test report of 1A5247


Test Setup Photos

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                  L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                            FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        COMPLIANCE TESTING
                   CHAMBERLAIN 3 BUTTON


                             - TEST REPORT -
                            NOVEMBER 11, 1998

                                 Prepared for:
                            The Chamberlain Group
                            Elmhurst, Illinois 60126

All results of this report relate only to the items that were tested.
This report is not to be reproduced, except in full, without written
approval of L.S.Compliance, Inc.

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                   L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                    FCC ID: HBW1A5247

   Section    Description                                                         Page #
              Report of Measurements: index                                          1
              Description of Measurement Facilities                                  2
               1.2 Signature Page                                                    3
               1.3 Summary of Test Report                                            4
               1.4 Introduction                                                      5
               1.5 Purpose                                                           5
               1.6 Radiated Emission Test Setup                                      5
               1.7 Radiated Emission Test Procedure                                  6
               1.8 Radiated Emission Test Equipment Utilized                         7
               1.9 Conducted Emission Measurements                                   7
              1.10 Restricted Bands (Frequencies and Limits)                         8
              1.11 Photos taken during testing                                       9
              1.12 Summary of Results and Conclusions                               11
              1.13 Test Equipment List                                              12
                     A Sample Calculations:                                         13
                            i. Calculation of Radiated Emissions Limits             14
                           ii. Duty Cycle Correction Factor Calculation             15
                          iii. Occupied Bandwidth Calculations                      16
                     B Data Charts                                                  17
                     C Graphs                                                       19

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                     L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                       FCC ID: HBW1A5247


                                        Site on File with the FCC
                                      ID Number: 31040/SIT

      “ The site referenced above has been found to comply with the test site criteria found in ANSI
                                C63.4-1992 and 47CFR Section 2.948.”

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                  L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                              FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        SIGNATURE PAGE

  Prepared By:
  Approved By:           Kenneth L.   Boston                    11
                           Kenneth L. Boston, EMC Lab         Date
                                   PE #31926
                        Registered Professional Engineer
                              (State of Wisconsin)

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                  L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                         FCC ID: HBW1A5247

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                      L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                       FCC ID: HBW1A5247


       MANUFACTURER:                The Chamberlain Group
       MODEL:                       Craftsman 3 Channel Transmitter; 1A5247
       SERIAL:                      LS08
       DESCRIPTION:                 Low power Remote Transmitter
       FREQUENCY RANGE:                    390 MHz

        The Craftsman 3 button Remote control was found to “meet” the radiated emission specification of
Title 47 CFR FCC, Part 15, subpart C. for an intentional radiator

This Remote Control device is meant to control the operation of a Garage Door lifting mechanism, from a
distance of up to 150 feet or more. The associated control receiver is part of this system, and has been
certified at an earlier date.

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                       L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                          FCC ID: HBW1A5247


        On November 2 and 11 of 1998, a series of Radiated Emissions tests were performed on a sample
model of the Craftsman 3 button Remote, a Remote control which operates a garage door by means of a short
burst of data transmission containing an I.D. code. These tests were performed using the test procedures
outlined in ANSI C63.4-1992 for intentional radiators, and in accordance with the limits set forth in FCC
Part 15.231a,b for a periodic transmitter. These tests were performed by Kenneth L. Boston, PE, of L. S.
Compliance, Inc.

1.5    PURPOSE

       The above mentioned tests were performed in order to determine the compliance of Craftsman 3
button Remote product with limits contained in various provisions of Title 47 CFR, FCC Part 15, including:

                                              15.205          15.231b
                                              15.209                 15.231c

All radiated emissions tests were performed to measure the emissions in the frequency bands described by
the above sections, and to determine whether said emissions are below the limits established by the above
sections. These tests were performed in accordance with the procedure described in the American National
Standard for methods of measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and
Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz (ANSI C63.4-1992). Another document used as
reference for the EMI receiver specification was the International Special Committee on Radio Interference
(CISPR) number 16-1 (1993).


        The test sample was operated within the 3 meter Semi-Anechoic, FCC listed chamber located at L.S.
Compliance in Cedarburg, WI. The sample was placed on an 80cm high wooden pedestal, which was
centered on the flush-mounted 2m diameter metal turntable. The test sample was operated on its own [new]
internal battery. The test sample was configured to run in a continuous transmit mode during the 15.231c
and 15.231b measurements. This was accomplished by the use of a small Plexiglas stand, which had a
plastic plunger simulating a finger, which held down on of the activating buttons. The three buttons were all
activated to transmit, and the large button gave the highest emission signature, and was used for all the
testing. One test sample, set to operate on the standard channel, was tested as an intentional radiator, in order
to determine compliance at a frequency of 390 MHz,

       Please refer to Section 1.11 for pictures of the test setup.

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                      L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                        FCC ID: HBW1A5247


        The fundamental and spurious (harmonic) emissions of the transmitter were tested for compliance to
Title 47 CFR, FCC Part 15.231b limits for periodic devices. For the calculations used to determine the limits
applicable for the test sample, refer to Appendix A. These limits are expressed in decibels (dB) above 1
microvolt per meter (µV/m). The sample was tested from the lowest frequency generated by the transmitter
(without going below 9 kHz) to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental frequency generated by the device.
The appropriate limits were also observed when the fundamental or spurious signals were located within any
of the restricted bands as described in Part 15.205a. These frequencies, and their associated limits, are
referenced in Section 7.10. The sample was placed on a nonconductive (wooden) pedestal in the 3 Meter
chamber and the antenna mast was placed such that the antenna was 3m from the test object. A biconical
antenna or tuned dipole was used to measure emissions from 30 to 200 MHz, a log periodic or tuned dipole
was used to measure emissions from 200 to 1000 MHz, and a double ridged waveguide horn was used to
measure emissions above 1 GHz. The test object was programmed to operate in continuous transmit, with a
shortened repeat time, and the resultant signals were maximized by rotating the turntable 360 degrees, and by
raising and lowering the antenna between 1 and 4 meters. The test object was also given several different
orientations to determine the maximum signal levels, using both horizontal and vertical antenna polarities.

        No significant emissions were found aside from the transmitter fundamental and several harmonics.
The unit was scanned for emissions, over the range 30 to 4000 MHz to establish compliance with Part
15.231b and 15.205 while in continuous transmit. At frequencies below the fundamental, no spurious
signals, other than the noise floor of the system could be found within 20 dB of the limits.

        In addition to measuring the levels of radiated emissions, the occupied bandwidth of the transmitter
was measured. In accordance with FCC Part 15.231c, the 20dB bandwidth of the transmitted signal should
be within a window of 0.25% of the center carrier frequency. The calculation for this bandwidth can be
found in Appendix A. The resolution bandwidth was set to the closest available filter setting on the
HP8546A EMI system that corresponded to 5% of the allowable bandwidth determined in the calculation
mentioned above, without going below the resolution bandwidth of 10kHz, as dictated in ANSI C63.4-1992
section 13.1.7.

     The sample was activated to transmit in a continuous mode and was placed on the aforementioned
pedestal within the 3 meter chamber. The transmitted signal was received on a tuned dipole antenna and fed
to the HP8546A EMI System, where the fundamental frequency was displayed, and a plot of the occupied
bandwidth was produced. These plots are included in Appendix C.

    From the data supplied, it can be seen that the test samples do indeed “meet” the bandwidth requirement
established by FCC Part 15.231(c).

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                      L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                         FCC ID: HBW1A5247


        A list of the test equipment and antennas used for the tests can be found in Section 1.13, which
includes the calibration information as well as the equipment description. All equipment is calibrated and
used according to the user manuals supplied by the manufacturer. All antenna calibrations were performed at
a N.I.S.T traceable site, and the resultant correction factors were entered into the Hewlett Packard 8546A
EMI receiver software database. The connecting cables used were also measured for loss using a calibrated
signal generator and the HP 8546A EMI receiver. The resulting loss factors were entered into the HP 8546A
database. This allowed for automatic changes in the antenna correction factor, as well as cable loss or other
corrections, to be added to the EMI receiver display while taking measurements. Thus, the resulting data
taken from the HP 8546A is an actual reading and can be entered into the database as a corrected meter
reading. When a reading is taken using the peak detector, a duty cycle correction factor can be applied for
conversion to an average reading. This operation can be used when measuring periodic data transmission,
under FCC part 15.231b, and Part 15.35c. The calculation for deriving this duty factor can be found in
Appendix A. The resulting average reading was then compared to the appropriate limit in order to determine
compliance. The HP 8546A EMI receiver was operated with a bandwidth of 120 kHz when receiving signals
below 1 GHz, and with a bandwidth of 1 MHz when receiving signals above 1 GHz, in accordance with
CISPR 16. Both the peak and Quasi-peak detector functions were used.


       Due to the fact that this product operated on its own internal battery power, as opposed to using a
power cord, it was not necessary to perform a test for Conducted Emissions.

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                  L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                 FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                                 Manufacturer: Chamberlain
                                      Model: 1A5247
                                  Serial Number(s): LS08

                  1.10 - Restricted Bands affecting this product

               Frequency (MHz)           Limit (µV)          Limit (dB/µV/m)
                  399.9-410                 200                    46.0
                    608-614                 200                    46.0
                   960-1240                 500                    54.0
                  1300-1427                 500                    54.0
                 1435-1626.5                500                    54.0
                1645.5-1646.5               500                    54.0
                  1660-1710                 500                    54.0
                1718.8-1722.2               500                    54.0
                  2200-2300                 500                    54.0
                  2310-2390                 500                    54.0
                 2483.5-2500                500                    54.0
                  2655-2900                 500                    54.0
                  3260-3267                 500                    54.0
                  3332-3339                 500                    54.0
                 3345.8-3358                500                    54.0
                  3600-4400                 500                    54.0

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                  L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                              FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        1.11 – Photos taken during testing

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                      L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                        FCC ID: HBW1A5247

         View of the Remote Control transmitter during the Radiated Emissions tests. This view shows the
orientation of the product where the maximum signal levels were present (vertical polarity). In order to cause
  the remote transmitter to run continuously, a small plexiglass fixture can be seen which pushes a plunger
                          down on the appropriate button to activate transmission.

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                       L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                          FCC ID: HBW1A5247


        Based on the procedures outlined in this report, and the test results included in appendices B and C, it
can be determined that the Craftsman 3 button Remote Transmitter does “meet” the emission requirements
of Title 47 CFR, FCC Part 15 Subpart C for an intentional radiator. The level of the 3rd harmonic emission
of the sample was found to be only 0.23 dB below the limit in the worst case configuration. As this level is
within the tolerances of the test equipment and site employed, there is a possibility that this unit, or a similar
unit selected out of production may not meet the required limit specification if tested by another agency.

        The enclosed test results pertain to the samples of the test item listed, and only for the tests performed
on the data sheets. Any subsequent modification or changes to the test items could invalidate the data
contained herein, and could therefore invalidate the findings of this report.

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                    L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                    FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                                   1.13 - Test Equipment

 Asset # Manufacturer Model #   Serial #                  Description                      Due Date
AA960003   EMCO       3121C       786                 Dipole Set Antenna                    7/14/99
AA960004   EMCO         3146  9512-4276              Log Periodic Antenna                   9/12/99
AA960005   EMCO        3110B   9601/2280              Biconical Antenna                     9/12/99
AA960007   EMCO         3115  99111-4198      Double Ridged Guide/Horn Antenna              7/20/99
EE960004   EMCO         2090   9607-1164            Mast/Ttable Controller                    I.O
EE960013     HP       8546A 3617A00320 Receiver RF Section W/Display and RF filter section 8/12/99
EE960014     HP       85460A 3448A00296         Receiver RF Section Preselector             8/12/99

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                  L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                         FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        APPENDIX A:
                        SAMPLE CALCULATIONS

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                    L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                      FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                               Manufacturer: The Chamberlain Group
                                            Model: 1A5247
                                        Serial Number(s): LS08

                     Calculation of Radiated Emissions limits for
                         FCC Part 15.231(b) (260-470 MHz)

      The calculation involves a linear interpolation of 3750 to 12500 µV/m over 260-470 MHz,
      Where field strength of the fundamental frequency (f0) when, 260≤ f0≤470 MHz, can be found by:
             3750.0+41.667(f0-260), where f0 is in MHz.

      The calculation involves a linear interpolation of 375 to 1250 µV/m over 260 to 470 MHz,
      Where field strength of the harmonic frequencies (2f0, 3f0..), when 260≤ f0≤470 MHz, can be found
             by: 375.0+4.1667(f0-260), where f0 is in MHz.

 Where f0 = 390 MHz
            Fundamental: 3750+41.667(390-260) = 9166.7 µV/m
            Harmonic: 375+4.1667(390-260) = 916.67 µV/m

 Frequency    Fundamental limit     Fundamental limit Harmonic limit Harmonic limit
   (MHz)           µV/m)
                  (µ                   (dB µV/m)          µV/m)
                                                         (µ           (dB µV/m)
    390           9166.67                79.24           916.67          59.24

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                       L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                         FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                                              Model: 1A5247
                                          Serial Number(s): LS08

                         Duty Cycle Correction Factor Calculation

       For a graphical presentation of the data bursts being transmitted from the Remote Control
Transmitter, refer to Appendix C. This plot was taken of a unit, which has been programmed to send its
activation code repeatedly, by holding down one of the buttons, to permit radiated emissions tests to be
readily performed. When the unit is activated by a user pressing one of the keys, the transmitter sends out an
alternating code frame, where the first frame is 80 milliseconds long; consisting of 41 ms of code and a 39
ms. Blanking interval.. This is followed by a second frame consisting of 43 ms of code and 37 ms. of
blanking interval. These frames alternate continuously as long as the button is held down, out to a maximum
of 3 minutes, where it will shut down. The auto shutdown saves batteries in case of a key being accidentally
depressed while in a persons pocket, by pressure from keys or coins.

The coded bits are trinary, with a ¾ on time per bit corresponding to a logic one. The highest duty cycle
occurs when a second frame is followed by a first frame, and all the bits are logic one. When the total On-
time is computed over a100 millisecond window, according to FCC Part 15.35(c), where the pulse train
exceeds 100 milliseconds, a total of 48.25 milliseconds is obtained. This results in a relaxation factor of 6.33
dB, which is under the allowable cap of 20 dB, as stated in FCC Part 15.35(b)

Relaxation Factor      = 20 log (48.25/100)
                       = 6.33 dB

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                      L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                           FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                                  Manufacturer: The Chamberlain Group
                                            Model: 1A5247
                                         Serial Number: LS08

                              Occupied Bandwidth Calculations

FCC Part 15.231(c) states that the bandwidth of the periodic device shall be no wider than 0.25% of the
center frequency for devices operating between 70 and 900 MHz. Said bandwidth is determined at the
-20 dB reference to peak carrier points.

               For 390 MHz, the 20 dB bandwidth is 0.0025 X 390 = 0.975 MHz

Refer to Appendix C for the set of graphs that show the actual occupied bandwidth of the test sample, which
for this sample is 0.473 MHz, well within the limits.

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                  L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                         FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        APPENDIX B:
                           DATA CHARTS

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                    L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                    FCC ID: HBW1A5247

 Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiated Emission within 3 Meter FCC Listed Chamber
                          Frequency Range inspected: 30 to 3500 MHz
Date of Test: November 2, 1998                        Manufacturer:     The Chamberlain Group
Location:      L. S. Compliance, Inc.                 Model No.:        1A5247
               W66 N220 Commerce Court                Operating Freq.   390 MHz
               Cedarburg, WI 53012
               47CFR FCC Part 15.231b,15.205          Serial No.:
Distance:      3 meters                               Configuration:    Active, continuous burst
Equipment: HP 8546A EMI Receiver                      Detector(s) Used: Peak
               EMCO 3115 Double Ridged Waveguide
               EMCO 3146A Log Periodic
               EMCO 3121C Tuned Dipole
               EMCO 3110B Biconical
The following table depicts the level of significant fundamental and harmonic emissions found:
      Higher order harmonics were found to be below the noise floor of the receiving system:

                                          EMI Meter Duty Cycle Corrected
Frequency Antenna Height Azimuth                                         15.231b Limit Margin
                                           Reading Correction Reading
  (MHz)   Polarity (meters) (0° - 360°)                                   (dB µV/m)     (dB)
                                          (dB µV/m)   (dB)     (dB µV/m)
 390.55        H         1.0      90         82.5     6.33       76.17       79.24      3.07
 390.55        V         1.4      90         82.3     6.33       75.97       79.24      3.27
 781.33        H         1.1     200         50.4     6.33       44.07       59.24     15.17
 781.33        V         1.3      95         45.0     6.33       38.67       59.24     20.57
 1171.9        H        1.35     280         60.1     6.33       53.77       54.0       0.23
 1171.9        V         1.0      95         59.3     6.33       52.97       54.0       1.03
 1562.6        H        1.0       65         57.8     6.33       51.47       54.0       2.53
 1562.6        V        1.05      90         55.8     6.33       49.47        54.0      4.53
 1953.3        H         1.1      75         54.9     6.33       48.57       59.24     10.67
 1953.3        V         1.2     110         53.5     6.33       47.17       59.24     12.07
 2343.9        H         1.2     215         52.0     6.33       45.67        54.0      8.33
 2343.9        V         1.0      70         50.6     6.33       44.27       54.0       9.73

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                  L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                         FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        APPENDIX C:

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                                              FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        390 MHz Remote Control, emissions below 1 GHz, horizontal polarity

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                                                FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        390 MHz Remote Control, emissions below 1 GHz, vertical/horiz polarity

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                                              FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        390 MHz Remote Control, emissions above 1 GHz, horizontal polarity

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                               FCC ID: HBW1A5247

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                        L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                                   FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                         390 MHz Remote Control, occupied bandwidth

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                                     FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        390 MHz Remote Control, duty cycle, burst period

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                                       FCC ID: HBW1A5247

                        390 MHz Remote Control, duty cycle, burst duty cycle

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                        L. S. COMPLIANCE, Inc.
                               FCC ID: HBW1A5247

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Document Created: 2001-07-10 15:28:12
Document Modified: 2001-07-10 15:28:12

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