User Manual-Part 2


Users Manual

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Receiver Installation
 Install the receiver on the car as follows:
 NOTE: The R304SB, R334SBS and R334SBS-E receiver are operating range may reduced, depending on where the receiver
       and the antenna are mounted.
 NOTE: The R304SB, R334SBS and R334SBS-E receiver are put the antenna in the antenna tube to protect it. Do not let the tip
       go outside.
 NOTE: The R334SBS and R334SBS-E receiver of diversity type with both external and internal antennas. Do not place wiring or
       other objects on the plate. The receiving range may be affected.
 NOTE: An antenna is installed inside the R314SB-E receiver on the top. Do not place wiring or other objects on the plate. The re-
       ceiving range may be affected.

                                                                              Antenna tube                            Antenna tube

                                                                              Antenna                                 Antenna

                                                                                                                                             Before Using
                                                                              Coaxial cable                           Coaxial cable


                                                                          R334SBS                                 R304SB

   Install the antenna in the higher place as shown in the figure.

   Do not cut or bundle the receiver antenna wire.

   Do not bend the coaxial cable. It causes damage.

   Do not pull the receiver antenna or coaxial cable by force.

   Keep the antenna as far away from the motor, ESC and other noise sources as you possibly can.

   Wrap the receiver with something soft, such as foam rubber, to avoid vibration. If there is a chance of getting
   wet, put the receiver in a waterproof bag or balloon.

   Always use R334SBS under the following conditions:
 Battery   :Power requirement Rated voltage 3.8 to 7.4V (dry cell battery cannot be used)
            Matched to the ratings of the receiver and connected servo.
 • Transmitter’s receiver system > T-FHSS SR --- SR mode channel (ON): SR mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.
 • Transmitter’s receiver system > T-FHSS SR --- SR mode channel (OFF): Normal mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.
                                                                        Futaba digital servo.

 • Transmitter’s receiver system > T-FHSS/S-FHSS		
   Transmitter’s response type: Digital servo: Futaba digital servo
   Transmitter’s response type: Analog servo: Futaba all servo (Normal mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.)

 Under other conditions, the set will not operate, or the specified performance will not be displayed even if it operates. In addition, it
 may cause trouble with servos and other equipment. Futaba will not be responsible for damage, etc. caused by combination with the
 products of other companies.



                                 Receiver and Servo Connections
               Connect the receiver and servos as shown below. Connect and install the receiver and
               servos in accordance with "Installation Safety Precautions" on the next page.
               The figure shown below is an example. The method of connecting the motor controller
               to the motor and battery depends on the motor controller used. Purchase the motor con-
               troller and servos separately. The receiver also depends on the set.

                          Installation When An Electronic Speed Control Is Used


                                    Installation For Gas Powered Models

                                                                            CH4 servo
                                                                            CH3 servo

                                            CH1                             Throttle servo
                              Receiver                 CH2
                    To Battery     Switch                                   Steering servo


               Connection example of S. BUS using a telemetry sensor

                                             Switch            ESC

                                                                                            Telemetry sensors
                         Receiver                                                                (Option)
                                                    CH1                                              Temperature

                                                         S.BUS2                                      RPM sensor
                                  Each telemetry sensor is connected                                  Voltage sensor
                                  to the S.BUS 2 port collectively with a
                                  hub or double extention cable.

                     Note: In SR mode, the S.BUS 2 port cannot be used other than battery input.

                           The telemetry system can only be used with TFHSS.

                            Installation Safety Precautions
Receiver (receiver antenna)
  Do not cut or bundle the receiver antenna wire.
  Do not bundle the receiver antenna wire together with the motor controller lead wire.
  Keep the receiver antenna wire at least 1 cm away from motor, battery, and other wiring carrying heavy
  Do not use a metal receiver antenna holder on a plate made of metal, carbon, or other conductive mate-
  Since the antenna of built-in antenna receivers is installed under this, do not place wiring or other objects
  on it.
  Install the receiver antenna holder as closely as possible to the receiver.
If the antenna wire is cut, bundled, or routed near a noise source, the receiving sensitivity will drop, the running (cruising)
range will decrease, and you may lose control of the model.
 *Noise is transmitted through metal, carbon, and other conductive material, so keep the receiver antenna wire away from such parts.

                               Battery                           Install the receiver as far away as possible from the battery,
                                                                 motor controller, motor, silicon cord and other noise sources.
                                                                 Keep it away from the antenna wire, in particular.
                                    Antenna                      The example in the figure is for R334SBS. The R334SBS-E
                                                                 places the antenna holder on the top of the case.

                                                   Since the antenna of built-in antenna receivers is installed
                                                   under this, do not place wiring or other objects on it.


                 Receiver Vibration-proofing / Waterproofing
                  Vibration-proof the receiver by wrapping it in foam rubber or other vibration-absorbing material and mount it
                  with thick double-sided tape.
                  When using the receiver holder supplied with the model kit, mount the holder to the chassis through a rub-
                  ber grommet.
                  Vibration-proof the receiver by wrapping it in foam rubber or other vibration-absorbing material. Also water-
                  proof the receiver by cruising it in a plastic bag.
                If the receiver is exposed to strong vibration and shock, or the ingression of water, it may not operate correctly and you may lose con-
                trol of the model.

                                                                                       Foam rubber, etc.
                                      Mechanical plate
                                                                       Damper           Wrap the receiver in foam rubber or other vibration-
                                                                                        absorbing material. Do not use hard material. Hard
                                                                                        material does not have a vibration-proofing effect.
                                                                   Nut (as required)

                                                                           Mechanical plate                                      Thick double-sid-
                                                                                                                                 ed tape
                                                              Receiver holder
                        When using the receiver holder supplied                       When mounting the receiver with double-sided tape,
                        with the kit, install the receiver through a                  do not use a stiff tape. Stiff tape does not have a vibra-
                        rubber grommet.                                               tion-proofing effect.

                 Connector Connections
                  Be sure the receiver, servo, battery and connectors are fully and firmly connected.
                If vibration from the model causes a connector to work loose while the model is in operation, you may lose control.

                 Servo Installation
                  When you install the servos, always use the rubber grommets provided in servo hardware bags. Mount the
                  servos so they do not directly come in contact with the mount.
                If the servo case comes in direct contact with the mount, vibration will be directly transmitted to the servo.
                If this condition continues for a long time, the servo may be damaged and control will be lost.


                                  Eyelet                                                      (or)
                  Mechanical plate

                                          Nut (as required)
                          When installing the servo, always install the accessory
                          rubber grommet and grommet flush against the servo.

                                       A vibration-damping effect is not obtained if the
                                       rubber grommet and grommet are not installed


Servo Throw
  Operate each servo over its full stroke and be sure the linkage does not bind or come loose.
The continuous application of unreasonable force to a servo may cause damage and excessive battery drain.

                A whining noise indicates that the
                 steering servo is improperly set.

                                                                    Adjust the throttle servo so that unreasonable force is
                                                                    not applied when the engine carburetor is fully open,
                                                                    fully closed, and the brakes are applied fully.
                                Decide the EPA value at             If the brakes overheat while running, their ability to
                                the contact point.                  function properly decreases. Before running, adjust the
        Adjust the steering servo so that unreason-                 suitable maximum servo travel so that unreasonable
        able force is not applied to the servo by the               force is not applied even when the servo travel is in-
                                                                    creased while running.

        chassis at maximum servo travel.

Electronic Speed Control
  Install the heat sinks where they will not come in contact with aluminum, carbon fiber or other parts that con-
  duct electricity.
If the ESC (Electronic speed control) heat sinks touch other materials that conduct electricity a short circuit could occur. This could re-
sult in loss of control and damage to the system.

Motor Noise Suppression
  Always install capacitors to suppress noise when electric motors are used.
If capacitors are not properly installed you could experience erratic operation and reduced range as well as loss of control.

                                1                     2    3

                                                                        Motors with no suppressor capacitors, or inadequate
                                                                        suppression, may cause the receiver to malfunction.
                                                                        Always solder the capacitors supplied to your motor.
           "+" side                        "-" side
                                                                        The Schottky diode improves the efficiency of the
                                                                        speed control / motor combination and provides ex-
                                                                        tra protection to the brake FETs. The white ring must
                                                                        always face the positive side.

                      Schottky diode

Other Noise Suppression Methods
  Be sure there are no metal parts in your model which under vibration can come in contact with other metal
Metal to metal contacts under vibration will emit a high frequency noise that will affect the receiver’s performance. You could experi-
ence erratic operation and reduced range as well as loss of control.


                                                          Initial Set-Up
                                                Preparations (Transmitter)
                  Before setting the Transmitter functions, check and set these items next.
                 (Display when power switch turned on)
                  When the power switch is turned on, the currently selected model number is displayed.
                  Check if this number is the model number you want to set-up. To change the model
                  number, use the Model Select function (page 59).
                                    Turn on the transmitter power.

                      The model number is dis-                            Voltage check

                        Receiver system check                             The telemetry ON/OFF
                                                                          and communication
                                                                          status checked.
Initial Set-Up

                                                 (HOME screen)
                                                 In case of T-FHSS SR system, check the channel set to
                                                 SR mode. Channels set to SR mode are indicated as "S"
                                                 before channel # (SR mode setting is see page 33).

                 Receiver System Check (RECEIVER)
                  This system sets the Receiver system of the transmitter to match the receiver and ser-
                  vos used.
                  The T4PM transmitter uses the telemetry type T-FHSS ("TFH") system or T-FHSS SR
                  ("TFH-SR") system.
                  It can also use the conventional S-FHSS ("SFH") system.
                  Since the R334SBS and R334SBS-E receivers supplied with the T4PM set uses the T-
                  FHSS SR (Super response) or telemetry function T-FHSS system, T4PM receiver setup
                  must be set to the T-FHSS high speed system ("TFH-HI"), the T-FHSS normal system
                  ("TFH-NR") or T-FHSS SR ("TFH-SR").
                  Since the T- FHSS SR system cannot be used for R304SB, R304SB-E, R314SB and
                  R314SB-E receivers, set it to the T-FHSS high speed system ("TFH-HI") or the T-FHSS
                  normal system ("TFH-NR").
                  The RA-42 receiver for Futaba exclusive to Kyosho Mini-Z Evo can be used for T4PM
                  transmitter. When using it, set it to the MINIZ system.
                  * Refer to page 33 for cautions on each system and servo to be used.

 If the receiver used and the Receiver system settings are different, change the Receiver
 system using the "RECEIVER" function. Which Receiver system is set can be checked
 at the HOME screen.

T-FHSS SR system   T-FHSS system      T-FHSS system   S-FHSS system     S-FHSS system      MINIZ system
                     High speed        Normal speed   Normal speed        High speed

Receiver System Change & How To Link
 The first operation described below sets the Receiver sys-
 tem. Next, the transmitter and receiver are linked and the
 transmitter ID number is memorized at the receiver so that
 signals from other transmitters will not be received. The
 telemetry type T-FHSS also simultaneously memorizes the
 ID number of the receiver at the transmitter so that data
 from other receivers will not be received.
 The Receiver system setting and transmitter and receiver linking methods are de-
 scribed here. Refer to the figure at the right for the edit buttons used.

                                                                                                          Initial Set-Up
 1 Call the MENU 2 screen from the HOME                               Select "REDEIVER"
                                                                      by (JOG) button.
    screen by moving the (JOG) button up,
    down, left or right. Select "RECEIVER" by
    moving the (JOG) button up or down, and
    display the "RECEIVER" screen by pressing
    the (JOG) button.                                                             Push

 2 Move the cursor to "SYS: ----" by the (JOG)
    button up or down operation, and select the
    Receiver system with the (+) button or (-)
    When the (JOG) button is pressed for approximately 1 second, an electronic sound is gen-
    erated and setting ends.

                        Select TYPE with
                        the (JOG) button.

                                                              Press the (JOG) button for
                                                              approximately 1 second.

                    Select Receiver system
                    with the (+) or (-) button.


                    *When using an S-FHSS system ("SFH") receiver (R2104GF, R204GF-E, etc.), after reach-
                    ing this point set the transmitter power switch to OFF and go to "Receivers other than T-
                    FHSS" on page 31.

                 3 Bring the transmitter and receiver to 20 inches (half meter) of each other (do not allow the
                    antennae to touch) and turn on the receiver power.

                 4 Press the T4PM transmitter’s (JOG) button up or down to move the cursor to "LINK: EXE".
                    When the (JOG) button is pressed
                    for approximately 1 second, "PUSH
                    RX LINK SW" appears on the screen
                    and a 20 second countdown begins.
                    Countdown can be canceled at any
                    time pressing the (JOG) button up /
                    down or left / right.                                                       R334SBS

                 5 During the 20 second countdown, push up the receiver side Link switch for approximately 2
                    seconds. The LED will begin to blink red. After the receiver LED switches from blinking red
                    to green - red - green steady light,
                    the T4PM generates an electronic
                    beeping sound, and "LINK:OK" and
Initial Set-Up

                                                                                                           TIME OUT screen
                    "COMPLETE!" appear on the screen.
                    Reading of the mutual IDs ends and
                    the memorized receiver ID num-
                    ber appears on T4PM screen. If an
                    "TIME OUT" screen appears, linking
                    failed. Retry linking. If the transmit-
                    ter and receiver are linked normally,
                    set the power switch to the OFF po-     R334SBS / R334SBS-E receiver software version
                    sition and then return it to the PWR    The software version is displayed only on the "T -
                    ON position. If the receiver LED lights FHSS" system (telemetry on the transmitter, when
                                                            the receiver power is on).
                    green, linking was successful. Now
                    check servo operation.

                    *The T4PM and a telemetry type T-FHSS receiver (R334SBS, etc.) mutually memorize the
                    combined ID linked last at each model memory.
                    Since the T4PM can memorize only 1 receiver ID at each model memory, multiple T-FHSS
                    receivers cannot be used with the same model memory. When changing the receiver at the
                    same model memory, re-link the previously linked receiver.
                    When using multiple telemetry type T-FHSS receivers, link and combine them with each
                    T4PM model memory.
                    However, multiple receivers cannot be linked to multiple model memories.
                    The telemetry function communications status can be checked at the HOME screen.


    The telemetry ON/OFF and communication status can be checked at the HOME screen.
                              The reception strength


                                 No signal reception
                                Receiver -> Transmitter:
                             The reception strength is shown.

   - Telemetry function :ON                             - Telemetry function :ON                Telemetry function :OFF
   - Receiver ID setting complete                       - Receiver ID before setting or ID mis-
   - Data receiving sensitivity display                   match.
   -        shows that data cannot be re-               - When the receiver ID is set, before
     ceived because it is outside the data re-            ID check in the receiver power OFF
     ceiving range or because of the effects              stat.
     of an obstruction or the receiver power is
     OFF after receiver ID check.

Receivers Other Than T-FHSS
 1 Bring the transmitter and the receiver close to each other,
    within 20 inches (half meter).

                                                                                                                          Initial Set-Up
 2 Turn on the transmitter.

 3 Turn on the receiver.

 4 Push the Link switch of the receiver.
    When the link is complete, the LED in the receiver changes
    to solid green.

  *Please refer to the table below for LED status vs receiver's condition.
   LED status vs receiver’s condition:

    No signal reception                                                     Red : On
    Receiving signals                                                       Green: On
    Receiving signals, but ID is unmatched.                                 Green: Blink *1 (T-FHSS ,Red : On)
    Unrecoverable failure (EEPROM,etc.)                                     LED: Red and Green turn on alternately

      *1: LED could be change to red during intermittently during data processing.


                 Kyosho Mini-Z EVO dedicated receiver RA-42

                  1 Bring the transmitter and the receiver close to each other, within 20 inches (half meter). Turn
                      on the receiver.

                  2 Turn on the transmitter.
                  3 Turn on the Mini-Z receiver RA-42.
                  4 Press the T4PM transmitter’s (JOG) button up or down to move the cursor to "LINK: EXE".
                      When the (JOG) button is pressed for approximately 1 second, "PUSH RX LINK SW" ap-
                      pears on the screen and a 20 second countdown begins. Countdown can be canceled at
                      any time pressing the (JOG) button up, down or left, right.

                  5 Push the receiver side push switch for about 2 seconds or more and release the Link SW.
                      LED 2 seconds solid              Blink
                      Touch the [END] button on the link screen of the transmitter to cancel the link mode.

                                                                                                                                Push switch
Initial Set-Up


                  6 Completed with LED solid the receiver.

                    After the linking is done, please cycle receiver power and check if the receiver to be linked is really under the
                    control of your transmitter.
                  If there are many Futaba 2.4GHz systems (T-FHSS SR / T-FHSS / S-FHSS / MINIZ) turned on in close proximity to your receiv-
                  er might not link to your transmitter. In this case, even if the receiver’s LED stays solid green, unfortunately the receiver might
                  have established a link to one of other transmitters. This is very dangerous if you do not notice this situation. In order to avoid
                  the problem, we strongly recommend you to double-check whether your receiver is really under control by your transmitter by
                  giving the stick input and then checking the servo response.

                    Do not perform the linking procedure with motor’s main wire connected or the engine operating as it may re-
                    sult in serious injury.


How to set the SR mode Channel
 In the case of T-FHSS SR, "SR mode" which has greatly improved response compared
 to the conventional T-FHSS can be used. The display changes when you change it. Be
 sure to turn off the power of the receiver before operation check.
 In SR mode, ON/ OFF can be set for each channel. When using normal servo or ESC,
 set the SR mode of the connected channel to (OFF).
  Note: In SR mode ON, normal servo, ESC and gyro will not operate. Please set our S.BUS servo corre-
  sponding to SR mode to SR mode on S.BUS servo menu and use it. Also, in case of SR mode OFF, the servo
  set to SR mode cannot be used, so set the servo to normal mode by S. BUS servo menu. If using wrong com-
  bination, servo and other equipment will fail, so please be careful.
  *Refer to country distributor WEB for detailed the "S. BUS servo menu" and the "SR mode setting" explana-

                                                                               To c h a n g e S R m o d e
                          (JOG) button to                                      setting, press the (JOG)
                          select a channel                                     button, and to cancel,
                                                                               press the [END] button.

                          Use the (+) and
                          (-) buttons to se-
                          lect ON / OFF of
                          SR mode.

       (JOG) button to select the                                           The servo operation confirmation message is dis-
       SBU servo and then press this                                        played. With this screen displayed, turn the power

                                                                                                                                             Initial Set-Up
       button to display the S.BUS                                          of the receiver off and on again and check the
       servo screen.                                                        operation of the servo by actually operating it. If
                                                                            the servo does not operate properly, check the SR
                                                                            mode setting of the servo. Press the [END] button
                                                                            to close the screen.

Servo mode setting and corresponding servo of each system
        System                    Response / SR node                                          Usable servos
                                                                      -SR mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.
                             SR mode channel: ON
     T-FHSS SR
                                                                      - Normal mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.
                             SR mode channel: OFF                     - Futaba digital servo.
                                                                      - Normal mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.
                             HI-SPEED mode                            - Futaba digital servo.
                                                                      - Futaba all servo.
                             NORMAL mode
                                                                          (Normal mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.)
                                                                      - Normal mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.
                             HI-SPEED mode                            - Futaba digital servo.
                                                                      - Futaba all servo.
                             NORMAL mode
                                                                          (Normal mode of Futaba SR compatible servo.)

   Be sure to use the T4PM receiver setting and the servo to be used under predetermined conditions.
 Under other conditions, the set will not operate, or the specified performance will not be displayed even if it operates. In addition, it
 may cause servo trouble. Futaba will not be responsible for problems caused by the use of other than Futaba genuine parts. Use the
 parts specified in the instruction manual and catalog.


                 Throttle Mode Check
                  The throttle servo travel can be set to 5:5 or 7:3 for throttle trigger operation as required
                  by the throttle mode function (page 54).

                                                                 F5/B5                               F7/B3

                                                  Forward side   5:5     Brake side   Forward side   7:3       Brake side

                                      F5/B5 or F7/B3

                 Trims Initial Set-Up
                  - Steering trim (DT1) check
                  On the initial set-up, steering trim is assigned to the DT1 trim lever upper side of the
                  steering wheel. Operate the DT1 and make sure the marker moves on the ST graph.
                  If default has been changed, test steering trim in its new location. After checking the
                  trim, set the trim display to the center (N) position.
Initial Set-Up

                  - Throttle trim (DT2) check
                  On the initial set-up, throttle trim is assigned to the DT2 trim lever left side of the
                  steering wheel. Operate the DT2 and make sure the marker moves on the TH graph. If
                  the default has been changed, test the throttle trim in its new location. After checking
                  the trim, set the trim display to the center (N) position.

                                                   Steering trim (DT1)
                                                                                                     Steering trim

                              Throttle trim (DT2)

                                                                                                     Throttle trim


- Steering dual rate (DT4) check
At initial set-up, steering dual rate (D/R) is assigned to the DT4 trim lever, at the grip
of the transmitter. Operate the DT4 and check if the D/R value displayed on the screen
changes. After checking D/R, set the steering dual rate to 100%.

- Throttle ATL (DT5) check
At initial set-up, throttle ATL (ATL) is assigned to the DT5 trim lever, below the DT5.
Operate the DT5 and check if the ATL value displayed on the screen changes. After
checking ATL, set throttle ATL to 100%.

            Steering dual rate trim (DT4)

                                                                                         Steering dual rate

     Throttle ATL trim (DT5)

                                                                                                                Initial Set-Up
                                                                                               Throttle ATL

                 (Set-Up Procedure When Installed In a Car)
When installing the servos in a car, performing function set-up in the following order
is recommended.

         1 Perform to "Trims Initial Set-Up" of "Preparations" on the preceding
         2 Set the servo direction of operation using the Reverse function. (p.43)
             - The servo installation method and linkage direction depend on the kit. Therefore, the servo
               operation direction may have to be reversed relative to transmitter operation. Before install-
               ing the servo, check the operating direction and set it using the Reverse function.

         3 Set the subtrim and adjust the servo neutral point. (p.44)
         4 Set the trigger travel by adjusting the throttle trigger mechanical ATL to
             your liking. (p.20)
                   - When the stroke was adjusted, compensate the throttle by adjuster function. (p.71)

         5 Set End point of each channel and adjust the servo throw (travel). (p.45)


                                                        Function Map
                                                  Operation Of Screen
                In this instruction manual, Edit Buttons are represented by the symbols shown below.
                The (JOG) button can be operated in 4 directions: up, down, left, and right.

                (-) button                                                 (+) button            (JOG) button left

                                                                                                 (JOG) button right

                                                                                                 (JOG) button up

                                                                                                 (JOG) button down

                       (END) button                                   (JOG) button
                                                                                                 (JOG) button up, down, left or right

                         (-) button is press   (+) button is press       (END) button is press   (JOG) button is press

               Calling The Menu Screen
                Refer to the map below for the method of displaying the function setting menu screen
                from the HOME screen and the method of returning from the menu screen to the
                HOME screen.
Function Map

                                                                     ( HOME screen)

                     ( MENU-1 screen)           ( MENU-2 screen)               ( MENU-3 screen)              ( MENU-4 screen)


Selecting Items On The Menu Screen
 The item indicated by the reverse displayed cursor on the screen is selected.
 The cursor is moved by (JOG) button in up or down movements. The cursor movement
 figure shown below is an example of the MENU 1 screen. However, movement of the
 cursor is the same in all of the screens.
 For instance, if the (JOG) button is pressed when the cursor is at the end point (END
 POINT) on the MENU 1 screen, the end point (END POINT) function setting screen
           Move the cursor
                (JOG) button down operation

                                              On the MENU 1 screen, move the      (END POINT screen)
                                              cursor to "END POINT"

                        (JOG) button up operation

Value Of Each Function And Changing The Set Value

                                                                                                             Function Map
 Values, settings, and other data on all the function setting screens are changed with the
 (+) and (-) buttons.

                                 Example:                                      Example:
                                 Select the channel                            When changing the left
                                 to be changed at the                          side travel of the steering
                                 REVERSE screen by                             servo at the END POINT
                                 (JOG) button up or                            screen, select LFT of the
                                 down operation, and                           STR setting item by (JOG)
                                 set the servo direction                       button up, down, left, or
                                 by selecting "NOR"                            right operation, and set
                                 or "REV" with the (+)                         the steering servo coun-
                                 button or (-) button.                         terclockwise travel with
                                                                               the (+) or (-) button.
                                                                               Pressing the (+) and (-)
                                                                               buttons simultaneously
                                                                               will default to 100.
                                 When this is displayed, the setting
                                 can also be changed by (JOG)
                                 button left or right operation.


                Basic Menu Japanese Katakana Character Display
                  On the system menu, the basic menu screen shown below can be displayed in Japanese
                  katakana characters.

                                 (MENU 1 screen)         (MENU 2 screen)            (MENU 3 screen)         (MENU 4 screen)



               Changing the character
Function Map


                    (HOME screen)                        (MENU 4 screen)                                (SYSTEM screen)
                   Call the MENU 3 screen from           On the MENU 3 screen, move
                                                                                          On the SYSTEM screen, select MENU by
                   the HOME screen by the (JOG)          the cursor to "SYSTEM" by the
                                                                                          scrolling the (JOG) button and select "ENG"
                   button up, down, left or right op-    (JOG) button up or down opera-
                                                                                          or "    " by pressing the (+) or (-) button.
                   eration and press the (+) button.     tion and press the button.

                                          After changing the setting, return to the MENU 4 screen by
                                          pressing the (END) button, and return to the HOME screen by
                                          pressing the (END) button twice.



System Functions "SYSTEM"
The graphic liquid crystal screen display mode, buzzer sound and menu character
mode, etc. can be set.

    - "CONTRA"---Liquid crystal screen contrast adjustment (20 steps)
    - "BK-LHT"---Liquid crystal screen backlighting display mode setup
             (OFF, ON at button operation, normally ON)
    - "LHT-TM"---Setting of ON time (1~30 secs) when [ON at button operation] was selected above.
    - "LHT-PW"---Liquid crystal screen backlighting brightnes adjustment (30 steps)
    - "BATT"---Battery type setting (LiFe2/DRY3)
     The T4PM can use an optional rechargeable battery. However, the battery alarm setting is different
     from that of the dry cell battery (alkaline battery recommended). Therefore, always set the battery
     type to match the power source used.
     If used with the incorrect setting, the normal low battery alarm function will not work and the system
     may stop before a battery alarm is generated. The usage time may also become extremely short.
    - "BUZZER"---Buzzer sound tone adjustment (OFF, 100 steps)
    - "OPE-TM"---The power off forgotten alarm setting (OFF, 10 m)
    - "MENU"---Item which displays the basic menu screen in katakana characters for Japanese use.
    - "DISP"---HOME screen display mode setting (Telemetry data, Timer, Users name)

Display "SYSTEM" screen using the following method:

  (HOME screen)                              (MENU 4)                              (SYSTEM screen)




                                                   Setup items
                                                   CONTRA: Contrast
                                                   BK-LHT: Backlighting mode
                                                   LHT-TM: Backlighting time
                                                   LHT-PW: Backlighting brightness
                                                   BATT:     Battery type
                                                   BUZZER: Buzzer tone
                                                   OPE-TM: Power off forgotten alarm
                                                   MENU:     Menu screen character
                                                   DISP:     HOME screen display mode

                                     System Functions "SYSTEM"

           System function setup                                                          Adjustment buttons
                                                                                          - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
           1 (Setting of each item)                                                         make adjustments.
                                                                                          - Press the (+) and (-) buttons si-
              (Adjusting the liquid crystal contrast)                                       multaneously (approx. 1 sec) to
                                                                                            return to the initial value.
              Select the setting item "CONTRA" by moving the
              (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-)                            Contrast (CONTRA)
              buttons to adjust the screen contrast.                                       -10~0~+10
                                                                                           Initial value: 0
              - Adjust to an easy-to-see contrast.

              When finished with setting, return to the MENU
              screen by pressing the (END) button.

              (Setting the liquid crystal backlighting mode)
              Select the setting item "BK-LHT" by moving the
              (JOG) button up or down, and select the mode by
              pressing the (+) or (-) button.
                                                                                          Backlight mode (BK-LHT)
              "KEY": Fixed time backlighting ON after button operated.                     KEY, ALL, OFF
              "ALL": Backlighting always ON.
              "OFF": Backlighting OFF.

              When finished with setting, return to the MENU
              screen by pressing the (END) button.

              (Setting liquid crystal backlighting time)
              Select the setting item "LHT-TM" by moving the                              Backlighting time (LHT-TM)
              (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-)                             1~30
              buttons to set the ON time.                                                  Initial value: 10

              - When "KEY" is set at the preceding item, this ON time becomes ef-

              When finished with setting, return to the MENU
              screen by pressing the (END) button.

              (Setting liquid crystal backlighting brightness)
              Select the setting item "LHT-PW" by moving the
              (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-)                            Backlighting brightness
              buttons to set the ON time.
              -If too bright, the battery will be consumed.                                 Initial value: 15

              When finished with setting, return to the MENU
              screen by pressing the (END) button.

40                                                            System Functions "SYSTEM"

(Setting the battery type)
Select the setting item "BATT" by moving the
(JOG) button up or down, and select the mode
by pressing the (+) or (-) button. When changing                                               Battery Type (BATT)
the battery type, press the (JOG) button after                                                  LiFe2, DRY3, CSTM
thoroughly checking whether or not the mistake
was made again. An electronic beeping sound is
generated and the setting is changed.
Note: If the battery type is changed to the wrong setting, the low
battery alarm will be generated immediately after the change and
operation will become impossible.
If the low battery alarm is generated, please return the setting to just before, or turn off
the power and replace the battery with a fully charged battery or a new dry cell battery.
Then, reset the battery type.
Note: If used with the incorrect setting, a normal low battery alarm will not be gener-
ated and the system may stop before the battery alarm is generated. The usage time
may also become extremely short.

"LiFe2": Futaba LiFe type battery (FT2F1100B / 1700BV2 / 2100BV2).
"DRY3": Dry cell battery (alkaline battery recommended) 3 batteries.
"CSTM": Third party battery is used.
         This function is selected by exception when a third party battery is used. In
         this case, the low battery alarm voltage is set at the user’s own risk. When
         "CSTM" is selected, the low battery alarm voltage displayed below can be
         adjusted. By operating the (JOG) button, move the cursor to the voltage dis-
         play, and set the voltage by using the (+) or (-) button.

                               Voltage display
                               When BATT is set to dry cell
                               use DRY3 or LiFe2, the volt-
                               a g e d i s p l ay o f t h e H O M E
                               screen changes.

              DRY3                                                         LiFe2, NiMH5

When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by                                                              Function
pressing the (END) button.

(Adjusting the buzzer tone)
Select the setting item "BUZZER" by moving the
(JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-)
buttons to adjust the tone.                                                                    Buzzer tone (BUZZER)
                                                                                                OFF, 1~100
                                                                                                Initial value: 65
- Decide by referring to the tone at adjustment.

When finished with setting, return to the MENU
screen by pressing the (END) button.

                                               System Functions "SYSTEM"

           (Changing the power off forgotten alarm setting)
           Select the setting item "OPE-TM" by moving the
           (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-)
           buttons to select the power off forgotten alarm
                                                                                        The power off forgotten alarm
           "10m": If an operation is not performed within 10 minutes while               (OPE-TM)
                  the power is on, an audible alarm sounds.                              10m, OFF
           "OFF": Power off forgotten alarm setting OFF.

           When finished with setting, return to the MENU
           screen by pressing the (END) button.

           (Changing the menu character display)
           Select the setting item "MENU" by moving the
           (JOG) button up or down, and set the basic
           menu character display with the (+) or (-) button
           (See page 38).
           "ENG": Basic menu displayed in Alphabetic character.
                                                                                        Menu character (MENU)
           "   ": Basic menu displayed in katakana character.

           When finished with setting, return to the MENU
           screen by pressing the (END) button.

           (Changing the HOME screen display mode)
           Select the setting item "DISP" by moving the
           (JOG) button up or down, and set the HOME
           screen display mode with the (+) or (-) button.                              The T-FHSS system only telem-
                                                                                        etry data "RXVOL", "CURR"
           "RXVOL": Telemetry data is displayed. (RX page 1)                            and "MC970" can be selected.
           "CURR": Telemetry data is displayed. (RX page 2)
           "MC970": The MC970CR Telemetry data is displayed.                            HOME screen mode (DISP)
           "TIMER": Timer is displayed.
                                                                                         RXVOL, CURR, MC970
           "USER": User name is displayed.
                                                                                         TIMER, USER
           * Refer to country distributor WEB for detailed the "Telemetry

           function" explanation.

              RXVOL                    CURR                       MC970         TIMER                   USER

           When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.

42                                                  System Functions "SYSTEM"

Servo Reverse "REVERSE"                                                     (All channel)
This function reverses the direction of operation of the servos related to transmitter
steering, throttle, and channels 3/4 operation.

                However, when the position set by trim or subtrim shifts
                from the center, the center becomes the opposite side.

Display to "REVERSE" screen using the following method:

  (HOME screen)                             (MENU 1 )                       (REVERSE screen)


                        MENU-4                             "REVERSE"

Servo reverse function setting
(Preparation)                                                          Setting item
                                                                       STR: Steering (1st channel)
- Select the channel to be set by moving the (JOG) button up or        THR: Throttle (2nd channel)
  down.                                                                CH3: 3rd channel
                                                                       CH4: 4th channe

1 (Servo reverse setting)
   Use the (+) or (-) button to reverse the servo op-
   eration direction.                                                                                         Function
   NOR/REV can also be set by moving the (JOG)
   button left or right.
                                                                        Move the cursor to "STR, THR,
    (Each channel can be set similar.)                                  CH3 and CH4" with the (JOG)

                                                                        Select button
                                                                        - Select with the (+) or (-) but-
                                                                          Or use the jog dial left or right

2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by
                                                                          to set the normal, reverse op-
   pressing the (END) button.

                                 Servo Reverse "REVERSE"

           Subtrim "SUBTRIM"                                                                   (All channel)
           Use this function to adjust the neutral position of the steering, throttle, channel 3 and
           channel 4 servos.

                           *Subtrim adjusts the entire range of
                            the servo in the set direction.

                                                                                         Use to adjust the neutral position

           Display to "SUBTRIM" screen using the following method:
                                                                                                (SUBTRIM screen)
                (HOME screen)                              (MENU 1 )


                                                                          "SUBTRIM "

                                                                       Steering and throttle center trim
                                                                       When assigning DT1, DT2, or other digital trims to
                                                                       another function, make adjustments at this screen.

           Subtrim adjustment                                                              Setting item
           (Preparation)                                                                   STR: Steering (1st channel)
                                                                                           THR: Throttle (2nd channel)
           - Set the steering and throttle digital trims to the neutral "0" posi-          CH3: 3rd channel
             tion. Set CH3 and CH4 to the center "0" position.                             CH4: 4th channe

           1 (Subtrim adjustment)                                                          Move the cursor to "STR, THR,
                                                                                           CH3 and CH4" with the (JOG)
              Use the (+) or (-) button to adjust the center.                              button.

                                                                                           Adjustment buttons
                (Each channel can be set similar.)                                         - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                                             make adjustments.
                                                                                           - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                             pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
                                                                                             simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).
                                                                                           Subtrim Values
                                                                                            STR: L100~R100
                                                                                            THR: B100~F100
                                                                                            CH3: -100~+100
                                                                                            CH4: -100~+100
           2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by                       Initial value: 0
                                                                                           Trim Values
              pressing the (END) button.
                                                                                            STR: L100~R100
                                                                                            THR: B100~F100
                                                                                            Initial value : 0

44                                                   Subtrim "SUBTRIM"

End Point Adjuster "END POINT"                                                                             (All channel)
Use this when performing left and right end point adjustments, throttle high side/brake
side operation amount adjustment, or channel 3 and channel 4 servo up side/down side
operation amount adjustment during linkage.
- Correct the maximum steering angle for left and right steering angles when there is a
difference in the turning radius due to the characteristics of the vehicle.

Maximum steering angle
   The "END POINT" function basically determines the maximum steering angle of
   each channel.
   The functions shown below may have been adjusted or the operating range set by
   "END POINT" function may be exceeded. Check the linkage each time the follow-
   ing functions are adjusted.
   - Sub trim (all channels) 44
   - Throttle acceleration (throttle) 55
   Refer to country distributor WEB for detailed the following function explanation.
     Idle up (throttle) / Throttle off, Engine Cut (throttle)
     Program mixing slave side (all channels)

ATL trim
   ATL trim allows adjustment of the brake side operation amount during operation.
   Therefore, when the operating angle is adjusted with throttle END POINT, ATL
   trim must also be taken into account.

                                                                                          A whining noise indicates that the

             Warning                                                                      steering servo is improperly set.

      Operate each servo over its full stroke and be sure the                                                                          Function
      linkage does not bind or is not loose.
    The continuous application of unreasonable force to a servo may
    cause damage and excessive battery drain.

                                                                                                         Decide the END POINT
                                                                                                         value at the contact point.
                                                                                  Adjust the steering servo so that unreason-
                                                                                  able force is not applied to the servo by the
                                                                                  chassis at maximum servo travel.

           Adjust the throttle servo so that unreasonable force is not applied when the engine carburetor is ful-
           ly open, fully closed, and the brakes are applied fully.
           If the brakes overheat while running, their ability to function properly decreases. Before running,
           adjust the suitable maximum servo travel so that unreasonable force is not applied even when the
           servo travel is increased while running.

                                             End Point Adjuster "END POINT"

           Display to "END POINT" screen using the following method:

                (HOME screen)                                  (MENU 1 )                              (END POINT screen)


                                                                            "END POINT"

                    Setting item selection
                      (Steering and Throttle direction)
                    - The direction (STR LFT and STR RGT) linked with the steering wheel is switched.
                    - The direction (THR FWD and THR BRK) linked with the throttle trigger is switched.

                      Setting item (channel and direction)
                      STR LFT:         Steering (left side)
                      STR RGT:         Steering (right side)
                      THR FWD:         Throttle (foward side)
                      THR BRK:         Throttle (brake side)
                      CH3/CH4 UP:      3rd or 4th channel (up side)                                                100
                      CH3/CH4 DWN: 3rd or 4th channel (down side)

           Steering (END POINT) adjustment
           (Preparation)                                                                        (HOME screen)
           - Before setup of the steering end point adjustment (END
             POINT), set the steering D/R trim (initial setup: DT4) to the
             maximum steering angle position 100%.
           - Use the (JOG) button to select the setting item "RGT" and
             make the following adjustments: and make the following ad-
             justments: Or turn the steering wheel to select LFT or RGT.

           1 Steering (left side) adjustment

              Turn the steering wheel fully to the left and use
              the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the steering an-
              gle.                                                                              Adjustment buttons
                                                                                                - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                                                  make adjustments.
           2 Steering (right side) adjustment                                                   - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                                  pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
              Turn the steering wheel fully to the right and use                                  simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).
              the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the steering angle.                              Steering END POINT
                                                                                                 STR LFT: 0~120
                                                                                                 STR RGT: 0~120
                                                                                                 Initial value: 100
           3 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by
              pressing the (END) button.

46                                                End Point Adjuster "END POINT"

Throttle (END POINT) adjustment
- Before setting the throttle end point adjustment (END POINT),
  set the throttle ATL trim (initial setup: DT5) to the maximum                                 100
  throttle angle position 100%.
- Select the setting item "FWD" by moving up or down on the (JOG)
  button and make the following adjustments: Or move the throttle
  trigger fore or aft to select FWD or REV.
                                                                           (HOME screen)

1 Throttle (forward side) adjustment
   Pull the throttle trigger fully to the high side and
   use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the throttle
   angle. However, when using an electronic motor
   speed controller (ESC), set to 100%.

2 Throttle (brake side/reverse side) adjustment
                                                                        Adjustment buttons
   Move the throttle trigger fully to the brake side
                                                                        - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
   and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the throt-                    make adjustments.
   tle angle. However, when using an electronic mo-                     - Return to the initial value by
                                                                          pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
   tor speed controller (ESC), set to 100%.                               simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).
                                                                        Throttle END POINT

3 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by
                                                                         THR FWD: 0~120
                                                                         THR BRK: 0~120
   pressing the (END) button.                                            Initial value: 100

3rd & 4th channel servo (END POINT) adjustment

1 3rd/4th channel servo (up side) adjustment
   Select the setting item "CH3 or CH4 UP" by moving the (JOG)
   button up or down. Set the 3rd or 4th channel dial fully to the
   up side (+ side) and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the ser-
   vo angle.

2 3rd/4th channel servo (down side) adjustment                          Adjustment buttons
                                                                        - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
   Select the setting item "CH3 or CH4 DWN" by moving the (JOG)           make adjustments.
   button up or down. Set the 3rd or 4th channel dial fully to the      - Return to the initial value by
                                                                          pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
   up side (- side) and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the ser-     simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).
   vo angle.                                                            3rd & 4th channel END POINT
                                                                         CH3/CH4 UP: 0~120
                                                                         CH3/CH4 DWN: 0~120
3 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by               Initial value : 100

   pressing the (END) button.

                                   End Point Adjuster "END POINT"

           Exponential Adjustment "EXP"                                 (Steering/ Throttle system)
            This function is used to change the sensitivity of the servo around the neutral position.
            Display to "EXP" screen using the following method:
                                                                                                                        (EXP screen)
                 (HOME screen)                             (MENU 1 )



                                                                                    Setting item
                                                                                    STR: Steering
                                                                                    FWD: Throttle forward side
                                                                                    BRK: Throttle brake/ reverse side
           STR (Steering EXP)
            This function is used to change the sensitivity of the                Quick                                  Mild
            steering servo and around the neutral position. It has no             (Positive side)                        (Negative side)
            effect on the maximum servo travel.


            Racers Tip

                                                                                                         Servo travel


               When the setting is not determined, or the
               characteristics of the model are unknown,
               start with 0%. (When EXP is set to 0%,
                                                                                  Wheel operation                         Wheel operation
               servo movement is linear.)

            Steering EXP adjustment
            (Preparation)                                                                           Adjustment range
            - On the EXP screen, select the setting item "STR" by moving the (JOG)

              button up or down.                                                                    Adjustment buttons
                                                                                                    - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
            1 When you want to quicker steering operation,                                            make adjustments.
                                                                                                    - Return to the initial value by
               use the (+) button to adjust the + side. When                                          pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
               you want to make steering operation milder, use                                        simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).

               the (-) button to adjust the - side.

                                                                                                    Vertical cursor moves in step
                                                                                                    with steering wheel operation.

            2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by
               pressing the (END) button.

48                                               Exponential Adjustment "EXP"

FWD (Throttle Forward Side EXP)/ BRK (Throttle Brake Side EXP)
 This function makes the throttle forward side and brake side direction servo operation
 quicker or milder. It has no effect on the servo maximum operation amount.

    When the course conditions are good and the surface has good grip, set each curve
    to the + side (quick side). When the road surface is slippery and the drive wheels do
    not grip it, set each curve to the - minus (mild) side.

 Throttle forward side EXP adjustment
 - On the EXP screen make the following adjustments:

 1 Select the setting item "FWD" by moving the (JOG) button up or
    down. Use the (+) button to adjust for a faster throttle response
    or use the (-) button for a slower or milder throttle response.                Adjustment range
                                                                                    -100 ~ 0 ~ +100%

                                                                                   Adjustment buttons
                                                                                   - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                                     make adjustments.
                                                                                   - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                     pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
                      Quick                                                          simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).

                                         or 0
       Servo travel




                                                                                   Vertical cursor moves in step        Function
                         Trigger operation                                         with throttle trigger operation.

 2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by
    pressing the (END) button.

                                                    Exponential Adjustment "EXP"

           Throttle brake side EXP adjustment
           - On the EXP screen make the following adjustments:

           1 Select the setting item "BRK" by moving the (JOG) button up or
              d o w n . Use the (+) button to adjust for a faster brake response
                                                                                               Adjustment range
              or use the (-) button for a slower or milder brake response.
                                                                                                -100 ~ 0 ~ +100%
                                                                                               Adjustment buttons
                                                                                               - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                                                 make adjustments.
                                                                                               - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                                 pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
                                  Quick                                                          simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).

                                                     or 0
                   Servo travel




                                                                                               Vertical cursor moves in step
                                     Trigger operation                                         with throttle trigger operation.

           2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by
              pressing the (END) button.

           Dial / Trim Setting
              The steering and throttle EXP adjustment (RATE) can be controlled with digital di-
              al or digital trim. With the function select trim dial function (See page 67).

50                                                              Exponential Adjustment "EXP"

Servo Speed "SPEED"                                                (Steering system)
 This function limits the maximum speed of the steering servo (Delay function).

 Display to "SPEED" screen using the following method:
                                         (MENU 1 )                              (SPEED screen)
     (HOME screen)



                                                            Setting item
                                                            STR TURN: Steering turn side
                                                            STR RETN: Steering return side
                                                            THR TURN: Throttle turn side

STR (Steering Speed)
 Quick steering operation will cause momentary understeering, loss of speed, or spin-
 ning. This function is effective in such cases.

                                                                   Smooth cornering


                     Without "SPEED"                                            With "SPEED"

    - The steer ing speed when
    the steering wheel is operated
    (TURN direction) and returned           R   N T UR
                                                       N                  ETN RETN
                                         TU                              R
    (RETN direction) can be inde-
    pendently set.
    - If the steering wheel is turned
    slower than the set speed, the
    steering servo is not affected.

                                   Servo Speed "SPEED"

           Steering Speed adjustment
           - On the SPEED screen make the following adjustments:

           1 "TURN" direction adjustment
              On the SPEED screen, select the setting item STR "TURN" by
              moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) buttons   Adjustment range
              to adjust the delay amount.                                       1~100% (each direction)
                                                                                At 100%, there is no delay.
                                                                                1%                     100%

                                    R   N T UR                                   Servo operation is delayed.
                                 TU            N
                                                                               Adjustment buttons
                                                                               - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                                 make adjustments.
                                                                               - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                 pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
                                                                                 simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).

           2 "RETN" direction adjustment
              Select the setting item STR "RETN" by moving the (JOG) but-
              ton up or down. Use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the delay
              amount.                                                          Adjustment range
                                                                                1~100% (each direction)
                                                                                At 100%, there is no delay.
                                                                                1%                     100%

                                  ETN RETN
                                 R                                               Servo operation is delayed.

                                                                               Adjustment buttons
                                                                               - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                                 make adjustments.
                                                                               - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                 pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
                                                                                 simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).

           3 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by

              pressing the (END) button.

           Setting example (Steering servo: BLS451 / BLS351) . . . (Setting criteria)
              - On road TURN side: Approx. 50~80% RETURN side: Approx. 60~100%
              - Off road TURN side: Approx. 70~100% RETURN side: Approx. 80~100%

           Dial / Trim Setting
              The steering speed adjustment "TURN" and "RETN" can be controlled with digital
              dial or digital trim. With the function select trim dial function (See page 67).

52                                                 Servo Speed "SPEED"

THR (Throttle Speed)
 Sudden throttle trigger operation on a slippery
 road causes the wheels to spin and the vehicle
 cannot accelerate smoothly. Setting the throttle             With "SPEED": Quick start without skidding
 speed function reduces wasteful battery con-
 sumption while at the same time permitting
 smooth, enjoyable operation.
                                                         Without "SPEED": Slow start due to skidding


    -Throttle servo (ESC) operation is delayed so that the
    drive wheels will not spin even if the throttle trigger is
    operated more than necessary.
    This delay function is not performed when the throttle
    trigger is returned and at brake operation.                                           neutral

 Throttle Speed adjustment
                                                                             Adjustment range
 - On the SPEED screen make the following adjustments:                        1~100%

 1 (Delay adjustment)                                                         At 100%, there is no delay.
                                                                              1%                    100%
    On the SPEED screen, select the setting item
    THR "TURN" by moving the (JOG) button up or                                Servo operation is delayed.
    down. Use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the de-
                                                                             Adjustment buttons
    lay amount.                                                              - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                               make adjustments.
                                                                             - Return to the initial value by
                                                                               pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
                                                                               simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).


 2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by
    pressing the (END) button.

 Dial / Trim Setting
    The throttle speed adjustment can be controlled with digital dial or digital trim.
    With the function select trim dial function (See page 67).

                                        Servo Speed "SPEED"

           Throttle Mode "TH MODE"                                                             (Throttle system)

            This menu has the following 4 functions:
             - Servo neutral mode, which sets the throttle neutral ratio to 7:3 or 5:5.

            *Refer to country distributor WEB for detailed the following function explanation.
             - Idle up, which raises the idling speed when starting the engine to improve engine starting per-
               formance of a gasoline car (boat).
             - Neutral brake, which applies the brakes at the neutral position of the throttle trigger.
             - Throttle off (engine cut), which stops the engine of a boat, etc. by operating the throttle servo to
               the low side regardless of the position of the throttle trigger.

            Display "TH MODE" screen using the following method:
                 (HOME screen)                                     (MENU 1 )                              (TH MODE screen)


                                                                               "TH MODE"

                                 Setup items
                                      SXNT :Throttle servo neutral position           NTBRK :Neutral brake rate
                                      IDLUP :Idle-Up rate                             THOFF :Throttle off (engine cut) position

           Throttle servo neutral position "SXNT"
            -This function allows selection of the forward side and brake (reverse) side operation
            ratio from 7:3 or 5:5 by changing the neutral position of the throttle servo.
                                           F5/B5                                           F7/B3

                       Forward side                   Brake side       Forward side                    Brake side

                                          5:5                                                7:3

            Selecting the throttle servo neutral position                                          Mode selection (SXNT)
                                                                                                    F5/B5, F7/B3
            1 (Mode selection)                                                                     Select button
                                                                                                   - Select with the (+) or (-) but-
               Select the setting item "SXNT" by moving the (JOG) button up
               or down. Select "F5/B5" or "F7/B3" by (+) or (-) button.
               "F5/B5" = Forward 50% : Back50%.
               "F7/B3" = Forward 70% : Back30%.

            2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.
54                                                      Throttle Mode "TH MODE"

Throttle Acceleration "TH ACC"                                                 (Throttle system)
The servo will jump to the input position at its maximum possible speed. Unlike expo-
nential, which adjusts the whole throttle movement into a curve, throttle acceleration
simply "jumps" away from neutral and then leaves the remaining response linear.

  - Operation near the throt-
  tle trigger neutral position          100%

                                                                Servo travel
  becomes a sharp rise.                                                               50%

  - The forward and brake
  sides can be set separately.     0%                                              0%

                                           FWRD                                      BRAKE

Set value
   The standard value (100% point) of this setup affects the operation amount set by
   throttle END POINT function.

Convenient usage method
   For nitro powered cars, the linkage must have a              Clearance
   clearance because one servo controls the engine
   carburetor and brake. Thus, there is a noticeable
   time delay at both the forward and brake sides.
   Sharp response comparable to that of electric motor                                   Servo horn
   cars is obtained by reducing this clearance at the
   transmitter side.                                                             Brake side

Display to "TH ACC" screen using the following method:
    (HOME screen)                           (MENU 1 )                                 (TH ACCEL screen)


                                                        "TH ACC"

                                                         Setup item
                                                         FWR RATE: Forward side acceleration
                                                         BRA RATE: Brake side acceleration

                                 Throttle Acceleration "TH ACCEL"

           Throttle acceleration adjustment
           - On the TH ACCEL screen make the following adjustments:

           1 (Forward acceleration amount adjustment)                                               Forward acceleration amount
              Select the setting item FWD "RATE" by moving
              the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) and (-)                                       Initial value: 0
              buttons to adjust the acceleration amount.                                            Adjustment buttons
                                                                                                    - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                                                      make adjustments.
                                                                                                    - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                                      pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
                                                                                                      simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).
              "0": No acceleration.
              "100": Maximum acceleration (Approximately 1/2 of the forward side throttle angle).

           2 (Brake side acceleration amount adjustment)
              Select the setting item BRK "RATE" by moving                                          Brake side acceleration amount
              the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) and (-)                                       (BRK)
              buttons to adjust the acceleration amount.                                             Initial value: 0

                                                                                                    Adjustment buttons
                                                                                                    - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                                                      make adjustments.
                                                                                                    - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                                      pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
              "0": No acceleration.
                                                                                                      simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).
              "100": Maximum acceleration (Brake side maximum throttle angle).

           3 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by
              pressing the (END) button.

           Dial / Trim Setting
              The throttle acceleration adjustment amount (FWD), (BRK) can be controlled with
              digital dial or digital trim. With the function select trim dial function (See page 67).

56                                                     Throttle Acceleration "TH ACCEL"

Steering Dual Rate/ Throttle ATL "D/R ATL"
D/R (Steering dual rate)
The steering left and right servo travels are adjusted simultaneously. This setting is
linked to transmitter grip trim lever DT4. When DT4 is assigned another function, dual
rate can be adjusted with this screen.
ATL (Throttle ATL)
This function decreases the set value when the braking effect is strong and increases
the set value when the braking effect is weak. This function is linked to transmitter
grip trim lever DT5. When DT5 is assigned another function, this function can be set
with this screen.

Display "D/R ATL" screen using the following method:

    (HOME screen)                                (MENU 1 )                            (D/R ATL screen)


                                                                "D/R" ATL

Dual rate adjustment
1 (Dual rate adjustment)                                                     D/R rate (RATE)
   Select the setting item ST-D/R "RATE" by moving the (JOG)                 Initial value: 100
   button up or down. Adjust the servo travel with the (+) and (-)           Adjustment buttons
   buttons.                                                                  - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to     Function
                                                                               make adjustments.
2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by                   - Return to the initial value by
                                                                               pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
   pressing the (END) button.                                                  simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).

ATL function adjustment
1 (Brake amount adjustment)
                                                                             ATL rate (RATE)
   Select the setting item TH-ATL "RATE" by moving the (JOG)                 Initial value: 100

   button up or down. Adjust the servo travel with the (+) and (-)           Adjustment buttons
                                                                             - Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
                                                                               make adjustments.

2 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by                   - Return to the initial value by
                                                                               pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
   pressing the (END) button.                                                  simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).

                                Steering Dual Rate/ Throttle ATL "D/R ATL"

           Channel 3/4 "CH3/CH4"                                                              (3/4 channel)

           The channel 3/4 servo position can be set from the this screen. When CH3/4 is assigned
           to a trim dial or switch by the trim dial function (page 67) or the switch function (page
           69), this setting is linked to that.
           When CH3/4 is not assigned to a trim dial or switch, it can be set with this screen.
           When CH3/4 is assigned to a switch by the switch function, you cannot adjust the
           CH3/4 via the screen.

           Display "CH3/CH4" screen using the following method:

             (HOME screen)                            (MENU 1 )                             (CH3/CH4 screen)



                                                                     Display when CH3/4 is assigned to a
                                                                     switch by the switch function. Cannot
                                                                     adjust the CH3/4 via the screen.

            Rate/position adjustment on channel menu screen

           1 (Function selection)

              On each CH3/CH4 screen select CH3 "POSI" or CH4 "POSI"
              by moving the (JOG) button up or down.

                                                                                       Channel 3 position (POSI)

           2 (Position setting/rate adjustment)
                                                                                       Channel 4 position (POSI)
              Use the (+) and (-) buttons to adjust the channel 3 or channel            Initial value: 0

              4 position.                                                              Adjust button
                                                                                       - Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-

           3 When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by                  - Return to the initial value by
                                                                                         pressing the (+) and (-) buttons
              pressing the (END) button.                                                 simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).

58                                                Channel 3/4 "CH3/CH4"

Document Created: 2019-01-07 16:06:24
Document Modified: 2019-01-07 16:06:24

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