Exhibit H Owners Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                For Customer Use: —
                                                                                  Enter below the Model No. and Serial
                                                                                  No, which are located either on the rear,
                                                                                  bottom orside of the cabinet. Retain this
                                                                                  information for future reference.

                                                                                  Model No.

                                                                                 Serial No.

                                                                                                                ~—_ M

 Warnings, Cautions and Others/
 Mises en garde, précautions et indications diverses

                                                                           Note to CATV system Installer:
                             AiSk oF ELECTRIC SHOCK                        This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer‘s L
                                                                           attention to Section 820—40 of the NEC which provides
                                                                           guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that
                    DO NOT RzMOVE COven (OR BACK)                          the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system _
                  NO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE,                        of the building, as close to the point of cable entry as practical.

                      The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol,           Caution — POWER switch!              —
                      within an equilateral triangle is intended to        Disconnect the mains plug to shut the poweroff completely The
                      alert the user to the presence of uninsulated
                      *dangerous voltage‘ within the product‘s             POWER switch in any position does not disconnect the mains
                      enclosure that may be of sufficient                  tine. The power can be remote controlled.
                      magnitude to constitute a risk of electric           Attention — Commutateur POWER!                                    .
                      shock to persons.                                    Déconnecter la fiche de secteur pour couper complétement ie
                                                                           courant. Le‘ commutateur POWER ne coupe jamais
                      The exclamation point within an equilateral
                      triangle is intended to alert the user to the        complétement la Iigne de secteur, quelle que soit sa position. Le
                      presence — of        important   operating   and     courant peut étre télécommandé.
                      maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
                      literature accompanying the appliance.

                                                                          Caution — SPEAKER LOAD SELECTOR switch!
                                                                          Match the position of SPEAKER LOAD SELECTOR switch on the
                                                                         back panel to the impedance of the speakar connacted, to pro\ect
                                                                         from overheating. —
                                                                         For the remote control:
                                                                         This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
                                                                         subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may— not
CAUTION                                                                  cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
To reduce the risk of electrical shocks, fire, atc.:                     interference received, including interference that may cause
    1. Do not remove screws, covers or cabinet.                          undesired operation.
    2.   Do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.
                                                                         Changes or modifications not expressty approved by the
ATTENTION                                                                manufacturer for compliance could void the user‘s authority —to
Afin d‘éviter tout risque d‘électrocution, d‘incendie, etc.:             operate the equipment.
    1.   Ne pas enlever les vis ni les panneaux et ne pasouvrir le
         coffret de Pappareil.
    2.   Ne pas exposer Pappareil a la plute ni a Phumidité.

                                            For Canada/pour Le Canada
                                            For the main unit / Pour Pappareil principal
                                            THIS DIGITAL APPARATUS DOES NOT EXCEED THE CLASS
                                            B LIMITS FOR RADIO NOISE EMISSIONS FROM DIGITAL
                                            APPARATUS AS SET OUT IN THE INTERFERENCE—CAUSING
                                            EQUIPMENT STANDARD ENTITLED "DIGITAL APPARATUS,"
                                            1CES—003 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS.
                                            CET APPAREIL NUMERIQUE RESPECTE LES LIMITES DE
                                            BRUITS RADIOELECTRIQUES APPLICABLES AUX APPAREILS
                                            NUMERIQUES DE CLASSE B PRESCRITES DANS LA NORME
                                            SUR LE MATERIEL BROUILLEUR; *APPAREILS
                                            NUMERIQUES®, NMB—003 EDICTEE PAR LE MINISTRE DES

                                             For Canada/pour le Canada
                                            CAUTION: TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK, MATCH WIDH
                                            BLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOT, FULLY INSEART
                                            ATTENTION: POUR EVITER LES CHOCS ELECTRIQUES
                                            INTRODUIRE LA LAME LA PLUS LARGE DE LA FICHE DANS Lq
                                            BORNE CORRESPONDANTE DE LA PRISE ET POUSS E
                                            JUSQUAU FOND

                                           For the remote control / Pourla télécommande
                                           This device complies with RSS—210 of Industry Canada Rulas.
                                           Operation is subjectto the following two conditions: (1) this device
                                           may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accapt any
                                           interference, including interference that may cause undesired
                                           aperation of the device.
                                           Cet appareil est conforme au reglement CNR—210 de I‘industrie du
                                           Canada. Uutilisation de ce dispositif est autorisée seulement aux
                                           conditions suivantes: (1) iI ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2)
                                           Putilisateur du dispositif doit étre prét a accepter tout brouillage
                                           radioglectrique regu, méme si ce brouillage est susceptible de
                                           compromettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.

Caution: Proper Ventilation                                                      Attention: Ventilation Correcte                                  .
To avoiderisk of electric shock and fire and to protect from dam—                Pour éviter les chocs électriques, Fincendie et tout autredégat.
age.                                                                             Disposer Fapparell en tenant compte des impératifs suivants
Locate the apparatus as follows:                                                 Avant:        Rien ne doit géner le dégagement
Front:       No obstructions open spacing.                                       Fiancs:       Laisser 10 cm de dégagement latéral
Sides:       No obstructions in 10 m from the sides.                           — Dessus:       Lalsser 10 cm de dégagement supérieur
Top:         No obstructions in 10 cm from the top.                              Arrigre:      Laisser 15 om do dégagement arridre
Back:        No obstructions in 15 cm from the back                              Dessous:      Rien ns doit obstruer par dessous; poser fappareil
Bottom:      No obstructions, place on the level surface.                         .            sur une surface plate.                       .
In addition, maintain the best possible air circulation as illustrated.          Vailler égatement a ce que fair circule te migux possible comme
                                                               pacing 15 cm or more
                                                              Dégagement de 15 cm
                                         m                    ou plus .
                           Wall or obstructions
                           Mur, ou obstruction
                                                                                                 Front                                 ~

                                                                                                     Stand height 15 am or more
                                                                                                     Hauteur du socte: 15 om ou plus


                                                                              ANALOG/DIGITAL INPUT button (23)

                                                               ERBBERERE CR
Remote Control                                                                SOUND button (49, 52, 64)
                                                                              LEVEL +/ —— buttons (49, 64)
                 7                                   m
                     T¥es                                                     TEST button (49, 64)
                      25 *
                     —&B    |{mekm o                                          SURROUND ON/OFF button (49, 64)

                                                         A @
                     oomlie                                                   LINE DIRECT button (25)
                                                                              SLEEP button (26)
                                                                              Operating buttons for andio/video components (65 —— 72)
                      wmroou wncon uo#
                                                                              On—screen operation buttons
                      amnanadesas                                             * SETUP MENU, ADJUST MENU, SET, EXIT, A (UP),
                                                                                V (DOWN), <i (LRFT}, > (RIGHT) (34, 42, 57)
                                                                              TEXT DISPLAY button (57)

                                                                              DVD MENU button (66)
                                                                              AUDIO buttons
                                                                              STANDBY ( (5 ), ON ( | ) (18, 19,20, 28 )
                                                                              TV/CATV/DBS STANDBY/ON ( )/1) button (66 ~ 68)

                                                                              VCR 1 STANDBY/ON ( /) (66, 68, 69)
                                                                              * 10 keys for selecting preset channels (32)

                                                                              +10 keys for adjusting sound (49)
                      mt       seaue                                          * 10 keys for adjusting DSP parameters (52)
                        T                                                     +10 keys for operating audio/video components
                                                                               (64 —72)
                                                                              THX ON/OFF button (48)

                                                                              DSP MODE button (52)
                                                                              CC CONVERTER button (25)
                                                                              TV operation mode selector (TV or CATV/DBS)
                                                                              (66 — 68, 72)
                                                                              DIMMER button (25)

                                                                              VOLUME +/— buttons (18, 19, 22, 29)
                                                                              MUTING button (24, 30)
                                                                              LIGHT button (16)

                                                                 Remote‘s displ                 window
                                                                 ®            MAIN ROOM indicator
                            mespioies. sere cooncc
                                                                              * Lights up when you press a button on the remote control,
                             a comthor. necevén                                with the MAIN ROOM/SUB ROOM (LEARN/TRANSMIT)

                                                                               selector is set to "MAIN ROOM."In this case, this remote
                                                                               control can be used only for main room operations.
                                                                              SUB ROOM indicator
                                                                              * Lights up when you press a button on the remote control,
  Remote‘s display window
                                                                               with the MAIN ROOM/SUB ROOM (LEARN/TRANSMIT)
                                   2                                           selector set to "SUB ROOM." In this case, this remote
                                                                               control can be used only for sub—room operations.
            MAIN ROOM         SUB ROOM LEARN         T                        LEARN indicator
                                                                              * Lights up when you press a button on the remote control,
                                                                               with the MAIN ROOM/SUB ROOM (LEARN/TRANSMIT)
                                                                               selector set to "LEARN." In this case, this remote control
                                                                               cannot operate the receiver or other components, but can
                                                                               memorize IR signals.
                                                                              Signal transmigsion indicator
                                                                              * Lights up when transmitting the remote control signals.
                                                                              Remote control operation mode display
                                                                              * Remote control operation made such as "DVD," "CD,"
                                                                                "SOUND," etc. appears.
                                                                                When the remote control operation mode changes, it is
MAIN ROOM ON/OFF button (21)                                                    shown on this display for about 10 seconds.
$UB ROOM ON/OFF button (28)
                                                                               (When showing the remote control operation mode just for
Display window
                                                                               confirmation,it is shown only for about 5 seconds—i.e. when
Source selecting g buttons (18, 19, 21, 29)
                                                                               pressing Numberbutton 1 while the remote control operation
                                                                               mode is "CD," "CD" appears for about 5 seconds.)


  Setting Up the RF Rod Antenna                                           |   The RF rod antenna and IR signal Transmitter
                                                                              The combination of the RF rod antenna and the IR signal transmitter
The remote control supplied for this receiver can transmit both RF            (below) allows you to use the Multi—room function more
(Radio Frequency) signal as well as IR (infrared) signal. The RF              conveniently.
rod antennia can receive the RF signals emitted from the remote               The remote control supplied for this receiver can transmit both RF
control. $o, with the RF rod antenna connected, you can operate the           signal and [R signal at the same time. This receiver catches the RF
receiver at a distance of up to 15 m (50 feet) using RF signals sent          signals.emitted from the remote control, and converts them into IR
from this receiver (more than twice as far as when using IR signals).         signals, then transmits the converted signals to the remote sensor on
Moreover, RF signals can go through walls and other objects in the            the other components through IR signal transmitter.
house so you need not aim at the receiver directly.                           This means that you can control not only this receiver but also the
However, if the antenna cannot receive signals stably, you cannot             other components from the sub—room.
operatethe receiver correctly.
* The signal—reachable distance may differ depending on the
  operating conditions and circumstances. To improve transmitting               Setting Up the IR Signal Transmitter
  conditions, change the distance to the receiver and the direction
  to transmit while operating the remote control.                             The [R signal transmitter can transmit the IR signals.
+ Without the RF rod antenna connected, you can operate the                   It allows you to use the AV COMPU LINK system, and to operate
  receiver with the remote control, aiming the remote control                 other manufacturers‘ components without aiming the remote control
  directly at the remote sensor on the receiver.                              directly at the remote sensor on the target components. In addition,
                                                                              the IR signal transmitter reduces the possibility of maifunetion.
To set up the RF rod antenna                                                  * The IR‘signal transmitter may not operate the target components
                                                                                 depending on the operating conditions and circumstances—
                                                                                 including the aiming angle and direction of the IR signal
                                                                                 transmitter at the remote sensors of the target components. If
                                                                                 this occurs, changing its aiming angle and direction at the
                                                                                 remote sensors may soive the problem.

                                                                              To set up the IR signal transmitter

                                                                              1. Find the place where you attach the IR signal
                                                                                 * Place it where the signal can reach the remote sensor of the
                                                                                   target components directly (in the line—of—sight).
                                                                                 * If the cord length of the IR signal transmaitteris not long
                                                                                   enough, use an extension cord (not supplied).
1. Insert the RF rod antenna to the RF REMOTE
    ANTENNA terminal.                                                         2. Attach the double—sided adhesive tape (supplied)
                                                                                 to the IR signal transmitter.
2. Rotate the fixing nut to attach the RF rod
   antenna firmly.

* To avoid a failure in the reception from the remote control, keep the
  connecting cables and the /m signal transmitter‘ s cable away from
  the AF rod antenna.
* /f your neighbour uses the same or similar RF remote control
  system, the receiver may happen to receive the RF signals sent
  from such an AF remote control system, which could cause your
  receiver to be operated unintentionally. if this happens, set the
  BAND selectors (both on the rear and on the remote control) to
                                                                                    Double—sided              /
  another band (either BAND 1 or BAND 2).
                                                                                    adhesive tape            /
         RF   REMOTE

       ANTENNA ....

   On the main unit‘s rear            :
                                  (Inside the battery compartment)

  if the problem still persists, stop using the RF rod antenna and the
  remote control, and consult your JVC dealer or the nearest JVC
  Service Center:


3. Connect the plug of the transmitter to the IR                            sns          Batteries in the Remote Control                           j
   OUT jack of the receiver and attach the
   transmitter.                                                          Before using the remote control, insert the two supplied batteries
                   it meae
                  arrem,           Target component(s)

                                      At an angle of
                                       approx. 60°

                                                                         1. On the back of the remote control, remove the
     Signal—emitting angle of the transmitter                                battery cover.

 [         Horizontally: 60°       ] C          Vertically: 60°      |   2. Insert the batteries.
                                                                             * Make sure to match the polarity: (+) to (+) and (—) to (—).

                                                                         3. Replace the cover.
                                                                         If the remote control cannot transmit signals or operate the receiver
                                                                         correctly.replace the batteries. Use two R6(SUM3Y/AA(1SF) type
                                                                         dry—cell batteries.
                                                                         + When the remote control transmits a signal, the signal
                                                                             transmission indicator on the remote‘s display lights up.

     Connecting the Power Cord                                           * If you aim the remote control directly at the remote sensor on the
                                                                           receiver, you can operate the receiver at a dfstance of up to 7 m
Before plugging the receiver into an AC outlet, make sure that all         (23 feet).
                                                                         * When replacing the batteries, finish it without delay; otherwise, the
connections have been made.
                                                                           stored signals are all erased (see pages 67 and 71).

Plug the power cord into an AC outlet.
                                                                         When using the remote control in
                                                                         the dark
                                                                         Press LIGHT.                                                 »
                                                                         The buttons on the remote control are backlit while you are using
                                                                         the remote control.
                                                                         If you do not press any button for about 5 seconds, the backlight
                                                                         will turn off.

Keep the power cord away from the connecting cables and the              Follow these precautions to avoid leaking or cracking cells:
antenna. The power cord may cause noise or screen interference.          * Place batteries in the remote control so they match the polarity: (+)
We recommend that you use a coaxial cable to connect the antenna,          to (+) and (—) to (—).
since it is well—shielded against interference.                          * Use the correct type of batteries. Batteries that look similar may
                                                                           differ in voitage.
                                                                         * Always replace both batteries at the sametime.
                                                                         + Do not expose batteries to heat or flame.
The preset settings such as preset channels and sound adjustment
may be erased in a few days in the following cases:
— When you unplug the power cord.
~ When a powerfailure occurs.

 * Do not touch the power cord with wet hands.
 * Do not pull on the power cord to unplug the cord.
      When unplugging the cord, always grasp the plug so as not to
      damage the cord.


Document Created: 2001-05-25 10:48:30
Document Modified: 2001-05-25 10:48:30

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