User guide


Users Manual

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User manual

1 Introduction                       24

2 Important Safety Instructions      26
   Electromagnetic fields (EMF)      27
   Recycling                         27

3 Overview                           28
   Parent unit                       28
   Baby unit                         28

4 Get started                        30
   Charge the parent unit            30
   Set up the baby unit              31
   Wall mount the baby unit          31

5 Use your baby monitor              33
   Operating range                   33

6 Menu                               34
   Zoom & Pan                        34
   Voice activation                  34
   Adjust brightness                 34
   Add/delete cameras                34
   Change the language               35
   Reset                             35

7 Optimize the battery life of the
  parent unit                        36

8 Guarantee and service              36

9 Frequently asked questions         37

                                          EN   3

1 Introduction                                        •    SCD609

                                                   Baby unit

Congratulations on your purchase and welcome
to Philips AVENT! To fully benefit from the
support that Philips AVENT offers, register your
product at
 Philips AVENT is dedicated to producing caring
and reliable products that give parents the
reassurance that they need. This Philips AVENT
baby monitor provides round-the-clock support
by ensuring that you can see and hear your
baby in perfect clarity.
The instructions are intended for both SCD610       Know these
and SCD609.
      • SCD610
    Parent unit                                                         RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK
                                                                             DO NOT OPEN

                                                           CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT
                                                            REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS
                                                          INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.

                                                           This “bolt of lightning” indicates unin-
                                                           sulated material within your unit may
                                                    cause an electrical shock. For the safety of
                                                    everyone in your household, please do not
                                                    remove product covering.
                                                           The “exclamation point” calls atten-
                                                           tion to features for which you should
                                                    read the enclosed literature closely to pre-
    Baby unit                                       vent operating and maintenance problems.
                                                    WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or
                                                    electric shock, this apparatus should not be
                                                    exposed to rain or moisture and objects
                                                    filled with liquids, such as vases, should not
                                                    be placed on this apparatus.
                                                    CAUTION: To prevent electric shock,
                                                    match wide blade of plug to wide slot, fully

4      EN

Compliance information                                 RF Radiation Exposure Statement
The FCC ID number is located on the casing             This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation
bottom of the parent unit and in the battery           exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
compartment of the baby unit.                          environment. This equipment should be installed
The term ‘IC’ before the certification number          and operated with a minimum distance of 7 3/4
signifies that Industry Canada technical               inches / 20 centimeters between the radiator
specifications were met.This certification             and your body. For handheld operation, this
means that the equipment meets certain                 equipment has been tested and meets the
radio communications and operational                   FCC RF exposure guidelines. For body-worn
requirements. This device complies with                operation,this product has been tested and
Part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-210 of                meets the FCC RF exposure guideline when
Industry Canada. Operation is subject to the           used with the belt clip supplied with this
following two conditions: (1) this device may          product. This transmitter must not be co-located
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this           or operating in conjunction with any other
device must accept any interference received,          antenna or transmitter. Use of other accessories
including interference that may cause undesired        may not ensure compliance with FCC RF
operation.                                             exposure guidelines.This equipment also complies
Radio interference                                     with Industry Canada RSS-102 with respect
This equipment has been tested and found               to Canada’s Health Code 6 for Exposure of
to comply with the limits for a Class B digital        Humans to RF Fields.
device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules            Do not attempt to repair or modify this
and ICES-003 of Industry Canada. These limits          equipment
are designed to provide reasonable protection          Any repairs or alterations made by the user
against harmful interference in a residential          to the equipment may void the warranty
installation. This equipment generates, uses           and compliance of the equipment. Changes
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if         or modifications made to this equipment
not installed and used in accordance with the          not expressly approved by Philips AVENT
instructions, may cause harmful interference           may void the FCC authorization to operate
to radio communications.However, there is              this equipment. For assistance visit our
no guarantee that interference will not occur          website or call
in a particular installation. If this equipment        1-800-54-AVENT (1-800-542-8368).
does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference
by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment to an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the receiver is

                                                                                              EN     5

2 Important Safety                                            •    Dispose of used batteries according to

  Instructions                                                • To prevent battery explosion or leakage,
                                                                   which can damage the baby monitor and
                                                                   cause burns and skin or eye irritation:
                                                                   • do not recharge non-rechargeable
Read this user manual carefully before you use                          batteries,
the baby monitor and save the user manual for                      • insert batteries in the right direction
future reference.                                                       (+/-),
                                                                   • remove batteries if you are not going to
          Warning                                                       use the product for more than 30 days,
                                                                   • keep the battery away from excessive
    •• To prevent strangulation with the power cord, always
       keep the baby unit and the power cord out of baby's
                                                                        heat such as sunshine, fire or the like,
       reach, at least 1 meter/3.5 feet away. Do not use      • To prevent the battery from heating up or
       extension cords.                                            releasing toxic materials, hydrogen, or oxygen,
                                                                   do not:
Caution: Risk of explosion, electric shock,                        • overcharge,
short circuit, or leakage                                          • short circuit,
• The apparatus shall not be exposed to                            • reverse charge, or
    dripping or splashing and no objects filled                    • mutilate batteries.
    with liquids, such as vases, shall not be                 • To handle damaged or leaked batteries, wear
    placed on the apparatus.                                       protective gloves to protect your skin.
• Before you connect the baby monitor                         Adult supervision
    to the mains, make sure that the voltage                  • This baby monitor is intended as an aid. It is
    indicated on the adapters of the baby                          not a substitute for responsible and proper
    monitor corresponds to the local mains                         adult supervision and should not be used as
    voltage.                                                       such.
• Where the MAINS plug is used as the                         • Never place the baby unit inside the baby
    disconnect device, the disconnect device                       bed or playpen.
    shall remain readily operable.                            • To prevent overheating, do not cover the
• Use the supplied adapter to connect the                          baby monitor with a towel, blanket, or any
    baby unit to the mains.                                        other items.
• Use the supplied adapter to charge the                      • When your baby monitor uses a power
    parent unit.                                                   outlet, make sure that you can easily access
• To prevent electric shock, do not open                           the power outlet.
    the housing of the baby unit or parent unit               • For their safety, do not allow children to play
    except for the battery compartments.                           with the baby monitor.
• Make sure that your hands are dry when                      Storage precautions
    you insert or replace batteries (battery                  • Use and store the baby monitor between
    pack).                                                         10°C (50°F) and 35°C (95°F). Keep the baby
• For the parent unit, use only the                                monitor out of direct sunlight.
    rechargeable battery pack supplied with                   Replacement
    the baby monitor. Charge the rechargeable                 • If you need to replace the adapters, use the
    battery pack as described in this user                         type of adapters specified in this user manual.
    manual.                                                   • If you need to replace the battery, please
• To avoid a risk of explosion, replace the                        contact the customer care center.
    battery with a correct type.

6       EN

Electromagnetic fields (EMF)
This Philips AVENT appliance complies with all
standards regarding electromagnetic fields (EMF). If
handled properly and according to the instructions
in this user manual, the appliance is safe to use
based on scientific evidence available today.


Your product is designed and manufactured
with high quality materials and components,
which can be recycled and reused.
When you see the crossed-out wheel bin
symbol attached to a product, it means the
product is covered by the European Directive

Never dispose of your product with other
household waste. Please inform yourself about the
local rules on the separate collection of electrical
and electronic products.The correct disposal
of your old product helps prevent potentially
negative consequences on the environment and
human health.
Your product contains batteries covered by the
European Directive 2006/66/EC, which cannot be
disposed of with normal household waste.
When you see the crossed-out wheel bin symbol
with the chemical symbol 'Pb', it means that the
batteries comply with the requirement set by the
directive for lead:

Please inform yourself about the local rules on
separate collection of batteries. The correct
disposal of batteries helps prevent potentially
negative consequences on the environment and
human health.

                                                       EN   7

3 Overview                                        i
                                                  j Speaker
Parent unit                                       k Video display
                                                       Signal strength indicator
                                                        Battery power indicator
                                            l           Low battery power indicator
                                                  l Antenna
a                                                 Connector for the supplied AC/DC adapter
                                                     • Input: 100-240V AC
b                                           k        • Output: 6.0V DC, 500 mA
c                                                    • Model number: For UK, SSW-
                                            j            1920UK-2; For the other European
d                                           i            countries, SSW-1920EU-2
e                                           h
g                                                 Baby unit

a       ON/OFF switch                             a
    •    Press and hold to turn the parent unit
         on or off
b Stand                                           b
c Voice activation button
  • Press and hold to turn voice activation       c                                          f
      on or off                                   d
d Connector for the supplied DC adapter                                                      g
e Power on/off light                              e
  • Flashing red: The rechargeable battery
     is low in power.
  • Flashing green: The rechargeable
     battery is in charging mode.
  • Solid green: The unit is running.
f Voice activation light
g Sound level lights
  • Indicate the level of sound in your
     baby's room
h Key
  + [UP]
  - [DOWN]                                        a Antenna
     [LEFT]                                       b Power-on light

8   EN

    •   In green: The baby unit is turned on
c    ON/OFF switch
    • Press and hold to turn the baby unit
      on or off
    • Short press to pair the parent unit
      while the baby unit is on.
d Microphone
e Stand
f Lens
g Connector for the supplied DC adapter
h Wall mount
i Wall mount screws
Connector for the supplied AC/DC adapter
   • Input: 100-240V AC
   • Output: 6.0V DC, 500 mA
   • Model number: For UK, SSW-
       1920UK-2; For the other European
       countries, SSW-1920EU-2

                                               EN   9

4 Get started                                                 Insert the rechargeable battery.

Charge the parent unit
 •• Make sure your hands and the unit are dry when you
     insert and remove the rechargeable battery.

Do as follows to charge the parent unit before
you use it for the first time or when the parent          3   Reattach the lid.
unit indicates that the battery is low.                   4   Insert the plug into parent unit and put the
      »» The empty battery symbol flashes on                  adapter in a wall socket.
          the video display and the battery on/
          off light on the parent unit flashes red.

 •• If the battery is completely empty, the parent unit
     automatically switches off.
 •• The batter Model No. is BL-5C, 1050mAh.

1     To remove the battery door, slide to the
                                                              »» The battery on/off light on the parent
                                                                 unit flashes green.
                                                              »» When the battery is fully charged, the
                                                                 battery light turns solid green.

                                                          •• When you charge the parent unit for the first time or
                                                             after a long time not being used, switch it off and let it
                                                             charge continuously for at least 8 hours.
                                                          •• When the parent unit has been charged for the first
                                                             time, the operating time is less than 7 hours. The
                                                             rechargeable battery only reaches its full capacity after
                                                             you have charged and discharged it three times.
                                                          •• The battery gradually discharges, even when the parent
                                                             unit is switched off.

10     EN

                                                              4    Insert the plug into the baby unit and put
                                                                   the adapter in a wall socket.
•• Charging normally takes 5 hours, but it takes longer
   when the parent unit is switched on during charging. To
   keep the charging time as short as possible, switch off
   the parent unit during charging.
•• When the battery is fully charged, the parent unit can
   be used cordlessly for approximately 7 hours if it is in
   voice activation mode. If the video is on continuously,
   the parent unit can be used cordlessly for approx. 5

Set up the baby unit                                          5    Place the parent unit within the operation
                                                                   range of the baby unit. Make sure it is at
       Caution                                                     least 1.5 metre/5 feet away from the baby
•• Keep the baby unit out of the reach of the baby. Never
                                                                   unit to avoid acoustic feedback.
    place the baby unit inside or mount it on the baby's      6    For more information on the operating
    bed or playpen.                                                range, see section "Operating range" below.

       Note                                                           Tip

•• If you use wireless devices, microwave oven or a DECT-     •• Position the baby unit at a higher level to get a good
                                                                  overview of the baby's bed or playpen.
    system and you experience interference on either the
    parent unit or baby unit, move the parent unit further
    away until there is no more interference.

1    Place the baby unit at least 1 meter/3.5                 Wall mount the baby unit
     feet away from your baby.
2    Place the baby unit on a stable surface.                         Caution
     You may also mount the baby unit on a                    •• When the baby unit is wall mounted, manage the
     wall mount which is provided. For more                       cord of the baby unit so that it is fixed on the wall, not
     information, please refer to the next                        accessible by the baby.
3    Adjust the position of the baby unit in a                1    Use the paper template to mark the
     way that ensures the best visibility of your                  positions of the three screws to wall
     baby.                                                         mount your baby unit.
                                                              2    Drill holes at the three positions.
                                                              3    Place wall plugs in the wall.

                                                                                                                   EN      11

4    Screw in the wall-mount.

5    Put the baby unit into the wall-mount.

6    Place the cable into the holder at the wall-
7    Adjust the baby unit so that you can get a
     best view of your baby.

12   EN

5 Use your baby                                             Tip

  monitor                                            •• It takes about 15 seconds to establish the link between
                                                        the parent unit and the baby unit.
                                                     •• The battery symbol       flashes before the battery
                                                        runs out of power.

To see your baby,
1    Press on the parent/baby unit.
     »» The parent/baby unit turns on, and all
         indicators on the parent/baby unit light   Operating range
         up briefly.
                                                    The operating range of the baby monitor is
                                                    150 metres/490 feet in open air. The range
                                                    varies depending on the surroundings and other
                                                    disturbing factors.
                                                    This monitor is designed to operate at its
                                                    best within a 150m range, suitable for most
                                                    household environments. The operating range
                                                    and quality of the connection varies depending
                                                    on the number of obstructions, like walls or
                                                    buildings, in between the two units.

     »» Philips AVENT logo appears on the
        display briefly.
     »» If no link is established, a [NOT
        message is flashing on screen. The
        parent unit beeps from time to time.

 •• The CAM1 refers to the default camera.

                                                                                                      EN      13

6 Menu                                                Turn on voice activation
                                                      Press the button on the side of the parent
                                                      unit, and the voice activation indicator slowly
1    Press menu button on the parent unit.            Change voice activation level
     »» Menu is displayed.                            1    Press menu button on the parent unit.
2    Press +/- to move up or down the memu/           2    Select [VOICE ACTIVATION LEVEL] of
     submenu, and press / to move left or                  the baby unit.
     right across menu/submenu.
                                                      Menu option            Description
3    To confirm, press the center key or
                                                      [HIGH]                 High voice activation level
4    To exit, press .                                 [MID]                  Medium voice activation
                                                      [LOW]                  Low voice activation level
Zoom & Pan
1    Press menu button.                                       Note

2    Select [ZOOM & PAN] from the menu to              •• When voice activation is active, the LOOP ALL CAMs
                                                          in the switch CAM dialogue is not available.
     zoom in and out the view, and pan your            •• When the LOOP ALL CAMs is active, the VOICE
     view.                                                ACTIVATION function is not available. An info screen
                                                          will be shown when you press the VOX button.
Menu option             Description
[ZOOM+]                 Zoom in the view
[PAN]                   Pan the view to adjust
                        the focus of the view
[ZOOM-]                 Zoom out the view
                                                      Adjust brightness
                                                      1    Press menu button on the parent unit.
                                                      2    Select [ADJUST BRIGHTNESS].
Voice activation                                      3    Press +/- to adjust the brightness of the
                                                           video display.
Voice activation
When the voice activation mode is on, the
video display only switches on when the baby
unit picks up a sound. As long as no sound is
                                                      Add/delete cameras
detected, the video display is off to save power.
                                                      Add a new camera
When you press a key or a sound is detected,
                                                      A maximum of 4 cameras can be paired to a
the parent unit is activated, and will be off again
                                                      parent unit. The menu has 4 positions named
after 20 seconds time-out. The timer is reset
                                                      CAM1 up to CAM4. Your default setting will be
each time when:
                                                      at CAM1. You can select any of the positions
     • A sound exceeds the set voice
                                                      in the list to assign a camera. It is up to you to
         activation level
                                                      decide which camera is which item in the list.
     • One button on parent unit (menu, +, -,
            , ) is pressed on.

14   EN

        Note                                                          Note
 •• Only when a position is empty in the list, a new camera    •• When only one camera is in the paired list, the camera
    can be paired.                                                identification bar, i.e. pressing   and   will not be

1    Press menu button on the parent unit.
2    Select [ADD/DEL CAM].
                                                              2    Press and to navigate this bar to select
                                                                   other CAMs in the list, i.e. parent unit tries
     »» The paired CAM list is displayed.
                                                                   to connect to camera.
                                                              Loop all cameras
        Note                                                  Switch on the tab LOOP ALL cameras to check
                                                              what is going on through all paired cameras.
 •• A paired CAM cannot be paired again on another
    position when it is assigned to a position.

3    Select [ADD CAM].                                         •• When VOICE ACTIVATION is active, the LOOP ALL
     »» An info screen will indicate that the                     function is not selectable.

         parent unit is searching for the new
         camera. You are prompted to shortly
         press of the baby unit, with the baby
         unit being on.                                       Change the language
4    Short press of the baby unit, less than 1
     second.                                                  1    Press menu button on the parent unit
     »» An info screen will confirm when the
         pairing process is successful.
                                                              2    select [LANGUAGE] to define your
                                                                   desired language.
Delete a camera
1    From the paired CAM list, select the                     Menu option                         Description
     camera to be deleted.                                    GB                                  English
     »» The dialog [DELETE CAM1 FROM                          FR                                  French
        LIST?] is displayed.
2     Press or menu button to confirm, or
      press to return.
For example, when "CAM1 DELETE" is
highlighted and selected, CAM1 will be deleted.
                                                              To reset the parent unit:
Select other cameras
When multiple CAMs are listed in the paired                   1    Press and hold            to turn off the parent
camera list, you may switch between different                      unit.
cameras.                                                      2    Press and hold - on the parent unit.
1    Press or to show the CAM                                 3    When you hold -, turn on the parent unit.
     identification bar indicating which camera is                 »» The parent unit is reset.
     currently linked to the parent unit.

                                                                                                                          EN   15

7 Optimize the                                       8 Guarantee and
  battery life of                                      service
  the parent unit
                                                     If you need service or information or if you
                                                     have a problem, please visit the Philips AVENT
     •    Recharge the parent unit when              website at welcome
          you see the low battery icon. Fully        or contact the Philips Consumer Care Centre
          recharge the parent unit before you        in your country. You can find the phone number
          use it again, as completely draining the   of the Philips Consumer Care Centre in the
          rechargeable battery may reduce its        worldwide guarantee leaflet. If there is no
          life.                                      Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country,
     •    Remove the rechargeable battery pack       please visit the local Philips dealer.
          from the parent unit if you are not
          going to use if for a week or longer.
     •    Always fully recharge the parent after a
          long period of time.
     •    If you experience any issue while
          charging your battery, you may contact
          your dealer or a Philips service centre.

16   EN

9 Frequently
  asked questions
If you don't find the solution you need in this
section, you can get support at or contact the Philips
Consumer Care Center in your country.

Problems                              Possible causes                     Solutions
My parent/baby unit will not          The unit is not connected to the    Connect the unit to a power
switch on.                            power supply.                       supply.
                                      The battery is empty.               Replace the battery and make
                                                                          sure that it is correctly inserted.
My baby unit will not switch on.      The unit is not connected to a      Connect the unit to a power
                                      power supply.                       supply.
I cannot establish a connection.      The units are out of range.         Move the units closer (see
The parent unit beeps and the a                                           "Operating range" )
RANGE" message is flashing on.
                                      Parent and baby units are too far Move the parent unit at least
                                      apart.                            1.5 metres/ 5 feet away from
                                                                        the baby unit.
                                      The baby unit is switched off.    Switch on the baby unit.
I get interference. I can only hear   The units are out of range.       Move the units closer.
                                      The parent unit picks up signals    Move the parent unit away
                                      from other appliances or baby       from other 2.4GHz wireless
                                      monitors.                           appliances such as telephones.
I cannot hear anything through        The volume of parent unit is set    Increase the volume of the
my parent unit.                       too low or it is on mute.           parent unit.
                                      The units are out of range.         Move the units closer.
                                      You have switched on the            When it is activated, the video
                                      automatic voice activation.         is displayed on when the baby
                                                                          unit picks up a sound. As long
                                                                          as no sound is detected, the
                                                                          video display is off to save
                                      The voice activation level is set   Increase the voice activation
                                      too high.                           level.
My range is less than 150 metres/     Environmental obstructions may      Move the units closer.
490 feet.                             be affecting your range.

                                                                                                    EN    17

The battery light on the parent   The rechargeable battery of the      Recharge the battery.
unit flashes red.                 parent unit is running low.
The battery of the parent unit    The volume is set too high and       Decrease the volume.
runs low quickly.                 the unit consumes more power.
                                  The video display is switched       Activate the automatic voice
                                  on continuously and the unit        activation mode to increase the
                                  consumes more energy.               operating time.
Is my baby unit secure from                                           The 2.4GHz digital technology
eavesdropping?                                                        of this baby monitor guarantees
                                                                      no eavesdropping.
I hear other sounds from my       The baby unit is too far from the Move the baby unit closer to
parent unit.                      baby                                your baby with a minimum
                                                                      distance of 1 metre/ 3.5 feet.
                                  The voice activation level is set   Increase the voice activation
                                  too low.                            level.
                                  The baby unit is close to other     Move the baby unit away from
                                  sound source.                       the sound source.
The charging of the parent unit   The unit is used for the first time Allow at least 8 hours of
takes a long time.                or after a long period of disuse.   charging time.
                                  The parent unit is switched on      Switch off the parent unit
                                  during charging                     during charging.
The video monitor makes some a    The units may be too close to       Move the parent unit at least
high-pitched noise.               each other.                         1.5 metres/ 5 feet away from
                                                                      the baby unit.
                                  The volume of the parent unit       Decrease the volume of the
                                  may be set too high.                parent unit.
The parent unit makes a buzzing   The units are out of range.         Move the units closer.
                                  The parent unit picks up signals     Move the parent unit away
                                  from other appliances or baby        from other 2.4GHz wireless
                                  monitors.                            appliances such as telephones.
                                  The rechargeable battery of the      Recharge the battery.
                                  parent unit may be low.
The video display flickers.       The units are nearly out of range.   Move the units closer.
                                  The parent unit picks up signals     Move the parent unit away
                                  from other appliances or baby        from other 2.4GHz wireless
                                  monitors.                            appliances such as telephones.
                                  The rechargeable battery of the      Recharge the battery.
                                  parent unit may be low.
There is no image on the video    The parent unit may be in the     Press the automatic voice
display when the power on light   automatic voice activation mode.  activation button again to
is on.                                                              switch on the video display.
The image on the video display    The display brightness may be set Adjust the display brightness.
is unclear.                       too low or too high.


The image on the video display is             The distance between the baby       Make sure that the baby unit is
unclear in night vision.                      and the baby unit may be too        placed 1 to 1.5 metres/ 3.5 to
                                              long.                               5 feet away from the baby.
The parent unit does not charge               The rechargeable battery may        Replace the rechargeable
when I have plugged it in.                    have reached the end of its life.   battery.
The night vision LED is still ON              The baby unit's light sensor        Relocate the baby unit or leave
when the ambient condition is                 (located on top of the housing      it as it is. It will not affect the
bright enough.                                near the antenna) is blocked        picture of the display.
                                              from the ambient light.

 •• Product information is subject to change without prior


      In US manufactured for Philips Consumer Lifestyle,
      A division of Philips Electronics North America Corporation,
      P.O. Box 10313, Stamford, CT 06904
      In Canada imported for Philips Electronics Ltd,
      281 Hillmount Road, Markham, ON L6C2S3
      Call TOLL-FREE 1.800.54.AVENT
      En EE.UU. faricado para Philips Consumer Lifestyle,
      Una división de Philips Electronics North America Corporation,
      P.O. Box 10313,, Stamford, CT 06904
      En Canadá importado para Philips Electronics Ltd,
      281 Hillmount Road, Markham, ON L6C2S3
      Llame gratuítamente: 1.800.54.AVENT
      Aux États-Unis fabriqué pour: Mode de Vie/ Consommateurs Philips,
      une division de Philips Electronics North America Corporation,
      P.O. Box 10313, Stamford, CT 06904
      Au Canada importé pour Philips Électronique Ltée,
      281 Hillmount Road, Markham, ON L6C2S3
      Appelez SANS FRAIS: 1.800.54.AVENT


                                                                          100% papel reciclado


Document Created: 2011-09-26 17:05:51
Document Modified: 2011-09-26 17:05:51

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