]    Frequency    Detector         Result1            Result2                     Result         Limit              Margin             Remark
       Ant Deg         消すな                       log      anti-log  log    anti-log
       Ant Deg          [MHz]                 [dBuV/m]      [uV] [dBuV/m] [uV]                 [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]                      [dB]
                  0      0.12500   PK               24.5      16.8    2.4       1.3                  25.2   25.6                               0.4 Fundamental
                  0      0.25000   PK              -40.4      0.01  -62.5     0.001                 -39.7   19.6                              59.3
                  0      0.37500   PK              -27.4      0.04  -49.5     0.003                 -26.7   16.1                              42.8
    Result = 20 * log10(Result 1(anti-log) + Result 2(anti-log))
                     *For sprious emissions ,since the peak emission result satisfied the average limit , duty factor was omitted.
Based on § 15.35 (c), the Duty Factor for the average field strength is shown below.

This mode is a simultaneous transmission mode using two antennas (Trunk Antenna and Interior Antenna).
The duty factor was calculated at the time of transmission for each antenna, and the average was calculated.
                   Pulse type 1_PK with Duty factor
                    Ant Deg [deg] Frequency Detector Reading              Ant       Loss       Gain         Duty          Result 1
                       Ant Deg        消すな                               Factor                              Factor
                       Ant Deg        [MHz]            [dBuV]           [dB/m]      [dB]       [dB]          [dB]        [dBuV/m]
                                  0      0.125 PK         105.8            19.8      -64.2       32.3           -4.6           24.5
                                  0      0.250 PK          41.1            19.7      -64.3       32.3           -4.6          -40.4
                                  0      0.375 PK          54.1            19.7      -64.3       32.3           -4.6          -27.4
                   Pulse type 2_PK with Duty factor
                    Ant Deg [deg] Frequency Detector Reading              Ant       Loss       Gain          Duty         Result 2
                       Ant Deg        消すな                                Factor                             Factor
                       Ant Deg        [MHz]           [dBuV]            [dB/m]      [dB]       [dB]          [dB]        [dBuV/m]
                                  0      0.125 PK         105.8            19.8      -64.2       32.3          -26.7            2.4
                                  0      0.250 PK          41.1            19.7      -64.3       32.3          -26.7          -62.5
                                  0      0.375 PK          54.1            19.7      -64.3       32.3          -26.7          -49.5
                   Result = Caluculation + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier) + Duty factor
                   *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

   The transmission timing chart for each antenna individually (pulse type1 and pulse type2) is shown in P26.

    PK              (Result of the fundamental emission at 3m without Distance factor)
     Ant Deg [deg]   Frequency Detector Reading      Ant      Loss     Gain       Duty                  Result         Limit          Margin             Remark
       Ant Deg        消すな                           Factor                       Factor
       Ant Deg         [MHz]              [dBuV] [dB/m]       [dB]     [dB]       [dB]              [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]                  [dB]
                  0     0.12500 PK          111.8     19.8      15.8     32.3           -                115.1      -                             - Fundamental
    * All spurious emissions lower than this result.

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                         Test report No.       : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                         Page                  : 16 of 37
                                                                                                         Issued date           : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                         FCC ID                : HYQB1NA0

                Radiated Emission below 30 MHz (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)
                         Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna + Trunk Antenna + Trunk Antenna

                          Test place                            Ise EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                          Order No.                             12166394H
                          Date                                  03/12/2018
                          Temperature/ Humidity                 23 deg. C / 37 % RH
                          Engineer                              Koji Yamamoto
                          Mode                                  (4)

   PK or QP
     Ant Deg [deg] Frequency Detector Reading           Ant     Loss     Gain      Duty         Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
            or          消すな                           Factor                      Factor
   Polarity [Hori/Vert] [MHz]          [dBuV]         [dB/m]    [dB]     [dB]      [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                    0    0.12500 PK      109.4           19.8    -64.2     32.3            -         32.7   45.6              12.9 Fundamental
                    0    0.25000 PK       52.3           19.7    -64.3     32.3            -        -24.6   39.6              64.2
                    0    0.37500 PK       65.2           19.7    -64.3     32.3            -        -11.7   36.1              47.8
                    0    0.50000 QP       28.0           19.7    -24.2     32.3            -         -8.8   33.6              42.4
                    0    0.62500 QP       53.0           19.7    -24.3     32.3            -         16.1   31.7              15.6
                    0    0.75000 QP       22.0           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -14.8   30.1              44.9
                    0    0.87500 QP       41.2           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -          4.4   28.7              24.3
                    0    1.00000 QP       21.7           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -15.1   27.6              42.7
                    0    1.12500 QP       37.7           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -          0.9   26.5              25.6
                    0    1.25000 QP       21.4           19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -15.4   25.6              41.0
    Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier)

    PK with Duty factor
     Ant Deg [deg] Frequency       Detector Reading     Ant     Loss     Gain      Duty         Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
       Ant Deg          消すな                           Factor                      Factor
       Ant Deg          [MHz]               [dBuV]    [dB/m]    [dB]     [dB]      [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                  0      0.12500   PK         109.4      19.8    -64.2     32.3      -17.9           14.8   25.6              10.8 Fundamental
                  0      0.25000   PK          52.3      19.7    -64.3     32.3      -17.9          -42.5   19.6              62.1
                  0      0.37500   PK          65.2      19.7    -64.3     32.3      -17.9          -29.6   16.1              45.7
    Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier) + Duty factor

    PK              (Result of the fundamental emission at 3m without Distance factor)
     Ant Deg [deg] Frequency Detector Reading        Ant      Loss     Gain       Duty          Result    Limit      Margin             Remark
       Ant Deg        消すな                           Factor                       Factor
       Ant Deg        [MHz]               [dBuV] [dB/m]       [dB]     [dB]       [dB]         [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]
                  0    0.12500 PK           109.4     19.8      15.8     32.3           -           112.7      -                 - Fundamental
    * All spurious emissions lower than this result.

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                     Test report No.       : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                     Page                  : 17 of 37
                                                                                                     Issued date           : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                     FCC ID                : HYQB1NA0

                Radiated Emission below 30 MHz (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)
                                                            Immo Combo Antenna

                          Test place                        Ise EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                          Order No.                         12166394H
                          Date                              03/12/2018
                          Temperature/ Humidity             23 deg. C / 37 % RH
                          Engineer                          Koji Yamamoto
                          Mode                              (5)

PK or QP
  Ant Deg [deg]     Frequency Detector Reading      Ant     Loss     Gain      Duty         Result      Limit          Margin             Remark
         or          消すな                          Factor                      Factor
Polarity [Hori/Vert] [MHz]              [dBuV]    [dB/m]    [dB]     [dB]      [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]            [dB]
                 0     0.12500 PK         101.4      19.8    -64.2     32.3            -         24.7   45.6                    20.9 Fundamental
                 0     0.25000 PK          44.6      19.7    -64.3     32.3            -        -32.3   39.6                    71.9
                 0     0.37500 PK          64.0      19.7    -64.3     32.3            -        -12.9   36.1                    49.0
                 0     0.50000 QP          26.0      19.7    -24.2     32.3            -        -10.8   33.6                    44.4
                 0     0.62500 QP          22.0      19.7    -24.3     32.3            -        -14.9   31.7                    46.6
                 0     0.75000 QP          21.9      19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -14.9   30.1                    45.0
                 0     0.87500 QP          41.6      19.7    -24.3     32.2            -          4.8   28.7                    23.9
                 0     1.00000 QP          22.6      19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -14.2   27.6                    41.8
                 0     1.12500 QP          33.6      19.7    -24.3     32.2            -         -3.2   26.5                    29.7
                 0     1.25000 QP          21.3      19.7    -24.3     32.2            -        -15.5   25.6                    41.1
Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier)

PK with Duty factor
 Ant Deg [deg]    Frequency    Detector Reading     Ant     Loss     Gain      Duty         Result      Limit          Margin             Remark
   Ant Deg         消すな                            Factor                      Factor
   Ant Deg          [MHz]               [dBuV]    [dB/m]    [dB]     [dB]      [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]            [dB]
              0      0.12500   PK         101.4      19.8    -64.2     32.3       0.0            24.7   25.6                     0.9 Fundamental
              0      0.25000   PK          44.6      19.7    -64.3     32.3       0.0           -32.3   19.6                    51.9
              0      0.37500   PK          64.0      19.7    -64.3     32.3       0.0           -12.9   16.1                    29.0
Result = Reading + Ant Factor + Loss (Cable + Attenuator + Filter + D.Factor) - Gain(Amprifier) + Duty factor
               *Since the peak emission result satisfied the average limit , duty factor was omitted.

PK              (Result of the fundamental emission at 3m without Distance factor)
 Ant Deg [deg]   Frequency Detector Reading       Ant     Loss     Gain        Duty         Result      Limit          Margin             Remark
   Ant Deg        消すな                           Factor                        Factor
   Ant Deg         [MHz]              [dBuV] [dB/m]       [dB]     [dB]        [dB]        [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]            [dB]
              0     0.12500 PK          101.4      19.8     15.8     32.3            -          104.7      -                       - Fundamental
* All spurious emissions lower than this result.

            *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                     Test report No.              : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                                     Page                         : 18 of 37
                                                                                                                     Issued date                  : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                                     FCC ID                       : HYQB1NA0

                             Radiated Emission above 30 MHz (Spurious Emission)
                                                     Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna

             Test place                                  Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber                       No.3
             Report No.                                  12166394H
             Date                                        March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity                      26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                                    Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                                        (1)

                LIMIT : FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                        Except for the data below : adequate margin data below the limits.                                                  Horizontal
                    [dBuV/m]           << QP DATA >>                                                                                        Vertical








                 30M                 50M           70M          100M                     200M             300M                500M       700M        1G

                                                     Antenna     Loss&
                     Frequency     Reading                                  Level      Angle    Height             Limit      Margin
                                             DET      Factor      Gain                                   Polar.                         Comment
                       [MHz]       [dBuV]             [dB/m]      [dB]     [dBuV/m]    [Deg]    [cm]              [dBuV/m]     [dB]
                          36.517      23.0   QP          15.3      -25.0        13.3      189      400   Hori.         40.0      26.7
                          36.517      33.0   QP          15.3      -25.0        23.3      263      100   Vert.         40.0      16.7
                          40.767      29.3   QP          14.0      -24.9        18.4      261      100   Vert.         40.0      21.6
                          40.767      24.0   QP          14.0      -24.9        13.1      184      400   Hori.         40.0      26.9
                         109.900      22.6   QP          11.4      -23.9        10.1        0      100   Vert.         43.5      33.4
                         109.900      23.0   QP          11.4      -23.9        10.5        0      100   Hori.         43.5      33.0
                         324.000      21.9   QP          13.9      -21.8        14.0        0      100   Vert.         46.0      32.0
                         324.000      21.9   QP          13.9      -21.8        14.0        0      100   Hori.         46.0      32.0
                         509.335      21.7   QP          17.7      -20.6        18.8        0      100   Vert.         46.0      27.2
                         509.335      21.7   QP          17.7      -20.6        18.8        0      100   Hori.         46.0      27.2
                         981.328      20.7   QP          22.2      -16.7        26.2        0      100   Hori.         53.9      27.7
                         981.328      20.7   QP          22.2      -16.7        26.2        0      100   Vert.         53.9      27.7

  ANT TYPE: - 30 MHz: LOOP, 30 MHz - 200 MHz: BICONICAL, 200 MHz - 1000 MHz: LOGPERIODIC, 1000 MHz -: HORN

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                     Test report No.              : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                                     Page                         : 19 of 37
                                                                                                                     Issued date                  : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                                     FCC ID                       : HYQB1NA0

                             Radiated Emission above 30 MHz (Spurious Emission)
                                                                       Trunk Antenna

             Test place                                  Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber                       No.3
             Report No.                                  12166394H
             Date                                        March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity                      26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                                    Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                                        (2)

                LIMIT : FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                        All other spurious emissions were less than 20dB for the limit.                                                     Horizontal
                    [dBuV/m]           << QP DATA >>                                                                                        Vertical








                 30M                 50M           70M          100M                     200M             300M                500M       700M        1G

                                                     Antenna     Loss&
                     Frequency     Reading                                  Level      Angle    Height             Limit      Margin
                                             DET      Factor      Gain                                   Polar.                         Comment
                       [MHz]       [dBuV]             [dB/m]      [dB]     [dBuV/m]    [Deg]    [cm]              [dBuV/m]     [dB]
                          36.343      23.3   QP          15.3      -25.0        13.6      189      276   Hori.         40.0      26.4
                          36.343      28.4   QP          15.3      -25.0        18.7      249      100   Vert.         40.0      21.3
                          40.880      27.4   QP          13.9      -24.9        16.4      278      100   Vert.         40.0      23.6
                          40.880      23.9   QP          13.9      -24.9        12.9        0      375   Hori.         40.0      27.1
                          52.375      32.7   QP           9.8      -24.7        17.8      280      100   Vert.         40.0      22.2
                          52.375      32.0   QP           9.8      -24.7        17.1        9      375   Hori.         40.0      22.9
                         324.000      22.0   QP          13.9      -21.8        14.1        0      100   Vert.         46.0      31.9
                         324.000      22.0   QP          13.9      -21.8        14.1        0      100   Hori.         46.0      31.9
                         509.335      21.8   QP          17.7      -20.6        18.9        0      100   Vert.         46.0      27.1
                         509.335      21.8   QP          17.7      -20.6        18.9        0      100   Hori.         46.0      27.1
                         981.328      20.8   QP          22.2      -16.7        26.3        0      100   Hori.         53.9      27.6
                         981.328      20.8   QP          22.2      -16.7        26.3        0      100   Vert.         53.9      27.6

  ANT TYPE: - 30 MHz: LOOP, 30 MHz - 200 MHz: BICONICAL, 200 MHz - 1000 MHz: LOGPERIODIC, 1000 MHz -: HORN

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                     Test report No.              : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                                     Page                         : 20 of 37
                                                                                                                     Issued date                  : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                                     FCC ID                       : HYQB1NA0

                             Radiated Emission above 30 MHz (Spurious Emission)
                                                         Trunk Antenna + Interior Antenna

             Test place                                  Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber                       No.3
             Report No.                                  12166394H
             Date                                        March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity                      26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                                    Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                                        (3)

                LIMIT : FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                        All other spurious emissions were less than 20dB for the limit.                                                     Horizontal
                    [dBuV/m]           << QP DATA >>                                                                                        Vertical








                 30M                 50M           70M          100M                     200M             300M                500M       700M        1G

                                                     Antenna     Loss&
                     Frequency     Reading                                  Level      Angle    Height             Limit      Margin
                                             DET      Factor      Gain                                   Polar.                         Comment
                       [MHz]       [dBuV]             [dB/m]      [dB]     [dBuV/m]    [Deg]    [cm]              [dBuV/m]     [dB]
                          36.124      38.5   QP          15.4      -25.0        28.9      264      100   Vert.         40.0      11.1
                          36.124      28.3   QP          15.4      -25.0        18.7      344      283   Hori.         40.0      21.3
                          59.001      27.0   QP           7.7      -24.6        10.1      359      300   Hori.         40.0      29.9
                          59.001      33.0   QP           7.7      -24.6        16.1      261      100   Vert.         40.0      23.9
                          64.000      24.4   QP           6.8      -24.5         6.7      346      312   Hori.         40.0      33.3
                          64.000      32.3   QP           6.8      -24.5        14.6      260      100   Vert.         40.0      25.4
                         126.900      22.9   QP          13.3      -23.7        12.5        0      100   Vert.         43.5      31.0
                         126.900      22.9   QP          13.3      -23.7        12.5      359      300   Hori.         43.5      31.0
                         175.918      22.1   QP          16.2      -23.1        15.2        0      100   Vert.         43.5      28.3
                         175.918      22.1   QP          16.2      -23.1        15.2      359      300   Hori.         43.5      28.3
                         415.875      30.2   QP          15.9      -21.2        24.9      345      130   Vert.         46.0      21.1
                         415.875      37.6   QP          15.9      -21.2        32.3      303      100   Hori.         46.0      13.7

  ANT TYPE: - 30 MHz: LOOP, 30 MHz - 200 MHz: BICONICAL, 200 MHz - 1000 MHz: LOGPERIODIC, 1000 MHz -: HORN

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                     Test report No.              : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                                     Page                         : 21 of 37
                                                                                                                     Issued date                  : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                                     FCC ID                       : HYQB1NA0

                             Radiated Emission above 30 MHz (Spurious Emission)
                       Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna + Trunk Antenna + Trunk Antenna

             Test place                                  Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber                       No.3
             Report No.                                  12166394H
             Date                                        March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity                      26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                                    Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                                        (4)

                LIMIT : FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                        All other spurious emissions were less than 20dB for the limit.                                                     Horizontal
                    [dBuV/m]           << QP DATA >>                                                                                        Vertical








                 30M                 50M           70M          100M                     200M             300M                500M       700M        1G

                                                     Antenna     Loss&
                     Frequency     Reading                                  Level      Angle    Height             Limit      Margin
                                             DET      Factor      Gain                                   Polar.                         Comment
                       [MHz]       [dBuV]             [dB/m]      [dB]     [dBuV/m]    [Deg]    [cm]              [dBuV/m]     [dB]
                          36.376      32.6   QP          15.3      -25.0        22.9      272      100   Vert.         40.0      17.1
                          36.376      24.0   QP          15.3      -25.0        14.3      321      270   Hori.         40.0      25.7
                          57.377      34.7   QP           8.2      -24.6        18.3      186      365   Hori.         40.0      21.7
                          59.628      32.5   QP           7.5      -24.6        15.4      287      100   Vert.         40.0      24.6
                          63.001      32.9   QP           6.9      -24.5        15.3       14      301   Hori.         40.0      24.7
                          64.876      31.6   QP           6.7      -24.5        13.8      264      100   Vert.         40.0      26.2
                         126.900      22.4   QP          13.3      -23.7        12.0        0      100   Vert.         43.5      31.5
                         126.900      22.4   QP          13.3      -23.7        12.0      359      300   Hori.         43.5      31.5
                         175.918      22.2   QP          16.2      -23.1        15.3        0      100   Vert.         43.5      28.2
                         175.918      22.2   QP          16.2      -23.1        15.3      359      300   Hori.         43.5      28.2
                         399.005      34.5   QP          15.5      -21.3        28.7       96      100   Vert.         46.0      17.3
                         399.005      35.6   QP          15.5      -21.3        29.8        9      100   Hori.         46.0      16.2

  ANT TYPE: - 30 MHz: LOOP, 30 MHz - 200 MHz: BICONICAL, 200 MHz - 1000 MHz: LOGPERIODIC, 1000 MHz -: HORN

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                                                      Test report No.              : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                                                      Page                         : 22 of 37
                                                                                                                      Issued date                  : October 31, 2018
                                                                                                                      FCC ID                       : HYQB1NA0

                                   Radiated Emission above 30 MHz (Spurious Emission)
                                                                  Immo Combo Antenna

             Test place                                   Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber                        No.3
             Report No.                                   12166394H
             Date                                         March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity                       26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                                     Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                                         (5)

                LIMIT : FCC15.109(a) 3m, below 1GHz:QP, above 1GHz:PK
                        All other spurious emissions were less than 20dB for the limit.                                                      Horizontal
                    [dBuV/m]           << QP DATA >>                                                                                         Vertical








                 30M                  50M           70M          100M                     200M             300M                500M       700M        1G

                                                      Antenna     Loss&
                     Frequency     Reading                                   Level      Angle    Height             Limit      Margin
                                              DET      Factor      Gain                                   Polar.                         Comment
                       [MHz]        [dBuV]             [dB/m]      [dB]     [dBuV/m]    [Deg]    [cm]              [dBuV/m]     [dB]
                          36.379       25.4   QP          15.3      -25.0        15.7      180      307   Hori.         40.0      24.3
                          36.379       31.9   QP          15.3      -25.0        22.2      269      100   Vert.         40.0      17.8
                          49.875       43.9   QP          10.7      -24.7        29.9      278      100   Vert.         40.0      10.1
                          49.875       39.0   QP          10.7      -24.7        25.0       12      400   Hori.         40.0      15.0
                          56.375       30.4   QP           8.5      -24.6        14.3      276      100   Vert.         40.0      25.7
                          56.375       29.3   QP           8.5      -24.6        13.2      210      337   Hori.         40.0      26.8
                          60.877       28.1   QP           7.2      -24.6        10.7        8      331   Hori.         40.0      29.3
                          60.877       32.7   QP           7.2      -24.6        15.3      237      100   Vert.         40.0      24.7
                          66.126       32.2   QP           6.5      -24.5        14.2      359      309   Hori.         40.0      25.8
                          66.126       35.0   QP           6.5      -24.5        17.0      265      100   Vert.         40.0      23.0
                         171.951       22.8   QP          16.0      -23.2        15.6        0      100   Vert.         43.5      27.9
                         171.951       22.3   QP          16.0      -23.2        15.1        0      100   Hori.         43.5      28.4

  ANT TYPE: - 30 MHz: LOOP, 30 MHz - 200 MHz: BICONICAL, 200 MHz - 1000 MHz: LOGPERIODIC, 1000 MHz -: HORN

           *The test result is rounded off to one or two decimal places, so some differences might be observed.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                               Test report No.          : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                               Page                     : 23 of 37
                                                                                               Issued date              : October 31, 2018
                                                                                               FCC ID                   : HYQB1NA0

            Radiated Emission below 30 MHz (Fundamental and Spurious Emission)
                                   (Plot data, Worst case)

                        Test place                          Ise EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                        Order No.                           12166394H
                        Date                                03/12/2018
                        Temperature/ Humidity               23 deg. C / 37 % RH
                        Engineer                            Koji Yamamoto
                        Mode                                (3)

                 LIMIT : FCC15.209(a), 9-90kHz:PK, 110-490kHz:PK, other:QP
                         FCC15.209(a), 9-90kHz:AV, 110-490kHz:AV, other:QP

                     [dBuV/m]         << QP/PEAK DATA >>                                                     0 deg       :A
                     .01M       .02M .03M   .05M .07M .1M     .2M   .3M   .5M .7M   1M   2M   3M   5M   7M   10M         20M 30M

          *These plots data contains sufficient number to show the trend of characteristic features for EUT.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                      Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                      Page              : 24 of 37
                                                                                      Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                                      FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                                                        Duty Cycle
                                  (Total Calculation Timing of transmission Pattern #0)
                    Test place                      Ise EMC Lab. No.7 Shielded Room
                    Report No.                      12166394H
                    Date                            March 16, 2018
                    Temperature/ Humidity           24 deg. C / 32 % RH
                    Engineer                        Koji Yamamoto
                    Mode                            (1)

                   ON time         Cycle               Duty                  Duty
                      [ms]          [ms]         (On time/Cycle)             [dB]
                    58.907        100.00             0.5891                 -4.597
                 ON time = Times * ON time(1Δ)/2 +Times * ON time(2Δ) +Times * ON time(3Δ)+Times * ON time(4Δ)
                 Duty = 20log10(ON time/Cycle)
             *Pulse Type ”1Δ” is Duty 50% (refer to “Technical document-Timing of transmission” )

                     (pulse length(in X))
                                                        ON time(One pulse)             ON time
                           Type             Times               [ms]                       [ms]
                           1Δ                1                  33.09                   33.09
                           2Δ                8                  4.161                   33.29
                           3Δ                1                  4.437                      4.44
                           4Δ                1                  4.637                      4.64

                                             1Δ            2Δ


                  *mode(2)is same timing.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                       Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                       Page              : 25 of 37
                                                                                       Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                                       FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                                                         Duty Cycle
                                  (Total Calculation Timing of transmission Pattern #1)
                      Test place                     Ise EMC Lab. No.7 Shielded Room
                      Report No.                     12166394H
                      Date                           March 16, 2018
                      Temperature/ Humidity          24 deg. C / 32 % RH
                      Engineer                       Koji Yamamoto
                      Mode                           (3)

         Pulse type     ON time          Cycle                Duty                     Duty
                         [ms]            [ms]           (On time/Cycle)                [dB]
             1        58.907         100.00              0.5891                  -4.597
             2         4.637         100.00              0.0464                 -26.675
         ON time(Pulse type1) = (Times * ON time(1Δ) / 2) +Times * ON time(2Δ) +Times * ON time(3Δ)+Times * ON time(4
         ON time(Pulse type2) =Times * ON time(4Δ)
         Duty = 20log10(ON time/Cycle)
             *Pulse Type ”1Δ” is Duty 50% (refer to “Technical document-Timing of transmission” )

                      (pulse length(in X))
                                                        ON time(One pulse)             ON time
                           Type              Times               [ms]                    [ms]
                           1Δ                 1               33.09                     33.09
                           2Δ                 8               4.161                     33.29
                           3Δ                 1               4.437                      4.44
                           4Δ                 1               4.637                      4.64

                                               1Δ           2Δ                                4Δ


                         Only 4Δ is simultaneous transmission from two antennas.
                   The timing chart at the time of transmission for each antenna is shown on the next page.

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                Page              : 26 of 37
                                                                                Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                                FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                                                  Duty Cycle
                             (Total Calculation Timing of transmission Pattern #1)
                    Test place                Ise EMC Lab. No.7 Shielded Room
                    Report No.                12166394H
                    Date                      March 16, 2018
                    Temperature/ Humidity     24 deg. C / 32 % RH
                    Engineer                  Koji Yamamoto
                    Mode                      (3)

                                                  Pulse type 1

                                                  Pulse type 2

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                 Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                 Page              : 27 of 37
                                                                                 Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                                 FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                                                     Duty Cycle
                               (Total Calculation Timing of transmission Pattern #2)
                    Test place                 Ise EMC Lab. No.7 Shielded Room
                    Report No.                 12166394H
                    Date                       March 16, 2018
                    Temperature/ Humidity      24 deg. C / 32 % RH
                    Engineer                   Koji Yamamoto
                    Mode                       (4)

                       ON time         Cycle               Duty               Duty
                         [ms]           [ms]         (On time/Cycle)          [dB]
                        12.770        100.00             0.1277             -17.876
                     ON time = Times * ON time(Δ1)
                     Duty = 20log10(ON time/Cycle)

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                         Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                         Page              : 28 of 37
                                                                         Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                         FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                           -26dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                      Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna

             Report No.               12166394H
             Test place               Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber    No.3
             Date                     March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity   26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                 Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                     (1)

                            -26dB Bandwidth                 99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                 [kHz]                              [kHz]
                                 12.465                             9.8331

                                              -26dB Bandwidth

                                          99% Occupied Bandwidth

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                           Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                           Page              : 29 of 37
                                                                           Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                           FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                           -26dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                                 Trunk Antenna

             Report No.               12166394H
             Test place               Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber    No.3
             Date                     March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity   26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                 Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                     (2)

                            -26dB Bandwidth                      99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                 [kHz]                                   [kHz]
                                 12.348                                 10.0320

                                              -26dB Bandwidth

                                          99% Occupied Bandwidth

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                          Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                          Page              : 30 of 37
                                                                          Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                          FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                           -26dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                       Trunk Antenna + Interior Antenna

             Report No.               12166394H
             Test place               Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber    No.3
             Date                     March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity   26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                 Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                     (3)

                            -26dB Bandwidth                   99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                 [kHz]                                [kHz]
                                 10.384                               8.3170

                                              -26dB Bandwidth

                                          99% Occupied Bandwidth

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                      Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                      Page              : 31 of 37
                                                                      Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                      FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                           -26dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth
                   Rear(Front) Bumper/Frunk Antenna + Trunk Antenna + Trunk Antenna

             Report No.               12166394H
             Test place               Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber    No.3
             Date                     March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity   26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                 Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                     (4)

                            -26dB Bandwidth                 99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                 [kHz]                              [kHz]
                                 24.328                            17.2150

                                              -26dB Bandwidth

                                          99% Occupied Bandwidth

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                       Test report No.   : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                       Page              : 32 of 37
                                                                       Issued date       : October 31, 2018
                                                                       FCC ID            : HYQB1NA0

                           -26dB Bandwidth and 99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                              Immo Combo Antenna

             Report No.               12166394H
             Test place               Ise EMC Lab.
             Semi Anechoic Chamber    No.3
             Date                     March 13, 2018
             Temperature / Humidity   26 deg. C / 30 % RH
             Engineer                 Koji Yamamoto
             Mode                     (5)

                            -26dB Bandwidth                  99% Occupied Bandwidth
                                 [kHz]                               [kHz]
                                 12.497                             10.0627

                                              -26dB Bandwidth

                                          99% Occupied Bandwidth

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

                                                                                  Test report No.    : 12166394H-A-R2
                                                                                  Page               : 33 of 37
                                                                                  Issued date        : October 31, 2018
                                                                                  FCC ID             : HYQB1NA0

APPENDIX 2: Test instruments
EMI test equipment
 Control No.       Instrument            Manufacturer         Model No     Serial No        Test Item Calibration Date *
  MAEC-03      Semi Anechoic       TDK                   Semi Anechoic     DA-10005         RE        2017/10/31 * 12
               Chamber(NSA)                              Chamber 3m
   MOS-13      Thermo-Hygrometer   Custom                CTH-180           1301             RE        2018/01/24 * 12
   MJM-16      Measure             KOMELON               KMC-36            -                RE        -
 COTS-MEMI     EMI measurement     TSJ                   TEPTO-DV          -                RE        -
  MSA-03       Spectrum Analyzer   Agilent           E4448A                MY44020357       RE        2017/11/07 * 12
  MTR-08       Test Receiver       Rohde & Schwarz   ESCI                  100767           RE        2017/08/22 * 12
  MLPA-01      Loop Antenna        Rohde & Schwarz   HFH2-Z2               100017           RE        2017/10/11 * 12
  MCC-112      Coaxial cable       Fujikura/Suhner/TSJ
                                                     5D-2W(10m)/           -/00640          RE        2017/07/12 * 12
  MCC-143      Coaxial Cable       UL Japan          -                     -                RE        2017/06/12 * 12
  MPA-13       Pre Amplifier       SONOMA INSTRUMENT 310                   260834           RE        2017/03/27 * 12
  MAT-98       Attenuator          KEYSIGHT          8491A                 MY52462349       RE        2017/12/14 * 12
  MMM-08       DIGITAL HiTESTER Hioki                3805                  051201197        RE        2018/01/09 * 12
  MAT-10       Attenuator(10dB)    Weinschel Corp    2                     BL1173           RE        2017/11/14 * 12
  MHF-24       High Pass Filter    Rohde & Schwarz   EZ-25/3               100041           RE        2018/02/20 * 12
   MBA-03      Biconical Antenna   Schwarzbeck       BBA9106               1915             RE        2017/10/02 * 12
   MLA-22      Logperiodic Antenna Schwarzbeck       VUSLP9111B            911B-191         RE        2018/01/30 * 12
   MCC-51      Coaxial cable       UL Japan          -                     -                RE        2017/07/12 * 12

The expiration date of the calibration is the end of the expired month.
All equipment is calibrated with valid calibrations. Each measurement data is traceable to the national or
international standards.

As for some calibrations performed after the tested dates, those test equipment have been controlled by means of
an unbroken chains of calibrations.

Test Item:
        RE: Radiated emission

UL Japan, Inc.
Ise EMC Lab.
4383-326 Asama-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-0021 JAPAN
Telephone       : +81 596 24 8999
Facsimile       : +81 596 24 8124

Document Created: 2019-03-28 03:23:27
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 03:23:27

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