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SAR Test Report No.: SAR_PSION_006_10001_FCC
Date of Report: 2010-03-22       Appendix C                   Page 1 of 3

1.   Tissue Parameters
SAR measurements were made within 24 hours of the measurement of liquid parameters.

2450MHz Body Liquid:
The following recipe is provided in percentage by weight.
65.45%                Distilled water
24.55%                DGBE
10.00%                X-100

  Date     Frequency (MHz)        Relative Permittivity     Conductivity (S/m)
03-15-10        2437                      47.95                  1.913
03-15-10        2450                      47.74                   1.92

SAR Test Report No.: SAR_PSION_006_10001_FCC
Date of Report: 2010-03-22       Appendix C             Page 2 of 3

2.   Test Equipment
 Instrument         Supplier /         Model       Serial No.   Calibratio   Calibratio
 description       Manufacturer                                  n (date)     n Due
Bench top                                          EA103010
                     supplied by       RV-E2                       N/A          N/A
Robot                                                 8
                    Upright shell
                  phantom made by
SAM Phantom                             SAM         03FT26        04/03         N/A
                    digitized and
                     mounted by
Flat Phantom          IndexSAR       HeadBox_1        N/A          N/A          N/A
Software              IndexSAR      SARA2 v0.420      N/A          N/A          N/A
2450 MHz Body
                    Cetecom Inc.      2450 Body       N/A       03/15/2010      N/A
Tissue Simulant
                  IndexSAR – IEEE
2450 MHz Dipole                        IXD-245        228       02/13/2009   02/13/2011
                     1528 design
                     Werlatone         C6529        11249          N/A          N/A
RF Amplifier        Vectawave         VTL5400        N/A            N/A          N/A
SAR Probe           IndexSAR          IXP-050      S/N 0116     10/19/2009   10/19/2010
Measurement          IndexSAR          Di-Line        N/A          N/A          N/A

SAR Test Report No.: SAR_PSION_006_10001_FCC
Date of Report: 2010-03-22       Appendix C        Page 3 of 3

3.   Equipment Calibration/Performance Documents:
The following pages are calibration reports for:
          • SAR Probe 0116
          • 2450MHz Dipole Serial No 228

                         NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY
                           Teddington Middlesex UK TW11 OLW Telephone +44 20 8977 3222

                           Certificate of Calibration
                                                                SAR PROBE
                                                               Model: IXP—050
                                                             Serial number: 0116
This certificate provides traceability of measurement to recognised national standards, and to the units of measurement realised at the
National Physical Laboratory or other recognised national standards laboratories. This certificate may not be reproduced other than in full,
unless permission for the publication of an approved extract has been obtained in writing from the Managing Director. It does not of itself
impute to the subject of calibration any attributes beyond those shown by the data contained herein.

     FOR:.                           CETECOM Inc.
                                     411 Dixon Landing Road
                                     California 95035

                                      Order number: POOO00000000002096

     DESCRIPTION:                     An IndexSAR isotropic electric field probe for determining specific
                                      absorption rates (SAR) in dielectric liquids. The probe has three
                                      orthogonal sensors, and the output voltage of the sensors is converted
                                      to an optical signal by a meter unit containing an analogue to digital
                                      (AD) converter. Probe readings are obtained using software via the
                                      RS232 port. The probe was calibrated with IndexSAR amplifier
                                      model IXA—010 S/N 036 belonging to NPL.

     IDENTIFICATION:                  The probe is marked with the manufacturer‘s serial number 0116

     MEASUREMENTS COMPLETED ON:                                     19 October 2009

     PREVIOUS NPL CERTIFICATE:                                     None

    The reported uncertainty is based on a coverage factor k= 2, providing a level of confidence of approximately 95%

    Reference : 2009070196                                                                                              Page 1 of 4
    Date of Issue : 19 October 2009                           Signed : D G C/@.’\w (Authorised Signatory)
    Checked by : g‘&%&&‘/ *                                   Name : Mr D G Gentle                     for Managing Director

                                          Continuation Sheet


The calibration method is based on establishing a calculable specific absorption rate (SAR)
using a matched waveguide cell [1]. The cell has a feed—section and a liquid—filled section
separated by a matching window that is designed to minimise reflections at the interface. A
TE,; mode is launched into the waveguide by means of a N—type—to—waveguide adapter. The
power delivered to the liquid is calculated from the forward power and reflection coefficient
measured at the input to the cell. At the centre of the cross—section of the waveguide cell, the
volume specific absorption rate (SAR") in the liquid as a function of distance from the window
is given by

                                 sar" — P yan‘s
                                             abd                                              (1)


a   = the larger cross—sectional dimension of the waveguide.
b   = the smaller cross—sectional dimension of the waveguide.
8   —=the skin depth for the liquid in the waveguide.
Z   =the distance of the probe‘s sensors from the liquid to matching window boundary.
P., =the power delivered to the liquid.

Liquids having the properties specified by British and IEEE Standards [2, 3] and FCC
guidelines [4] were used for the calibration. The value of 8 for the liquid was obtained by
measuring the electric field (£) at a number of distances from the matching window. The
calibration was for continuous wave (CW) signals, and the axis of the probe was parallel to
the direction of propagation of the incident field i.e. end—on to the incident radiation. The
probe was rotated aboutits axis in 15—degree steps, and the ratio of the calibration factors for
the three probe sensors X, Y, & Z were optimized to give the best axial isotropy.

The probe was calibrated with the linearisation and air—correction factors enabled. Comparing
the measured values of F" in the liquid to those calculated for the waveguide cell allows the
ratio, ConvF, of sensitivity for (EZ,,,QU,D) / (EZ,HR) to be determined, as required by the probe


Measurements were made in a temperature—controlled laboratory at 22 + 1°C. The temperature
of the liquid used was measured at the beginning and end of each measurement.
Reference : 2009070196                                                               Page 2 of 4
Date of Issue : 19 October 2009

Checked by : 6 L >

                                               Continuation Sheet


    The estimated uncertainty in calibration for SAR (W kg"") is + 10 %. The reported uncertainty
    is based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor k=2, providing a level of
    confidence of approximately 95%.

    This uncertainty is valid when the probe is used in a liquid with the same dielectric properties
    as those used for the calibration. No estimate is made for the long—termstability of the device
    calibrated or of the fluids used in the calibration.

    When using the probe for SAR testing, additional uncertainties should be added to account for
    the spherical isotropy of the probe, proximity effects, linearity, and response to pulsed fields.
    There will be additional uncertainty if the probe is used in liquids having significantly
    different electrical properties to those used for the calibration. The electrical properties of the
    liquids will be related to temperature.


    Table 1 gives the results for the calibration in liquid and the air factors.

    These calibration factors are only correct when the values for sensitivity in free—space,
    diode compression and sensor offset from the tip of the probe, as set in the probe
    software, are the same as those given in the Table.

    [1] Pokovie, KT, T.Schmid and N.Kuster, "Robust set—up for Precise Calibration of E—field
    probes in Tissue Simulating Liquids at Mobile Phone Frequencies", Proceedings ICECOM
    1997, pp 120 — 124, Dubrovnik, Croatia Oct 12—17, 1997.

    [2] British Standard BS EN 503361:2001. "Basic standard for the measurement of specific
    absorption rate related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields from mobile phones
    (300 MHz — 3 GHz)".

    [3] IEEE Standard 1528—2003 "Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
    Averaged     Specific   Absorption    Rate    (SAR)    in   the   Human        Head   from   Wireless
    Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques".

    [4] FCC—OET Bulletin 65 (97—01) "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human
    Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", D. L. Means, K. W. Chan, June 2001.

    Reference : 2009070196                                                                   Page 3 of 4
    Date of Issue : 19 October 2009

    Checked by : fié{ s

                                            Continuation Sheet

                                               Table 1
                                     Sensitivity in Liquids.
                                      SAR probe: IXP—050
                                              S/N 0116

                                Probe settings for calibration
   Sensitivity in free-space(4 )       Diode Compression‘               Sensor offset from tip of
                                                                                   probe (1
Lin X = 936.77 (V/m)*/(V*200)           DCP x = 20 (V*200)
Lin Y =700.45 (V/m) /(Vv*200)           DCP y=20 (Vv*200)                          2.7 mm
Lin Z=673.31 (V/m)/(V*200)              DCP 7;=20 (v*200)
                                    Sensitivity in Liquid.
Calibration                 Liquid                          Calibration Factors for             Axial
 frequency                                                        E" Liquid / Es               Isotropy
  (MHz)            Identifier        ۩         oC       ConvFx      ConvFy        ConvF7        (dB)
    850          UOBI00H—1           41.5      0.95       0.24        0.26          0.25        £0.03
    850          TWS900B—1           56.8      0.98       0.24        0.27          0.26        +0.02
    900          UOBI00H—1           41.2      0.98       0.24        0.26          0.26        £0.03
    900          TWS900B—1           56.5       1.01      0.24        0.26          0.26        +0.02
   1750         TWS1800H—1           40.0       1.33      0.30        0.29          0.30        +0.02
   1750        IndexSAR1850B         53.4       1.47      0.31        0.31          0.33        £0.02
   1900         TWS1800H—1           39.4       1.48      0.31        0.31          0.32        +0.02
   1900        IndexSAR1850B         52.9       1.61      0.34        0.33          0.35        +0.03
   2000         TWS2450H—1           39.9       1.39      0.31        0.31          0.33        +0.03
   2000         NPL2450B—1           54.1       1.59      0.34        0.35          0.37        +0.03
   2450         TWS2450H—1           37.9       1.84      0.29        0.31          0.31        +0.02
   2450          NPL2450B—1          $3.1       192       0.38        0.37          0.39        +0.04

) The manufacturer supplied these figures.
 Head or Muscle Simulating Liquid supplied by NPL.
© Measured at NPL at 22 + 1 °C.
 Measured at NPL in a Field Strength of 30 V/m at 900 MHz.

Reference : 2009070196                                                                        Page 4 of 4
Date of Issue : 19 October 2009
Checked by : CE .

                                        Indexsar Report SN228_0902

                                       Report No. SN228_0902
                                             13‘" February 2009

     2450 MHz Validation Dipole
        Type IXD—245 S/N 228

    Performance measurements

                  Dr Tony Brinklow

    Indexsar, Oakfield House, Cudworth Lane,
          Newdigate, Surrey RHS 5BG. UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 1306 632 870 Fax: +44 (0) 1306 631 834

                     Page 1 of 9

                                                          Indexsar Report SN228_0902

   1. Measurement Conditions

Measurements were performed using a box—shaped phantom made of PMMA
with dimensions designed to meet the accuracy criteria for reasonably—sized
phantoms that do not have liquid capacities substantially in excess of the volume
of liquid required to fill the Indexsar upright SAM phantoms used for SAR testing
of handsets against the ear. The wall thickness was 2mm.

An Anritsu MS4623B vector network analyser was used for the return loss
measurements. The dipole was placed in a special holder made of low—
permittivity, low—loss materials. This holder enables the dipole to be positioned
accurately in the centre of the wall of the Indexsar box—phantom used for flat—
surface testing and validation checks.

The validation dipoles are supplied with special spacers made from a low—
permittivity, low—loss foam material. These spacers are fitted to the dipole arms to
ensure that, when the dipole is offered up to the phantom surface, the spacing
between the dipole and the liquid surface is accurately aligned according to the
guidance in the relevant standards documentation [1]. The spacers are
rectangular with a central hole equal to the dipole arm diameter and dimensioned
so that the longer side can be used to ensure a spacing of 15mm from the liquid
in the phantom (for tests at 1000MHz and below) and the shorter side can be
used for tests at 1000MHz and above to ensure a spacing of 10mm from the
liquid in the phantom. The spacers are made on a CNC milling machine with an
accuracy of 1/40¢" mm but they may suffer wear and tear and need to be
replaced periodically. The material used is Rohacell, which has a relative
permittivity of approx. 1.05 and a negligible loss tangent.

The apparatus supplied by Indexsar for dipole validation tests thus includes:

Balanced dipoles for each frequency required are dimensioned according to the
guidelines given in IEEE 1528 [1]. The dipoles are made from semi—rigid 50 Ohm
co—ax, which is joined by soldering and is gold—plated subsequently. The
constructed dipoles are easily deformed, if mis—handled, and periodic checks
need to be made of their symmetry.

Rohacell foam spacers designed for presenting the dipoles to 2mm thick PMMA
box phantoms. These components also suffer wear and tear and should be
replaced when the central hole is a loose—fit on the dipole arms or if the edges
are too worn to ensure accurate alignment. The standard spacers are
dimensioned for use with 2mm wall thickness (additional spacers are available
for 4mm wall thickness).

                                     Page 2 of 9

                                                           Indexsar Report SN228_0902

   2. Dipole impedance and return loss

The dipoles are designed to have low return loss ONLY when presented against
a lossy—phantom at the specified distance. A Vector Network Analyser (VNA) was
used to perform a return loss measurement on the specific dipole when in the
measurement—location against the box phantom. The distance was as specified
in the standard i.e. 10mm from the liquid (for 2450MH2z). The Indexsar foam
spacers (described above) were used to ensure this condition during

The impedance was measured at the SMA—connector with the network analyser.
The following parameters were measured against Head fluid:

          $22 REFLECTHON                               T

Dipole impedance at 2450 MHz      Re{Z} = 44.5 Q
                                 Im{Z} = 3.0 Q

Return loss at 2450MHz           —23.6 dB

                                   Page 3 of 9

                                                        indexsar Report SN228_0902

The measurements were also repeated against 2450MHz Body fluid:

Dipole impedance at 2450 MHz     Re{Z} = 43.0 Q
                                 Im{Z} = —0.4 Q

Return loss at 2450MHz           —22.5 dB

   3. SAR Validation Measurement in Brain Fluid
SAR validation checks have been performed using the dipole and the box—
phantom located on the SARA2Z2 phantom support base on the SARA2Z robot
system. Tests were then conducted at a feed power level of approx. 0.25W. The
actual power level was recorded and used to normalise the results obtained to
the standard input power conditions of 1W (forward power). A correction factor
was also applied to account for transmission loss arising from the dipole‘s
reflection coefficient.

The ambient temperature was 21°C +/— 1°C and the relative humidity was around
35% during the measurements.

The phantom was filled with a 2450MHz brain liquid using a recipe from [1],
which has the following electrical parameters (measured using an Indexsar
DiLine kit) at 2450MHz at the measurement temperature:

                                   Page 4 of 9

                                                                 Indexsar Report SN228_0902

Relative Permittivity       37.96            (Target: 39.2)
Conductivity                1.86 S/im        (Target: 1.80 S/m)

SAR specification EN62209—2(2007) [ref 2], in which the validation method is
described, specifies how to adjust measured 1g & 10g volume—averaged SAR
values to take into account the difference between the fluid‘s actual and target
electrical properties. The correction factors for this combination of properties at
2450MHz equals:

1g: —2.3%
10g: —1.3%

The SARAZ software version 2.54 VPM was used with Indexsar IXP_O50 probe
Serial Number 0127 previously calibrated using waveguides.

The 3D measurement made using the dipole at the bottom of the phantom box is
shown below:
       Z (mm)

                                                 10   12   14   i6
                                        SAR (W/kg)

                                     Page 5 of 9

                                                          Indexsar Report SN228_0902

SAR measurement standard 62209—1 {ref 2] tabulates the volume—averaged 1g
and 10g SAR values over a range of frequencies up to 3000MHz. The following
values are listed for 2450MHz:

                                       SAR values (W/kg)
                 __________|_ (Normalised to 1W f??d,E?E‘EFL’
                    1g SAR |                  §24        _______
                   10g SAR    \               24.0                  |

The validation results, also normalised to an input power of 1W (forward power)

              Measured SAR values (W/kg)             o     ae;:
             (Normalised to 1W feed power)           4 Deviation from Standard
 1g SAR                   52.3                                 —0.3%
10g SAR                      24.1                                 +0.5%

  4. SAR Measurement in Body Fluid
SAR validation checks are only defined in the standard against brain simulant
fluid. Nonetheless, it is possible to measure the effective volume—averaged SAR
values against body fluid, simply to provide a reference value.

The ambient temperature was 21°C +/— 1°C and the relative humidity was around
32% during the measurements.

The phantom was filled with a 2450MHz body liquid using a recipe from [1],
which has the following electrical parameters (measured using an Indexsar
DiLine kit) at 2450MH2z at the measurement temperature:

Relative Permittivity      52.55         (Target: 52.7)
Conductivity               2.10 S/im     (Target: 1.95 S/im)

The correction factors for this combination of properties at 2450MHz equals:

1g: —3.6%
10g: —2.0%

The SARA2Z software version 2.54 VPM was used with Indexsar IXP_O50 probe
Serial Number 0127 previously calibrated using waveguides.

The 3D measurement made using the dipole at the bottom of the phantom box is
shown below:

                                    Page 6 of 9

                                                                 Indexsar Repoit SN228_0902

       Z {mm)

                                           Y (mm)

                                                      10   12   14
                                     SAR (W/kg)

The validation results, also normalised to an input power of 1W (forward power)

                Measured SAR values (W/kg)                 0         k2as
                (Normalised to 1W feed power)              / Deviation from Standard
1g SAR                      50.17                                           N/A
10gSAR                      23.50                                           N/A
    5. Dipole handling
The dipoles are made from standard, copper—sheathed coaxial cable. In
assembly, the sections are joined using ordinary soft—soldering. This is necessary
to avoid excessive heat input in manufacture, which would destroy the polythene
dielectric used for the cable. The consequence of the construction material and
the assembly technique is that the dipoles are fragile and can be deformed by
rough handling. Conversely, they can be straightened quite easily as described in
this report.

If a dipole is suspected of being deformed, a normal workshop lathe can be used
as an alignment jig to restore the symmetry. To do this, the dipole is first placed
in the headstock of the lathe (centred on the plastic or brass spacers) and the
headstock is rotated by hand (do NOT use the motor). A marker (lathe tool or

                                     Page 7 of 9

                                                            Indexsar Report SN228_0902

similar) is brought up close to the end of one dipole arm and then the headstock
is rotated by 0.5 rev. to check the opposing arm. If they are not balanced,
judicious deformation of the arms can be used to restore the symmetry.

If a dipole has a failed solder joint, the dipole can be fixed down in such a way
that the arms are co—linear and the joint re—soldered with a reasonably—powerful
electrical soldering iron. Do not use gas soldering irons. After such a repair,
electrical tests must be performed as described below.

Please note that, because of their construction, the dipoles are short—circuited for
DC signals.

   6. Tuning the dipole
The dipole dimensions are based on calculations that assumed specific liquid
dielectric properties. If the liquid dielectric properties are somewhat different, the
dipole tuning will also vary. A pragmatic way of accounting for variations in liquid
properties is to ‘tune‘ the dipole (by applying minor variations to its effective
length). For this purpose, Indexsar can supply short brass tube lengths to extend
the length of the dipole and thus ‘tune‘ the dipole. It cannot be made shorter
without removing a bit from the arm. An alternative way to tune the dipole is to
use copper shielding tape to extend the effective length of the dipole. Do both
arms equally.

It should be possible to tune a dipole as described, whilst in place in the
measurement position as long as the user has access to a VNA for determining
the return loss.

                                      Page 8 of 9

                                                        Indexsar Report SN228_0902

    7. References
[1] IEEE Std 1528—2003. IEEE recommended practice for determining the peak
spatial—average specific absorption rate (SAR) in the human body due to wireless
communications devices: Measurement Techniques — Description.

[2] BS EN 62209—1:2006 Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand—
held and body—mounted wireless communication devices — Human models,
instrumentation, and procedures — Part 1: Procedure to determine the specific
absorption rate (SAR) for hand—held devices used in close proximity to the ear
(frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)

[3] BS EN 62209—2:2007 Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Fields from
Handheld and Body—Mounted Wireless Communication Devices — Human
models, Instrumentation, and Procedures — Part 2: Procedure to determine the
specific absorption rate (SAR) for mobile wireless communication devices used
in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)

                                   Page 9 of 9

Document Created: 2010-03-22 16:09:02
Document Modified: 2010-03-22 16:09:02

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