Test Report CKC Labs


Test Report

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                           SMK MANUFACTURING, INC. TEST REPORT

                                                      FOR THE

             2 WAY IR REMOTE CONTROL, RRC9001-4041E & RRC9001-4001L

             FCC PART 15 SUBPART B SECTIONS 15.107 AND 15.109 CLASS B
                               & ICES-003 ISSUE 4


                                       DATE OF ISSUE: MAY 29, 2008

PREPARED FOR:                                                 PREPARED BY:

SMK Manufacturing, Inc.                                       Mary Ellen Clayton
1055 Tierra Del Rey, Suite H                                  CKC Laboratories, Inc.
Chula Vista, CA 91910                                         5046 Sierra Pines Drive
                                                              Mariposa, CA 95338

P.O. No.: 29318                                               Date of test: May 15, 2008
W.O. No.: 87968

                                              Report No.: FC08-048

This report contains a total of 18 pages and may be reproduced in full only. Partial reproduction may only be done with the
written consent of CKC Laboratories, Inc. The results in this report apply only to the items tested, as identified herein.

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                                                                                                  Report No.: FC08-048

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Administrative Information .............................................................................................3
Approvals .........................................................................................................................3
Site File Registration Numbers ........................................................................................3
Summary of Results .........................................................................................................4
Conditions During Testing...............................................................................................4
Equipment Under Test (EUT) Description ......................................................................4
Equipment Under Test .....................................................................................................4
Peripheral Devices ...........................................................................................................4
Report of Emissions Measurements.................................................................................5
        Testing Parameters ...............................................................................................5
        FCC 15.109 Radiated Emissions .........................................................................7
        ICES-003 Radiated Emissions .............................................................................13

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                                                                                                                    Report No.: FC08-048

                            ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION

DATE OF TEST: May 15, 2008                        DATE OF RECEIPT: May 15, 2008


MANUFACTURER:                                     TEST LOCATION:
SMK Manufacturing, Inc.                           CKC Laboratories, Inc.
1055 Tierra Del Rey, Suite H                      110 Olinda Place
Chula Vista, CA 91910                             Brea, CA 92823

TEST METHOD: ANSI C63.4 (2003) and ICES-003 Issue 4

PURPOSE OF TEST: To perform testing of the 2 Way IR Remote Control, RRC9001-4041E
& RRC9001-4001L with the requirements for FCC Part 15 Subpart B Sections 15.107 and
15.109 Class B & ICES-003 devices.


QUALITY ASSURANCE:                                TEST PERSONNEL:

Steve Behm, Director of Engineering Services      Septimiu Apahidean, EMC Engineer


Location       Japan                      Canada          FCC
Brea A         R-301 & C-314              IC 3172-A       90473

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                                                                           Report No.: FC08-048

                                SUMMARY OF RESULTS

Test                        Specification                                       Results

Conducted Emissions         FCC Part 15 Subpart B Section 15.107 Class B        NA
                            ICES-003 Issue 4

Radiated Emissions          FCC Part 15 Subpart B Section 15.109 Class B     Pass
                            ICES-003 Issur 4
                                                                       NA = Not Applicable

                            CONDITIONS DURING TESTING

No modifications to the EUT were necessary during testing. Conducted emissions not required
for this device because it is battery powered.


The customer declares the EUT tested by CKC Laboratories was representative of a production


IR Remote                                         IR/FSK Remote
Manuf:        SMK Manufacturing, Inc.             Manuf:     SMK Manufacturing, Inc.
Model:        RRC9001-4041E                       Model:     RRC9001-4001L
Serial:       NA                                  Serial:    NA
FCC ID:       NA                                  FCC ID:    NA


The EUT was not tested with peripheral devices.

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                                                                           Report No.: FC08-048


The cables were routed consistent with the typical application by varying the configuration of the
test sample. Interface cables were connected to the available ports of the test unit. The effect of
varying the position of the cables was investigated to find the configuration that produced
maximum emissions. Cables were of the type and length specified in the individual
requirements. The length of cable that produced maximum emissions was selected.

The equipment under test (EUT) was set up in a manner that represented its normal use, as
shown in the setup photographs. Any special conditions required for the EUT to operate
normally are identified in the comments that accompany the emissions tables.

The emissions data was taken with a spectrum analyzer or receiver. Incorporating the applicable
correction factors for distance, antenna, cable loss and amplifier gain, the data was reduced as
shown in the table below. The corrected data was then compared to the applicable emission
limits. Preliminary and final measurements were taken in order to ensure that all emissions from
the EUT were found and maximized.

The basic spectrum analyzer reading was converted using correction factors as shown in the
highest emissions readings in the tables. For radiated emissions in dBµV/m, the spectrum
analyzer reading in dBµV was corrected by using the following formula. This reading was then
compared to the applicable specification limit.

                                   SAMPLE CALCULATIONS
                                   Meter reading       (dBµV)
                             +     Antenna Factor      (dB)
                             +     Cable Loss          (dB)
                             -     Distance Correction (dB)
                             -     Preamplifier Gain   (dB)
                             =     Corrected Reading   (dBµV/m)

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                                                                               Report No.: FC08-048

The test instrumentation and equipment listed were used to collect the emissions data. A
spectrum analyzer or receiver was used for all measurements. The following table shows the
measuring equipment bandwidth settings that were used in designated frequency bands. For
testing emissions, an appropriate reference level and a vertical scale size of 10 dB per division
were used.

   RADIATED EMISSIONS              30 MHz                   1000 MHz               120 kHz
   RADIATED EMISSIONS             1000 MHz                   >1 GHz                 1 MHz

The notes that accompany the measurements contained in the emissions tables indicate the type of
detector function used to obtain the given readings. Unless otherwise noted, all readings were made in
the "Peak" mode. Whenever a "Quasi-Peak" or "Average" reading is listed as one of the highest
readings, this is indicated as a "QP" or an "Ave" on the appropriate rows of the data sheets. The
following paragraphs describe in more detail the detector functions and when they were used to obtain
the emissions data.
In this mode, the spectrum analyzer/receiver readings were recorded all emissions at their peak value
as the frequency band selected was scanned. By combining this function with another feature of the
measuring device called "peak hold," the measuring device had the ability to measure transients or
low duty cycle transient emission peak levels. In this mode the measuring device made a slow scan
across the frequency band selected and measured the peak emission value found at each frequency
across the band.
When the true peak values exceeded or were within 2 dB of the specification limit, quasi-peak
measurements were taken using the quasi-peak detector.
For certain frequencies, average measurements may be made using the spectrum
analyzer/receiver. To make these measurements, the test engineer reduces the video bandwidth
on the measuring device until the modulation of the signal is filtered out. At this point the
measuring device is set into the linear mode and the scan time is reduced.

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                                                                                 Report No.: FC08-048


Test Setup Photos



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                Report No.: FC08-048

Test Data Sheets

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories, Inc. •110 N Olinda Place • Brea, CA 92823 • 714-993-6112

Customer:           SMK Manufacturing, Inc.
Specification:      FCC 15.109 (2006) Radiated Class B
Work Order #:       87968                                                   Date:    5/15/2008
Test Type:          Maximized Emissions                                     Time:    12:44:02
Equipment:          IR Remote                                          Sequence#:    2
Manufacturer:       SMK Manufacturing, Inc.                            Tested By:    Sep Apahidean
Model:              RRC9001-4001L
 Test Equipment:
Function                S/N                       Calibration Date        Cal Due Date              Asset #
Spectrum Analyzer       MY46186290                02/12/2007              02/12/2009                02869
Bilog Antenna           2451                      01/21/2008              01/21/2010                01995
Pre amp to SA Cable     Cable #10                 05/16/2007              05/16/2009                P05050
Cable                   Cable15                   01/05/2007              01/05/2009                P05198
Pre Amp                 1937A02548                06/01/2006              06/01/2008                00309
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                        Model #                      S/N
IR Remote*                SMK Manufacturing, Inc.             RRC9001-4001L
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                  Model #                      S/N
 Test Conditions / Notes:
The equipment under test (EUT) is an infrared remote. The EUT is powered on and sending a signal continuously.
The EUT is powered from four AAA batteries. New batteries were installed prior to testing. Temperature: 23°C,
Humidity: 44%, Pressure: 100kPa.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Preamp 8447D_AN00309_ 060108                               T2=Bilog-AN01995 BILOG_012110
T3=Cable #10_P05050_ 051609                                   T4=Cable #15_P05198_ Site A, 010509

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                         Test Distance: 3 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                T4     Dist     Corr       Spec    Margin         Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                dB    Table dBµV/m dBµV/m           dB             Ant
   1 31.555M        41.5    -27.8 +17.8        +0.1             +0.9 +0.0       32.5       40.0    -7.5          Vert

    2    48.257M         48.7      -27.7       +9.5    +0.1     +1.2     +0.0       31.8     40.0         -8.2   Vert

    3   167.326M         50.0      -27.7   +10.0       +0.3     +2.3     +0.0       34.9     43.5         -8.6   Vert

    4    40.030M         43.6      -27.8   +13.9       +0.1     +1.1     +0.0       30.9     40.0         -9.1   Vert

    5   127.934M         46.8      -27.6   +11.8       +0.3     +2.0     +0.0       33.3     43.5        -10.2   Horiz

    6    55.686M         46.9      -27.7       +7.1    +0.1     +1.3     +0.0       27.7     40.0        -12.3   Vert

    7   168.031M         42.6      -27.7       +9.9    +0.3     +2.3     +0.0       27.4     43.5        -16.1   Horiz

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 8   112.106M   40.7   -27.6   +11.1   +0.3   +1.9   +0.0   26.4   43.5       -17.1    Vert

 9   167.651M   41.2   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   +0.0   26.0   43.5       -17.5    Horiz

10   223.989M   41.6   -27.6   +10.9   +0.2   +2.7   +0.0   27.8   46.0       -18.2    Horiz

11   135.964M   38.6   -27.6   +11.8   +0.3   +2.1   +0.0   25.2   43.5       -18.3    Horiz

12   223.974M   38.1   -27.6   +10.9   +0.2   +2.7   +0.0   24.3   46.0       -21.7    Vert

13   167.706M   36.5   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   +0.0   21.3   43.5       -22.2    Vert

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                                                                          Report No.: FC08-048

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories, Inc. •110 N Olinda Place • Brea, CA 92823 • 714-993-6112

Customer:           SMK Manufacturing, Inc.
Specification:      FCC 15.109 (2006) Radiated Class B
Work Order #:       87968                                                   Date:    5/15/2008
Test Type:          Maximized Emissions                                     Time:    12:30:50
Equipment:          IR Remote                                          Sequence#:    1
Manufacturer:       SMK Manufacturing, Inc.                            Tested By:    Sep Apahidean
Model:              RRC9001-4041E
 Test Equipment:
Function                S/N                       Calibration Date        Cal Due Date              Asset #
Spectrum Analyzer       MY46186290                02/12/2007              02/12/2009                02869
Bilog Antenna           2451                      01/21/2008              01/21/2010                01995
Pre amp to SA Cable     Cable #10                 05/16/2007              05/16/2009                P05050
Cable                   Cable15                   01/05/2007              01/05/2009                P05198
Pre Amp                 1937A02548                06/01/2006              06/01/2008                00309
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                        Model #                      S/N
IR Remote*                SMK Manufacturing, Inc.             RRC9001-4041E
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                  Model #                      S/N
 Test Conditions / Notes:
The equipment under test (EUT) is an infrared remote. The EUT is powered on and sending a signal continuously.
The EUT is powered from four AAA batteries. New batteries were installed prior to testing. Temperature: 23°C,
Humidity: 44%, Pressure: 100kPa.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Preamp 8447D_AN00309_ 060108                               T2=Bilog-AN01995 BILOG_012110
T3=Cable #10_P05050_ 051609                                   T4=Cable #15_P05198_ Site A, 010509

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                         Test Distance: 3 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                T4     Dist     Corr       Spec    Margin         Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                dB    Table dBµV/m dBµV/m           dB             Ant
   1 40.110M        43.1    -27.8 +13.8        +0.1             +1.1 +0.0       30.3       40.0    -9.7          Vert

    2    48.042M         44.6      -27.7       +9.6    +0.1     +1.2     +0.0       27.8     40.0        -12.2   Vert

    3   128.254M         42.8      -27.6   +11.8       +0.3     +2.0     +0.0       29.3     43.5        -14.2   Vert

    4    32.060M         32.9      -27.8   +17.6       +0.1     +0.9     +0.0       23.7     40.0        -16.3   Vert

    5    56.241M         42.8      -27.7       +7.0    +0.1     +1.3     +0.0       23.5     40.0        -16.5   Horiz

    6   136.204M         37.7      -27.6   +11.8       +0.3     +2.1     +0.0       24.3     43.5        -19.2   Vert

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 7   112.081M   38.3   -27.6   +11.1   +0.3   +1.9   +0.0   24.0   43.5       -19.5    Horiz

 8   168.046M   36.2   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   +0.0   21.0   43.5       -22.5    Vert

 9   167.901M   34.9   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   +0.0   19.7   43.5       -23.8    Horiz

10   223.994M   35.3   -27.6   +10.9   +0.2   +2.7   +0.0   21.5   46.0       -24.5    Vert

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Test Setup Photos



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                Report No.: FC08-048

Test Data Sheets

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories, Inc. •110 N Olinda Place • Brea, CA 92823 • 714-993-6112

Customer:           SMK Manufacturing, Inc.
Specification:      ICES-003 -Issue 4 (CISPR 22 B) RADIATED
Work Order #:       87968                                       Date:            5/15/2008
Test Type:          Maximized Emissions                         Time:            12:44:02
Equipment:          IR Remote                             Sequence#:             2
Manufacturer:       SMK Manufacturing, Inc.                Tested By:            Sep Apahidean
Model:              RRC9001-4001L
 Test Equipment:
Function                S/N                       Calibration Date       Cal Due Date           Asset #
Spectrum Analyzer       MY46186290                02/12/2007             02/12/2009             02869
Bilog Antenna           2451                      01/21/2008             01/21/2010             01995
Pre amp to SA Cable     Cable #10                 05/16/2007             05/16/2009             P05050
Cable                   Cable15                   01/05/2007             01/05/2009             P05198
Pre Amp                 1937A02548                06/01/2006             06/01/2008             00309
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                        Model #                   S/N
IR Remote*                SMK Manufacturing, Inc.             RRC9001-4001L
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                  Model #                   S/N
 Test Conditions / Notes:
The equipment under test (EUT) is an infrared remote. The EUT is powered on and sending a signal continuously.
The EUT is powered from four AAA batteries. New batteries were installed prior to testing. Temperature: 23°C,
Humidity: 44%, Pressure: 100kPa.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Preamp 8447D_AN00309_ 060108                               T2=Bilog-AN01995 BILOG_012110
T3=Cable #10_P05050_ 051609                                   T4=Cable #15_P05198_ Site A, 010509

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                         Test Distance: 3 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                T4     Dist     Corr       Spec    Margin     Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                dB    Table dBµV/m dBµV/m           dB         Ant
   1 167.326M       50.0    -27.7 +10.0        +0.3             +2.3 -10.0      24.9       30.0    -5.1      Vert

    2   127.934M         46.8      -27.6   +11.8       +0.3     +2.0    -10.0   23.3     30.0         -6.7   Horiz

    3    31.555M         41.5      -27.8   +17.8       +0.1     +0.9    -10.0   22.5     30.0         -7.5   Vert

    4    48.257M         48.7      -27.7       +9.5    +0.1     +1.2    -10.0   21.8     30.0         -8.2   Vert

    5    40.030M         43.6      -27.8   +13.9       +0.1     +1.1    -10.0   20.9     30.0         -9.1   Vert

    6   223.989M         41.6      -27.6   +10.9       +0.2     +2.7    -10.0   17.8     30.0        -12.2   Horiz

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 7   55.686M    46.9   -27.7    +7.1   +0.1   +1.3   -10.0   17.7   30.0       -12.3    Vert

 8   168.031M   42.6   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   -10.0   17.4   30.0       -12.6    Horiz

 9   112.106M   40.7   -27.6   +11.1   +0.3   +1.9   -10.0   16.4   30.0       -13.6    Vert

10   167.651M   41.2   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   -10.0   16.0   30.0       -14.0    Horiz

11   135.964M   38.6   -27.6   +11.8   +0.3   +2.1   -10.0   15.2   30.0       -14.8    Horiz

12   223.974M   38.1   -27.6   +10.9   +0.2   +2.7   -10.0   14.3   30.0       -15.7    Vert

13   167.706M   36.5   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   -10.0   11.3   30.0       -18.7    Vert

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                                                                           Report No.: FC08-048

Test Location:      CKC Laboratories, Inc. •110 N Olinda Place • Brea, CA 92823 • 714-993-6112

Customer:           SMK Manufacturing, Inc.
Specification:      ICES-003 -Issue 4 (CISPR 22 B) RADIATED
Work Order #:       87968                                       Date:            5/15/2008
Test Type:          Maximized Emissions                         Time:            12:30:50
Equipment:          IR Remote                             Sequence#:             1
Manufacturer:       SMK Manufacturing, Inc.                Tested By:            Sep Apahidean
Model:              RRC9001-4041E
 Test Equipment:
Function                S/N                       Calibration Date       Cal Due Date           Asset #
Spectrum Analyzer       MY46186290                02/12/2007             02/12/2009             02869
Bilog Antenna           2451                      01/21/2008             01/21/2010             01995
Pre amp to SA Cable     Cable #10                 05/16/2007             05/16/2009             P05050
Cable                   Cable15                   01/05/2007             01/05/2009             P05198
Pre Amp                 1937A02548                06/01/2006             06/01/2008             00309
 Equipment Under Test (* = EUT):
Function                  Manufacturer                        Model #                   S/N
IR Remote*                SMK Manufacturing, Inc.             RRC9001-4041E
 Support Devices:
Function                        Manufacturer                  Model #                   S/N
 Test Conditions / Notes:
The equipment under test (EUT) is an infrared remote. The EUT is powered on and sending a signal continuously.
The EUT is powered from four AAA batteries. New batteries were installed prior to testing. Temperature: 23°C,
Humidity: 44%, Pressure: 100kPa.
 Transducer Legend:
T1=Preamp 8447D_AN00309_ 060108                               T2=Bilog-AN01995 BILOG_012110
T3=Cable #10_P05050_ 051609                                   T4=Cable #15_P05198_ Site A, 010509

Measurement Data:       Reading listed by margin.                         Test Distance: 3 Meters
 #      Freq      Rdng     T1        T2      T3                T4     Dist     Corr       Spec    Margin     Polar
        MHz       dBµV     dB        dB      dB                dB    Table dBµV/m dBµV/m           dB         Ant
   1 40.110M        43.1    -27.8 +13.8        +0.1             +1.1 -10.0      20.3       30.0    -9.7      Vert

    2   128.254M         42.8      -27.6   +11.8       +0.3     +2.0    -10.0   19.3     30.0        -10.7   Vert

    3    48.042M         44.6      -27.7       +9.6    +0.1     +1.2    -10.0   17.8     30.0        -12.2   Vert

    4   136.204M         37.7      -27.6   +11.8       +0.3     +2.1    -10.0   14.3     30.0        -15.7   Vert

    5   112.081M         38.3      -27.6   +11.1       +0.3     +1.9    -10.0   14.0     30.0        -16.0   Horiz

    6    32.060M         32.9      -27.8   +17.6       +0.1     +0.9    -10.0   13.7     30.0        -16.3   Vert

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 7   56.241M    42.8   -27.7    +7.0   +0.1   +1.3   -10.0   13.5   30.0       -16.5    Horiz

 8   223.994M   35.3   -27.6   +10.9   +0.2   +2.7   -10.0   11.5   30.0       -18.5    Vert

 9   168.046M   36.2   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   -10.0   11.0   30.0       -19.0    Vert

10   167.901M   34.9   -27.7    +9.9   +0.3   +2.3   -10.0   9.7    30.0       -20.3    Horiz

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                                                                           Report No.: FC08-048

Document Created: 2008-06-05 10:03:23
Document Modified: 2008-06-05 10:03:23

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