Users Manual Part 4


Users Manual

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Orvtn nnlvimintenietant
Mel ncrane ore                                  onoue
wivoreniat                                    bemie tms
665 Reset
K nawet C301R povte nA ennccl nt ie cranhwatet
hopocc m mavae ue t ononsusn D came tocuh tonen
provimc EDo mconeoane i y eot on o cpennyrauger ticke
Teefilns l w on o nin meaayen
$90dmmadmncofiaie rconpar rpte cant y pose ons
668 tamp Orvers
Hnessn .081 ant t n aat mpetdn o to posti LED uy n

6ar Kepes
591902 an$ s aermt have a io pas n c nanof e e
Heciage bon i en n mt oi Te mnconate ahomorny rovid wud
Cwmm mline cmermcm
sea senaieepnon
1i 15 hBEOM h moved in mue rntnnme it mtc nncad
1 Hihnoar pat ln t C Tn tsldtd on nenn e D. t
tdtdon ieis wnfivea wmm y wpemen Ti
ME naiemt enare inaencofioce. oninem in e ouin n ravone
seo rimom
dams RAMW at Mathatte U povte mwih mt dgat westons ie w
inprtty OhindGnk hmaiidh mtRw mpinmah ie ras oas
redtarnlt tpovty 0 poute wan A men rian espa mnew tA
EeWw ) t it s wnaesttPA nvmmacenarp owh on
watin inycce popco i mtc ce oi
U t MB e m uilvps en oo n nchrnen uton thi s
enart uiyhmy3 m PMt h onn hien o loc
i repatrrapa tm AireikAvecammicaco wl n y
061 he n ult BCio it 14. en inarma on nepeoe 2 B90C
C gorins ieA s d on Ti a t nteAle w oe
ofacecce1P us on do helbe we uon mie maneC ue ore
imAiFoatioSS fian ts weve uo t eb mt
AGCEM wrmaa ln in h es e vari n 10hnyy n
ieon K in enn h Themcronetr mon t wwcoaa se mave
ind iant AC hnien mt icen
HupeAGCUMtags mitAGC muninpmit Lot ceie A0G
whne uie ipeon ienennnparminmng

Oinitivam in                                   recuens

Orvien inihoin itsevsettnnd                      oonen
Metconetss ore
wntivorertat                                   brenie im
A0CKM se namiet euingso wcug commant t n in n1 stog ns
Hsont inrwantanep ainycaboce.
Anamematc 2C h en tcan i natatewith ts e m i mm w ie
OMommntocmmenice Iesicndscont
t prevnetmenseet cont ie Lccncpent ienant himie
ant ie mamapren: OB mm i mig thore sn cesc    mapen
#8108 Channel aD
The MGG n nds t hsn t ogo0 0Cs 1e motum. Te mamcen e
+. Imoastrenizene
+ Imnimenerme
+0 100 ue ipscn piataion)
+. tesniementunpearee
+. tmsniutnitaecem
t 60utm
To M use vat ns cnntconetiputinn. Teene
+ Tmmatxte
+. bornhukimenni nc
(Bow on it atg 0t asu o enenbust m winp on wat l u n wes

66108232 Inertace
U ommwl nj put w t tw t MEU s«i0 mtuny mnte it ic in
ol i carm raw o on te meoney t us Y wpas e on wovice i
uie a 1. t on cnmen hoi a cutiue i it e Cns
Reepn) i fa ra nc ie i a mn n vane t ce nare i
use ess1commerncr
m                         E=m
i                         @rawrsa

Oon Tw t                                        necmurs

Onrien nslsmsiettond                             omm
wnivoreriet                                    bronte ton

                          OR iemesmswosn
                          mStemesmsmore m en

c 2 raut naty
 A dsdmcome ces n onie i poen se y utious. Powimce
Ondb en inape
 Thitc onot t utmticint isewie t us pwe uieoic t te
 M o wntmtit m           ui y nc e monane m e
nniyintinnty e t wi e mt Paneice i voatren on
We Ai ulie ne ols wb ietat vnn infeconprann in t
 ncfisitront veticrmeneniguictaiionaign
+. hipo ie n npocintonse
+ 60 ie im on putitcning
+0 Semtas
+0 Remmwrern
+0 initcoumanipone
+0 bessomagpae
+0 nowine

+008 ut ie
+ Trmnursnimare
+ Trmnwncronce
+o Bm

O ut ivonie                                     Iecsers

Oneion inoliic misiraettmad                     omonn
maivoreniat                                   brmie ims
th fsn utLb qituty un hy vevne
6819100 Inortace
The MGD ommut acntr t t D nds hmt e Tiinain
Adaa in‘ie mtc ininiaranput Th LCB ooineco e condon
KnbiD omme
5ommmm ustt huttnine
68141Tranamiter Interisce
Ht oide inecnsein i tWamnie nodd, is nate w 16idnanten
uitc tatoimetie @ithouine)
m        sorst |rimcron
:        m         Iniumtopcrersearem
>        o         Grant mmiarsagtonx
5        PAE Wotierccnireseseiontx
a        PiGG      remseromnatetiians
s        rrin      |renisomrin toupiznth
&        Te_ |TamnnemcnneseneonX
7        Tt        Teon ninnd arisiny
a        vex       Tennieasom
9        mesn      |resnitrentins
®        se        Sdpenom
m        mc        KGutomizne
@        1650      |rGcimarreempir
s        oic01     |nensimicomereaor
w        mor       Nenseayowiteanee
@        wo        Hon neoyporeramiomizmn
e        reruse

68 15 RearPanaliteface
(Bismetcepits uc sit novnc e ut sput

Oiniio is                                      Pss

Orvin bisteintsentiond                          onnsomn
wl cceransore
murorentah                                    Dramie tm
uies Rormed ortconeae t iWn ran 190ue iem Ps
m Tax: —Joaan
ifi frav
zJn        ~|ao
+    |ree— |reewan
1 |G%__    Grmionaie aversrevinerwar e
+    [mo   |rnwenneienen
«_   mans. priuet tm
7—|mBt |atnivemeneas
+ 06| Tanniiteirasoesncionern

6816Sotware Operation
Tiieeten te onio aprtn o steutpeonr
68161     intateaton
onlo poe o nautofi maad o. t mvnnmetenie m in man
den uin 1t ol o mm miraeme m Te oniow
uit ommemcton rihan uinir ut nomatoy mann ar en o heC
on metrm id mm i dnc mt wee ol h unc o w cuene Aiviont
fowl oni t ole itc s en pirnalm meatne
NC ut meng esn w t on te PR n un in t Oe
ie ind manidt s m ncnnaptm nennrvont
(t¢ D onPMAt nnt mc oiTh hnteve nc ecion
1 neon nteus ut ue oibhn nc en memitepraingis. Oc
bevanmitrminie ncinttie imncnmenn
Whecerve oi uioeLRlmencmtt eraroes n whoun
n Woind ty oean. e moA tmdmecne
mous   nin iduitn cuenh oc o e ma lp m ovam on

s6182... Washdeg
Boase OAmwnenens o ooyio hame mm oo ue uat
ie t onomcs cif e mermomote en wine ve umt
hm ooi mpepan ns t mt uy ww note en
d mcth oau dn n i ts pogn quie drian en ul y oc

Ovainon ie                                     nesurs

Orevin nolaie ntsereetrnt                          ons
Wei ce rame on
wnirorertas                                      bnvnte ten
dsc en wapeoce itt ie tm eningpopunt nes
M mathieoicce mt eveotat im e esns m now
ln t epeac eman m ermnenhntenn tooge in m1Fie mmy on
Eieininvnnnmemny e
68162 wantomp
Th 008 oatn tw cnl unt mt avia suminnny y ue t nc m
uinwdlore incwe h nio n mante o wa Iopcs ud en n
Redhie uMmonnorie s n srhel ate en 102 atrad nrol en
dn mernden uteinl in m y in wien in o Lb dgus m o
noniene eHRFON en mmyemees
ds onmatie mt on intnpn mt e mving dn un hy apenn ie es
ot n e mrmqutymadove ce ow
(h mho ow in sin y ue us i unooter n
‘he i tep mepntc en oi atrnts i entrcie sn uitc
focionmenicas. Mectapecsicnmeomm hi
66164 AGCComoiProcess
          t onposns    n y o mmropone
                                   9B mm
                                       ietw     en e A0C
                 nc Thsmue                   maneropan
TDAGC wontpesen nsme A0€ ut t es e o ol ne m
iobo hoit uommw o ts anted Wce te on uenmm d
Eumtadintet Tice 100 ane s man n anpne mauieo tm ep
n   mat ii  anuie ie 1e eon
        o hmbntantut           ud n
                        o hteadsnn        iene
                                       n mt cei nc   mt
                                                   sie tin
WnO ns hy metog n S cemvife enc l nc ue tred
Cfi on why uch in ce ponty uproqutiem e ow
66165 TrnamtPoverLevaingProcess
We amontt ns nc in menna is mor n ie A0C on ytsimnine
uin omm ie favailpore ueinfompendon ie mm
lt Te NT P mt n C e‘ ag ieltouieo ies
‘le proon mtae manctnentt apeii tctom in in onpre
hotly hy remin wl mt i m uy mtc ho uitese mte n en
Te rnniionignpjn m ncpmine
66188 rautMontorProcess
tomeete O¥X hti peaiot tm tmpras ut nds e uit mmpoos n
eXun mer Mn en nc on o w ced im poon
o hiwoie e ind beane e AD cce h moon un hnue

Ofoutricen ie                                     racwars

Oreiin inoliim tsettmad                  onome
wuiroreetad                            Drvmie roa
nomavaie onb ty it dnntonal t wor in nomnont s
Eowe canaty c o onm y in ut enon wonn
66187 SoralCommnicalons Process
Aywl d io e UAE uies n oun m Crmmanend nipcin
3t mn memnwrudcrmmmmoc odva ies
@7 PowerSupples
Tson tav wictnate euen astcmen 40 man j i0 s
BV We unie muten cath n o HadeA opich Newwente
ne OE mt ymTmtole i ien ecnepanton. A n e
ntu mt WR nonon ts umm onon
Thns etund wontte t t o prbnt s e nere nae te
Annld hnemond onveporia. Thmemigmonmss neveum

OAuniinon ie                            ho

Opin inliinant eveetred                              voomn
whirorertar                                        bromie on

7 Sorvice
7.1. Problem DeterminationfPertormance Tests
mssumsecronnorneuncom reremsunverson
72. Sevice tenu
hss nen in tcinwl wre tese aitrin udin unc pessinn. t
ies torim mme uw APBin micommmnme milyer ma poots repieng
Endiahnan miinrieia, Tive isnn mm njant mm Indopancee
(mespeit 10Gcatecce e t e rutosmmcureze e cann n t t
Wl mm t     mactuty
                 titd eiealtedain
                        n h mnetarncenine c
                                          mm e cdnc    eitons
                                                 n on ues  e
n ieuiein
     Off uie ue ‘Iant t ORaemt     ienrnommmaonemtmc
                            prvad it                     rune
                                       Snncnmamncurpne coena
7211 Entering Service Henu
(Be uce msats n ts osiag t mm hm snang oo t e n o dn es
722. Calbxate Teansmiter Power

  5 hi wt nbeont w devca se ue ie enon es intn
1 ie 098 i n n unaieae ns e tuituto ese t omm citrcin
Keintonnaln n "Rovah mortonie en 1e i in l eoo
i id intla NC ul t mruh ara y te iein on y mc
W minle Ne 1CB coun mm seenta eentem ie ue beiy rmacn
irrmagh nc pogrit im pon ehnp en
Whe inte raiconnenaion e twa 1d ns prs ste o orh
cnrpie mtcanpovec Ale in onin miccont tntee oom
12020X menung mc ce oenc uerwrate n need m
Pvia in m tiag in on papove moun w10 es i i indcepa pove i n
Abr mt umpeve tntnsom ann repen s olt n e O0K nom
908 dho wang Wceie S poe ea utdi mtuie oos
Reiimisardic Neoc en nboc se eonninnmer
Oitaiemseys risiom

ie ie                                                hewun

Orien inlviminteanttnnd                             omm
MZZcrneTess ore
waitvoreeiad                                      Drvmie roa
P t in es t OPK se o m ie un mt m n hP
mamaifonpint emnniniliownnediya0 Oind
723 it Ouputtovel

Tiuic jmind nupne Wa 90 ei ie ol t on
hoi. e hottnnan hn l o tmm ie ieAmane enach
en alhe mana ie ncwat n onctti 160 tnty mm ne
(finieiwten enolonD atow y Ocne tCb w
enin noualy ce tecin nborig o nwr ho
Th ce on l tertrnetite i cirei h ceriet
724. cattrare acc (rssn

enan t lt heceantte en en ae is udottew
A0l wlmtcman dnc h innyarin cmd te i nmine
fmiparnadtonmmnity t oi ind
Ts toian stt intemamei onscitrice
Oe msuc e rndcnm ndve uitc 2 nna en o t OFR m Ti OMR ealine
ny B it n t mnon h t ol Garaon motas We ie oys
Cnnet te O Ti ie aecone hii mc t hl on 00 Te en
metras ol t won on tin o mm
mhroatie altai   ic cnos, 0e 0PR tc tm n onsstto ieAgcan
Th 16B dity ntcun waontd cnpiioo AGC ottenm. A is is a stt
inincnn witecont in uen Ofkpunmecnlepn
728 Speci Caltration Functions
(he innp td ue thaet o e ncnctnof enevie tm Te
wein l ie mant on in ncusn
728. Set PA Temporature Limik

Th hnd Aetulten uit dn on o ramaty . TiCD tyin
vitehven t 8t l O cromnig i ie e ermeare d 8 ommi ie
io Tionl o me Te ipe bmens tocr eagomee ce in ncen

O on                                               becsiors

Oreien notiionisereeitond                           ons
mntivorentat                                      Bremse is
aon t mt n d s winn unemice ut danten s ow uind Ocneaon i a
ukyinon lerpmad
Ns tnian n mematy ooo enc ore mc
727 Set PA Maximum Current

Tifecin nt igmme P oonunae duson.ud mevalt us 0
Abltc ovet ma inha in M smmon cremibempn en

Th stt Tudomeme ut it .A 028 e t ue inatns tiper
nnierrnequntncemanon hmtwo maiminnonmre
729. Set inimum 280Supply Votage.

TBtoctn e ticet uinooonotcete 20 Puts
72:10Set Maximum Reverse Pover

Tsinastatnn roune ovrsorn uie rpest
7a11 SetDetauts

Ts hsnl olteicsioi a ut uo oey megnanet ies i. atwug on
mornty oiin e nc mte mana somen Te cce mt h uen
"Toibanttpooty e tnea
72128Factoy Mona

©fntFicon ts                                       Iuswoers

Document Created: 2001-07-06 13:53:35
Document Modified: 2001-07-06 13:53:35

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