DXX Report


Test Report

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   eTap System, Rear Derailleur

     MODEL NUMBER: 12901

       FCC ID: C9O-RDED
        IC: 10161A-RDED



           Prepared for
           SRAM LLC
     CHICAO, IL 60607, U.S.A.

           Prepared by
   FREMONT, CA 94538, U.S.A.
       TEL: (510) 771-1000
       FAX: (510) 661-0888

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

                                                 Revision History

 Rev.       Date            Revisions                                                                  Revised By
  V1        09/25/15        Initial Issue                                                              C.S.OOI
                            Revised radiated emission notes.
                            Revised section 5.5.
  V2        10/07/15        Added below 30MHz data.                                                    C.S.OOI
                            Added 20dB bandwidth data
                            Added radiated emission test plot.
                            Revised below 30MHz data.
  V3        10/09/15                                                                                   C.S.OOI
                            Revised RSS-247to RSS-210
  V4        10/16/15        Revised calibration date of test equipment                                 C.S.OOI

                                     Page 2 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                           DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                          IC: 10161A-RDED

                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.     ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS ................................................................................. 4

2.     TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 5

3.     FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION ................................................................................. 5

4.     CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................ 6
     4.1.    MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION .............................................................. 6
     4.2.    SAMPLE CALCULATION ............................................................................................ 6
     4.3.    MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................... 6

5.     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ............................................................................................... 7
     5.1.    DESCRIPTION OF EUT .............................................................................................. 7
     5.2.    MAXIMUM OUTPUT FUNDAMENTAL FIELD STRENGTH ......................................... 7
     5.3.    DESCRIPTION OF AVAILABLE ANTENNAS .............................................................. 7
     5.4.    SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE .................................................................................... 7
     5.5.    WORST-CASE CONFIGURATION AND MODE .......................................................... 7
     5.6.    DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................ 8

6.     TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ......................................................................10

7.     ANTENNA PORT TEST RESULTS ...................................................................................11
     7.1. ANT+ MODE IN THE 2.4 GHz BAND ........................................................................11
       7.1.1. ON TIME AND DUTY CYCLE ..............................................................................11
       7.1.2. DUTY CYCLE PLOT ............................................................................................11
       7.1.3. 99% BANDWIDTH ...............................................................................................12
       7.1.4. 20dB BANDWIDTH ..............................................................................................15

8.     RADIATED TEST RESULTS .............................................................................................18
     8.1.    LIMITS AND PROCEDURE ........................................................................................18
     8.1. TRANSMITTER ABOVE 1 GHz ..................................................................................20
       8.1.1. TX ABOVE 1 GHz FOR ANT+ MODE IN THE 2.4 GHz BAND ............................20
       8.1.2. FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY RADIATED EMISSION ......................................24
       8.1.3. HARMONIC RADIATED EMISSION ....................................................................25
     8.2.    WORST-CASE BELOW 1 GHz ...................................................................................29
     8.3.    RADIATED EMISSION BELOW 30MHz .....................................................................31

9.     SETUP PHOTOS ...............................................................................................................33

                                     Page 3 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

COMPANY NAME:                      SRAM LLC

EUT DESCRIPTION:                   eTap System, Rear Derailleur

MODEL:                             12901

SERIAL NUMBER:                     Radiated: 9902; Conducted: 10902

DATE TESTED:                       SEPTEMBER 4 – OCTOBER 09, 2015

                                         APPLICABLE STANDARDS
                              STANDARD                                                 TEST RESULTS
                      CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart C                                                Pass
               INDUSTRY CANADA RSS-210 Issue 8                                                Pass
              INDUSTRY CANADA RSS-GEN Issue 4                                                 Pass

UL Verification Services Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements
set forth in the above standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions
expressed by UL Verification Services Inc. based on interpretations and/or observations of test
results. Measurement Uncertainties were not taken into account and are published for
informational purposes only. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the
conditions and modes of operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or
revised in any way unless done so by UL Verification Services Inc. and all revisions are duly
noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by UL Verification
Services Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used
by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any
agency of the Federal Government, or any agency of any government.

Approved & Released For
UL Verification Services Inc. By:                               Tested By:

CHOON SIAN OOI                                                  JEFFREY WU
PROJECT LEAD                                                    EMC ENGINEER
UL Verification Services Inc.                                   UL Verification Services Inc.

                                     Page 4 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with FCC CFR 47 Part 2,
FCC CFR 47 Part 15, ANSI C63.10-2013, RSS-GEN Issue 4, RSS-210 Issue 8.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 47173 and 47266
Benicia Street, Fremont, California, USA. Line conducted emissions are measured only at the
47173 address. The following table identifies which facilities were utilized for radiated emission
measurements documented in this report. Specific facilities are also identified in the test results

                          47173 Benicia Street                  47266 Benicia Street
                                Chamber A                             Chamber D
                                Chamber B                             Chamber E
                                Chamber C                             Chamber F
                                                                     Chamber G
                                                                      Chamber H

The above test sites and facilities are covered under FCC Test Firm Registration # 208313.
Chambers A through H are covered under Industry Canada company address code 2324B with
site numbers 2324B -1 through 2324B-8, respectively.

UL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0. The full
scope of accreditation can be viewed at http://ts.nist.gov/standards/scopes/2000650.htm.

                                     Page 5 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been
calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to
recognized national standards.

   4.2.          SAMPLE CALCULATION

Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
      Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) +
      Cable Loss (dB) – Preamp Gain (dB)
      36.5 dBuV + 18.7 dB/m + 0.6 dB – 26.9 dB = 28.9 dBuV/m

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests
performed on the apparatus:

               PARAMETER                                UNCERTAINTY
 Conducted Disturbance, 0.15 to 30 MHz                    ± 3.52 dB
 Radiated Disturbance, 30 to 1000 MHz                     ± 4.94 dB
 Radiated Disturbance, 1 to 6 GHz                         ± 3.86 dB
 Radiated Disturbance, 6 to 18 GHz                        ± 4.23 dB
 Radiated Disturbance, 18 to 26 GHz                       ± 5.30 dB
 Radiated Disturbance, 26 to 40 GHz                       ± 5.23 dB

Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

                                     Page 6 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED


   5.1.          DESCRIPTION OF EUT

The EUT is an eTap System, Rear Derailleur with 802.15.4 SRAMLink and ANT+ technology.


The transmitter has a maximum peak conducted output power as follows:

 Frequency Range             Mode          Peak E-field Strength           Avg E-field Strength           Distance
       (MHz)                                       (dBuV/m)                       (dBuV/m)                    (m)
    2402 - 2480              ANT +                   77.23                          77.14                    3.00


The radio utilizes a ceramic antenna (P/N 2450AT42A100) by Johanson Technology, with a
maximum gain of 0 dBi.

   5.4.          SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE

The firmware installed in the EUT during testing was 1.0.0.

The test utility software used during testing was Bootloader, Rev.; Bootstick, Rev.


Radiated emission and power line conducted emission were performed with the EUT set to
transmit at the channel with highest output power as worst-case scenario.

The fundamental of the EUT was investigated in three orthogonal orientations X,Y,Z, it was
determined that Y orientation was worst-case orientation; therefore, all final radiated testing was
performed with the EUT in Y orientation.

                                     Page 7 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                   DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                  IC: 10161A-RDED

     5.6.          DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP

                                                 Support Equipment List
Description                           Manufacturer    Model                           Serial Number                      FCC ID
               Laptop                        Lenovo                  T410S                         N/A                       N/A
            AC Adapter                       Lenovo                135W                            N/A                       N/A
              Laptop                          ACER                 P1EV6              LUSFT02292260C8E83400                  N/A
            AC Adapter                        ACER               W10-040N1A                F13061332048621                   N/A
    Regulated DC Power Supply              Kenwood                PA36-3A                       7060074                      N/A


                                                  I/O Cable List
Cable Port              # of identical    Connector    Cable Type           Cable Length Remarks
No                      ports             Type                              (m)
1         DC Power 1                      Banand Plug Shielded              0.5m            N/A


The EUT is a stand-alone unit during the tests. Test software exercised the radio card.

                                     Page 8 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED


                                     Page 9 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED


The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this

                                                  Test Equipment List
            Description               Manufacturer                 Model          T No.     Cal Date      Cal Due
Radiated Software                            UL                   UL EMC               Ver 9.5, July 22, 2014
Line Conducted Software                      UL                   UL EMC               Ver 9.5, May 26, 2015
Bilog Antenna 30-1000MHz                   Sunol                     JB1           477     06/10/15 06/10/16
Bilog Antenna 30-1000MHz                   Sunol                     JB1           185     02/18/15 02/18/16
Horn Antenna 1-18GHz                        ETS                     3117           119     01/15/15 01/15/16
Antenna, Horn, 26.5 GHz                     ARA          MWH-1826/B                 39 01/29/15          01/29/16
Horn Antenna 1-18GHz                        ETS                     3117           136     03/03/15 03/03/16
Preamp 10kHz-1000MHz                     Sonoma                     310            300     11/01/14 11/18/15
Preamp 1-8GHz                             Miteq          AMF-4D-01000800-30-29P    782     11/18/14 11/17/15
Preamp 1-18GHz                            Miteq           AFS42-00101800-25-2-42   493     01/16/15 01/16/16
Preamp 1-26.5GHz                          Agilent                  8449B           404     04/06/15 05/26/16
Coaxial Switchbox                         Agilent                   SP6T           927     03/03/15 03/03/16
Spectrum Analzer 3Hz to 44GHz             Agilent                 E4446A            99     06/10/15 06/10/16
3GHz HPF                              Micro-Tronics             HPM17543           486     11/18/14 11/18/15
5GHz LPF                              Micro-Tronics              LPS17541          481     11/18/14 11/18/15
6GHz HPF                              Micro-Tronics              HPS17542          484     11/18/14 09/16/16
EMI Test Receiver                   Rohde & Schwarz                ECSI 7          284     09/16/15 11/01/16
Power Meter                               Agilent                 N1911A          1264     11/01/15 03/09/16
Power Sensor                              Agilent                 E9327A           117     03/09/15 01/16/16
LISN for Conducted Emissions                FCC                50/250-25-2          24     01/16/15 01/16/16
      Antenna, Loop, 30 MHz               EMCO                     6502          C00593 02/20/15 02/21/16

                                     Page 10 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED


   7.1.          ANT+ MODE IN THE 2.4 GHz BAND

         7.1.1. ON TIME AND DUTY CYCLE

None; for reporting purposes only.


           Mode                 ON Time       Period      Duty Cycle        Duty           Duty Cycle                1/B
                                   B                           x            Cycle       Correction Factor       Minimum VBW
                                 (msec)       (msec)       (linear)          (%)              (dB)                  (kHz)
2.4GHz Band
ANT+                              10.000      10.000         1.000        100.00%               0.00                   0.010

         7.1.2. DUTY CYCLE PLOT

             DUTY CYCLE 802.15.4 SRAMLink

                                     Page 11 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

         7.1.3. 99% BANDWIDTH

None; for reporting purposes only.


The transmitter output is connected to the spectrum analyzer. The RBW is set to 1% to 3% of
the 99 % bandwidth. The VBW is set to 3 times the RBW. The sweep time is coupled. The
spectrum analyzer internal 99% bandwidth function is utilized.


  Channel       Frequency           99% Bandwidth                20dB Bandwidth
                   (MHz)                  (MHz)                         (KHz)
    Low             2410                0.0908114                       11.35
   Middle           2457                0.0855944                       11.35
    High            2480                0.0945508                       11.54

                                     Page 12 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED


             99% BANDWIDTH LOW CH

             99% BANDWIDTH MID CH

                                     Page 13 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

             99% BANDWIDTH HIGH CH

                                     Page 14 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

         7.1.4. 20dB BANDWIDTH

None; for reporting purposes only.


The transmitter output is connected to a spectrum analyzer. The RBW is set to ≥ 1% of the 20
dB bandwidth. The VBW is set to ≥ RBW. The sweep time is coupled


  Channel       Frequency             20dB Bandwidth
                   (MHz)                    (KHz)
    Low             2410                     11.35
   Middle           2457                     11.35
    High            2480                     11.54

                                     Page 15 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED


             20dB BANDWIDTH LOW CH

             20dB BANDWIDTH MID CH

                                     Page 16 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

             20dB BANDWIDTH HIGH CH

                                     Page 17 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED


   8.1.          LIMITS AND PROCEDURE

FCC 15.249

Operation within the bands 902–928 MHz, 2400–2483.5 MHz, 5725–5875 MHZ, and 24.0–
24.25 GHz.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field strength of emissions from
intentional radiators operated within these frequency bands shall comply with the following:

(d) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be
attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission
limits in § 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

(e) As shown in Sec. 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are based on average limits. However, the peak field strength
of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits specified above by more
than 20 dB under any condition of modulation.

                                     Page 18 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

                                     Page 19 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                                                   DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                                                  IC: 10161A-RDED

         8.1.               TRANSMITTER ABOVE 1 GHz

              8.1.1. TX ABOVE 1 GHz FOR ANT+ MODE IN THE 2.4 GHz BAND

                       LOW CHANNEL, HORIZ

Trace Markers
Marker     Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T136   Amp/Cbl/Flt   Fixture Corr   Corrected    Average   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading         (dB/m)     r/Pad (dB)       (dB)        Reading      Limit     (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                                 (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)
  1          * 2.39    38.99      Pk     32        -24.6            0          46.39         -          -        74         -27.61      240      262         H
  2         * 2.341    42.89      Pk    31.9       -24.7            0          50.09         -          -        74         -23.91      240      262         H
  3          * 2.39    30.34     RMS     32        -24.6            0          37.74        54       -16.26       -            -        240      262         H
  4         * 2.345    31.26     RMS    31.9       -24.7            0          38.46        54       -15.54       -            -        240      262         H

Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                     Page 20 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                                      DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                                     IC: 10161A-RDED


                     LOW CHANNEL, VERT

Trace Markers
Marker   Frequency     Meter    Det   AF T136   Amp/Cbl/    Corrected    Average   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)      Reading         (dB/m)     Fltr/Pad    Reading      Limit     (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBuV)                       (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)
  4      * 2.344      31.08     RMS    31.9      -24.7       38.28        54       -15.72       -            -         92       276        V
  2      * 2.386      42.6       Pk     32       -24.6         50          -          -        74           -24        92       276        V
  1       * 2.39      40.05      Pk     32       -24.6       47.45         -          -        74         -26.55       92       276        V
  3       * 2.39      30.3      RMS     32       -24.6        37.7        54        -16.3       -            -         92       276        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR15.205/IC7.2.2 Restricted Band

Pk - Peak detector

RMS - RMS detection

                                     Page 21 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                                      DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                                     IC: 10161A-RDED


                     HIGH CHANNEL, HORIZ

Trace Markers
Marker   Frequency     Meter    Det   AF T136   Amp/Cbl/    Corrected    Average   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)      Reading         (dB/m)     Fltr/Pad    Reading      Limit     (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBuV)                       (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)
  1      * 2.484      40.07      Pk    32.1      -24.5       47.67         -          -        74         -26.33      331       107        H
  3      * 2.484      30.08     RMS    32.1      -24.5       37.68        54       -16.32       -            -        331       107        H
  2      * 2.488      42.62      Pk    32.1      -24.5       50.22         -          -        74         -23.78      331       107        H
  4       2.531       31.07     RMS    32.1      -24.5       38.67        54       -15.33       -            -        331       107        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR15.205/IC7.2.2 Restricted Band

Pk - Peak detector

RMS - RMS detection

                                     Page 22 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                                      DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                                     IC: 10161A-RDED


                     HIGH CHANNEL, VERT

Trace Markers

Marker   Frequency     Meter    Det   AF T136   Amp/Cbl/    Corrected    Average   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)      Reading         (dB/m)     Fltr/Pad    Reading      Limit     (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBuV)                       (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)
  1      * 2.484      39.74      Pk    32.1      -24.5       47.34         -          -        74         -26.66       97       252        V
  3      * 2.484      30.21     RMS    32.1      -24.5       37.81        54       -16.19       -            -         97       252        V
  2        2.52       42.91      Pk    32.1      -24.5       50.51         -          -        74         -23.49       97       252        V
  4       2.541       30.82     RMS    32.2      -24.4       38.62        54       -15.38       -            -         97       252        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR15.205/IC7.2.2 Restricted Band

Pk - Peak detector

RMS - RMS detection

                                     Page 23 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                                             DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                                            IC: 10161A-RDED


                                 FCC, VCCI, CISPR, CE, AUSTEL, NZ                                Project #:      15U21451
                                 UL, CSA, TUV, BSMI, DHHS, NVLAP                                 Report #:       15U21451
                                                                                              Date& Time:         09/21/15
                          47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                         Test Engr:        G. Escano

                                Company:               SRAM LLC
                         EUT Description:              Zigbee & ANT +
                       Test Configuration :            Y POSITION (eTap Rear Derailleur)
                              Type of Test:            FCC
                       Mode of Operation:              Transmitting : ANT+ mode

  M% = ((t1+t2+t3+…)/T) * 66.83% =          100.00%                                 Av Reading = Pk Reading + 20*log(M%)
                                                                                    20 * log (M%) =       0.00

     Freq.    Pk Rdg   Av Rdg      AF        Closs     Pre-amp Pk Level Av Level Pk Limit Av Limit Pk Margin Avg Margin       Pol     Az      Height
    (MHz)     (dBuV)   (dBuV)     (dB)       (dB)        (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) FCC_B FCC_B          (dB)       (dB)         (H/V)   (Deg)    (Meter)
  Low channel
  2410.00      72.73   72.52     31.97      -34.48       0.00       70.22   70.00    114.00    94.00    -43.78     -24.00    3mV      92.00   276.00
  2410.00      73.27   73.08     31.97      -34.48       0.00       70.76   70.57    114.00    94.00    -43.24     -23.44    3mH     240.00   262.00
  Mid channel
  2457.00      76.87   76.82     32.08      -34.38       0.00       74.57   74.52    114.00    94.00    -39.43     -19.48    3mV     146.00   170.00
  2457.00      75.17   75.04     32.08      -34.38       0.00       72.87   72.75    114.00    94.00    -41.13     -21.25    3mH     183.00   270.00
  High channel
  2480.00     75.86    75.74     32.08      -34.33       0.00       73.61   73.49    114.00    94.00    -40.39     -20.51    3mV      97.00   252.00
  2480.00     77.23    77.14     32.08      -34.33       0.00       74.98   74.89    114.00    94.00    -39.02     -19.11    3mH     331.00   106.00

  AVG VB=1/Ton, Voltage Averaging Max Hold where: Ton is the duration of the packet

                                     Page 24 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                                               DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                                              IC: 10161A-RDED


                                                                                                   Project #:      15U21451
                                                                                                   Report #:       15U21451
                              FCC, VCCI, CISPR, CE, AUSTEL, NZ                                                      09/21/15
                              UL, CSA, TUV, BSMI, DHHS, NVLAP
                                                                                                Date& Time:
                                                                                                 Test Engr:        G. Escano
                       47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA

                                   Company:               SRAM LLC
                            EUT Description:              Zigbee & ANT +
                          Test Configuration :            Y POSITION (eTap Rear Derailleur)
                                 Type of Test:            FCC
                          Mode of Operation:              Transmitting : ANT+ mode

  M% = ((t1+t2+t3+…)/T) * 66.83% =             100.00%                                Av Reading = Pk Reading + 20*log(M%)
                                                                                      20 * log (M%) =       0.00

     Freq.    Pk Rdg     Av Rdg        AF       Closs     Pre-amp Pk Level Av Level Pk Limit Av Limit Pk Margin Avg Margin      Pol     Az      Height
    (MHz)     (dBuV)     (dBuV)       (dB)      (dB)        (dB) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) FCC_B FCC_B          (dB)       (dB)        (H/V)   (Deg)    (Meter)
  Low channel
  4820.00      41.19      37.60      33.96      -30.67      0.00      44.48   40.89     74.00    54.00    -29.52     -13.11    3mV      92.00   276.00
  4820.00      41.50      38.19      33.96      -30.67      0.00      44.79   41.48     74.00    54.00    -29.21     -12.52    3mH     240.00   262.00
  Mid channel
  4914.00      41.50      38.19      33.85      -31.04      0.00      44.31   41.00     74.00    54.00    -29.69     -13.00    3mV     146.00   170.00
  4914.00      40.34      38.26      33.85      -31.04      0.00      43.16   41.07     74.00    54.00    -30.84     -12.93    3mH     183.00   270.00
  High channel
  4960.00      42.41      38.42      33.99      -31.00      0.00      45.40   41.41     74.00    54.00    -28.60     -12.59    3mV      97.00   252.00
  4960.00      42.12      38.40      33.99      -31.00      0.00      45.11   41.39     74.00    54.00    -28.89     -12.61    3mH     331.00   106.00

  AVG VB=1/Ton, Voltage Averaging Max Hold where: Ton is the duration of the packet

                                     Page 25 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                     DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                    IC: 10161A-RDED

Fundamental and Harmonic Test Plot

Low Channel Horizontal

Low Channel Vertical

Note: Emission was scanned up to 26GHz; No emissions were detected above the noise floor which was at least 20dB below the
specification limit.

                                     Page 26 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                     DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                    IC: 10161A-RDED

Mid Channel Horizontal

Mid Channel Vertical

Note: Emission was scanned up to 26GHz; No emissions were detected above the noise floor which was at least 20dB below the
specification limit.

                                     Page 27 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                     DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                    IC: 10161A-RDED

High Channel Horizontal

High Channel Vertical

Note: Emission was scanned up to 26GHz; No emissions were detected above the noise floor which was at least 20dB below the
specification limit.

                                     Page 28 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

   8.2.          WORST-CASE BELOW 1 GHz


                                     Page 29 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                        DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                       IC: 10161A-RDED



Trace Markers
Marker     Frequency    Meter    Det    AF T185     Amp/Cbl    Corrected   QPk Limit   Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (MHz)     Reading          (dB/m)       (dB)       Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                  (dBuV/m)
  2       * 125.2425   29.73     Pk       14          -26       17.73       43.52      -25.79     0-360      400        H
  4          30.17     38.11     Pk      21.6        -27.2      32.51        40         -7.49     0-360      100        V
  1        30.3825     34.56     Pk      21.5        -27.2      28.86        40        -11.14     0-360      100        H
  5         60.005     35.44     Pk       7.3        -26.8      15.94        40        -24.06     0-360      100        V
  6        66.5075     34.31     Pk       8.1        -26.7      15.71        40        -24.29     0-360      100        V
  7        100.295     33.26     Pk       9.8        -26.3      16.76       43.52      -26.76     0-360      100        V
  3          443.5     33.55     Pk      16.8        -24.9      25.45       46.02      -20.57     0-360      200        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR15.205/IC7.2.2 Restricted Band

Pk - Peak detector

                                     Page 30 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                 DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                IC: 10161A-RDED

   8.3.          RADIATED EMISSION BELOW 30MHz



                                     Page 31 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 15U21451-E2V4                                                                            DATE: OCTOBER 16, 2015
FCC ID: C9O-RDED                                                                                           IC: 10161A-RDED

Trace Markers
Marker   Frequenc    Meter    Det     Loop    Cbl (dB)   Dist Corr   Correcte     Peak     Margin    Avg Limit   Margin   Azimuth
             y      Reading         Antenna               300m          d         Limit     (dB)     (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (Degs)
           (MHz)    (dBuV)           (dB/m)                          Reading    (dBuV/m)
  1       .01172    41.41     Pk     18.1        .1        -80       -20.39      66.23     -86.62     46.23      -66.62   0-360
  4        .0133    40.97     Pk     17.5        .1        -80       -21.43      65.12     -86.55     45.12      -66.55   0-360
  5       .25527    43.28     Pk     10.3        .1        -80       -26.32      39.46     -65.78     19.46      -45.78   0-360

Pk - Peak detector
Marker   Frequenc    Meter    Det     Loop    Cbl (dB)   Dist Corr   Correcte     Peak     Margin    Avg Limit   Margin   Azimuth
             y      Reading         Antenna                (dB)         d         Limit     (dB)     (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (Degs)
           (MHz)    (dBuV)           (dB/m)               40Log      Reading    (dBuV/m)
  2       .62929    35.09     Pk     10.2        .1        -40        5.39       31.63     -26.24        -         -      0-360
  3       3.56468   16.64     Pk     10.5        .3        -40       -12.56      29.54      -42.1        -         -      0-360
  6       7.33905   13.52     Pk     10.5        .4        -40       -15.58      29.54     -45.12        -         -      0-360

Pk - Peak detector
FCC 15.209 Below 30MHz.TST 30915 8 Jan 2015
Rev 9.5 24 Jun 2015

                                     Page 32 of 38
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Document Created: 2015-10-16 13:54:43
Document Modified: 2015-10-16 13:54:43

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