03 FCC Test Report_NII_1


Test Report

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Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 351

                                                 RADIO TEST REPORT
                                                                   (for 5 GHz WLAN)

                           Project No.                    :      JB-Z0566-B
                           Client                         :      Sony Corporation
                           Client’s Address               :      1-7-1 Konan Minato-ku Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan
                           Product Name                   :      Digital Media Player
                           Model No.                      :      NW-ZX507
                           FCC ID                         :      AK8NWZX500
                           Test Standard                  :      47 CFR Part 15 Subpart E
                           Sample Receipt Date            :      May 24, 2019
                           Test Date                      :      June 10, 2019 to July 4, 2019
                           Original Report Date           :      July 5, 2019
                           Amend Report Date              :      July 31, 2019
                           Test Result                    :      Complied

    Notice :

        * These test results relate only to the items (combination equipment, test configuration, operation condition etc.) tested.
        * This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory.
        * This report must not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by A2LA or any agency of the U.S.
        * Hereby certify that no party is subject to a denial of federal benefits pursuant to section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act.
        * All test results are traceable to the national and / or international standards.
        * The testing in which “Non-accreditation” is displayed is outside the accreditation scopes in Sony Global Manufacturing &
         Operations Corporation EMC/ RF Test Laboratory.
        * This report replaces and supersedes all previous versions. Refer to Revision History on the following page.

                                               Reported by:

                                               Takanori Oho
                                               Technical Manager
                                               EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                               Design Technology Division

                                               Approved Signatory:

                                               Teruki Kurihara
                                               Technical Manager
                                               EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                               Design Technology Division
                                                                                                                                         TESTING CERT #3203.01
                                                                                                                    Format No.: NV1-1-01 Version 5.0

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                                                A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                                 8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                                    PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                                                                            Page 2 of 351

                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.    General Information .................................................................................................................................................... 3
      1.1. Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT)...................................................................................................... 3
      1.2. Summary of Test Result ......................................................................................................................................... 4
      1.3. Tested Methodology ................................................................................................................................................ 4
      1.4. Measurement Procedures ...................................................................................................................................... 5
      1.5. Test Location ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
      1.6. Uncertainty .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.    Test Specification.......................................................................................................................................................... 8
      2.1. Validation ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
      2.2. Operating Condition................................................................................................................................................ 8
      2.3. Special Accessories .................................................................................................................................................. 9
      2.4. EUT Modifications .................................................................................................................................................. 9
      2.5. Configuration of EUT System.............................................................................................................................. 10
      2.6. View of Measurement Facility ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.    Test Data..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
      3.1. AC Power-line Conducted Emissions ................................................................................................................. 13
      3.2. 26dB Emission Bandwidth .................................................................................................................................. 15
      3.3. 6dB Emission Bandwidth..................................................................................................................................... 22
      3.4. 99% Occupied Bandwidth .................................................................................................................................... 25
      3.5. Maximum Conducted Output Power ................................................................................................................. 38
      3.6. Maximum Power Spectral Density ..................................................................................................................... 41
      3.7. Unwanted Emissions ............................................................................................................................................ 54
4.    Method of Calculation.............................................................................................................................................. 347
      4.1. AC Power-line Conducted Emissions ...............................................................................................................347
      4.2. Maximum Conducted Output Power ...............................................................................................................347
      4.3. Maximum Power Spectral Density ...................................................................................................................347
      4.4. Unwanted Emissions ..........................................................................................................................................348
5.    List of Test Equipment ............................................................................................................................................ 349
      5.1. AC Power-line Conducted Emissions ...............................................................................................................349
      5.2. Antenna-port Conducted Measurements.........................................................................................................349
      5.3. Unwanted Emissions ..........................................................................................................................................349
6.    Photographs of test setup ........................................................................................................................................ 350
      6.1. AC Power-line Conducted Emissions Photo(s) ................................................................................................350
      6.2. Antenna-port Conducted Measurements Photo(s) .........................................................................................350
      6.3. Unwanted Emissions Photo(s)...........................................................................................................................351

                  -indicates that the listed condition, standard or equipment is applicable for this report.
                  -indicates that the listed condition, standard or equipment is not applicable for this report.

                                                                           Revision History
     Revision                                    Date                     Overview                                                                                         Page
     JB-Z0566(Original)                          July 5, 2019             -                                                                                                -
     JB-Z0572-A                                  July 26, 2019            Correction of Maximum Power Spectral Density result and limit.                                   P41 to 53
                                                                          Add procedures and measurement facility drawings for spurious.                                   P.6,12
     JB-Z0572-B                                  July 31, 2019            Correction of Maximum Conducted Output Power result and                                          P38
                                                                          Add description to procedures for spurious emission.                                             P.6

     Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                                                               A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                                                8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                                                   PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                     Page 3 of 351

1. General Information
1.1.    Description of Equipment Under Test (EUT)

General Specification
Test Sample Condition                   :        Prototype              Pre-production           Mass-production
Product Name                            :   Digital Media Player
Trade Name                              :   SONY
Model No.                               :   NW-ZX507
Serial No.                              :   2, 3, 5, 16
Power Rating of the EUT                 :   DC 3.7 V (Internal Battery) or DC 5 V (USB)

Similar model(s) to be covered by this report
Model No.                                : None

Radio Specification
Function of the Equipment               : Transceiver
Operating Frequency                     :
                                              IEEE Standard    Operating Frequency         Channel   Channel       Number of
                                                                                           Spacing   Bandwidth     Channel
                                              802.11a/n HT20   5180 - 5320 MHz,            20 MHz    20 MHz        8
                                              802.11ac VHT20   5500 - 5720 MHz                                     9
                                                               (except 5600 - 5640 MHz),
                                                               5745 - 5825 MHz                                     5
                                              802.11n HT40     5190 - 5310 MHz,            40 MHz    40 MHz        4
                                              802.11ac VHT40   5510 - 5710 MHz                                     4
                                                               (except 5590 - 5630 MHz),
                                                               5755 - 5795 MHz                                     2
                                              802.11ac VHT80   5210 - 5290 MHz,            80 MHz    80 MHz        2
                                                               5530 - 5690 MHz                                     2
                                                               (except 5610 MHz),
                                                               5775 MHz                                            1

Modulation Type                         : OFDM (BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, 256QAM)
Antenna Type                            : Inverted-F antenna
Antenna Connector Type                  : None
Antenna Gain                            : + 3.0 dBi
Operating Temperature                   : +5 to +35 deg.C

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                                A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                 8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                    PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                  Page 4 of 351

1.2.     Summary of Test Result

                   Test Item                    Test Method          Worst Margin             Results             Note
                                                                      18.7 dB (QP)
       AC Power-line Conducted Emissions         Conducted             0.153 MHz             Complied               -
          26dB Emission Bandwidth                Conducted        Refer to the test data       N/A                  -
           6dB Emission Bandwidth                Conducted        Refer to the test data     Complied               -
       Maximum Conducted Output Power            Conducted              12.75 dB             Complied               -
       Maximum Power Spectral Density            Conducted               7.50 dB             Complied               -
                                                                      1.0 dB (PK)
             Unwanted Emissions                  Radiated            5470.00 MHz             Complied               -
          Dynamic Frequency Selection                -                       -                   -                 *1
*1: For DFS test results, referred to JB-Z0567 issued by Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation.

Other requirements
Part 15.31(e) Supply voltage requirement
                : Complied (The voltage supplied from USB or battery are converted to regulated DC voltage
                            by the built-in power circuit of the EUT.)
Part 15.203 / 212 Antenna requirement
                : Complied (The EUT has an internal antenna which cannot be replaced by users.)

1.3.     Tested Methodology

Test Standard                              : 47 CFR Part15 Subpart E
Test Method                                : ANSI C63.10 - 2013
                                             KDB 789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures New Rules v02r01

Test Condition
     AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
     Dimensions of the EUT table       : 0.8 m height, 1.5 m width and 1 m depth.

       Radiated Spurious Emissions
       Test Distance                       :     3m               10m (9 kHz to 30 MHz)
                                                 3m               10m (30 MHz to 1000 MHz)
                                                 3m                     (1 GHz to 26.5 GHz)
       Dimensions of the EUT table         : 0.8 m (below 1 GHz) or 1.5 m (above 1 GHz) height, 2 m width and 1 m depth.
       Dimensions of validated test volume : 2.5 m diameter, 3 m top height, 0.5 m bottom height.

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                              A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                               8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                  PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                    Page 5 of 351

1.4.    Measurement Procedures

We performed the measurements in accordance with NV3-10, available upon the request.
     No deviation
     Deviation from the above procedure

The summary of the above procedure is mentioned below

AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
1. The non-conductive table (EUT table) made of (        FRP,   wood,       other non-conductive material) was placed 0.4 m
   from its rear to the vertical reference ground plane.
2. The EUT was placed on the center of tabletop and its rear was flush with the rear of the table, connected through a
   LISN to the input power mains.
3. The LISN was placed in 80 cm from the nearest part of the EUT chassis.
4. The excess length of the AC cable between the EUT and the LISN receptacle, or an adaptor or extension cable connected
   to and measured with LISN, was folded back and forth at the center of the lead to form a bundle not exceeding 40 cm in
5. The connection of the all other equipment to the second LISN was performed. The second LISN was terminated with a
   50-ohm terminator.
6. Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the horizontal reference ground plane was folded back and forth
   forming a bundle 30 to 40 cm long, hanging approximately in the middle between the horizontal reference ground plane
   and the tabletop.
7. Find the worst mode and arrangement of the EUT according to the follows;
       -      Connecting all peripherals and change the position of peripherals and cables.
       -      Changing the all test operation modes of the EUT.
       -      On every condition, exploring the highest emissions with the spectrum analyzer.
              (150 kHz to 30 MHz, peak detector, RBW: 10 kHz)
8. On the worst condition of the EUT found in above, choose the six highest emissions on the spectrum data.
   The final measurements carried out on these emissions with EMI test receiver.
   (quasi-peak and average detector, RBW: 9 kHz)

Antenna-port Conducted Measurements
1. Antenna-port of the EUT was connected to the power sensor (Maximum Conducted Output Power) or the spectrum
   analyzer. (other test items).
2. For each EUT operation mode, the Antenna-port Conducted Measurements were measured with the power sensor or
   the spectrum analyzer.

                       Test Item
                                                     Detector                                RBW
         Antenna-port Conducted Measurements
                                                                    100 kHz   : IEEE 802.11a, 11n(HT20), 11ac(VHT20)
              26dB Emission Bandwidth                  Peak         300 kHz   : IEEE 802.11n(HT40), 11ac(VHT40)
                                                                     1 MHz    : IEEE 802.11ac(VHT80)
               6dB Emission Bandwidth                  Peak         100 kHz
                                                                    300 kHz   : IEEE 802.11a, 11n(HT20), 11ac(VHT20)
               99% Occupied Bandwidth                  Peak
                                                                     1 MHz    : IEEE 802.11n(HT40), 11ac(VHT40), 11ac(VHT80)
           Maximum Conducted Output Power            Average              -
                                                                    100 kHz   : U-NII-3
           Maximum Power Spectral Density              RMS
                                                                     1 MHz    : U-NII-1/ -2A/ -2C

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                               A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                   PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                   Page 6 of 351

Unwanted Emissions
1. The non-conductive table (EUT table) made of (     FRP,      Styrene Foam,      other non-conductive material) was
   placed in the center of the turntable.
2. The EUT was placed on the center of the tabletop.
3. The test antenna was placed away from the EUT at test distance.
4. The limits were compensated the distance factor with follows;
     9 kHz to 490 kHz [Limit at 3 m] = [Limit at 300 m] + 40log (300[m] / 3[m])
     490 kHz to 30 MHz [Limit at 3 m] = [Limit at 30 m] + 40log (30[m] / 3[m])
5. Find the worst arrangement of the EUT according to follows;
      -        Rotating the turntable and/or scanning the antenna.
      -        On every condition, exploring the highest emissions with the spectrum analyzer.
               (9 kHz to 40 GHz, peak detector)
6. On the worst arrangement of the EUT found in above, choose the six highest harmonics or spurious emissions on the
   spectrum data.(*excluding carrier band edges)
   The final measurements of all test operating modes carried out on these emissions as follows;

   The test antenna and the turntable were performed with follows;
                     9 kHz to 30 MHz                                 30 MHz to 1000 MHz         1 GHz to 40 GHz
 Antenna             Loop Antenna                                    Bi-conical Antenna,        Horn Antenna
                                                                     Log-periodic Antenna
 Antenna             1 m,                                            1 m to 4 m,                1 m to 4 m *,
 scanning range Vertical, 360 degrees                                Horizontal and Vertical    Horizontal and Vertical
 Turntable           360 degrees                                     360 degrees                360 degrees
 rotating range
   *: When the measurement frequencies above 1 GHz, final measurements are performed keeping the antenna in
      the "cone of radiation" from EUT area and pointed at the area both in azimuth and elevation, with
      polarization oriented for maximum response.

  Instruments settings were carried out with follows;
                     9 kHz to 90 kHz        90 kHz to 110 kHz         30 MHz to 1000 MHz          1 GHz to 40 GHz
                   110 kHz to 490 kHz       490 kHz to 30 MHz
 Detector         Peak / Average           Quasi-peak               Quasi-peak                 Peak / Average
 RBW              200 Hz (6 dB) or         200 Hz (6 dB) or         120 kHz (6 dB)             1 MHz (6 dB)
                  9 kHz (6 dB) *1          9 kHz (6 dB) *1
 VBW              N/A                      N/A                      N/A                        3 MHz (for peak)
                                                                                               10 kHz (for average) *2
 Instrument       EMI test receiver         EMI test receiver        EMI test receiver         Spectrum analyzer
   *1: When the measurement frequencies below 150 kHz, RBW: 200 Hz was used.
   *2: VBW setting (for average) was higher than 1/T. (T is the minimum transmission duration)

7. If the final average measurement result exceeded the limit in the authorized band edge, the integration method is
   carried out with follows;
                     Unwanted emissions within 2 MHz of the band edge
 Detector            Peak
 RBW                 100 kHz (6 dB)
 Instrument          Spectrum analyzer
 Function            Channel Power (integration BW : 1 MHz)

8. Although these tests for below 30MHz were performed other than open field area test site, adequate comparison
   measurements were confirmed against 30 m open field area test site. Therefore sufficient tests were made to
   demonstrate that the alternative site produces results that correlate with the ones of tests made in an open field based
   on KDB 414788 D01.
   Further these test for above 1GHz were performed test site complied with CISPR 16-1-4.
   In the case of EUT size smaller than the validated test volume, the antenna position is adjusted such that the distance
   between the EUT and the antenna reference point is identical to the 3m used for the S-VSWR validation measurements.
   These method based on clause 7.3.1 of CISPR16-1-4 Edition 4, therefore correcting distance factor is not applied.

    Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                             A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                              8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                 PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

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1.5.    Test Location

Test Facility Name                  : Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation
                                      EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
Address                             : 8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
Phone                               : +81 438 37 2750

A2LA Certificate No.                : 3203.01
Cert. Validated Date                : Oct. 31, 2019

AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
Shielded Room
      4th Site      EMC Site

Antenna-port Conducted Measurements
Shielded Room
      4th Site SR1

Unwanted Emissions
Semi-Anechoic chamber
     4th Site      EMC Site

1.6.    Uncertainty

             Test Item                                   Frequency                       4th Site SR1
   Maximum Conducted Output Power                     1 GHz to 6 GHz                       ± 0.84 dB
   Maximum Power Spectral Density                       below 6 GHz                        ± 1.25 dB

               Test Item                         Frequency             Distance    4th Site        EMC Site
   AC Power-line Conducted Emissions        150 kHz to 30 MHz              -      ± 3.34 dB        ± 3.35 dB
                                             9 kHz to 30 MHz             3m       ± 2.60 dB        ± 3.13 dB
                                           30 MHz to 1000 MHz            3m       ± 4.96 dB        ± 5.26 dB
            Radiated Emissions               1 GHz to 18 GHz             3m       ± 5.22 dB        ± 5.50 dB
                                            18 GHz to 26.5 GHz           3m       ± 5.36 dB        ± 5.63 dB
                                            26.5 GHz to 40 GHz           3m       ± 6.07 dB        ± 6.31 dB

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                           A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                            8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                               PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

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2. Test Specification
2.1.     Validation

The system was configured for testing in a typical (as a customer would normally use it).
The tests were conducted with the worst-case modes as follows.

2.2.     Operating Condition

The tests have been carried out the following conditions.
[ Transmitting mode ]
                                                      Test Channels [MHz]
                 Test Items                                                                 Worst Data Rate *1
                                            U-NII-1   U-NII-2A U-NII-2C       U-NII-3
   AC Power-line Conducted Emissions *2      5180         -           -          -      802.11a        : 18 Mbps
                                                        5260                            802.11a         : 18 Mbps
                                               -        5300                     -      802.11n(HT20) : MCS4
                                                        5320                            802.11ac(VHT20) : MCS4
          26dB Emission Bandwidth
                                                        5270       5550                 802.11n(HT40) : MCS4
                                               -                                 -
                                                        5310       5670                 802.11ac(VHT40) : MCS4
                                               -        5290                     -      802.11ac(VHT80) : MCS4
                                                                               5745     802.11a         : 18 Mbps
                                               -            -         -        5785     802.11n(HT20) : MCS4
                                                                               5825     802.11ac(VHT20) : MCS4
           6dB Emission Bandwidth
                                                                               5755     802.11n(HT40) : MCS4
                                               -            -         -
                                                                               5795     802.11ac(VHT40) : MCS4
                                               -          -           -        5775     802.11ac(VHT80) : MCS4
                                             5180       5260        5500
                                                                               5745     802.11a         : 18 Mbps
                                             5200       5280        5580
                                                                               5785     802.11n(HT20) : MCS4
                                             5220       5300        5700
                                                                               5825     802.11ac(VHT20) : MCS4
                                             5240       5320        5720
       Maximum Conducted Output Power
                                             5190       5270        5550       5755     802.11n(HT40) : MCS4
                                             5230       5310        5670       5795     802.11ac(VHT40) : MCS4
                                             5210       5290                   5775     802.11ac(VHT80) : MCS4
                                             5180       5260                   5745     802.11a         : 18 Mbps
                                             5220       5300                   5785     802.11n(HT20) : MCS4
                                             5240       5320                   5825     802.11ac(VHT20) : MCS4
          99% Occupied Bandwidth,                                   5510
       Maximum Power Spectral Density        5190       5270        5550       5755     802.11n(HT40) : MCS4
                                             5230       5310        5670       5795     802.11ac(VHT40) : MCS4
                                             5210       5290                   5775     802.11ac(VHT80) : MCS4

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                               A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                   PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                               Page 9 of 351

                                                           Test Channels [MHz]
                 Test Items                                                                          Worst Data Rate *1
                                                U-NII-1    U-NII-2A U-NII-2C         U-NII-3
           Unwanted Emissions *2
                                                 5180           -           -            -       802.11a          : 18 Mbps
              ( Below 1 GHz )
                                                                          5500         5745
                                                             5260                                802.11a         : 18 Mbps
                                                 5180                    5580 *3      5785 *3
                                                             5320                                802.11ac(VHT20) : MCS4
                                                                          5700         5825
            Unwanted Emissions                                            5510
              ( Above 1 GHz )                                5270                      5755      802.11n(HT40) : MCS4
                                                 5190                    5550 *4
                                                             5310                      5795      802.11ac(VHT40) : MCS4
                                                 5210        5290         5530         5775      802.11ac(VHT80) : MCS4
*1: The worst data rate has been decided based on the result of Maximum Conducted Output Power.
*2: The test was performed with the representative mode that had been found as the worst emissions while exploratory testing.
*3: It applies only to IEEE802.11a.
*4: It applies only to IEEE802.11n.

The Software for Operating Mode
Software Name                               : LBEE5ZZ1PJ-331 RF Test
Software Version                            : 0.6

2.3.    Special Accessories

Special accessories needed for connecting the EUT to achieve compliance:
 Item                           Manufacturer      Model No.              Serial No.                        Remark
 -                              -                 -                      -                                 -

2.4.    EUT Modifications

        No equipment modification to achieve compliance to the standard levels was done during the tests.
        Equipment was modified to achieve compliance to the standard level as below.

Responsible Party Signature

Typed/ Print Name                           :
Responsible Party                           :
Position                                    :
Date                                        :

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                                     A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                      8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                         PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                Page 10 of 351

2.5.    Configuration of EUT System

AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
[ EUT and Associated Equipment (AE) ]
 Symbol             Item                          Manufacturer           Model No.                 Serial No.
 A         EUT      Digital Media Player          SONY                   NW-ZX507                  3
 B         AE       PERSONAL COMPUTER             SONY                   VJS131C11N                4120398
 C         AE       AC ADAPTER                    SONY                   VJ8AC10V9                 274969

[ Type of Cable ]
                                                  Identification         Shielded        Ferrite   Length
 Symbol    Description                                                                                          Bundled
                                                  (Manufacturer etc.)    Yes / No        Core      (m)
 1         USB Cable                              Kailai                 Yes             No        0.5          No
 2         DC Cable                               -                      No              No        1.8          Yes
 3         AC Cable                               -                      No              No        1.5          Yes

[ Connecting Diagram ]

                               A: Digital Media               1
                                                                         B: PERSONAL
                                   Player                                 COMPUTER

               WLAN                                                                  2

                                                                         C: AC ADAPTER



       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                                 A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                  8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                     PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                            Page 11 of 351

Antenna-port Conducted Measurements
[ EUT and Associated Equipment (AE) ]
 Symbol             Item                           Manufacturer          Model No.        Serial No.
 A        EUT       Digital Media Player           SONY                  NW-ZX507         5 (for Maximum Conducted Output Power)
 B        EUT       Digital Media Player           SONY                  NW-ZX507         16 (for others)

[ Type of Cable ]
                                                   Identification              Shielded          Ferrite      Length
 Symbol   Description                                                                                                      Bundled
                                                   (Manufacturer etc.)         Yes / No          Core         (m)
 -        -                                        -                           -                 -            -            -

[ Connecting Diagram ]

                        Measurement          RF Cable             A/B:
                           Equipment                        Digital Media

Unwanted Emissions
[ EUT and Associated Equipment (AE) ]
 Symbol             Item                           Manufacturer                Model No.                      Serial No.
 A        EUT       Digital Media Player           SONY                        NW-ZX507                       2
 B        EUT       Digital Media Player           SONY                        NW-ZX507                       3

[ Type of Cable ]
                                                   Identification              Shielded          Ferrite      Length
 Symbol   Description                                                                                                      Bundled
                                                   (Manufacturer etc.)         Yes / No          Core         (m)
 -        -                                        -                           -                 -            -            -

[ Connecting Diagram ]

                                WLAN                                  A/B:
                              Transmitting                        Digital Media

     Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                                   A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                    8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                       PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                                        Page 12 of 351

2.6.    View of Measurement Facility

Radiated spurious emissions
< 9 kHz - 30 MHz >
                                                Side view

                                                        Scan from 0 to 360deg.

         EMI Receiver        RF Selector                                                         1.0m               Non conducted

                                                                                          Reference Ground Plane

< 30 MHz - 1000 MHz >
                                                Side view

         EMI Receiver                                   Scan from 1m to 4m                              3m
                                                        (Horizontal / Vertical)

                                                                                                                    Non conducted
          RF Selector                                                                                                                0.8m


           Pre-Amp                                                                    Reference Ground Plane

< 1 GHz - 40 GHz >
                     Side view

                            EMI                           7 – 40 GHz                                     3m

                                                           1 - 7 GHz                                                   EUT
                           Pre-AMP            Filter
                                                                                                                   Non conducted
                                                                                                                   Non conducted    1.5m
                                           Scan from 1m to 4m                                           0.3m
                                           (Horizontal / Vertical)

                                                                                       Reference Ground Plane

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                                                 A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                                  8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                                     PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                         Page 13 of 351

3. Test Data
3.1.    AC Power-line Conducted Emissions

1) Date of measurement                   : June 10, 2019

The test data is mentioned as follows.

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                          A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                           8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                              PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                                                                 Page 14 of 351

[ 802.11a/ 5180 MHz ]

     Sony Global M&O Corp                                     <<Conducted Emission>>
     Kisarazu No.1

     Model                :   NW-ZX507                                  Limit             : FCC Part15C
     Serial               :   3                                         Remark1           :
     Operator             :   R.KAWANO                                  Remark2           :
     Power                :   AC120V / 60Hz                             Remark3           : IEEE802.11a 18Mbps
     Environment          :   20.3deg.C / 73.6% / 1004.8hPa             Remark4           : Low
         80                                                                                             <FCC Part15C>
               70                                                                                                Limit(AV)
               60                                                                                                Spectrum(L1,PK)
               50                                                                                                Interferance-QP(N)

               40                                                                                                Interferance-AV(L1)




                0.15                0.50      1.00                      5.00      10.00             30.00
                                                      Frequency                                    [MHz]

     Final Result

     --- N Phase ---
     No. Frequency              Reading  Reading      c.f        Result   Result    Limit    Limit           Margin    Margin
                                  QP       AV                      QP       AV       QP       AV               QP        AV
                    [MHz]      [dB(μV)] [dB(μV)]      [dB]      [dB(μV)] [dB(μV)] [dB(μV)] [dB(μV)]           [dB]      [dB]
           1          0.153       31.2     13.8       16.0         47.2     29.8     65.9     55.9            18.7      26.1
           2          0.171       26.5     14.8       16.3         42.8     31.1     64.9     54.9            22.1      23.8
           3          0.197       27.8     14.2       16.0         43.8     30.2     63.7     53.7            19.9      23.5
           4          0.233       21.7      9.3       15.7         37.4     25.0     62.4     52.4            25.0      27.4
           5          0.940        9.2      1.6       15.9         25.1     17.5     56.0     46.0            30.9      28.5
           6          1.925        7.5      0.6       15.9         23.4     16.5     56.0     46.0            32.6      29.5

     --- L1 Phase ---
     No. Frequency     Reading  Reading               c.f        Result   Result    Limit    Limit           Margin    Margin
                         QP       AV                               QP       AV       QP       AV               QP        AV
            [MHz]     [dB(μV)] [dB(μV)]               [dB]      [dB(μV)] [dB(μV)] [dB(μV)] [dB(μV)]           [dB]      [dB]
       1      0.152      30.3     13.6                16.0         46.3     29.6     65.9     55.9            19.6      26.3
       2      0.171      27.2     10.6                16.3         43.5     26.9     64.9     54.9            21.4      28.0
       3      0.193      28.7     15.8                16.1         44.8     31.9     63.9     53.9            19.1      22.0
       4      0.224      23.3     11.9                15.8         39.1     27.7     62.7     52.7            23.6      25.0
       5      0.955      14.7      7.5                16.0         30.7     23.5     56.0     46.0            25.3      22.5
       6     20.408       7.5      1.0                16.4         23.9     17.4     60.0     50.0            36.1      32.6

    Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                                                      A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                                                       8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                                          PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                         Page 15 of 351

3.2.    26dB Emission Bandwidth

1)   Ambient temperature           :   21.1 deg.C        20.0 deg.C       20.2 deg.C       21.1 deg.C
2)   Relative humidity             :   62.0 %            59.5 %           63.0 %           68.0 %
3)   Date of measurement           :   June 26, 2019     June 28, 2019    July 1 , 2019    July 4 ,2019
4)   Measured by                   :   M.KOUGA           M.KOUGA          M.KOUGA          M.KOUGA
5)   Operating mode                :   Transmitting mode

               Rate      Channel   Result         Limit
              [Mbps]      [MHz]    [MHz]         [MHz]
                           5260    18.180           -
                           5300    18.336           -
                           5320    18.188           -
       11a     18          5500    18.184           -
                           5580    18.168           -
                           5700    18.192
                           5720    18.200           -
                           5260    20.340           -
                           5300    20.364           -
                           5320    20.496           -
              MCS4         5500    20.368           -
                           5580    20.296           -
                           5700    20.360
                           5720    20.508           -
                           5270    42.536           -
                           5310    42.432           -
       11n                 5510    42.504           -
     (HT40)                5550    42.504           -
                           5670    42.488
                           5710    42.560           -
                           5260    20.352           -
                           5300    20.356           -
                           5320    20.436           -
              MCS4         5500    20.396           -
                           5580    20.372           -
                           5700    20.652           -
                           5720    20.372           -
                           5270    42.952           -
                           5310    42.624           -
   11ac                    5510    43.000           -
 (VHT40)                   5550    43.000           -
                           5670    42.408           -
                           5710    42.936           -
                           5290    89.248           -
              MCS4         5530    89.312           -
                           5690    84.400           -

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                          A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                           8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                              PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 16 of 351

[ 802.11a/ 5260 MHz ]                     [ 802.11a/ 5300 MHz ]

[ 802.11a/ 5320 MHz ]                     [ 802.11a/ 5500 MHz ]

[ 802.11a/ 5580 MHz ]                     [ 802.11a/ 5700 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 17 of 351

[ 802.11a/ 5720 MHz ]                     [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5260 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5300 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5320 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5500 MHz ]             [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5580 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 18 of 351

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5700 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5720 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5270 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5310 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5510 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5550 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 19 of 351

[ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5670 MHz ]             [ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5710 MHz ]

[ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5260 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5300 MHz ]

[ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5320 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5500 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 20 of 351

[ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5580 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5700 MHz ]

[ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5720 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT40)/ 5270 MHz ]

[ 802.11ac (VHT40)/ 5310 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT40)/ 5510 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 21 of 351

[ 802.11ac (VHT40)/ 5550 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT40)/ 5670 MHz ]

[ 802.11ac (VHT40)/ 5710 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT80)/ 5290 MHz ]

[ 802.11ac (VHT80)/ 5530 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT80)/ 5690 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                           Page 22 of 351

3.3.    6dB Emission Bandwidth

1)   Ambient temperature           :   21.1 deg.C        20.0 deg.C
2)   Relative humidity             :   62.0 %            59.5 %
3)   Date of measurement           :   June 26, 2019     June 28, 2019
4)   Measured by                   :   M.KOUGA           M.KOUGA
5)   Operating mode                :   Transmitting mode

               Rate      Channel   Result         Limit
              [Mbps]      [MHz]    [MHz]         [MHz]
                           5745    15.136         0.500
       11a     18          5785    15.136         0.500
                           5825    15.140         0.500
                           5745    17.656         0.500
              MCS4         5785    17.648         0.500
                           5825    17.652         0.500
       11n                 5755    36.464         0.500
     (HT40)                5795    36.432         0.500
                           5745    17.652         0.500
              MCS4         5785    17.652         0.500
                           5825    17.684         0.500
   11ac                    5755    36.432         0.500
 (VHT40)                   5795    36.432         0.500
              MCS4         5775    76.096         0.500

[ 802.11a/ 5745 MHz ]                                     [ 802.11a/ 5785 MHz ]

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 23 of 351

[ 802.11a/ 5825 MHz ]                     [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5745 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5785 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5825 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5755 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5795 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 24 of 351

[ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5745 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5785 MHz ]

[ 802.11ac (VHT20)/ 5825 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT40)/ 5755 MHz ]

[ 802.11ac (VHT40)/ 5795 MHz ]            [ 802.11ac (VHT80)/ 5775 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                         Page 25 of 351

3.4.    99% Occupied Bandwidth

1)   Ambient temperature           :   21.1 deg.C        20.0 deg.C       20.2 deg.C
2)   Relative humidity             :   62.0 %            59.0 %           63.0 %
3)   Date of measurement           :   June 28, 2019     June 28, 2019    July 1, 2019
4)   Measured by                   :   M.KOUGA           M.KOUGA          M.KOUGA
5)   Operating mode                :   Transmitting mode

               Rate      Channel   Result         Limit
              [Mbps]      [MHz]    [MHz]         [MHz]
                           5180    16.320           -
                           5220    16.324           -
                           5240    16.316           -
                           5260    16.320           -
                           5300    16.312           -
                           5320    16.324           -
       11a     18          5500    16.304           -
                           5580    16.300           -
                           5700    16.308           -
                           5720    16.320           -
                           5745    16.320           -
                           5785    16.316           -
                           5825    16.320           -
                           5180    17.996           -
                           5220    18.008           -
                           5240    18.008           -
                           5260    18.008           -
                           5300    18.012           -
                           5320    18.000           -
              MCS4         5500    18.008           -
                           5580    18.004           -
                           5700    18.008           -
                           5720    18.012           -
                           5745    18.008           -
                           5785    18.016           -
                           5825    18.028           -
                           5190    37.056           -
                           5230    37.088           -
                           5270    37.080           -
                           5310    37.080           -
       11n                 5510    37.048           -
     (HT40)                5550    37.088           -
                           5670    37.056           -
                           5710    37.112           -
                           5755    37.048           -
                           5795    37.056           -

       Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                          A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                           8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                              PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                                   Page 26 of 351

              Rate       Channel   Result    Limit
             [Mbps]       [MHz]    [MHz]    [MHz]
                           5180    18.004      -
                           5220    18.008      -
                           5240    18.004      -
                           5260    18.004      -
                           5300    18.012      -
                           5320    17.996      -
             MCS4          5500    18.004      -
                           5580    18.000      -
                           5700    18.004      -
                           5720    18.012      -
                           5745    18.008      -
                           5785    18.016      -
                           5825    18.012      -
                           5190    37.048      -
                           5230    37.072      -
                           5270    37.056      -
                           5310    37.056      -
   11ac                    5510    37.048      -
 (VHT40)                   5550    37.064      -
                           5670    37.040      -
                           5710    37.040      -
                           5755    37.040      -
                           5795    37.048      -
                           5210    76.384      -
                           5290    76.352      -
             MCS4          5530    76.304      -
                           5690    76.320      -
                           5775    76.320      -

[ 802.11a/ 5180 MHz ]                          [ 802.11a/ 5220 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                                    A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                                     8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                        PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 27 of 351

[ 802.11a/ 5240 MHz ]                     [ 802.11a/ 5260 MHz ]

[ 802.11a/ 5300 MHz ]                     [ 802.11a/ 5320 MHz ]

[ 802.11a/ 5500 MHz ]                     [ 802.11a/ 5580 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 28 of 351

[ 802.11a/ 5700 MHz ]                     [ 802.11a/ 5720 MHz ]

[ 802.11a/ 5745 MHz ]                    [ 802.11a/ 5785 MHz ]

[ 802.11a/ 5825 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 29 of 351

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5180 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5220 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5240 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5260 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5300 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5320 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 30 of 351

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5500 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5580 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5700 MHz ]             [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5720 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5745 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5785 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Project No: JB-Z0566-B                                                           Page 31 of 351

[ 802.11n (HT20)/ 5825 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5190 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5230 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5270 MHz ]

[ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5310 MHz ]              [ 802.11n (HT40)/ 5510 MHz ]

   Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations Corporation EMC/RF Test Laboratory, Main Lab.
                                                                            A2LA Cert. #3203.01
                                             8-4 Shiomi Kisarazu-shi Chiba-ken, 292-0834, Japan
                                                PHONE +81 438 37 2750 FAX +81 438 37 1021

Document Created: 2019-07-31 15:00:56
Document Modified: 2019-07-31 15:00:56

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