SAR Report Part 2

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953

RF Exposure Info

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  FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                                                             Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                                                                                                             SAMM No.0826

                               DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE SAR ASSESSMENT Part 2 of 2

                         Motorola Solutions Inc.                                         Date of Report:       06/07/2019
                         EME Test Laboratory                                             Report Revision:      A
            Motorola Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Innoplex)
                     Plot 2A, Medan Bayan Lepas,
          Mukim 12 SWD 11900 Bayan Lepas Penang, Malaysia.

     Responsible Engineer:                   Ch’ng Jian Sheng (EME Engineer)
     Report Author:                          Ch’ng Jian Sheng (EME Engineer)
     Date/s Tested:                          05/16/2019 - 05/17/2019, 05/20/2019 - 05/22/2019
     Manufacturer:                           Motorola Solutions Inc.
     DUT Description:                        Handheld Portable – DEP 250 403-480M 4W NKP
     Test TX mode(s):                        CW (PTT)
     Max. Power output:                      4.8W
     Nominal Power:                          4.0W
     Tx Frequency Bands:                     LMR 403-480 MHz
     Signaling type:                         FM
     Model(s) Tested:                        PMUE4526B
     Model(s) Certified:                     LAH87YDC9JA2AN (PMUE4526B)
     Serial Number(s):                       278TUH0164
     Classification:                         Occupational/Controlled
     FCC ID:                                 AZ489FT4953; LMR 403-480MHz
                                             This report contains results that are immaterial for FCC equipment approval, which
                                             are clearly identified.
     FCC Test Firm Registration

The test results clearly demonstrate compliance with FCC Occupational/Controlled RF Exposure limits of 8 W/kg averaged
over 1 gram per the requirements of FCC 47 CFR § 2.1093.
Based on the information and the testing results provided herein, the undersigned certifies that when used as stated in the operating instructions
supplied, said product complies with the national and international reference standards and guidelines listed in section 4.0 of this report (no deviation
from standard methods). This report shall not be reproduced without written approval from an officially designated representative of the Motorola
Solutions Inc EME Laboratory.
I attest to the accuracy of the data and assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements. This reporting format is consistent with
the suggested guidelines of the TIA TSB-150 December 2004. The results and statements contained in this report pertain only to the device(s)

                                                Tiong              Digitally signed by

                                                Nguk               Tiong Nguk Ing
                                                                   Date: 2019.06.24
                                                                   08:50:28 +08'00'
                                 Tiong Nguk Ing Ing
           Deputy Technical Manager (Approved Signatory)
                     Approval Date: 6/24/2019

  Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                                                                         Page 1 of 21

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                          Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                                                    Appendix D
                                           System Verification Check Scans

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FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                           Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                                              System verifications for Body

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                             Motorola Solutions, Inc. EME Laboratory
                                       DateTime: 172009 iiitt6 Ant
Robow: DaS¥s.204 oo       778ySt—som—toost718
Diple Models              neove
Pranom®                  ruw toro
Te Temp                  2i (©
Seraie                   toss
Tos Freq                 asn000 io
StatPover                2s0(mn
Romtcn (ID)               vou as
AdmmedSAR w               astmily 0#
DutyCycle 11, Medim parametes ind £=450 Mit:a =096 mc,= 55 8 = 1000 kn‘
Probe: EX3DV4— SN726L, Calteaia: 1232019,Frequeney 490 ltConvH(1L.17,11 17,1117@ 450 Mtte
Hectonics DABH Snd3 Calbeet. L020
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance Check/Dipole Area Sean 2 (41x231x1):
Inerpolatd d     500 mdy=1:500 mm
RefererVali 4064 VimPover it = 001 08
P SASR = 128 Whgs SARCIO )= 067 WA SAconsce fr rgc medan
Maximum vaueofSAR (ntepolais= 1.54 We
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2iSystem Performance Check0—Degree Cube (St5x7)Cube 0:
Memneement id de=? Smdy=7 Som. de—Sram
Reference Valie= 4064 Vin: Power Drt «001 d
Pek SA(otapaid
sant p= 13                       0322 Why (GAR conscifor orgetmation)
Maximuvalwe ofSAR (measund 5sWe
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance CheckiZ—Axis Retraction (xlx17) Messwenet
gid dutinn d—20nm de=loren
Maximum valu ofSAR (memurnd= 15 We


                             Motorola Solutions, Inc. EME Laboratory

Robo: Dasys.e0a j Raas:    Lorksysp—ison—i90sa0.1
Diple Models               neove
Pranom®                   ruw toro
Timue Temp                me c
Seraie                    tos
TosFreg                   asn000 io
StatPover                 250(00
Rauton (ID)                ornan
Admned SA w                 a6tmive 0n
Duty Cycle 11 Medium arametes ind > 450 Mitca =093 Sme,= $49;p = 1000 kn‘
Probe: EX3DV4— SN796L, Calibtad 1232019,Frequeney 450 MIte,ConnH(1L.17, 11 17,1117@ 450 Mtte
Blstrnics DAE Snd Calbast L020
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance Check/Dipole Area Scan 2 (41x231xt
Inerpolatd ard decl 50 mdy=1:500 mm
Refence Vaie= 4024 \‘m: Pover Drit =—00048
Fat SASARi             We SARCIO ) = .034 WSAcometed o rpt madum)
Maximum valueofSAR (nteplit) = 146 We
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2iSystem Performance Check0—Degree Cube (St5x7)Cube 0:
Memurenent i. dc—? mmdy+? Somde=tomm
Reference Valie= 4024 Vin: Pver Drf =—000 B
Poak SAR (empolasd) 124 ky
SAp = ie We SAROO ) = .788 Wiky (SAR conscdfr tirpetmation)
Maximu valee ofSAR (memusd) t wig
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance CheckiZ—Axis Retraction (belx17); Messwenet
git d—20mn,dy—20rm dr=lOrm
Maximun valu ofSAR (memurnd= 147 We

                            Motorola Solutions, Inc. EME Laboratory
                                       DateTime: S2i2009 Saicst Ant
Robou: DaSye0a j Rans:    Lorksysp—4son—i90s21.1
Diple Models              neove
Pranom®                  ruw toro
Time Temp                ma c
Seraie                   toss
TosFreg                  asn000 io
StatPover                250000
Ramtce(ID)                on en
AdunedSAR tw              468 mive 0n
DutyCycle 11, Medim prametes id £=450 Mita =093 Sm,= 354 p = 1000 kn‘
Probe: EX3DV4— SN726A, Calieaia 1232019,requeney 490 MIt, ConnH(1L.17,11.17,1117@ 450 Mtte
Hestonis: DAESnl483,Cataict 1102019
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance Check/Dipole Area Scan 2 (41x231x1):
Inerpolatd id     500 mdy=1:500 mm
Refirere Vali 4033 imPower uit =—0.02 00
P SA SARi = 121 Wke; SARGLO )= OA Wy GAR corecd fr irget madun
Maximum valueofSAR (ntepolats= 146 We
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2iSystem Performance Check0—Degree Cube (St5x7)Cube 0:
Meseement id de=? Smdy=7 Som. de—Sram
Refeence Valie= 4033 Vin: Pover Drt =—0020B
Poak SAR (empolacd) 124 W
sant p = Lt wie: SaRat n = 3 Wiky (SAR conscndfor orpetmation)
Maximum valse ofSAR (memsund a w
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance CheckiZ—Axis Retraction (belx17); Messwenent
git d—20mn, dy—20rm dr=lOrm
Maximum valu ofSAR (memurnd= 147 We

                          Motorola Solutions, Inc. EME Laboratory
                                      DateTime: 5222000 x7 AM
Rotes: Dasys.t0a jms.    rortsyseasonosm.or
Diple Models             nev
Pranom®                 ruw toro
Te Tenp                 me c
Seras                   tos
TosFreg                 asn000 io
StatPover               250(00
Romice(ID)               omm un
AdusedSAR w              aramie 0n
uty Cycle: 11 Medum paamcter und.(=490 Mitca = 095 Simc«=58 3 p= 1000 bain!
Probe: EX3DV4— SN726A, Calieaid 1232019, requeney 490 t Coov(1.7, 7, 1117@ aso ite
Hectonics DABH Sald3, Calberet. 102019
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance Check/Dipole Area Scan 2 (41231x1):
Inerpolatd d       500 mdy=1:500 mm
Referecs Value= 4041 Vim: Power Drit =—003 B
P SA SAIRw«122 Wke; SARG.O ) = Od Wky GAR corect fotrgetmadion)
Maximum valueofSAR (ntepolais) = 149We
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2iSystem Performance Check0—Degree Cube (§x5x7)/Cube 0:
Memrenent i. dc—?Snm 7 Somde=tomm
Reference Vaie= 4041 Vim: Pover Dr=—003 B
Peak SA extapulst 179 Whky
SARC n = l We SARCT )= 0291 Wky (AR conscfr trpet madiun)
Maximum valee ofSAR (memunt)= 1st We
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance CheckZ—Axis Retraction (IxIx17): Mosenen
git.d—20mm, dy—20rm dr=lOren
Maximum vale ofSAR (memurnd= 151 We

                            Motorola Solutions, Inc. EME Laboratory
                                        me‘Tine:   5212009 6:0:0 PM
Robow: DaS¥s.204     oo 77ySm—asoreioosz100
Diple Models            neov
Pranom®                 eum ties
Time Temp               me (©)
Seraie                  tos
TosFreq                 «000 io
StatPover               2s0(mn
Romtoe (ID)             conan
Admned SA (tw            ast m0n
uty Cycle: 11 Medum paamtem in (=490 Mitc a = 087 Sn« = 4; a = 1000 e
Probe: EX3DV4— SN726L, Calieaia: 1232019,Frequeney 490 ltConvH(1078, 10 75, 1078 @ 450 tte
Hestonis: DAESnl483,Catict 1102019
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance Check/Dipole Area Scan 2 (41x231x1):
Inerpoltd d decl 50 mdy=1:500 mm
Refeence Valie= 42.49 Vim: Power Drit =—008 B
P SASARCI = 128 Whgs SARCIO ) = 070 WSAconsce fr nsc mndan
Maximuen valseofSAR (mepoot= 152We
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2iSystem Performance Check0—Degree Cube (St5x7)Cube
Memseement id de=? Smm, dy=7 Som. de—Sram
Reference Vaie= 4249 Vin: Paver Drt =—008 B
Poak SAR (empolaed) 180 W
SAn = Lt wie: SARI a kA07 Wiky (AR conscd fr arpetmation)
Maximuvalse ofSAR (memursd) is wig
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/System Performance CheckiZ—Axis Retraction (elx17); Messwenet
git d—20mm, dy—20rm de=lOrem
Maximun vale ofSAR (memrnd = 153 We

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                               Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                                                     Appendix E
                                                     DUT Scans

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                       Page 9 of 21

                           Motorola Solutions, Inc. EME Laboratory
                                        Date‘Time:   S162009 :t0t Pat
Robo: DaS¥5.203     oo 27—At 905607
Mods                   rurasaen
Phanom®                oo
Timue Tenp             mow
Serale                 areruionss
Ancres                 buscsooon,
Tos reg:               asoo0 (iito
Bater:                 rtowsrsa
Cany Ace               inncemn
Auda Ace               rinuomen
StatPover             as00m
uty Cycle: 11 Medum paamter wnd.(= 480 Mitca = 097 $im«= 4 5; = 1000 kam!
Probe EXGDV~ N7264,Calbated: 292019requency—480 MH,ComnC 17, 111711.17) @ 40 ie
Hestonics DAESnldt3,Calbatet 1102019
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/Ab Sean/l—Area Sean (7Ix201x1): Inopolast it dc— 500 mm dy=1 500 mm
Heferenc Vali = 1029 VinPover Deid =—0.02 0
Fst SA SAIRCi= 790 Wky; SARCLO )= 72 WA (SAR conscied o rgt medam)
Maxim valseof SAR (mepoots) = 0 4oWe
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/Ab Sean/3—Zoom Sean (§xSx7)/Cube 0: Mossesnent gid d=7 Sm
#=7 Smde—Som
Heferene Vali= 1029 Vim: PoverDxit w an
Pea SA Cotapalact= 104 We
SARQ n =759 wie: SAROO e 53 Wky (SAR comead for tarpetmadion)
Maximum valse ofSAR (measund ie wie
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/Ab Sean/4—Z—Axis Sean (Ix1x17,              : Memument git 20dye2tinm
Masimum valse ofSAR (memuesd)=9 05 We



FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                        Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                          Assessment at the Body with Body worn HLN9844A - Table 18

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                                Page 11 of 21

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                 Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

            Assessment at the Body with Body worn PMLN7075A with NTN5243A – Table 19

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FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                         Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                           Assessment at the Body with Body worn RLN4570A - Table 20

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                                 Page 13 of 21

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                        Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                         Assessment at the Body with Body worn RLN4815A - Table 21

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                                   Page 14 of 21

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                             Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                          Assessment at the Body with other audio accessories - Table 22

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                                     Page 15 of 21

                           Motorola Solutions Inc, EME Laboratory
                                   inettime.sivan se n
us asvsre |now zerncr—mszare
wolee                 mc
Prtoos                nuenos
Tome Towp              wmao
Soun                  amtuibie
Aniom                 mowmom
faci                  asooo zo
Iioy                   roouurcs
Ciay h                 it fom
Antane                 Nn
Suronee               w0
bay Cite: 1 Metim panmten e(        ts io 0M3 Smc,= 35« eud i)
hote Exaovk~ sytiet Caibait 123201en aesitc Comtl075,to 7 1075 es ite
Hestome: DABISIHH Gitant 110008
Below 2 GH—Re.2/Face Sean/l—Area Scan (7In23In1): inopoinolast oc00 m dt o0
cfiVc 1008 im Pove Dt «.007 an
We SR = 721 We Salt > 28 hy (SAR on r ut matum)
Miviminslu o SAinepelan@1 s
Below 2 GHz—Re.2/Face Sean/3—Zoom Scan (G6X7/Cube 0: tosmonentpt tSon.
d7Som drsen
Adrene Vaw o 1008 VrvDt «.039 40
Pol SA(oomtand o9 3 ie
SA= ts wSaith * 06 why SA onsotrp mt
Meuminvli o SA cnunt@1 14 We
Below 2 GH—Re.27Face Sean/4—7—Axis Sean (Ixlx17): Momuonentont dectom y—2tom
Maximin io o SAmwsne) «100 is



                              Motorola Solutions, Inc. EME Laboratory
                                         Date‘Time: S212019 1 8   PM
Robor: Dasys.202 Raa: 280Lws—An—ioos208
Modls                 mucasasn
Phanom®               sum 100
Time Tamp             a30
Seraie                ameruiorss
Aneres                buscsoien
To Freg:             sns ooo oatto
Batey                 ue
Cany Ass             rixaston
Audi Acc             monuoren
StatPover            a7s w
DutyCycle 11, Medim pranctos ind £=403 Mit; o = 089 imc,= 362 = 1000 kn‘
Probe EXGDV~ SN7264,Calbated: 1292019requency 402 MB,ComnFCH17, 111711.17)@ 4t ie
Heonics DABH Seld2, Cabeast 102019
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/Ab Sean/l—Area Sean (7Ix221x1): Inopolatat it dc— 500 mmdy=1 500 mm
Refeence Valie = 1069 Vin: Power Drt =—025 B
Pn SASAIRT n K7 Wkgs SARCTO )= .16 W SAconsced o rgt medum)
Maximum valseof SAR (mepoots 78 We
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/Ab Seanf3—Zoom Sean (§xSx7)/Cube 0: Mosseonent gid d=7 Sm
d—7 Smm, de—Som
Heferenc Valu = 10 9 Vim: Pover Dxid =—0.20 48
Peak SACotapolcd 108 We
SARQ n = 834 We SAREIO ) 616 Wiky (SAR comad for torpet madion)
Maximun value ofSAR (measund) 955 Wke
Below 2 GHz—Rev.2/Ab Sean/4—Z—Axis Sean (LxDX17): Mcosrenengnd d—20mm, dy—200m
Masimum valse ofSAR (memurnd)=9.5t We

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                     Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                                              APPENDIX F
                                Shortened Scan of Highest SAR configuration

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                             Page 18 of 21

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                                      Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                                                       Shortened Scan
                                                          Table 25

               Shortened scan reflects highest SAR producing configuration and is compared to the full scan.

                  Scan Description            Referenced Table   Test Time (min.)         SAR 1g (W/kg)
                Shorten scan (zoom)                  25                 8                     4.31
               Full scan (area & zoom)               20                 28                    4.36

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                                               Page 19 of 21

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                                   Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                                                     APPENDIX G
                                                 DUT Test Position Photos

                                                     Photos available in Exhibit 7B

Motorola Solutions Inc. EME Form-SAR-Rpt-Rev.13.24                                           Page 20 of 21

FCC ID: AZ489FT4953                                                                   Report ID: P9189-EME-00014

                                             APPENDIX H
                                DUT, Body worn and audio accessories Photos

                                                     Photos available in Exhibit 7B

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Document Created: 2019-06-24 08:50:28
Document Modified: 2019-06-24 08:50:28

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