Test report 802.11 Part 2

FCC ID: C3K1793

Test Report

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                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793

   Plot 9-65. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11n HT40 (Ch. 54)

   Plot 9-66. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11n HT40 (Ch. 62)

  Plot 9-67. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11n HT40 (Ch. 102)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 43 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

  Plot 9-68. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11n HT40 (Ch. 110)

  Plot 9-69. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11n HT40 (Ch. 134)

  Plot 9-70. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11n HT40 (Ch. 142)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 44 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

  Plot 9-71. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11n HT40 (Ch. 151)

  Plot 9-72. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11n HT40 (Ch. 159)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 45 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793 Chain A 802.11ac VHT20 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
                 Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
      Band       Channel No.    Frequency (MHz)    26-dB Emission   99% Occupied
                                                  Bandwidth (MHz)     BW (MHz)
     UNII-1           36              5180              19.81          17.628
                      44              5220              19.83          17.604
                      48              5240              19.84          17.598
    UNII-2A           52              5260              19.92          17.608
                      60              5300              19.88          17.596
                      64              5320              19.90          17.594
    UNII-2C          100              5500              19.92          17.599
                     116              5580              19.78          17.599
                     140              5700              19.82          17.606
    Straddle         144              5720              19.86          17.600
     UNII-3          149              5745              19.82          17.592
                     157              5785              19.82          17.580
                     165              5825              19.85          17.594

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 46 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793

  Plot 9-73. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 36)

  Plot 9-74. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 44)

  Plot 9-75. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 48)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 47 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793

  Plot 9-76. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 52)

  Plot 9-77. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 60)

  Plot 9-78. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 64)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 48 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

 Plot 9-79. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 100)

 Plot 9-80. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 116)

 Plot 9-81. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 140)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 49 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

   Plot 9-82. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT (CH.144)

 Plot 9-83. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 149)

 Plot 9-84. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 157)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 50 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

 Plot 9-85. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 165)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 51 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793 Chain B 802.11ac VHT20 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
                 Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
      Band       Channel No.    Frequency (MHz)    26-dB Emission   99% Occupied
                                                  Bandwidth (MHz)     BW (MHz)
     UNII-1           36              5180              19.92          17.618
                      44              5220              19.85          17.614
                      48              5240              19.84          17.600
    UNII-2A           52              5260              19.82          17.624
                      60              5300              19.94          17.631
                      64              5320              19.82          17.608
    UNII-2C          100              5500              19.75          17.628
                     116              5580              19.74          17.620
                     140              5700              19.85          17.622
    Straddle         144              5720              19.97          17.611
     UNII-3          149              5745              19.72          17.615
                     157              5785              19.85          17.631
                     165              5825              19.84          17.623

  Plot 9-86. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 36)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 52 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793

  Plot 9-87. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 44)

  Plot 9-88. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 48)

  Plot 9-89 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 52)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 53 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793

  Plot 9-90. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 60)

  Plot 9-91. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 64)

 Plot 9-92. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 100)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 54 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

 Plot 9-93. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 116)

 Plot 9-94. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 140)

 Plot 9-95. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 144)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 55 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

 Plot 9-96. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 149)

 Plot 9-97. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 157)

 Plot 9-98. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 20 (CH. 165)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 56 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793 Chain A 802.11ac VHT40 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
                  Chain A 802.11ac VHT40 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
      Band       Channel No.     Frequency (MHz)   26-dB Emission   99% Occupied
                                                  Bandwidth (MHz)     BW (MHz)
     UNII-1           38              5190              40.40          36.082
                      46              5230              40.27          36.162
    UNII-2A           54              5270              40.30          36.136
                      62              5310              40.17          36.110
    UNII-2C          102              5510              39.87          36.126
                     110              5550              40.42          36.113
                     134              5670              40.06          36.109
    Straddle         142              5710              40.49          36.103
     UNII-3          151              5755              40.70          36.127
                     159              5795              40.13          36.106

  Plot 9-99. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 38)

 Plot 9-100. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 46)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 57 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-101. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 54)

Plot 9-102. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 62)

Plot 9-103. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 102)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 58 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-104. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 110)

Plot 9-105. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 134)

Plot 9-106. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 142)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 59 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-107. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 151)

Plot 9-108. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 159)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 60 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                       FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                      IC ID: 3048A-1793 Chain B 802.11ac VHT40 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
                   Chain b 802.11ac vHT40 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
      Band        Channel No.     Frequency (MHz)   26-dB Emission    99% Occupied
                                                    Bandwidth (MHz)     BW (MHz)
     UNII-1            38              5190              39.85           36.129
                       46              5230              40.15           36.095
    UNII-2A            54              5270              39.84           36.100
                       62              5310              39.87           36.110
    UNII-2C           102              5510              40.04           36.066
                      110              5550              39.85           36.109
                      134              5670              39.88           36.084
    Straddle          142              5710              40.06           36.078
     UNII-3           151              5755              40.08           36.060
                      159              5795              39.74           36.110

Plot 9-109. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 38)

Plot 9-110. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 46)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017                Page 61 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                    IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-111. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 54)

Plot 9-112. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40 (CH. 62)

 Plot 9-113. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40(CH.102)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017              Page 62 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-114. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40(CH.110)

Plot 9-115. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40(CH.134)

Plot 9-116. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40(CH.142)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 63 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-117. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40(CH.151)

Plot 9-118. 26dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT 40(CH.159)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 64 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                      FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                     IC ID: 3048A-1793 Chain A 802.11ac VHT80 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
                   Chain A 802.11ac VHT80 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
      Band        Channel No.     Frequency (MHz)   26-dB Emission   99% Occupied
                                                   Bandwidth (MHz)     BW (MHz)
     UNII-1            42              5210              81.74          76.262
    UNII-2A            58              5290              81.57          76.124
    UNII-2C           106              5530              81.58          76.039
                      122              5610              81.65          76.228
    Straddle          138              5690              81.35          75.918
     UNII-3           155              5775              81.58           76.04

 Plot 9-119. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 42)

 Plot 9-120. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 58)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017               Page 65 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-121. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 106)

Plot 9-122. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 122)

Plot 9-123. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 138)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 66 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-124. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain A 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 155)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 67 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                      FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                     IC ID: 3048A-1793 Chain B 802.11ac VHT80 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
                   Chain B 802.11ac VHT80 26-dB Emission Bandwidth
      Band        Channel No.     Frequency (MHz)   26-dB Emission   99% Occupied
                                                   Bandwidth (MHz)     BW (MHz)
     UNII-1            42              5210              81.81          76.157
    UNII-2A            58              5290              81.31          76.227
    UNII-2C           106              5530              81.83          76.181
                      122              5610              81.03          76.064
    Straddle          138              5690              81.00          75.992
     UNII-3           155              5775              81.22          76.158

 Plot 9-125. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 42)

 Plot 9-126. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 58)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017               Page 68 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-127. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 106)

Plot 9-128. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 122)

Plot 9-129. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 138)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 69 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                    FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                   IC ID: 3048A-1793

Plot 9-130. 26-dB Emission Bandwidth and 99% OBW Chain B 802.11ac VHT80 (Ch. 155)

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017             Page 70 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                             FCC ID: C3K1793
                                                                            IC ID: 3048A-1793

9.3 6-dB Bandwidth

9.3.1 Test Requirement:
FCC CFR 47 Rule Part 15.407 (e)
ISED RSS-247 [6.2.4]

9.3.2 Test Method:
Measurements were performed according to the procedures defined in KDB 789033- General
UNII Test Procedures New Rules v01r03 and ANSI C63.10:2013.
Spectrum Analyzer settings:
RBW = 100 kHz
Trace Mode= Peak Detector (Max Hold)
Sweep time= Auto
The in-built functionality of the Spectrum Analyzer is used to measure the 6-dB bandwidth.

9.3.3 Limits:
The 6-dB Bandwidth shall be ≥ 500 kHz.

9.3.4 Test Results:

Report#: R-TR447-FCCISED-UNII-3      Issued: Sep 29, 2017                      Page 71 of 226
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

Document Created: 2017-09-29 10:54:14
Document Modified: 2017-09-29 10:54:14

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