Operational Description


Operational Description

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                                     Theory of Operation
TITLE: 100G ERT Theory of Operations
AUTHOR: Jim Frost, Cecil Metz

 REV        CCO          DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE                             DATE                        APPROVALS
                                                                                              Project Lead            Kent Patterson
   A                    Initial Release                                   10-05-06
                                                                                              Engineering                Jim Frost

                                                 REVISION HISTORY

                                       NOTICE OF PROPRIETARY INFORMATION
Information contained herein is proprietary and is property of ITRON, Inc. where furnished with a proposal, the recipient shall use it
solely to evaluate the proposal. Where furnished to a customer it shall be used solely for the purposes of inspection, installation or
maintenance. Where furnished to a supplier, it shall be used solely in the performance of work contracted for this company. The
information shall not be used or disclosed by the recipient for any other purpose, whatsoever.

                                                  ITRON CONFIDENTIAL

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1.0      PURPOSE ......................................................................................................................................................................................3
2.0      DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.0      CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................................................3
3.1      General ...........................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.2      Oscillator.........................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.3      Transmitter......................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.4      Transmit Frequency Control ...........................................................................................................................................................3
3.5      RF Switches....................................................................................................................................................................................3
3.6      Low Pass Filter ...............................................................................................................................................................................4
3.7      Antenna ..........................................................................................................................................................................................4
3.8      Data Transmit .................................................................................................................................................................................4
3.9      Data Receive ..................................................................................................................................................................................4
3.10     Power Supply..................................................................................................................................................................................4
3.10.1   3V RF Power Supply voltage..........................................................................................................................................................4
3.10.2   RF IC regulator ...............................................................................................................................................................................4
3.10.3   Microprocessor supply....................................................................................................................................................................4
3.11     Read Switch....................................................................................................................................................................................5
3.12     Tilt and Tamper Switches ...............................................................................................................................................................5
3.13     Test Points......................................................................................................................................................................................5
3.14     Main Microcontroller .......................................................................................................................................................................5
3.15     ERT® Unit Specifications ...............................................................................................................................................................5
4.0      TUNE AND TEST ...........................................................................................................................................................................6
4.1      Setting Frequency...........................................................................................................................................................................6
5.0      FIRMWARE ....................................................................................................................................................................................6
5.1      Firmware Build Information.............................................................................................................................................................6
5.2      On Chip Memory.............................................................................................................................................................................6
5.3      Main Code Flow..............................................................................................................................................................................7
5.4      Timing Interrupt and Reading Debounce........................................................................................................................................8
5.5      100G Transmit ................................................................................................................................................................................9
5.6      Timing Parameters for 100G Transmit .........................................................................................................................................10
5.7      100G Receive ...............................................................................................................................................................................11
5.8      Timing Parameters for 100G Receive ..........................................................................................................................................12
5.9      Timing for 100G TX and RX .........................................................................................................................................................13
5.10     100G Listen ..................................................................................................................................................................................14
5.11     Transmit Hopping .........................................................................................................................................................................15
6.0      Modulation Process....................................................................................................................................................................15
7.0      Non-Volatile Data Procedures ...................................................................................................................................................15
8.0      Programmed Variables and Default Values .............................................................................................................................16
8.1      Rollover.........................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.2      Tilt Debounce................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.3      Count Rate....................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.4      Lock Type .....................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.5      ERT® ID .......................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.6      Hop Table .....................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.7      ERT® Type ...................................................................................................................................................................................16
8.8      Count Debounce...........................................................................................................................................................................16
8.9      Meter Reading ..............................................................................................................................................................................17
8.10     Pressure Compensation Multiplier................................................................................................................................................17
8.11     Utility ID ........................................................................................................................................................................................17
8.12     Tamper Fields...............................................................................................................................................................................17
8.13     Bubble-Up Period .........................................................................................................................................................................17
8.14     Transmit-Power Setting ................................................................................................................................................................17
8.15     Default Programming Channel .....................................................................................................................................................17
8.16     Lower-Half-Band Offset ................................................................................................................................................................17
8.17     Upper-Half-Band Offset ................................................................................................................................................................17

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      The purpose of this document is to describe the theory of operation for the 100G ERT® unit.

      ERT® Unit       = Encoded Receiver Transmitter
      MCU             = Mobile Collector Unit – vehicle mounted reading device for the 100G unit.
      FC200R          =Field Collector Unit – handheld reader / programming device for the 100G unit.
      Rx              = Receive
      SCM             = Standard Consumption Message
      Tx              = Transmit
      µP              = Micro Processor


      3.1     General
              The 100G is a new generation of Gas endpoints including receive capability and both high
              power and low power transmit capability. The unit operates in the 908 to 924 MHz band and
              is usable in handheld, mobile and fixed network applications. The heart of the 100G Radio
              section is the MICR505L RFIC, which integrates TX and RX as well as Synthesizer, Crystal
              Oscillator, OOK Modulator, and RFIC voltage regulator functions

      3.2     Oscillator
              The 16 MHZ reference frequency is provided by a shunt mode crystal working in conjunction
              with the MIC505L RFIC. The crystal is loaded by shunt capacitors C416 and C417 together
              with stray capacitance and Firmware selectable shunt capacitors within the MIC505. At initial
              test, the crystal output frequency is tuned to within 2 PPM. Adjustment is accomplished by
              measuring the RF frequency and minimizing RF frequency error by making appropriate
              adjustment to the reference frequency.

      3.3     Transmitter
              In handheld and mobile applications, the 100G operates primarily in OOK mode at +10 dBm
              (Low power) provided by the RFIC. Requested special messages use high power mode,
              described below.

              In Fixed network applications the OOK output is +24 dBm (high power) provided by Q304, a
              single RF transistor amplifier stage driven by +10 dBm from the RFIC. Q301 and Q302
              sense the Q304 collector current as a voltage drop across R302 and R303 in parallel, and
              adjust Q304 base to hold current constant. Low current is extremely important to allow
              battery life of 20 years or longer, so switch Q 303 enables the Bias control section only when
              the transmitted bit is a one.. By disabling PA on zero bits when no RF is desired, battery
              power is conserved. Operating Voltage for the high power stage is a regulated 3V, enabled
              for the duration of high power TX events.

      3.4     Transmit Frequency Control
              Transmit frequency is controlled by the transceiver synthesizer which is programmed by the
              microcontroller and writes to its registers via the SPI connection.

      3.5     RF Switches
              U201and U202 are RF switches used to connect either the High power transmitter path or the
              receiver and low power transmitter path to the low pass filter, antenna match and antenna..
              With U301 pin 6 high and pin 4 low and U302 Pin 4 low and pin 6 high (verify) the RF path

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       between antenna and RFIC is selected. When the polarity of the pins on U201 and U202 is
       reversed, the high power RF amplifier is connected between RFIC and antenna
       R318, R319, R324 and R325 are decoupling resistors. R201, R202, R203 and R204 are
       reference resistors for the µP. C202, C204, and C207, C346 and are bypass capacitors.

3.6    Low Pass Filter
       L201, L202, C206, C208, and C209 form a 5 pole filter designed for minimal effect at the TX
       frequency and maximum attenuation of harmonics. The filter is directly in the path to the
       antenna, and is not affected by the selection of high power or low power modes.

3.7    Antenna
       Depending on antenna switch control voltages the antenna connects to either the Power
       amplifier output or the RFIC antenna pin. The antenna is a Patch integrated on the Printed
       Circuit board. C8, C9, and L2 match the antenna impedance to the 50 ohm lines to either
       RFIC of RFPA. The antenna is tuned to operate properly when loaded by potting and the
       dielectric of the polycarbonate housing.

3.8    Data Transmit
       Data messages, called Standard Consumption Messages (SCM), are Manchester-encoded
       and contain the unit ID number, meter reading and other information. The data is transmitted
       using Manchester encoded on/off keying (OOK) of the transceiver output and the external
       power amplifier. Uplink responses to programming and interrogation messages are encoded
       and transmitted in the same fashion

3.9    Data Receive
       Downlink messages for programming and interrogation are received by the transceiver which
       provides NRZ data and clock signals to the microcontroller. The microcontroller interprets the
       downlink packet, performs the requested action, and generates the uplink response when

3.10   Power Supply
       The power supply consists of three main sections. Primary power to the 100G supply circuit
       is provided by a 3.68V lithium thionyl-chloride A-cell connected to J1. The battery has a
       nominal capacity of 3.6 Ah.

       3.10.1 3V RF Power Supply voltage
              All RF parts operate using voltage from the 3V regulator U1 which is turned on just
              prior to each RF activity and held in an off state between RF activities to conserve

       3.10.2 RF IC regulator
              The RFIC operates at 2.7 V voltage supplied by a regulator imbedded in the RF IC.
              This functionality resides in the chip but operates independent of the rest of the RF IC
              under control of the microprocessor.

       3.10.3 Microprocessor supply
              At 3.6 V supply, the µP sleep current drain exceeds the levels needed to allow 20
              year operation on a single battery. In addition, the Micrel RFIC will not interface
              directly to the µP output voltages produced with 3.6 V operation. To supply the µP,
              Q1 and Q2 are connected as diodes, limiting µP voltage to about 2.7 V. At 2.7V, the
              µP IO is compatible with the RFIC and µP sleep current is reduced to about 2uA,
              supporting the required battery life. C7 holds sufficient charge to maintain µP
              voltages within required limits when the battery briefly sags during high power

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3.11   Read Switch
       The read switch S103 is magnetically coupled to the attached meter, and changes state as
       the meter register rotates. The main micro detects the switch state changes, de-bounces the
       switch and stores the count information.

3.12   Tilt and Tamper Switches
       Switch S102, along with R104, provide tilt indication to the micro. When the switch is closed
       by tilting the assembly, it pulls pin 24 of the micro to ground. When the switch is open, pin 24
       remains high. Switch S101, along with R103; provide magnetic tamper indication to the
       micro. When abnormal external magnets are applied in a tamper attempt, S101 closes,
       pulling pin 28 of the micro to ground. When the switch is open, pin 28 remains at the µP
       operating voltage ~2.7 volts.

3.13   Test Points
       The 100G ERT® Unit has test points available that can be utilized by test hardware and test
       personnel to align, monitor and trouble shoot the ERT® Unit. Refer to schematic SCH-5000-001 to
       locate the test points.

3.14   Main Microcontroller
       The main micro, U401, is a Texas Instruments MSP430F1232IPW. In current conservation
       mode the µP clock is supplied by Y401, a 32.768 KHz crystal. When faster execution is
       necessary, the µP runs on it’s internal oscillator at up to 5 MHz Further, it receives an 8 MHz
       clock from the TCXO (TCXO divided by two) periodically to perform accurate functions such
       as transmitting, receiving and real time clock updates. There are several referencing
       resistors on the circuit board to assure that micro pins are not left in a high impedance
       floating state, whereby they can sink or source high current. These include R401-R403,
       R407-R418 and R422-R427. An in depth description of the micro’s functionality is explained
       in the firmware section of this document. Below is a table of the micro’s pins and their
       functions. ERT® UNIT SPECIFICATIONS

3.15   ERT® Unit Specifications
       The specifications listed apply to the 100G ERT® Unit as measured on the FCC site. The unit
       should be installed in housing and potted.

                 Item #           Description               Specification
                    1     Transmit High Frequency   922 MHZ
                    2     Transmit Low Frequency    908 MHZ
                    3     Receive Frequency                      2
                                                    908-922 MHZ
                   4      Transmit BW               <200 kHz
                   5      Transmit Power            FN mode: +24 dBm EIRP
                                                    Mobile mode: +10 dBm EIRP
                   6      Receive Sensitivity       -100 dBm
                   7      Idle Current              <2µAmps

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      4.1    Setting Frequency
             During manufacturing, it is preferred to set the unit on frequency. Although the unit is
             synthesized, there are slight variations in the finish frequency of the crystal as well as
             variations of the amount of loading capacitance on the crystal. Even though these variations
             are slight, they can add up to several kilohertz of offset at the transmit frequency. There is
             also a slight shift in frequency due to capacitive loading effects caused by potting. During
             manufacturing the frequency is calibrated before it is potted, with an offset to accommodate
             the expected change when potted.


      5.1    Firmware Build Information
             This firmware is built from C-language and assembler code contained in twelve different files.
            File name     Contents
            ERT100Gx.c    Main source file: Main execution and reading/tamper recording for 100G ERT.
            Global.h      Global-variable definitions and definitions for identifying conditional compile options.
            ERT100Gx.h    Manifest-constant definitions for global use and prototypes for functions in ERT100Gx.c.
            Hwdefs.h      Manifest-constant definitions for I/O ports.
            RF_serv.c     RF-service routines for transmitting and receiving message.
            RF-serv.h     Definitions and prototypes for 100G RF-service code.
            Msg_proc.c    Code for processing downlink messages and creating uplink messages.
            Msg_proc.h    Definitions and prototypes for message processes.
            Xcvr_srv.c    Routines for communication with the transceiver-ASIC
            Xcvr_srv.h    Definitions and prototypes for transceiver-ASIC service.
            Utils.s43     Assembly-language utility functions.
            Utils.h       Prototypes for functions in Utils.s43

      5.2    On Chip Memory
             The MSP430 microcontroller has two flash-memory INFO blocks for saving ERT ID, hop
             tables and programmable parameters and 256 bytes of RAM used for data storage, message
             buffers, control variables and stack.

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         5.3         Main Code Flow
                     The following flowchart contains the overall view of the firmware operation for the 100G.

          main                                                                                                    ERT 100G (SCM)
                                                                                                                     Main loop

fnSystemInit ( )
Initialize I/O ports,
Timer A, factory test,
Start Timer-A and enbl
 Timer-A intrpt.

fnErtInit ( )                             until
If needed: Initialize                    intrpt     16-Hz timer tick will cancel sleep
                                                      mode when time for operation.
operating variables,
delay 1 second.

                                         Record                            fnRecordInterval ( )
   Set CPU clock to                     interval?                          Record hourly reading.
  high speed, set up
  factory test if req’d.

                                                                           Turn on Tx power,
                                                                           Compute reading &
                                                              Yes          msg, send uplink pkt
                                                                             via fnSendMessage,
                                                                           schedule next op.


                                                                           Turn on Tx power,
                                        Transmit                           send uplink packet via
                                       response?                            fnSendMessage,
                                                                           schedule next op.

                                                                           fnListenForCmd ( )
                                                                           Start receiver, listen
                                                                           for downlink packet.
                                                                           If req’d, process pkt,
                                                                           create response msg.
                                                                           Schedule next op.

                                                                                         In audit mode and
                                                                                         time expired?
                                                                                                             End audit


                                                                                                    Set Normal mode.

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         5.5        100G Transmit

                                                                                     ERT 100G (SCM)
   fnSendMessage                                                                    fnSendMessage &

 Calculate Tx power


fnSetFreq ( )
Calculate transceiver
settings for Tx channel
                                                    Initialize data index.
                                                     Disable interrupts.

fnCatNap ( )
Sleep 10 msec.

fnStart_RF_op ( )                                        Byte count
Program Xcvr, delay to                                     =0?
next 128-Hz tick,
check lock detect.                                                           Wait for timer tick,
                                                             No                 Key Tx off.
                                                                             Enable interrupts.
        Lock                    No
       Detected                Lock                Load data into Tx bfr,
                              Detect               Set bit mask = BIT7,
                                                   Decrement byte cnt.              return
Set antenna switches
 and Xcvr prog. msg
   for power level.
                           Wait for next
                           128-Hz tick.
fnWriteXcvrReg ( )
                                                          bit = 1?
Turn on Xcvr
transmitter.                                                                         No

                                                                             Wait for timer tick,
fnWaitShortDelay ( )                                                            Key Tx off.
Wait 1 msec.                                        Wait for timer tick,     Enable interrupts.
                                                       Key Tx on.
                                                    Enable interrupts.

     Calculate                                                               Disable interrupts,
   message length                                                            Wait for timer tick,
                                                    Disable interrupts,         Key Tx on.
                                                    Wait for timer tick,
                                                       Key Tx off.
fnKeyTx ( )
Apply Manchester
coded modulation.

                                                    Shift bit mask right

fnStop_RF_op ( )
Turn off transmitter,
                                                          Bit mask
PA & antenna sw’s.                                                                   No


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       5.6       Timing Parameters for 100G Transmit
Ref.   Function       Operation                                                                   Cycles
                             st              nd
 1     fnTxKey        Send 1 chip – send 2 chip (allows interrupts)                                  20
                             nd              st
 2                    Send 2 chip – send 1 chip in same byte.                                        31
                             nd              st
 3                    Send 2 chip – send 1 chip in next byte.                                        47
                             nd              st
 4                    Send 2 chip – send 1 chip in next byte during factory test.                    57
 5                    Send last 2 chip – Tx off.                                                     38
 6                    “Just-missed-it” reread communication flag.                                     5
 7     isrTiming      Minor tick (128 Hz) (Major tick cannot occur during message Tx.)               52
                      Worst combination of operations (reference numbers):                        #1, 6, 7
                      Worst case number of cycles required in 30.5 µsec                              77
                      Minimum CPU clock frequency (MHz.) required                                   2.53

       Analysis of the microcontroller DCO (digitally-controlled oscillator) specifications yields a worst-case
       minimum CPU clock frequency of 2.968 MHz at the temperature extremes.

                                        ITRON CONFIDENTIAL                                                Rev. A


                    te updates c


            m1in1i m1inn

                                                                                              Page 12 of 17
       5.8     Timing Parameters for 100G Receive
Ref.   Function           Operation                                                             Cycles
 1     isrRxData          State = GET_TRAINING                                                  55 – 61
 2                        State = GET_PREAM_7                                                   62 – 64
 3                        State = GET_PREAM_0                                                   61 – 70
 4                        States = GET_ID_0 – GET_PD_CRC: process data bit 7 – 1                70 – 77
 5                        State = GET_R_TIME                                                   111 – 118
 6                        State = GET_PD_CRC: process bit 0 – buffer a data byte               136 – 143
 7     isrTiming          Time to enable interrupts.                                              14
 8                        Minor tick (128 Hz)                                                     52
 9                        Major tick (16 Hz)                                                   161 – 278
10     fnWaitForRxState   Pass through function with 1 extra loop                                 35
                          For completing isrRxData in time to enter again                        #6, 7
                           Worst case number of cycles required in 80 µsec                       157
                           Minimum CPU clock frequency (MHz.) required                           1.97
                          At 1.97 MHz check for completion of interrupted Major timing          #6, 7, 9
                          tick in time:
                          157 - 77 = 80 Cycles are available in the next 7 data periods
                          for completing an interrupted Major timer tick. The number of
                          additional data periods required = (278 – 14) / 80                      3.3
                          The 2.968 MHz minimum clock frequency will complete a worst-
                          case Major tick interrupted by a worst case Rx-data byte in a
                          total of 3 Rx-data-interrupt periods (240 µsec) with a CPU-cycle
                          reserve of                                                              137

                                      ITRON CONFIDENTIAL                                                Rev. A

 Interrupt—service          Timing pro\
 "miinor" tick. Ev        inor tick gene
 the 2—second counts of daily time, hou

isrIiming (128 Hz)

Major Tick

Xcvr power enable

Xcvr program
(Tx except PA, or Rx)

Debz Lock Detect

xXcvr PA program


           e Rx state
           Ne & CRC.
     * A

                                                                                                Page 15 of 17
      5.11    Transmit Hopping
              The 100G ERT uses a table selected according to its ERT ID to control transmitter hopping.
              The hop table is a series of 50 values from 0 to 49 arranged in pseudo-random order. The
              ERT takes the hop table values in sequence for successive hopping transmissions, beginning
              the sequence anew when it reaches the end. The least significant byte of the ERT ID is used
              to select the table. The hop table is programmed in the factory at the time the ERT ID is

              The ERT transmits in a split band consisting of two half bands. The locations of these are
              controlled by the lower-half-band offset and the upper-half-band offset – programmable
              parameters stored in INFO memory. Hop table values from 0 through 24 are added to the
              lower-half-band offset to determine the transmit frequency. Hop table values from 25 through
              49 are added to the upper-half-band offset to determine the transmit frequency. The default
              settings for the offsets are 40 and 50, giving default full-band channels of 40 to 64 (910.0 –
              914.8 MHz) for the lower half band, and full-band channels 75 to 99 (917.0 to 921.8 MHz) for
              the upper half band.

6.0   Modulation Process
      ERT messages employ Manchester encoding at 16,384 bits / second. In Manchester coding a one is
      transmitted with the transmitter keyed on for the first half of the bit, off for the second half. The two bit
      halves are referred to as “chips”. For a zero bit the transmitter is keyed off for the first chip, on for the
      second. Each chip is 30.5 µsec in duration.
      As soon as each chip is initiated and communicated to the RF hardware, the firmware must calculate
      the next and have it ready before the 30.5 µsec is up. The firmware fetches each data byte from the
      message, computes and sends 2 chips for each of 8 bits. The three time critical operations in the
      process are:
          •   Send first chip of bit, compute second chip.
          •   Send second chip, compute first chip of the next bit from the same byte.
           • Send second chip, get next byte and compute first chip of its most significant bit.
      The first of these is the simplest and shortest. The third is the most complicated and longest.
      Actually there is one more operation that is esthetically unappealing if it doesn’t complete on time:
      send the second chip of the last bit of the message and prepare to set final “transmitter off”. (If it’s
      late the message will still be readable).
      Because processor timing is independent of the 32768 Hz timing reference, the modulation routine
      must poll for an asynchronous notice that a chip was sent by interrupt or that the Timer has advanced
      before it can “do” the next chip. For this reason, the timing analysis includes a “just-missed-it” count
      for interrogations that need one more loop to determine that it’s time to continue. It adds a margin of
      In addition to the modulation operation, the 30.5 µsec period must also accommodate any other
      interrupt that occurs within it. The design plan for the 100G firmware is that time-scheduled
      operations will be set up and initiated by the 16Hz time tick which will also process tilt-switch data and
      mag-tamper data. Because there is a great deal of computing involved in these operations (relatively
      speaking), all messages must be transmitted between 16Hz ticks. (This also eases hardware
      requirements that would be needed to support transmission of longer messages.) Hence, the “minor”
      128 Hz tick is the only (other) interrupt allowed during transmission of a message.
      The timing analysis adds up the number of main-clock cycles required to execute the code within a
      30.5 µsec chip time and calculates the minimum clock frequency required to accomplish that. This
      analysis is focused on the transmitter modulation since none of the other operations have time
      criticality remotely approaching the challenge of squeezing the modulation operations into 30.5 µsec

7.0   Non-Volatile Data Procedures
      Non-volatile data is maintained in the two 128-byte INFO blocks in the microcontroller. 100G
      firmware initializes the programmable values to their default settings when code in programmed into

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      the device. INFO memory locations for manufacturing-test frequencies, ERT ID and hop table are left
      in their non-programmed states by the 100G firmware. These locations are programmed in the
      manufacturing process.

8.0   Programmed Variables and Default Values

      8.1    Rollover
                                 Description                 Binary Code
                                     9,999        00
                                    99,999        01
                                   999,999        10       Default
                                 9,999,999        11

      8.2    Tilt Debounce
                                Description                  Binary Code
                     No Tilt Tamper               00
                         100ms                    01
                         250ms                    10
                         500ms                    11       Default

      8.3    Count Rate
                                 Multiplier                  Binary Code
                     Undefined                    0000
                     Undefined                    0001
                     Undefined                    0010
                              1.                  0011     Default
                              2.                  0100
                              5.                  0101
                              10.                 0110
                              20.                 0111
                              25.                 1000
                              40.                 1001
                              50.                 1010
                              100.                1011
                              500.                1100
                              1000.               1101
                     Undefined                    1110
                     Undefined                    1111

      8.4    Lock Type
                                 Description                Binary Value
                     No Lock                      00      Default
                     Soft Lock                    01
                     Hard Lock                    10
                     Undefined                    11

      8.5    ERT® ID
             The 26 bit ERT® Unit ID is programmed at the factory into the INFO block.

      8.6    Hop Table
             The 50-byte hop table appropriate for the ERT ID is programmed at the factory into the INFO

      8.7    ERT® Type
             The 4 bit ERT® Unit Type is programmed to type 12 for the 100G by the ERT firmware.

      8.8    Count Debounce
             The count debounce values are programmed at by the ERT firmware and cannot be altered
             in the field.

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8.9    Meter Reading
       The 24 bit meter reading is programmed at the time of installation by the Reader/Programmer
       device. Default value is zero for all 24 bits.

8.10   Pressure Compensation Multiplier
       The 17 bit pressure compensation multiplier assumes a decimal point between the first and
       second bits and is programmed by the Reader/Programmer device at the time of installation.
       Default value is 1.0000.

8.11   Utility ID
       The 16 bit Utility ID is programmed at the time of installation by the Reader/programmer

8.12   Tamper Fields
       Two tamper fields are use to record theft attempts by Tilt and Magnetic tamper. The two bit
       fields for Physical tamper and Encoder Tamper are reset to the default value of zero by the
       Reader/Programmer with a downlink-command message.

8.13   Bubble-Up Period
       The 8-bit field default value for bubble-up period is pre-set in firmware at 15 seconds. It can
       be altered via programming from 2 to 255 Seconds.

8.14   Transmit-Power Setting
       The 4 bit code for indicating the normal-mode transmit power is pre-set in firmware to +10
       dBm. It can be altered via programming to 0 dBm or to +24 dBm.

8.15   Default Programming Channel
       The default programming channel is initially set to channel 30 (908.0 MHz) and may be
       altered via programming to any channel from channel 1 (902.2 MHz) to channel 129 (927.8

8.16   Lower-Half-Band Offset
       The lower-half-band offset is added to values from 0 through 24 retrieved from the hop table
       for transmitting. It is initially set to 40 (giving a lower half band from 910.0 to 914.8 MHz) and
       may be altered via programming to any value from 1 (lower half band at 902.2 MHz) to 80
       (lower-half band at 918.0 MHz). Attempts to program the lower-half-band offset such that the
       lower half band overlaps or is higher than the upper-half band will be rejected by the ERT.

8.17   Upper-Half-Band Offset
       The upper-half-band offset is added to values from 25 through 49 retrieved from the hop table
       for transmitting. It is initially set to 50 (giving an upper half band from 917.0 to 921.8 MHz)
       and may be altered via programming to any value from channel 1 (upper half band at 907.2
       MHz) to 80 (upper half band at 923.0 MHz). Attempts to program the upper-half-band offset
       such that the lower half band overlaps or is higher than the upper-half band will be rejected
       by the ERT.

                                ITRON CONFIDENTIAL                                              Rev. A

Document Created: 2007-12-14 14:55:11
Document Modified: 2007-12-14 14:55:11

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