Test Report


Test Report

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                                 Compliance test report ID      180452-1R1TRFWL
                                                                Date of issue
                                                                April 13, 2012

                                 FCC 47 CFR Part 25
                                 Satellite Communications

                                 Applicant   Skywave Mobile Communications
                                  Product    Satellite Terminal Device
                                    Model    IDP-680, IDP-690
                                  FCC ID     B92IDP6XX

                                                                                                               SCC Accredited
                                                                         Nemko Canada Inc., a testing
                                                                        laboratory, is accredited by the
                                                                    Standards Council of Canada. The
                                                                 tests included in this report are within
                                                                         the scope of this accreditation             LAB
                                                                                                                Accrédité CCN   TM

FCC P25.doc - Date: June, 2011

Test location

Nemko Canada Inc.
303 River Road
Ottawa, ON, K1V 1H2
Test site FCC ID: 176392 (3 m semi anechoic chamber)

Telephone       +1 613 737 9680
Facsimile       +1 613 737 9691
Toll free       +1 800 563 6336
Website         www.nemko.com

Tested by          Andrey Adelberg, EMC/Wireless Specialist

Reviewed by
                                                                                         April 13, 2012
                   David Duchesne, Senior EMC/Wireless Specialist                        Date

Limits of responsibility

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between the date of initial receipt of
samples and the date of issue of the report.
This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. All results contain in this report are within Nemko
Canada’s ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.
Copyright notification

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the company’s
employees only. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility
of such third parties.
Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on
this report.
© Nemko Canada Inc.

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                                  Page 2 of 25

Table of contents
Section 1: Report summary                                                                                                                     4
Section 2: Summary of test results                                                                                                            5
Section 3: Equipment under test (EUT) details                                                                                                 6
Section 4: Engineering considerations                                                                                                         7
Section 5: Test conditions                                                                                                                    8
Section 6: Measurement uncertainty                                                                                                            9
Section 7: Test equipment                                                                                                                    10
Section 8: Testing data                                                                                                                      11
8.1      Clause 25.204 Power limits                                                                                                          11
8.2      Clause 2.1049 Occupied bandwidth                                                                                                    12
8.3      Clause 25.202(f) Field strength of spurious emissions                                                                               14
8.4      Clause 25.202(d) Frequency tolerance, Earth stations                                                                                16
8.5      Clause 25.216 Limits on emissions from mobile earth stations for protection of aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service       17
Section 9: Block diagrams of test set-ups                                                                                                    19
Section 10: EUT and setup photos                                                                                                             20

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                               Page 3 of 25

Section 1                 Report summary

Section 1: Report summary
1.1 Applicant

SkyWave Mobile Communication
750 Palladium Drive, Suite 368
Ottawa, ON, K2V 1C7

1.2 Test specifications

FCC 47 CFR Part 25
Satellite Communications

1.3 Statement of compliance

In the configuration tested, the EUT was found compliant.

Testing was completed against all relevant requirements of the test standard. Results obtained indicate that the product under test complies in
full with the requirements tested. The test results relate only to the items tested.

See “Summary of test results” for full details.

1.4 Test report revision history

   Revision #        Details of changes made to test report
    R1TRF            Revision 1 – Address correction

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                               Page 4 of 25

Section 2:             Summary of test results

Section 2: Summary of test results
2.1 FCC Part 25, test results

Part                   Test description                                                                                  Verdict
25.204                 Power limit                                                                                        Pass
2.1046                 Occupied bandwidth                                                                                 Pass
25.202(f)              Spurious emissions at the antenna terminal                                                         N/A1
25.202(f)              Field strength of spurious emissions                                                               Pass
25.202(d)              Frequency tolerance, earth stations                                                                Pass
25.216                 Limits for emissions from mobile earth stations for protection of aeronautical radionavigation     Pass
                       satellite service
Notes: 1 The EUT uses an integral antenna and does not provide a means of directly connecting to the antenna terminal.

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                      Page 5 of 25

Section 3               Equipment under test (EUT) details

Section 3: Equipment under test (EUT) details
3.1 Sample information

Receipt date                         June 30, 2011
Nemko sample ID number               1, 2

3.2 EUT information

Product                              Satellite Terminal Device
Model                                IDP-680, IDP-690
Part                                 SM201016 (IDP-680), SM201009 (IDP-690)
                                                      IDP-680-BXG IDP-680-SXG                                   IDP-690-BXG     IDP-690-SXG
Model variants                       IDP-680-xxx:                                     IDP-690-xxx:
                                                      IDP-680-BXH IDP-680-SXH                                   IDP-690-BXH     IDP-690-SXH
Serial number                        01000118SKY13CB (IDP-680), 01000180SKY0D01 (IDP-690)

3.3 Technical information

                                     Receive band:       1525.0–1559.0 MHz
Operating band
                                     Transmit band:      1626.5–1660.5 MHz
                                     Receive band (space to earth):         1525.0–1559.0 MHz
Operating frequencies
                                     Transmit band (earth to space):        1626.5–1660.5 MHz
Modulation type                      Tx: OQPSK, 900 symbol/second, Rx: OQPSK, 3000 symbol/second
Occupied bandwidth                   Rx: 5 kHz, Tx: 10 kHz
Emission designator                  G1D
Power requirements                   9–32 VDC
Antenna information                  IDP-680, Low profile antenna (Patch antenna, 4.4 dBiC), maximum EIRP: 7 dBW.
                                     IDP-690, Lower elevation antenna (Quadrifilar antenna, 3.2 dBiC), maximum EIRP: 5 dBW.
                                          The EUT uses a non-detachable antenna to the intentional radiator.

3.4 Product description and theory of operation

The EUT is a low data rate land mobile satellite earth station (LMES) that operates in microwave L-band (1.5/1.6 GHz) and it is designed to be
used within Inmarsat global satellite network for asset tracking and management systems.
Model variants: BXG – bottom mount connector, low sensitivity GPS; BXH – bottom mount connector, high sensitivity GPS, SXG – side mount
connector, low sensitivity GPS; SXH – side mount connector, high sensitivity GPS.

3.5 EUT exercise details

The EUT was energized and using computer terminal via RS-232 port, transmission was set continuously on low, mid and high channels.

3.6 EUT setup diagram

                                                                                    Power supply

                                         EUT                    Data and DC

                                                        Diagram 3.6-1: Setup diagram

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                             Page 6 of 25

Section 4              Engineering considerations

Section 4: Engineering considerations
1.4 Modifications incorporated in the EUT

There were no modifications performed to the EUT during this assessment.

1.5 Technical judgment


1.6 Deviations from laboratory tests procedures

No deviations were made from laboratory test procedures.

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                       Page 7 of 25

Section 5               Test conditions

Section 5: Test conditions
5.1 Atmospheric conditions

Temperature: 15–30 °C
Relative humidity: 20–75 %
Air pressure: 86–106 kPa

When it is impracticable to carry out tests under these conditions, a note to this effect stating the ambient temperature and relative humidity
during the tests shall be recorded and stated.

5.2 Power supply range

The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal mains voltage. For the purpose of the present
document, the nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage, or any of the declared voltages ±5 %, for which the equipment was designed.

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                                  Page 8 of 25

Section 6             Measurement uncertainty

Section 6: Measurement uncertainty
6.1 Uncertainty of measurement

Nemko Canada Inc. has calculated measurement uncertainty and is documented in EMC/MUC/001 “Uncertainty in EMC measurements.”
Measurement uncertainty was calculated using the methods described in CISPR 16-4 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity
measuring apparatus and methods – Part 4: Uncertainty in EMC measurements; as well as described in UKAS LAB34: The expression of
Uncertainty in EMC Testing. Measurement uncertainty calculations assume a coverage factor of K=2 with 95% certainty.

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                      Page 9 of 25

Section 7             Test equipment

Section 7: Test equipment
7.1 Test equipment list

Equipment                              Manufacturer       Model No.    Asset/Serial No.   Cal. cycle   Next cal.
Spectrum analyzer                      Rohde & Schwarz    FSU          FA001877           1 year       Dec.06/11
Temperature chamber                    Thermotron         SM-16C       FA001030           1 year       NCR
Multimeter                             Fluke              16           FA001831           1 year       Jan. 26/12
International power supply             California Inst.   3001I        FA001021           1 year       Jan. 26/12
3 m EMI test chamber                   TDK                SAC-3        FA002047           1 year       Mar. 09/12
Flush mount turntable                  Sunol              FM2022       FA002082           —            NCR
Controller                             Sunol              SC104V       FA002060           —            NCR
Antenna mast                           Sunol              TLT2         FA002061           —            NCR
Bilog antenna                          Sunol              JB3          FA002108           1 year       Jan. 31/12
Horn antenna #2                        EMCO               3115         FA000825           1 year       Feb. 04/12
1–18 GHz pre-amplifier                 JCA                JCA118-503   FA002091           1 year       Sept. 23/11
Note: NCR = No Calibrate Required

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                   Page 10 of 25

Section 8                Testing data
Test name                Clause 25.204 Power limits
Standard                 FCC Part 25

Section 8: Testing data

8.1 Clause 25.204 Power limits
(a) In bands shared coequally with terrestrial radio communication services, the equivalent isotropically radiated power transmitted in any
direction towards the horizon by an earth station, other than an ESV, operating in frequency bands between 1 and 15 GHz, shall not exceed
the following limits except as provided for in paragraph (c) of this section:

      +40 dBW (70 dBm) in any 4 kHz band for Θ ≤ 0°
      +40 + 3Θ dBW in any 4 kHz band for 0° < Θ ≤ 5°
             where Θ is the angle of elevation of the horizon viewed from the center of radiation of the antenna of the earth station and
             measured in degrees as positive above the horizontal plane and negative below it.

(b) In bands shared coequally with terrestrial radiocommunication services, the equivalent isotropically radiated power transmitted in any
direction towards the horizon by an earth station operating in frequency bands above 15 GHz shall not exceed the following limits except as
provided for in paragraph (c) of this section:

      +64 dBW (94 dBm) in any 1 MHz band for Θ ≤ 0°
      +64 + 3 Θ dBW in any 1 MHz band for 0° < Θ ≤ 5°
             where Θ is as defined in paragraph (a) of this section.

(c) For angles of elevation of the horizon greater than 5° there shall be no restriction as to the equivalent isotropically radiated power
transmitted by an earth station towards the horizon.

(d) Notwithstanding the e.i.r.p. and e.i.r.p. density limits specified in the station authorization, each earth station transmission shall be
conducted at the lowest power level that will provide the required signal quality as indicated in the application and further amended by
coordination agreements.

8.1.1     Test summary

Test date       July 14, 2011                      Test engineer      Andrey Adelberg                 Verdict                Pass
Temperature     25 °C                              Air pressure       1004 mbar                       Relative humidity      39 %

8.1.2     Observations/special notes

Peak detector of the spectrum analyzer with RBW wider than occupied bandwidth was used for power measurements.

Test was performed radiated in anechoic chamber at 3 m, using a substitution method for EIRP calculation.

8.1.3     Test data

                                                       Table 8.1-1: EIRP results for IDP-680
 Frequency (MHz)           Received (dBµV)          Sig Gen Level (dBm)          Cable loss (dB)        Antenna gain (dBi)           EIRP (dBm)
      1626.5                   104.50                      25.99                      0.57                    8.55                      33.97
      1642.0                   102.59                      24.25                      0.57                    8.55                      32.23
      1660.5                   101.35                      23.22                      0.57                    8.55                      31.20

                                                       Table 8.1-2: EIRP results for IDP-690
 Frequency (MHz)           Received (dBµV)          Sig Gen Level (dBm)          Cable loss (dB)        Antenna gain (dBi)           EIRP (dBm)
      1626.5                   103.41                      24.90                      0.57                    8.55                      32.88
      1642.0                   102.51                      24.17                      0.57                    8.55                      32.15
      1660.5                   102.54                      24.41                      0.57                    8.55                      32.39

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                                    Page 11 of 25

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 2.1049 Occupied bandwidth
Standard               FCC Part 2

8.2 Clause 2.1049 Occupied bandwidth
The occupied bandwidth, that is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper frequency limits, the mean powers
radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power radiated by a given emission.

8.2.1     Test summary

Test date      July 14, 2011                   Test engineer     Andrey Adelberg               Verdict               Pass
Temperature    23 °C                           Air pressure      1003 mbar                     Relative humidity     46 %

8.2.2     Observations/special notes

The test was performed using 3 kHz RBW / 10 kHz VBW

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Section 8                                 Testing data
Test name                                 Clause 2.1049 Occupied bandwidth
Standard                                  FCC Part 2

8.2.3            Test data
                                                         * RBW   3 kHz           Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                                                          * RBW   3 kHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                          VBW    10 kHz                       17.17 dBm                                                                                                   VBW    10 kHz              15.46 dBm
       Ref    31 dBm              * Att    5 dB           SWT 45 ms                      1.626500427 GHz                                          Ref    31 dBm                * Att       5 dB           SWT 45 ms             1.642000440 GHz

       30    Offset    21 dB                                                     OBW     8.060000000 kHz                                          30    Offset     21 dB                                                  OBW   7.920000000 kHz
                                                                                 Temp 1 [T1 OBW]                                                                                                                          Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                  2.16 dBm     A                                                                                                                         0.66 dBm   A
       20                                            1                                                                                            20
                                                                                         1.626496167 GHz                                                                                             1                          1.641996260 GHz
1 PK                                                                             Temp 2 [T1 OBW]                                          1 PK                                                                            Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
VIEW                                                                                                                                      MAXH
                                                                                                  2.47 dBm                                                                                                                               1.02 dBm
       10                                                                                                    LVL                                  10                                                                                                LVL
                                                                                         1.626504227 GHz                                                                                                                        1.642004180 GHz
                                                   T1 T2
                                                                                                                                                                                                   T1 T2
       0                                                                                                                                          0

       -10                                                                                                                                        -10

       -20                                                                                                                                        -20

                                                                                                             3DB                                                                                                                                    3DB

       -30                                                                                                                                        -30

       -40                                                                                                                                        -40

       -50                                                                                                                                        -50

       -60                                                                                                                                        -60

       Center   1.626500547 GHz                   20 kHz/                                  Span    200 kHz                                        Center   1.642 GHz                              20 kHz/                         Span   200 kHz

Date: 14.JUL.2011      16:33:17                                                                                                          Date: 14.JUL.2011         16:34:25

                               Plot 8.2-1: 99 % OBW, low channel                                                                                                           Plot 8.2-2: 99 % OBW, mid channel

                                                                                                                                 * RBW   3 kHz           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                                  VBW    10 kHz                       12.33 dBm
                                                                          Ref    31 dBm                * Att       5 dB           SWT 45 ms                      1.660500820 GHz

                                                                          30    Offset     21 dB                                                         OBW     7.960000000 kHz
                                                                                                                                                         Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                                                                                      -2.47 dBm        A
                                                                                                                                                                 1.660496260 GHz
                                                                  1 PK                                                       1                           Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                                                                                      -2.13 dBm
                                                                          10                                                                                                         LVL
                                                                                                                                                                 1.660504220 GHz

                                                                                                                           T1 T2








                                                                          Center   1.6605 GHz                             20 kHz/                                  Span    200 kHz

                                                                 Date: 14.JUL.2011         16:35:04

                                                                                                  Plot 8.2-3: 99 % OBW, high channel

                                                                                         Table 8.2-1: 99 % Occupied bandwidth results
                                  Channel/Frequency, (MHz)                                                                                                                 99 % Occupied bandwidth, (kHz)
                                           1626.5                                                                                                                                      8.06
                                           1642.0                                                                                                                                      7.92
                                           1660.5                                                                                                                                      7.96

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 13 of 25

Section 8              Testing data
Test name              Clause 25.202(f) Field strength of spurious emissions
Standard               FCC Part 25

8.3 Clause 25.202(f) Field strength of spurious emissions
(f) Emission limitations. The mean power of emissions shall be attenuated below the mean output power of the transmitter in accordance with
the following schedule:

   (1) In any 4 kHz band, the center frequency of which is removed from the assigned frequency by more than 50 percent up to and including
        100 percent of the authorized bandwidth: 25 dB;

   (2) In any 4 kHz band, the center frequency of which is removed from the assigned frequency by more than 100 percent up to and including
        250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: 35 dB;

   (3) In any 4 kHz band, the center frequency of which is removed from the assigned frequency by more than 250 percent of the authorized
        bandwidth: An amount equal to 43 dB plus 10 times the logarithm (to the base 10) of the transmitter power in watts (−13 dBm fixed);

   (4) In any event, when an emission outside of the authorized bandwidth causes harmful interference, the Commission may, at its discretion,
        require greater attenuation than specified in paragraphs (f) (1), (2) and (3) of this section.

8.3.1     Test summary

Test date      July 14, 2011                   Test engineer      Andrey Adelberg                 Verdict             Pass
Temperature    25 °C                           Air pressure       1005 mbar                       Relative humidity   41 %

8.3.2     Observations/special notes

The Spectrum was searched from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic in the carrier-on mode. No emissions were found within 20 dB below the limit.

The measurements for inband emissions were performed with 3 kHz RBW; therefore an additional correction of −1.25 dB was applied to the

8.3.3     Test data

                                                     Table 8.3-1: Emission mask results

Frequency offset      Attenuation lower          Limit            Margin          Attenuation upper           Limit             Margin
       (%)                  (dB)                 (dB)              (dB)                 (dB)                  (dB)               (dB)
IDP-680, low channel
     50–100                 55.26                25.00             30.26                  54.99               25.00              29.99
    100–250                 51.95                35.00             16.95                  51.54               35.00              16.54
IDP-680, mid channel
     50–100                 55.61                25.00             30.61                  53.20               25.00              28.20
    100–250                 51.31                35.00             16.31                  51.25               35.00              16.25
IDP-680, high channel
     50–100                 55.77                25.00             30.77                  53.48               25.00              28.48
    100–250                 51.30                35.00             16.30                  51.33               35.00              16.33
IDP-690, low channel
     50–100                 53.97                25.00             28.97                  55.09               25.00              30.09
    100–250                 51.19                35.00             16.19                  51.18               35.00              16.18
IDP-690, mid channel
     50–100                 54.13                25.00             29.13                  54.19               25.00              29.19
    100–250                 50.62                35.00             15.62                  51.22               35.00              16.22
IDP-690, high channel
     50–100                 54.90                25.00             29.90                  54.52               25.00              29.52
    100–250                 50.70                35.00             15.70                  50.99               35.00              15.99

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                           Page 14 of 25

Section 8                                       Testing data
Test name                                       Clause 25.202(f) Field strength of spurious emissions
Standard                                        FCC Part 25

8.3.3                 Test data, continued

Channel bandwidth is 10 kHz
Adjacent channel: 50 % to 100 % (from 5 to 10 kHz frequency offset from the center frequency)
Alternative channel: 100% to 250 % (from 10 kHz to 25 kHz frequency offset from the center frequency
                                                              * RBW 2 kHz                                                                                          * RBW 2 kHz
                                                               VBW 20 kHz                                                                                           VBW 20 kHz
         Ref     40 dBm                 * Att   30 dB          SWT 45 ms                                        Ref    40 dBm                 * Att   30 dB         SWT 45 ms

                 Offset    11.8 dB                                                                                     Offset    11.8 dB
          30                                                                                                    30

          20                                                                                     A                                                                                                    A

          10                                                                                                    10
1 RM *                                                                                                 1 RM *
VIEW      0                                                                                            VIEW     0
                                                                                                 LVL                                                                                                  LVL
          -10                                                                                                   -10

          -20                                                                                    TDS            -20                                                                                   TDS

          -30                                                                                                   -30

          -40                                                                                    PS             -40                                                                                   PS
          -50                                                                                    3DB            -50                                                                                   3DB
                                                                                                 DC                                                                                                   DC

          Center   1.62650055 GHz                        5.5 kHz/                 Span 55 kHz                   Center   1.64200055 GHz                       5.5 kHz/                 Span 55 kHz

          Tx Channel                                                                                             Tx Channel
          Bandwidth                       10 kHz
                                                              Power           33.97 dBm                          Bandwidth                      10 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Power           32.23 dBm
          Adjacent Channel                                                                                       Adjacent Channel
          Bandwidth                        5 kHz              Lower          -55.26 dB                           Bandwidth                       5 kHz             Lower          -55.61 dB
          Spacing                        7.5 kHz
                                                              Upper          -54.99 dB                           Spacing                       7.5 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Upper          -53.20 dB
          Alternate Channel                                                                                      Alternate Channel
          Bandwidth                       15 kHz              Lower          -51.95 dB                           Bandwidth                      15 kHz             Lower          -51.31 dB
          Spacing                       17.5 kHz
                                                              Upper          -51.54 dB                           Spacing                      17.5 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Upper          -51.25 dB
                    Plot 8.3-1: Emission mask for IDP-680, low channel                                                    Plot 8.3-2: Emission mask for IDP-680, mid channel
                                                              * RBW 2 kHz                                                                                          * RBW 2 kHz
                                                               VBW 20 kHz                                                                                           VBW 20 kHz
         Ref     40 dBm                 * Att   30 dB          SWT 45 ms                                        Ref    40 dBm                 * Att   30 dB         SWT 45 ms

                 Offset    11.8 dB                                                                                     Offset    11.8 dB
          30                                                                                                    30

          20                                                                                     A                                                                                                    A

          10                                                                                                    10
 1 RM * 14.JUL.2011         16:38:01                                                                   Date:
                                                                                                        1 RM * 14.JUL.2011        16:38:54
VIEW      0                                                                                            VIEW     0
                                                                                                 LVL                                                                                                  LVL
          -10                                                                                                   -10

          -20                                                                                    TDS            -20                                                                                   TDS

          -30                                                                                                   -30

          -40                                                                                    PS             -40                                                                                   PS
          -50                                                                                    3DB                                                                                                  3DB
                                                                                                 DC                                                                                                   DC

          Center   1.66050055 GHz                        5.5 kHz/                 Span 55 kHz                   Center   1.62650165 GHz                       5.5 kHz/                 Span 55 kHz

          Tx Channel                                                                                             Tx Channel
          Bandwidth                       10 kHz
                                                              Power           31.20 dBm                          Bandwidth                      10 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Power           32.88 dBm
          Adjacent Channel                                                                                       Adjacent Channel
          Bandwidth                        5 kHz              Lower          -55.77 dB                           Bandwidth                       5 kHz             Lower          -53.97 dB
          Spacing                        7.5 kHz
                                                              Upper          -53.48 dB                           Spacing                       7.5 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Upper          -55.09 dB
          Alternate Channel                                                                                      Alternate Channel
          Bandwidth                       15 kHz              Lower          -51.30 dB                           Bandwidth                      15 kHz             Lower          -51.19 dB
          Spacing                       17.5 kHz
                                                              Upper          -51.33 dB                           Spacing                      17.5 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Upper          -51.18 dB
                   Plot 8.3-3: Emission mask for IDP-680, high channel                                                    Plot 8.3-4: Emission mask for IDP-690, low channel
                                                              * RBW 2 kHz                                                                                          * RBW 2 kHz
                                                                VBW 20 kHz                                                                                           VBW 20 kHz
          Ref     40 dBm                * Att    30 dB          SWT 45 ms                                       Ref     40 dBm                * Att   30 dB          SWT 45 ms

                 Offset    11.8 dB                                                                                     Offset    11.8 dB
           30                                                                                                    30

                                                                                                  A              20                                                                                    A

Date: 14.JUL.2011
       10                   16:39:58                                                                            10
 1 RM *
                                                                                                        1 RM * 14.JUL.2011        16:31:42
 VIEW      0                                                                                            VIEW     0
                                                                                                 LVL                                                                                                  LVL
           -10                                                                                                   -10

           -20                                                                                   TDS             -20                                                                                  TDS

           -30                                                                                                   -30

           -40                                                                                                   -40                                                                                  PS
                                                                                                 3DB             -50                                                                                  3DB
                                                                                                 DC                                                                                                   DC

          Center    1.642001719 GHz                      5.5 kHz/                  Span 55 kHz                  Center    1.66050165 GHz                      5.5 kHz/                  Span 55 kHz

           Tx Channel                                                                                            Tx Channel
           Bandwidth                       10 kHz
                                                              Power           32.15 dBm                          Bandwidth                       10 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Power           32.39 dBm
           Adjacent Channel                                                                                      Adjacent Channel
           Bandwidth                        5 kHz             Lower          -54.13 dB                           Bandwidth                        5 kHz            Lower          -54.90 dB
           Spacing                       7.5 kHz
                                                              Upper          -54.19 dB                           Spacing                       7.5 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Upper          -54.52 dB
           Alternate Channel                                                                                     Alternate Channel
           Bandwidth                       15 kHz             Lower          -50.62 dB                           Bandwidth                       15 kHz            Lower          -50.70 dB
           Spacing                      17.5 kHz
                                                              Upper          -51.22 dB                           Spacing                      17.5 kHz
                                                                                                                                                                   Upper          -50.99 dB
                    Plot 8.3-5: Emission mask for IDP-690, mid channel                                                    Plot 8.3-6: Emission mask for IDP-690, high channel

Date: 14.JUL.2011            16:30:00                                                                  Date: 14.JUL.2011           16:30:52

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                                                                                          Page 15 of 25

Section 8                  Testing data
Test name                  Clause 25.202(d) Frequency tolerance, Earth stations
Standard                   FCC Part 25

8.4 Clause 25.202(d) Frequency tolerance, Earth stations
The carrier frequency of each earth station transmitter authorized in these services shall be maintained within 0.001 percent (±10 ppm) of the
reference frequency.

§2.1055 Frequency stability
(a) The frequency stability shall be measured with variation of ambient temperature as follows:
     (1) From −30° to +50° centigrade for all equipment except that specified in paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this section

(b) Frequency measurements shall be made at the extremes of the specified temperature range and at intervals of not more than 10°
centigrade through the range.

(d) The frequency stability shall be measured with variation of primary supply voltage as follows:
     (1) Vary primary supply voltage from 85 to 115 percent of the nominal value for other than hand carried battery equipment.

8.4.1       Test summary

Test date          July 18, 2011                           Test engineer     Andrey Adelberg              Verdict             Pass
Temperature        24 °C                                   Air pressure      1002 mbar                    Relative humidity   48 %

8.4.2       Observations/special notes

The IDP-680 uses the same circuitry as IDP-690 except for the RF antenna type.

It was judged that the results from the IDP-680 would be representative for both models and have been included for completeness.

8.4.3       Test data

                                                              Table 8.4-1: Frequency stability results
                                             Frequency                        Offset*                      Limit                     Margin
      Test conditions
                                                (Hz)                          (ppm)                       (ppm)                      (ppm)
       +50 °C, Nominal                       1626505438                        3.09                         ±10                       6.91
       +40 °C, Nominal                       1626505519                        3.14                         ±10                       6.86
       +30 °C, Nominal                       1626505519                        3.14                         ±10                       6.86
        +20 °C, +15 %                        1626504218                        2.34                         ±10                       7.66
       +20 °C, Nominal                       1626500412                                                  Reference
        +20 °C, -15 %                        1626503909                         2.15                        ±10                       7.85
       +10 °C, Nominal                       1626498769                        -1.01                        ±10                       8.99
        0 °C, Nominal                        1626496069                        -2.67                        ±10                       7.33
       −10 °C, Nominal                       1626495305                        -3.14                        ±10                       6.86
       −20 °C, Nominal                       1626495435                        -3.06                        ±10                       6.94
       −30 °C, Nominal                       1626495874                        -2.79                        ±10                       7.21
* Note: Offset calculation: FMeasured Freference
                                                   1 106

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                                   Page 16 of 25

Section 8                                    Testing data
                                             Clause 25.216 Limits on emissions from mobile earth stations for protection of
Test name
                                             aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service
Standard                                     FCC Part 25

8.5 Clause 25.216 Limits on emissions from mobile earth stations for protection of aeronautical
    radionavigation-satellite service
(c) The e.i.r.p. density of emissions from mobile earth stations with assigned uplink frequencies between 1610 MHz and 1660.5 MHz shall not
    exceed −70 dBW/MHz (−40 dBm/MHz), averaged over any 2 millisecond active transmission interval, in the band 1559–1605 MHz. The
    e.i.r.p. of discrete emissions of less than 700 Hz bandwidth from such stations shall not exceed −80 dBW (−50 dBm), averaged over any 2
    millisecond active transmission interval, in the 1559–1605 MHz band.

(f) Mobile earth stations with assigned uplink frequencies in the 1610–1660.5 MHz band shall suppress the power density of emissions in the
    1605–1610 MHz band to an extent determined by linear interpolation from −70 dBW/MHz (−40 dBm/MHz) at 1605 MHz to −10 dBW/MHz
    (20 dBm/MHz) at 1610 MHz.

8.5.1              Test summary

Test date                    July 14, 2011                                     Test engineer             Andrey Adelberg                                   Verdict                        Pass
Temperature                  25 °C                                             Air pressure              1005 mbar                                         Relative humidity              41 %

8.5.2              Observations/special notes

The Spectrum was searched from the 1.559–1.61 GHz.

RMS detector of spectrum analyzer was used with 1 MHz RBW and 3 MHz VBW.

8.5.3              Test data

                                                           * RBW   1 MHz                                                                                                 * RBW   1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                           Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                           * VBW   3 MHz             -48.93 dBm                                                                          * VBW   3 MHz             -44.94 dBm

         Ref   -20 dBm               * Att    30 dB         SWT    45 ms       1.605950600 GHz                         Ref   -20 dBm               * Att    30 dB         SWT    45 ms       1.609219700 GHz

         -20 Offset      -33.2 dB                                                                                      -20 Offset      -33.2 dB

                                                                                                   A                                                                                                             A
         -30                                                                                                           -30

1 RM *                                                                                                        1 RM *
MAXH                                                                                                          MAXH
         -40      D1 -40 dBm                                                                                           -40      D1 -40 dBm
                                                                                                   LVL                                                                                                       1   LVL

                                                                                                   TDS                                                                                                           TDS
         -50                                                                                                           -50

                                                                                                   PS                                                                                                            PS
         -60                                                                                                           -60

         -70                                                                                                           -70

                                                                                                   3DB                                                                                                           3DB

         -80                                                                                       DC                  -80                                                                                       DC

         -90                                                                                                           -90

         -100                                                                                                          -100

         -110                                                                                                          -110

         -120                                                                                                          -120

         Start   1.559 GHz                            5.1 MHz/                   Stop   1.61 GHz                       Start   1.559 GHz                            5.1 MHz/                   Stop   1.61 GHz

Date: 14.JUL.2011         16:49:27                                                                            Date: 14.JUL.2011         16:51:44

                 Plot 8.5-1: 1559–1610 MHz for IDP-680, low channel                                                            Plot 8.5-2: 1559–1610 MHz for IDP-680, mid channel

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                                                                                                      Page 17 of 25

Section 8                                     Testing data
                                              Clause 25.216 Limits on emissions from mobile earth stations for protection of
Test name
                                              aeronautical radionavigation-satellite service
Standard                                      FCC Part 25

8.5.3               Test data, continued

                                                            * RBW   1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                            * RBW   1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                            * VBW   3 MHz             -50.24 dBm                                                                      * VBW   3 MHz             -47.51 dBm
         Ref    -20 dBm               * Att    30 dB         SWT    45 ms       1.609663400 GHz                     Ref    -20 dBm               * Att   30 dB         SWT    45 ms       1.601432000 GHz

         -20 Offset       -33.2 dB                                                                                  -20 Offset       -33.2 dB

                                                                                                     A                                                                                                        A
         -30                                                                                                        -30

1 RM *                                                                                                     1 RM *
MAXH                                                                                                       MAXH
         -40       D1 -40 dBm                                                                                       -40       D1 -40 dBm
                                                                                                    LVL                                                                                                       LVL
                                                                                                   1 TDS                                                                                                      TDS
         -50                                                                                                        -50

                                                                                                    PS                                                                                                        PS
         -60                                                                                                        -60

         -70                                                                                                        -70

                                                                                                    3DB                                                                                                       3DB

         -80                                                                                        DC              -80                                                                                       DC

         -90                                                                                                        -90

         -100                                                                                                       -100

         -110                                                                                                       -110

         -120                                                                                                       -120

         Start    1.559 GHz                            5.1 MHz/                   Stop   1.61 GHz                   Start    1.559 GHz                           5.1 MHz/                   Stop   1.61 GHz

Date: 14.JUL.2011          16:43:16                                                                        Date: 14.JUL.2011          16:08:03

                 Plot 8.5-3: 1559–1610 MHz for IDP-680, high channel                                                        Plot 8.5-4: 1559–1610 MHz for IDP-690, low channel
                                                            * RBW   1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                            * RBW   1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                            * VBW   3 MHz             -43.61 dBm                                                                      * VBW   3 MHz             -51.60 dBm
         Ref    -20 dBm               * Att    30 dB         SWT    45 ms        1.608735200 GHz                    Ref    -20 dBm               * Att   30 dB         SWT    45 ms        1.606475900 GHz

          -20 Offset      -33.2 dB                                                                                   -20 Offset      -33.2 dB

                                                                                                      A                                                                                                        A
          -30                                                                                                        -30

1 RM *                                                                                                     1 RM *
MAXH                                                                                                       MAXH
          -40      D1 -40 dBm                                                                  1                     -40      D1 -40 dBm
                                                                                                     LVL                                                                                                      LVL

                                                                                                     TDS                                                                                               1      TDS
          -50                                                                                                        -50

                                                                                                     PS                                                                                                       PS
          -60                                                                                                        -60

          -70                                                                                                        -70

                                                                                                     3DB                                                                                                      3DB

          -80                                                                                        DC              -80                                                                                      DC

          -90                                                                                                        -90

          -100                                                                                                       -100

          -110                                                                                                       -110

          -120                                                                                                       -120

         Start    1.559 GHz                            5.1 MHz/                   Stop   1.61 GHz                   Start    1.559 GHz                           5.1 MHz/                   Stop   1.61 GHz

Date: 14.JUL.2011          16:09:54                                                                        Date: 14.JUL.2011          16:11:54

                 Plot 8.5-5: 1559–1610 MHz for IDP-690, mid channel                                                         Plot 8.5-6: 1559–1610 MHz for IDP-690, high channel

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                                                                                                                   Page 18 of 25

Section 9:            Block diagrams of test set-ups

Section 9: Block diagrams of test set-ups
9.1 Radiated emissions set-up

                                            Radio absorbing material




                            table                                                               1m
              0.8 m

                                                           Metal ground
                          Turn table


Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                                                 Page 19 of 25

Section 10:          EUT and setup photos

Section 10: EUT and setup photos
10.1     EUT photo

                                            Photo 10.1-1: IDP-680 top view

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                         Page 20 of 25

Section 10:         EUT and setup photos

10.1     EUT photo, continued

                                           Photo 10.1-2: IDP-680 bottom view

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                           Page 21 of 25

Section 10:         EUT and setup photos

10.1     EUT photo, continued

                                           Photo 10.1-3: IDP-690 top view

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                        Page 22 of 25

Section 10:         EUT and setup photos

10.1     EUT photo, continued

                                           Photo 10.1-4: IDP-690 bottom view

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                           Page 23 of 25

Section 10:         EUT and setup photos

10.2     Setup photo

                                           Photo 10.2-1: IDP-680 test setup

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                          Page 24 of 25

Section 10:         EUT and setup photos

10.2     Setup photo, continued

                                           Photo 10.2-2: IDP-690 test setup

Report reference ID: 180452-1R1TRFWL                                          Page 25 of 25

Document Created: 2012-04-13 14:01:08
Document Modified: 2012-04-13 14:01:08

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