Users Manual


Users Manual

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          TC100 Communications Transceiver
                                  Pilot Guide
The TG100 Communications Transceiver provides simplex
communication using one of 760 avalable channels from 118.00 to
196.975 wih 25 KHz spacing. The TG100 provides active and standby
freauency indication, frequency memory storage, and knob—operated
freauency selection.
Front Panel
The userinterface ofthe TG100 includes a display window, wo push—
buttonkeys, concentricONOFF and SQUELCHknobs, and atrequency
tuning knob

                   recere                   wemory rosmon
                   wocaron~\              / macaron
                   musum                    memory
                   wocaron                  rr€auecy moicaron
       romve                                  comg
       wnoow                                           somouy
 rowen suten
 (rertnon)                                                e

     auromwda.                                   norm
     sausionswrton Twsren                    wevory stomoe
     (ourery                                 surron
                   wret                       _ access ron
                        roroceu ron
 The active frequency is displayed on the left side of the display
 window and the standby frequency is displayed on the right side.
 The TG100 displays a °T"to the right ofthe active frequency during
 transmit and displays an "R" when the transceiver is recelving.
 When the TG100 is in memory transfer mode, it displays an "M" to
 the let of the standby frequency.. The memory posiion number is
 displayed between the active and standby frequencies.


         Rotate the power knob, the inner knob on the lef, to turn the
O ®@     unit ON or OFF and adjust the volume.

         Rotate the squelch knob, the outer knob on the lef, to select
         auto or manual squelch. For auto squelch turn the knob
         counterclockwise unti it clicks

         Rotate the frequency tuning knob located on the right side of
8 8 ®
         the unit to tune new frequencies.
         After tuning a new frequency, press the frequency transter
         button to make it the active frequency.
         Press the memory storage button to store a new frequency to
         memory or to recall a stored frequency.

   1 Rotate the power knob clockwise to tum ON the TC100.
        The TG100 displays the following for 5 seconds after it is
        tumed on:

                      1888081 810888 |

        then displays the last used frequencies
        Rotate the squelch knob clockwise untl you hear background
        Adjst the volume by rotating the power knob untl the noise
        reaches the desired level.
        Rotate the squelch knob countercockwise untit cicks to set
        the auto squelch mode.
        Key your microphone to transmit on the actve frequency.
        Release the key to automatically set the transceiver in receive

Tune a New Frequency
  1. Press the tuning knob to cause the ast two digis ofthe MHz in
     the standby window to blink.
  2. Rotate the tuning knob untl the correct cigts are cisplayed.
  3. Press the turing knob to cause the kHz digtsi the standby
     window to bink.
  4. Rotate the tuning knob untl the correct digs are cisplayed.
  5. Press the tuning knob to cause all digis to stop binking.
  6. Press the        button to ranster the new frequency to the
    active wincow.
Program a New Frequency in Memory
  1. Press [PHT] to select the desired memory positon. The TG100
     isplays an °M"to the lft of the standby frequency.
  2. Tune a new frequency in the standoy window
  3. Press [PRRJ t store the now trequency to the selected memory
     postion. "Tne "M"iluminates t confim storage
    NOTE: Memory postion 0 is permanenty programmed to the
             emergency frequency, 121.50 MHz.. It cannot be

Recall and Use Frequencies from Memory
  1. Press [PRT] repeatedty untl the desired stored trequency is
     cisplayed in the standy window.
  2. Press g to transterthe memory stored freauency t the
     active window.
Voice Operated Intercom (VOX)—Optional
The TG100 has an intercom option that,itinstaled,alows handsfree
communication between the plot and copilt.. Forthe best results
folow these guidaines:
   1. Use the same type of microphone for plot and coplot (.e. 2
      dynamic or 2 noise canceling, but not one of each)
  2. Speak loudly and clearly with the microphone on your lips.
  3. Use a feam covering on the microphone to eliminate breathing
     sounds and wind noise.
The VOX intercom squeich level and volume level are preset at the
factory, but can be adjusted as necessary. See the TrmLine TG100
Installation and Checkout Manual (Publication No. 83458) tor
information on how to do this.

Modification of this product without the the written
authorization of Trimble Navigation (Limited) may void
the user’s ability to legally operated this equipment.

Document Created: 2019-09-05 15:23:21
Document Modified: 2019-09-05 15:23:21

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