Test Report

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                                                                                                           FCC 15C

                                     EMC TEST REPORT


                                          Futaba Corporation

                          629 Oshiba Mobara, Chiba—Prefecture 297—8588, Japan

Equipment Under Test:         Communication System
                              Model Name: FDKO1TU
Category:                     FCC Part 15 Sub.part C Low Power Communications Device Transmitter
FCC ID:                       AZP—FDKO1ITU
Tokin Report No.:             TXVO45245
Date of Issue:                July 22, 2004

Approved by

                                                                        =— ATTENTION ——
                                                   The test results in this report relate only to the following
                                                   EUTs, and this report shall not be reproduced except in
                                                   full, without the written approval of the laboratory.
              F                                    This test report must not be used by the client to claim
Tokin EM          Engmeenng Co., Ltd.              product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the

                                                                              NVLAP Lab. Code: 200221—0

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                                                                                                                                              FCC 15C


1   DESCRIPTION                 OF        DEVICE \....2..02002000000vvvvvvvvrevevrraearerr es en r en enc e e en e r en en es      3

2    TEST      FACILITY ,...1sssssom se sspes on rerapred oo en d eapr o recoamngeetiavres                                         4

3   SUMMARY               OF       RESULTS
    3.1    ElGCtTOMAGNEtIG EAMMSSIOM \...............222200220000000000eva e rvrrrrrrrrrreererreeer e e e                          4
    3.2    MOGifiGati0N t0 ThG@ EUT.....2.02222.220202200000 0e avvrrrrrrvrvrrvrv e rrrer es rerrrrrerr e en ek.                   4

4   TESTED           SYSTEM             DETAILS

    4.1    Peripher@l$ @Ad OfRETS |...............0000002000000 02e e e a e e e rrrrrarrrrrrrrrrerrrrer e e e 6e                   5
    4.2    Type@ Of US@U CADI@$ .........2022202222200000 0000 e e e e e r e r e r en en errrrrrrrrrrrrerreareees                  5
    Figure 4—1         System ConfiguratioOA Di@&TAM .....................0..000000 e e e                                          5

5   TECHNICAL COUNTERMEASURE .,,..02,22220000000000009v¥2srzssrrsserrrsserrrsseer s se e k es                                      5

6   TEST        RESULTS
    6.1 RFI Field Strength Measurement
       6.1.1 Measurement Instrumentation USed .......................0000000 ce                                                    6
       6.1.2 MEASUT@MeAt PFOC@UUTG..........2..22022002220000000 06e r e e e r en rrrrerrrrrrerr en e e en                         7
       6.1.3       DeviatioOn fFOM the SPECIfICAtIOM ......................000000 6e e es rrrrrr e k e es                          7
       6.1.4      Me@SUf@MEeNAt UNC@TtAATY .........2222...222202000000000e e arrrrrrrrr e rrrerrrr en k en ees                    7
       6.1.5      T@St D&EA ........00022222222200020000002aaavvvrerrvvrrrrrrvr es srrrrerrrrrrrrrrrrererrrrrrrerer e 64           8 ~ 12

    6.2.     MIAIMUM MAIGIM.....................22202200000200evvrvrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrererrrrrrrrrrrrr es rrrrrrr k e                13
    6.3     S@MPIG CAICUIAtION .............2.22222222000200000 00 ver e en e e e rr en errrr e rrrrrrerrrrrrrrrr en e x eee e    13

7   MEASUREMENT                     PHOTOS
    Photo 7.1         Setup with the Maximized RFI Field Strength Emission Level .......                                          14 ~ 15

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                                                                                               FCC 15C

1   DESCRIPTION         OF      DEVICE

    A) Kind of Equipment:                Communication System

    B) ECC ID:                           AZP—FDKO1ITU

    C) Model Name:                       FDKO1TU

    D) Serial No.:                       None

    E) Type of Sample Tested:            Pre—production

    F) High Frequency Used:              232. 5MHz ( Transmission )
                                         16.8$MHz, 21.7MHz ( System )
                                         24MHz ( CPU )
    G) Rating Power Supply:              DC24V

    H) Tested Power Supply:              DC24V

    I) Date of Manufacture:              February 2004

    J) Manufacturer:                     Futaba Corporation
                                         1080 Yabutsuka, Chosei—mura, Chosei—gun, Chiba,
                                         299—4395 Japan

    K) Description of Operating:         Modulation Continuous Transmission Mode

    L) Date of Sample Received:          March 2, 2004

    M) Test Engineer:                    Yutaka Takeuchi

Report processed by                                       Tested by

Hiroko Nakamura                                           YutaKa Takevichi

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                                                                                                       FCC 15C


The semi anechoic chamber is used for testing, where is located following address. This chamber was fully
described in a report dated Nov.13,2003, that was submitted to the FCC. And we had accepted in a letter
dated Nov.14,2003 (31040/SIT). This laboratory is accredited by NVLAP for NVLAP Lab. Code:

      Tokin EMC Engineering Co., Ltd.
      Tsukuba Testing Laboratory,   Semi Anechoic Chamber

      Address ; 28—1, Kitahara—aza, Hanashimashinden—ohaza, Tsukuba—city, Ibaraki 305—0875, Japan

3     SUMMARY         OF    RESULTS

3.1      Electromagnetic Emission

        RFI Voltage Measurement ......................... Not Applicable
                                                     (Because this EUT is DC main power supply.)

        RFI Field Strength Measurement ................ PASS

Although the measured emissions indicate that the EUT complies with the required limits, some
measurements are close to these limits. When the uncertainty of measurement is considered, there is
some possibility that the EUT may not be compliant.

Test results are traceable to JQA and NML/CSIRO.

3.2      Modifications to The EUT :          None

Report processed by                                        Tested by

    iroko Nakamura                 J
                                                                  i Puraach
                                                           YutakaTakeuchi, Engineer

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                                                                                                    FCC 15C

4     TESTED      SYSTEM       DETAILS

4.1    Peripherals and Others :             None

4.2    Type of Used Cables :

        Description                 Length          Type of shield       Model name       Manufacturer
        DC Cable (EUT ~ Battery)     1.0m           Non—shielded         ———              ———
        Coaxial Cable                0.5m           Non—shielded         ———              ———
        (EUT ~EUT)
        Feeder Cable (EUT ~EUT)     2.0m            Non—shielded         ———              ———




                                                                                    EK : Core
                                DC Cable

                                     Battery               Distributor

                           Figure 4—1          System Configuration Diagram

5      TECHINICAL COUNTERMEASURE:                            None

Report processed by                                       Tested by

Hiroko Nakamura                                           Yutaka Takeuthi,     Engineer

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                                                                                                      FCC 15C

6     TEST     RESULTS

6.1     RFI Field Strength Measurement

6.1.1    Measurement Instrumentation Used

                         ( model/serial no./manufacturer/Tokin control no./last calibration/next calibration )
<30MHz to 1000MHz>
    Field strength meter.............. ( FCVU 1534/130/Schwarzbeck/REO47/25 May04/Aug.‘04 )
    Bi—Log Antenna................. ( CBL6111/1154/Chase/TBO18/19 Jun.‘04/Jun.‘05 )
    Pre—amplifier.............000002022. ( 8447D/2648A04832/Hewlett Packard/AMOO7/29 Jan.‘04/Jan.‘05 )
    Spectrum analyzer .............. ( 8566B/2139A01073/Hewlett Packard/SPOOA/O4 Jun.‘04/Sep.‘04
    Coaxial switch unit............... ( MP59B/6100175602/Anritsu/ME265/08 May04/May 05
    Site establishment cable ........ ( ———/———/———/DKT11/08 May*04/May‘05 )
    SOftWATG .........0220000 e ( Software Data Calculation Software TEPTO 1.06/———/AES/———/———/———
    Semi anechoic chamber ........ ( Tsukuba AC/———/Tokin/$A012/08 May ‘04/Aug.‘04 )

<1000MHz to 2000MHz>
    Pre—amplifier ...........2.2220202.. ( 8449B/3008¥0068 1/Hewlett Packard/AMO34/29 Jun.‘04/Sep.‘04
    Double ridge
      guide horn antenna ........... (3115/ 90053420/EMCO/ANOO3/14 Jun‘04/Jun®‘05 )
    Spectrum analyzer .............. ( 8563E/3450A02894/Hewlett Packard/SPO36/04 Jun.‘04/Sep.‘04 )
    Coaxial cable.................llll. ( SUCOFLEX 104/144326—4/SUCOFLEX/DK176/29 Jun.‘04/Sep.‘04 )
    Coaxial cable...............llll. ( SUCOFLEX 104/147075—4/SUCOFLEX/DK177/29 Jun.‘04/Sep.‘04 )
    Coaxial cable..................2.lll. ( SUCOFLEX 104/149621—4/SUCOFLEX/DK178/29 Jun.‘04/Sep.‘04
    SOftWATQ .......22022000202 ( Software Data Calculation Software TEPTO 1.06/———/AES/———/———/——— )
    Semi anechoic chamber ........ ( Tsukuba AC/———/Tokin/SA012/08 May ‘04/Aug.‘04 )

The measurement instrumentation used, are calibrated according to Quality Manual.

Report processed by                                           Tested by

Hiroko Nakaméra                                               Yutaka Takeuchi,   Engineer _

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                                                                                                          FCC 15C

6.1.2   Measurement Procedure

Final test was performed according to ANSI C63.4—2001 at the semi anechoic chamber. There are no
deviations from the standard.
The EUT was placed in a 0.8m high table along with the peripherals. The turn table was separated from the
antenna distance 3meters. Cables were placed in a position to produce maximum emissions as determined by
experimentation, and operation mode was selected for maximum.
The frequencies and amplitudes of maximum emission were measured at varying azimuths, antenna heights
and antenna polarities. Reported are maximized emission levels.
These tests were performed at 120kHz of 6dB bandwidth.
The measurement above 1GHz was tested at RBW 1MHz, at VBW 10Hz.
Test results had obtained from following equation.
   Result (dBuV/m) = Level (dBuV) + Ant. Factor (dB/m) + Cable Loss (dB) — Amp. Gain (dB)
<Decision to Pass or Fail>
  To judge pass or fail of the test result, it was added "Uncertainty" to the obtained data and then
  subtracted it from the limit value. If all the values are +(plus), it will be passed and if there is —(minus), it
  will be failed.

6.1.3   Deviation from the specification:         None

6.1.4   Measurement Uncertainty

The data was tested are including uncertainty.
Measurement uncertainty of 30MHz to 300MHz is +3.58dB(k=2), 300MHz to 1000MHz is +3.56dB(k=2)
and it had estimated for decision to PASS or FALL.

Report processed by                                           Tested by

Hiroko Nakamura    |                                          Yutaka Taketchi, Engineer

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                                                                                                                                 FCC 15C

6.1.5     Test Data

        [dB(z V/m)]

                     TT Or

                                          Mirfiimum |         j   i    Middle                   _}   i   i__Makimum
                     TT T

               s ———B—ABA——OB




        eb                    j          |/} \                |   3/                      Nb             P \\
               30                                                                                    _/ _





                                                o        $o   $00}
                                                                                                 fullp   t
                                                                                                                      1    z

                             Figure 6.1             Fundamental Frequency Direct Input Waveform

Report processed by                                                           Tested by

(C\ \_
Hiroko Nakamura                                                               Yutaka Takeuthi, Engineer

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                                                                                                            FCC 15C

6.1.5     Test Data

Table 6.1—1      RFI Field Strength Measurement Results (Q—Peak Measurement)

Operating mode: Modulation Continuous Transmission Mode                Date of measurement:       July 21, 2004
Test procedure: ANSI €63.4—2001                                               Temperature:        23 degree C
<30MHz to 1000MHz>                                                            Humidity:           54 %
 Frequency       Level       Cable   Amp.    Ant.     Result              Result        3 Meter      Margin
               Ver. Hor.     Loss    Gain    Factor Ver. Hor.         Ver.     Hor.     Limit      Ver.  Hor.
 (MHz)           (dBuV)      (dB)    (dB)    (dB/m) (dBuV/m)            (uV/m)          (uV/m)       (dB)
  48.00        25.0   22.0    1.6    «29.3    9.4      6.7     3.7     2.16      1.53    100       33.3     36.3
 174.40        40.5   41.0    3.5    —28.7     8.6    23.9   24.4     15.67     16.60    150       19.6     19.1
 232.50        54.0   56.5    4.3    —28.4    11.2    41.0   43.5    11220     149.62    200        5.0      2.5
 465.00        21.0   20.5    6.8    —29.2   17.5    16.1    15.6      6.38      6.03    200       29.9     30.4
 697.50        22.0   21.5    8.5    —29.3    21.8   23.0    22.5     14.13     13.34    200       23.0     23.5
 930.00        20.5   20.5    9.9    —28.7   25.3    270     27.0     22.39     22.39    200       19.0     19.0

                                                 Sub.part C limit
                                       Radiated Emission — 3 meter distance

                               Frequency (MHz)          dBuV/m          uV/m
                               30 — 88                   40.0           100
                               88 — 216                  43.5           150
                               216 — 960                 46.0           200
                               > 960                     54.0           500

Report processed by                                             Tested by

Hiroko Nakamura                                                 Yutaka Takeuthi,   Engineer

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                                                                                                             FCC 15c

             LEVEL (dB 42VJ                                                           O :Vertical x:Horizontal


                                             [                            &
        40                                                                1

                                                                $                                      4         |*
        20                                                                                p

        10                ?

        0 30                                      100                                                            1000
                                                        FREQUENCY [MHz]

                              Figure 6.1—1       RFI Field Strength Measurement Results

Report processed by                                              Tested by

                                                                 Yutaka TakeGchi, Engineer

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                                                                                                      FCC 15C

Table 6.1—2      RFI Field Strength Measurement Results (Q—Peak Measurement)

Operating mode: Modulation Continuous Transmission Mode              Date of measurement: July 21, 2004
Test procedure:  ANSI C63.4—2001                                           Temperature:   23 degree C
<1000MHz to 2000MHz>                                                        Humidity:       54 %
 Frequency   Level   Cable            Amp.   Ant.     Result             Result     3 Meter    Margin
           Ver. Hor.  Loss           Gain    Factor Ver. Hor.        Ver.     Hor.    Limit  Ver.   Hor.
 (MHz)       (dBuV)  (dB)            (dB)    (dB/m) (dBuV/m)           (uV/m)       (uV/m)     (dB)

1162.50        35.5   36.0    7.0   —35.3    25.5    32.5   33.0      42.17   44.67   500    21.5   21.0
1627.50        33.0   33.0   8.4    —35.2    26.1    324    324       41.69   41.69   500    21.6   21.6

                                                 Sub.part C limit
                                       Radiated Emission — 3 meter distance

                               Frequency (MHz)         dBuV/m          uV/m
                               30 — 88                  40.0            100
                               88 — 216                 43.5            150
                               216 — 960                46.0            200
                               > 960                    54.0            500

                                                                      7 uh
Report processed by                                            Tested by

Hiroko Nakamura                                                Yutaka Takeuch{, Engineer

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                                                                                                        FCC 15C

             LEVEL (dB a@v]                                                      O :Vertical x:Horizontal




       30                         +                                          T



       0      1000                                                                                          2000
                                                   FREQUENCY [MHz]

                              Figure 6.1—2   RFI Field Strength Measurement Results

Report processed by                                         Tested by

Hiroko Nakamura                                             Yutaka Takeuthi, Engineer

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                                                                                                        FCC 15C

6.3      Minimum Margin

Table    6.3—1    Minimum Margin

               Radiated emission
          Mool /"7"‘“:" c‘f“'h"‘“o";operation mode        232 §0 MHz,              2.8¢       aB

6.4      Sample Calculation

Table    6.4—1        Sample Calculation

           The maximum radiating emission can be obtained at the frequency of 232. §OMHz,
            Horizonta ’     polarization on Moola d.fivh~ C‘?f;mlm‘ operation mode.
                                  Height of Antenna: /\? m,       Angle of Turn table: 2§0°

           Each value at frequency is as follows;
                 R:       Field strength meter reading        =      f‘_E€0      (aBuww)
                 A:       Antenna factor                      =       1/ 2       (dB/m)
                 C:       Cable loss                          =           4.3    (dB)
                 G:       Amplifier gain                      =      280. Y       (dB)

           Then radiated emission E(dBuV/m) is ;
                          E=R+ A+ C —G
           Therefore, the maximum radiated emission is ;

                                                                   4 3. 5'        (dBuV/m)

Report processed by                                           Tested by


Hiroko Nak                                                    Yutaka Takeuchi, Engineer

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                                                                                 FCC 15C


Photo   7.1a   Setup with the Maximized RFI Field Strength Emission Level

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Photo   7.1b   Setup with the Maximized RFI Field Strength Emission Level

Document Created: 2019-07-05 11:00:04
Document Modified: 2019-07-05 11:00:04

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