Test Report-Part 1-Rev.02-0107


Test Report

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                                                Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                                     Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

                                      FCC 15.247 & RSS-247
                                       2.4GHz Test Report


                                       FUTABA Corporation

                             1080 YabutsukaChosei-son Chosei-gun
                             Chiba, 299-4395 Japan.

                          Brand                          :    Futaba
                          Product Name                   :    Radio Control
                          Model Name                     :    T4PM
                          FCC ID                         :    AZPT4PM-24G
                          IC                             :    2914D-T4PM

                          Prepared by:                   : AUDIX Technology Corporation,
                                                           EMC Department

                                                                        NVLAP LAB CODE 200077-0

            The test report is based on a single evaluation of one sample of the above-mentioned products. It does not imply
            an assessment of the whole production and does not permit the use of the test lab logo.
            The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP,
            NIST, or any agency of the U.S. Government.

File Number: C1M1811153                                                                      Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                                                                           Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                                                                Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Description                                                                                                                                             Page
TEST REPORT CERTIFICATION.................................................................................................... 4
1. REVISION RECORD OF TEST REPORT ............................................................................ 5
2. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................... 6
3. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 7
     3.1.     Description of Application .............................................................................................................. 7
     3.2.     Description of Application .............................................................................................................. 7
     3.3.     Antenna Information ....................................................................................................................... 8
     3.4.     EUT Specifications Assessed in Current Report ............................................................................. 8
     3.5.     Test Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 10
     3.6.     Tested Supporting System List ...................................................................................................... 13
     3.7.     Setup Configuration....................................................................................................................... 13
     3.8.     Operating Condition of EUT ......................................................................................................... 13
     3.9.     Description of Test Facility ........................................................................................................... 14
     3.10.    Measurement Uncertainty ............................................................................................................. 14
4.   MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENTLIST ................................................................................. 15
     4.1.     Radiated Emission Measurement .................................................................................................. 15
     4.2.     RF Conducted Measurement ......................................................................................................... 15
5.   CONDUCTED EMISSION MEASUREMET....................................................................... 16
6.   RADIATED EMISSION MEASUREMENT ........................................................................ 17
     6.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................ 17
     6.2.     Radiated Emission Limits.............................................................................................................. 18
     6.3.     Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 19
     6.4.     Measurement Result Explanation .................................................................................................. 20
     6.5.     Test Results ................................................................................................................................... 20
7.   20dB BANDWIDTH MEASUREMENT ............................................................................... 21
     7.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................ 21
     7.2.     Specification Limits....................................................................................................................... 21
     7.3.     Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 21
     7.4.     Test Results ................................................................................................................................... 21
8.   CARRIER FREQUENCY SEPARATION MEASUREMENT .......................................... 22
     8.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................ 22
     8.2.     Specification Limits....................................................................................................................... 22
     8.3.     Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 22
     8.4.     Test Results ................................................................................................................................... 22
9.   TIME OF OCCUPANCY MEASUREMENT ...................................................................... 23
     9.1.     Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................ 23
     9.2.     Specification Limits....................................................................................................................... 23
     9.3.     Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 23
     9.4.     Test Results ................................................................................................................................... 23
10. NUMBER OF HOPPING CHANNELS MEASUREMENT ............................................... 24
     10.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................ 24
     10.2. Specification Limits....................................................................................................................... 24
     10.3. Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 24
File Number: C1M1811153                                                                                               Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                                                                           Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                                                                Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan
     10.4. Test Results ................................................................................................................................... 24
11. MAXIMUM PEAK OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENT ............................................... 25
     11.1.    Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................ 25
     11.2.    Specification Limits....................................................................................................................... 25
     11.3.    Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 25
     11.4.    Test Results ................................................................................................................................... 25
12. EMISSION LIMITATIONS MEASUREMENT .................................................................. 26
     12.1.    Block Diagram of Test Setup ........................................................................................................ 26
     12.2.    Specification Limits....................................................................................................................... 26
     12.3.    Test Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 26
     12.4.    Test Results ................................................................................................................................... 26
13. DEVIATION TO TEST SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................... 27


File Number: C1M1811153                                                                                               Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

                         TEST REPORT CERTIFICATION

Applicant                           :   FUTABA Corporation
Manufacture                         :   FUTABA Corporation
EUT Description
        (1) Product                 :   Radio Control
        (2) Model                   :   T4PM
        (3) Brand                   :   Futaba
        (4) Power Rating            :   DC 4.5V

Applicable Standards:

47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart C
RSS-Gen (Issue 5), April 2018
RSS-247 (Issue 2), February 2017
ANSI C63.10:2013

Audix Technology Corp. tested the equipment mentioned in accordance with the requirements set
forth in the above standards. Test results indicate that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented within this report.
Audix Technology Corp. does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations
drawn from the test results with regard to other specimens and samples.

Date of Report:         2019. 01. 07

Reviewed by:
                   __________________________           (Tina Huang/Administrator)

Approved by:
                   __________________________           (Ben Cheng/Manager)

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

      Edition No        Issued Data             Revision Summary                   Report Number
            0           2019. 01. 07              Original Report.                EM-F180565

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                               Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                    Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

                                                               Description                  Results
                FCC                        IC
       15.207                       RSS-Gen §8.8      Conducted Emission                  N/A, NOTE
                                    RSS-Gen §8.9      Radiated Band Edge and
       15.247(d)/15.205                                                                      PASS
                                    RSS-247 §5.5      Radiated Spurious Emission
       15.247(a)(1)                 RSS-247 §5.1(a)   20dB Bandwidth                         PASS
       15.247(a)(1)                 RSS-247 §5.1(B)   Carrier Frequency Separation           PASS
       15.247(a)(1)(iii)            RSS-247 §5.1(d)   Time of Occupancy                      PASS
       15.247(a)(1)(iii)            RSS-247 §5.1(d)   Number of Hopping Channels             PASS
       15.247(b)(1)                 RSS-247 §5.1(b)   Maximum Peak Output Power              PASS
                                                      Conducted Band Edges and
       15.247(d)                    RSS-247 §5.5                                             PASS
                                                      Conducted Spurious Emission
       15.203              RSS-Gen §8.3        Antenna Requirement                   Compliance
       Note: The EUT only employs battery power for operation, so it is unnecessary to test.

File Number: C1M1811153                                                      Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     3.1. Description of Application
                                    FUTABA Corporation
      Applicant                     1080 Yabutsuka Chosei-mura Chosei-gun Chiba-ken,
                                    299-4395 Japan.
                                    FUTABA Corporation
      Manufacturer                  1080 Yabutsuka Chosei-mura Chosei-gun Chiba-ken,
                                    299-4395 Japan.
      Product                       Radio Control
      Model                         T4PM
      Brand                         Futaba

     3.2. Description of Application
      Test Model                    T4PM
      Serial Number                 N/A
      Power Rating                  DC 4.5V
      Firmware Version              N/A
      RF Features                   FHSS (S-FHSS, T-FHSS, T-FHSS SR)
      Transmit Type                 1T1R
      Sample Status                 Production
      Date of Receipt               2018. 11. 20
      Date of Test                  2018. 11. 24 ~ 2019. 01. 04
      Interface Ports of EUT        None
      Accessories Supplied          None

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                               Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                    Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

     3.3. Antenna Information
               Antenna Part                                 Antenna                         Max Gain
      No.                              Manufacture                        Frequency
                 Number                                       Type                           (dBi)
                                    SANSEI ELECTRIC       1/2 λ di-pole
        1     ANTB24-094A0                                                    2.4GHz           2.14
                                       CO., LTD           type antenna

     3.4. EUT Specifications Assessed in Current Report
      Mode Fundamental Range (MHz)           Channel Number         Modulation         Data Rate (kbps)
      FHSS         2403.250 to 2447.500              60              S-FHSS                  128
      FHSS         2407.500 to 2467.500              31              T-FHSS                  128
      FHSS         2407.500 to 2467.500              31            T-FHSS SR                 384

                                                Channel List
            Channel        Frequency       Channel      Frequency          Channel          Frequency
            Number           (MHz)         Number          (MHz)           Number             (MHz)
               1            2403.25          21           2418.25            41              2433.25
               2            2404.00          22           2419.00            42              2434.00
               3            2404.75          23           2419.75            43              2434.75
               4            2405.50          24           2420.50            44              2435.50
               5            2406.25          25           2421.25            45              2436.25
               6            2407.00          26           2422.00            46              2437.00
               7            2407.75          27           2422.75            47              2437.75
               8            2408.50          28           2423.50            48              2438.50
               9            2409.25          29           2424.25            49              2439.25
              10            2410.00          30           2425.00            50              2440.00
              11            2410.75          31           2425.75            51              2440.75
              12            2411.50          32           2426.50            52              2441.50
              13            2412.25          33           2427.25            53              2442.25
              14            2413.00          34           2428.00            54              2443.00
              15            2413.75          35           2428.75            55              2443.75
              16            2414.50          36           2429.50            56              2444.50
              17            2415.25          37           2430.25            57              2445.25
              18            2416.00          38           2431.00            58              2446.00
              19            2416.75          39           2431.75            59              2446.75
              20            2417.50          40           2432.50            60              2447.50

File Number: C1M1811153                                                       Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

                                            T-FHSS and T-FHSS SR
                                                Channel List
         Channel Number             Frequency (MHz)       Channel Number         Frequency (MHz)
                1                        2407.5                 17                    2439.5
                2                        2409.5                 18                    2441.5
                3                        2411.5                 19                    2443.5
                4                        2413.5                 20                    2445.5
                5                        2415.5                 21                    2447.5
                6                        2417.5                 22                    2449.5
                7                        2419.5                 23                    2451.5
                8                        2421.5                 24                    2453.5
                9                        2423.5                 25                    2455.5
               10                        2425.5                 26                    2457.5
               11                        2427.5                 27                    2459.5
               12                        2429.5                 28                    2461.5
               13                        2431.5                 29                    2463.5
               14                        2433.5                 30                    2465.5
               15                        2435.5                 31                    2467.5
               16                        2437.5

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

     3.5. Test Configuration
      Modulation             Ton (ms)       Ton+off (ms)   Duty Cycle Correction Factor (dB)
      S-FHSS                  1.445             204                    -36.80 Note 1
      T-FHSS                 0.4176              93                    -46.95 Note 2
      T-FHSS SR              0.4224              37                    -38.85 Note 2
     Note 1: Duty Cycle Correction Factor (DCCF)= 20log (TX on/100ms)
     Note 2: Duty Cycle Correction Factor (DCCF)= 20log (TX on/ TX on+off ms)

              Mode                                        Ton+off (ms)



File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

              Mode                                        Ton+off (ms)

          T-FHSS SR

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

      UDIX                                                                               Pasetrerar
Audis Technology Com                                                             Tas +ssea aconso
Ne 3—11, Dingu, Linlos, Die,                                                    Fax: ss5e2 2cto0303
en Talpel€19244Tatran

                              Tem                    MeduTation             Test Channel
                                                       sruss                     uso
                    Radiated Band Rge *                T—rHss                    131
     Rediated                                        T—rHiss SR               war e
     Test Case            .         .     2.           sriss                   tBoo
                    Rediated Spurious Emission         Truss                    mem
                                                     T—riss sz               visai"**
                               .                       smss                     1Boro
                    2048 Bendwidth
                                                       Tess                     ies
                         .                   .         sruss                    1Boreo
                    Carrier Prequency Separation
                                                       Tess                     ies
                                                       smss                     1Boro
                    Time of Occupaney                  Tess                     ies
                                                     T—riss sz               visai"**
     Conducted      Number of Hopping                  sriss                    LBoiso
     Test Case      Channels                           Trnss                    sn
                        —                              sruss                    1Boreo
                    Maximum Peak Output                Truss                    mem
                                                     T—rHiss s               wisor"*~
                                                      sruss                       vso
                    Band Bdges
                                                      Tess                        vai
                        .       L                     sruss                     1Boreo
                    Spurious Emission
                                                      Tess                      ies
     Note A: This system is similar to T—FHSS system, the diference is frame length from 3ms to
             1.2ms‘The purpose of this change is to get quick response. So this test tem would
             be test
    Note 1:{ JMobile Device
           WlPcrtable Device, and 3 axis were assessed. The worst scenario for Radiated Spurious
              Emission as follow: CJ Lie CJ Sidefif Stend
    Note 2: After pre—tested, the T—FHSS is worst case and presenttet data n the report

Fie Munter: CitiSi 1133                                                  HRepor Nanter: EN.FIS05eS
This test report may be reproduced in ful only. The docnent may only be updated by Auds Technology
Corp. PersonnclAny changes wl be noted in the document historysetion ofthe report

                                                                                           Page 13 of 27

Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

     3.6. Tested Supporting System List

     3.7. Setup Configuration
            3.7.1. EUT Configuration for Radiated Emission

            3.7.2. EUT Configuration for RF Conducted Test Items

     3.8. Operating Condition of EUT
            Press the button of the EUT is used for enabling EUT RF function under continues
            transmitting and choosing mode/channel.

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

      UDIX                                                                                  Paseteerar
Audis Technology Com                                                                Tas +ssea aconso
Ne 3—11, Dingu, Linlos, Die,                                                       Fax: ss5e2 2cto0303
en Talpel€19244Tatran

    3.9. Description of Test Facility
                               Audix Technology Corporation / EMC Department
                               No. 53—11, Dingfu, Linkou Dist, New Tripe} City 244, Taiwan
     Name of Test Firm         Tel: +885—2.25000133
                               Pac +886—2—25000303
                               Website : ww nudistech.com
                               Contact e—mailateme_report@audistech.com
                               The laboratary is accredited by following organizations
                               under ISOTEC 17025—2005
     Acereditations            (b NYEAPUSA
                                    NVLAP Lab Code 200077.0
                               (2) TAPCTaiwan)
                                    No. 1724
                               FCC OET Designation Number under APEC MRA by NCC is :
                               (1): Sermi—Anechoic Chember
     Test Fecilites                 (IC Test Site Registration No.:S183B—1
                               (2). Pully Anechoic Chamber
                                    (C Test Site Registration No.: 5183B )


           Test Tem                 Frequency Range                      Uncertainy
       Rediation Test              sovirt>~rooonttte                      +3cta8
       (Distance: 3m)                 Above 1GHz                          is sn
    Remork : Uncertsin‘y = kuc(y)

                      Test Tem                                        Uncertainy
       204B Bendwidth                                                  rooktte
       Carrier Prequency Seporation                                    rooktte
       Time of Occupaney                                               20.03see
       Meximum peak Output power                                       *oszas
       Conducted Emission Limitations                                  o1saB

Fie Munter: CitiSi 1133                                                      HRepor Nanter: EN.FIS05eS
This test report may be reproduced in ful only. The docnent may only be updated by Auds Technology
Corp. PersonnclAny changes wl be noted in the document historysetion ofthe report

                                                                                                 Page 15 of 27

Audix Technology Corp.                                                                 Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                      Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     4.1. Radiated Emission Measurement
       Item            Type         Manufacturer     Model No.      Serial No.      Cal. Date    Cal. Interval
        1.    Spectrum Analyzer       Agilent       N9010A-526 MY53400071 2018. 09. 12             1 Year
        2.    Spectrum Analyzer       Agilent       N9030A-526 MY53310269 2018. 02. 01             1 Year
        3.    Test Receiver            R&S            ESCS30         100338       2018. 06. 20     1 Year
        4.    Amplifier                 HP            8447D        2944A06305 2018. 01. 30         1 Year
        5.    Amplifier                 HP             8449B       3008A02678 2018. 03. 06         1 Year
        6.    Bilog Antenna           CHASE         CBL6112D         33821        2018. 01. 21     1 Year
        7.    Loop Antenna             R&S           HFH2-Z2        891847/27     2017. 12. 18     2 Year
        8.                          ETS-Lindgren       3117         00135902      2018. 03. 08     1 Year
              Waveguide Horn
        9.    Horn Antenna          COM-POWER          AH-840        101092       2018. 05. 07     1 Year
        10.   2.4GHz Notch Filter      K&L                              1         2018. 07. 24     1 Year
        11.   High-Pass Filter       Microwave       H3G018G1        484796       2018. 08. 22     1 Year
        12.   Thermo-Hygro             IMax            HTC-1       No.1 3m A/C 2018. 04. 20        1 Year
        13.   Thermo-Hygro          EVERY DAY          E-512          RF-02       2018. 04. 20     1 Year
        14.   Test Software            Audix            e3         V.6.110601        N.C.R.        N.C.R.
        15.   Spectrum Analyzer       Agilent       N9010A-526 MY53400071 2018. 09. 12             1 Year

     4.2. RF Conducted Measurement
       Item             Type         Manufacturer    Model No.      Serial No.      Cal. Date    Cal. Interval
        1.    Spectrum Analyzer        Keysight     N9010B-544 MY55460198 2018. 04. 26             1 Year

File Number: C1M1811153                                                          Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

      UDIX                                                                               pmsereares
Audis Technology Com
Ne 3—11, Dingu, Linlos, Die,
                                                                                 Tes +ssea acaonsor
                                                                                Fax: ss5e2 2cto0303
en Talpel€19244Tatran

    [The EUT only employs batery power for operation, no conductive ermission limits
     are required according to PCC 15.207 and R6S—Gen $8.8]

Fie Munter: CitiSi 1133                                                  HRepor Nanter: EN.FIS05eS
This test report may be reproduced in ful only. The docnent may only be updated by Auds Technology
Corp. PersonnclAny changes wl be noted in the document historysetion ofthe report

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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     6.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup
            6.1.1. Block Diagram of connection between EUT and simulators
                       Indicated as section 3.7

            6.1.2. Setup Diagram for 9kHz-30MHz

            6.1.3. Setup Diagram for 30-1000 MHz

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

       U DIX J                                                                                                       Page 18 of 27
Audix Technology Corp.                                                                                       Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53—11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.                                                                            Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

            6.1 4. Setup Diagram for above 1GHz

                     C                                                          Antenna Tower —
                 Absorher                               Antenna height is varied from 1.m to 4 m    .\

                              EUT System                     Distance
              Turn urn Tabi
                        Table _             1.5m

                        J                                       2
                 Shielding Enclosure                    Metal Ground Plane          $              _-J

     6.2. Radiated Emission Limits
            In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band, the radio frequency power
            produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 200B below that in the 100kHz
            bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level. In addition, radiated emissions
            which fall in restricted bands, as defined in Section 15.205/RSS—Gen Section 8.10 table 6,
            must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified as below.
             r                    MH               Di                                              Limits
                 requency (            z)           istance (m)                    dBuvim                        livim

                  0.009 — 0.490                         300                  67.6—20 log f(kHz)               2400/f kHz
                  0.490 — 1.705                         30                   87.6—20 log f(kHz)               24000/f kHz
                    1.705 — 30                          30                              29.5                       30
                     30 — 88                             3                              40.0                       100
                     88— 216                             3                              43.5                       150
                    216— 960                             3                              46.0                      200
                   Above 960                             3                              54.0                      500
                   Above 1000                            3                         74.0 dBuV/m (Peak)
                                                                                     54.0 dBuV/m (Average)
            Remark ! (1) dBpiV/m = 20 log (V/m}
                      (2) The tighter limit applies to the edge between two frequency bands.
                      (3) Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna
                          and the closed point ofany part of the device or system.
                      (4) Fundamental and emission fall within operation band are exempted from this
                      (3) Pursuant to ANSI C63.10:, if the maximized peak measured value complies
                          with the average limit, then it is unnecessary to perform an average measurement

File Number: CIMI811153                                                                            Report Number: EM—F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
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Audix Technology Corp.                                                                      Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                           Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan

     6.3. Test Procedure
            Frequency Range 9kHz~30MHz:
            The EUT setup on the turn table which has 0.8 m height to the ground. The turn table
            rotated 360 degrees and antenna fixed to 1 m to find the maximum emission level.
            In order to find the maximum emission, all of the interface cables were manipulated
            according to ANSI C63.10-2013 regulation.
            (1) RBW = 9kHz with peak and average detector.
            (2) Detector: average and peak (9kHz-490kHz)
                            Q.P. (490kHz-30MHz)

            Frequency Range 30MHz ~ 25GHz:
            The EUT setup on the turn table which has 80 cm (for 30-1000 MHz) and 1.5m (for
            above 1GHz) height to the ground. The turn table rotated 360 degrees and antenna varied
            from 1 m to 4 m to find the maximum emission level. Both horizontal and vertical
            polarization are required. In order to find the maximum emission, all of the interface
            cables were manipulated according to ANSI C63.10-2013 regulation.

            Frequency below 1GHz:
            Spectrum Analyzer is used for pre-testing with following setting:
            (1) RBW = 120KHz
            (2) VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
            (3) Detector = Peak.
            (4) Sweep time = auto.
            (5) Trace mode = max hold.
            (6) Allow sweeps to continue until the trace stabilizes.
            (7) When peak-detected value is lower than limit that the measurement using the Q.P.
                 detector is not required, otherwise using Q.P. for final measurement.

            Frequency above 1GHz to 10th harmonic:
            Peak Measurement:
            (1) RBW = 1 MHz
            (2) VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
            (3) Detector = Peak.
            (4) Sweep time = auto.
            (5) Trace mode = max hold.
            (6) Allow sweeps to continue until the trace stabilizes.
            (7) When peak-detected value is lower than limit that the measurement using the average
                 detector is not required, otherwise using average for final measurement.

File Number: C1M1811153                                                           Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

      UDIX                                                                               pmserseres
Audis Technology Com                                                             Tas +ssea aconso
Ne 3—11, Dingu, Linlos, Die,                                                    Fax: ss5e2 2cto0303
en Talpel€19244Tatran

          Average Measurements
          CJOption 1:
          (D Rew— 1 ie
          (2) VBW =1T, where T is Ta—on presented in Appendix A.4
          (3) Detector= Pesk
          (4) Sweep time= auto
          (5) Trace mode= max hold
          (6) Allow sweeps to continue untilthe trace stabilizes
          MOption 2:
          Average Erission Level= Peak Emission Level+ D.C.C B

        6.   . Measurement Result Explanation
          BDcak Eimission Level=Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Meter Reading
          CAverage Emission Level i=Antenna Pactor + Cable Loss + Mter Reading
          BlAverage Emission Level= Peak Emission Level+ DCCP
            Daty Cyele Corection Pactor (DCCP)= 20log (TX .100ms) presented in section 3.5
          CJERP= Peak Emission Level—95 248B 2.I4dB

        6.5. Test Results
          Please refer to Appendix A

Fie Munter: CitiSi 1133                                                  HRepor Nanter: EN.FIS05eS
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                                                                                           Page 21 of 27

Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     7.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup

     7.2. Specification Limits
            Alternatively, frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400-2483.5MHz band may
            have hopping channel carrier frequencies that are separated by 25kHz or two-thirds of the
            20dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater.

     7.3. Test Procedure
            Following measurement procedure is reference to ANSI C63.10-2013:
            (1) Set RBW close to1% to 5% of OBW.
            (2) Set VBW≥3xRBW.
            (3) Detector = Peak.
            (4) Trace mode = Max hold.
            (5) Sweep = Auto couple.
            (6) Allow the trace to stabilize.
            (7) Setting channel bandwidth function x dB to -20 dB to record the final bandwidth.

          7.4. Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     8.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup

     8.2. Specification Limits
            Alternatively, frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400-2483.5MHz band may
            have hopping channel carrier frequencies that are separated by 25kHz or two-thirds of the
            20dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is greater, provided the systems
            operate with an output power no greater than 125mW.

     8.3. Test Procedure
            Following measurement procedure is reference to ANSI C63.10-2013:
            (1) Span = Wide enough to capture the peaks of two adjacent channels
            (2) RBW: Start with the RBW set to approximately 30% of the channel spacing; adjust
                as necessary to best identify the center of each individual channel.
            (3) VBW≥ RBW
            (4) Sweep = Auto
            (5) Detector function = Peak
            (6) Trace = Max hold
            (7) Allow the trace to stabilize.

          8.4. Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     9.1. Block Diagram of Test Setup

     9.2. Specification Limits
            Frequency hopping systems in the 2400-2483.5MHz shall use at least 15 non-overlapping
            channels. The average time of occupancy on any channel shall not be greater than 0.4
            seconds within a period of 0.4 seconds multiplied by number of hopping channels

     9.3. Test Procedure
            Following measurement procedure is reference to ANSI C63.10:2013:
            (1) Span: Zero span, centered on a hopping channel.
            (2) RBW shall be ≤ channel spacing and where possible RBW should be set >> 1/T,
                where T is the expected dwell time per channel.
            (3) Sweep: As necessary to capture the entire dwell time per hopping channel; where
                possible use a video trigger and trigger delay so that the transmitted signal starts a
                little to the right of the start of the plot. The trigger level might need slight
                adjustment to prevent triggering when the system hops on an adjacent channel; a
                second plot might be needed with a longer sweep time to show two successive hops
                on a channel.
            (4) Detector function = Peak
            (5) Trace = Max hold

          9.4. Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     10.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup

     10.2.Specification Limits
            Frequency hopping systems which use fewer than 20 hopping frequencies may employ
            intelligent hopping techniques to avoid interference to other transmissions. Frequency
            hopping systems may avoid or suppress transmissions on a particular hopping frequency
            provided that a minimum of 15 non-overlapping channels.

     10.3.Test Procedure
            Following measurement procedure is reference to ANSI C63.10-2013:
            (1) Span: The frequency band of operation. Depending on the number of channels the
                device supports, it may be necessary to divide the frequency range of operation
                across multiple spans, to allow the individual channels to be clearly seen.
            (2) RBW: To identify clearly the individual channels, set the RBW to less than 30% of
                the channel spacing or the 20 dB bandwidth, whichever is smaller.
            (3) VBW  RBW
            (4) Sweep = Auto
            (5) Detector function = Peak
            (6) Trace = m=Max hold
            (7) Allow the trace to stabilize.

     10.4.Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
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Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     11.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup

     11.2.Specification Limits
            The Limits of maximum Peak Output Power for frequency hopping systems in
            2400-2483.5MHz is: 0.125Watt. (21dBm)

     11.3.Test Procedure
            Following measurement procedure is reference to ANSI C63.10-2013:
            (a) Use the following spectrum analyzer settings
               (1) Span: Approximately five times the 20 dB bandwidth, centered on a hopping
               (2) RBW > 20 dB bandwidth of the emission being measured.
               (3) VBW  RBW
               (4) Sweep: Auto
               (5) Detector function: Peak
               (6) Trace: Max hold
            (b) Allow trace to stabilize.
            (c) Use the marker-to-peak function to set the marker to the peak of the emission.

          11.4. Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
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Audix Technology Corp.                                                                Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                     Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244,Taiwan


     12.1.Block Diagram of Test Setup

     12.2.Specification Limits
            In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
            digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is
            produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20dB below that in the 100kHz
            bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on
            either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement. If the transmitter complies with the
            conducted power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, that the
            required attenuation shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB.

            Attenuation below the general limits specified in FCC Section 15.209(a) and RSS-Gen
            Section 8.9 table 4 is not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in restricted
            bands, as defined in Section 15.205(a) and RSS-Gen Section 8.10 table 6, must also
            comply with the radiated emission limits specified in Section 15.209(a) and RSS-Gen
            Section 8.9 table 4 (See Section 15.205(c)).

     12.3.Test Procedure
            Following measurement procedure is reference to ANSI C63.10-2013:
            (1) Set span wide enough to capture the peak level of the in-band emission and all
                spurious emissions; up to 10th harmonic.
            (2) RBW = 100 kHz
            (3) VBW  RBW
            (4) Sweep = auto
            (5) Detector function = peak
            (6) Trace = max hold

     12.4.Test Results
            Please refer to Appendix A

File Number: C1M1811153                                                       Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

      UDIX                                                                              pmeezreres
Audts Technoogy Com
Ne 3—11, Dingu, Linlos, Die,
                                                                                Tes +ssea
                                                                               Fan  issoa acaonsor
en Talpel€19244Tatran



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                                                                                           APPENDIX A

Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                                    APPDNDIX A
                                TEST DATA AND PLOTS
                                        (Model: T4PM)

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

                                                                                           APPENDIX B

Audix Technology Corp.                                                            Tel: +886 2 26099301
No. 53-11, Dingfu, Linkou, Dist.,                                                 Fax: +886 2 26099303
New Taipei City244, Taiwan

                                    APPDNDIX B
                                    TEST PHOTOGRAPHS
                                        (Model: T4PM)

File Number: C1M1811153                                                    Report Number: EM-F180565
This test report may be reproduced in full only. The document may only be updated by Audix Technology
Corp. Personnel. Any changes will be noted in the document history section of the report.

Document Created: 2019-01-07 18:07:09
Document Modified: 2019-01-07 18:07:09

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