20010304R Test Report


Test Report

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Product Compliance Test Center
2476 Swedesford Road, Malvern, PA 19355


                             Doc. No. 20010304R/Project No. 605


                         FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

                      THOROFARE, NEW JERSEY

                               TEST DATE: 10/20/00 TO 12/6/00

                                      ISSUE: January 19, 2001

  Prepared by:                                           Approved:
                  Paul Banker                                    Wallace E. Amos
                  Technical Staff Engineer                         Group Manager, PCTC/ICC

                       The results described in this report relate only to the item(s) tested.
         This document shall not be reproduced except in full without written permission of Unisys - PCTC.


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Product Compliance Test Center                               Doc. No. 20010304R/Project No. 605
                                                             FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000


This report documents product testing conducted to verify compliance of the specified EUT with
applicable standards and requirements as identified herein. EUT, test instrument configurations, test
procedures and recorded data are generally described in this report. The reader is referred to the
applicable test standards for detailed procedures. The following table summarizes the test results
obtained during this evaluation.


The Diamond Checkpoint Development Group, Inc., RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124
was tested to the standards listed below, and found to have the following characteristics:

            TEST                STANDARD                REQUIREMENT                   RESULT
    Radiated Emissions -        FCC 15.225,             13 MHz - 1 GHz               Below Limit
     Intentional Radiator         15.209
     Radiated Emissions         FCC Class A           General Requirements           Below Limit
        Digital Device                                 30 MHz - 1 GHz
    Conducted Emissions          FCC 15.207           General Requirements           Below Limit
                                                      450 kHz to 30 MHz
     Frequency Stability         FCC 15.225                 ±0.01%                Within Tolerance

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                                                                                                                 FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

                                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

1.0      Client Information.....................................................................................................................5
 1.1         Requested Service...........................................................................................................................................................5
 1.2         Purpose of Test(s)...........................................................................................................................................................5

2.0      Description of the Equipment Under Test (EUT).......................................................................6
 2.1      General Description and Operational Overview..........................................................................................................7
 2.2      Equipment Sample ...........................................................................................................................................................8
    2.2.1     Identification ...........................................................................................................................................................8
    2.2.2     Condition of Received Sample..............................................................................................................................8

3.0      Applicable Requirements, Methods and Procedures..................................................................8
 3.1      Applicable Requirements ...............................................................................................................................................8
    3.1.1     USA ..........................................................................................................................................................................8
 3.2      Basic Test Methods and Procedures ...........................................................................................................................9

4.0      Deviations or Exclusions from the Requirements and Standards.................................................9
5.0      Operation of the EUT during Testing.........................................................................................9
 5.1      Test Environment ............................................................................................................................................................9
    5.1.1      Climatic Environment .............................................................................................................................................9
    5.1.2      Electrical Power.......................................................................................................................................................9    Radio Disturbance Measurements.......................................................................................................................9
 5.2      Grounding.........................................................................................................................................................................9
 5.3      Operating Mode.............................................................................................................................................................10
    5.3.1      Rationale for the Chosen Mode of Operation..................................................................................................10
 5.4      Test Configuration ........................................................................................................................................................11
    5.4.1      Test Configuration Block Diagram.....................................................................................................................11
    5.4.2      EUT Details ............................................................................................................................................................12
    5.4.3      Rationale for the Chosen Test Configuration ..................................................................................................12
 5.5      EUT Classification.........................................................................................................................................................12
 5.6      EUT Modifications........................................................................................................................................................13

6.0      Summary of Tests Performed, Procedures and Test Results ....................................................13
 6.1      Radiated Emission Test................................................................................................................................................13
    6.1.1      Radiated Emission Test Procedure ....................................................................................................................13   Test Facilities ....................................................................................................................................................13    Emissions Test Procedure ...................................................................................................................................14
    6.1.2      Radiated Emissions Test Results – 30 MHz to 5 GHz (10/20/2000)...............................................................16
    6.1.3      Radiated Emissions Test Equipment .................................................................................................................19
 6.2      Conducted Emission Test............................................................................................................................................20
    6.2.1      Conducted Emission Test Procedure ................................................................................................................20
    6.2.2      Conducted Emissions Test Results 150kHz – 30 MHz (10/30/2000).............................................................22
    6.2.3      Conducted Emissions Test Equipment .............................................................................................................23
 6.3      Frequency Stability Test (11/9/00)..............................................................................................................................24
    6.3.1      Frequency Stability Test Procedure ..................................................................................................................24
    6.3.2      Frequency Stability Test Results .......................................................................................................................25
    6.3.3      Frequency Stability Test Equipment .................................................................................................................26

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                                                 INDEX OF PHOTOGRAPHS

Photo 1 – RFID Tag Pad Reader Model 280116 (Front) .................................................................. 6
Photo 2 – RFID Tag Pad Reader Model 280116 (Rear) ................................................................... 6
Photo 3 – Radiated Emissions Test Setup – Front View................................................................... 15
Photo 4 – Radiated Emissions Test Setup – Rear View.................................................................... 15
Photo 5 – Conducted Emissions Test Setup – Front View................................................................ 20
Photo 6 – Conducted Emissions Test Setup – Front View................................................................ 21

                                                       INDEX OF FIGURES

Figure 1 – Block Diagram, EUT Configuration for EMI Testing........................................................ 11

                                                        INDEX OF TABLES

Table 1 – List of Cable Interconnections.......................................................................................... 11
Table 2 – Equipment Under Test..................................................................................................... 12
Table 3 – Support Equipment.......................................................................................................... 12
Table 4 – Radiated Emissions Data – 1.707 to 30 MHz................................................................... 16
Table 5 – Radiated Emissions Data – 30MHz to 1 GHz -Transmitter Harmonics.............................. 17
Table 6 – Radiated Emissions Data 30 MHz to 1 GHz – Digital Circuitry......................................... 18
Table 7 – Radiated Disturbance Test Equipment .............................................................................. 19
Table 8 – Conducted Emissions, RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124, Neutral line (120
     VAC/60 Hz)........................................................................................................................... 22
Table 9 – Conducted Emissions, RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124, Phase Line (120
     Vac/60 Hz)............................................................................................................................. 22
Table 10 – Temperature Stability Table ........................................................................................... 25
Table 11 – Frequency Stability Test Equipment................................................................................ 26

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1.0          Client Information

Client Name:                      Diamond Checkpoint Development Group
                                  550 Grove Road
                                  Thorofare, NJ 08086

Coordinator:                      Anthony Mignogna

PCTC Personnel:                   Paul Banker, Ray Rashied

1.1          Requested Service

•     Measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of sample product to FCC Part 15.225 for
      intentional radiators operating at 13.553 - 13.567 MHz.

•     Measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of sample product to FCC Part 15, Class A for
      unintentional radiators.

•     Measurement of frequency stability characteristics of sample product to FCC Part 15.225 for
      intentional radiators operating at 13.553 - 13.567 MHz.

1.2          Purpose of Test(s)

The purpose of testing was to verify compliance of the sample EUT to regulatory and/or qualification
requirements adhered to by the client for product sale, distribution and use.

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                                                    FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

2.0      Description of the Equipment Under Test (EUT)

            Photo 1 – RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 (Front)

            Photo 2 – RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 (Rear)

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                                                                FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

2.1         General Description and Operational Overview

The RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 is a Radio Frequency Identification Device. It can
be used in conjunction with any computer that has a RS232/RS485/TTL serial port to form a complete
data retrieval system.

The Model 655124 may be connected to any antenna that has 50-ohm characteristic impedance. The
antenna must be AC coupled. The Q of the antenna can range from 1 to 70. The return loss should be
at least 20 dB for remote mounting applications. The manufacturer of this device, Diamond Checkpoint
Development Group, is marketing the box containing the transmitter and receiver. The manufacturer will
not provide the antenna. The antenna used in this test is a PC board design consisting of a three-spiral
loop measuring 3.5” by 4.75” on the inside loop and 8” by 8” on the outside loop.

The Model 655124’s function is to “read” MCRF355 passive read-only RFID tags. The MCRF355
provides 154 bits of non-volatile user memory. When the MCRF355 enters the RF field of the Model
655124, it is in a tuned state. The tuned circuit of the tag resonates with the continuous RF field of the
655124 antenna and therefore gathers energy. The tag stores enough energy to keep the tag circuit
powered long enough to transmit its 154 bits of data. The tag’s data is transmitted in Manchester
format at a nominal frequency of 70kHz +/-12kHz.

The tag transmits its data by tuning and de-tuning its resonant circuit. When the RF tag is tuned, it loads
(takes energy from) the reader field. The loading of the reader field shows up as small amplitude
perturbations of the RF reader’s field (backscatter). These perturbations are at 70kHz and so are
easily filtered out of the 13.56MHz carrier of the field. The 70kHz base band data is amplified for
further processing. The raw Manchester data is decoded by the Model 655124’s micro-controller and
sent out over its RS-232 or RS-485 serial port.

The Model 655124 connects to a Personal Computer (HOST PC) via its RS-232 or RS-485 serial
port. The signal type must be factory set; i.e., the factory default setting is RS-232 but can be changed
to RS-485 by appropriate jumper settings. When the RFID tag data is received, the data is sent to the
HOST PC according to the formats discussed in the next section.

In addition to receiving data from the Model 655124 via its serial port, the HOST PC can send
commands to the Model 655124 in order to configure it.

Commands from the HOST PC must always be sent at 9600 baud in order to avoid conflicts. The
Model 655124 can be commanded by the HOST PC to transmit data at one of four baud rates: 9600
b/s, 19.2k b/s, 28.8 kb/s and 38.4 kb/s.

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                                                               FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

2.2        Equipment Sample

2.2.1      Identification

            Description:                    Performa Network
                                            RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124

            Serial Number:                  Prototype

            Received by PCTC:               October 20, 2000

            Sample Type:                    Pre-production

2.2.2        Condition of Received Sample

The RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 was conducted to verify test subject identity and
condition and to ensure suitability for testing. No evidence of physical damages was noticed. The test
item condition was deemed acceptable for the performance of the requested test services.

3.0          Applicable Requirements, Methods and Procedures

3.1          Applicable Requirements

The results of the measurement of the radio disturbance characteristics of the EUT described herein may
be applied, and where appropriate provide a presumption of compliance to one or more of the
following requirements or to other requirement at the discretion of the client, regulatory agencies, or
other entities.

3.1.1        USA

•     47 CFR, part 15, Subpart B, "Unintentional Radiators, General Rules and Regulations".
•     47 CFR, part 15, Subpart C, "Intentional Radiators".

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                                                                FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

3.2          Basic Test Methods and Procedures

The applicable regulatory product family or generic standards require that radio disturbance/
interference tests be performed in accordance with the following:

•     C63.4, 1992 “Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical
      and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz”.

4.0          Deviations or Exclusions from the Requirements and Standards

There were no deviations or exclusions from the requirements.

5.0          Operation of the EUT during Testing

5.1          Test Environment

5.1.1        Climatic Environment

The following were the ambient conditions in the laboratory during testing:

          Temperature:            22o C ± 5o C
          Relative Humidity       50% ± 10% RH

5.1.2        Electrical Power

The EUT was operated at electrical power voltage and frequencies sufficient to ensure that the
measured results were representative of operation of the EUT in the power environments in which it
would be installed, as specified by the client.      Radio Disturbance Measurements

Radiated and conducted disturbance measurements were performed with the RFID General Purpose
Reader Model 655124 operating at 120 Vac/60Hz.

5.2          Grounding

Earth grounding of the EUT was accomplished through theRS232 I/O cable shield.

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                                                                FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

5.3         Operating Mode

During testing, the General Purpose Reader was continuously transmitting and monitoring for the
presence of an ID tag. A tag was placed in the vicinity of the General Purpose Reader such that it
would continuously detect and transmit data.

5.3.1       Rationale for the Chosen Mode of Operation

The presence of an ID tag, constantly being read and verified, exhibits the full functionality of the RFID
General Purpose Reader Model 655124 as would exist in a customer installation.

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5.4         Test Configuration

5.4.1       Test Configuration Block Diagram

                                                                                          p/n 0433167251
                                                                                      (3 turns through core)

             RFID Antenna                  General Purpose
           Low Cost Tag Pad                    Reader
          p/n 758599 Rev.*11            Diamond Checkpoint
                                                                                             AC Adapter
                                        Development Group
                                                                                             Model 112103
                                            Model 655124
                                                                                             s/n 0019YW
                                              s/n: none

                                                                           Equipment in Test Range (OATS)

                                                                       Equipment out of Test Range (OATS)

            120 Vac/60Hz                       25-pin
                                              to 9-pin                  Monitor
                                                                ELO Touchsystems
                                                                s/n MEIHA707505962

                                       Changer                          PC                                            Mouse
                                                                 Dell Systems                                     ValueMouse
                                                              Poweredge 2000 SMS                                     3-button
                                                                    s/n BH350                                  s/n A99 2525730

                                                                Dell AT101W
                                                             s/n 1273-834-4611

                  Figure 1 – Block Diagram, EUT Configuration for EMI Testing

                               Table 1 – List of Cable Interconnections
#       Description          Manufacturer                           Part Number                Length             Shielding
1      RS232 Cable              Belken                               F2L088-06                   6’                  Foil
2     RS232 Extension            Unisys                             2820468-38                  25’                 Braid
3     DC Power cable       Diamond Checkpoint                         Unknown                    6’                 None
4      Antenna Cable       Diamond Checkpoint                         Unknown                   10”                 BNC

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                                                                FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

5.4.2       EUT Details

                                  Table 2 – Equipment Under Test
  Item Description             Manufacturer                Model Number               Serial Number
 RFID General Purpose        Diamond Checkpoint              655124                          -
     AC Adapter              Diamond Checkpoint                 112103                   0019YW

                                    Table 3 – Support Equipment
   Item Description            Manufacturer               Model Number              Serial Number
   Personal Computer            Dell Systems            Poweredge 2000 SMS              BH350
         Monitor              ELO Touchsystems           P284-HL5870A-S            MEIHA707505962
       Keyboard                 Dell Systems                 AT101W                 1273-834-4611
         Mouse                   Kensington             ValueMouse 3-button          A99 2525730
    Gender Changer                 Belken                     F4A251                       -
 25-pin to 9-pin adapter           Roline                        -                         -

5.4.3       Rationale for the Chosen Test Configuration

The configuration of the RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 was chosen to demonstrate the
emission characteristics of both the RS232 interface and the Ethernet interface. Both I/O ports were
exercised during testing. The AC Adapter used is the model sold with the RFID General Purpose
Reader Model 655124. The antenna connected to the transmitter/receiver is a PCB from the RFID
Tag Pad Reader. It is the intent of the manufacturer not to sell an antenna with the unit but allow a
potential customer to design and test an antenna. The antenna used in this test is not to be marketed
with the RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124.

The orientation of the antenna, in a vertical plane, was chosen because the highest emissions were
measured in this configuration.

5.5         EUT Classification

The test item has been defined an intentional radiator operating in the band 13.553 MHz to 13.567
MHz. For this reason the emissions testing was carried out in accordance with the requirements of
FCC 15.225. In addition, the test item contains digital control and signal processing circuitry. Signals
identified as related to the digital circuitry were compared to the FCC Class A limits for digital devices.

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5.6        EUT Modifications

A block of ferrite was attached to the DC power cable, from the AC Adapter. The ferrite block has a
part number of 0433167251 and is manufactured by Fair-Rite. The DC wire, from the AC Adapter,
was passed through the core of the block three times and was attached four inches from the General
Purpose Reader’s, DC connector.

6.0        Summary of Tests Performed, Procedures and Test Results

6.1        Radiated Emission Te st

6.1.1      Radiated Emission Test Procedure    Test Facilities

The test site is an all-weather, open-field measurement facility defined by an elliptical area of 3258
square meters, which is free of reflective metallic objects and extraneous electromagnetic signals. A
non-metallic A-Frame enclosure covers 172 square meters of the ellipse. This enclosure contains a
ground level 5-meter diameter turntable, capable of rotating equipment through a complete 360
degrees, and a 3-meter and 10 meter test range with remotely controlled antennae masts. The floor of
the A-Frame and surface of the turntable are covered with a flat metal continuous ground plane. The
ground plane extends outside the A-Frame to a distance of 35.6 meters from the center of the turntable.
The width of the extension is 2.4 meters.

The ground plane is partially covered with protective insulating material. A cellar located beneath the
ground level of the A-Frame structure houses personnel and instrumentation for remote control of the
antennae, the turntable, and other equipment above ground level. Reference the attached drawing for a
view of the test facility. The test site complies with the Attenuation Measurements specified in ANSI
C63.4 - 1992, and is registered with FCC, and accredited by AALA, VCCI, BSMI, and NEMKO.

For electric field radiated emissions, the EUT and support peripherals or devices required to facilitate
EUT operation were positioned either directly on the turntable surface or on a wooden table 80 cm. in
height, depending on the size of the sample. Hardware not needed in the test field such as remote
terminals or non standard exercisers, were placed in the basement below the turntable

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Product Compliance Test Center                                   Doc. No. 20010304R/Project No. 605
                                                                 FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000     Emissions Test Procedure

9kHz to 30 MHz

Testing below 30 MHz was performed with the test item configured on the test site as above. An H-
field measuring antenna was placed at a distance of 30 meters from the test item. The height of the
antenna is 1 meter above the ground plane. The test item was rotated 360° in order to obtain a
maximum indication on the measuring receiver. This was repeated for each of the three polarization of
the antenna. In some cases the measuring antenna was taken off the ground plane and placed in the
adjacent grass area. The position of the antenna relative to the ground plane was noted in the reported

30 MHz to 1000 MHz

Initial measurements, for the purpose of identifying suspect emissions from the equipment under test,
were performed by dividing the test frequency range into the following twenty bands:

           1)      30 - 40 MHz             8)     108 - 148 MHz          15)     570 - 670 MHz
           2)      40 - 50 MHz             9)     148 - 165 MHz          16)     670 - 770 MHz
           3)      50 - 88 MHz            10)     165 - 200 MHz          17)     770 - 855 MHz
           4)      88 - 93 MHz            11)     200 - 300 MHz          18)     855 - 875 MHz
           5)      93 - 98 MHz            12)     300 - 450 MHz          19)     875 - 892 MHz
           6)      98 - 103 MHz           13)     450 - 470 MHz          20)     892 - 1000 MHz
           7)     103 - 108 MHz           14)     470 - 570 MHz

Each of these bands was monitored on a spectrum analyzer display while the turntable was initially
positioned at the reference 0-degree point. A mast mounted broadband antenna was located at a
distance of 10 meters from the periphery of the EUT(s). The antenna was set to 1-meter height, for the
vertical polarity and 2.5 meters height, for horizontal polarity for these suspect emission scans. All
emissions with amplitudes 8 dB or less below the appropriate regulatory limit were identified and saved
for later source identification and investigation. This initial suspect identification procedure was repeated
for turntable positions of 90, 180 and 270 degrees.

The source of questionable emissions was verified by powering off the EUT(s). Those emissions
remaining were removed from the suspect list. Valid suspect emissions were then maximized through
cable manipulation. The highest six signals or all within 4 dB of the limit, identified during this initial
investigation, were then maximized by rotating the turntable through a complete 360 degrees of azimuth
and raising the antenna from 1 to 4 meters of elevation. When the EUT(s) azimuth, antenna height and
polarization that produced the maximum indication were found, the emission amplitude and frequency
were re-measured to obtain maximum peak and quasi-peak field strength. The frequencies and
amplitudes of RFI emissions are recorded in this report in units derived as follows:

Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Meter reading (dBuV)+ Antenna factor (dB/m)+ Cable Loss (dB)

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               Photo 3 – Radiated Emissions Test Setup – Front View

               Photo 4 – Radiated Emissions Test Setup – Rear View

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6.1.2       Radiated Emissions Test Results – 30 MHz to 5 GHz (10/20/2000)

Transmitter related signals 13 - 30 MHz - FCC 15.225, 15.209

The table below shows the detected field strengths as measured from the test sample(s) over the
frequency range from 13 MHz to 30 MHz. The emissions were measured at a distance of 10 meters
and compared to the maximum permissible FCC limit at extrapolated (using limit - 20log(10/30) = limit
+9.5 dB) to 10 meters for signals and harmonics of an intentional radiator. Notes: Signals were
measured with antenna on ground plane. Preliminary testing showed the field strength decreased more
than 20 dB/decade. Thus the 20-dB/decade correction used during final testing was judged to be

                       Table 4 – Radiated Emissions Data – 1.707 to 30 MHz
     Freq      Height,     Angle     Quasi      Corr’       Field      FCC Class     Delta       Result
    [MHz]        Pol       [Deg]     Peak      Factor      Strength    B Limit @     Limit
              [cm H/V]              Voltage    [dB/m]     [dBuV/m]        10m        [dB]
                                    [dBuV]                             [dBuV/m]
    13.56      100 V        279       60.5       -1.2       59.3          89.5       -29.0       Below
                                     (PK)                                                      15.225 limit
    27.12      100 V        279       20.2       1.7        21.9          39.0       -17.1       Below
                                     (QP)                                                      15.209 limit

•    Overall Result: All measured transmitter related radiated emissions below 30 MHz from the RFID
     General Purpose Reader Model 655124 are below the FCC limits by a margin of 17.1 dB.

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Transmitter related signals 30 to 1000 MHz - FCC 15.209

Transmitter related radiated emission signals were measured at a distance of 3 meters from the test
sample(s) over the frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz. The levels were then compared to the
maximum permissible FCC limit at 3 meters for spurious signals and harmonics of an intentional radiator.
Transmitter harmonics from the RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 are below the FCC
15.209 general radiation limits by a margin of 13 dB.

         Table 5 – Radiated Emissions Data – 30MHz to 1 GHz -Transmitter Harmonics

     Freq      Height,    Angle       Quasi       Corr’      Field       FCC Class      Delta       Result
    [MHz]        Pol      [Deg]       Peak       Factor     Strength     B Limit @      Limit
              [cm H/V]               Voltage     [dB/m]    [dBuV/m]          3m         [dB]
                                     [dBuV]                              [dBuV/m]
     40.645   101, V       124         14.5       11.8        26.3          40.0        -13.7     Below limit
     67.801   103, V       152          7.9       10.9        18.8          40.0        -21.2     Below limit
    176.321   103, V       244          3.7       11.8        15.5          43.5        -28.0     Below limit
    189.860   149, H       043         12.2       12.9        25.1          43.5        -18.4     Below limit
    203.397   128, H       034         12.3       13.0        25.3          43.5        -18.2     Below limit
    216.968   131, H       038         14.0       11.7        25.7          46.0        -20.3     Below limit

•    Overall Results: The RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 complied with the requirements
     of 47 CFR Part 15B for Class B equipment by a margin of at least 13.7 dB.

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                                                                 FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

Digital circuitry related signals 30 to 1000 MHz - FCC 15.109b

The table below shows the detected field strengths as measured from the test sample(s) over the
frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz, at a distance of 10 meters compared to the maximum
permissible FCC Class A limit.

              Table 6 – Radiated Emissions Data 30 MHz to 1 GHz – Digital Circuitry
     Freq       Height,     Angle       Quasi       Corr’       Field       FCC Class      Delta        Result
    [MHz]         Pol       [Deg]       Peak       Factor      Strength     A Limit @      Limit
               [cm H/V]                Voltage     [dB/m]     [dBuV/m]         10m         [dB]
                                       [dBuV]                               [dBuV/m]
     33.911     100, V       000          1.0        18.2        19.2         39.08        -19.9      Below limit
     79.391     100, V       000          5.4        10.9        16.3         39.08        -22.8      Below limit
    134.996     100, V       000         -1.7        12.5        10.8         43.52        -32.7      Below limit
    238.006     100, V       000         -0.6        14.7        14.1         46.44        -32.3      Below limit
    479.997     100, V       000         -1.3        20.8        19.5         46.44        -26.9      Below limit
    682.694     100, V       000         -0.4        24.5        24.1         46.44        -22.3      Below limit

•    Overall Results: The RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 did not produce any
     measurable interference related to digital circuitry at a distance of 10 meters. Therefore, noise floor
     readings were measured.

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                                                      FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

6.1.3     Radiated Emissions Test Equipment

                       Table 7 – Radiated Disturbance Test Equipment

Equipment                       Model          Manufacturer        ID No.   Last Cal Date
QuasiPeak Adapter               85650A         Hewlett Packard      U182       3/3/00
(10 kHz – 1 GHz)

Spectrum Analyzer Display       85662A         Hewlett Packard     U181        3/2/00

Spectrum Analyzer                8568B         Hewlett Packard     X718        3/2/00
(10 kHz - 1.5 GHz)

RF Receiver                       ESV              Polorad         U965        8/3/00

Bi-Log Antenna                 LFB-2520             ARA            B-962       6/23/99
(25 MHz to 1000 MHz)                                                          (extended to

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Product Compliance Test Center                                Doc. No. 20010304R/Project No. 605
                                                              FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

6.2        Conducted Emission Test

6.2.1      Conducted Emission Test Procedure

Peak amplitude terminal voltage emissions at the power line input to the EUT(s) were measured with a
spectrum analyzer, using a peak detector and the appropriate CISPR bandwidth, connected to the RF
output of a 50 Ohm, 50 micro-henry Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) installed in each
power line. Measurements were made over the frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz while the
EUT(s) was operating as described in paragraph 5.3.

The significant amplitudes of emissions measured on the AC power lines of the EUT(s) are recorded in
this report in units derived as follows:

                       Peak Emission (dBuV PK) = Meter reading (dBuV)
                                                 + LISN factor (dB) + Limiter Loss (dB)

Note: For speed and convenience, a spectrum analyzer employing a peak detector was used as the
measuring receiver to sweep through and record the spectrum. As a tool to judge compliance of the
emissions, the peak detector sweep is displayed and graphed against the appropriate average limit. This
type of measurement is valid given that the peak reading will always be greater than or equal to the
average or quasi-peak reading. Peak emissions recorded with the spectrum analyzer that exceed the
average limit, or are found to be within 1 dB of the average limit are re-measured using an manually
tuned receiver with the detector function first set to quasi-peak and then to average. These
measurements are recorded and presented in the Section 6.2.2 of this report.

                    Photo 5 – Conducted Emissions Test Setup – Front View

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Product Compliance Test Center                    Doc. No. 20010304R/Project No. 605
                                                  FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

               Photo 6 – Conducted Emissions Test Setup – Front View

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                                                             FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

6.2.2         Conducted Emissions Test Results 150kHz – 30 MHz (10/30/2000)

The conducted emissions recorded on the AC power cord of the RFID General Purpose Reader
Model 655124, displayed against the limits for FCC Class B devices are presented as below. The
quasi-peak detector reading exceeded the average detector reading for each frequency by more than 6
dB. Therefore according to 47 CFR Part 15.207 (d), the quasi-peak reading is reduced by 13 dB.

Table 8 – Conducted Emissions, RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124, Neutral line
 (120 VAC/60 Hz)
    Frequency     Quasi-peak   Correction        Corrected   Broadband    FCC Class B QP Limit
     (MHz)         Emission     Factor             Level     Adjustment      Limit     Margin
                  Amplitude      (dB)             (dBuV)      -13 dB        (dBuV)      (dB)
   .46118          32.73         10.453           43.183        30.18        47.96       -17.78
   .48373          32.38         10.440           42.820        29.82        47.96       -18.14
   .50963          31.76         10.424           42.184        29.18        47.96       -18.78
   .53749          30.93         10.408           41.338        28.34        47.96       -19.62
   .56227          29.93         10.390           40.320        27.32        47.96       -20.64
  2.10304          16.77         10.171           26.941       26.94*        47.96       -47.96
*Signal is narrow band, adjustment not allowed

Table 9 – Conducted Emissions, RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124, Phase Line
(120 Vac/60 Hz)

    Frequency    Quasi-Peak    Correction        Corrected   Broadband     FCC Class    QP Limit
     (MHz)        Emission      Factor             Level     Adjustment     B Limit      Margin
                 Amplitude       (dB)             (dBuV)      -13 dB        (dBuV)        (dB)
     .46653         29.04        10.447           39.487       26.49         47.96       -21.47
     .52947         30.21        10.402           40.612       27.61         47.96       -20.35
     .54307         30.62        10.394           41.014       28.01         47.96       -19.95
     .57654         31.19        10.374           41.564       28.56         47.96       -19.40
     .61085         30.55        10.349           40.899       27.90         47.96       -20.06
     .63643         29.25        10.324           39.574       26.57         47.96       -21.39

•     Overall Results: All conducted emissions measured on the input AC power lines of the RFID
      General Purpose Reader Model 655124, are below the FCC Class B limit by a margin of 17.78

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                                                            FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

6.2.3      Conducted Emissions Test Equipment

The following equipment was used during conducted disturbance testing of the EUT.

Equipment                          Model            Manufacturer          ID No.    Last Cal Date
QuasiPeak Adapter                  85650A           Hewlett Packard        X717        3/2/00
(10 KHz – 1 GHz)

Spectrum Analyzer Display          85662A           Hewlett Packard        U181        3/2/00

Spectrum Analyzer                   8568B           Hewlett Packard        X718        3/2/00
(10 kHz - 1.5 GHz)

LISN                                8121             Schwarzbeck           U774        2/2/00

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                                                           FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

6.3        Frequency Stability Test (11/9/00)

6.3.1      Frequency Stability Test Procedure

The test sample was placed in an environmental chamber at 20°C and allowed to stabilize (minimum
30-minute soak). The nominal operating frequency was measured at this time with a small loop probe
connected to a spectrum analyzer.

The test sample was then powered off and allowed to stabilize. With the AC input voltage at 115% of
nominal, the test sample was powered on and operating frequency measurements were made at 0, 2, 5
and 10 minutes after power on. This procedure was repeated for all required temperature and voltage

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Product Compliance Test Center                            Doc. No. 20010304R/Project No. 605
                                                          FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

6.3.2       Frequency Stability Test Results

The following table shows the frequency deviation measured on a sample of the transmitter board
compared to FCC 15.225 limits of .01% with respect to temperature and input AC voltage.

                            Table 10 – Temperature Stability Table

           Condition           Time[min]       Frequency[Hz]       % Deviation         Result
                                                                   from nominal
         20°C/122VAC             N/A             13560002              N/A              N/A
         20°C/138 VAC              0             13560002            <<0.01%         Below limit
        (115% Nom AC)
                                   2             13560001            <<0.01%         Below limit
                                   5             13560002            <<0.01%         Below limit
                                  10             13560003            <<0.01%         Below limit
        20°C/102 VAC               0             13560002            <<0.01%         Below limit
        (85% Nom AC)
                                   2             13560003            <<0.01%         Below limit
                                   5             13560004            <<0.01%         Below limit
                                  10             13560005            <<0.01%         Below limit
        50°C/122 VAC               0             13560003            <<0.01%         Below limit
         (High Temp)
                                   2             13560003            <<0.01%         Below limit
                                   5             13559998            <<0.01%         Below limit
                                  10             13559992            <<0.01%         Below limit
        -20°C/122 VAC              0             13560003            <<0.01%         Below limit
          (Low Temp)
                                   2             13560000            <<0.01%         Below limit
                                   5             13555994            <<0.01%         Below limit
                                  10             13559995            <<0.01%         Below limit

•   Overall Results: The RFID General Purpose Reader Model 655124 complied with the requirements
    of FCC 15.225 for frequency stability by a worst case deviation of 11 Hz or 100*11/13560002 =
    0.8112E-4 %.

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Product Compliance Test Center                           Doc. No. 20010304R/Project No. 605
                                                         FCC ID: DO4GPRO7000

6.3.3        Frequency Stability Test Equipment

                         Table 11 – Frequency Stability Test Equipment

Equipment                         Model           Manufacturer       ID No.     Last Cal Date
Temperature/Humidity              SM32C            Thermotron         V733         6/21/00

Spectrum Analyzer Display         85662A          Hewlett Packard    Y0314         3/3/00

Spectrum Analyzer                 8566B           Hewlett Packard    Y0313         3/3/00
(100 Hz - 22 GHz)

Multimeter                         8021               Fluke              X743     10/21/00

Variable Transformer               136-2            Powerstat            W582       N/R

Document Created: 2001-03-23 11:11:11
Document Modified: 2001-03-23 11:11:11

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