Test Setup Photos BLE


Test Setup Photos

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         Radiated Emission Set up Photos (Below 30MHz_|External Antenna)

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Uitos openine in te matiatsen n h lt oo ie ol o h eaalt) ncan t anali) m waneo 0 aycony
mt han" akel ranaiteasa 60 insasanaiins bhe hn nodrann romnad —
Th doanentimt y ReGonsan sutct s in Gnent Gonton Sevee ind oveaat mtb on rmint occe at                                        sb
#eiinne n dacarenevbnl > mine inGoniare i Ccons sunet a ce soarre atonumt in en a sain o e ivatnr l it rfomntaon and
fanctonnnuedatm ihy bacralIn ncuran iavans ut mermatoooo macn ein cameay 1 nangs t be n oli ranartonony ars int imin
Glant einton 1 ay Th Ganganyawh muponatiy n t ts hmant ns disurnt e oteconrah mts o avansmtn on mamangat us ts and anatom uo e
Wanmdon arvanani Thdncanentcarrlb egnciont cen t uht anruntan anpal ol Re Sonpany Ary unactoron alnato, ogey t Indeato ol heconntor
aeremanonol i orane n eanda enma e pmactn i e eneoe ow
                                          1o eMitirntoadlortapoinin l MolottcNeeTopecyocms t2mx BC ns5s (o6
                   snmeniendmas |nmes mosee                         tros02) zeson           wautussecon

          Radiated Emission Set up Photos (Above 1GHz_External Antenna)

Uinos hoii ho outen i is slsonl tm snol and ch saneliy e rolanad0 dony
sn en en enii o en en in ce Mc h on de oo nvwna9 +
Thi darunant is lsin y ha Gonmany nco Gonal Conlonl Saven aried oval. l onrnonoaccenil ao aas cotuimsand contlonim and, e
dlcinnematdasinanl uhno ereana CondnnlCsone Dazunut alarm oncxniams docurmolls Alanloa dn s nIaln toninlmieaton and
flelan sns caina in MnPadwon dowunarn advaag l momatnrconarnanaman ntaca h GansanyaInoegs ltw t o ranann onl t wita o i a
lans mtuelon, Lan ThGarpanya ate monaoys t Chat ant is crurandos oo onuin i a lanacio bomamnniing at hools anolpnloindee
Wansacion docunants Ti dunantcanrelt amodventavanin uk wihactporwiln ara olb Ganpary Aunaubatan alratn,ogar of instealanalh clat x
acosasannot e doomani uindand otandrs me ooin o h lesaantl a ine
                                            No 1Oiurgoat NarTapuinatraPad Micontc Netapety Taanaesste cA t Co0 t
                     erviaeritmekini® / cosnemcocere                  io2 zee—oine             vnrvtwsgs com
                                                                                               Nemberer 868 Growp

         Radiated Emission Set up Photos (Below 30MHz_IInternal Antenna)

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Uitos openine in te matiatsen n h lt oo ie ol o h eaalt) ncan t anali) m waneo 0 aycony
mt han" akel ranaiteasa 60 insasanaiins bhe hn nodrann romnad —
Th doanentimt y ReGonsan sutct s in Gnent Gonton Sevee ind oveaat mtb on rmint occe at                                        sb
#eiinne n dacarenevbnl > mine inGoniare i Ccons sunet a ce soarre atonumt in en a sain o e ivatnr l it rfomntaon and
fanctonnnuedatm ihy bacralIn ncuran iavans ut mermatoooo macn ein cameay 1 nangs t be n oli ranartonony ars int imin
Glant einton 1 ay Th Ganganyawh muponatiy n t ts hmant ns disurnt e oteconrah mts o avansmtn on mamangat us ts and anatom uo e
Wanmdon arvanani Thdncanentcarrlb egnciont cen t uht anruntan anpal ol Re Sonpany Ary unactoron alnato, ogey t Indeato ol heconntor
aeremanonol i orane n eanda enma e pmactn i e eneoe ow
                                          1o eMitirntoadlortapoinin l MolottcNeeTopecyocms t2mx BC ns5s (o6
                   snmeniendmas |nmes mosee                         tros02) zeson           wntsoscon

           Radiated Emission Set up Photos (Above 1GHz_Internal Antenna)

Uinos lhaan id ho en ns ol anon canall in ant sch angll) o aitan e 0 tonl
sn ncemeni t Rene amalihcne ht i0 gouy noimd R+
Thi dranant i Jsn ty ha Gonmany uen i GanaGotone ol Savien inad vndea. valaol on ons oracmoitat se anscunvunn ant condions in and, n
dlcinnematdasinanl. uhno h an Gartneo tleone snetalanae uoiactcunnalR Alanio mc nutl asnis nforndcatan and
felan sns catnan Any lanain avsanta aivans baton cnrarnsamahamice n Garsanya rdngali ow ts nameloonwwinn barva o
lans mtuelon, Lan ThGanpanys l muposlil is s s Ga and Bs durmn(don t onl ptin s aUarsciontam ametang at irlsangoilgnton under e
Wansacion dovunants i danantcarnab mpotnt en ut wibato wrla aproat ol a Coreay Mn unibfand alalo, lngaoalcatan o h cniant n
arsasannol e domani uindantateara mayb omcso e onltae
                                         No 1Oiurgoat NarTapuinatraPad Wisontc Neapety Tawanaesst 1a iA M G .i 19ie
                    entiairitmeimas. |imememecer                   io2 zee—oine            vrutusgs com
                                                                                           NembererSGS Goup

                                                 Conducted Setup Photo (AC Power line)

Uniess othersise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
Rralk 8 d uon> se wl L 0i mlak en ts t + ie etatt it l d €100 00 +A t d d i d i# t w t n > on ut t 4t +
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overtea, available on request or accessible at wwwsgs.comfterms and conditions.htm and, for
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jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holderof this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company‘s findings at the time of ts intervention only and within the limits of
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                                          SGS Talwan Ltd.         No.134WuKungRoadNewTaipeilndustialPark,WukuDistrict, NewTajpeiCily, Tawan24803/i# ati .t a6at & & B s m i6194 8
                           6 70 td#Mcfimt )                        |t (686—2) 2209—9279                 1(886—2) 2208—0488                      www.iwsgs.com
                                                              1                                                                                Member of SGS Group

                  Conducted Setup Photo (Measurement at Antenna Port)

Uinos hoii ho outen i is slsonl tm snol and ch saneliy e rolanad0 dony
sn en en enii o en en in ce Mc h on de oo nvwna9 +
Thi darunant is lsin y ha Gonmany nco Gonal Conlonl Saven aried oval. l onrnonoaccenil ao aas cotuimsand contlonim and, e
dlcinnematdasinanl uhno ereana CondnnlCsone Dazunut alarm oncxniams docurmolls Alanloa dn s nIaln toninlmieaton and
flelan sns caina in MnPadwon dowunarn advaag l momatnrconarnanaman ntaca h GansanyaInoegs ltw t o ranann onl t wita o i a
lans mtuelon, Lan ThGarpanya ate monaoys t Chat ant is crurandos oo onuin i a lanacio bomamnniing at hools anolpnloindee
Wansacion docunants Ti dunantcanrelt amodventavanin uk wihactporwiln ara olb Ganpary Aunaubatan alratn,ogar of instealanalh clat x
acosasannot e doomani uindand otandrs me ooin o h lesaantl a ine
                                508 in 8. |NofGCifiGnpReatNorTopninanaPd Misontet NapeCtyTawanasrrtne CA 0C08 19X te
                 ermactiumennes _\ cconsmecr                      12 me—oice                momtwsgs com
                                t                                                           NembererS65 Granp

Document Created: 2018-10-17 17:41:54
Document Modified: 2018-10-17 17:41:54

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