Test Report Revised


Test Report

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          FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

TITLE: FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Device (100G)
AUTHOR: Jon Mueller
                                                                     Engineering        Jon Mueller
   1             INITIAL RELEASE

                                  REVISION HISTORY



                                              Page 1                               11/2/2007

           FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

Test Data Summary
                                   FCC 15.247 / IC RSS-210
                           Frequency Hopping Device (100G), 908 – 924 MHz
                                 FCC ID: EO9100G / IC ID: 864D-100G
                                       Device Model: ERG-5000
                                           Model Numbers:
                                    ERG-5000-005, ERG-5000-006
                             OATS Registration Number: FCC 90716, IC 5615
              Rule                                  Description                                                   Pass/Fail
                                                                                         N/A (battery
         Part 15.31(e)               Variation of Input Voltage - Conducted                                           N/A
                                                                                         N/A (battery
Part 15.207 / RSS-Gen 7.2.2          AC Powerline Conducted Emissions                                                 N/A
    Part 15.247(a)(1) /
                                     Carrier Frequency Separation                          195 kHz                   Pass
     RSS-210 A8.1(2)
   Part 15.247(a)(1)(i) /
                                     Number of Hopping Channels                                50                    Pass
     RSS-210 A8.1(3)
   Part 15.247(a)(1)(i) /
                                     20dB Bandwidth                                        186 kHz                   Pass
     RSS-210 A8.1(3)
    Part 15.247(b) (2) /                                                               20.6 dBm @908
                                     Power Output – Radiated (EIRP)                                                  Pass
     RSS-210 A8.4(1)                                                                         Mhz
      Part 15.247(d) /                                                                   -43.07 dBc
                                     Spurious Emissions - Radiated                                                   Pass
      RSS-210 A8.5                                                                       @1830 Mhz
  Parts 15.205 & 15.209 /
                                     Restricted Bands / Spurious                       5.08 dB Margin
RSS-210 2.2, 2.6 Tables 1 &                                                                                          Pass
                                     Emissions - Radiated                               @ 2745 MHz
   Part 15.247(a)(1)(i) /
                                     Time of Occupancy                                     5.88 mS                   Pass
     RSS-210 A8.1(3)
                                                                                       Noise floor
     RSS-210 Gen 7.2.3               Receiver Spurious Emissions                       below                         Pass
                                                                                       25dbuV/m @
   Parts 1.1310 & 2.1091 /           Limits for Maximum Permissible
                                                                                       0.0425 mW/cm2                 Pass
          RSS-102                    Exposure (MPE)
Rule versions: FCC Part 1 (01-2006), FCC Part 2 (01-2006), FCC Part 15 (02-2006), RSS-102 (11-2005), RSS-210 Issue 6 (09-2005), RSS-
Gen Issue 1 (09-2005).
Reference docs: ANSI C63.4-2003, DA 00-705 (03-30-2000), OET65 (08-1997), OET65C (06-2001), IEEE C95.3-2002.

                                                    Cognizant Personnel

                                  Name                                                 Title
                               Mark Kvamme                                       Test Technician

                                   Name                                               Title
                                 Jon Mueller                                   Regulatory Engineer

                                   Name                                              Title
                                 Jon Mueller                                      R&D Manager

                                                               Page 2                                          11/2/2007

          FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

15.247(a) (1) / RSS-210 A8.1 (2)                      in one of the subparagraphs of this
Carrier Frequency Separation                          Section. Submit this plot.
Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping
channel carrier frequencies separated by a minimum     Equipment       Serial
                                                                                   Cal Date     Due
of 25 kHz or the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping          Used         Number
channel, whichever is greater.                         Spectrum
Verify that the channel separation is > the            Analyzer MY45113415 7-Aug-07 8-Aug-08
20dB bandwidth of a single transmission.              EMCO
The EUT must have its hopping function                3148 Log
enabled. Use the following analyzer                   periodic    9901-1044    24-Oct-06 24-Oct-08
settings:                                             Huber&Suh
         RBW ≥ 1% of the span                         ner 40 foot
         VBW ≥ RBW                                       cable     220297 001 09-Apr-07 09-Apr-08
         Sweep = auto
                                                          Date        Tested by
         Detector function = peak
         Trace = max hold
                                                      9/28-29/2007 Mark Kvamme
Allow the trace to stabilize. Use the
marker-delta function to determine the
separation between the peaks of the                   Min carrier separation is 195 kHz.
adjacent channels. The limit is specified             Max carrier separation is 205 kHz.

                                                     Page 3                                 11/2/2007

: Agilent   21:25:13 Sep 28, 2007   R   oT

No Peak Found

          FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

15.247(a) (1) (i) / RSS-210 A8.1 (3)
                                                              Equipment      Serial       Cal Date       Due
Number of Hopping Channels
                                                                Used        Number
For frequency hopping systems operating in the 902-928
MHz band: if the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel      Hewlett 3229A0023            2-Oct-07 2-Oct-08
is less than 250 kHz, the system shall use at least 50       Packard 9
hopping frequencies.
The EUT must have its hopping function                       Spectrum
enabled. Use the following spectrum analyzer                 Analyzer
     Span = the frequency band of operation
                                                             Roberts    NA                      NA           NA
     RBW ≥ 1% of the span                                    Dipole
     VBW ≥ RBW                                               antenna
     Sweep = auto                                            Cable:     NA                      NA           NA
     Detector function = Peak                                Pasternack
     Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize. It may prove                         Date    Tested by
necessary to break the span up into sections,
in order to clearly show all of the hopping
                                                             10/20/2006 Mark Kvamme
frequencies. The limit is specified in one of the
subparagraphs of this Section. Submit this                   There are 50 channels. The maximum
plot(s). Measurements are relative to                        transmissions that will occur in 20 seconds is 6.
demonstrate number of channels and channel                   The maximum number of transmission in 20
spacing.                                                     seconds that will occur on any one channel is one.

                                                          Page 5                                11/2/2007

       FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

Two new screen shots of the 50 channels done in the anechoic chamber
Upper 25 channels

Lower 25 channels

                                              Page 6                              11/2/2007


          FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

15.247(a) (1) (i) / RSS-210 A8.1 (3)
20 dB Bandwidth
Verify that the 20 dB bandwidth is less than the 200KHz width of the hopping channel.

Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
    Span = 400 KHz centered on a hopping channel. 400 KHz is approximately 2 times
    the 20 dB bandwidth of the hopping channel.

     RBW ≥ 1 Mhz when measuring total power.
             3Khz (approximately 1% of the 20 dB bandwidth) when measuring -20 dB
             down relative to total power
     VBW ≥ 30 KHz (100 times RBW)
     Sweep = auto
     Detector function = peak
     Trace = max hold

The EUT should be transmitting at its maximum data rate. Set RBW to 1 MHz , select
max hold, and measure total TX Power (Reference Power)

Set a reference line 20 dB below the reference power measured in the previous step.
Set RBW to 3KHz. Select peak power and capture the modulated spectrum and press
View B. This will take several minutes due to the occasional short transmissions.

Place a marker at the lower frequency 20 dB down point on the modulated spectrum.
Press Marker Delta and mark the upper frequency 20 dB down point. The indicated
delta frequency is the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, This is also the 99% bandwidth.

 In general, If this value varies with different modes of operation (e.g., data rate,
modulation format, etc.), repeat this test for each variation. For this product only one
data rate and modulation mode is used. The limit is specified in one of the
subparagraphs of this Section. Submit this plot(s).

                      Equipment Used                     Serial        Cal Date           Due
            Hewlett Packard 8593E Spectrum
                       Analyzer            3543A02032                  2-Oct-07         2-Oct-08
                                                                        3-May-           3-May-
            Huber&Suhner 18 inch. Sma to N 220057 002                    2007             2008

  Date       Tested by

10/2,3/07 Mark Kvamme

20 dB Occupied Bandwidth

909.900 MHz = 133 kHz
914.600 MHz = 136 kHz
921.800 MHz = 138 kHz

                                                           Page 8                                  11/2/2007

FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

                                       Page 9                              11/2/2007

FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

                                      Page 10                              11/2/2007

 i2ziss:01 OCT 24,   2eor
                                           NKR a 136.0 kHz
REF 25.0 dBm         at 40 aB                     —1.77 dB

ma se
sc rC

ceNTER 917.0000 WHz                        sFRN 400.0 kHz
    #RES BM 3.0 kiz         aven 20 khz       SUP 133 mseo    RL

 12i24:45 OCT 24,    2eor
                                          HKR 521.7070 MHz
REF 25.0 dBm         at 40 aB                    21.04 d&n
PEAK                            o

ceNTER §21.3000 MHz                        srRN 400.0 kHz
    #rE8 BM 1.0 MHz         aven 20 khz       SUP 20.0 mseo

          FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

15.247(a) (1) (i) / RSS-210 A8.1 (3)
Time of Occupancy
Verify that the transmitted signal does not occupy a single frequency for more than 400 mS.

The EUT must have its hopping function enabled. Use the following spectrum analyzer
Span = zero span, centered on a hopping channel
RBW = 1 MHz
Sweep = as necessary to capture the entire dwell time per hopping channel
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold
If possible, use the marker-delta function to determine the dwell time. If this value varies
with different modes of operation (e.g., data rate, modulation format, etc.), repeat this
test for each variation. Submit this plot(s).

   Equipment Used         Serial Number         Cal Date             Due

 Spectrum Analyzer MY45113415                  7-Aug-07           8-Aug-08
EMCO 3148 Log
periodic           9901-1044                      24-Oct-06         24-Oct-08
Huber&Suhner 40
foot cable         220297 001                     09-Apr-07         09-Apr-08

 Date      Tested by

10/2/07 Mark Kvamme

Each transmission is 5.88 mS long. Each transmission takes place on one of 50 different
channels in a pseudo-random sequence. All 50 channels are used equally on the average. The

                                                           Page 12                            11/2/2007


     Agilent   05:39:31 Oct 2, 2007   R   oT


uo       URE.GIF file saved

          FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

15.247(b) (2) / RSS-210 A8.4 (1)
Power Output (EIRP)
For frequency hopping systems operating in the band 902-928 MHz, the maximum peak conducted output power
shall not exceed 1.0 W, and the e.i.r.p. shall not exceed 4 W, if the hopset uses 50 or more hopping channels.

Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:
        Span = approximately 5 times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping
        RBW > the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission being measured.
        VBW ≥ RBW
        Sweep = auto
        Detector function = peak
        Trace = max hold
Allow the trace to stabilize. Use the marker-to-peak function to set the marker to the
peak of the emission. The indicated level is the peak output power. The limit is specified
in one of the subparagraphs of this Section. Submit this plot. A peak responding power
meter may be used instead of a spectrum analyzer.

Equipment Used        Serial Number      Cal Date        Due

Hewlett Packard
  Spectrum                                02-Oct-     02-Oct-
   Analyzer           3543A02032            07          08
Huber&Suhner                              09-Apr-     09-Apr-
    cable              220057 002           07          08

   Date         Tested by      Temperature/humidity

10/22/2007 Mark Kvamme                  70/40

                                                            Page 14                                        11/2/2007

FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

                                      Page 15                              11/2/2007

FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

                                      Page 16                              11/2/2007

            FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

15.247(d) / RSS-210 A8.5
Spurious Emissions
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a
radiated measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. Attenuation below the general limits specified in Section 15.209 is not

Follow the procedure outlined in Annex A of this document.
   Equipment Used             Serial Number            Cal Date                Due

 Spectrum Analyzer MY45113415                        07-Aug-07            07-Aug-09
  Huber&Suhner 40
      foot cable   220297 001                         09-Apr-07            09-Apr-08
  EMCO 3148 Log
       periodic     9901-1044                         24-Oct-06            24-Oct-08
  Hewlett Packard
 437B Power meter 3125U16900                         30-May-06            30-May-08
  Hewlett Packard
8481D Power sensor 3318A11513                        06-Jun-06             06-Jun-08
 EMCO 3115 double
  ridge wave guide  9508-4550                        15-Mar-06            15-Mar-08
The power meter and the power sensor are used to verify the gain of the amplifier at each of the frequencies.

           Date                       Tested by

        9/14/2007                  Mark Kvamme

Frequency range investigated was 9 kHz to 9.3 GHz. Radiated measurements below 30 MHz were performed @ the OATS with a pre-scan done in an anechoic chamber
(anechoic data included for reference only). Worst case results are reported below. This approach is used for a cursory check.

                                                               Amplifier         Ant.          Cable        Corrected
   Freq.            Ant.            Level         Level         Gain            Factor         Loss           Level                 Temperature   Relative
   MHz              Pos.            dBm           dBuV           dB              dB             dB          dBuV/m          dbc     Fahrenheit    Humidity
   908            Vertical        -20.012        86.988            0            27.8            2.7             117.488               52.97        57.92
   915            Vertical        -21.148        85.852            0            27.8            2.7             116.352               57.1         49.45
  921.8           Vertical        -21.699        85.301            0            27.8            2.7             115.801               58.41        47.35
  1830            Vertical        -24.331        82.669          46.28          28.00           3.84             71.069   -44.732     73.2         88.01

                                                                  Page 17                                             11/2/2007

       FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

1830     Horizontal -21.901      85.099     46.28      28.00      3.84      72.099    -43.702    72.5   87.82
6405      Vertical -45.648       61.352     43.49      35.40      7.58      60.352    -55.449   75.73   59.9
6405     Horizontal -45.806      61.194     43.49      35.40      7.58      59.794    -56.007   77.64   55.6

                                             Page 18                              11/2/2007

        FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

Two shots of the 9 khz to 30 Mhz @ the OATS.
       Date               Tested by

      10/06/07          Mark Kvamme

                                                serial          Last cal      Next due
        Equipment description                  number             date          date
Hewlett Packard 8591E Spectrum               3229A00239          2-Oct-07      2-Oct-08
EMCO loop antenna model 6502                 9509-2970         24-Oct-06      24-Oct-08
Agilent E7405 EMC analyzer 9 khz to
26.5 Mhz                                     MY45113415       07-Aug-07       07-Aug-08

The graphs shown demonstrate spurious emissions with the unit powered and unpowered. The observed emissions do not change when the unit is

Color screen shots are the 7405
Others are the 8591

                                              Page 19                              11/2/2007

              FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

15.205, 15.209 / RSS-210 2.2, 2.6
Restricted Bands & Spurious Emissions
Only spurious emissions are permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below. The limits stated in 15.209 shall apply. Spurious emissions outside these bands shall also comply with the
15.209 limits.

Measure the field strength of all transmitter spurious emissions in the restricted bands listed below. Follow the procedure outlined in Annex A of this document.
MHz                      MHz                  MHz              GHz
0.090-0.110             16.42-16.423          399.9-410        4.5-5.15
0.495-0.505 1           16.69475-16.69525     608-614          5.35-5.46
2.1735-2.1905           16.80425-16.80475     960-1240         7.25-7.75
4.125-4.128             25.5-25.67            1300-1427        8.025-8.5
4.17725-4.17775         37.5-38.25            1435-1626.5      9.0-9.2
4.20725-4.20775         73-74.6               1645.5-1646.5    9.3-9.5
6.215-6.218             74.8-75.2             1660-1710        10.6-12.7
6.26775-6.26825         108-121.94            1718.8-1722.2    13.25-13.4
6.31175-6.31225         123-138               2200-2300        14.47-14.5
8.291-8.294             149.9-150.05          2310-2390        15.35-16.2
8.362-8.366             156.52475-156.52525   2483.5-2500      17.7-21.4
8.37625-8.38675         156.7-156.9           2655-2900        22.01-23.12
8.41425-8.41475         162.0125-167.17       3260-3267        23.6-24.0
12.29-12.293            167.72-173.2          3332-3339        31.2-31.8
12.51975-12.52025       240-285               3345.8-3358      36.43-36.5
12.57675-12.57725       322-335.4             3600-4400        Above 38.6

                 Equipment Used                  Number         Cal Date        Due
                Spectrum Analyzer              MY45113415       7-Aug-07     7-Aug-09
          Huber&Suhner 40 foot cable            220297 001      9-Apr-07     9-Apr-08
              EMCO 3148 Log periodic            9901-1044       24-Oct-06    24-Oct-08
       Hewlett Packard 437B Power meter        3125U16900      30-May-06     30-May-08
      Hewlett Packard 8481D Power sensor       3318A11513       6-Jun-06     6-Jun-08
      EMCO 3115 double ridge wave guide         9508-4550      15-Mar-06     15-Mar-08
                Spectrum Analyzer              MY45113415       7-Aug-07     7-Aug-09

                                                            Page 20                                     11/2/2007

         FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

         Date               Tested by

      9/14/2007           Mark Kvamme

Frequency range investigated was 9 kHz to 9.3 GHz. Radiated measurements below 30 MHz were performed in a GTEM. A Duty Cycle Correction Factor (20log (dwell
time/100mS)) was applied to show compliance to the 15.205 limit. 20log (5.88/100)= -24.61 dB . The maximum allowed correction factor is 20 dB.

  MHz      polarization    dBm          dbuV     dB        dB         dB           dBuV/m          dBuV/m       dB         Date      Fahrenheit   Humidity
  2724      Vertical       -31.8      75.2     44.50      29.50      4.74           44.94             54        9.06    9/14/2007       60.6        41.7
  2724     Horizontal     -28.49     78.51     44.50      29.50      4.74           48.25             54        5.75    9/14/2007       60.6        41.7
  2745      Vertical      -32.17     74.83     44.48      29.60      4.75           44.70             54       9.30     8/28/2007      72.04       87.32
  2745     Horizontal     -27.95     79.05     44.48      29.60      4.75           48.92             54        5.08    8/28/2007      70.89       89.18
  2765      Vertical       -31.8      75.2     44.47      29.50      4.77           45.00             54        9.00    9/14/2007       60.6        41.7
  2765     Horizontal     -29.43     77.57     44.47      29.50      4.77           47.37             54        6.63    9/14/2007       60.6        41.7
  3660      Vertical      -43.79     63.21     45.30      32.10      5.54           35.54             54       18.46    8/28/2007      70.09        89.5
  3660     Horizontal     -40.57     66.44     45.30      32.10      5.54           38.77             54       15.23    8/28/2007      69.15        89.8
  4575      Vertical      -43.82     63.18     45.33      33.20      6.27           37.32             54       16.68    8/29/2007      66.41       82.18
  4575     Horizontal     -41.95     65.05     45.33      33.20      6.27           39.19             54       14.81    8/29/2007      68.76       77.76
  5490      Vertical      -43.86     63.14     44.35      34.60      6.92           40.31             54       13.69    8/29/2007      70.94       72.83
  5490     Horizontal     -38.84     68.16     44.35      34.60      6.92           45.33             54        8.67    8/29/2007      73.11       66.56
  7264      Vertical      -48.19     58.81     43.90      36.60      8.44           39.95             54       14.05    9/14/2007       60.6        41.7
  7264     Horizontal       -40        67      43.90      36.60      8.44           48.14             54        5.86    9/14/2007       60.6        41.7
  7320      Vertical      -41.32     65.68     43.96      36.60      8.51           46.82             54       7.18     8/29/2007      79.8        51.01
  7320     Horizontal     -41.71      65.3     43.96      36.60      8.51           46.44             54        7.56    8/29/2007      80.36       48.68
  7374      Vertical       -49.3      57.7     44.03      36.60      8.57           38.84             54       15.16    9/14/2007       60.6        41.7
  7374     Horizontal     -45.17     61.83     44.03      36.60      8.57           42.97             54       11.03    9/14/2007       60.6        41.7

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       FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

8235      Vertical      -49.9      57.1     44.50     38.30      9.11           40.00         54   14.00   8/29/2007   80.18    47.3
8235     Horizontal    -50.58     56.42     44.50     38.30      9.11           39.32         54   14.68   8/29/2007   79.08   48.53
9150      Vertical       -50        57      44.14     38.60      9.25           40.71         54   13.29   8/29/2007   80.18    47.3
9150     Horizontal      -50        57      44.14     38.60      9.25           40.71         54   13.29   8/29/2007   79.08   48.53

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            FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

RSS-Gen 7.2.3 Receiver Spurious Emission Limits Radiated Measurement
All spurious emissions shall comply with the limits of Table 1.
Receiver Spurious Emissions
The receiver shall be operated in the normal receive mode near the mid-point of the band over which the receiver is
designed to operate. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable RSS, the radiated emission measurement is the standard
measurement method (with the device's antenna in place) to measure receiver spurious emissions. Radiated emission
measurements are to be performed using a calibrated open-area test site. As an alternative, the conducted measurement
method may be used when the antenna is detachable. In such a case, the receiver spurious signal may be measured at the
antenna port. If the receiver is super-regenerative, stabilize it by coupling to it an un-modulated carrier on the receiver
frequency (antenna conducted measurement) or by transmitting an un-modulated carrier on the receiver frequency from an
antenna in the proximity of the receiver (radiated measurement). Taking care not to overload the receiver, vary the
amplitude and frequency of the stabilizing signal to obtain the highest level of the spurious emissions from the receiver. For
either method, the search for spurious emissions shall be from the lowest frequency internally generated or used in the
receiver (e.g. local oscillator, intermediate or carrier frequency), or 30 MHz, whichever is the higher, to at least 3 times the
highest tunable or local oscillator frequency, whichever is the higher, without exceeding 40 GHz.

Receiver Spurious Emission Standard
The following receiver spurious emission limits shall be complied with:
    (a) If a radiated measurement is made, all spurious emissions shall comply with the limits of Table 1. The resolution
          bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer shall be 100 kHz for spurious emission measurements below 1.0 GHz, and 1.0
          MHz for measurements above 1.0 GHz.
Table 1 - Spurious Emission Limits for Receivers
                                                                                Spurious Frequency                   Field Strength
                                                                                      (MHz)                     (microvolt/m at 3 meters)
Equipment Used          Serial Number         Cal Date         Due
   Spectrum                                   07-Aug-       07-Aug-                      30-88                            100
   Analyzer      MY45113415                     07            09
                                                                                         88-216                           150
Huber&Suhner                                  09-Apr-       09-Apr-
 40 foot cable   220297 001                     07            08                        216-960                           200
 EMCO 3148                                    24-Oct-       24-Oct-                   Above 960                           500
  Log periodic    9901-1044                     06            08
Hewlett Packard
  437B Power                                  30-May-       30-May-
     meter       3125U16900                     06            08
Hewlett Packard
 8481D Power                                   06-Jun-       06-Jun-
    sensor       3318A11513                      06            08
 EMCO 3148                                     24-Oct-       24-Oct-
  Log periodic    9901-1044                      06            08
 EMCO 3108                                     24-Oct-       24-Oct-
   Biconical      9203-2455                      06            08
  ZHL-1042J-                                   02-May-       02-May-
     SMA        D021000-23                         07            08
The power meter and the power sensor are used to verify the gain of the amplifier at each of the frequencies.

                                                                                             Date Temp/Humidity             Tested by
Frequency range investigated was 30Mhz to 3 GHz. Emissions from                                      ºF / %
the Receiver were below the noise floor.                                                    9/27/07        55 / 48        Mark Kvamme

                                                                  Page 23                                              11/2/2007

          FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

1.1310 & 2.1091 / RSS-102
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
Determine the maximum power density for the general / uncontrolled population minimum separation distance of 20 cm. (fMHz /
1500 mW/cm2).
      The power density is calculated as:

              Pt × G
      Pd =
             4×π × r2
            Pd = power density in watts
            Pt = transmit power in milliwatts
            G = numeric antenna gain
            r = distance between body and transmitter in centimeters.]

FCC Limit:

Max antenna gain = 0.3 dBi = 1.072 numeric

                                                           Page 24                                       11/2/2007

      FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

Max TX power = 20.6 dBm = 114.8 mW

         908 / 1500 = 0 . 61 mW / cm                             2
                                                                     @ 20 cm

                 114 . 8 × 1 .072
         PD =                     = 0 . 0244 mW / cm 2
                                                       @ 20 cm
                  4 × π × 20   2

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         FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

                                                 ANNEX A
15.247 (d)
Band-edge compliance of RF Conducted Emissions
Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the emission operating on the channel closest to the
bandedge, as well as any modulation products which fall outside of the authorized band of operation.
RBW ≥ 1% of the span
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold

Allow the trace to stabilize. Set the marker on the emission at the bandedge, or on the highest modulation
product outside of the band, if this level is greater than that at the bandedge. Enable the marker-delta function,
and then use the marker-to-peak function to move the marker to the peak of the in-band emission. The
marker-delta value now displayed must comply with the limit specified in this Section. Submit this plot.

Now, using the same instrument settings, enable the hopping function of the EUT. Allow the trace to stabilize.
Follow the same procedure listed above to determine if any spurious emissions caused by the hopping function
also comply with the specified limit. Submit this plot.

Spurious RF Conducted Emissions
Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = wide enough to capture the peak level of the in-band emission and all spurious emissions (e.g.,
harmonics) from the lowest frequency generated in the EUT up through the 10th harmonic. Typically, several
plots are required to cover this entire span.
RBW = 100 kHz
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold

Allow the trace to stabilize. Set the marker on the peak of any spurious emission recorded. The level
displayed must comply with the limit specified in this Section. Submit these plots.

Spurious Radiated Emissions
This test is required for any spurious emission or modulation product that falls in a Restricted Band, as defined
in Section 15.205. It must be performed with the highest gain of each type of antenna proposed for use with
the EUT. Use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured.
RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1 GHz, 100 kHz for f < 1 GHz
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold

Follow the guidelines in ANSI C63.4-2003 with respect to maximizing the emission by rotating the EUT,
measuring the emission while the EUT is situated in three orthogonal planes (if appropriate), adjusting the
measurement antenna height and polarization, etc. A pre-amp and a high pass filter are required for this test,
in order to provide the measuring system with sufficient sensitivity. Allow the trace to stabilize. The peak
reading of the emission, after being corrected by the antenna factor, cable loss, pre-amp gain, etc., is the peak
field strength, which must comply with the limit specified in Section 15.35(b). Submit this data.

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         FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

Now set the VBW to 10 Hz, while maintaining all of the other instrument settings. This peak level, once
corrected, must comply with the limit specified in Section 15.209. If the dwell time per channel of the hopping
signal is less than 100 ms, then the reading obtained with the 10 Hz VBW may be further adjusted by a “duty
cycle correction factor”, derived from 20log(dwell time/100 mS), in an effort to demonstrate compliance with the
15.209 limit. Submit this data.

If the emission on which a radiated measurement must be made is located at the edge of the authorized band
of operation, then the alternative “marker-delta” method, listed at the end of this document, may be employed.

If antenna conducted tests cannot be performed on this device, radiated tests to show compliance with the
peak output power limit specified in Section 15.247(b) (2) and the spurious RF conducted emission limit
specified in Section 15.247(d) are acceptable. A pre-amp, and, in the latter case, a high pass filter, are
required for the following measurements.

1) Calculate the transmitter's peak power using the following equation:
                                                         30 PG
Where: E is the measured maximum fundamental field strength in V/m, utilizing a RBW ≥ the 20 dB bandwidth
of the emission, VBW > RBW, peak detector function. Follow the procedures in C63.4-2003 with respect to
maximizing the emission.
G is the numeric gain of the transmitting antenna with reference to an isotropic radiator.
d is the distance in meters from which the field strength was measured.
P is the power in watts for which you are solving:

                                                      ( E ×d)

2) To demonstrate compliance with the spurious RF conducted emission requirement of Section 15.247(d),
use the following spectrum analyzer settings:

Span = wide enough to fully capture the emission being measured.
RBW = 100 kHz
Sweep = auto
Detector function = peak
Trace = max hold

Measure the field strength of both the fundamental emission and all spurious emissions with these settings.
Follow the procedures in C63.4-2003 with respect to maximizing the emissions. The measured field strength of
all spurious emissions must be below the measured field strength of the fundamental emission by the amount
specified in Section 15.247(d). Note that if the emission falls in a Restricted Band, as defined in Section
15.205, the procedure for measuring spurious radiated emissions, listed above, must be followed.

Field Strength Measurement Procedure

This test measures the field strength of radiated emissions using a spectrum analyzer and a receiving antenna
in accordance with ANSI C63.4-2003. During the test, the EUT is to be placed on a non-conducting support at
80 cm above the horizontal ground plane of the OATS. The horizontal distance between the antenna and the
EUT is to be exactly 3 meters. Levels below 1 GHz are to be measured with the spectrum analyzer resolution
bandwidth at 120 kHz and levels at or above 1 GHz are to be measured with the spectrum analyzer resolution
bandwidth at 1 MHz.

1) Monitor the frequency range of interest at a fixed antenna height and EUT azimuth.
2) If appropriate, manipulate the system cables to produce the highest amplitude signal relative to the limit.
Note the amplitude and frequency of the suspect signal.

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         FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

3) Rotate the EUT 360° to maximize the suspected highest amplitude signal. If the signal or another at a
different frequency is observed to exceed the previously noted highest amplitude signal by 1 dB or more, go
back to the azimuth and repeat step 2). Otherwise, orient the EUT azimuth to repeat the highest amplitude
observation and proceed.
4) Move the antenna over its fully allowed range of travel to maximize the suspected highest amplitude signal.
If the signal or another at a different frequency is observed to exceed the previously noted highest amplitude
signal by 1 dB or more, return to step 2) with the antenna fixed at this height. Otherwise, move the antenna to
the height that repeats the highest amplitude observation and proceed.
5) Change the polarity of the antenna and repeat step 2), step 3), and step 4). Compare the resulting
suspected highest amplitude signal with that found for the other polarity. Select and note the higher of the two
6) The transmitter shall be replaced by a substitution antenna.
The substitution antenna shall be orientated for vertical polarization and the length of the substitution antenna
shall be adjusted to correspond to the frequency of the transmitter. The substitution antenna shall be
connected to a calibrated signal generator. If necessary, the input attenuator setting of the measuring receiver
shall be adjusted in order to increase the sensitivity of the measuring receiver.
7) The test antenna shall be raised and lowered through the specified range of height to ensure that the
maximum signal is received.
8) The input signal to the substitution antenna shall be adjusted to the level that produces a level detected by
the measuring receiver, that is equal to the level noted while the transmitter radiated power was measured,
corrected for the change of input attenuator setting of the measuring receiver.
9) The input level to the substitution antenna shall be recorded as power level, corrected for any change of
input attenuator setting of the measuring receiver.
10) The measurement shall be repeated with the test antenna and the substitution antenna orientated for
horizontal polarization.
11) The measure of the effective radiated power is the larger of the two levels recorded at the input to the
substitution antenna, corrected for gain of the substitution antenna if necessary. This signal is termed the
highest observed signal with respect to the limit for this EUT operational mode.

                                 EUT                                   3 M.                                           Mast

                         80 cm                                                 Roberts Dipole,
                                                                               Bi - conical, and
                                                                               Log Periodic antennae
                                                                               below 1 GHz.
                                                                               Double Ridged Guide antenna
                                                                               above 1 GHz.



Marker-Delta Method                                              [1]
                                                                                      [1] Indicates a change in
                                                                                          connection, not an actual
                                  Signal                                                  switch.
                                             10 dB                     40 dB
In making radiated band-edge measurements, there can be a problem obtaining meaningful data since a
measurement instrument that is tuned
                                 Power to a band-edge frequency     may
                                                         Reference Level Set also capture some in-band signals when

using the resolution bandwidth (RBW) required by measurement procedure ANSI C63.4-1992 (hereafter

C63.4). In an effort to compensate for this problem, we have developed the following technique for determining
band-edge compliance.

STEP 1) Perform an in-band field strength measurement of the fundamental emission using the RBW and
detector function required by C63.4 and our Rules for the frequency being measured. For example, for a device
operating in the 902-928 MHz band under Section 15.249, use a 120 kHz RBW with a CISPR QP detector (a

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         FCC & IC Test Report for 15.247 & RSS-210 Frequency Hopping Devices FCC-0200-001

peak detector with 100 kHz RBW may alternatively be used). For transmitters operating above 1 GHz, use a 1
MHz RBW, a 1 MHz VBW, and a peak detector (as required by Section 15.35). Repeat the measurement with an
average detector (i.e., 1 MHz RBW with 10 Hz VBW). Note: For pulsed emissions, other factors must be
included. Please contact the FCC Lab for details if the emission under investigation is pulsed. Also, please note
that radiated measurements of the fundamental emission of a transmitter operating under 15.247 are not normally
required, but they are necessary in connection with this procedure.

STEP 2) Choose a spectrum analyzer span that encompasses both the peak of the fundamental emission and
the band-edge emission under investigation. Set the analyzer RBW to 1% of the total span (but never less
than 30 kHz) with a video bandwidth equal to or greater than the RBW. Record the peak levels of the
fundamental emission and the relevant band-edge emission (i.e., run several sweeps in peak hold mode).
Observe the stored trace and measure the amplitude delta between the peak of the fundamental and the peak
of the band-edge emission. This is not a field strength measurement; it is only a relative measurement to
determine the amount by which the emission drops at the band-edge relative to the highest fundamental
emission level.

STEP 3) Subtract the delta measured in step (2) from the field strengths measured in step (1). The resultant field
strengths (CISPR QP, average, or peak, as appropriate) are then used to determine band-edge compliance as
required by Section 15.205.

STEP 4) The above "delta" measurement technique may be used for measuring emissions that are up to two
"standard" bandwidths away from the band-edge, where a "standard" bandwidth is the bandwidth specified by
C63.4 for the frequency being measured. For example, for band-edge measurements in the restricted band that
begins at 2483.5 MHz, C63.4 specifies a measurement bandwidth of at least 1 MHz. Therefore you may use the
"delta" technique for measuring emissions up to 2 MHz removed from the band-edge. Radiated emissions that
are removed by more than two “standard” bandwidths must be measured in the conventional manner.

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Document Created: 2007-11-02 00:16:31
Document Modified: 2007-11-02 00:16:31

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