User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                      Bluetooth® Presentation Controller
                                                                                      取扱説明書 / Operating Instructions / Mode d'emploi

                                             Printed on 70% or more recycled paper
                                             using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-
                                             free vegetable oil based ink.
 2007 Sony Corporation / Printed in Japan
3-196-908-01 (1)

 VGP-BRMP10_3-196-908-01(1)                                                                                                      VGP-BRMP10_3-196-908-01(1)

                                                           For customers in Canada
 WARNING                                                   This Class B digital apparatus complies with
                                                           Canadian ICES-003.
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not
                                                           Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
expose the unit to rain or moisture.                       (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
Owner’s Record                                             and (2) this device must accept any interference
The model number and the serial number are located         received, including interference that may cause
                                                           undesired operation of the device.
inside the battery compartment of the mouse. Record
the serial number in the space provided below. Refer       To prevent radio interference to the licensed service,
to this number whenever you call your Sony dealer          this device is intended to be operated indoors and
regarding this product.                                    away from windows to provide maximum shielding.
                                                           Equipment (or its transmit antenna) that is installed
Model No. VGP-BRMP10
                                                           outdoors is subject to licensing.
Serial No. ____________________
                                                           IC Exposure of Humans to RF Fields
For customers in the U.S.A.                                The installer of this radio equipment must ensure that
This equipment has been tested and found to comply         the antenna is located or pointed such that it does not
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant     emit RF field in excess of Health Canada limits for
to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are              the general population; consult Safety Code 6,
designed to provide reasonable protection against          obtainable from Health Canada’s website:
harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in         For customers in the U.S.A. and Canada
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful        The use of optical instruments with this product will
interference to radio communications. However, there       increase eye hazard.
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following
measures:                                                  Located on bottom side
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.              For customers in Europe
– Increase the separation between the equipment and        Hereby, Sony, declares that this product is in
   receiver.                                               compliance with the essential requirements and other
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit        relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
   different from that to which the receiver is
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
   technician for help.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications
not expressly approved in this manual could void           It also complies with standard EN 60825-1, being
your authority to operate this equipment.                  classified as a CLASS 1 Laser product.
                                                           Located on bottom side
For questions regarding your product or for the Sony
Service Center nearest you, call 1-888-476-6972 in         To obtain a copy of the Declaration of Conformity
the United States or 1-800-961-7669 in Canada.             (DoC) to the R&TTE Directive, please access the
                                                           following URL address.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,        Do not open wireless devices, as opening them, for
and (2) this device must accept any interference           whatever reason, could lead to damages that are not
received, including interference that may cause            covered by the guarantee.
undesired operation.
                                                           Repair and maintenance only by authorized Sony
FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:                          technicians. Improper use and repairs can create a
These products comply with FCC radiation exposure          safety hazard.
limits set forth for uncontrolled equipment and meet       In some situations or environments, the use of
the FCC radio frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in
                                                           Bluetooth® wireless technology might be restricted by
Supplement C to OET65. These products have very
                                                           the proprietor of the building or responsible
low levels of RF energy that it is deemed to comply
                                                           representatives of the organization, for example
without testing of specific absorption ratio (SAR).        onboard airplanes, in hospitals or in any other
                                                           environment where the risk of interference with other
                                                           devices or services is perceived or identified as
2 GB                                                       harmful.


If you are uncertain of the policy that applies to the
use in a specific organisation or environment, you are
encouraged to ask for authorization to use Bluetooth®
wireless technology prior to switching it on.
                                                             Table of Contents
Consult your physician or the manufacturer of
personal medical devices (pacemakers, hearing aids,          Before Use .............................................. 4
etc.) regarding any restrictions on the use of
Bluetooth® wireless technology.                                   Features ........................................... 4
Disposal of AAA batteries                                         Compatible personal computers ...... 5
• This wireless device is powered by AAA batteries.          Location and Function of Controls ......... 6
• For installing the batteries, please refer to the
  “Inserting Batteries” section of this manual.              Setting up ................................................ 8
• Do not handle damaged or leaking batteries. Dispose             Inserting batteries ............................ 8
  of promptly and properly.
• Batteries may explode or leak if recharged, disposed of         Using the Bluetooth Utility software
  in fire, mixed with other types of battery or improperly          to enable communication ............ 10
• Batteries used in these devices may present a fire or           Operating distance
  chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not                        of the controller ........................... 12
  disassemble, heat above 60°C (140°F) or incinerate.
• Replace only with the same or equivalent type                   Power-saving features of the
  recommended by the manufacturer.                                  controller ..................................... 12
• Keep away from children.
• Dispose of properly at end-of-life.
                                                             Using the Controller ............................. 13
• In some areas, the disposal of batteries in household or        Giving a presentation .................... 13
  business waste may be prohibited. Please use the
  appropriate public collection system.                           Enable or disable scrolling and
Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic                             tapping ......................................... 14
Equipment (Applicable in the European                             Adjusting the pointer speed ........... 15
Union and other European countries                                Tips for giving
with separate collection systems)
                        This symbol on the product or               a smooth presentation ................. 15
                        on its packaging indicates that      Specifications ....................................... 17
                        this product shall not be
                        treated as household waste.          Precautions ........................................... 18
                        Instead it shall be handed over      Maintenance ......................................... 19
                        to the applicable collection
                        point for the recycling of           Getting Help ......................................... 19
                        electrical and electronic            Troubleshooting .................................... 20
                        equipment. By ensuring this
                        product is disposed of
                        correctly, you will help             • VAIO and                 are trademarks of Sony
                        prevent potential negative             Corporation.
                        consequences for the                 • Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, and PowerPoint
                        environment and human                  are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
health, which could otherwise be caused by                     Corporation in the United States and/or other
inappropriate waste handling of this product. The              countries.
recycling of materials will help to conserve natural         • The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the
                                                               Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such marks by
resources. For more detailed information about
                                                               Sony Corporation is under license. Other trademarks
recycling of this product, please contact your local           and Trade names are those of their respective owners.
Civic Office, your household waste disposal service          • All other names of systems, products, and services are
or the shop where you purchased the product.                   trademarks of their respective owners. In this manual,
                                                               the ™ or ® marks are not specified.
                                                             • In this manual, Microsoft® Windows® XP Home
                                                               Edition and Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional are
                                                               referred to as Windows XP.
                                                             • In this manual, Windows Vista™ Home Basic,
                                                               Windows Vista™ Home Premium, Windows Vista™
                                                               Business and Windows Vista™ Ultimate are referred
                                                               to as Windows Vista.


Before Use

            This controller is a Bluetooth Presentation Controller that uses Bluetooth

            • Remotely start a slideshow, and move slides forward or backward.
            • Use the touchpad as a pointer during your presentation.
            • During your presentation, use the pointer option (page 00) to write on the
              screen, or use hyperlinking. Make your presentation more appealing with
              full control over video, Websites, and other content. (The pointer option
              and hyperlinking are features of Microsoft Office PowerPoint.)
            • The touchpad can be used for much more than just presentations. It is
              also great for remotely controlling audio and video software.

4 GB


Compatible personal computers
        The Bluetooth® Presentation Controller can be used with the following
        personal computers (as of May 2007):
        • Sony VAIO personal computers equipped with Bluetooth technology and
          pre-installed with Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Microsoft
          Windows XP Home Edition, or Microsoft Windows Vista.
          (SP2 must be installed on your personal computer if it is
          pre-installed with Windows XP.)
        See the website referred to in “Getting Help” (page 00) regarding specific

        * Bluetooth technology
          Bluetooth wireless technology provides instant short-range connectivity without the
          need for cumbersome cabling. For details, refer to the manuals included with your
          personal computer.

        Depending on the personal computer or version of software you are using, the controller
        may not operate correctly.
        Consult your nearest Sony dealer about proper operating environments and information
        about Sony VAIO and Bluetooth compatibility.

                                                                             Continued on next page

                                                                                           5 GB


Location and Function of Controls

Front View

1 Previous Slide button                             z Hint
   Displays the previous slide during a             It may be difficult to control the pointer with
   slideshow.                                       the pad of your finger on the touchpad. We
   Has the same effect as pressing the PgUp         recommend lightly sliding the tip of your
   (page up) key on the keyboard.                   finger on the touchpad. Operation may be
                                                    adversely affected if your fingertip is wet or
   Note                                             sweaty.
   Using this button with software other than
   PowerPoint software may work differently.

2 Touchpad
   Works the same as the touchpad of a
   personal computer.
   Sliding your finger across the touchpad
   moves the pointer on the screen in the same
   direction. Place your finger on the right edge
   of the touchpad (9 scroll line) and move it
   up and down to move the vertical scrollbar of
   the selected window (Scroll feature).
   Tapping lightly once on the touchpad is
   equivalent to performing a left click. Tapping
   twice in succession is equivalent to
   performing a double click (Tapping feature).
   Horizontal scrolling is not available.

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Back View

3 Left button                                    7 POWER lamp
   Works the same as the left button of a           Displays the battery status.
   personal computer’s touchpad or mouse.
   Press this button to open document or image      Status                         Lamp
   files, or select software to run.                Battery fully charged          Solid green

4 SLIDE SHOW button                                 Battery charge low             Flashing yellow
   Starts or ends a slideshow.                      Power off                      Off
   Has the same effect as pressing the F5 and
   Esc keys on the keyboard.
   Note                                          8 Power switch
   Using this button with software other than       Turns the controller on or off.
   PowerPoint software may work differently.
   z Hint                                        9 Scroll line
   If pressing the button has no effect, try        Scrolling (see “Touchpad” on page XX) is
   pressing it again.                               available.

5 Bluetooth status lamp (page XX)                q; Right button
                                                    Works the same as the right button of a
6 Next Slide button                                 personal computer’s touchpad or mouse.
   Displays the next slide during a slideshow.      Press this to display a shortcut menu and
                                                    quickly perform a number of operations,
   Has the same effect as pressing the PgDn
                                                    such as copying your documents and images,
   (page down) key on the keyboard.
                                                    and viewing file details.
   Using this button with software other than    qa Strap hole
   PowerPoint software may work differently.
                                                 qs CONNECT button (page XX)

                                                 qd Battery cover

                                                                                             7 GB


Setting up

 Inserting batteries

          1 Set the power switch to OFF.
          2 Open the battery compartment cover.

          3 Insert the two IEC R03 (size AAA) batteries* with the correct
             + – orientation.

             * The supplied manganese batteries are for testing purposes. We recommend using
               commercially available alkaline batteries.

8 GB


     To prevent battery fluid leaks and damage, observe the following precautions.
     • Insert the batteries with the correct + - orientation.
     • Do not charge dry cell batteries.
     • Do not use old and new batteries together. (Doing so may cause the battery fluid
       to leak. It can also prevent the controller from operating.)
     • Do not use different types of batteries together.
     • If the controller will not be used for a long time, remove the batteries.
     • If a battery fluid leak occurs, carefully wipe the battery compartment, and insert
       new batteries.
     • To prevent accidental operation, be careful not to press any buttons when
       replacing the batteries.

4 Close the battery compartment cover.

z Hint
The battery will last approximately 14 hours of continuous use (when using alkaline
batteries). Check the controller's POWER lamp if the pointer becomes unresponsive, or
the operating range between the personal computer and controller becomes shorter. If the
POWER lamp is flashing yellow, replace the batteries. When not using the controller, set
the power switch to off.

Replacing the batteries
The POWER lamp flashing yellow indicates that the battery life is running low. Replace
the batteries when this occurs.

                                                                        Continued on next page

                                                                                      9 GB


 Using the Bluetooth Utility software to enable communication
          Use the Bluetooth Utility software installed on your personal computer to
          enable communication between the controller and your personal computer.

          z Hint
          Operation of the Bluetooth Utility software may vary depending on your personal
          computer. For details on how to use the software, refer to the manuals provided with your
          personal computer.

          1 Turn your personal computer on.
          2 Set the power switch to ON.

                                                                     Power switch

          3 Activate the Bluetooth function on your personal computer.
               For details, refer to the manuals provided with your personal computer.

          4 Double-click the        icon in the notification area on the bottom
               right corner of your personal computer’s desktop.
               The Bluetooth Utility software starts up, and the “Bluetooth Settings” screen

          5 Click “New Connection”.
               The “Add New Connection Wizard” screen appears.

          6 Press the CONNECT button.
               The Bluetooth status lamp turns blue and flashes quickly.

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                                              Bluetooth status lamp

CONNECT button

7 Select “Express Mode”, and click “Next”.
   Search for Bluetooth devices begins.

8 In the device list, select “VGP-BRMP10”, and click “Next”.
   If your personal computer is pre-installed with Windows Vista:
   The “Add New Connection Wizard” screen disappears. Try moving the
   controller. If the pointer displayed on your screen moves in the same
   direction, the connection is complete.

   z Hint
   When the connection is complete, the Bluetooth status lamp turns blue and flashes
   If your personal computer is pre-installed with Windows XP:
   Go to step 9.
   If the “Found New Hardware Wizard” appears, follow the wizard’s instructions to
   install the software.

9 Click “OK” at the prompt to connect the HID device.
10 Verify the contents of the window displayed, and click “Next”.
11 Click “Finish”.
   Try moving the touchpad of the controller. If the pointer displayed on your
   screen moves in the same direction, the connection is complete.

   z Hint
   When the connection is complete, the Bluetooth status lamp turns blue and flashes
                                                                  Continued on next page

                                                                              11 GB


          Turn off the power switch of the controller.

          Turn on the power of the controller. After the Bluetooth status lamp turns
          blue and begins flashing, the flashing will slow, and the connection will be

 Operating distance of the controller
          The controller can normally be operated within about a 32 ft. (10 m) radius
          around the personal computer. Depending on the usage environment,
          sometimes the usable distance may be notably shorter, preventing normal
          In such a case, take the following measures:
          • Use the controller as far away from other wireless devices as possible.
          • Use the controller closer to the personal computer.

 Power-saving features of the controller
          When the controller is connected to a personal computer, if you do not
          operate the controller for 20 minutes, it will disconnect from the personal
          computer in order to avoid draining the battery. Operating the controller’s
          touchpad or buttons in this state will cause it to automatically connect.

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Using the Controller

Giving a presentation
        This section describes the steps for giving a presentation using PowerPoint
        See “Location and Function of Controls” (page XX) for instructions on
        using the buttons and touchpad.
        Also see “Tips for giving a smooth presentation” (page XX).

        1 Open the file for your presentation in PowerPoint software.
        2 Start a slideshow.
            Press the SLIDE SHOW button.

                                                         SLIDE SHOW button

            z Hint
            • If nothing happens, try pressing the button again.
            • By default, during a presentation the pointer is hidden if it does not move for more
              than 3 seconds. See “Tips for giving a smooth presentation” (page XX) to make
              the pointer visible at all times.

            To display the next slide
            Press the Next Slide button.
            To display the previous slide
            Press the Previous Slide button.

        3 End a slideshow.
            Press the SLIDE SHOW button.

            z Hint                                                           Continued on next page
            If nothing happens, try pressing the button again.
                                                                                         13 GB


 Enable or disable scrolling and tapping
         You can enable or disable the touchpad’s scrolling and tapping features
         (page 00). The scrolling and tapping features are enabled at the factory.

         1 Turn on the power switch (shown in rectangle) while
             simultaneously pressing and holding the SLIDE SHOW
             button, Left button, and Next Slide button (shown in circle).

         2 The POWER lamp flashes green and yellow.
             Perform the following operation while it is flashing.
             If you do not perform the above operation within 10 seconds, the power turns on
             with the settings unchanged. Press the SLIDE SHOW button to skip setup and turn
             on the power.

         3 Enable or disable scrolling and tapping.
             To enable scrolling
             Press and hold the Next Slide button for over 1 second.
             To disable scrolling
             Press and hold the Previous Slide button for over 1 second.
             To enable tapping
             Press and hold the Right button for over 1 second.
             To disable tapping
             Press and hold the Left button for over 1 second.

             The controller turns on with the new settings.
             You cannot enable/disable the scrolling and tapping features at the same time. To set
             each of these features, follow steps 1 to 3 to set the scrolling or tapping feature, then
             turn off the power and perform steps 1 to 3 again.

             z Hint
             The setting you performed in step 3 will be saved until you set it again, even if you
             remove the batteries or turn the power off and on.

14 GB


Adjusting the pointer speed
        If the pointer does not move smoothly when you slide your finger on the
        touch panel, use the steps below to set the pointer to a speed that is easier to
        (The instructions below are only an example. The actual procedure may
        differ depending on your personal computer. For details, refer to the
        manuals provided with your personal computer.)

        1 Click “Start”, then “Control Panel”.
            The Control Panel window appears.
            If you are using Windows XP:
            Click the “Printers and Other Hardware” icon.
            If you are using Windows Vista:
            Click the “Hardware and Sound” icon.

        2 Click the “Mouse” icon.
            The Mouse Properties dialog appears.

        3 Click the “Pointer Options” tab.
        4 Adjust the speed, then click “OK”.
            z Tip
            You can also change the pointer appearance in the Mouse Properties dialog.
            Changing the pointer speed using this procedure will also change the speed of the
            pointer controlled by your personal computer’s touchpad or mouse.

Tips for giving a smooth presentation
        Here are some tips for making your presentation go more smoothly.

        Setting the pointer options to always show the pointer arrow
        If you are using PowerPoint software, we recommend making the following
        settings before starting your presentation.

        1 While a slideshow is running, press the Right button to
            display the shortcut menu.

        2 Select “Pointer Options”, “Arrow options”, then click “Visible”.
            This setting will make the pointer arrow visible at all times during a
            slideshow (by default, during a presentation the pointer is hidden if it does
            not move for more than 3 seconds).
            After the slideshow ends, the setting will return to the default value, so you
            must perform this setting each time.
                                                                            Continued on next page

                                                                                        15 GB


        Selecting the tapping and scrolling settings
        The touchpad’s tapping*1 and scrolling*2 features are enabled at the
        factory. Enable or disable these features according to preference. See page
        XX for details on how to enable or disable these features.
        *1 The tapping feature
           Tapping lightly once on the touchpad is equivalent to performing a left click. This is
           handy for things like navigating hyperlinks or playing video files during a presentation.
           If your presentation does not have hyperlinks, video files, or other objects you would
           want to click, we recommend disabling the tapping feature to avoid using it by mistake.
        *2 The scrolling feature
          Place your finger on the scroll line (see page XX) and move it up and down to move the
          vertical scrollbar of the selected window.

        Using the pointer options to select the pen for writing on slides
        If you are using PowerPoint software, you can set the pointer to “Pen” to
        write on slides during your presentation.
        While a slideshow is running, press the Right button to display the shortcut
        menu, then select “Pen” in the “Pointer Options”, and set the pen to the
        desired colour.

        Using the strap
        You can put a neck strap or hand strap in the strap hole (see page XX). This
        is a handy way to make sure you do not drop the controller.

        The PowerPoint examples above are for PowerPoint 2003.

16 GB


Communication method                                Accessories
Bluetooth Standard Ver. 2.0+EDR                     Manganese IEC R03 (size AAA) batteries*2 (2)
Frequency band                                      Operating Instructions (this document) (1)
                                                    Warranty Card (1)
RF 2.4 GHz (Bluetooth)
                                                    *1 Communication range will vary according to
Power requirements
                                                       whether walls or other obstacles are located
3 V DC (two manganese IEC R03 [size AAA]               between devices, the material used in walls, the
batteries)                                             presence of radio frequency interference and
Transmission distance                                  other environmental conditions, and the type of
                                                       software being used.
32 ft. (10 m) max. line of sight*1
                                                    *2 The supplied batteries are for testing purposes
Dimensions                                             only. You can use the controller longer by using
Approx. 1.6 × 0.4 (0.8 max) × 4 in. (40 × 10.9         alkaline batteries.
(20.2 max) × 104 mm) (w × h × d)
Mass                                                Design and specifications are subject to
Approx. 2.0 oz. (57 g) (including batteries)        change without notice.
Supported models
Sony VAIO personal computers equipped with
Bluetooth technology and pre-installed with
Windows XP or Windows Vista.
Operating temperature                                                              付属電池についてJ向けと異なる
41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C)                                                         箇所があればご指示くださいま
(temperature gradient less than 18°F (10°C)/hour)                                  すようお願いします。
Operating humidity
20% to 80% (not condensed), provided that
humidity is less than 65% at 95°F (35°C)
(hygrometer reading of less than 84°F (29°C))
Storage temperature
–4°F to 140°F (–20°C to 60°C)
(temperature gradient less than 18°F (10°C)/hour)
Storage humidity
10% to 90% (not condensed), provided that
humidity is less than 20% at 140°F (60°C)
(hygrometer reading of less than 95°F (35°C)

                                                                                               17 GB



                                               • The data transfer rate will vary
Precautions                                      depending on distance and obstacles
                                                 between devices, device configuration,
                                                 radio interference, operating system,
Safety                                           software application, and so on. In some
If any solid object or liquid falls onto the     cases, communication may be
controller, disconnect it and have it            interrupted.
checked by qualified personnel before          • Communication range will vary
continuing its use.                              according to whether walls or other
Location                                         obstacles are located between devices,
                                                 the material used in walls, the presence
Do not place the controller in a location
                                                 of radio frequency interference and
where it is:
                                                 other environmental conditions, and the
• On an unstable surface                         type of software being used.
• In very humid areas or where there is no     • If wireless LAN and Bluetooth
  ventilation                                    functionality are used at the same time
• Subject to excessive dust                      on the same personal computer,
                                                 communication speed may be reduced
• Subject to direct sunlight or extreme          due to electromagnetic interference, and
  heat                                           other unwanted effects may occur.
• Extremely cold                               Cleaning the outside of the controller
                                               Clean the controller with a soft, dry cloth
If the controller is brought directly from a   or a soft cloth lightly moistened with a
cold to a warm location or is placed in a      mild detergent solution. Do not use any
very damp room, moisture may condense          type of abrasive pad, scouring powder, or
on the inside of the controller. If this       solvent such as alcohol or benzene.
occurs, the controller may not work
In this case, wait about 30 minutes for the
moisture to evaporate. If the controller
does not work properly after one hour,
consult your nearest Sony dealer.
Bluetooth communications
• The 2.4 GHz band used by Bluetooth
  and wireless LAN devices is also used
  by various other devices. Bluetooth
  devices incorporate technology that
  minimizes interference from other
  devices using the same wavelength.
  However, communication speed and
  achievable distances may be reduced.
  Interference from other devices can also
  stop communications altogether.

18 GB


                                              For customers in the United
Maintenance                                   States and Canada
                                              ❑ The Sony Customer Information
Wipe the outside of the controller with a       Service Center offers information
soft, dry cloth.                                about your VAIO computer and other
                                                Sony products that work with your
                                                computer. To contact Sony Customer
 Cleaning the cabinet                           Information Service Center, call
                                                1-888-4SONYPC (1-888-476-6972).
• Turn off the power and remove the           ❑ Sony Computing Support provides
  batteries before cleaning the controller.     instant access to information on
• Do not use an excessively wet cloth to        commonly encountered problems. Type
  clean the controller.                         a description of the problem and the
                                                Knowledge Database searches for
• Do not use solvents, cleaning alcohol,
                                                corresponding solutions online. You can
  benzene, or other substances that may
                                                visit Sony Online Support at:
  damage the finish.

                                              For customers in Europe
                                              ❑ VAIO-Link. For addresses and
Getting Help                                    numbers, refer to

This section provides information on how
                                              For customers in other
to get help and support from Sony, and
troubleshooting tips for your controller.     countries and regions
                                              ❑ VAIO Website provides Frequently
                                                Asked Questions and solutions.
 About Sony’s support                 
                                                              Getting HelpはIRX-9247か
Sony provides several support options for                     ら流用しています。
your controller. When you have questions
about your controller, refer to the
❑ This guide explains how to use your

                                                                                19 GB


        If you experience any of the following difficulties while using the
        controller, use this troubleshooting guide to solve the problem. If a problem
        persists, consult your nearest Sony dealer.

        Symptom                     Cause/Remedy
        The controller does         ❒ Your personal computer is in power-saving mode or is
        not turn on when I set        not turned on.
        the power switch to
                                      c Unless your personal computer is turned on and not
                                        running in power-saving mode, the controller will
                                        not turn on, even when the power switch is set to
                                        ON. Turn on your personal computer or recover
                                        from power-saving mode.
                                    ❒ Other controller buttons are being pressed while the
                                      power switch is set to ON.
                                      c If the power switch is set to ON while other
                                        controller buttons are being pressed, the controller
                                        will not turn on. Be sure not to press any other
                                        buttons when setting the power switch to ON.
                                    ❒ The batteries are exhausted.
                                      c Replace the batteries. Under normal use, the
                                        batteries have a lifetime of approximately 14 hours
                                        (during continuous use). See “Inserting batteries”
                                        (page XX) for details.

        The pointer does not        c Processing performed by Windows or other software may
        move when I slide my          temporarily disable the controller. Wait a few moments
        finger over the               for the processing to finish before using the controller.
        controller’s touchpad.      c You may find some useful solutions in your personal
                                      computer’s operating instructions. Refer to the
                                      manuals provided with your personal computer.
                                    ❒ You are using an unsupported software program.
                                      c Please use a supported software program.
                                    ❒ The controller batteries are exhausted.
                                      c If the power does not come on when the power
                                        switch is set to ON, replace the batteries. For
                                        details, see “Inserting batteries” (page 00).
                                    ❒ The controller is not set to ON.
                                      c Set the power switch on the bottom of the controller to ON.
                                    ❒ The controller and your personal computer are not
                                      c Perform the steps in “Using the Bluetooth Utility
                                        software to enable communication” (page 00) to
                                        ensure that proper communication is possible.
20 GB


Symptom                  Cause/Remedy
The pointer does not       c In some operating environments, the usable distance
move when I slide my         may be noticeably shorter, preventing normal
finger over the              operation. In such cases, use the controller farther
controller’s touchpad.       away from any other devices that may be interfering
                             with operation.
                           c If the controller is too far from your personal
                             computer, communication is not possible. Bring the
                             controller and your personal computer closer together.
                         ❒ You pressed the CONNECT button while operating the
                           c If you press the CONNECT button while operating the
                              controller, the controller will go into connection standby
                              for approximately one minute, during which time the
                              controller cannot be operated.
                              If you press the CONNECT button, wait a few minutes
                              before operating the controller.
                         ❒ The controller may not be able to make a connection in
                           environments where communications are being
                           conducted using wireless LAN (2.4 GHz band) or
                           Bluetooth products.
                           c We recommend using the controller in a location
                             relatively free of influence from wireless
                           c Disconnect any Bluetooth products other than this
                         ❒ You are operating the touchpad using the pad of your finger.
                           c It may be difficult to control the pointer by using the pad of
                              your finger on the touchpad. We recommend lightly
                              sliding the tip of your finger on the touchpad to operate it.
                              Operation may also be adversely affected if your fingertip
                              is sweaty.
                         ❒ You have set the pointer speed set too low.
                           c Follow the instructions in “Adjusting the pointer speed”
                             (page XX) to adjust the pointer speed.
Just touching the        ❒ The tapping feature is enabled.
touchpad causes a
                         c You can disable tapping. See “Enable or disable
                           scrolling and tapping” (page OO) for details.
Just sliding my finger   ❒ The tapping feature is enabled.
on the touchpad
                         c You can disable scrolling. See “Enable or disable
causes scrolling.
                           scrolling and tapping” (page OO) for details.
Pressing the             c Check whether batteries are inserted in the controller.
CONNECT button             For details, see “Inserting batteries” (page 00).
does not establish a     c If the power switch on the controller is set to OFF,
connection.                communication with the personal computer is not
                           possible. Check the power switch setting on the bottom
                           of the controller.
                                                                   Continued on next page

                                                                                 21 GB


        Symptom                   Cause/Remedy
        Pressing the              c Communication between the controller and your
        CONNECT button              personal computer may not have been properly
        does not establish a        established. If the CONNECT button on the controller
        connection.                 is not pressed within 30 seconds after the Bluetooth
                                    device search begins, or if the operation does not
                                    complete within one minute of pressing the
                                    CONNECT button, controller communication is
                                    cancelled. In such a case, perform the procedure again
                                    to enable communication. For details, see “Using the
                                    Bluetooth Utility software to enable communication”.
                                  c If the controller and personal computer are too far
                                    apart, communication is not possible. The maximum
                                    communication distance between the controller and
                                    personal computer is about 32 ft. (10m). If used on a
                                    metal table or if obstacles lie between the controller
                                    and personal computer, the usable distance may be
        Pressing the SLIDE        c The operation may take some time if Windows is busy
        SHOW button does            or another software is running. Try waiting until the
        not start/stop the          software completes its operation, or restart the
        sideshow.                   software.
                                  c Each time you press the SLIDE SHOW button, it
                                    switches between start and end. If the slideshow does
                                    not start or stop, try pressing the button again.
        The scrolling features    ❒ The operating system is not compatible.
        do not work.
                                    c Use a supported operating system.
                                  ❒ The program you are using is not compatible with
                                    scrolling features.
                                    c The scrolling features only work with programs that
                                      use a scroll function.
                                    c Some programs do not support scrolling features.
        When I am using the       ❒ The personal computer enters power-saving mode
        controller, the display     even while the controller is in use.
        goes dark or the
                                    c Change the power management settings for the
        personal computer
                                      personal computer to prevent it from entering
        enters power-saving
                                      power-saving mode. For details, refer to the
                                      manuals provided with your personal computer.
                                    c Touch the touchpad or press any key on the
                                      keyboard of the personal computer to recover from
                                      power-saving mode.
        The personal              c Touch the touchpad or press any key on the keyboard
        computer does not           of the personal computer to exit this mode.
        return from Standby

22 GB


Symptom                    Cause/Remedy
Recovering from            c Press any key or the power button on the keyboard of
power-saving mode            the personal computer .
with the controller
takes a long time or is
not possible.
The controller does        c Deactivate the Bluetooth connection, wait a few
not move smoothly            seconds, and then reestablish connection.
after recovering from
the power-saving
The controller does        ❒ The security level of the Bluetooth Utility software is
not connect when I           set to High.
turn it off and back on.
                             c If you can set the security level using the Bluethooth
It will not connect            Utility software, in the Options dialog, on the
after recovering from          Security tab, set the Bluetooth Security level to
power-saving mode.             other than High (Medium, Standard, or Low).
                           ❒ The software is set to “Don’t allow connections”.
                             c If you can set the connection mode using the
                               Bluethooth Utility software, in the Device
                               Properties & Security dialog, on the Security tab, set
                               the Connection Mode to “Allow connections.”
The controller is not      ❒ The controller is unable to be detected.
found when the
Bluetooth device             c Press the CONNECT button on the controller, and
                               then try the search again.
search is performed.
                           ❒ The power switch on the controller is set to OFF.
                             c Check the power switch setting of the controller.
The “Found New             ❒ This wizard may appear if you have three or more HID
Hardware Wizard”             Profile-compatible devices (such as a Bluetooth
appears when                 mouse, keyboard, and this controller) registered on the
connecting.                  personal computer.
                             c In the wizard that appears, perform the following steps.
                               1. The wizard asks, “Can Windows connect to
                                  Windows Update to search for software?” Select
                                  “No, not this time.” Then click “Next.”
                               2. The wizard next asks, “What do you want the
                                  wizard to do?” Select “Install the software
                                  automatically (Recommended),” and click
                               3. The wizard informs you that “the software has
                                  not passed the Windows Logo testing.” This
                                  warning is to be expected. Click “Continue
                               4. The wizard tells you, “Completing the Found
                                  New Hardware Wizard.” Click “Finish.”
I am asked to input a      c Input “0000” as the key.
key at the time of
                                                                              23 GB


Document Created: 2007-02-23 11:40:04
Document Modified: 2007-02-23 11:40:04

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