Instalation Guide Part 1


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Natural Gas Solutions
 100G Installation Guide
        Revision A
         Natural Gas Solutions

100G Installation Guide -- DRAFT
Part number: PUB-0200-001 Revision A 03/07
ERT Part Numbers: ERG-5000-001, ERG-5000-002, ERG-5000-003, ERG-5000-004

© 2007 Itron, Inc. All rights reserved.
Your company has the right to reproduce this contract document, provided that such reproduction shall be subject to the same use and disclosure restrictions contained in the
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure paragraphs in the Sales Contract.

Applicable Patents
U.S. Patent Numbers: TBD
Canadian Patent Numbers: TBD

Transportation Classification
Itron classifies and ships model 100G ERT modules as a non-hazardous material. The proper shipping name is Lithium Batteries contain in Equipment, Class 9, UN3091, Packing
Group II.
The Federal Aviation Administration prohibits operating transmitters and receivers on all commercial aircraft. When powered, the 100G ERT module is considered an operating
transmitter and receiver and cannot be shipped by air.

                       WARNING! Only authorized Itron personnel should attempt repairs on Itron
                       equipment. Attempts to do so by others might void any maintenance contract
                       with your company. Unauthorized service personnel might also be subject to
                       shock hazard on some Itron equipment if removal of protective covers is

                       WARNING! Substitution of components may impair intrinsic safety.

                       WARNING! To prevent ignition of flammable or combustible atmospheres,
                       disconnect power before servicing.

Compliance Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation of this device is subject to the following two conditions:
      • This device may not cause harmful interference.
      • This device must accept any interference that may cause undesirable operation.
This device must be permanently mounted such that it retains a distance of 20 centimeters (7.9 inches) from all persons in order to comply with FCC RF exposure levels.

Modification and Repairs
To ensure FCC compliance and system performance, this device and antenna shall not be changed or modified without the expressed approval of Itron. Any unauthorized modification
will void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Meter Installation/Removal
In the event of malfunction, all repairs should be performed by Itron. It is the responsibility of users requiring service to report the need for service to Itron.

Related Documents
Endpoint-Link ERT Programming Guide (TDC-0411)

Trademark Notice
ERT and Itron are both registered trademarks of Itron, Inc. All other product names and logos in this documentation are used for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.

If you have comments or suggestions on how we may improve this documentation, send them to
If you have questions or comments about this application, contact Itron Technical Support:
      Itron, Inc.
      • Mail: Itron, Inc. Attention: Customer Care, 2111 N Molter Road, Liberty Lake, WA 99019
      • E-mail:
      • Phone: 1 800 635 8725


Chapter 1 Getting Started ...........................................................................................1
      Transmission Modes ...........................................................................................................................1
      Specifications ......................................................................................................................................1
      Meter Compatibility List .......................................................................................................................2

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation .......................................................................5
      Installation Prerequisites .....................................................................................................................5
             Materials Supplied by Itron .......................................................................................................5
             Materials Supplied By You........................................................................................................5
                    Replacement Screws......................................................................................................6
             Preinstallation Preparations ......................................................................................................6
             Remove the Existing Index .......................................................................................................6
             Assemble the ERT Module .......................................................................................................9
             Program the ERT Module .......................................................................................................14
             Attach the ERT Module to the Meter ......................................................................................15

Chapter 3 Sensus Meter Installation.........................................................................21
      Installation Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................21
             Materials Supplied by Itron .....................................................................................................21
             Materials Supplied By You......................................................................................................21
                    Replacement Screws....................................................................................................22
             Preinstallation Preparations ....................................................................................................22
             Remove the Existing Index .....................................................................................................22
             Assemble the ERT Module .....................................................................................................24
             Program the ERT ....................................................................................................................26
             Attach the ERT to the Meter ...................................................................................................27

Chapter 4 Actaris Meter Installation .........................................................................31
      Installation Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................31
             Materials Supplied by Itron .....................................................................................................31
             Materials Supplied By You......................................................................................................31
                    Replacement Screws....................................................................................................32
             Preinstallation Preparations ....................................................................................................32
             Remove the Index...................................................................................................................32
             Assemble the 100G ERT Module ...........................................................................................34
             Program the ERT Module .......................................................................................................36
             Attach the 100G ERT Module to the Meter.............................................................................37
             Attaching the 100G ERT Module to Model 240-1A Meters ....................................................38

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                                                                              iii


iv         Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide


Getting Started

               The 100G is Itron's latest gas encoder-receiver-transmitter (ERT®) module.

               ERT modules are radio-frequency (RF) devices that transmit meter data. The RF meter data
               can be received by a reading device that is within transmission distance of the ERT. Itron's
               100G ERT module has increased output power over legacy gas ERT modules for increased
               RF transmission distance.

               This installation guide shows you how to install the 100G ERT module on meters from a
               variety of manufacturers. To ensure you have a meter that is compatible with the 100G ERT
               module, please see the Meter Compatibility List on page 2.

Transmission Modes
               Once installed, the 100G ERT module has three available transmission modes:
                 •   Fixed Network Mode In this mode, a 100G ERT module transmits a high-powered
                     RF message every 60 seconds. Output power in this mode is 250 milliwatts or
                     +24dBm; expected battery life is 20 years.
                 •   Mobile and Handheld Mode In this mode, a 100G ERT module transmits a
                     medium-powered RF message every 15 seconds. Output power in this mode is 10
                     milliwatts or +10dBm; expected battery life is 20 years.
                 •   (Optional) Hard to Read Mobile and Handheld Mode In this mode, a 100G ERT
                     module transmits a high-powered RF message every 30 seconds. Output power in this
                     mode is 250 milliwatts or +24dBm; expected battery life decreases to 15 years in this
                     mode, however. The Hard to Read Mobile and Handheld Mode should only be used
                     for 100G ERT modules that are difficult to read under normal conditions, such as
                     modules installed on roof tops or in sub-basements.
               An FCC license is not required to read 100G ERT modules.

               The functional and operational specifications for the 100G are listed below.
               Functional Specifications               Description
               Power Source                            Two "A" cell lithium batteries
               Tamper Detection                        Tilt tamper and magnetic tamper
               FCC Compliance                          Part 15 certified
               Industry Canada Compliance              RSS-210 certified
               Measurement Canada Approval             Yes

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                             1

Chapter 1 Getting Started

                   Functional Specifications                  Description
                   Intrinsically Safe per                     Factory Mutual and UL Class I, Division 1, Groups C
                                                              and D
                   Product Identification                     Numeric and barcoded ERT module type and serial
                   Construction Materials                     Gray polycarbonate back plate with Santoprene®
                                                              gasket; clear polycarbonate front cover; encapsulated

                   Operational Specifications                 Description
                   Operating Temperatures                     -40° to 158° F (-40° to +70° C)
                   Operating Humidity                         5 to 95percent relative humidity
                   Program Frequency                          908 MHz
                   Transmit Frequency                         Spread spectrum 908 to 924 MHz ISM band
                   Data Integrity                             Verified in every data message

Meter Compatibility List
                   The following meters are compatible with the 100G. Due to continuous research, product
                   improvements, and enhancements, Itron reserves the right to change this list at any time.

                   To ensure you have the latest Meter Compatibility list available, contact your Itron

    Mfgr.                  Model       Desc.    Class         Comments          ERT Type         ERT Part No.

    American/ Canadian     W75AL                Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              Meters Only       100G             ERG-5000-001

    American/ Canadian     AL-175               Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only       100G             ERG-5000-001

    American/ Canadian     AC-175               Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only       100G             ERG-5000-001

    American/ Canadian     AT-175               Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only       100G             ERG-5000-001

    American/ Canadian     ALC-175              Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only       100G             ERG-5000-001

    American/ Canadian     AT-210               Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only       100G             ERG-5000-001

    American/ Canadian     AL-225      Canada   Residential   Aluminum case
                                       only                   meters only       100G             ERG-5000-001

    American/ Canadian     AL-250               Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only       100G             ERG-5000-001

    American/ Canadian     AR-250               Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only       100G             ERG-5000-001

2                                                                         Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

                                                                                            Meter Compatibility List

 American/ Canadian    AC-250                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only           100G   ERG-5000-001

 American/ Canadian    AT-250                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only           100G   ERG-5000-001

 American/ Canadian    AM-250                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only           100G   ERG-5000-001

 American/ Canadian    AL-310                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only           100G   ERG-5000-001

 American/ Canadian    AL-350                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only           100G   ERG-5000-001

 American/ Canadian    AT-350                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only           100G   ERG-5000-001

 American/ Canadian    AL-425                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only           100G   ERG-5000-001

 American/ Canadian    AC-630                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                              meters only           100G   ERG-5000-001

 American/ Canadian    5B 225                   Residential   Aluminum case
                                                                                    100G   ERG-5000-001

 Sensus/Invensys/      R-175       11 Tooth     Residential   Compatible with 2     100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell                                          foot drive index; 1
                                                              foot drive has 24
 Sensus/Invensys/      R-200       11 Tooth     Residential                         100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      RT-200      11 Tooth     Residential                         100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      RT-230      11 Tooth     Residential                         100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      R-275       11 Tooth     Residential                         100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      RT-275      11 Tooth     Residential                         100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      R-315       11 Tooth     Residential                         100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      250         11 Tooth     Residential                         100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      310         11 Tooth     Residential
                                                                                    100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      S-110       11 Tooth     Residential
                                                                                    100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

 Sensus/Invensys/      S-200       11 Tooth     Residential
                                                                                    100G   ERG-5000-002
 Equimeter/ Rockwell

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                                     3

Chapter 1 Getting Started

    Sensus/Invensys/       175-S     11 Tooth   Residential
                                                                    100G          ERG-5000-002
    Equimeter/ Rockwell

                           RT-100    18 Tooth   Residential
                                                                    100G          ERG-5000-004
    Equimeter/ Rockwell

    Sensus/Invensys/       S-190     11 Tooth   Residential
                                                                    100G          ERG-5000-002
    Equimeter/ Rockwell

    Sensus/                S-120     11 Tooth   Residential
    Invensys/ Equimeter/                                            100G          ERG-5000-002

    Sensus/Invensys/       T-120     11 Tooth   Residential
                                                                    100G          ERG-5000-002
    Equimeter/ Rockwell

    Sensus/Invensys/       T-110     11 Tooth   Residential
                                                                    100G          ERG-5000-002
    Equimeter/ Rockwell

    Sensus/Invensys/       R-415     18 Tooth   Residential
                                                                    100G          ERG-5000-004
    Equimeter/ Rockwell

    Sensus/Invensys/       RT-360    18 Tooth   Residential
                                                                    100G          ERG-5000-004
    Equimeter/ Rockwell

                           MR8       16 Tooth   Residential
                           (R-275                                   100G          ERG-5000-003
    Equimeter/ Rockwell
                           MR12      16 Tooth   Residential
                           (R-415                                   100G          ERG-5000-003
    Equimeter/ Rockwell

4                                                             Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide


American Meter Installation

               This chapter shows you how to install a 100G ERT Module on an American meter.

               Before installing the 100G ERT Module, verify that you have:
                 •   A compatible meter shown in the Meter Compatibility List.
                 •   A compatible index. Itron 100G ERT Modules can be used with standard dial and
                     direct read (odometer) indexes on American Meters.
                 •   The list of materials defined under Installation Prerequisites on page 5 in this chapter

Installation Prerequisites
               The following items are required to install Itron's 100G ERT Module.

               Materials Supplied by Itron
               The following items are supplied by Itron:
                 •   100G ERT Modules
                 •   Tamper plugs.

               Materials Supplied By You
               You must supply the following items to successfully install the 100G ERT Module on the
               meters listed in the Meter Compatibility List on page 2.
                 •   Small and medium flat-blade screwdrivers Used to remove and tighten index and
                     index-cover screws.
                 •   Side-cutting plier/wire snips Used for cutting wire seals, if necessary.
                 •   Small putty knife Used to remove all traces of old gaskets from the meter.
                 •   Meter seals, wire seals, and seal press Used to secure the meter from tampering, if
                 •   11/32-inch nut driver or other blunt tool Used to securely seat new tamper plugs
                     over screw holes.
                 •   Replacement screws Used to mount 100G ERT Module assembly to meter and
                     index to module assembly backplates.
                 •   FC200SR unit with EndPoint-Link or EndPoint-Link Pro software Used to
                     program and check ERT assembly.

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                                   5

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation

              Replacement Screws
              Replacement screws used in this procedure must be slotted, zinc-plated, steel machine
              screws. Sizing options are shown below.

              For mounting 100G ERT Module assemblies on meters:
                •   Use 1/4 - 20 x 5/8-inch slotted, Fillister head screws.
              For mounting indexes on 100G ERT Module backplates:
                •   Use 8 - 32 x 3/16-inch slotted, round head screws.

              Preinstallation Preparations
              Before installing the 100G ERT Module on a meter, verify that:
                •   All Itron gas modules are 100G ERT Modules for your brand of gas meters.
                •   The model numbers of all meters on which the 100G ERT Modules will be installed
                    are included in the Meter Compatibility List.
              There are four major steps to installing the 100G ERT Module on a meter:
                •   Remove the index
                •   Assemble the 100G ERT Module
                •   Program the 100G ERT Module
                •   Attach the 100G ERT Module to the meter.
              These procedures are described in the following sections.

                         NOTE Be sure to properly dispose of all unused screws, old index covers,
                         gaskets, and other left-over materials. Do not leave any materials on customer

              Remove the Existing Index
              The first major step when installing a 100G gas ERT on an meter is to remove the index
              from the meter.

              To Remove the Index
                1. Remove any tamper seals from the meter.

6                                                                  Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

                                                                                       Installation Prerequisites

                 2. Detach the index cover from the meter by removing the four screws holding it in

                 3. Examine the index cover screws you just removed. Verify that they are 5/8-inch long
                    and are not corroded.
                        •   If the screws are 5/8-inch long, and are not corroded, keep them for later use.
                        •   If the screws are an incorrect length or are corroded, dispose of them properly.
                            Use 1/4 - 20 x 5/8-inch screws as described in Replacement Screws on page 6
                                        TIP You can use the index cover you just removed as a temporary storage
                                        location for screws.
                 4. Unscrew one index mounting screw completely.
                     Hold one hand beneath the index to catch the screw when it falls out of the index
                     assembly. If it does not fall out by itself, be sure to remove it.

                 5. Unscrew the other index mounting screw.

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                                  7

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation

                    While removing this screw, pull the index away from the meter to keep its backplate
                    (1) against the back of the screwhead (2). This prevents the screw from falling out



                6. Remove the screw from the index once it is completely free of its hole.
                7. Set the index aside for the moment. Place it where it will not be damaged; get filled
                   with dirt, rain, or snow; or fall to the ground or floor. The index will be used later in
                   this procedure.
                8. Examine the index screws you just removed. Verify that they are 3/16-inch long and
                   are not corroded.
                       •   If the screws are 3/16-inch long and are not corroded, keep them for later use.
                       •   If the screws are an incorrect length or are corroded, dispose of them properly.
                           Use 8 - 32 x 3/16-inch screws as described in Replacement Screws on page 6
                9. Use a putty knife or similar object to completely remove the old index gasket from the
                   meter (if applicable). All traces of the gasket must be removed before the ERT can be

8                                                                  Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

                                                                                      Installation Prerequisites

               Assemble the ERT Module
               When installing a 100G ERT Module, the next major step is to create the endpoint module
               assembly by combining the endpoint backplate and cover with the meter index. Follow the
               procedure below to do so.

               To Assemble the ERT Module
                 1. Obtain a new 100G ERT Module.
                 2. Separate the ERT module backplate (1) from the cover (2).

                 3. Set the new ERT index cover aside for the moment. Place it where it will not be
                    damaged; get filled with dirt, rain, or snow; or fall to the ground or floor. The ERT
                    index cover will be used later in this procedure.
                                 IMPORTANT Before continuing with the installation, note the following
                                 information about American Meter indexes:

                        •   Index wrigglers on one-foot meters have drive slots.

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                                 9

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation

                       •   Index wrigglers on two-foot meters have drive posts.

                       •   An index may have mounting screw holes.

                       •   An index may have mounting screw slots.

                    If the index has mounting screw slots, skip steps 4 and 5 below. Continue with step 6.
                    If the index has mounting screw holes, perform steps 4 and 5 below, and then skip
                    steps 6 and 7.

10                                                               Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

                                                                                    Installation Prerequisites

                 4. If the index has mounting screw holes, place an index mounting screw (1) in the right-
                    hand mounting screw hole (2). Use one 8 - 32 3/16-inch screw for this step (you can
                    use an original mounting screw if it was the correct size and not corroded; otherwise,
                    use the correct size replacement screw).


                 5. Attach the screw to the ERT backplate's right-hand index mounting post just far
                    enough to hold the screw and end of the index in place.

                 6. If the index has mounting screw slots, screw an index mounting screw (1) one to two
                    turns into the ERT backplate's right-hand index mounting post (2). Use one 8 - 32 x
                    3/16-inch screw for this step (you can use an original mounting screw if it was the
                    correct size and not corroded; otherwise, use the correct size replacement screw).

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                              11

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation



                7. Place the index mounting screw slot under the screw head. Do not tighten the screw



                8. Attach the wriggler to the index and backplate.
                       •   If the index wriggler has a drive slot (1), place the backplate wriggler's drive
                           post (2) in the index wriggler's drive slot.



12                                                                 Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

                                                                                        Installation Prerequisites

                        •   If the index wriggler has a drive post (1), place the index wriggler's drive post
                            in the backplate wriggler's drive slot (2).



                 9. Install and tighten the left-hand index mounting screw (for indexes with either
                    mounting screw slots or holes). Use one 8 - 32 x 3/16-inch screw for this step (you
                    can use an original mounting screw if it was the correct size and not corroded;
                    otherwise, use the correct size replacement screw).

                 10. Tighten the right-hand index mounting screw.
                 11. Slide the ERT cover (1) over the index and backplate (2).

                     Next, program the ERT module.

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                                   13

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation

              Program the ERT Module
              Once the ERT module has been assembled, the ERT must be programmed using the
              FC200SR with EndPoint-Link software. See the Endpoint-Link ERT Programming Guide
              (TDC-0411) for more information.

                          IMPORTANT You must perform the following programming procedure for
                          the ERT module to function properly.

              When programming the ERT module, you must take note of the drive rate shown on the
              index of American meters. Examples of 1-foot (1) and 2-foot (2) drive rates are shown
              below (a 0.05 cubic metre drive rate is not shown). Be sure to program the ERT based on
              the drive rate indicated on the index.



14                                                             Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

                                                                                     Installation Prerequisites

               To Program the ERT Module
                 1. Using the FC200SR, program the reading of the index that was on the meter into the
                    ERT module assembly.
                        •   For initial programming, hold the FC200SR approximately 1 foot away from
                            the 100G.
                        •   For reprogramming (30 days or more past initial programming), hold the
                            FC200SR approximately 4 to 5 feet away from the 100G.
                     Be sure to program the 100G to the correct mode for the reading technology what will
                     be used (for example, Fixed Network Mode, Mobile/Handheld Mode, or Hard to Read
                     Mobile/Handheld Mode). In Endpoint-Link Pro v5.0, you will have access to the one
                     mode that was defined by your system administrator.
                     During programming, the 100G ERT module is programmed to the nearest 100 cubic
                     feet; the last two digits (the tens and units) are programmed as zeros (0). Once
                     programming is complete, however, the ERT module assembly can be read to the
                     nearest cubic foot.
                 2. Slowly turn the ERT module drive wriggler two turns in the direction indicated on the
                    index drive rate. This lets you verify the ERT module is counting properly after

                                 IMPORTANT Do not turn the drive wriggler faster than one turn per second.

                 3. Read the ERT module assembly using the FC200SR. Consult the EndPoint-Link ERT
                    Programming Guide (TDC-0411) or other applicable instructions for details on how to
                    read an ERT.
                        •   If this reading is higher than the one you programmed in step 1 above, the ERT
                            module assembly is counting correctly.
                        •   If the ERT module assembly reading is not higher than what was programmed
                            in step 1, replace the ERT module with a new one.

               Attach the ERT Module to the Meter
               After the endpoint has been programmed and is reading correctly, it must be attached to the
               meter. Follow the steps below to do this.

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                               15

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation

              To Attach the ERT to the Meter
                1. 5B 225 Meters Only If you are installing the ERT on a 5B 225 aluminum meter, cut
                   1/16-inch off each post of the ERT wriggler to prevent it from rubbing on the face of
                   the nut that holds the wriggler in place. If you are not installing on a 5B 225 meter,
                   continue to step 2 below.

                2. Set the wriggler to the desired position for mounting the ERT module assembly to the
                       •   For One-Foot Meters: Align the ERT module assembly wriggler with the
                           meter drive post (as shown below). Make sure the ERT wriggler is
                           perpendicular to the meter drive post.

16                                                              Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

                                                                                        Installation Prerequisites

                        •   For Two-Foot Meters: Align the ERT module assembly wriggler with the
                            meter drive slot (as shown below). It is acceptable for the pin on the 100G
                            wriggler to be installed inside or outside of the meter drive slot. For ease of
                            assembly, Itron recommends that the pin on the 100G wriggler be installed
                            outside of the meter drive slot.

                 3. Gently place the ERT module assembly on the meter. Align the four screw holes on
                    the ERT module assembly with the holes on the meter.

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                                                  17

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation

                4. Install and tighten all ERT module assembly mounting screws, working in a diagonal
                   pattern as shown below. Tighten the mounting screws to 15 to 20 inch-pounds of
                   torque. Use the 1/4 - 20 x 5/8-inch screws for this step (you can use the original
                   mounting screws if they were the correct size and not corroded; otherwise, use the
                   correct size Replacement Screws on page 6).

                                    3                 2

                                    1                 4

                5. Place a new tamper seal over two of the mounting screws as shown below.



                6. Press the new tamper seals into place using the 11/32-inch nut driver (or another
                   similar blunt tool).

                7. Complete any necessary paperwork. Make sure no excess material is left on the
                   customer premises; dispose of it properly.

18                                                              Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

                                                              Installation Prerequisites

                     The ERT is now installed on the meter.

Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide                                        19

Chapter 2 American Meter Installation

20                                      Natural Gas Solutions 100G Installation Guide

Document Created: 2007-10-02 10:34:42
Document Modified: 2007-10-02 10:34:42

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