SAR Report Part 1


RF Exposure Info

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                                                      Dosimetric Assessment of the Portable
                                                       Device Ascom KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA
                                                                       (FCC ID: BXZKATY)

                                                           According to the FCC Requirements

                                                                                                     November 30, 2005
                                                                                                           IMST GmbH
                                                                                             Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Str. 2
                                                                                                  D-47475 Kamp-Lintfort

                                                                                                         Nemko Comlab AS
                                                                                                           Gasevikveien 8

                                                                                                               N-22027 Kjeller

                                                                                    The test results only relate to the items tested.
                                                              This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written
                                                                                                 approval of the testing laboratory.
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                                              Executive Summary
                                              The KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA is a cordless telephone phone (Portable Device) from
                                              Ascom operating in the 2450 MHz frequency range. The device has an integrated
                                              antenna and the system concepts used is the 2.45 GHz WLAN standard.
                                              The objective of the measurements done by IMST was the dosimetric assessment of
                                              one device in the 2.45 GHz range in CW mode.
                                              The examinations have been carried out with the dosimetric assessment system
                                              The measurements were made according to the Supplement C to OET Bulletin 65 of
                                              the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Guidelines [OET 65] for evaluating
                                              compliance of mobile and portable devices with FCC limits for human exposure (general
                                              population) to radiofrequency emissions. All measurements have been performed in
                                              accordance to the recommendations given by SPEAG.

                                              The Ascom KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA cordless telephone phone (FCC ID: BXZKATY)
                                              is in compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Guidelines
                                              [OET 65] for uncontrolled exposure.
                                              The phone was tested in addition to the head positions in the following
                                              Body worn with the following accessories:
                                                     •    With and without headset

                                              prepared by: ...........................................   reviewed by: .....................................

                                                                Alexander Rahn                                            André van den Bosch
                                                                test engineer                                             quality assurance engineer

                                                                                                                                             IMST GmbH
                                                                                                                             Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Straße 2
                                                                                                                                    D-47475 Kamp-Lintfort

                                                                                                                                   Tel. +49- 2842-981 378
                                                                                                                                  Fax +49- 2842-981 399

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                                              Table of Contents
                                              1     SUBJECT OF INVESTIGATION.................................................................................................................... 4

                                              2     THE IEEE STANDARD C95.1 AND THE FCC EXPOSURE CRITERIA................................................. 4
                                                  2.1       DISTINCTION BETWEEN EXPOSED POPULATION, DURATION OF EXPOSURE AND FREQUENCIES ........... 4

                                                  2.2       DISTINCTION BETWEEN MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE AND SAR LIMITS ....................................... 5
                                                  2.3       SAR LIMIT.................................................................................................................................................. 5

                                              3     THE FCC MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE ................................................................................................. 6
                                                  3.1       GENERAL REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................... 6
                                                  3.2       DEVICE OPERATING NEXT TO A PERSON’S EAR ....................................................................................... 6

                                              4     BODY-WORN CONFIGURATIONS .............................................................................................................. 9
                                                  4.1       POC (PTT) POSITION ............................................................................................................................... 9
                                                  4.2       PHANTOM REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 10
                                                  4.3       TEST TO BE PERFORMED ......................................................................................................................... 10

                                              5     THE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 10
                                                  5.1       PHANTOM ................................................................................................................................................. 12
                                                  5.2       PROBE ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
                                                  5.3       MEASUREMENT PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................. 13
                                                  5.4       UNCERTAINTY ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................................... 14

                                              6     SAR RESULTS............................................................................................................................................... 15

                                              7     EVALUATION ................................................................................................................................................. 17

                                              8     APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................................... 18
                                                  8.1       ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ............................................................................................................................ 18
                                                  8.2       DEVICE UNDER TEST AND TEST CONDITIONS ......................................................................................... 18
                                                  8.3       TISSUE RECIPES ...................................................................................................................................... 18
                                                  8.4       MATERIAL PARAMETERS ......................................................................................................................... 19
                                                  8.5       SIMPLIFIED PERFORMANCE CHECKING ................................................................................................... 19

                                                  8.6       ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................................................................... 24
                                                  8.7       TEST EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................... 24
                                                  8.8       CERTIFICATES OF CONFORMITY .............................................................................................................. 26
                                                  8.9       PICTURES OF THE DEVICE UNDER TEST .................................................................................................. 27
                                                  8.10      TEST POSITIONS FOR THE DEVICE UNDER TEST .................................................................................... 29
                                                  8.11      PICTURES TO DEMONSTRATE THE REQUIRED LIQUID DEPTH .................................................................. 32

                                              9     REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................ 32

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                                              1 Subject of Investigation

                                              The KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA is a cordless phone (Portable Device) from Ascom
                                              operating in the 2450 MHz frequency range. The device has an integrated antenna and
                                              the system concepts used is the 2.45 GHz WLAN standard.

                                                                       Fig. 1:Picture of the device under test

                                              The objective of the measurements done by IMST was the dosimetric assessment of
                                              one device in the 2.45 GHz range in CW mode. The examinations have been carried
                                              out with the dosimetric assessment system „DASY4“ described below.

                                              2 The IEEE Standard C95.1 and the FCC Exposure Criteria
                                              In the USA the recent FCC exposure criteria [OET 65] are based upon the IEEE
                                              Standard C95.1 [IEEE C95.1]. The IEEE standard C95.1 sets limits for human exposure
                                              to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in the frequency range 3 kHz to 300 GHz.

                                              2.1 Distinction Between Exposed Population, Duration of Exposure and
                                              The American Standard [IEEE C95.1] distinguishes between controlled and
                                              uncontrolled environment. Controlled environments are locations where there is
                                              exposure that may be incurred by persons who are aware of the potential for exposure
                                              as a concomitant of employment or by other cognizant persons. Uncontrolled
                                              environments are locations where there is the exposure of individuals who have no
                                              knowledge or control of their exposure. The exposures may occur in living quarters or

                                              workplaces. For exposure in controlled environments higher field strengths are
                                              admissible. In addition the duration of exposure is considered.
                                              Due to the influence of frequency on important parameters, as the penetration depth of
                                              the electromagnetic fields into the human body and the absorption capability of different
                                              tissues, the limits in general vary with frequency.

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                                              2.2 Distinction between Maximum Permissible Exposure and SAR Limits
                                              The biological relevant parameter describing the effects of electromagnetic fields in the
                                              frequency range of interest is the specific absorption rate SAR (dimension:
                                              power/mass). It is a measure of the power absorbed per unit mass. The SAR may be
                                              spatially averaged over the total mass of an exposed body or its parts. The SAR is
                                              calculated from the r.m.s. electric field strength E inside the human body, the
                                              conductivity σ and the mass density ρ of the biological tissue:
                                                                                E2        ∂T
                                                                      SAR = σ        =c                                                   .
                                                                                ρ         ∂t   t →0 +

                                              The specific absorption rate describes the initial rate of temperature rise ∂ T / ∂ t as a
                                              function of the specific heat capacity c of the tissue. A limitation of the specific
                                              absorption rate prevents an excessive heating of the human body by electromagnetic

                                              As it is sometimes difficult to determine the SAR directly by measurement (e.g. whole
                                              body averaged SAR), the standard specifies more readily measurable maximum
                                              permissible exposures in terms of external electric E and magnetic field strength H and
                                              power density S, derived from the SAR limits. The limits for E, H and S have been fixed
                                              so that even under worst case conditions, the limits for the specific absorption rate SAR
                                              are not exceeded.
                                              For the relevant frequency range the maximum permissible exposure may be exceeded
                                              if the exposure can be shown by appropriate techniques to produce SAR values below
                                              the corresponding limits.

                                              2.3 SAR Limit
                                              In this report the comparison between the American exposure limits and the measured
                                              data is made using the spatial peak SAR; the power level of the device under test
                                              guarantees that the whole body averaged SAR is not exceeded.
                                              Having in mind a worst case consideration, the SAR limit is valid for uncontrolled
                                              environment and mobile respectively portable transmitters. According to Table 1 the
                                              SAR values have to be averaged over a mass of 1 g (SAR1g) with the shape of a cube.

                                                              Standard                           Status     SAR limit [W/kg]

                                                              IEEE C95.1                         In force         1.6

                                                      Table 1: Relevant spatial peak SAR limit averaged over a mass of 1 g.

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                                              3 The FCC Measurement Procedure

                                              The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has published a report and order on
                                              the 1st of August 1996 [FCC 96-326], which requires routine dosimetric assessment of
                                              mobile telecommunications devices, either by laboratory measurement techniques or by
                                              computational modeling, prior to equipment authorization or use. In 2001 the
                                              Commission’s Office of Engineering and Technology has released Edition 01-01 of
                                              Supplement C to OET Bulletin 65. This revised edition, which replaces Edition 97-01,
                                              provides additional guidance and information for evaluating compliance of mobile and
                                              portable devices with FCC limits for human exposure to radiofrequency emissions [OET

                                              3.1 General Requirements
                                              The test shall be performed in a laboratory with an environment which avoids influence
                                              on SAR measurements by ambient EM sources and any reflection from the environment
                                              itself. The ambient temperature shall be in the range of 20°C to 26°C and 30-70%

                                              3.2 Device Operating Next to a Person’s Ear

                                              3.2.1 Phantom Requirements
                                              The phantom is a simplified representation of the human anatomy and comprised of
                                              material with electrical properties similar to the corresponding tissues. The physical
                                              characteristics of the phantom model shall resemble the head and the neck of a user
                                              since the shape is a dominant parameter for exposure.

                                              3.2.2 Test Positions
                                              As it cannot be expected that the user will hold the mobile phone exactly in one well
                                              defined position, different operational conditions shall be tested. The Supplement C to
                                              OET Bulletin 65 requires two test positions. For an exact description helpful geometrical
                                              definitions are introduced and shown in Fig. 2 - 3.
                                              There are two imaginary lines on the mobile, the vertical centerline and the horizontal
                                              line. The vertical centerline passes through two points on the front side of the handset:
                                              the midpoint of the width wt of the handset at the level of the acoustic output (point A on
                                              Fig. 2), and the midpoint of the width wb of the bottom of the handset (point B). The
                                              horizontal line is perpendicular to the vertical centerline and passes through the center

                                              of the acoustic output (see Fig. 2). The two lines intersect at point A.

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                                                               Fig. 2: Handset vertical and horizontal reference lines.

                                                                         Fig. 3: Phantom reference points.
                                              According to Fig. 3 the human head position is given by means of the following three
                                              reference points: auditory canal opening of both ears (RE and LE) and the center of the
                                              closed mouth (M). The ear reference points are 15-17 mm above the entrance to the
                                              ear canal along the BM line (back-mouth), as shown in Fig. 3. The plane passing

                                              through the two ear canals and M is defined as the reference plane. The line NF (Neck-
                                              Front) perpendicular to the reference plane and passing through the RE (or LE) is called
                                              the reference pivoting line. Line BM is perpendicular to the NF line. With this definitions
                                              the test positions are given by

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                                              •   Cheek position (see Fig. 4):
                                              Position the handset close to the surface of the phantom such that point A is on the
                                              (virtual) extension of the line passing through points RE and LE on the phantom (see
                                              Fig. 3), such that the plane defined by the vertical center line and the horizontal line of
                                              the phone is approximately parallel to the sagittal plane of the phantom. Translate the
                                              handset towards the phantom along the line passing through RE and LE until the
                                              handset touches the ear. While maintaining the handset in this plane, rotate it around
                                              the LE-RE line until the vertical centerline is in the plane normal to MB-NF including the
                                              line MB (called the reference plane). Rotate the phone around the vertical centerline
                                              until the phone (horizontal line) is symmetrical with respect to the line NF. While
                                              maintaining the vertical centerline in the reference plane, keeping point A on the line
                                              passing through RE and LE, and maintaining the phone contact with the ear, rotate the
                                              handset about the line NF until any point on the handset is in contact with a phantom
                                              point below the ear.

                                                                             Fig. 4: The cheek position.
                                              •   Tilted position (see Fig. 5):

                                                                             Fig. 5: The tilted position.

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                                              While maintaining the orientation of the phone retract the phone parallel to the reference
                                              plane far enough to enable a rotation of the phone by 15°. Rotate the phone around the
                                              horizontal line by 15°. While maintaining the orientation of the phone, move the phone
                                              parallel to the reference plane until any part of the phone touches the head. In this
                                              position, point A will be located on the line RE-LE.

                                              3.2.3 Test to be Performed
                                              The SAR test shall be performed with both phone positions described above, on the left
                                              and right side of the phantom. The device shall be measured for all modes operating
                                              when the device is next to the ear, even if the different modes operate in the same
                                              frequency band.
                                              For devices with retractable antenna the SAR test shall be performed with the antenna
                                              fully extended and fully retracted. Other factors that may affect the exposure shall also
                                              be tested. For example, optional antennas or optional battery packs which may
                                              significantly change the volume, lengths, flip open/closed, etc. of the device, or any
                                              other accessories which might have the potential to considerably increase the peak
                                              spatial-average SAR value.
                                              The SAR test shall be performed at the high, middle and low frequency channels of
                                              each operating mode. If the SAR measured at the middle channel for each test
                                              configuration is at least 3.0 dB lower than the SAR limit, testing at the high and low
                                              channels is optional.

                                              4 Body-worn Configurations
                                              The body-worn configurations shall be tested with the supplied accessories (belt-clips,
                                              holsters, etc.) attached to the device in normal use configuration. Devices with a
                                              headset output shall be tested with a connected headset.
                                              For purpose of determining test requirements, accessories may be divided into two
                                              categories: those that do not contain metallic components and those that do. For
                                              multiple accessories that do not contain metallic components, the device may be tested
                                              only with that accessory which provides the closest spacing to the body.
                                              For multiple accessories that contain metallic components, the device must be tested
                                              with each accessory that contains a unique metallic component. If multiple accessories
                                              share an identical metallic component, only the accessory that provides the closest

                                              spacing to the body must be tested.

                                              4.1 PoC (PTT) Position
                                              The PoC (PTT) configurations shall be tested with the front of the device positioned at
                                              25 mm from a flat phantom (display towards the phantom).

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                                              4.2 Phantom Requirements
                                              For body-worn and other configurations a flat phantom shall be used which is comprised
                                              of material with electrical properties similar to the corresponding tissues.

                                              4.3 Test to be Performed
                                              For devices with retractable antenna the SAR test shall be performed with the antenna
                                              fully extended and fully retracted. Other factors that may affect the exposure shall also
                                              be tested. For example, optional antennas or optional battery packs which may
                                              significantly change the volume, lengths, flip open/closed, etc. of the device, or any
                                              other accessories which might have the potential to considerably increase the peak
                                              spatial-average SAR value.
                                              The SAR test shall be performed at the high, middle and low frequency channels of
                                              each operating mode. If the SAR measured at the middle channel for each test
                                              configuration is at least 3.0 dB lower than the SAR limit, testing at the high and low
                                              channels is optional

                                              5 The Measurement System
                                              DASY is an abbreviation of „Dosimetric Assessment System“ and describes a system
                                              that is able to determine the SAR distribution inside a phantom of a human being
                                              according to different standards. The DASY4 system consists of the following items as
                                              shown in Fig: 6. Additional Fig: 7 shows the equipment, similar to the installations in
                                              other laboratories.

                                                 •   High precision robot with controller
                                                 •   Measurement server (for surveillance of the robot operation and signal filtering)
                                                 •   Data acquisition electronics DAE (for signal amplification and filtering)
                                                 •   Field probes calibrated for use in liquids
                                                 •   Electro-optical converter EOC (conversion from the optical into a digital signal)
                                                 •   Light beam (improving of the absolute probe positioning accuracy)
                                                 •   Two SAM phantoms filled with tissue simulating liquid
                                                 •   DASY4 software

                                                 •   SEMCAD

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                                                                   Fig. 6: The DASY4 measurement system.

                                              Fig. 7: The measurement set-up with two SAM phantoms containing tissue simulating

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                                              The mobile phone operating at the maximum power level is placed by a non metallic
                                              device holder (delivered from Schmid & Partner) in the above described positions at a
                                              shell phantom of a human being. The distribution of the electric field strength E is
                                              measured in the tissue simulating liquid within the shell phantom. For this miniaturised
                                              field probes with high sensitivity and low field disturbance are used. Afterwards the
                                              corresponding SAR values are calculated with the known electrical conductivity σ and
                                              the mass density ρ of the tissue in the SEMCAD FDTD software. The software is able to
                                              determine the averaged SAR values (averaging region 1 g or 10 g) for compliance
                                              The measurements are done by two scans: first a coarse scan determines the region of
                                              the maximum SAR, afterwards the averaged SAR is measured in a second scan within
                                              the shape of a cube. The measurement time takes about 20 minutes.

                                              5.1 Phantom
                                              For the measurements the Specific Anthropomorphic Mannequin (SAM Twin Phantom
                                              V4.0) defined by the IEEE SCC-34/SC2 group and delivered by Schmid & Partner
                                              Engineering AG is used. The phantom is a fibreglass shell integrated in a wooden table.
                                              The thickness of the phantom amounts to 2 mm ± 0.2 mm. It enables the dosimetric
                                              evaluation of left and right hand phone usage and includes an additional flat phantom
                                              part for the system performance check and body worn measurements. The phantom
                                              set-up includes a coverage (polyethylene), which prevents the evaporation of the liquid.
                                              The details and the Certificate of conformity can be found in Fig. 12.

                                              5.2 Probe
                                              For the measurements the Dosimetric E-Field Probes ET3DV6 or EX3DV4 with
                                              following specifications are used. They are manufactured and calibrated in accordance
                                              with FCC [OET 65] and IEEE [IEEE 1528-2003] recommendations annually by Schmid
                                              & Partner Engineering AG.
                                                 •   Dynamic range: 5µW/g to > 100mW/g
                                                 •   Tip diameter: 6.8 mm
                                                 •   Probe linearity: ± 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 3 GHz)
                                                 •   Axial isotropy: ± 0.2 dB

                                                 •   Spherical isotropy: ± 0.4 dB
                                                 •   Distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 2.7 mm
                                                 •   Calibration range: 900MHz / 1800MHz / 1900MHz / 1950 MHz / 2450MHz for
                                                     head and body simulating liquid
                                                 •   Angle between probe axis (evaluation axis) and surface normal line: less than

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                                                 •   Dynamic range: 10µW/g to > 100mW/g (noise typically < 1µW/g)
                                                 •   Tip diameter: 2.5 mm
                                                 •   Probe linearity: ± 0.2 dB (30 MHz to 3 GHz)
                                                 •   Axial isotropy: ± 0.2 dB
                                                 •   Spherical isotropy: ± 0.4 dB
                                                 •   Distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 1.0 mm
                                                 •   Calibration range: : 900MHz / 1800MHz / 1900MHz / 1950 MHz / 2450MHz for
                                                     head and body simulating liquid
                                                 •   Angle between probe axis (evaluation axis) and surface normal line: less than

                                              5.3 Measurement Procedure
                                              The following steps are used for each test position:
                                                 •   Establish a call with the maximum output power with a base station simulator.
                                                     The connection between the mobile phone and the base station simulator is
                                                     established via air interface.
                                                 •   Measurement of the local E-field value at a fixed location (P1). This value serves
                                                     as a reference value for calculating a possible power drift.
                                                 •   Measurement of the SAR distribution with a grid spacing of 15 mm x 15 mm and
                                                     a constant distance to the inner surface of the phantom. Since the sensors can
                                                     not directly measure at the inner phantom surface, the values between the
                                                     sensors and the inner phantom surface are extrapolated. With this values the
                                                     area of the maximum SAR is calculated by a interpolation scheme (combination
                                                     of a least-square fitted function and a weighted average method). Additional all
                                                     peaks within 2 dB of the maximum SAR are searched.
                                                 •   Around this points, a cube of 30 mm x 30 mm x 30 mm is assessed by
                                                     measuring 7 x 7 x 7 points whereby the first two measurement points are within
                                                     the required 10 mm of the surface. With these data, the peak spatial-average
                                                     SAR value can be calculated within the SEMCAD software.
                                                 •   The used extrapolation and interpolation routines are all based on the modified

                                                     Quadratic Shepard´s method [DASY4].
                                                 •   Repetition of the E-field measurement at the fixed location (P1) and repetition of
                                                     the whole procedure if the two results differ by more than ± 0.21dB.

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                                              5.4 Uncertainty Assessment
                                              Table 2 includes the uncertainty budget suggested by the [IEEE 1528-2003] and
                                              determined by Schmid & Partner Engineering AG. The expanded uncertainty (K=2) is
                                              assessed to be ± 20.6%.

                                                                             Uncertainty    Probability                     Standard     vi² or
                                              Error Sources                                               Divisor    ci
                                                                                Value      Distribution                    Uncertainty    veff

                                              Measurement System
                                              Probe calibration               ± 4.8 %        Normal         1        1      ± 4.8 %       ∞
                                              Axial isotropy                  ± 4.7 %      Rectangular      √3      0.7     ± 1.9 %       ∞

                                              Hemispherical isotropy          ± 9.6 %      Rectangular      √3      0.7     ± 3.9 %       ∞

                                              Boundary effects                ± 1.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 0.6 %       ∞

                                              Linearity                       ± 4.7 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 2.7 %       ∞

                                              System detection limit          ± 1.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 0.6 %       ∞

                                              Readout electronics             ± 1.0 %        Normal         1        1      ± 1.0 %       ∞

                                              Response time                   ± 0.8 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 0.5 %       ∞

                                              Integration time                 ± 2.6%      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 1.5 %       ∞

                                              RF ambient conditions           ± 3.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 1.7 %       ∞

                                              Probe positioner                ± 0.4 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 0.2 %       ∞

                                              Probe positioning               ± 2.9 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 1.7 %       ∞

                                              Algorithms for max SAR                                                                      ∞
                                                                              ± 1.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 0.6 %
                                              Test Sample Related
                                              Device positioning              ± 2.9 %        Normal         1        1      ± 2.9 %      145
                                              Device holder                   ± 3.6 %        Normal         1        1      ± 3.6 %        5
                                              Power drift                     ± 5.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 2.9 %       ∞
                                              Phantom and Set-up
                                              Phantom uncertainty             ± 4.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1      ± 2.3 %       ∞

                                              Liquid conductivity (target)    ± 5.0 %      Rectangular      √3      0.64    ± 1.8 %       ∞

                                              Liquid conductivity (meas.)     ± 2.5 %        Normal         1       0.64    ± 1.6 %       ∞

                                              Liquid permittivity (target)    ± 5.0 %      Rectangular      √3      0.6     ± 1.7 %       ∞

                                              Liquid permittivity (meas.)     ± 2.5 %        Normal         1       0.6     ± 1.5 %       ∞

                                              Combined Uncertainty                                                         ± 10.3 %

                                                                        Table 2: Uncertainty budget of DASY4.

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                                              6 SAR Results

                                              The Tables below contain the measured SAR values averaged over a mass of 1 g.

                                                  Phantom                            SAR1g [W/kg] (Drift[dB])                    Temperature
                                               Configuration       Test      Channel 001    Channel 006        Channel 011     Ambient    Liquid
                                                Liquid depth:    Position    2412.0 MHz      2437.0 MHz        2462.0 MHz       [° C]     [° C]
                                                  16.4 cm                    16.02 dBm        16.12 dBm        16.02 dBm

                                                                Cheek                         0.036* (-0.2)                     22.3      21.5
                                              Left Side
                                                                Tilted                        0.031(0.2)                        22.2      21.4

                                                                Cheek                         0.025* (0.05)                     22.2      21.4
                                              Right Head
                                                                Tilted                        0.033 (0.116)                     22.4      21.3

                                              Table 3: Measured head phantom results for 2.45 GHz (CW mode) for the Ascom
                                                       KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA in CW mode (*Max Cube).

                                                                                           SAR1g [W/kg] (Drift[dB])               Temperature
                                                                                Channel 001     Channel 006      Channel 011    Ambient   Liquid
                                                    Liquid depth: 16.3 cm        2412.0 MHz      2437.0 MHz       2462.0 MHz      [° C]    [° C]
                                                                                 16.02 dBm       16.12 dBm        16.02 dBm

                                              headset (1) (display towards                       0.021 (0.2)                      22.1     21.3
                                              the phantom, touch)
                                              headset (1) (antenna towards                       0.117 (0.2)                      22.1     21.3
                                              the phantom, touch)
                                              without headset (display                           0.036 (0.2)                      22.0     21.2
                                              towards the phantom, touch)
                                              Table 4: Measurement results in body-worn configuration for 2.45 GHz (CW mode) for
                                                       the Ascom KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA (*Max Cube).

                                              The “* Max Cube” labeling indicates that during the grid scanning an additional peak
                                              was found which was within 2.0 dB of the highest peak. The value of the highest cube is

                                              given in the tables above, the value from the second assessed cube is given in the SAR
                                              distribution plots (see appendix).

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                                              The above mentioned power values are “conducted” power values for b-mode, they
                                              were measured on the same sample which was prepared for the FCC approval. The
                                              values were delivered by Comlab, Norway. Since the b-mode of the device delivers the
                                              highest output power, SAR measurements were only conducted in b-mode.
                                              To control the output power stability during the SAR test the used DASY4 system
                                              calculates the power drift by measuring the e-field at the same location at the beginning
                                              and at the end of the measurement for each test position. These drift values can be
                                              found in the above tables labeled as: (Drift[dB]). This ensures that the power drift during
                                              one measurement is within 5%.
                                                    The used headset is “Mic in cable (653075).

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                                                                            Page 17 of 32

                                              7 Evaluation

                                              In Fig. 8 - 9 the head phantom and body-worn SAR results for 2.45 WLAN given in
                                              Table 3 - 4 are summarized and compared to the limit.
                                                                                                 Channel 001          Channel 006          Channel 011

                                                                                                      FCC Guideline

                                                              SAR 1g [W/kg]



                                                                                      Cheek                 Tilted                  Cheek                 Tilted
                                                                                            Left Side of Head                             Right Side of Head

                                              Fig. 8: The measured head phantom SAR values for the Ascom KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA
                                                      for 2.45 GHz (measured in CW mode) in comparison to the FCC exposure limit.

                                                                                                 Channel 001          Channel 006          Channel 011

                                                                                                      FCC Guideline

                                                              SAR 1g [W/kg]



                                                                                    Headset, display up         Headset, display down        without headset,display up
                                                                                                                Body worn configuration

                                              Fig. 9:   The measured SAR values in body-worn configuration for the Ascom KATY-
                                                        ACAAA/AGAAA for 2.45 GHz (measured in CW mode) in comparison to the
                                                        FCC exposure limit.

                                              The Ascom KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA cordless phone (FCC ID: BXZKATY) is in
                                              compliance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Guidelines
                                              [OET 65] for uncontrolled exposure.
                                              The phone was tested in addition to the head positions in the following
                                              Body worn with the following accessories:
                                                   •    With and without headset

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                     Page 18 of 32

                                              8 Appendix

                                              8.1 Administrative Data
                                              Date of validation:              2450 MHz, Head: November 22, 2005
                                                                               2450 MHz, Body: November 22, 2005
                                              Date of measurement:             November 22, 2005
                                              Data stored:                     Nemko_6620_551

                                              8.2 Device under Test and Test Conditions
                                              MTE:                             Ascom KATY-ACAAA/AGAAA, Production Line Unit
                                              Date of receipt:                 November 22, 2005
                                              Serial No.:                      T26000003J
                                              FCC ID:                          BXZKATY
                                              Equipment class:                 Portable device
                                              RF exposure environment:         General Population/Uncontrolled
                                              Power supply:                    Internal Battery (Other batteries not available)
                                              Antenna:                         Antenna Type: integrated
                                              Tested Accessories, Body:        headset (653075 Mic in cable)
                                              Available Accessories:           headset (653075 Mic in cable)
                                              Measured Standards:              WLAN 802.11b (802.11g also possible)
                                              Method to establish a call:      internal test mode with CW signal
                                              Modulation:                      OFDM / DSSS
                                              Crest Factor:                    1 (CW) for 802.11b
                                              TX/RX range:                     2412 MHz – 2462 MHz
                                              Used TX Channels:                low: ch. 001, center: ch. 006, high: ch. 013
                                              Used Phantom:                    SAM Twin Phantom V4.0, as defined by the IEEE
                                                                               SCC-34/SC2 group and delivered by Schmid &
                                                                               Partner Engineering AG

                                              8.3 Tissue Recipes
                                              The following recipes are provided in percentage by weight.

                                              2450 MHz, Head:          45.65% Diethylenglykol-monobutylether
                                                                       54.00% De-Ionized Water

                                              2450 MHz, Body:          29.68% Diethylenglykol-monobutylether
                                                                       70.00% De-Ionized Water

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                               Page 19 of 32

                                              8.4 Material Parameters

                                              For the measurement of the following parameters the HP 85070B dielectric probe kit is
                                              used, representing the open-ended coaxial probe measurement procedure. The
                                              measured values should be within ± 5% of the recommended values given by the FCC.

                                                Frequency                                   εr         σ [S/m]      Ambient        Liquid
                                                                                                                          [° C]      [° C]

                                                2450 MHz      Recommended Value 39.20 ± 1.90 1.80 ± 0.09           20.0 - 26.0        -
                                                  (Head)      Measured Value              38.90          1.82             21.8      21.1

                                                2450 MHz      Recommended Value 52.70 ± 2.60 1.95 ± 0.09           20.0 - 26.0        -
                                                  (Body)      Measured Value              50.60          1.99             21.8      21.1

                                                               Table 5: Parameters of the tissue simulating liquids.

                                              8.5 Simplified Performance Checking
                                              The simplified performance check was realized using the dipole validation kits. The
                                              input power of the dipole antennas were 250 mW (cw signal) and they were placed
                                              under the flat part of the SAM phantom. The target and measured results are listed in
                                              the Table 6 - 7 and shown in Fig. 10-11. The target values were adopted from the
                                              manufactures calibration certificates which are attached in the appendix. Table 8
                                              includes the uncertainty assessment for the system performance checking which was
                                              suggested by the [IEEE 1528-2003] and determined by Schmid & Partner Engineering
                                              AG. The expanded uncertainty (K=2) is assessed to be ± 16.8%.

                                                  Available Dipoles                                 SAR1g            εr           σ [S/m]

                                               D2450V2, SN #709           Target Values Head         13.20        38.50            1.73

                                               D2450V2, SN #709           Target Values Body         13.60        52.60            2.00

                                                Table 6: Dipole target results as given by the manufactures calibration certificates .

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                     Page 20 of 32

                                               Used Dipoles                 SAR1g [W/kg]      εr      σ [S/m]   Ambient   Liquid
                                                                                                                 [° C]     [° C]

                                                2450 MHz,      Measured
                                                                               13.50        38.90       1.82     21.8     21.1
                                                 SN: #709     Values Head

                                                2450 MHz,      Measured
                                                                               13.30        50.60       1.99     21.8     21.1
                                                 SN: #709     Values Body

                                                                 Table 7: Measured dipole validation results.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                                  Page 21 of 32

                                              Test Laboratory: Imst GmbH; File Name: 221105_y_3536.da4

                                              DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz SN: 709; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D2450V2 - SN:709
                                              Program Name: System Performance Check at 2450 MHz

                                              Communication System: CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
                                              Medium parameters used: f = 2450 MHz; σ = 1.82 mho/m; εr = 38.9; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                                              Phantom section: Flat Section

                                              DASY4 Configuration:
                                              - Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3536; ConvF(7.63, 7.63, 7.63); Calibrated: 23.09.2005
                                              - Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                                              - Electronics: DAE4 Sn631; Calibrated: 07.07.2005
                                              - Phantom: SAM Glycol 1340; Type: QD 000 P40 CB; Serial: TP-1340
                                              - Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.6 Build 19; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 159

                                              d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Area Scan (7x7x1): Measurement grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 15.3 mW/g
                                              d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
                                              Reference Value = 91.6 V/m; Power Drift = 0.016 dB
                                              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 29.9 W/kg
                                              SAR(1 g) = 13.5 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 6.08 mW/g
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 15.1 mW/g

                                              Fig. 10: Validation measurement 2450 MHz Head (November 22, 2005), coarse grid.
                                                       Ambient Temperature: 21.8° C, Liquid Temperature: 21.1° C.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                                  Page 22 of 32

                                              Test Laboratory: IMST GmbH, DASY Blue (I); File Name: 221105_b_3536.da4T

                                              DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz SN: 709; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D2450V2 - SN:709
                                              Program Name: System Performance Check at 2450 MHz

                                              Communication System: CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
                                              Medium parameters used: f = 2450 MHz; σ = 1.99 mho/m; εr = 50.6; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                                              Phantom section: Flat Section

                                              DASY4 Configuration:
                                              - Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3536; ConvF(7.58, 7.58, 7.58); Calibrated: 23.09.2005
                                              - Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                                              - Electronics: DAE4 Sn631; Calibrated: 07.07.2005
                                              - Phantom: SAM Glycol 1176; Type: Speag; Serial: 1176
                                              - Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.6 Build 19; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 159

                                              d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Area Scan (7x7x1): Measurement grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 15.2 mW/g
                                              d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
                                              Reference Value = 87.7 V/m; Power Drift = 0.015 dB
                                              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 28.3 W/kg
                                              SAR(1 g) = 13.3 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 6.03 mW/g
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 15.3 mW/g

                                              Fig. 11: Validation measurement 2450 MHz body (November 22, 2005), coarse grid.
                                                       Ambient Temperature: 21.8° C, Liquid Temperature: 21.1° C.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                                    Page 23 of 32

                                                                                Uncertainty    Probability                        Standard
                                              Error Sources                                                  Divisor    ci                     or
                                                                                  Value       Distribution                       Uncertainty

                                              Measurement System
                                              Probe calibration                  ± 4.8 %        Normal         1        1         ± 4.8 %      ∞
                                              Axial isotropy                     ± 4.7 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 2.7 %      ∞

                                              Hemispherical isotropy              ±0%         Rectangular      √3       1          ±0%         ∞

                                              Boundary effects                   ± 1.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 0.6 %      ∞

                                              Linearity                          ± 4.7 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 2.7 %      ∞

                                              System detection limit             ± 1.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 0.6 %      ∞

                                              Readout electronics                ± 1.0 %        Normal         1        1         ± 1.0 %      ∞

                                              Response time                       ±0%         Rectangular      √3       1          ±0%         ∞

                                              Integration time                    ± 0%        Rectangular      √3       1          ±0%         ∞

                                              RF ambient conditions              ± 3.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 1.7 %      ∞

                                              Probe positioner                   ± 0.4 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 0.2 %      ∞

                                              Probe positioning                  ± 2.9 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 1.7 %      ∞

                                              Algorithms for max SAR                                                                           ∞
                                                                                 ± 1.0 %       Rectangular     √3            1      ± 0.6 %
                                              Dipole Axis         to   Liquid
                                                                                 ± 2.0 %      Rectangular      1        1         ± 1.2 %      ∞
                                              Input power and SAR drift
                                                                                 ± 4.7 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 2.7 %      ∞
                                              Phantom and Set-up
                                                 Phantom uncertainty             ± 4.0 %      Rectangular      √3       1         ± 2.3 %      ∞

                                              Liquid conductivity (target)       ± 5.0 %      Rectangular      √3      0.64       ± 1.8 %      ∞

                                              Liquid conductivity (meas.)        ± 2.5 %        Normal         1       0.64       ± 1.6 %      ∞

                                               Liquid permittivity (target)      ± 5.0 %      Rectangular      √3      0.6        ± 1.7 %      ∞

                                               Liquid permittivity (meas.)       ± 2.5 %        Normal         1       0.6        ± 1.5 %      ∞

                                              Combined Uncertainty                                                                ± 8.4 %

                                                          Table 8:       Uncertainty budget for the system performance check.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                        Page 24 of 32

                                              8.6 Environment
                                              To comply with the required noise level (less than 12 mW/kg) periodically
                                              measurements without a DUT were conducted.
                                              Humidity:              40% ± 5 %

                                              8.7 Test Equipment

                                                                                                               Last          Next
                                              Test Equipment                       Model    Serial Number
                                                                                                            Calibration   Calibration

                                              DASY4 Systems
                                              Software Versions DASY4              V4.6         N/A            N/A           N/A
                                              Software Versions SEMCAD             V1.8         N/A            N/A           N/A
                                              Dosimetric E-Field Probe           EX3DV4         3536        08/2005       08/2006
                                              Data Acquisition Electronics        DAE 4         631         07/2005       07/2006
                                              Phantom                              SAM          1059           N/A           N/A
                                              Phantom                              SAM          1176           N/A           N/A
                                              Phantom                              SAM          1340           N/A           N/A
                                              Phantom                              SAM          1341           N/A           N/A
                                              Validation Dipole                  D2450V2        709         07/2005       07/2006
                                              Material Measurement
                                              Network Analyzer                   HP8753D    3410A06555      12/2004       12/2005
                                              Dielectric Probe Kit              HP85070B    US33020263         N/A           N/A

                                                                             Table 9: SAR equipment.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                         Page 25 of 32

                                                                                                                Last          Next
                                              Test Equipment                       Model     Serial Number
                                                                                                             Calibration   Calibration

                                              Power Meters
                                              Power Meter, Agilent                E4416A    GB41050414       12/2004       12/2005
                                              Power Sensors
                                              Power Sensor, Agilent               E9301H    US40010212       12/2004       12/2005
                                              Power Sensor, Agilent               E9301A    MY41495584       12/2004       12/2005
                                              RF Sources
                                              Network Analyzer                    HP8753D   3410A06555       12/2004       12/2005
                                              Rohde & Schwarz                     SME300       100142           N/A           N/A
                                              Mini Circuits                       ZHL-42      D012296           N/A           N/A
                                              Mini Circuits                       ZHL-42    D031104#01          N/A           N/A
                                              Mini Circuits                       ZVE-8G      D031004           N/A           N/A
                                              Radio Tester
                                              Radio Tester, Rohde & Schwarz       CMU200     835305/050      01/2005       01/2006
                                              Radio Tester, Willtek                4202S       0813151          N/A           N/A

                                                                      Table 10:   Test equipment, General.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                      Page 26 of 32

                                              8.8 Certificates of conformity

                                                          Fig. 12: Certificate of conformity for the used SAM phantom

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                    Page 27 of 32

                                              8.9 Pictures of the device under test
                                              Fig. 13 – 15 show the device under test and the used accessories.

                                                                     Fig. 13: Picture of the device under test

                                                                        Fig. 14: Side view of the device.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                  Page 28 of 32

                                                             Fig. 15:   Used headset “Mic in Cable” (653075).

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                       Page 29 of 32

                                              8.10 Test Positions for the Device under Test
                                              Fig. 16 – Fig. 22 shown the test positions for the SAR measurements.

                                                                        Fig. 16: Cheek position, left side.

                                                                        Fig. 17: Tilted position, left side.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy             Page 30 of 32

                                                                  Fig. 18: Cheek position, right side.

                                                                   Fig. 19: Tilted position, right side.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                          Page 31 of 32

                                              Fig. 20: Body worn configuration, with headset, display the phantom.

                                                                              10 mm

                                              Fig. 21: Body worn configuration, with headset cable, antenna towards the phantom.

                                              Fig. 22: Body worn configuration, without headset, display the phantom.

                                              SAR Report, Nemko_6620_551_FCC_WLAN_Handset_Katy                        Page 32 of 32

                                              8.11 Pictures to demonstrate the required liquid depth
                                              Fig. 23 show the liquid depth in the used SAM phantom.

                                                  Fig. 23:     Liquid depth for 2.45 GHz WLAN Head and Body measurements.

                                              9 References

                                              [OET 65]          Federal Communications Commission: Evaluating Compliance with
                                                                FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency
                                                                Electromagnetic Fields, Supplement C (Edition 01-01) to OET
                                                                Bulletin 65 (Edition 97-01), FCC, 2001.
                                              [IEEE C95.1]     IEEE Std C95.1-1999: IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect
                                                               to   Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,
                                                               3 kHz to 300 GHz, Inst. of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,
                                              [IEEE 1528-2003] IEEE Std 1528-2003: IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining
                                                               the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the
                                                               Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
                                                               Techniques. 1528-2003, December 19, 2003, The Institute of

                                                               Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
                                              [NIST 1994]       NIST: Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of
                                                                NIST Measurement Results, Technical Note 1297 (TN1297), United
                                                                States Department of Commerce Technology Administration,
                                                                National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1994.
                                              [DASY4]           Schmid & Partner Engineering AG: DASY4 Manual. August 2004
                                              [FCC 96-326]      FCC 96-326, ET Docket No. 93-62, Report and Order, August 1,

Document Created: 2005-12-06 15:23:56
Document Modified: 2005-12-06 15:23:56

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