H9PNP3010 Cover Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                   Mobile and Wireless Systems Division

                                                                                    Norman H. Nelson
                                                                                    Symbol Technologies, Inc.
                                                                                    2145 Hamilton Ave
                                                                                    San Jose, CA 95125-5905
                                                                                    FAX: (408) 369-2740
Federal Communications Commission
Equipment Approval Services
P.O. Box 358315
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5315

Re: Certification request for Symbol NetVision Phone.

Date: August 13, 1998

Dear Reviewer

This certification request is for the Spectrum 24 model NP3010 NetVision Phone. The NP3010 is a low
cost digital phone utilizing the Symbol Technologies, Inc. Spectrum-24 network for voice communication
between two NetVision phones. Symbol Technologies, Inc. manufactures information systems that are
employed in commercial establishments to assist in controlling inventory. Spectrum 24 is a Wireless Local
Area Network (WLAN) used along with hand held computers to assist in information collection typically in
retail stores, warehouses, and factories. The NetVision Phone is add on hardware to utilize the Spectrum-
24 WLAN for voice communication.

The following files are electronically submitted as attachments.

Exhibit Type                                        File Name        Confidential
Block Diagram ------------------------------------BlkDia.pdf             X
Cover Letters: -------------------------------------CvrLet.pdf
External Pictures ----------------------------------ExtPics.pdf
ID Label/Location Info --------------------------Label.pdf
Internal Photos ------------------------------------InPics.pdf
Operational Description -------------------------OpDesc.pdf               X
Schematics -----------------------------------------Schem.pdf             X
Test Report-----------------------------------------TstTpt.pdf
Users Manual --------------------------------------UsrMan1.pdf

Symbol Technologies, Inc. ("Symbol"), requests that the Block Diagram, Schamatics, and Operational
Description Exhibits of the above referenced application be withheld from routine availability for public
inspection pursuant to Section 0.459 of the Commissions Rules and Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA")
Exemption 4, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).

These exhibits consist of "trade secrets [or] commercial or financial information obtained from a person
and privileged or confidential", 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4), and is therefore entitled to protection from disclosure
under FOIA.

The documents in question contain trade secrets: detailed technical descriptions, specifications and
schematics for a product to be offered for sale. These materials provide particulars on the product design
that can be ascertained from inspection of the product itself only with extraordinary expenditures of time
and effort, if at all. This information would give Symbol's would-be competitors an unearned and
unwarranted competitive advantage.

Moreover, the documents contain "commercial information" within the scope of FOIA Exemption 4. This
information is the product of Symbol's investment of money, personnel, and other resources. The result of
that investment is a fairly earned position in the marketplace. Premature release of the information
threatens substantial and unwarranted harm to Symbol's competitive position.

For these reasons, Symbol has taken pains to keep this technical information confidential, and intends to
continue doing so. Symbol customarily withholds this information from persons outside the employ of
Symbol and certain of its suppliers and contractors, and even within these groups routinely limits access to
persons having a particular need for the information. If the Commission were to make these documents
public, it would be giving away hard won fruits of Symbol's labors without compensation.

The filing fee required for this request is included in the check that accompanies Form 159 mailed under
separate cover.

If there are any questions about this request, please call me at the number above.

Thank you for your attention.

         Respectfully submitted,

         Norman H. Nelson

Document Created: 2019-09-29 20:53:10
Document Modified: 2019-09-29 20:53:10

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