Test Report 2 Part 1


Test Report

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                                                                     PH: 1 604.420.7760
                                                                     FAX: 1 604.420.7730
                                                                     EMAIL: ALEUNG@DALIWIRELESS.COM

           FCC PARTS 2, 22, 24, 27 TEST REPORT

                     Applicant                                                           Dali Wireless, Inc.
                                                                    535 Middlefield Road, Suite 280, Menlo Park,
                      Address                                                       94025, USA
                       FCC ID                                                       HCOHD434NACEHIO4A

                Model Number                                                       HD43-4-NA-CEHI-O4HF
                                                                700, 850, 1900, AWS Outdoor Remote Unit, Quad-
           Product Description                                                      Band
         Date Sample Received                                                               Nov 25th, 2016

           Date Sample Tested                                                      Nov 25th to Dec 06st, 2016

                    Tested by                                                                 Sophie Piao

                  Approved by                                                               Andrew Leung

                   Report No.                                                      HD43-4-NA-CEHI-O4HF
                 Test Results                                                                  Compliant

   This document contains information proprietary to Dali Wireless, Inc., to its subsidiaries, or to a third party to which Dali Wireless, Inc. may
    have a legal obligation to protect such information from unauthorized disclosure, use or duplication. Any disclosure, use or duplication of
      this document or of any of the information contained herein for other than the specific purpose for which it was disclosed is expressly
                                    prohibited, except as Dali Wireless, Inc. may otherwise agree to in writing.

Revision History

 Revision       Date        Reason For Change   Reviewed By   Author(s)
   0.1      Dec 06 , 2016     Initial release                  S. Piao


                                                               Table of Contents
Revision Description                                                                                                                                                      2
Table of Contents                                                                                                                                                         3
Acronyms and Abbreviations                                                                                                                                                4
1       OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................................. 5
    1.1     SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
    1.2     ATTESTATION STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 5
    1.3     REPORT SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... 5
    1.4     TEST ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 6
    1.5     TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................................................. 6
    1.6     DEVICE UNDER TEST INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 6
    1.7     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ...................................................................................................................... 7
    1.8     EQUIPMENT LIST.......................................................................................................................................... 8
    1.9     TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................ 8
    1.10      OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................................. 10
    1.11      MEASUREMENT CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................... 11
2       AGC THRESHOLD LEVEL ..................................................................................................................... 14
    2.1     METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 14
    2.2     INTERPRETATION........................................................................................................................................ 14
    2.3     RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................... 14
3       OUT-OF-BAND REJECTION .................................................................................................................. 15
    3.1     METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 15
    3.2     RESULTS – FREQUENCY RESPONSES ........................................................................................................... 15
4       INPUT-VERSUS-OUTPUT SIGNAL COMPARISON .......................................................................... 16
    4.1     METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 16
    4.2     RESULTS – OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH ............................................................................................................ 16
5       OUTPUT POWER ...................................................................................................................................... 19
    5.1     METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 19
    5.2     INTERPRETATION........................................................................................................................................ 19
    5.3     RESULTS .................................................................................................................................................... 19
6       EMISSION AT ANTENNA TERMINAL ................................................................................................ 23
    6.1 METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................... 23
    6.2 OUT-OF-BAND EMISSION ............................................................................................................................ 23
       6.2.1 Measurement Configuration ........................................................................................................... 23
       6.2.2 Results ............................................................................................................................................ 24
    6.3 SPURIOUS EMISSION................................................................................................................................... 35
       6.3.1 Measurement Configuration ........................................................................................................... 35
       6.3.2 Results ............................................................................................................................................ 35
    6.4 INTERMODULATION EMISSION .................................................................................................................... 43
       6.4.1 Measurement Configuration ........................................................................................................... 43
       6.4.2 Results – In-band Intermodulation Emission .................................................................................. 43


BTS     Base Transceiver Station
CW      Continuous Wave
dB      deciBel (logarithmic ratio)
dBm     deciBels related to 1 Mw
DL      Downlink
EIRP    Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
GSM     Groupe Spéciale Mobile, Global System for Mobile communications
IF      Intermediate Frequency
IM      Inter-Modulation
kHz     kilo Hertz
LTE     Long Term Evolution
MHz     Mega Hertz
NF      Noise Figure
PCS     Personal Communications Service
RF      Radio Frequency
RX      Receiver
TX      Transmit
UL      Uplink
WCDMA   Wideband Code Division Multiple Access


1 Overview

1.1 Scope
The purpose of this document is to present test results in the context of a full qualification test
report for FCC Part 2, 22, 24, 27 as applicable to the equipment under test. The scope of this
document is limited to the tests listed below in the downlink mode.

1.2 Attestation Statement
The device under test does fulfill the general approval requirements as identified in this test

This equipment has been tested in accordance with the standards identified in this test report.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, these tests were performed using the measurement
procedures described in this report. All instrumentation and accessories used to test products
for compliance to the indicated standards are calibrated regularly in accordance with ISO
17025:2005 requirements.

I attest that the necessary measurements were made, under my supervision, at DALI
WIRELESS, INC. located at 8618 Commerce Court, Burnaby, British Columbia, V5A 4N6,

Authorized Signatory:

Sophie Piao
Function: Test Engineer
Date: Dec 06th, 2016

1.3   Report Summary

           Disclaimer                    The test results relate only to the items tested.

                                     To demonstrate the DUT compliance with FCC Parts
        Report Purpose                 2, 22, 24 and 27 requirements for a quad-band
                                                      digital repeater.


                                                 FCC CFR 47 Parts 2
                                Lower and Upper 700 MHz Band: 27.5(c), 27.50(c), 27.53(c, g)
       Applicable Rule Parts    Cellular Band: 22.905, 22.913, 22.917
                                AWS-1 Band: 27.5(h), 27.50(d), 27.53(h)
                                Broadband PCS Band: 24.229, 24.232, 24.238

                                                ANSI/TIA-603-C: 2004;
                                      FCC KDB 935210 D05 v01r01, Feb 12, 2016;
         Test Procedures
                                      FCC KDB 971168 D01 v02r02, Oct 17, 2014;
                                       FCC KDB 971168 D03 v01, Jan 06, 2016

1.4     Test Environment
                                 Tests were performed by Dali Wireless Inc. located
          Test Facilities        at 8618 Commerce Court, Burnaby, BC, V5A 4N6,
                                                Temperature: 25º C
          Test Conditions                     Relative Humidity: 60%
                                           Atmospheric Pressure: 98.1 kPa

1.5     Test Setup

       Deviation to the rules     There was no deviation from the test standards.

      Modification to the DUT           No modification was made to the DUT.

                                 The DUT was placed in continuous transmit mode
           Test Exercise
                                                  of operation.

1.6     Device Under Test Information

         Manufactured by                            Dali Wireless Inc.

                                 700, 850, PCS, AWS Remote Unit, Quad-Band Bi-
         DUT Description
                                          directional Distributed System


             FCC ID                          HCOHD434NACEHIO4A

          Model Name                         HD43-4-NA-CEHI-O4HF

                                             Downlink 728   –   757 MHz,
                                             Downlink 869   –   894 MHz,
      Operating Frequency
                                            Downlink 1930   –   1995 MHz,
                                            Downlink 2110   –   2155 MHz.

                                 3K00GXW, 5M00D7W, 5M00G7D, 5M00G7W,
      Emission Designators

                                Broadband: representative AWGN test signal with
                                       4.1 MHz 99% occupied bandwidth;
          Test Signals         Narrowband: representative MSK modulation signal
                               with a Gaussian Filter of 0.3 and a data rate of 270

      User Power Range and
                                        There are NO user power controls

            Test Item                              Production

         DC Voltage and
        Current into final                           48V DC

       Type of Equipment                              Fixed

1.7    Measurement Uncertainty
         Radio Frequency                              ±1 ppm

  Total RF Power: Conducted                            ±1 dB

 RF Power Density: Conducted                          ±2.75 dB
       Spurious Emissions:
                                                       ±3 dB


                Temperature                                                                    ±1ºC

                   Humidity                                                                    ±5 %

        DC and Low Frequency
                                                                                               ±3 %

 1.8     Equipment List

Description           Manufacturer                   Model                                         Cal Interval            Cal Due Date

                            Agilent              EXA-N9010A               MY49061160                   3 years               Mar-09-2018
  Signal                                                                                                                     Jun-27-2018
                            Agilent             MXG-N5182B                MY53051862                   2 years

 1.9 Test Procedure
 The hd43 remote – EUT hereafter, is connected to the hdHost in a manner consistent with a
 typical installation. A digital modulation signal generator is connected to the TX_IN port of
 the appropriate band of the hdHost and spectrum analyzer is connected to the corresponding
 EUT downlink antenna port through an attenuator, nominally 40 dB for the band under

 The 700 MHz (728 – 757 MHz), 850 MHz (869 – 894 MHz), PCS (1930-1995 MHz) and
 AWS (2110-2155 MHz) band was investigated. Measurements were performed with two types
 of test signals recommended by FCC KDB 935210 D05 v01r01. A quote is shown below:

 3.0 Test Methods for CMRS Non-Consumer Repeater/Amplifier and Industrial Booster Devices
 3.1 General
 Commercial Mobile Radio Services (CMRS) non-consumer RF repeaters, amplifiers, and industrial boosters shall be tested for compliance
 with the applicable regulatory technical requirements. Input and output power and emissions measurements must be performed using test
 signals that are intended to bound the typical signal space encountered within the CMRS bands. Broadband amplifiers/boosters shall be tested
 using a representative band-limited AWGN signal. The AWGN test signal must have a 4.1 MHz 99 % occupied bandwidth (OBW)
 (representative of a 5 MHz LTE channel). Narrowband test signals shall use a representative MSK modulated signal, with a Gaussian Filter of
 0.3 and a data rate of 270 kbps (representative of a GSM-TDMA signal).

 In the tests reported here the LTE and GSM signals were used as the two test signal
        - LTE (5MHz channel bandwidth representing wide band signal) and
        - GSM (GMSK modulation with a Gaussian Filter of 0.3 and a data rate o 270kbs
            representing narrow band signal of about 200kHz bandwidth)


for the mid, lowest and highest frequency for declared bandwidths. The modulation types are
described in detail in Table 1- Table 5.

                     Figure 1-1 Conducted Emission Test Setup Diagram

                                                                40dB             Spectrum
      Signal           hdHost                EUT
                                                              Attnuator          Analyzer

AGC Threshold Level
The measurement procedure used was KDB 935210 D05. AGC threshold level is measured by
connecting a Spectrum Analyzer to the RF antenna port via an attenuator and a Signal
Generator to the supporting device – hdHost RF source port.
A GSM signal was generated on the center frequency of the operating band under test. The
integrated Channel Power over the channel bandwidth was measured using resolution
bandwidth (RBW) equals to 1% of the emission bandwidth. AGC threshold level was
determined when increasing the input signal amplitude 0.5dB will no longer cause 0.5dB
increase in the output signal amplitude.

Out of Band Rejection
The measurement procedure used was KDB 935210 D05. The Signal Generator sent CW
signal sweep in the range of ±250% of the passband. So is the Spectrum Analyzer span was set
to. The RBW was set to 5% of the passband. An input signal level 5dB below the AGC
threshold was injected. Two traces were obtained, via Max-Hold and Clear-Write. The peak
frequency in the Max-Hold trace was recorded and would be allocated for the system gain and
output power measurement.

Occupied Bandwidth – Input versus Output Signal Comparison
The measurement procedure used was KDB 935210 D05. Occupied Bandwidth is measured
by connecting a Spectrum Analyzer to the RF output connector.
The required measurement RBW is 1% of the emission bandwidth. 99% energy rule was
applied to measure the occupied channel bandwidth. The emission bandwidth is measured as
the width of the signal between two frequency points on the channel edge, outside of which
the transmission power is attenuated at least 26dB below the transmitter output power. The
carrier allocated on the center frequency of the passband was investigated with input
amplitude 0.5dB below the AGC threshold, for both input and output signal occupied band
width. The output was then measured again with input amplitude 3dB above the AGC

RF Power Output
The measurement procedure used was KDB 971168 D01 Section 5.2.1. The EUT was
configured to transmit continuously. RF power is measured by connecting a Spectrum
Analyzer to the RF output connector. With an input power 0.5dB below and 3dB above the
AGC threshold, respectively, the RF output is measured via Spectrum Analyzer’s channel


power function. The carrier was located at the peak frequency obtained in the out of band
rejection measurement.

Out of Block Emissions
The measurement procedure used was KDB 935210 D05. The out of block emission was
measured under two stimulus conditions. 1). Two adjacent test signal sequentially tuned to the
lower and upper band edges; 2). A single test signal, sequentially tuned to the lowest and
highest channels within the operating band. The intermodulation emission out of block was
produced by the two carrier test signal as well. The peak emission was measured in 100kHz or
1MHz integrated bandwidth within 300kHz or 3MHz span immediate out of band, for carriers
below or above 1GHz, respectively. The input power was set with two amplitude levels, i.e.
0.5dB below and 3dB above the AGC threshold level.

Spurious Emissions
The procedure used was ANSI/TIA-603-C: 2004. The spectrum was scanned from 9 kHz to at
least the tenth harmonic of the fundamental using a spectrum analyzer. For digital modulation,
the carrier is modulated to its maximum extent. The measurements were made in accordance
with standard ANSI/TIA-603-C: 2004. The input power was set 0.5dB below the AGC
threshold level. Simultaneous three carriers were allocated on the lowest, center and highest
channels. The spurious emissions were then measured in the above range exclude the
operating band ± 300kHz or ± 3MHz, in a reference bandwidth of 100kHz or 1MHz, for
carriers below or above 1GHz, respectively.

Intermodulation Product Spurious Emissions
The procedure used was ANSI/TIA-603-C: 2004 and KDB 971168 D03. Three tones
(modulated) method was used. Two tones are close to each other on the one edge and the third
one is alone on the other edge of the passband. The input power to the amplifier was set to
0.5dB below the AGC threshold level by combining the three tones. The intermodulation
product emissions were measured in band and spurious emissions were measured out of band.

1.10 Operational Description
Dali Matrix™ is a modular, end-to-end digital RF distribution system.
Matrix is implemented in two tiers:
        Modular Universal Base Station Interface Tray (UBiT) functioning as a headend
        Modular digital remote units are for indoor and outdoor deployments.
A single optical fiber interface, based on the CPRI protocol, is used to connect the UBiT
digital Host module with a number of hd30/37/43 remote units, in a star, daisy-chain, or
hybrid star/daisy-chain configuration. The digital remote units can be installed up to 20km
away from the UBiT headend. Both headend and remote units contain a digital processing
section and an RF processing section.
The UBit integrated headend typically interface RF signals with Base Stations via coaxial RF
cables or digital baseband signal via optical fibers.


The remote unit hd43, which is the EUT in this test report is a quad band unit with 20 W
average output power per band. Bands supported and scope of the requested license is as
      Lower and Upper 700 MHz Band: 27.5(c), 27.50(c), 27.53(c,g)
      Cellular Band: 22.905, 22.913, 22.917
      AWS-1 Band: 27.5(h), 27.50(d), 27.53(h)
      Broadband PCS Band: 24.229, 24.232, 24.238

The band set that particular remote unit support is determined by the type of module that is
installed in the unit, each containing frequency of operation limiting duplex filters and RF
band specific filters.
It is marketed for commercial cellular applications. All band support broadband 2G, 3G, and
4G waveforms.
To maintain declared output power, and to prevent Power Amplifier (PA) to go into saturation
condition, Automated Level Control (ALC) circuitry is implemented inside power amplifier
section. The ALC circuitry monitors PA output power via built in average power detector, and
if detected output power level is above threshold (set during manufacturing process),
introduces attenuation in a PA lineup (PA gain reduction) that is equivalent to power
difference between detected power and threshold power, hence maintains output power at
level equal to ALC threshold level. The ALC attenuation range is from 0 dB to 30 dB. The
ALC threshold level is set 1 dB above the declared maximum average output power, thus to
+44 dBm in a case of the hd43 remote unit. Once the output power is detected above this
threshold, certain attenuation will be set to draw the output down to 43dBm.

1.11 Measurement Configuration

                              Table 1        Test Signal Applied

 Modulation     # Carriers    BW/Carrier        Notation              Apply to Test
   GSM              1          200kHz           GSM-1C        OBW, Pout, Out of Block Emission
   GSM              2          200kHz           GSM-2C             Out of Block Emission
   GSM              3          200kHz           GSM-3C              Spurious Emission
   GSM              3          200kHz          GSM-3TIM              Intermodulation
   LTE              1           5MHz            LTE-1C        OBW, Pout, Out of Block Emission
   LTE              2           5MHz            LTE-2C             Out of Block Emission
   LTE              3           5MHz            LTE-3C              Spurious Emission
   LTE              3           5MHz           LTE-3TIM              Intermodulation

                       Table 2          700 MHz DL Measurement Matrix

         Notation                                    Frequency (MHz)
         GSM-1C                                     728.3, 742.5, 756.7 c
         GSM-2C                            728.3 and 728.5, or 756.5 and 756.7 a, c
         GSM-3C                                     728.2, 742.5, 756.8


GSM-3TIM                                   728.2, 728.8, 756.8 b
 LTE-1C                                    730.5, 742.5, 754.5
 LTE-2C                            730.5 and 735.5, or 749.5 and 754.5 a
 LTE-3C                                    730.5, 742.5, 754.5
LTE-3TIM                                   730.5, 735.5, 754.5 b
                       a.   2 carriers on band edges
                       b.   2 carriers on the one edge 600kHz apart, the third on the other edge
                       c.   200 kHz guard band on the band edge for GSM out-of-block
                            emission test

            Table 3          850 MHz DL Measurement Matrix

 Notation                                  Frequency (MHz)
 GSM-1C                                   869.3, 881.5, 893.7 c
 GSM-2C                           869.3 and 869.5, or 893.5 and 893.7 a, c
 GSM-3C                                    869.2, 881.5, 893.8
GSM-3TIM                                  869.2, 869.8, 893.8 b
 LTE-1C                                    871.5, 881.5, 891.5
 LTE-2C                           871.5 and 876.5, or 886.5 and 891.5 a
 LTE-3C                                    871.5, 881.5, 891.5
LTE-3TIM                                  871.5, 876.5, 891.5 b
                       a.   2 carriers on band edges
                       b.   2 carriers on the one edge 600kHz apart, the third on the other edge
                       c.   200 kHz guard band on the band edge for GSM out-of-block
                            emission test

             Table 4           PCS DL Measurement Matrix

 Notation                                  Frequency (MHz)
 GSM-1C                                 1930.3, 1962.5, 1994.7 c
 GSM-2C                        1930.3 and 1930.5, or 1994.4 and 1994.7 a, c
 GSM-3C                                 1930.2, 1962.5, 1994.8
GSM-3TIM                                1930.2, 1931.4, 1991.6 b
 LTE-1C                                 1932.5, 1962.5, 1992.5
 LTE-2C                          1932.5 and 1937.5, or 1987.5 1992.5 a
 LTE-3C                                 1932.5, 1962.5, 1992.5
LTE-3TIM                                1932.5, 1937.5, 1992.5 b
                       a.   2 carriers on band edges
                       b.   2 carriers on the one edge 1.2MHz apart, the third on the other edge
                       c.   200 kHz guard band on the band edge for GSM out-of-block
                            emission test

             Table 5           AWS DL Measurement Matrix


 Notation                       Frequency (MHz)
 GSM-1C                      2110.3, 2132.5, 2154.7 c
 GSM-2C             2110.3 and 2110.5, or 2154.5 and 2154.7 a, c
 GSM-3C                      2110.2, 2132.5, 2154.8
GSM-3TIM                     2110.2, 2111.4, 2154.8 b
 LTE-1C                      2112.5, 2132.5, 2152.5
 LTE-2C              2112.5 and 2117.5, or 2147.5 and 2152.5 a
 LTE-3C                      2112.5, 2132.5, 2152.5
LTE-3TIM                     2112.5, 2117.5, 2152.5 b
            a.   2 carriers on band edges
            b.   2 carriers on the one edge 1.2MHz apart, the third on the other edge
            c.   200 kHz guard band on the band edge for GSM out-of-block
                 emission test


2 AGC Threshold Level
2.1 Methodology
Measurements were performed at narrow band single carrier for the center frequency within
the 700 MHz (728 – 757 MHz), 850 MHz (869 – 894 MHz), PCS (1930-1995 MHz) and
AWS (2110-2155 MHz) band.

Tabular data is shown in section 2.3 for the all bands. The AGC threshold level is to provide
the instruction of input signal amplitude for the emission in conducted measurement address in
this report.

The AGC threshold was determined following test method defined in FCC KDB 935210 D05
(Feb 2016) Section 3.2.

2.2 Interpretation
The equipment under test (EUT) is featured automatic level control (ALC), which
electronically adjusts the output power not exceed a certain maximum level. In order to align
with the measurement guidance, the AGC threshold is used throughout the report, representing
the ALC trip point (input power).
At amplitude above the AGC threshold, an increase of 1dB in the input power will no longer
cause a 1dB increase in the output signal power.

2.3   Results
                            Table 6        AGC Threshold Levels

                       Frequency                       AGC Threshold       Max Output
        Band                           Modulation
                         (MHz)                            (dBm)            Power (dBm)
         700             742.5             GSM                -5.5              43.2
         850             881.5             GSM                -4.5              43.6
        PCS              1962.5            GSM                -6.5              43.7
        AWS              2132.5            GSM                -5.5              42.6


3 Out-of-band Rejection
3.1 Methodology
Measurements were performed at CW signal sweep in a frequency range of 5 times the
operating bandwidth centered at the operating band. The operating bands are 700 MHz (728 –
757 MHz), 850 MHz (869 – 894 MHz), PCS (1930-1995 MHz) and AWS (2110-2155 MHz)
on the downlink – transmitting direction - where the air interface exists.
The measurement procedure follows the KDB 935210 D05 Section 3.3. The input power level
was set 5dB lower than the AGC threshold level, so that no output suppression occurred in any
of the EUT bands. 20dB down bandwidth was measured compared to the peak power in-band.
The peak power frequency was recorded and would be used to check the EUT output power.

3.2   Results – Frequency Responses
                            Figure 3-1 Frequency Response of EUT
                 Band 700                                          Band 850

                 Band PCS                                       Band AWS

                            Table 7       AGC Threshold Levels


                                 Operating                                             20dB
                                                                                                            Peak Frequency
            Band                 Bandwidth                Modulation                 Passband
                                   (MHz)                                              (MHz)
             700                        29                      CW                     32.986                     739.455
             850                        25                      CW                     28.689                     878.875
             PCS                        65                      CW                     71.744                     1990.45
            AWS                         45                      CW                     50.375                     2125.975

4 Input-versus-output Signal Comparison
4.1 Methodology
Measurements were performed at narrow band and wide band signal for the mid frequency
within the 700 MHz (730 – 755 MHz), 850 MHz (871 – 892 MHz), PCS (1930-1995 MHz)
and AWS (2100-2155 MHz) band. Measurement method was following KDB 935210 D05
Section 3.4.

Occupied bandwidth (OBW) of input and output signal is shown in Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2
side by side for the four operating bands. The output OBW was tested under two input
        - Nominal: with input 0.5dB below AGC threshold
        - AGC: with input 3dB above AGC threshold

A brief summary of applicable FCC specifications is listed in the table below.

2.1049 Measurements required: Occupied bandwidth.
The occupied bandwidth, that is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper frequency limits, the mean powers
radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power radiated by a given emission shall be measured

4.2     Results – Occupied Bandwidth
    Figure 4-1 Screen Captures of OBW Measurement – Input and Output Narrow Band Signal

             Input Signal                            Output Signal – Nominal                             Output Signal - AGC
                                                            Band 700


    Input Signal             Output Signal – Nominal           Output Signal - AGC

                                     Band 850

                                     Band PCS

                                     Band AWS

Figure 4-2 Screen Captures of OBW Measurement – Input and Output Wide Band Signal

    Input Signal             Output Signal – Nominal           Output Signal - AGC
                                    Band 700


         Input Signal               Output Signal – Nominal            Output Signal - AGC
                                           Band 850

                                            Band PCS

                                           Band AWS

There is no change of the OBW comparing input and output signal. There is also no change of the
OBW in the output signal when the EUT is working under AGC active or inactive status.
The maximum deterioration observed is less than 3.3% of the input signal.


5 Output Power
5.1 Methodology
Measurements were performed at narrow band and wide band signal for the peak output power
within the 700 MHz (728 – 757 MHz), 850 MHz (869 – 894 MHz), PCS (1930-1995 MHz)
and AWS (2110-2155 MHz) band. Measurement method was following KDB 935210 D05
Section 3.4 and KDB 971168 D01 Section 5.2.1.

Average output power is shown in the Figure 5-1and Figure 5-2 for the four operating bands.
The output power was tested under two input conditions:
       - Nominal: with input 0.5dB below AGC threshold
       - AGC: with input 3dB above AGC threshold

A brief summary of applicable FCC specifications is listed in the table below.

2.1046 Measurements required: RF power output.
(a) For transmitters other than single sideband, independent sideband and controlled carrier radiotelephone, power output shall be measured at
RF output terminals when the transmitter is adjusted in accordance with the tune-up procedure to give the values of current and voltage on the
circuit elements specified in § 2.1033(c)(8). The electrical characteristics of the radio frequency load attached to the output terminals when
this test is made shall be stated.

5.2 Interpretation
The peak output power was allocated in the previous out-of-band rejection test. In the case that
a full channel cannot accommodate in-band by setting the carrier frequency to the exact peak
frequency, the test carrier location was moved inward to the first applicable channel.

5.3     Results
                Figure 5-1 Screen Captures of Power Measurement – Narrow Band Signal
              Output Signal – Nominal                                                     Output Signal - AGC
                                                               Band 700


Output Signal – Nominal              Output Signal - AGC
                          Band 850

                          Band PCS

                          Band AWS


  Figure 5-2 Screen Captures of Power Measurement – Wide Band Signal

Output Signal - Nominal                        Output Signal - AGC
                              Band 700

                              Band 850

                              Band PCS

                             Band AWS


         Output Signal - Nominal                       Output Signal - AGC

                           Table 8 EUT Maximum Output Power

                    Narrow Band Signal Pout (dBm)        Wide Band Signal Pout (dBm)

                     Nominal             AGC             Nominal             AGC
   Band 700            42.68             43.51             43.04             42.77
   Band 850            43.16             43.53             43.97             43.43
   Band PCS            43.40             43.83             43.30             43.95
  Band AWS             40.69             42.42             40.74             42.92

The maximum output power occurred on each band is less than 44 dBm thanks to the AGC
feature in each band.


6 Emission at Antenna Terminal
6.1 Methodology
All test conditions and measurement procedures were performed in accordance with FCC
CFR47 part 2 subpart J Clause 2.1051. Detailed measurement method was following KDB
935210 D05 Section 3.6.

A brief summary of the applicable FCC specifications are listed in the table below.
2.1051 Measurements required: Spurious emissions at antenna terminals.
The radio frequency voltage or powers generated within the equipment and appearing on a spurious frequency shall be checked at the
equipment output terminals when properly loaded with a suitable artificial antenna. Curves or equivalent data shall show the magnitude of
each harmonic and other spurious emission that can be detected when the equipment is operated under the conditions specified in§ 2.1049 as
appropriate. The magnitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value need not be specified.

2.1057 Frequency spectrum to be investigated.
(a) In all of the measurements set forth in §§ 2.1051 and 2.1053, the spectrum shall be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal
generated in the equipment, without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the frequency shown below:
(1) If the equipment operates below 10 GHz: to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz, whichever is lower.

27.53 Emission limits.
(c) (1) For operations in the 746-758 MHz band and the 776-788 MHz band, the power of any emission outside the licensee's frequency
band(s) of operation shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) within the licensed band(s) of operation, measured in watts, in
accordance with the following:
On any frequency outside the 746-758 MHz band, the power of any emission shall be attenuated outside the band below the transmitter power
(P) by at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB
(g)For operations in the 600 MHz band and the 698-746 MHz band, the power of any emission outside a licensee's frequency band(s) of
operation shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) within the licensed band(s) of operation, measured in watts, by at least 43 + 10
log (P) dB. Compliance with this provision is based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution bandwidth of 100
kilohertz or greater. However, in the 100 kilohertz bands immediately outside and adjacent to a licensee's frequency block, a resolution
bandwidth of at least 30 kHz may be employed.
(h) For operations in the 1710–1755 MHz and 2110–2155 MHz bands, the power of any emission outside a licensee’s frequency block shall
be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) by at least 43 + 10 log10 (P) dB.
(1) Compliance with this provision is based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution bandwidth of 1 megahertz or
greater. However, in the 1 megahertz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the licensee’s frequency block, a resolution bandwidth of at
least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental emission of the transmitter may be employed. The emission bandwidth is
defined as the width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and one above the carrier center frequency,
outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter power.

22.917 Emission limits.
(a) Out of band emissions. The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the
transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.

24.238 Emission limitations for Broadband PCS equipment.
(a) Out of band emissions. The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the
transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.
The limit is = -13 dBm.

6.2     Out-of-band Emission

6.2.1 Measurement Configuration
Measurements were performed at narrow band and wide band signal at the lower and upper
edge within the 700 MHz (728 – 757 MHz), 850 MHz (869 – 894 MHz), PCS (1930-1995
MHz) and AWS (2110-2155 MHz) band.


Tests were repeated for single carrier and adjacent dual carriers, as defined in 3GPP, on first
and last channel in the operating bands.

For each type of signal applied, tests were again repeated under two input conditions:
       - Nominal: with input 0.5dB below AGC threshold
       - AGC: with input 3dB above AGC threshold
The out-of-band emission was measured within specified frequency range at the edge of the
authorized frequency band, 300kHz range for the frequency band below 1GHz and 3MHz
range for the one above 1GHz. Normally the reference band width (RBW) in spurious
emission measurement was specified to 100kHz for the frequency range below 1GHz and
1MHz for the frequency range above 1GHz. A relaxation of RBW is allowed to be applied to
out-of-band emission measurement.

KDB 971168 D01 page14:
This is often implemented by permitting the use of a narrower RBW (typically limited to a minimum RBW of 1% of the OBW) for measuring
the out-of-band emissions without a requirement to integrate the result over the full reference bandwidth. Beyond the specified frequency
range in which this relaxation is permitted, it is also typically acceptable to use a narrower RBW (again limited to a minimum of 1% of OBW)
in order to increase accuracy, but the measurement result must subsequently be integrated over the full reference bandwidth.

6.2.2 Results
The immediate out-of-band emission measurement is shown in the Figure 6-1, Figure 6-2,
Figure 6-3 and Figure 6-4 for the four operating bands.

The peak out-of-band emission caused by any of the following combination – narrow band
signal vs wide band signal, single carrier vs dual carriers, and nominal input vs input above
AGC threshold - is below -13dBm limit.

    Figure 6-1 Out-of-band Emission in 300kHz or 3GHz Range – 1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal
               Applied on First or Last Channel in the Appropriate Operating Band

 1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - Nominal      1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - AGC
                                     Band 700


1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - Nominal        1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - AGC

1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - Nominal      1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - AGC
                                    Band 850

                                   Band PCS


1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - Nominal        1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - AGC

                                   Band AWS


1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - Nominal         1 Carrier Narrow Band Signal - AGC

     Figure 6-2 Out-of-band Emission in 300kHz or 3GHz Range – 1 Carrier Wide Band Signal
           Applied on First or Last Channel in the Appropriate Operating Band

 1 Carrier Wide Band Signal - Nominal        1 Carrier Wide Band Signal - AGC
                                    Band 700

                                      Band 850


1 Carrier Wide Band Signal - Nominal         1 Carrier Wide Band Signal - AGC

                                  Band PCS


1 Carrier Wide Band Signal - Nominal        1 Carrier Wide Band Signal - AGC

                                  Band AWS


Document Created: 2016-12-22 14:31:12
Document Modified: 2016-12-22 14:31:12

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