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Quick Start Guide

Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                                                  Quick Start Guide

Table of Contents
Welcome .......................................................................................................... 3
Box Content .................................................................................................... 4
Connection Overview .................................................................................... 5
Quick Setup .................................................................................................... 6
Common Troubleshooting Procedures .................................................... 10
FAQs ............................................................................................................... 11


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                     Quick Start Guide


The Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                Inside this package you will find the
(Small    Office    Home      Office)        Femtocell Multi-band SOHO and its
provides enhanced mobile voice               accessories necessary for the
and data service within buildings. It        installation. The Femtocell Multi-
delivers high quality voice calls and        band SOHO has a zero touch set-up
faster, more reliable mobile data            process. Just install as detailed in
service.                                     this guide and it connects to your
                                             mobile      phone     automatically
The Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                whenever your phone is within
connects to your broadband                   range.
Internet service to deliver extended
indoor mobile network coverage.              Before you begin you need to make
The in-building mobile phone                 sure you have the following:
connectivity, signal quality, and
data    bandwidth      will   greatly        •   High speed internet service and
improve, especially if the building is           an available Ethernet LAN port
in a remote area or out of adequate              on your router.
mobile phone tower range.
                                             •   An available power socket or
                                                 electrical outlet. This is not
                                                 required if using Power-Over-
                                                 Ethernet (PoE).
                                             •   A 3G or LTE phone registered
                                                 for 3G or LTE service with your
                                                 service provider.


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                             Quick Start Guide

Box Content

 Quick Start Guide        Femtocell Multi-band SOHO
    (This document)

     GPS Antenna & Cable         Velcro Strap
              (15 feet)

                           Wall Mounting Kit
                             (2 Screws and 2 Wall

 AC Power Adaptor          Ethernet Cable


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                               Quick Start Guide

Connection Overview

                        Power on when AC Adaptor is plugged in

                        Yellow WAN Port
                        Connect to internet router

                        Grey LAN Port
                        Connect to other devices, like PC, if needed

                        1.      Press and hold for 5 seconds for reboot
                        2.      Press and hold for 20 seconds for factory
                                setting reset and software update


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                        Quick Start Guide

Quick Setup
 1   Connect your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO to the Internet
     Connect the yellow Ethernet cable from the yellow “WAN” port on your Femtocell
     Multi-band SOHO to an available Ethernet port on your internet router.

 2   Connect GPS antenna to your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO
     Connect the GPS antenna cable to the GPS port on the Femtocell Multi-band
     SOHO. The GPS antenna helps reduce the device setup time and improves device
     location accuracy. Position the antenna as close to a window as possible.


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                        Quick Start Guide
 3   Power on your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO
     Plug in your AC power adaptor into the power outlet and connect the power
     cable to the Femtocell Multi-band SOHO power port.


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                       Quick Start Guide

4   Let your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO set up
     After you power on your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO, it will go through self-
     installation. It can take up to 45 minutes to complete the device setup. Your
     Femtocell Multi-band SOHO may download updates and restart during this time.

     • Power (Solid Green)
      Power on. Device self-testing and update complete.
     • Internet (Solid Green)
      Successful internet connection.
     • Status (Solid Green)
      Successful connection established with mobile
      operator network.
     • GPS (Solid Green Optional)
      GPS position locked if GPS if signal is present.
     • 3G/4G (Solid Green)
      Device is ready to provide 3G service.
     • 4G LTE (Solid Green)
      Device is ready to provide LTE service.


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                          Quick Start Guide

 5   Wall mount your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO if desired


     Congratulations! Your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO setup is complete.
     You should see improved signal strength from your device. Make your first call to
     enjoy more dependable voice calls and a more reliable high speed data


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                                                                  Quick Start Guide

Common Troubleshooting Procedures
  Issue Description and Resolution             Power          Internet        Status           GPS                3G              4G

 Device has a hardware issue.
                                              Solid Orange    Solid Orange   Solid Orange   Solid Orange     Solid Orange   Solid Orange

 Device unable to capture GPS signal.
 Without GPS signal lock, device is still
 able to proceed through setup and
 operate normally. You may receive
                                                   Any            Any            Any        Solid Orange        Any             Any
 SMS or email notifications to verify
 your device use address for
 emergency 119 or 911 call safety.

 Device connection issue with
                                                Flashing or                      Off             Any              Off             Off
                                               Solid Green    Solid Orange

 Device is unable to reach network.
 Check with Internet Service Provider
 on network settings. Ensure ports             Flashing or      Flashing
                                                                                 Off             Any              Off             Off
                                              Solid Green       Orange
 UDP 500, UDP 4500 and UDP 123 are

 Unable to activate the device
 with network.                                                                 Solid or         Any              Off             Off
                                              Flashing or     Solid Green      Flashing
                                            Solid Green                        Orange

 3G, 4G, service is not available.
 Device may not be used in market
 or remote disabled.                                                           Solid or         Any              Off             Off
                                              Solid Green     Solid Green

 Device has reached maximum
 number of active voice and data
 connections for each technology.                                              Flashing
                                                                                                              Flashing        Flashing
                                              Solid Green     Solid Green       Green                          Green           Green
 Attempt to call again after
 existing calls are terminated.

 The device is overheated.
 Move device to a cooler location.              Flashing        Flashing       Flashing       Flashing        Flashing        Flashing
                                                Orange          Orange         Orange         Orange          Orange          Orange


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                               Quick Start Guide

How do I know that I am using my                    longer be able to place calls through the
Femtocell Multi-band SOHO service?                  Femtocell Multi-band SOHO. However, if
Your mobile phone display will                      you have coverage from the mobile
automatically indicate if you are within            network of your mobile service provider
small cell signal range. If registered and          you can still place calls normally.
configured properly, your mobile phone
should display a small cell service
message and an associated signal

Will my call drop if I leave the building in
the middle of a call?
If you move out of range of the Femtocell
Multi-band SOHO, your call will be
automatically transferred to the next
available network service offered by your
mobile service provider, without
disconnecting your call. If no other
mobile network is available your call will
be disconnected.

What happens if my broadband
connection fails?
If you lose your broadband connection in
cases of IP connectivity set up failure, the
Internet light will light solid orange and
your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO
coverage will stop. The Femtocell Multi-
band SOHO service will return when the
broadband connection is recovered.

What happens if my Femtocell Multi-
band SOHO stops operating – can I still
place a call?
If your Femtocell Multi-band SOHO stops
operating (e.g. if you have lost your
broadband connection) then you will no


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                              Quick Start Guide

Safety Notes                                       COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE
                                                   EXPOSURE LIMITS: The Femtocell Multi-
GENERAL: Please read this Quick Start              band SOHO is a multiband radio
Guide carefully before using the                   transmitter and receiver. When it’s
Femtocell Multi-band SOHO. The purpose             turned on, it receives and transmits radio
of the Femtocell Multi-band SOHO is to             frequency (RF) signals. The system
provide improved mobile signal coverage            controls the transmitted power level
inside a building. Do not use this device          within a range up to 0.5 W, cumulated
for any other purpose, as doing so may             over all transmitting bands.
be dangerous.
                                                   EMERGENCY: The Femtocell Multi-band
PLACEMENT: The Femtocell Multi-band                SOHO does not operate during instances
SOHO and all its components (including             of power loss. To make emergency calls
cables and power adaptor) should be                under this condition, please use a mobile
placed in a dry, indoor area, at elevated          or land line phone.
heights such as on top of shelves,
cabinets, etc. It should be kept away from         POWER SUPPLY: Ensure that the voltage
any wet or damp environments; such as              specified corresponds to the power
kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms or              socket to which you connect it. In case of
any other areas with exposure to                   power loss (and therefore loss of
moisture, sprays, drips, or running water.         service), all mobile calls, including
For the safety of stored data, it should           emergency calls, will be redirected
not be placed near magnetic devices such           automatically to the default mobile
as audio or video tapes, diskettes or              (carrier) network. If you have no mobile
credit cards. While in service, the antenna        network coverage and need to make an
should not be co-located with another              emergency call, please use a land line. In
antenna or transmitting device.                    case of a thunderstorm, please
                                                   disconnect the device to avoid damage.
CONDITIONS OF USE:                                 For safety reasons, only authorized
Temperature rating: -5°C to 45°C.                  service technicians should open the
Relative Humidity rating: 5% to 95%.               device.
Maximum altitude: 3960m.                           The AC/DC adapter meets the following
MEDICAL DEVICES: The Femtocell Multi-              Input power: 100-240VAC, 50-60Hz,
band SOHO contains a radio transmitter.            1.0A
Medical devices such as pacemakers and             Output power: 12VDC, 2A
hearing aids may be affected, unless
precautions are taken, when using this             INTERFACES:
device. Please contact your healthcare             All output ports are considered limited
provider for additional safety guidelines.         power sources (LPS).


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                        Quick Start Guide

disposal and/or recycling, please respect
the sorting rules of your country or
region for this kind of device. European
regulations require the disposal of this
device at sales points or at designated
collection points such as drop-off
centers, etc.


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                                             Quick Start Guide

Federal                                           following actions:
                                                  · Reorient or relocate the receiving
Communications                                    antenna.
                                                  · Increase the separation between the

Commission                                        equipment and the receiver.
                                                  · Connect the equipment into an outlet

Interference                                      on a circuit different from that to which
                                                  the receiver is connected.
                                                  · Consult the dealer or an experienced
Statement                                         radio/TV technician for help.

This equipment complies with Part 15 of           FCC Caution
the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the        Any changes or modifications not
following two conditions: (1) This device         expressly approved by the party
does not cause harmful interference, and          responsible for compliance could void the
(2) this device must accept any                   user's authority to operate this
interference received, including                  equipment.
interference that may cause undesired             This transmitter must not be co-located
operation.                                        or operated in conjunction with any other
This equipment has been tested and                antenna or transmitter.
complies with the Class B digital device
limits, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC            Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure
Rules. These limits are designed to               Statement
provide reasonable protection against             When using FCC OET Bulletin 65 and its
harmful interference in a residential             supplements, this equipment complies
installation. This equipment generates,           with FCC 47 CFR 1.1307(b) for
uses and can radiate radio frequency              radiofrequency radiation exposure in
energy and, if not installed and used             uncontrolled (general public)
according to the instructions, may cause          environments. This equipment shall be
harmful interference to radio                     installed and operated with a minimum
communications. However, there is no              distance of 20cm between the radiator
guarantee that interference cannot occur          and your body.
in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by
turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by taking one of the


Femtocell Multi-band SOHO                              Quick Start Guide

Copyright © 2017 Nokia. All rights reserved.

The information presented is subject to
change without notice. Nokia assumes no
responsibility for inaccuracies contained

NOTICE OF LIABILITY: Every effort has been made
to ensure that this guide contains accurate
and current information. However Nokia and
the author shall not be liable for any loss or
damage suffered by readers as a result of any
information contained herein.

TRADEMARKS: Nokia and the Nokia logo are
registered trademarks of Nokia.
All other trademarks are the property of their
respective owners.



Document Created: 2018-09-19 13:28:41
Document Modified: 2018-09-19 13:28:41

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