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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

Through Lid Mount Required Tools and Hardware
This mounting method requires the Pit Lid Mounting Kit. Refer to the 100W Installation Methods Overview
(PUB-1300-004) for guidance on which kit to install for different pit lid material and traffic conditions.
   Pit Lid Mounting Kit (CFG-1300-004)
             Note The Pit Lid Mounting Kit is not intended for applications involving
             vehicular traffic. Use the Remote Antenna Kit in incidental traffic areas (such as
             residential environments).

This section provides the instructions to install the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT module in a pit
lid with a hole using the Pit Lid Mounting Kit (CFG-1300-004). Verify you have the following items to
complete the installation.

   A        Retainer clip
   B        Pit lid with a pre-drilled hole (simulated pit lid material shown)
   C        Retainer clip collar
   D        100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT module

TDC-0909-006 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ Datalogging Water ERT Module Installation Guide             24
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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

To install in lids with holes using the Pit Lid Mounting Kit (CFG-0771-011)
1. Insert the retainer clip into the pit lid hole with the convex surface on the top of the pit lid.

2. From the bottom side of the lid, screw on the threaded retainer clip collar until the beveled top rests
   against the pit lid.

    Note Ensure the beveled edge of the clip collar is toward the top of the pit lid.
3. Align and insert the retainer clip tab into the retainer clip receptacle on the ERT module housing.

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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

4. Verify the clip locks into place in the housing.

    Caution Carefully align the ERT module through lid assembly. If the assembly is improperly aligned, the
    pit lid may not close.

Pit lid mounting installation is complete.

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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

Optional Leak Sensor Installation
This section describes installation of the Leak Sensor (LS) in a 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT
module system.
The ERT module stores 20 days of LS data. On the 21st day, the ERT module begins to write over stored data
in a first in, first out manner.
The ERT module automatically detects the presence of connected LS devices. The ERT module will
automatically detect the LS within 22.5 minutes and begin reading LS data. To immediately detect the LS and
begin reading data, perform a Check ERT with a handheld computer running FDM software.
The LS is used in conjunction with both indoor (basement) and outdoor (mounting on the exterior of the
house) 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT module installations. LS devices are mounted on a water
service pipe or meter insetter (meter horn) and connect to the LS connector on the ERT module as described
in To connect the Leak Sensor to the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT module on page 28. The
mounting bracket shipped with the LS accommodates an (up to) 1-1/2-inch OD pipe. An optional mounting
bracket is available for pipe sizes (up to 2 1/2-inch OD).

Leak Sensor Installation Equipment
Equipment                           Itron Part Number        Description
Leak Sensor                         LDS-0001-002             LS with inline connector, environmental connector cap; 5-foot cable, and
                                                             mounting bolt (fits up to 1 1/2-inch OD pipe).

Optional mounting bracket           CFG-0349-002             Mounting bolt fits up to 2 1/2-inch OD pipe.
ERT module
100W three-port ERT module          ERW-1300-203             Triple port encoder ERT module for connection to register, Leak Sensor
                                                             or remote SO, and optional remote antenna.
100W, 5-ft. flying leads, two-port ERW-1300-206              Three-port encoder ERT module for connection to register using 5-ft.
ERT module                                                   flying leads, Leak Sensor or remote SO and optional remote antenna
                                                             connection with inline connectors.
100W, 20-in. flying leads, three-   ERW-1300-218             Three-port encoder ERT module for connection to register using 20-in.
port encoder ERT module                                      flying leads, Leak Sensor or remote SO, and optional remote antenna
                                                             connection with inline connectors.
100WP Three-port ERT module ERW-1300-209                     Three-port pulser ERT module for connection to register, Leak Sensor or
                                                             remote SO, and optional remote antenna.
100WP, 5-ft. flying leads, two-     ERW-1300-212             Three-port pulser ERT module for connection to register using 5-ft.
port ERT module                                              flying leads, Leak Sensor or remote SO, and optional remote antenna
                                                             connection with inline connectors.
100WP, 20-in. flying leads, three- ERW-1300-220              Three-port pulser ERT module for connection to register using 20-in.
port pulser ERT module                                       flying leads, Leak Sensor or Remote SO, and optional remote antenna
                                                             connection with inline connectors.
25-foot extension cable (optional) CFG-0349-101              25-foot cable with coordinating connectors (LS or SO blue connector,
                                                             register black connector).
100W LS environmental               MSC-0019-008             Protects Leak Sensor or remote SO connector when the LS or remote SO
replacement cap                                              is not connected to the 100W ERT module.
Itron Security Seal                 MSC-0018-001             Indicates module tampering and ensures the protective cover stays intact.

TDC-0909-006 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ Datalogging Water ERT Module Installation Guide                                       27
                                                   Proprietary and Confidential

Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

        Warning When the 100W/100W+ or 100WP/100WP+ is installed but the LS is not attached,
        you must protect the blue port with the universal environmental cap (MSC-0019-008). If you
        remove the LS from the ERT module, the environmental cap must be replaced to protect the

To connect the Leak Sensor to the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT module
   Caution Verify you have the correct 100W/100W+ or 100WP/100WP+ ERT module. Leak Sensors must
   mount to Port B (middle blue port) of the ERT module. Connecting the LS to Port A (bottom port) or Port
   C (top port) will cause electrical damage to the LS and ERT module.
1. Remove the environmental cap from the ERT module's blue connector (B).

   C. Red connector: Optional antenna connection
   B. Blue connector: Leak Sensor connection
   A. Black connector: register connection

TDC-0909-006 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ Datalogging Water ERT Module Installation Guide             28
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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

2. Remove the environmental cap from the Leak Sensor connector. Verify the connectors (the ERT module's
   LS connector and the Leak Sensor connector) are clean and dry.

3. Align the Leak Sensor connector with the ERT module's blue connector and insert.

4. Rotate the connector locking ring until the security holes align.

    Caution Do not force the connector ends together. While you hold the LS connector, engage the ERT
    module's connector by rotating the locking ring until both connectors securely connect. Twist only the
    connector locking ring, not the body of the connector. Twisting the connector body could damage the
    connector's pins.

TDC-0909-006 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ Datalogging Water ERT Module Installation Guide               29
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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

To attach an Itron Security Seal through the connector security hole
1. Insert the pointed end of the security seal through the inline connector and the ERT module connector
   security holes.

2. Insert the pointed end of the security seal into the capped end and push until the seal locks.

This completes the ERT module and Leak Sensor connections.

Pipe Preparation
Clean any dust or dirt from the pipe to facilitate direct contact with the LS surface.

To install the Leak Sensor on a pipe or meter insetter
1. Select a Leak Sensor mounting location within 5-feet of the ERT module. Mount the sensor on the water
   input side of the meter.
    Caution Mount the Leak Sensor on the water input side of the meter. Failure to follow this mounting
    requirement could result in errors in the leak detection data. Installation requires Itron mounting hardware.
    Repair costs and service charges relating to the use on non-compliant mounting hardware will be charged
    to the customer. Contract Itron Support for more information.

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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

2. Verify the pipe’s mounting surface is free from dirt and debris. Place the curved surface of the LS against
   the pipe.

3. Insert the mounting U-bolt over the pipe and into the LS mounting holes.
    Caution Do not mount the Leak Sensor on a pipe coupler, joint, or nut.

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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

4. Insert the mounting plate over the U-bolt's threaded screw ends. Attach the two wing nuts over the clamp
   screw ends and tighten the wing nuts until snug (to a minimum of 5-inch pounds) to prevent device
   rotation on the pipe. After you tighten the second wing nut, check the Leak Sensor to verify the device is
   snug. If the sensor moves, tighten the wing nuts until there is no movement.
     Caution Do not tighten the Leak Sensor to more than 20 inch-pounds. Over-tightening could damage the
     Leak Sensor housing and/or the pipe.
     Note Leak Sensor mounting orientation is not critical. Orient the sensor to best accommodate your
     installation. The most important installation practice is to mount the sensor securely to the pipe.

To install the Leak Sensor on a pipe (up to 2 1/2-inch OD)
1. Select a Leak Sensor mounting location within 5 feet of the ERT module.
     Note Leak Sensor mounting orientation is not critical. Orient the sensor to best accommodate your
     installation. The most important installation practice is to fasten the sensor securely to the pipe.
     Caution Mount the Leak Sensor on the water input side of the meter. Failure to follow this mounting
     requirement could result in errors in the leak detection data. Installation requires Itron mounting hardware.
     Repair costs and service charges relating to the use on non-compliant mounting hardware will be charged
     to the customer. Contract Itron Support for more information.
2.   Insert the mounting plate screws into the holes on the Leak Sensor's curved surface.

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Installing the 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module

3. Secure the mounting plate to the Leak Sensor.

4. Verify the pipe’s mounting surface is free from dirt and debris. Place the curved surface of the LS against
   the pipe.
    Caution Do not mount the Leak Sensor on a pipe coupler, joint, or nut.
5. Insert the U-bolt around the pipe and into the holes in the plate/Leak Sensor assembly. Secure the U-bolt
   with the wing nuts. Tighten the wing nuts until snug (to a minimum of 5-inch pounds) to prevent device
   rotation on the pipe. After the second wing nut is tightened, check the Leak Sensor to verify the device is
   snug. If the sensor moves, tighten the wing nuts until there is no movement.

    Caution Do not tighten the Leak Sensor to more than 20 inch-pounds. Over-tightening could damage the
    Leak Sensor housing and/or the pipe.

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Optional Direct Connect Remote Antenna Installation

The optional 900 MHz remote mount antenna provides increased RF range coverage for the listed mobile
applications where the meters are located deep in a pit boxes.
This section provides antenna mounting instructions through a pit lid and the instructions to connect the
optional antenna to the ERT module.

          Caution Only remote antenna ERT modules can be used with the remote antenna. See
          the following table for 100W and 100WP remote antenna ERT models.

 100W and 100WP ERT Module Models for use with Remote Antennas
100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ ERT Module Description                                                     Itron Part Number
100W and 100W+ encoder ERT module with optional remote antenna and register integral connectors        ERW-1300-202
100W and 100W+ encoder ERT module with optional remote antenna, Leak Sensor, and register integral     ERW-1300-203
connectors                                                                                             ERW-1300-303
100W and 100W+ 5-ft. flying leads encoder ERT module with optional remote antenna integral connector   ERW-1300-205
100W and 100W+ 5-ft. flying leads encoder ERT module with optional remote antenna and Leak Sensor      ERW-1300-206
connectors                                                                                             ERW-1300-306
100W and 100W+ 20 in. flying leads encoder ERT module with optional remote antenna integral connector ERW=1300-317
100WP and 100WP+ 20 in. flying leads encoder ERT module with optional remote antenna and Leak          ERW-1300-218
Sensor integral connectors                                                                             ERW-1300-318
100WP and 100WP+ pulser ERT module with optional remote antenna and register integral connectors       ERW-1300-208
100WP and 100WP+ pulser ERT module with optional remote antenna, Leak Sensor, and register integral    ERW-1300-209
connectors                                                                                             ERW-1300-309
100WP and 100WP+ 5-ft. flying leads pulser ERT module with optional remote antenna and Leak Sensor     ERW-1300-212
integral connectors                                                                                    ERW-1300-312
100WP and 100WP+ 20 in. flying leads pulser ERT module with optional remote antenna integral connector ERW-1300-219
100WP and 100WP+ 20 in. flying leads pulser ERT module with optional remote antenna and Leak Sensor ERW-1300-220
integral connectors                                                                                 ERW-1300-320

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Optional Direct Connect Remote Antenna Installation

Industry Canada Conformity
The radio transmitter (IC:864D-100WC, IC:864D-100WD) has been               Le présent émetteur radio (IC: 864D-100WC, IC:864D-100WD)
approved by Industry Canada to operate with the antenna types listed        a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonctionner avec les
below with the maximum permissible gain and required antenna                types d'antenne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain admissible
impedance for each antenna type indicated. Antenna types not included in    maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque type d'antenne. Les
this list, having a gain greater than the maximum gain indicated for that   types d'antenne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est
type, are strictly prohibited for use with this device.                     supérieur au gain maximal indiqué, sont strictement interdits
                                                                            pour l'exploitation de l'émetteur.
Part number                                                                 CFG-0900-003
Gain                                                                        2 dBi
Horizontal beamwidth                                                        Omni-directional
Impedance                                                                   50 ohms
Termination                                                                 Proprietary

Installing the Remote Antenna
Metal lids on water pit boxes require a through-lid solution for optimal ERT module radio performance. The
remote antenna is designed to fit in a pit lid hole with a diameter of 3/4-inch and lid thicknesses from 1/4-inch
to 1-3/4-inch.

            Caution Remove cable or twist ties from the antenna cable to prevent damage to the ERT module
            or antenna.

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Optional Direct Connect Remote Antenna Installation

To install the remote antenna through a pit lid
1. Thread the remote antenna connector and cable through the pit lid hole. Verify the antenna's convex
   surface is on the top of the pit lid. (These instructions show a simulated pit lid material.)

2. Insert the antenna connector through the rectangular opening in the threaded collar.

3. Turn the threaded collar until it is tight against bottom of the pit lid.

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Optional Direct Connect Remote Antenna Installation

To connect the remote antenna to the ERT module
1. Align the connector pins with the top, red connector on the ERT module. The illustration shows a 3-port
   ERT module connection.

2. Push in the antenna connector to complete the connection. The illustration shows a two-port ERT module

3. Turn the connector lock ring to the right to secure the connection.
    Caution Turn the connector lock-ring only. Do not twist the completed connection. Twisting the
    connection could damage the ERT module or antenna connector pins.

4. Follow the Rod Mount Installation on page 15 or Wall Mount Installation on page 18 instructions to
   mount the ERT module.

TDC-0909-006 100W/100W+ and 100WP/100WP+ Datalogging Water ERT Module Installation Guide             37
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Document Created: 2013-01-22 09:15:03
Document Modified: 2013-01-22 09:15:03

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